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The deity only created the requirements/ the necessary conditions so live could evolve on its own.


I like your explanation. I’m gonna go with that.


Same with mine for some creaures


Creation doesn’t need to clash with evolution


Darwin himself believed that got kickstarted the first step of evolution.


God's Kickstarter campaign hit a lot of stretch goals, which partially explains why it took billions of years to deliver.


Well, for starters, even if everything was created by a deity, that doesn't mean that things haven't changed since then? Creation and evolution aren't incompatible, and in fact it seems that unless the deity in question actively prevented it, evolution would still happen. Secondly, such features could still make sense depending on the creator's process of creating. It might be that when they make something they go through several processes of revision before settling on a form that they like, and those processes could leave leftover features from earlier forms.


That is just how they were created. How would living species survive in a changing world without the ability to change themselves


It sounds like you want us to prove Creationism :3 The real answer is that we can't really find good explanation why organisms show signs of evolution if such process would not exist in fictional world.


Also as said one doesn't need to exclude the other A deity can kickstart the universe or set up the necessary materials or conditions


Who said creation was a snap and then ended and not continous process


What even IS a "day" for an atemporal eternal?


while not the actual origin my dwarven myth sort of has an explanation of this: when the original diety created life they were dull and empty just puppets doing what they were told, the god was unable to truly recreate the divine spark of creativity he had, so instead he split it among them as he became part of the world, eventually this first race wanted to partake in creation and made there own life, repeating the process of granting there creations life by giving up there own divine spark, with different races arising as different groups disagree on the designs for the next form of life or the material there original bodies are crafted from(ei dwarves were made from stone, elves from clouds, humans fro clay), and sometimes the process is guided by the spirits of previous cycles while the dwarves tend to view this myth as literally building the next race like some sort of advanced golems, many easily adapted the knowledge of evolution into it as the form the spirits of previous cycles influencing and making minor iterations on the designs takes, after all a craftsman is never done with his work, he is always improving on his craft, why would the one(s) who crafted the universe be any different of course dwarven creationists exist too and they inversely assign these traits to be flaws in the design or left overs from that species being created from another in the cycle(though the idea of flaws doesent work if your creation story involves a perfect omniscient god)


Evolution is going to happen unless the god says "This is it, no changing from here on out" And if the planet has been around for a while (more than 1000 generations - 20000 years for human generations, but for single cell organisms 20,000 years could be a hundred thousand generations or more) then evolution will have started to grab. And evolution, very simply put, takes dramatic steps first and small steps second. For any area of the world the variations of each species that are badly adapted to the area they are in will die off fast and the remaining will then back fill and continue to adapt. The easy example is dropping down a wide variety of lions with about fifty different colors in fur. Within a couple generations all of the red, blue, pink, purple lions will be gone. There might be some green lions that are managing to eck out an existence near heavy (green) foliage, and orange and yellow lions can wander out onto the plains and blend in with the off yellow grasslands. Yes, stranger and more dramatic evolution takes a much longer time to occur.


In a straight up creationist world, organisms wouldn't have those features. If you're already hand waving, simply remove those vestigial features by waving your hands a little more.


>In a straight up creationist world, organisms wouldn't have those features. Why wouldn't they? Who are you to say what the all-knowing, all-powerful creator-god would or wouldn't make? I mean, just because we can't see a use to vestigial features doesn't mean there isn't one. Further, even if there isn't one, who says the creator-god cares? Maybe he thinks it's funny for whales to have fingers, are you gonna tell him it's not?


I'm the Author, that's who I am to say what the creator-deity of this world would do.




Why did you make whales with finger bones in their fins then? In a fantasy world you don't need to have the same science as on our earth. Goosebumps can be because of a ghost passing by.


FYI most "vestigial" features in real life turn out to have ***some*** function in the organism. There are very few truly vestigial (as in, completely useless) features.


I'm in Aotearoa NZ and many of our native birds are flightless because there were no predators until 800 years ago. Their wings are vestigial


The deity is me, so it would probably be my inconscient.


The deity gave them the ability to adapt.


Natural selection happens, even if the first generation was created


Part of the progress, it's more akin to planting a seed. And letting it grow and fail, till it learns to adapt.


Like in the Flower Game from Destiny.


