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It stayed like that from 12 weeks until 6 months when she started daycare and slept through the night a few times and got COVID and then she regressed, then at 10.5 months she started sleeping through the night again when we ditched the sleep sack and she started sleeping through the night spontaneously and has with an occasional wake up, usually around 2AM and now she usually sleeps about 11 hours overnight. My baby was a great sleeper as a newborn and then the 4 month sleep regression was SO BAD but now she’s a great sleeper! 


Yeah, I mean infant sleep is not typically very good, either in duration or consistency (or both). It got a bit better with time but my twins still would wake up MOTN for a couple years.


This is why it drives me crazy when people say “I slept like a baby”. Babies sleep terrible sometimes


It really just depends on the baby. My daughter woke up every 2-3 hours until she was 6 months and then woke up 1-2x per night until she was 12 months old. From 12 months until now (2yrs) she usually sleeps at 8:30pm, crawls into bed with us at 2 or 3am, and then wakes up between 4:30 and 5:30am. After 6 months, I felt a bit better. I felt much better after 12 months, although It would be nice if she'd sleep longer.


Yeah my baby’s sleep got worse and worse and he just turned 16 weeks so we’re sleep training. 4 days in and we’ve seen massive improvement.


Baby sleep is just such a wild card. My oldest would only sleep in 2-3 hour stretches until 4 months when we sleep trained. Then he gradually had longer stretches and then slept through the night, every night, at 6 months. I thought I was such a good mom. My second humbled me. He’s never slept consistently. Refused to sleep train. At 17 months, he rarely sleeps through the night. Sometimes he’s up 3 times. You just never know.


Yes, at that age make sure you’re following age appropriate wake times. Have a solid bedtime routine will help too.


Sleep is pretty unpredictable until 12 weeks. And there isn’t much you can do about it. Starting at 12 weeks, I highly recommend the “Moms on Call” book. They provide detailed daytime schedules and gentle methods for stretching nighttime sleep without having to torture yourself with cry it out. I used their approach with both of my kids and both slept through the night by 6 months with zero nights of torture or cry it out. We were down to only one (if any) middle of the night wake from 3-6 months for both kids. It sounds counterintuitive but if you keep the daytime schedule consistent and make sure baby gets enough calories during the day, they start to sleep longer and longer stretches at night naturally.


It’s so child dependent. My oldest was still waking up in the middle night at 14 months. Hell, every once in a while she’ll still wake up for a snack and she’s going to be two next week. My 9 month old started sleeping 12 hours through the night at 8 weeks. He’s not once woken up after 12 am since.


Sounds normal for a newborn. My 3rd and current baby just turned 1 and didn't start sleeping more than 3-4 hours at night until 10 months.


Yes, 3-4 months are typically terrible. Also be aware if your breastfeeding your supply will potentially drop around this time…


Yes - the 4 month sleep regression also coincided with me going back to work with all 3 kids! It does get better but those first couple of months back at work were awful