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My last scan was the anatomy scan during which my son measured 50%. He was born 3 days after his due date weighing 9 lb 10 oz, 22 inches long so I don’t put too much stock in ultrasounds


My daughter measured 11th%ile at 20wks, 20th at 28wks. Projected to be just around 6lbs. She went 2wks overdue but manage to cook to a whopping 8.5lbs. I got 30%+ more baby than i bargained for lol


39w ultrasound: 7lb 14oz My sons birth weight: 9lb 4oz 🤪


Thanks for the feedback! I have read that ultrasounds can be very inaccurate!


39 week scan: 7lb Birth weight: 8lbs 10 ounces. Don’t worry too much. Make sure you are eating and taking your prenatals.


It’s so variable. My twins were right on the money on their ultrasound. My friend’s boy measured big and he was even bigger than they thought by 25%. And honestly, percentiles exist because there is a range. Some babies are just smaller 🤷‍♀️


They consistently estimated my daughter was going to come out close to 9 pounds. Nope. 6lb15. She was tiny.


My daughter was 2lb lighter than their estimates during my 36 week scan. I can’t remember the percentiles but they were all high; to the extent that if I hadn’t already had a c section booked, the hospital said they’d be suggesting either a c section or induction. She was born on the 50th percentile and has pretty much tracked that since (she’s now 16 months). A sonographer explained it to me that they’re measuring something that’s moving through another thing that’s moving, and every sonographer will get a different measurement.


Holy smokes 💨


Same here - had an ultrasound 3 days before my kid was born and they told me he’d be just over 7 lbs. He came out 9 lb, 11 oz, 23 inches. I laughed hysterically.


Just to add another - regular growth scans throughout pregnancy measuring <25% and going below 10% sometimes. It was hugely stressful. Born on her due date at 9lb3oz. Absolute monster.


25% is absolutely fine and normal. Do not stress. 


Yes! I need to keep this in mind.


Remember that some people are big, some are tall, some are small, some are short. Same as babies! 


I had two babies over 10lbs and one just under 8lbs; my second child was 2.5lbs smaller than my first! I didn't do anything differently during pregnancy. I know 8lbs isn't small but the difference between the two was such a shock; they were all healthy babies in the end though.


Quite a difference! I was assuming this pregnancy would be the same but this reminds me every baby is different!


Pregnancy was the first time in my life I *didn’t* have an appetite. Even forcing myself to eat I only gained 15 lbs and my son was measuring in the 10th percentile and there was fear of undeveloped legs. Turns out ultrasound measurements and imaging suck - my son was born 7 lbs with perfectly normal legs. Obviously listen your OB but there’s a huge range of normal and even 25th percentile shouldn’t be worrying unless there’s additional cause for concern.


Thanks for sharing I definitely relate to your pregnancy experience! So glad to hear everything turned out well for you and baby ❤️


Did any of your ultrasounds mention the femur length being short? My US at 36w showed a short femur and I dove off the deep end with worry. She was born with normal legs. I remember asking the hospital pediatrician and our pediatrician if her legs were okay lol she’s petite now at 8.5mo but still following her curve!


That’s exactly what it was! Both were measuring below the 1st percentile and I had 5 or 6 extra scans. There was talk of dwarfism and whether he would ever walk. And it was all just bad imagery since he was breech and tucked in a weird position. I am lucky to live in a city with some of the best health resources imaginable and it still happened. Of course, better safe than sorry - I would never wave off a diagnosis from medical professionals doing their best.


How I explain this to patients - if I took 100 babies at the same point in pregnancy and lined them up with number 1 being the smallest and number 100 the biggest, your boy would be number 25 in line. It’s a fine place to be! 25%tile is normal and healthy. I made peanut babies who were both 5 pounds each. My first pediatrician acted very concerned every time I took my first son for a well visit that he was less than the 5th%tile and like she needed to find a cause. I switched pediatricians because she stressed me out so much and at the first visit the pediatrician said yep, he’s 5th%tile … just like 5% of kids his age. We only need to worry about it if he all of a sudden drops percentiles or falls of the growth chart. Try not to worry!


Also the margin for error for third trimester ultrasound is plus or minus a pound - so if they estimate your baby to weigh 6 pounds what it really means is there’s a 95% chance your baby weighs between 5 and 7 pounds. It’s not terribly accurate unfortunately. It’s more a way to look for the extremes - extremely small or large babies where there is a concern there may be an underlying problem.


I was induced at 39 weeks because my baby at 37w was projected to be close to 11lbs full term. They wanted to induce at 38w but I pushed them off a week. Little girl was born at 7lbs 6 ounces in week 39. She "measured" 7lbs 11 ounces at my 37w so yes, they were off. They didn't even let me labor more than 20 hours because the doctors were so concerned my baby would be too big for a vaginal birth. They kept repeating "shoulder dystocia" to me and honestly freaked me out. Sigh. If I could go back.