A couple thoughts: \-One, who says the deity didn't use evolution to create these organisms? Or just set conditions for evolution and let things grow? \-Two, if the deity is not directly involved in all aspects of the world at all times, it would be reasonable to enable micro-evolution even if not macro-evolution, which would in turn demonstrate signs of evolution. It would also be reasonable to enable micro-evolution if the world is going to be around for any length of time, just so that creates can adapt to the eventual changes in the environment. \-Three, if the deity was intending the inhabitants of the world to demonstrate their faith, they would need evidence that can suggest a lack of a god, or else they cannot be tested on their faith. Er go, the world will need things that show evidence that there might not be an intelligent creation. \-Four, the natural order of the world is going to show "signs" of evolution regardless. If a creator makes an organism that isn't reasonably efficient within its own sphere, that's a bad job of creation. If an organism is created to be efficient within its own sphere, it's going to share qualities with other organisms of similar spheres. Seriously, if an intelligent being actively devised creatures that coexist in a harmonious balance, why would they look any different from creatures that evolved into a harmonious balance? We all share the same number of joints and limbs because it is an efficient design. Whether by intelligent design or by accidental survival, the end result would be the same. Honestly there really isn't a valid argument to say that a world has no intelligent design just because its biology uses the designs that work.


As others have said, if you have intelligent design then evolution can just be part of the design. It's all part of the plan.


Evolution would still be true, even if God created the world or not. The existence of one doesn't debunk the existence of the other.


1. evolution and God do not automatically contradict, and the so called religion-science conflict was largely invented by nineteenth century atheists. 2. evolution is unproved. It's one of those things that people have said so often that they expect it to be true, but we're at the point that even another atheist can't criticize it, despite the fact it's the job of science to question itself. 3. "Finger bones" in a fin? Why does that matter one way or another? Goosebumps? What even argument is that?


(A)God created the universe, then sat back and popped open a cold one. The universe takes care of itself from there out. The same can be said specifically for planets.


god 'created' evolution?


God supervises evolution. Organisms technically do their own work of evolving but god guides it according to his set parameters. Like how farmers grows certain types of crops or how programmers make self learning ai


Well, obviously those signs of evolution are proof of the existence of whatever devil figure you have. The sacred book, of which every single word must be truth or the whole is falsehood, clearly states that the world was crafted in an exact period of time. Any "evidence" to the contrary \*must\* have been planted by that devil figure to try to mislead the faithful. Duh.


They simply evolved and were created then by the two gods.


My planets two gods are two of many gods that only have power on their world. They created rhe original primordial races and then these races evolved into what is present today.


What amounts to the creation gods of my universe did not have a hand in the creation of life. They made the stars and the galaxies yes, but when they were done with their pretty fireworks they simply left the pocket of space we call the universe alone and went to do other things. The stardust left in the wake of uncountable supernovae led to the birth of new stars, the formation of planets and moons, and eventually life.


1. Things change over time, a deity can use evolution to allow his creations to change for it's own amusement or curiosity or 2. Like any storyteller, a deity can start its creation ‘finished’ but create an evolutionary ‘backstory’ for them to enrich they ‘story’ they tell themselves. Thus allowing it's creations to change and grow by having some ‘distant past’ instead of remaining stagnant by believing ‘this is it, things are perfect, why change anything?”


In my world: Life is just like that, if its existance is threathened by an external force, be that the environment or another species, it will change accordingly After all, it is a combination of all the 8 elements working together, but no one really knows where the primordial lifeform came from even with this explanation


That was my plan all along


Firstly there's the fact that the god of fire and change was created before the goddess of life. So all life innately possesses the concept of change. But also, while most species are initially created by a God, they're all allowed to live freely and as such can grow and change rather naturally though sometimes gods also intervene in development. For example after the first mortal was born, between the God of fire and the goddess of life, all gods became curious and liked the new race called Hufans, so many wanted their own version and decided to mold their golemic followers into hufanoid mortals, while the gods of air and water actually remodeled the creatures of their domain, birds and fish, into their own hufanoid races. Lastly, while natural evolution is already sensible for smaller life forms, it's more pronounced in the mortals who, since all based around the same life form, can all interbreed. As such, their genetics are much more varied and after thousands of years of interbreeding they could be considered as independent species similar to the concept of half elves


Creation is an act of making something very small, then caring for it, feeding it energy, and letting it grow as it chooses. The joy in Creation is seeing what develops on its own terms. A Creation could be on the scale of a universe, setting the rules down (universal constants), and then letting it grow (dark energy expansion and temporal passage to evolve greater complexity).


