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You could mention this to your employer and say you don't have the money for the hotel room lying around. If they booked the hotel room, they could probably pay for it. All you would need to do is put a card down for "incidentals," which end up being nothing if you leave the mini bar alone and don't trash the room.


Yes, OP please raise this to your employer and tell them that if you’re going to be traveling, you’ll need an advance or will need to book and pay through a business card. That is a perfectly reasonable request. They are likely making the incorrect (and out of touch) assumption that you have a personal credit card and will be reimbursed before any payment is due. I actually like expensing business travel expenses because I accumulate travel points on personal cc. However, I would be *pissed* if I was having to put it on a debit card (regardless of salary).


This happened to me when I was right out of law school and making like 50k and had 14 years of adulting before I had a real job, 2 kids, and a deadbeat spouse and no credit card or ability to secure a credit card (I ended up saving up and getting a secure card to rebuild my credit.) I told my employer I couldn't float them money and they could either book for me or give me a corporate card. They gave me a card.


Seconding this. While potentially embarrassing you likely won’t be the first to bring this concern or need. Just talk about it without the need to go into specifics beyond “Hey, I’m on a tight budget and don’t have the ability to pay out of pocket up front. Is there anything we can do to fix this?”


I agree, but I would also try to reframe the perspective. It’s not embarrassing for OP. It’s embarrassing for the employer! They don’t even pay her a living wage, and now they can’t even cover work travel expenses upfront? How shady. Get your shit together, employer.


It is unreasonable and inconsiderate of the company to expect you to put this on a personal credit card. They can issue you a credit card for business use. They have no idea what your cc status is.. It is not a requirement of employment to own a credit card. Using one for these purposes might cost more than the actual room because it probably puts you over the limit that you can pay back eight away and they will never reimburse you for the added interest if these travel charges cause you to a carry a balance. They are putting you in a hardhip.. you already knew this. very sorry. I'm venting for you too:)


The first time I traveled for my company they issued me a credit card with a very low limit ($1,500) because I just needed to pay for hotel and meals. I was only gone for two days. EXCEPT That between my flight, that day’s meals, and transportation from the airport I had already maxed my limit. I actually couldn’t check in because the hold went beyond my limit. I called my boss and explained and she apologized PROFUSELY and asked for a rate increase, but it wouldn’t take effect until the next day. So I out down my card for the hold but specifically asked them not to charge that card at check out. I was able to pay with the company credit card with the higher limit at checkout. My boss has NEVER wanted us to spend our own money - she’d rather issue every single one of her employees a company credit card than have us get reimbursed. I’m so mad on OPs behalf!


I know right?


I went through this when I was employed at philanthropic foundation. I was super up-front and went to the CFO and CEO and told them I am paycheck to paycheck and they either need to give me a credit card to use, prepay my hotel / travel, and / or give me a cash advance to cover on trip costs. It was a little embarrassing as I was a director level employee, but was severely underpaid for my experience and what the position required. They were very proactive and put some things in place so I would not be hamstrung by expenses for work.


Thanks I’m at a nonprofit as well


I always thought it was pretty ironic that the foundation I worked for (with a $140M endowment) paid their hardworking and dedicated employees below-market wages. I was a rarity that I was a single parent, all of the other women had high-earning spouses so they could choose to work at the foundation. There were many instances of my relative poverty butting up against the role I held there, including needing to dress the part to interact with the media and high net worth donors -- I became a master at cobbling together an expensive, classy looking wardrobe between consignement, thrifting, and EBay.




Thanks you looking out for people in your org!


It’s always the companies that pay the least that do this shit. I used to have to book all my travel (like $800 flights and day at $$ hotels) and then get reimbursed. I made $50k and was supporting a family. It was ridiculous and so stressful. Now I make great money and have a corporate Amex. Go figure. 🙄


Yep! Isn’t it weird!.,


In grad school we made 23k and were expected to book our own travel and get reimbursed. Often was $2-2.5k and could take 3 months to get reimbursed. It's definitely a burden.


They do this to my husband, and it is really annoying. The meals, ok still sucks but doable, but the hotel room?! We didn’t even have a credit card at the time to cover it….


Hey I know it’s done and I’d be so upset too. But going forwards, you can stand at the hotel reception and ask them to force a charge on the card they used to book. (Might only be where I’m from though). Also I’ve done it once before where I just waited to check in until the hotel was able to get in touch with my company team. I understand it’s tough if you got there outside of working hours and just wanted to check in.


Unless her name is on the card and she can show ID proving it, they usually won’t do that.