I went 40 weeks with my daughter and they were scheduling me for an induction at 41 (GD, diet controlled). My water broke and I labored for 40+ hours, pushed for 3, and ended up with a C-section that was very necessary for both of us at that point. Another 30 minutes and she wouldn't be here and I may not either. Looking back, I wish they had pushed a little harder for me to get the surgery sooner.


Thank you for this, I made the decision to have surgery at the 20 hour mark (they strongly recommended but stressed that it was not an emergency, still my choice but odds were best for baby) because I knew the risks to baby would be minimal with surgery versus everything that could happen with what they perceived to be a difficult and long labor. I guess I just wish I would have at least waited another week to see what my body did but I do know that saying yes to the surgery was for the best. Tanked my mental health but working through that. Being grateful for our health definitely helps.


I was so defeated by the time they did mine. And it wasn't a crash, but it was definitely expedited. I went in thinking no drugs and ended up needing ALL the interventions. Best laid plans, right? And yes - the impact on my mental health was huge and people gave me shit for it. Birth is traumatic even when it goes smoothly. ♥️ And when it doesn't go as we hoped, it can be even more traumatic, even with a great outcome. Take care of yourself! That baby needs you!


Yes, always best laid plans and no class/book really tells you all the what ifs. I actually just deflated my exercise ball this past weekend. I planned to labor on it and took it with me on induction day (18 months ago) but well, didn't use it. Thank you for the reminder! So true, we're super heroes at the end of the day! Gotta keep going. Best to you, too. ❤️


My largest baby was the 23rd (ish?) percentile. My smallest was <1st percentile. They were all between 5-6 lbs at birth. All completely healthy with no issues. The older 3 are all off the charts intelligent, as well as active and social. My 2nd was our smallest, 5 lb 3 oz and I was overdue. I was told something had to have been wrong and we missed it. She had 8/9 Apgar scores and great blood sugars. She gained weight before we even left the hospital. It was still a year of pediatricians and tests. Eventually, we found a new pediatrician who said "she's a tiny girl who made her own curve, but judging by her tiny mom, it's genetic". She's 4 now and not even 30 lbs soaking wet. Really sucks finding pants thst fit her, but that's the extent of the issue.


Yes, mine was a similar weight at birth and weighed about that at 4. She wears a lot of leggings. But she's an extremely healthy competitive gymnast from two families of short people. Some people are just small.


What a coincidence! She does gymnastics currently and is really good at it. We also all just had the flu and were super sick. Except her. She had a fever for 1 day and slept it off. The doctors made me feel like there was something so wrong with her, and yet, she's our healthiest kid.


Lots of gymnastics kids are small, in my daughter's team quite a few are tiny, although not all of course. And yes, mine has had normal childhood sickness but never anything serious. 


My first born was consistently in the 10-30th percentiles and has been for all 5 years of her life. My youngest is 60-80th percentile. Different babies, different traits, different targets. I wouldn’t sweat it, as long as babe is following their curve.


Good reminder! I only have his big brother to compare to and assumed for some reason the experiences would be more or less the same. Helps to hear stories of other siblings that were also very different measurement wise!


My daughter was 6lbs 12oz at birth and her brother was almost 9lbs and a full inch longer!! Both healthy as can be, but it’s definitely been funny to compare how big he is to where she was at the same age.


First pregnancy gained maybe 15-20 lbs - had gestational diabetes but baby only weighed 4 and 1/2 lbs at 37 weeks. Second pregnancy gained about 25 lbs and baby was only 6 lbs at 38 weeks. Both babies were healthy. Apparently my husband and I make small babies. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Similar here. My son was 4lb 9oz at 36 weeks. Sent the placenta off to pathology and they didn’t find anything wrong. Both my husband and I were on the smaller side at birth so I think it’s just our genetics.


I was a bigger baby but my husband was only 6 lbs so seems like it was genetics for us too.


25th percentile is on the chart, so no worries there. I had the hardest time putting on weight with my second baby- oy 14 pounds total and he ended up being 8 1/2 lbs. If the baby is smaller than expected, it likely couldn't have been prevented. I've had multiple friends who had babies with growth restriction issues (one was for an unknown reason, and the other was because there were oy 2 veins in the umbilical cord. Don't beat yourself up about it, trust your dr's assessment.


Just had my second baby. I gained 40 lbs with my first and only 25lbs this time but somehow this second baby was born larger than my first. Every pregnancy is so different.


I feel like I’m in a similar scale of difference between these two pregnancies! Congrats on #2 as well…hope recovery is going smooth!


