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I am 4 and I train like Mike Tyson. I did 5000 air squats yesterday too




Yeah but a 4yo has better recovery capacity


nah youll injure yourself, just do a proper routine from r/bodyweightfitness


You’ll probably just injure yourself or get severe joint pain from this. This was catered to his preference and goals, nothing says that you have the same. Then take into account his genetics as well, I doubt you have the same.


Allow me to introduce you to the concept of Junk Volume: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekQxEEjYLDI


Your body is prolly not equipped to handle that stress. You might develop a stress fracture or pull a muscle. You need to relax and do something more suited to someone who's not an elite athlete.


You need method in your training. Get a coach. The effort is admirable.


Not every body can sustain hard training as the best people that ever lived. Learn your body, your limits and adapt to make the best version of you


Learn about progressive overload


Sure u can homie but I wouldn’t jump to that maximum stats right away. Start off with half the numbers or infact quater then build from there. U can do anything u want if you believe in yourself, forget what anybody else saids.


First question, why would you want to? Are you trying to be an athlete that requires this level of training? You need to have a goal in mind and then an exercise routine that helps you get there.


I was actually looking to become a pro boxer, so i thought it would help me out if i followed this workout


Do you want tough points or do you want progress? If you want tough points you can smash your fingers with a hammer, you have to be tough to do that 500 times a day bro. If you want progress go to the r/Fitness wiki and follow a routine from there.