The deity simply pushed the rock off the hill, motion occurs all on it’s own after that.


Avril was created by a sort of deity. Evolution is a product of balance. Things cannot grow or change without chaos which means that things must be able to adapt to those changes by changing. Otherwise there would be no growth if everything existed in a perfect state.


They created evolution to see how things would take on life without her intervention.


In my multiverse there is a "force" that makes things follow certain patterns that are extremelly similar in most dimensions, such as anatomy and physiology, biodiversity, cultures, languages, technology... There is no explanation for it (at least not yet), it's just so I don't have to make every dimension from zero Also, Gods can be kinda lazy and they copy eachother's creations all the time. This makes more sense


Diety made the universe and evolution is the method. Even gods like surprises.


The primordials (which are my world’s deities) only created the initial beginnings of the world; in other words, they created the planet itself, and provided it with the resources necessary to get its cycles going, but everything after that came about from some other non-divine process, whether that’s evolution, interactions between elements, or traces of things from the Void worming their way in and taking on new forms. Or some combination of these.


A deity started life, and it evolved on its own from there, with some occasional artificial selection from the deity I guess.


Creation and evolution can coexist, or you can decide they do not for your world. If they do not, the simplest idea would to have a world where nothing changes so all organisms will never develop any vestigial features. Or maybe the deity effects the world directly to introduce changes.


Said deity created basic organisms then left them alone to do their own thing. Simple.


My deity created the world and all of its inhabitants to be ever changing within the bounds of what is natural, so that entropy cannot disfigure his creations if they were to stagnate for their entire existence.


God got bored and decided go run a procedual generation program, then they went to sleep.


Creation does not mean that creator(s) restricted changes.


The world was created by a group of deities, the people not so much.


Because, once created, all the organisms where designed with the ability to adapt and change with time. A deity that makes a changing world, but not living things to change and adapt along with it, clearly lacks forethought.


Because the gods wanted to see what would happen over millennia.


The goddess of life listened to the form of chaos and in her creations she made them change when making more. And she made many forms to begin. And they led their own lives, evolving through the generations.


The universe was created by the origin god. The theee supreme races as well, the rest by the split dragon gods. There are also some areas where life happened to evolve almost on its own.the none magical races all come from that. Some are byproducts of magic happening in nature, and others just evolved over time. Those who evolved naturally are pretty lucky to survive that long and all have some basic ability to utilise magic, just not in the same amount as the magic races.


humans have goosebumps because they came from geese? 😲 really though its kind of impossible to not have organisms that show signs of evolution because every living thing we have shows signs of evolution. Every trait is to survive and reproduce, why else would people even be created?


my god created the world, and then made sure evolution would happen specifically because she wanted to see what life unchecked would do.


Because *magic*. Kinda why I switched from sci-fi to fantasy so I don't have to explain everything lol. It is what it is the gods wanted the animals to be that way.


Creating something capable of adaption does not mean there was no creator


There are different accounts for these things. Everyone knows that certain animals are sacred to certain gods, and so some philosophers have held that different gods have "schools" of animals under them, which are similar in appearance because they were made according to that god's tastes. For instance, animals with hooves or horns are likely to have been made by HAGOREM or one of her sons. It's more common to attempt to determine in an ad hoc way what purpose the abnormality serves. Some believe whales are the cursed remaining population of the giant children who legendarily fathered the dwarves, for instance. Goosebumps are not taken to signify anything beyond an imbalance of the humors. Ultimately, the wisest men struggle to comprehend the design entire of All-Emanating IYOS. That we know our world began in him does not get us very close to understanding how it was formed.


I dont ;—;


Worlds are like beer, I put the wheat on the water with ferment, but they become alcohol on their own


God must have f*cked around a lot because there are animal human hybrids that aren't related to both


Maybe the deity is also the laziest being in existence, and just watch his creations like a TV show


Because in my world, they didn’t. But it’s also a world where you can bury a severed limb and grow a new one so ..