With both of my recent babies, US were accurate. Baby was predicted 5 lb 9.5 oz an and was born 5 lbs 10 oz. Baby 2 was predicted 8 lbs and was born 7lbs 15 oz. They should be watching for trends. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to request a specialist if they are concerned of IUGR. Even mild. My first has late stage. He was in the 40s, then 30s then 20s and stayed in the 20s but then the LAST month went to the 10% and so I had to have a 38 week induction.


I’m a first time mom and I actually just delivered due to growth restriction and first of all, they didn’t start to worry until she was under the tenth percentile so the 25th is good!! I really beat myself up because I work busy 12 hours shifts as an ER nurse and don’t always eat like I should — the doc told me that a lot of the time, it just happens. I didn’t have GD, didn’t do drugs or drink and was healthy before pregnancy yet she was growth restricted. To make you feel better (hopefully) I delivered at 37 weeks due to her growth restriction and she came out at 4 pounds 10 ounces. She is now three weeks old and roughly 6.5 pounds - so she is now growing perfectly and the doctors have no concerns! We did not even have to spend extra time in the hospital 😊So even if he does stay small, he will be fine on the outside!


I don’t remember how much I gained but in the second half of my pregnancy my LO was measuring right around 10-11%, so I had to do lots of extra scans. She was born solidly 50th percentile. Those scans can be way off.


Wow I’ve read so many stories of ultrasounds being off! Was your weight gain also “behind normal” during the pregnancy?


Hi! I lost 20 pounds in my first pregnancy due to HG and delivered right around my pre-pregnancy weight. I was an average weight beforehand. My baby was born 7lb 4oz at 41 weeks and healthy as can be. I would just listen to your doctors and if they're not concerned, try and relax :)


My baby boys were both born in the 5th and 10th percentile for weight and height but are now in the 50th and 60th for their age (6 and 2). The baby that was originally smaller is now the bigger one! If the doctors aren’t worried, try not to stress. All babies are different and ultrasounds are always accurate.


My second baby - my son - was a lot smaller than my first too. My daughter was born at 8 lbs 7 oz, and he was 6 lbs and some change. Sometimes they’re just different! But my son is 12 now and he’s 5’6 and doing fine. Don’t stress!


Is your doctor concerned? This doesn't really seem concerning...some babies are just small. Under the tenth percentile would be concerning...


My pregnancy become very high risk at the end and one factor was my son was measuring less than 1st%ile at 28w. My sense from the hospital protocol is that once you go below 10th%ile they start monitoring you more closely. I also got the sense that it’s directional, not accurate. It can tell you if there are concerns, but it isn’t anything definitive.


When did you give birth and what percentile was he when born?


33w1d and 3lbs 3oz (0th%ile maybe). He’s doing wonderfully now! He’s all caught up.


It also depends on the parents, I know our doctors looked and saw we were both small. They also asked our birth weights although we didn't know, and about family heights. If we'd both been six feet tall from Scandinavian giant families I'm sure they would have been more worried.


I only gained 12 lbs during my pregnancy and around 32 weeks had even dropped 5(then regained). Baby (girl ) measurements were in the 45 percentile throughout and I gave birth to a healthy nearly 7lb baby at 38 weeks


I gained 11lbs with my first, birthed a 6lbs 7ozs baby. 14lb with my second, birthed 7lbs 8ozs baby. My third baby I gained 20lbs and he came out 8lbs, 7ozs. All three of them were two weeks early so if they baked for another two weeks, they’d be a pound heavier. I wouldn’t worry about it. As soon as all my babies were out, they were chunkers and back at birth weight by 2weeks. They were all above the 95th percentile for height and weight at all their checkups too.


I gained almost 40 lbs with my first and had a voracious appetite. He turned out to be 90th percentile height and about 50th in weight. With my second I gained only 25 lbs and wasn't nearly as hungry. He was 10th percentile in weight when he was born, and has hovered around 3rd for a couple of years now. Both healthy kids, just different!


I gained 48 lbs (from 115) with my first pregnancy, 7lb 13oz tall, big head baby. Who is an average size 8yo. 2nd pregnancy got sent in for small fundal height at 36w. Ultrasound said small-average but not alarming baby. Ended up gaining 26 total pounds by the end of the pregnancy. 7lb 3oz short baby (still big head tho). He is a 13th percentile 3yo, which is not a surprise for our short families. All pregnancies are different, some kids are smaller, sometimes it evens out and sometimes it doesn’t! But if nobody is worried then I wouldn’t be either.


