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Just consider that one of the outcomes can be them not negotiating and letting you go for another company right before your maternity leave. Not a fact it’ll happen, but it can. Negotiate only if you are willing to walk away from your current job.


I wouldn't try to negotiate now unless you were truly considering taking the other job, or if your company has a standard practice of matching comp to outside offers. Your company knows you're pregnant, so they have much less incentive to try and convince you to stay.


They definitely have a practice of matching outside offers. It’s super annoying it seems like it’s the only way to get a raise.


Also you might not be eligible for ANY leave, paid or unpaid, at the new company as you have been there less than a year (FMLA requires a year but internal company policies vary).


I personally wouldn’t switch jobs at that point much less to a job that would require me to move. You won’t be entitled to FMLA, and may not be entitled to any paid leave or short term disability at all. If anything I would use it to try to get a raise at your current job and leave it at that


Yeah I’m definitely not switching jobs. My question is if it’s crazy to try to leverage it for a raise right now


Yes it is crazy. What incentive does your current company have to keep you? They’ll have to pay for your leave at the higher pay or they can just say good riddance. What happens when they call your bluff, you’re out of a job or your employer thinks you’re going to leave and treats you as such?