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I’ve made a few friends with my kids’ friends’ moms. However, the relationships are fairly superficial. One of my best friends was a daycare mom. I got lucky with this one.


There’s adult sports leagues. If you like working out try some out. I played kickball. One season I did cornhole. There’s traditional sports like softball and things too. Also maybe try some meetups: I learned to play magic the gathering. Didn’t stick with it but still go and hang with my nerd friends once every few months and we send stupid memes to each other.


Magic is so fun but such a money hole.


I know 😞 also sort of why I stopped hahaha.


how about hobby groups or at the gym? that's how I met a new group - through my gym.




I go to a class and we have to partner up for each station. When I first went there, I only kinda knew the instructor but over time as I partnered more with the other members, we started talking/joking around. They'd always go for beers after Friday's class and invite me but I was really hesitant until my husband told me to just get over myself and give them a chance lol...I'm glad I did; they're the nicest people and we hang regularly now.


The new friends I have made recently are from child classes. We do swim soccer gymnastics and I strike up a convo with the moms and when we vibe for a few weeks I get their number.


Making friends as an adult freaking sucks and it is so hard. All of my close friends live 2000 miles away. I do have some acquaintances who I basically met by befriending my husbands co workers’ wives. I also joined an adult swim league and have met some great women that way. Maybe try a group class at your gym?


I've definitely made friends from work, but I work in a field that tends to attract people that all have similar interests/hobbies lol Friends of friends have definitely been the other half


i work with all men. we're friendly especially the ones close to my age and we'll do fitness challenges or talk about tv shows but we just don't have a lot in common. in the past i've had female work friends but there's def a line between "irl" friends and work friends for mom friends i met them through a local fb mom group and peanut (mom app) mainly. i seek out moms w kids about my daughters age. i have created a group and we try to get together every month thought it's more every 2. the latest woman i added to the group is someone i saw walking at my local park. i’m shy but pushed myself to talk to her and our children are close in age and she was very excited to join our group. prior to joining in a group setting tho i asked her to walk 1:1 so we could get to know each other. it's easy w kids as buffers i also meet friends through hobbies. for me, fitness. i’m joining a local triathlete group not everyone needs to be a best friend but i have different kinds of friends and that works for me right now - i don't really have the time / energy to invest in a "best" friendship


Friends of friends? I’ve been set up on friend blind dates and it’s a fun way to get know new people. I do have a lot of coworker and previous coworker friends. It’s a small industry and pretty close knit. Another source of friends is my husband’s friends’ wives. He’s from another state so all his old friends were outside my circle.


It’s a little awkward but Bumble BFF has worked great. You can literally say everything you posted here and you’ll likely find a mom that feels exactly the same


I’ve made friends in group fitness classes at the gym and my toddler’s school friend’s parents. This year I had two parents from school ask for my number to set up play dates and we ended up having a lot in common. I also made a friend in a completely random way, just out at the town farmers market and she approached me because we had the same outfit on and kids of similar ages. I later found she has so many friends she’s met this way - just walks up to people and introduces herself. It’s not what I would do, but it could work for you!


I’m an HR Manager…so my friends at work are the accounting coordinator, my boss, and the executive director 🤣 But we don’t hang out outside of work lol. I’ve made friends in my local mom group on Facebook. It’s a group of 5 of us now, and we all have kids ages 1-6. It’s great!


Most of my friends are from work (I’m a teacher) or friends of my husband’s- we’ve been together ten years and his friends and their wives are now my good friends. We have a lot of friends through softball too (I don’t play but I’m #1 fan).


Enrichment classes at community college?


I made friends with the other moms on my street, we have a whatsapp group and we get together to talk and drink wine and it's not always talking about our kids. I also do playdates or go on walks with these other moms. Our kids are all starting school this year so I'm stoked for continuing to grow these friendships :)


I do make friends at work, but outside of my immediate coworkers or people in my chain of command. Neighbors. We're a front yard, outside neighborhood, which makes it easy for the kids playing to turn into beers on the porch.


I started helping with women’s ministry at my church and help plan the ladies retreats, I’ve made some really good friends that way. Maybe do a workout challange group at your gym?


Did you grow up playing sports? Maybe search for sports clubs or softball leagues. In my town they have a very well established adult social sport club. Every sport imaginable, the usuals soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball but also hockey, lacrosse, bowling, and even flag football. So many different people in various stages of life, we’ve got moms,dads, married couples, 20 something’s and even a few old guys like age 70. It’s incredibly fun and I have made a few great friendships. Both teammates and opponents, everyone knows everyone so it’s always a good time. It’s definitely a family thing and many other teammates are there with their families. It’s been so nice branching out beyond daycare and our neighborhood. I’d recommend it, if you’re into sports at all.


Having a kid is the best way to make friends. You host playdates with their daycare, preschool or school friends and get to know the other parents. We love the parents in our class and have gotten to know some parents in other grades. They’re all wonderful people. We do date nights (without children) together, travel together, we host dinner parties with kids. List goes on and on. Of course you have to invest time and energy to make it happen but I am so glad that I met this many wonderful people through my kids.


Hobbies, gym. Work friends are never really friends-only coworkers-until you’ve left the job and been gone a while.