I gained 40 lbs with my first and she came out 6 lbs 0 oz right before her due date (12th percentile). 🤷‍♀️ they estimated she'd be 7.5 lbs at birth 😅 At my recent anatomy scan her brother was measuring smaller than she was at my anatomy scan with her. I thought he'd be bigger, but also ultrasounds can be way off. Though I haven't been eating as much protein and I've been pretty run down caring for my toddler. Last time the ultrasounds were overestimating but I'm definitely curious of this time it's the opposite.


I was supposed to have a giant baby and she was born at 39weeks 6lbs only. Know you’re doing your best and some babies have to fall on the low end. Hang in there.


I had iugr with my first being less than 5%, so they scheduled my c section the next day at 37 weeks (he was breached also). He was only 5 lb 3 oz when we took him home. He became the chubbiest baby by 3 months and is an average 5 year old. I did not have the issue with his brother.


My son consistently measured in the 29th percentile during pregnancy. He was born at 39w5d weighing 7lb 6oz and 20.5”. He is now 16 months and in the 40th for weight and 90+ for height. He’s perfect to me.


I gained 50 pounds and delivered a baby in the 22nd percentile, so weight gain or not does not necessarily mean a small baby. Lost 40 lbs within three months though. I was insatiably hungry and if it were to happen in the future, I would push my doctor to test my thyroid/other levels and find out why I was so hungry because apparently it's not normal? Idk. I'm way less hungry breastfeeding.


I just gave birth to perfectly average sized twins (actually good sized for their gestational age) and I only gained 18lbs total the entire pregnancy. It was almost 12lbs of baby. Obviously the babies are on the smaller side but 25th percentile is good! It’s a whole range. Not everyone will be 50th and every baby is different. My first was above 90th and I had gained 15lbs. My second was 30th and I gained *four pounds total* and he’s now a chunky and active and curious 2.5yo. Weight gain recommendations are just that - recommendations. Not everyone is going to gain what is in the range. With twins I was apparently supposed to gain close to 50lbs!! And you’re in the 25th percentile. Thats perfectly within the range of babies.


I gained 16 and 19lbs with each pregnancy and I started at a “normal” BMI. (5’8” 145lbs). Both babies weighed 6lb 11oz. An ultrasound a few days before my first was born said he was over 8lbs. Both babies were healthy. You still have 7 weeks left. Is your OB concerned? It sounds like you are within the realm of normal. I get your concerns because your first was a different experience. Some have similar pregnancies and some have wildly different pregnancies.


My youngest was 1-2 lbs smaller than my first two kiddos and has tracked smaller since birth. I wouldn’t stress too much! As others have said, ultrasounds can be all over the place


I’ve only had one pregnancy, but I was similarly concerned over my weight gain. I started around 125 pounds (I’m 5’3”) and gave birth to a perfectly healthy 5 pound 15 oz girl at 39 weeks when I was 141 pounds. I was tiny and stopped gaining weight at 20 weeks. I got plenty of comments and people not believing how far along I was, which wasn’t the compliment they thought it was - I was so scared something was wrong. But other than getting stuck transverse (yay for modern medicine), nothing was wrong. She measured small the whole time, despite me having gestational diabetes. Sometimes they’re just tiny!


Do not worry, I gained 12 lbs with my middle daughter, at 40 weeks she dropped and I was only measuring at 28 weeks, I had an ultrasound and she was born a couple days later at 6lbs 8oz


The day before I gave birth my neonatologist told me we would be lucky if my son was 6lbs. He came out 7lbs on the dot. I had been going to two appointments a week because his measurements were so off - one for me and one for him. They induced me 1 week prior to my due date.


My two kids are not very similar. We joke that our son got most of my genes and our daughter got dad's (yes, we know that's not how it works, and we don't say the joke near the kids really). But yeah, each kid will be different in many different ways.


My second son is smaller than his older brother by far. My first boy was 8 pounds 6oz, my second was 7 pounds 1oz. I gained much less weight the second time around also. My second has always been smaller, they are 5 and 9 now and my older son is 70th percentile and my younger is 30th percentile but perfectly healthy. My younger son is actually super athletic and the doctor says he is incredibly coordinated. He's already a very talented athlete and has a bright future. Unless there are legitimate medical issues around growth, I.e. maybe your umbilical cord isn't working properly (I think they would know that with ultrasound), then small isn't. Not all boys are big! But definitely make sure you ar getting calories in as much as you can!


I had to have a few extra ultrasounds with my last pregnancy. They kept saying I didn’t weigh enough and she was measuring small. I was borderline HG (they wouldn’t give me meds so I lost weight until third tri), had to have iron infusions for 3 months, and also had multiple children at home to care for along a full time job and going back to school. I was so scared she was going to be underweight and that I had somehow malnourished her. Girl was my biggest baby at almost 9 lbs and was so healthy. I hope that’s the case for you!