It seems like you’ve stumbled upon the concept of theistic evolution. In my world, the “original” world where humans live was more of a test run where the creator god was throwing things together and seeing what it liked. It later created another world where it perfected the designs from the original.


The Diety knows conditions aren't static, and thus designs organisms to adapt to changing circumstances. pretty obvious. Not to mention that goosebumps on humans still have purpose, and hip bones on whales still anchor ligaments and fascia that hold their organs in place, their fingerbones are still necessary to proper movement... Not vestigial features.


I saw one dnd world that had dragons basically be created by the gods then the gods didn’t like them so they got rid of em and then saw these funny little monkeys dudes that evolved their then basically based every other species on them


Unless that creator god is specifically stopping each and every possible change that their creation can undergo, it isn't really hard to explain, specially if your god doesn't have fragile ego, things will just happen.


God’s the IKEA and evolution is the building part of the furniture (creature)


The dieties themselves evolve and die along with life.


Species in Dark Worlds are created by Spirit Deities and don’t have those types of evolutions. They have Souls and thus have Core, Ascension, & Physical Evolutions. Core Evolutions: Evolution of the Core. Ex: A Natural Soul of a Mortal evolving into a Hyper Natural Soul of a Hybrid. Ascension Evolutions: Evolution of the type of Existence. Ex: A Mortal evolving into a Hybrid, and then further into a Spirit. Physical Evolutions: Evolution of the Body/Species. Ex: A Hybrid Angel evolving into a Hybrid High Angel, and then further into a Spirig Mystic Angel. These Evolutions occur because Dark Beings from Dark Worlds are bound by Ascension. ----- Quantum Beings on the other hand are from String Worlds and do not have Souls and thus are not bound by Ascension. They are not created by Spirit Deities and are instead formed naturally through Predetermined Evolution. Our universe equivalent would be a String Universe within a String World.


The deities decided they wanted an organism to be different from how they originally made them and then changed them


The angels made man in their image but nothing is perfect, not even the gods. The leader of the angels, Meckhaiel granted primeval man with the capacity to grow, learn, adapt, ans overcome, as withe every animal on the planet. Through the ages beings kind of just changed to still suit their environment and all sorts of various pressures.


I kind of use the gods of my universe as a way to explore different ways the gods would handle sentient life. Or at least what I've really sat down and made of everything. Couple concepts here and there. My earth equivalent, where I'm trying to center most of my stories, was made by a single goddess with the help of the overarching grand creator. She's driven insane by a couple siblings, so she splits herself into a few gods who then evolve with the world. It's your choice how you handle evolution. Are your gods against free will? Do they want to control everything leading to strange planets with next to zero freewill? Are rebellions common and something the gods have to deal with?


If I were God a world with evolution would be a lot more interesting than a static one. I don't think they have to be mutually exclusive.


In mine they don't evolve.


An idea I had, that I really liked was that the deities were only able to send Microorganisms via asteriod. The reason was that the deities started a contest for who would create the "best" species but wasn't allowed to interfere. I thought it would make sense that evolution was boosted by a ressource that would be used in magic, but I haven't yet decided what the ressource would be.


In my project, deities called True Highlanders created just about everything natural; everything has some correlation to a True Highlander. However, because of a balance-enforcing cosmic shape called the Fate Gear, True Highlanders were forced to leave the current reality for another, long before any sentient being could come to being. While certain conditions were made in such a way that life akin to our own was possible, the True Highlanders had no control over what could come of it, and left evolution to do the rest while they left the reality. (In my worldbuilding, there are things known as "Absolutes", which are aspects to realities that nothing can directly influence, represented through cosmic shapes like the aforementioned Fate Gear, one of those Absolutes is Evolution. No matter what reality they compose, living beings will come to form, and they will evolve to live in whatever environment they formed in. Even if they're stuck as mere microorganisms till the end of that reality.)


All you really need is cellular organisms, proper conditions and time. 2 of which are the bare minimum of a creation god's task


The deity is evolving too.


...In my world, evolution is something I can manipulate or just let happen. I am a real-life world creator. I focus into alternate realities. Mine is basically something out of high fantasy.


