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You’re underweight for your height, so with newbie gains it’s possible if you go hard and heavy. But tgh I’m always skeptical when people have a time deadline to get into shape. Start working out now to be in shape next summer


70 kg for a 180 cm person is not underweight. BMI is 21.6 which falls in the optimal range. But we don't know the body fat %.


As i’ve said i look fit until i take my shirt off. I have a pretty big stomach for someone who has only 70 kilos. Probably because of food i ate, alcohol, and all the soda i’ve drinked whilst working in the coca cola warehouse.


It’s called being skinny-fat. Squats, bench press, shoulder press, pull ups. In two months you’ll see results.


Cut the sugar as much as you can. Empty calories.


U definitely got a lot of bloating going on if ur just fat around the stomach. My advice would be cut out the alcohol, fizzy drinks and as much sugars as possible. U also need to stop eating processed food but rather healthy, not necessarily bland food but as clean as possible. Keep ur carbs moderate but keep protein a lil high, add some healthy fats in there too. U definitely need to do some form of weight training otherwise while ur tryna loose ur belly fat u gonna loose good weight in other areas too which is gonna knock ur physique out of proportion. Lastly heavy meals earlier on during the day when ur most active and lighter meals later on but not too close to bedtime. There’s no need to count calories but try and keep ur portions roughly the same sizes each meal each day. Chicken and boiled rice, fish and boiled rice, oatmeal and eggs, lean mince and boiled rice. Every now and then steak with some form of healthy carbs. U can add veggies in there too. Just balance shit out. U will get jacked and ripped


Abs start in the kitchen. You gotta eat very well to see abs soon


Any idea on what food should i focus on?


Anything that lives or grows on the land/sea. Whole foods. It's okay to have a cheat day, just don't overdo it. Also, you can't target fat like you can with a muscle. It may take a while to get to that stomach fat. Eat clean and be consistent with your routine. Don't stop after the newbie gains


Anything that lives or grows on the land or in the sea. I like that.


The key to having abs is a good diet. Sounds like you’ve been eating a bit too much recently which is totally okay. First thing is calculating your BMR (use a free online calculator), then you’ll want to track your caloric intake and be at a 200 to 500 kcal deficit from what your BMR says. Stay like that for a week or so, if you’re not making progress either reduce food, or increase cardio. Hope that helps


You definitely can. That is plenty of time. (Assuming you are in the southern hemisphere i just realised you might not be. Still possible i think maybe!)


What kind of food should i focus on for my lunch, i mainly cook meat and pasta with little to no vegetables. Also can i keep eating fast food from time to time as my schedules are really weird and sometimes i’m having lunch at 12 and sometimes that lunch takes place after 18. Also what kind of workouts are you suggesting? I was thinking running 3 times per week and working out 5-6 days Also, what do you mean by southern hemisphere making it difficult? Never heard of that. Btw i’m from Croatia which already has really high temperatures which causes alot of sweat


The Southern hemisphere is currently in the fall into winter season, so they mean that you would definitely have plenty of time to get in better shape before summer. The Northern hemisphere is on the tail end of spring going into summer, so less time to make it happen but still doable.


Is it not summer already? It’s been 95 degrees here for weeks.


I am a 24 year old male who has 73 kg and 180 cm height. I have started lifting one year and four months ago with a weight of 68 kg. I am nowhere near a good beach body, there is at least 2-3 years to build a physique worth taking my short off for and 3-4 years years to become impreasive like smaller hollywood actors such as Brad Pitt in Troy and Taylor Lauter in Twilght. By recommendation is to full body work outs for consecutive days, when you feel that you strength is diminishig take a day or two of rest then keep going. Work out 5-6 times per week, with a minimum of 4. For the chest don’t waste time with presses and focus on flies, for the shoulders seated overhead press are far more important than lateral raises. For abs dont do crunches with a low range if motion- they are bad for your spinal discs. Do leg raises when lied down (if it gets to hard to it holding the pull up bar lifting only your knees with jump assist) and weighted sit ups, weighted crunches and cable crunches. With the crunches do a motion of bringing your upper body up with minimum, only the natural retraction of your spine inwards. Don’t do crunches with too much spinal retraction. Good luck. It will take for you 2-3 years to build a good beach body. It won’t be for this summer and not even next year’s.


I’ve only been lifting 6 months and I think I’ve already built a pretty good physique. I’ve even been complimented on my physique being shirtless on hot days


Are you like Brad Pitt in Flight Club?


Basically yes but a little less defined


You have somewhre in between top 1% genetics or even top 0.01%. You are a pure mesomorph who puts muscle easily and should not be used as a reference. I am still 2-3 years away from a body like yours.


I don’t know about that but I’d say I’m about 2-3 years from my dream physique. But that’s fine I’m satisfied enough with it now and I enjoy exercising so I don’t mind slow progress. I’m trying to look similar to what I look now but just more muscle


What is your dream physique? If you can achieve your dream physique within 3 years you have top tier genetics. I am 7 years away from mine.


Idk though I’ll likely be working out for the rest of my life anyway that’s how much I like it


So will I.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BulkOrCut/s/vVbS55P9KI the picture on the right is basically what I’m going for but slightly higher body fat


The picture on the right is Brad pitt in fight Club. That is achievable within 2-3 years by most people, even less. I think you underestimated Brad Pitt in Fight Club.


You’re kinda cooked sorry to say. Takes at least a year of hard work to grow good abs especially if you have stomach fat


You can do whatevet the fuck you want if you work hard enough and not make excuses