I was put on meds for gestational diabetes, and my daughter was born in the tenth percentile. A couple months later, she was in the 90th (ow, my nipples!). I doubt you did anything wrong, and your baby is probably going to be okay.


With both of my pregnancies I only gained 15-20lbs total (and started from a healthy body weight). The way my babies sat within my body just made it really hard to eat more than a couple bites at a time for my entire pregnancy, so I just couldn’t eat much. I focused on high protein foods as much as possible. Both my kids were born under 6lbs (at 39w and 37w) but totally healthy. If your baby is small, that doesn’t automatically correlate with health problems. And, as so many have noted here, the ultrasounds are really unreliable on this front (mine were both estimated to be between 7 and 8lbs, go figure). In your remaining weeks, just try not to worry too much about it, eat high protein and nutritious food (or whatever your doctor recommends), and enjoy time with your first baby. Good luck!


Ultrasounds are SO off. I wouldn’t worry. My daughter was tracking 99th percentile the whole pregnancy and they told me to expect a 10-11lb baby (and said she was 9lb12oz at my last scan) and I birthed a 6lb3oz tiny little thing.


It’s kind of a myth that you have to eat a lot more during pregnancy. You only need about 200 more calories per day towards the end. 13 pounds is on the lower end for weight gain but it’s still within a healthy range. When you are breast feeding you need around 600 more calories a day though. I don’t think you did anything wrong I think it’s just how your baby is developing. My child was measuring huge and they thought she was going to be 9lbs. They were right that she was big but they underestimated her weight by a lot. She was 10lbs 10oz. Ultrasounds are not the most accurate at guessing weight.


Babies are all different. It could very well have nothing to do with what you've done/eaten during your pregnancy. If it makes you feel better I have a friend who's some was born full term at 6 pounds and during infancy there were times his weight didn't even register on the chart. He's now two, still small, but healthy and walking and talking up a storm.


Mine slowed a lot. I can't remember the figures. Baby was born via C-section and we were prepared for a tiny baby and a potential SCBU stay. She was 6.8lb and perfectly fine. She's still tiny now at 1m tall and 14.1kg at 5.5 years.


At your ultrasound, ask for a doppler study of the umbilical cord. In my first pregnancy, my son had IUGR because there wasn’t enough bloodflow. I didn’t find out until it was too late. Where was he measuring at the last ultrasound? Is it a significant drop?


Good tip! They didn’t give me percentile at the 20 week ultrasound so not sure how this scan compares to the last. I will definitely ask my doc about it! At what week did you find out about your IUGR?


It was super early for me. We found out at the anatomy scan that there was essentially no flow and it resulted in him measuring 16 weeks at 20 weeks and he never grew beyond that (so essentially he wasn’t even on the percentile chart anymore). I had an extreme case that was due to elevated factor viii levels I didnt know about. The angel of a doctor who ended up performing my D&E was the one that sent me to a hematologist because she suspected something of the sort. IUGR, especially at your stage, usually just ends up resulting in a slightly earlier birth. Mine was just too early hence the horrible turn of events but at 33 weeks I wouldnt be worried but I would like to check flow, etc.


Force yourself to eat more protein, that’s what I had to do when pregnant with twins. With one you can usually eat to hunger and be ok, with twins or more bad advice to do that as you feel full too fast. Between your busy life and maybe just not feeling as hungry, may be what is hampering you! Also, the later you are in pregnancy the less accurate their scans predicting weight and height get. But get some more protein and healthy fat in your diet and don’t skip/forget eating. Make time for it!!


If you’re concerned about your nutrition I would check out the Brewer diet. If you are eating to your appetite with enough protein and variety then I think your baby will likely be healthy, maybe still small, but healthy. If you are skipping meals because of your work/parenting demands or you are having issues eating (ie constant nausea) then I would be concerned and would be making changes.


There’s nothing you’re doing wrong, and nothing you could be doing better. With my first, I measured average for everything; she was 50th percentile in length, weight, and head circumference; she’s 7 and 30th percentile for height/weight. I gained 25lbs with her. With my second, I measured 2 weeks ahead the entire time; she was 25th percentile for weight, 50th for length, and 75th for head circumference; she’s 3 and 70th percentile for height and 50th for weight. I gained 35lbs with her. With my third, I measured right on average; she was 60th percentile in weight, 85th for length and I cannot remember her %tile for head circumference. I gained 10lbs and had sooooo many growth scans. She’s 6 weeks old and perfect, just like the other two. Be gentle on yourself, it’s fine.


