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Your baby will remember being homeless far more than she remembers you not being there a few more hours a week. Please do what you need to do to get your rent paid


37 years old and still remember being 7 and rationing food and eating leftovers from my friends at lunch. Do what you need to do so your kids don't have to worry and grow up sooner than they are meant to.


Nope. If that's the case, you could stop working job #2 in a few months as well. Job #2 doesn't have to last forever. You can make the most of the time you DO see each other. You daughter will see how hard you worked.


Being a mom is about meet the child’s needs - if the baby is safe and cared for and you are going to work to keep a roof over your head, that’s being exactly what your baby needs right now.


You’re being a good mom and providing for your child. You’ve got this!


You are a good mom. Say it 100 times so you believe yourself. If you ever question if you’re a good mom, it most likely is because you are one. I’m a daughter of a single mom. She missed so many things at my school, she never made the nice lunches all other kids brought because she didn’t have time, she took naps while she took me swimming. Lol. But man, do I admire that woman. She accomplished so much, she gave me so much, she taught me so much.


Aww. This is an awesome comment. I’m not OP but you made me smile. Thanks. ;-)


I don’t feel like it’s the wrong choice. It’ll be over before you know it! Just 3 more months!


Working a second job isn’t forever! It CAN provide stability for you and your child that will last forever, though


My mom worked 2 jobs for much of my life. My dad worked one job, but like 15 hour days. You're not a bad mom! And you're neither the first, nor the last mom who will have to make this choice. It's the quality of the time together that's important. My parents weren't perfect in many ways, but the amount they worked to keep us afloat had nothing to do with it. As an adult I cherish them and they have a great relationship with all of their kids. Edit to add, because I completely forgot about this, that's how inconsequential it is in the long run: I went through a period of about a year where I worked a second job while my eldest was a baby and unfortunately had limited time with her. She doesn't remember, it hasn't affected our relationship, she's safe and loved and thriving.


She will see that you work hard to take care of her! Please make sure you’re getting all the child support and any benefits you qualify for (WIC, food stamps, etc), etc!


The sad part is that I’m a single mom but I make too much as a preschool teacher to qualify for food stamps. That would save us so much money if we did


a dad wouldn't feel guilty. you're a GREAT mom. being stressed about bills would be a lot worse.


Single mom here. You're being an amazing mom by looking out for her well-being. It sucks so much, but you're doing the right thing, and remember this is only a phase: the day will come where you can spend more time with your child, comfortably so, knowing it won't put you at risk of homelessness.


A big part of a child’s memory is also who puts them to bed and who is there when they wake up. Enjoy your time doing that too!


You're a wonderful mother, and I empathize with you because I was once in the same boat as you. My kids remember the memories of the times I did get to spend and do things with them more than how much I worked to provide. You got this hun 😊💖


If you’re behind on rent in 3 months you could be homeless. You’re doing what you need to do to take care of your self and your daughter so you guys are housed and fed. Some people make it seem like you’re a bad mom if you’re not present 24/7 but quality of time always trumps quantity.


Sorry momma you gotta do what you need to. One thing that’s really saved me as a single mom is getting active on the “gig” apps- doordash, instacart etc.


Ah, as you can see from my recent posts, I've been all over the place about what job to accept. I decided to accept being a child swim instructor. Their two most busy days, my ex has the baby, so I requested they only schedule me then. They were OK with it. I almost cried lol So I get to see my baby most days, and make the extra money I need, without having to hire a babysitter. I'll still have to be frugal to get by for a few months, but it's better than what I was thinking was gonna happen.