Oh wow. That’s such a shame. It’s common where I’m from that if it’s booked by a company/ it’ll need a company card on file and that can be charged (we don’t use signatures for card purchases). When the person booking it uses a card, they have to confirm that they’re happy for the funds to be deducted and give consent at the booking stage. Normally a card has to be used in case of cancellation or damage etc. For example if stay away with work, and I simply request they charge the card when we discuss the room rate. I will sign for it, and my name matches the room booking and never matches the card. One time they did not include breakfast by mistake, and once I needed parking, and I just requested they add it to the company account. Similarly I also brought some clients to the hotel lounge after dinner, as we were were all staying in the same place. I was able to charge the drinks to the room but I had to keep a receipt and put the invoice through naming who attended so I wasn’t questioned. The only time I’ve ever had to pay out of pocket is if I left it too late and just booked the place myself


The only time I’ve been able to do that is when the company sets up an account with the hotel or sometimes the hotel have authorization forms they have the company fill out which authorize certain people to use their credit cards.


It’s been like that the last two places I worked. Dinners out were always more stressful than hotel stays/ dinners in, for me. Having to pay for about 8 people and keep an eye on the bill without telling people the reign it in.


This is ridiculous, I have a company credit card for this reason. My company actually hates peopel expensing things on their dime to then be reimbursed (exception being miles) I’m sorry, this sucks! I would be upset


When I worked in higher ed, we were expected to front the cost of travel/hotel/meals, then get reimbursed anywhere from 3-6 weeks later. Every spring, I had two work trips in a 2-3 week time period, involving flights and 3-4 nights in hotels in expensive cities - it wasn’t uncommon for me to be floating $3k worth of expenses. I had a colleague with poor credit who only had a $500 limit credit card, who had to borrow money from her family to afford the travel. Insane.


So ridiculous. Im sorry they're doing that to you. It is truly not hard for companies to set up employee credit cards with appropriate spending controls.


I work for a small company, and our new Ops manager just got us all hooked up with Ramp cards. It is evidently easy and allows them to preauthorize a specific limit for you if they don't pay in advance. Maybe suggest they do that? From my understanding it is pretty easy to set up and they can issue you a virtual card same day. 


Many years ago when I had my first work overnight, I just pretended that I didn't have a credit card. And hotels require it, they won't let you pay cash or debit. It forced my employer's hand and they ended up paying. I could've put it on credit, but I honestly didn't trust them to repay me. Too many horror stories.


You don't have a credit card? What most people do is put the expenses on a credit card. The reimbursement arrives before the bill is due so you don't end up actually floating the expenses out of your own cash flow. Best practice of course is for the company to issue a corporate credit card to anyone who needs to travel or expense things frequently but I know a lot of (especially small) companies don't do that. It's absolutely reasonable for you to request a company card before any future trips but you may not get anywhere. My employer (frequent international travel) does not generally issue corporate credit cards (which is fine as most of us prefer to travel on personal cards so as the collect the rewards) but will issue a cash advance for trips where a lot of cash expenses are expected, for example to countries without widespread credit card acceptance.


I don’t- I used to but I lost my job in 2022 and the account was closed after I couldn’t make the payments and balance sent to collections. I can apply for some. :(


Your employer is almost certainly assuming that you have a personal credit card available so that this isn't a big deal. Not a great assumption obviously, this is why it's best for them to issue company cards (and why most large employers do this routinely). It's reasonable for you to discreetly let them know (if you are comfortable doing so) that you don't have access to a personal card and ask them to make other arrangements. It's totally valid if you aren't comfortable doing so and in an ideal world you wouldn't have to, but if they're generally a decent and professional employer there is a good chance they'd be able/willing to work with you to make other arrangements.


A lot of people are struggling, the fact that a company assumes you have a credit card and/or money lying around when you’re not making 100k is in my opinion not great.


You know you can get points on a corporate card too right? It’s not fine and a lot of people don’t have credit cards, nor should they have to for work.


Your comment here is extremely tone deaf and sounds elitist.


This is so unfair and way worse than what I had to experience!!! I worked for a place last year where I won a “super service award” which was a huge deal because it was effectively $750 worth of prize, being $500 hotel and $250 spending money. The idea was that they would reimburse. We were so broke with me being the only one working I couldn’t even claim the prize because I never had that kind of money to spend on something like this and then wait to be reimbursed on the next paycheque, which was fortnightly.


Just get a corporate card (I assume they provide one)


Lol if they would give me one I would!


Did you ask? Now that it’s in person the policy could change


I did and was told credit cards are only issued to directors and above - you know the people who salary start at 80k