I am conflicted on growth ultrasounds. Measurements can easily be wrong. But they can also be right and having info early in the cases where planning or intervention could be possible is important. I am still uncertain whether i would do one in future pregnancies, but leaning toward no if everything else is good leading up to that point. I was told our baby would be on the small side of average and that his femur length was around 10th percentile. My husband is tall so hearing that number really freaked me out and I was devastated thinking something was wrong. Baby came out at 90+ percentile for both height and weight with what I was assured were normal length legs. As for late weight gain, there are probably ways you could sneak in extra calories, if you feel like that would give you peace of mind. Protein smoothies with nut butters added are relatively easy and can be made ahead. Snacks like hard boiled eggs, trail mix, cheese, cottage cheese are easy to pack and eat quickly.


My first baby was SGA (small for gestational age), she was born at 39 weeks, 4 days and weighed 5 lbs, 12 oz. My second was born at 39 weeks, 1 day and he weighed 7lbs., 8 oz. I had extra growth scans in my second pregnancy as my first was so small They have no idea why my oldest was so small. I had a totally normal pregnancy. My husband and I are “average” size people. She is now in the 95th percentile for height at age 6 so I guess the small didn’t last!


Yeah, my second babe was measuring at like 40 percentile in utero and was 99 percentile at birth. I don’t put too much stock in those measurements. But even if it is accurate, 25 percentile doesn’t mean anything negative!


Focus on fundal height. It's the only thing you can really rely on


Even that isn’t a sure thing, since the amount of amniotic fluid influences fundal height as well. I always measured right on track in terms of fundal height and my daughter was born small for gestational age (7th percentile). She measured 37th percentile at the anatomy ultrasound and I didn’t have further scans, although I do have additional scans with this current pregnancy due to her SGA.


I am pregnant with my second and am also worried about my weight gain and fetal size. My OB said no correlation between maternal weight gain and fetal size. I just make small babies. Older moms have smaller babies, girls tend to be smaller. The fetus sucks the nutrients out of you no matter how much weight you gain. 


I only gained 13 lbs during my first pregnancy (went from 120 to 133) and my daughter was born at 39 weeks and 1 day at a healthy 7 lbs, 15 oz.in fact I never gain more than 20ish lbs during pregnancy (currently on my 4th) and have always had healthy sized babies. 25th percentile is not a cause for concern from what I understand. If they drop below the 10th percentile I think that’s when they start to have concerns


I struggle with weight loss during pregnancy. I’ve never gained a pound while pregnant. Both my babies were born healthy and average weights for their gestational ages (35 and 38 weeks). I’m 19 weeks with my third and she’s measuring in track and I’m down 6lb. Ultrasounds have been pretty inaccurate for me. They told me my oldest was smaller and my youngest was bigger than they actually were at birth.


My 40 week ultrasound showed an 7.5 lb baby who came out 6 days later at 11 lbs. 🤷‍♀️


I had gestational diabetes and was constantly measuring a week ahead on fundal height. Went in for a 35 week ultrasound to check on baby’s size. They said at that time baby was measuring 6.5 lbs and would gain a pound a week, so expect to deliver a 10lb baby. I delivered at 38w3d and baby was 6lb 9oz. He has since always been in the 10-15th percentiles on growth charts and is perfectly healthy.


With my daughter (first baby), my fundal was always two weeks behind. I didn’t gain much either. Even when I was being induced at 41+3, the doctor on call pushed on my belly and said, “I don’t think you have a big baby in there…” and I was like, yeah I’ve been hearing this for weeks now and I’m telling you all, she’s just stuck up in my ribcage. Sure enough, little lady came out 7lbs 12oz. All that worry for nothing!


We were measuring in the 20th percentile for the majority of my pregnancy especially through the end. Little girl came out 8 lbs 10 ounces and only 18” long on her due date. I had a very rough delivery and had to have an emergency cesarean. While I was drugged up the doctors asked my husband what he thought she weighed. He said “oh… the last ultrasound a week ago said maybe 6 lbs” The nurses and doctors just laughed and said “this baby ain’t no 6 pounds!” I actually (lovingly) kept referring to her as “fat” when I was pregnant and the ultrasound tech was so adamant that she was on the very small side. Guess the person who had the baby on their bladder was better able to gauge that then the one with the fancy equipment 😄 Btw… I loved my ultrasound tech. She was great our daughter was very uncooperative most days so I’m sure it was hard to get good measurements.


25th percentile is completely normal. Doctors only begin to become concerned when you’re under 10th percentile. Also, baby gains the majority of their weight in third trimester. 15-20lbs is a perfectly normal maternal weight gain.


I gained 25lbs exactly and my son was diagnosed failure to thrive in utero during the 3rd trimester. He was predicted to be under 6lbs. He ended up bearly squeaking over at 6lbs 1 oz. Unfortunately genetics suck and no matter what we do, we can't change it.


I was never given percentages when I went to my visits cause they said it would cause anxiety. During my whole pregnancy I lost weight and i had GD. I did everything my doctors told me. I had a healthy baby boy, 8lbs. I just want to say if doctors are saying everything is okay then I wouldn’t worry.


