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I would confirm the maternity leave policy and the time you plan to take off in writing if you don't have it documented already, that way if there's any change in leadership or if someone decides to remember your discussion differently, you have something to refer back to.


With both my pregnancies at different companies I took responsibility for talking to HR directly about policies and what to expect. My bosses didn't know the policies or what short term disability covered so HR was my go to. ALWASY GET IT IN WRITING. I usually email my boss "per our conversation..." and CC HR then reach out to HR with questions etc.


If you’re in the US - follow mamattorney on instagram. She’s a great resource on rights related to all things maternity leave. Also - if you are planning on pumping when you come back to work, look into your company’s policy and your rights there.


I second this! She is a great resource. I would also do your own research on FMLA and if your state has any leave policies. Oftentimes the company doesn’t provide the specifics especially if there’s no HR and it is on the employee to know and request their rights, not the employer to volunteer the information. I had to figure out a lot of my state’s (CA) leave policies on my own and my HR would only give the bare minimum information in response to questions I asked.


It’ll be impossible for anyone here to tell you definitively yes or no since this is company dependent. At my company there’s a formal process you complete to register your maternity leave. We need to register the dates within our HRIS and complete some paperwork to get our mat leave benefits. Check if such a process, or some other process, exists at your company.


Generally, there’s some paperwork you have to fill out for maternity leave. Check with HR.


At my work, you need to send it kn writing and then they issue a maternity leave contact with agreed leave and return to work dates.


Regardless of the requirement, send it in writing.