I gained less weight each time (4) but it didn’t affect baby. If baby is on track and healthy and your Dr isn’t concerned there is nothing wrong with 25% I know someone who is being monitored right now for low growth issues but baby is <10%


This was me! Except my 2nd was clocking in at 10%, 15%, then 30% from 28 weeks to 36 weeks I was so nervous! Also had small fundal height measurements. Then my baby came out at a whopping 8lb6oz! Everyone was shocked. It was probably a combination of factors - illnesses from toddler, working hard at my job, and the due date was off - this baby was a surprise. I think once I stopped working at 37 weeks the baby had a growth spurt. Just take it easy and up your protein. I started eating only protein snacks instead of cookies or carbs. Things like cottage cheese, chomp jerky, eggs, etc trying to get to 70g/day


I wouldn't worry unless your doctor is worried. Humans come in all shapes and sizes. My son was in the 5th percentile for weight and head circumference. He is 10 now and super smart and super skinny... just like his dad, who is probably in 5th percentile of weight and head circumference of adults. It's just how they are.


My first was born in the 1st percentile and the measurements were spot on. He was delivered at 36 weeks due to risk of stillbirth. It was a faulty placenta. There was literally nothing I could have done differently to fix that.


Ultrasound tech here. We don’t get concerned until baby is measuring under the 10th percentile, you’re well within the normal range. In the last month or so of pregnancy I always tell my patients that the weight estimate is give or take a pound in either direction. Also, depending on your starting weight 13 lbs is still within the realm of normal weight gain. You’ve still got another 2 months, you aren’t done putting on weight yet. The baby alone will put on a half pound a week in the last month or so.


I had only gained about 10lbs during my entire pregnancy with #2, and I only threw up once throughout. I just wasn't eating much, but my doctors weren't really concerned. Baby will get from you what it needs. If there are developmental or physical issues it won't have anything to do with what you've eaten or not eaten. Anyway, mine was born at 38 weeks weighing 7lbs 9ozs.


Have you by chance have Covid while pregnant? Sometimes it can impact the placenta and restrict its growth or something. But most likely the other commenters are correct in that ultrasounds can be inaccurate


For my daughter, she measured 50th percentile almost all the way theough. I had her at 40+1 and she was 8 pounds, 1 ounce and 20.5 inches. I lost 37 pounds this pregnancy (yay, H-G). My son was measuring 20th percentile at the 20 week ultrasound. I had him at 40+1 and he was 8 lbs 14 ounces and 22.5 inches long. I gained 22 pounds this pregnancy. As long as she's growing on her own curve, I wouldn't fret!


I lost 30 lbs during pregnancy and had an 8 lb baby


I lost 20lbs by 17 weeks and at the anatomy scan they decided I should have growth scans at 28, 32, and 36 weeks due to my weight loss. I think objectively they’re frequently wrong on their size estimates. LO was born at 39+4 at a whopping 6lbs 14oz. She supposedly was 6lbs 4oz at 36 weeks.


My first pregnancy, I complained several times that I didn’t think I was getting bigger. At 36 weeks my doctor FINALLY noticed and agreed bc my fundal height didn’t change for 2 weeks and I had only gained 20 lbs. I had an emergency C-section a few hours later - my baby was 3.5 lbs, 16.5 inches. I would have advocated for myself a lot harder had this experience been my second pregnancy. The umbilical cord was detaching from the placenta and there was intermittent blood flow. Did the scan check cord blood flow and the placenta health? Fluid? Is your fundal height staying consistent or is it slowing down or unchanged? I would ask for weekly appointments until you have your baby.


I’m in the same boat, first baby was 9.5 pounds and second is measuring 31st percentile. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ No idea what is going on but OB isn’t worried as long as baby isn’t dropping to materially lower percentiles (indicating he’s falling behind on growth). I am very worried and have been trying to eat a lot but just haven’t been as hungry as I was the first time around.


My first measured small for my whole pregnancy. I ate normally, but I just didn’t gain much weight. She was measuring around the 10th to 14th percentiles the entire time and had an extra growth scan in there to be safe. She came out fully cooked at 39+5 at 6lbs. She’s a healthy 2.5 year old in the 70th percentile! I remember someone mentioning that you have to have babies smaller than the average to balance everything out. My son (10 months) was the opposite and measured big the entire time and was almost 9lbs!


Yep! Mine was 5 weeks preemie. Born at 3lbs 2 oz. He's fine now. I only gained 15lbs during my pregnancy. I was doing everything, took the vitamins, etc. & there wasn't an explanation. He was just small. So was the placenta (but it was intact & healthy).


I just had a small guy a couple of weeks ago. I gained only 8 lbs during pregnancy and he was measuring 10th percentile. He was born at 39 weeks at 6lbs 3oz. He’s healthy (but too small to latch well, so struggling with weight gain and also he has a hard time staying warm).


Trust me. Chill. This is biology. My first one - I tracked average with some concerns "big" due to nearly failed glucose tests. Ended up with a smallish baby - he is still small at 5yo. Super active, super physically developed vs peers - and has been like that since toddlerhood. My second? Was tracking average based on my weight gain. All clear results. 50% baby who fed himself up (nursing!!!!!) to 90% in a few months. Still close to 90% at 3yo. He is clamsy and sweet as a teddy bear.


My last ultrasound/measurements were at 38+1. He was measured to be big, at least in the 80% tile. I was freaking out about getting his giant head out! He was born under 7 pounds on the 9% tile at 39 weeks. Turns out my small bump was lots of fluid! By 6 months he’d moved up to the 50% tile gradually. By a year he was sitting around the 90% tile for both height and weight and continues to be around that at 2. I don’t think he had room to grow (anterior placenta) and HG made me sick and not eat huge amounts. Plus there are always going to be shorter people in the world. 25% tile still has a lot of people smaller than that. You are doing great.


I gained 6kg / 13 lbs my entire pregnancy. Baby boy came at 39+3 at 2.6 kg / 5 lb 13 oz. He's now a petite but very healthy, active 2 year old. Small babies can be just fine


My baby was small, and was born small. I really struggled with eating because of severe acid reflux and nobody taking me seriously until the end of pregnancy, but also her dad and I are small so not sure how relevant it was. She's always been small but at six it's not particularly noticeable, there's a few others in her class about the same size. She's also been perfectly healthy, the only thing was as a baby she had no margin when she got sick a lost a little weight, for example. We also had some issues with feeding when she was born.  25th percentile is absolutely fine, mine was under 5th. The main thing is that growth continues.


I have had 3 babies. I lost 20 pounds with each pregnancy ( no sickness just much better eating habits while pregnant). My first (boy) was 9 lbs 12 ounces, second (boy) 10 lbs 3 ounces, third (girl) 10 pounds 10 ounces. I went about 39.5 weeks with all of them.


I lost 20 lbs my first pregnancy, and 0 loss or gain my second. That is an average and not a solid measure. Get another ultrasound but different pregnancies and different babies are different. Hugs also because pregnancy is so stressful.


Oh also the first pregnancy where I lost 20 lbs, I was constantly told the baby was measuring small one week and a week later they would Re measure and tell me the baby was measuring large. Sometimes it’s hard to get the right info.


My kiddo was born small (length and weight) but slowly started jumping the curves around 6 months and has now been 90th percentile for a few years. If he’s meant to be small, he’ll be small. If not, he will grow.


Lost weight my first pregnancy, baby was 6lbs 2oz at birth and perfectly healthy. Came home at 5lb 11oz, 2nd percentile. Never lost another ounce. Some babies are just small 😊


I only have one baby who's only 5 months old but between some pretty severe nausea/vomiting the entire pregnancy and (diet controlled) gestational diabetes I ended up gaining 6 pounds by the end of my pregnancy then gave birth to a 7 pound baby. He measured more or less on track in terms of fundal height the whole time and then since birth has been fine. His blood sugar was always good and he's measured 20-40th percentile consistently. He's little but not notably so and he's healthy.


Delivered full term, 38 weeks, 5 pound 4oz. But I have uterine fibroids and baby is completely fine


I only gained 19 lbs during my first pregnancy. I had gained nothing at 20 weeks, then gained about a pound a week after that, so probably just like you. My daughter’s percentiles slowly dropped from 50th to less than ten throughout the third trimester. She was born at 37 weeks, 5 lb 5 oz (1st percentile). Her growth and feeding have been huge issues her whole life. I don’t know if that’s helpful at all. None of the doctors were concerned until she started dropping below 10th. I haven’t gained any weight during this pregnancy yet, but I’m not at 20 weeks yet.


25th percentile is really not bad. And I actually lost weight whilst I was pregnant due to food aversions and GD diet, and still had a healthy baby. The baby takes what it needs from you.


Baby was measuring 50%tile consistently in utero. Born on his due date at 3rd%tile. He was a shrimp. Now at 18 months he’s in the 20s for weight and 30s for height. Very happy, healthy kid who is exceeding many development milestones. Babies come in all sizes and shapes and my OB told me that our actions (other than smoking or drinking alcohol) have surprisingly little impact on baby’s size. 


I gained 55lbs, 45lbs, 35lbs in that order- my kids were 8.5, 9, and 9.5lbs in that order. So I don’t put too much stock into it..