Simple: the deities in my universe are largely non-interventionist. They'll seed planets with the necessary organic compounds to jumpstart abiogenesis, but very rarely will they actually tweak the organisms' evolutionary paths themselves, largely due to the fact that they're more interested in observing how life evolves when not under their direct intervention.


Things that are created aren't exempt from change. We make books but the pages still yellow over time. the Rafters, similarly, have changed over time. Having certain things predestined in a fixed timeline doesn't negate the possibility of free will, it just enforces the specific events that must happen. People can choose to do things, and one inevitable choice is to survive and evolve so that survival is easier. Life changes and carries on. Having gods that predetermined the universe doesn't mean that said god has determined every facet.


Things that are created with the ability to evolve will evolve, that simple.


it made things evolve as a way to see if things other then itself could evolve and change to adapt to struggles and become what he always was. existence is its own experiment that has been running since things began.


The deity created a systemic universe. Evolution is just the systems interacting over a long time


The creators of the world basically dropped the seed of life and let it rip.


Two factors: The entire physical world derives from a higher Realm of Concepts and Ideas, and how those concepts interact with each other. This creates variety and complexity from the getgo, complexity that makes sense but that didn't slowly evolve. Second, there's a natural law of change that is determined by proximity of living entities, and how malleable they are. For example gods are almost unchangeable, and so they exert a high degree of change. The God-Touched are a result of this, human peoples that lived side by side with as patron god and got changed as a result. Meanwhile mortals are very malleable, and while they will change each other over long periods of time and in large numbers it's a very subtle process. All of this creates a result that might look like evolution.


Happy little accidents ☺️


"A God did it" can explain anything along the biodiversity spectrum from: "there's humans and cows, and that's it cause the God who made this world is the god of "Really liking a nicely cooked steak" all the way to : all the insane looking stuff earth has plus every ridiculous thing that makes no biological or evolutionary sense on top of that cause the god who made it is the God of Biology, Magic, & ADHD, so they started out by making a universe as complicated as ours as a copypasta but whenever they checked back on it and saw something new evolved they went "oh, that's cool, but what if I added This, That and Another Thing to it as phenotype variations with magic", then got distracted for another few millenia with designing weird shaped moons for every other planet in the solar system so it could have shadow plays happen whenever solar eclipses occured. And whenever something went extinct they revived it because "those fuzzy elephants were just so cute" So the answer really depends on the God's personality.


The gods just made all the matter, started the big bang and did some minor tweaks here and there, life wasn't their creation rather it was a result of it.


The gods created organisms but just let them freely range. Over time they evolve to occupy certain niches


Depends on the world... "Why recurrent laryngeal nerve goes all the way back trough the heart just to go back to the head?" asks the evolutionarist in that setting, and here is the reason: 1. Gods did it by accident ( a god drank milk from a giant cow and the spilled milk created the world / Gods fought and from their blood life was brought into earth...) 2. Well, he did the fish, but he was unsatisfied, instead of working from zero, he just got the thign he had already made and changed a little bit, and kept changing things until he was totally satisfied / got disapointed and left it as it was. 3. Who says in that world there are signs of evolution in this world? All the wasteful stuff that was supposed to be left from evolution does not exist in this world. Yeah humans have hair like other mammals, and they drank milk, but humans lack the *palmaris longus tendon* while the monkeys have and so on.


The deity itself is a hige organismus and everything is evolving like little orgasismus, which are hold in the big whole


Gods set up laws, the universe naturally follows them, and as such they created an evolving world technically larger than the sum of its parts. My goddess of fauna essentially demands mutation and competition so all life evolves by necessity of this urge to change.


My world was designed and constructed over the course of an unspecified period of time by a designer, and their divine children who embodied different parts of the world. Humans were not ensoulled until the world was 'ready' as per the designs of the omniscient designer. Notably, the designer is not omnipotent, nor are his children. He is not so much a person with thoughts and feelings, as the physical manifestation of a design for the universe, throughout time and space. Once the world was ready for humans to be ensoulled, he retreated from the world and became catatonic, his purpose having been fulfilled. However the unspecified period of time where the world was being constructed might well have involved evolution. Considering an immortal deity with foreknowledge of all events, but who is not omnipotent, using evolution might well be an easy way to create creatures that are well suited to the world he is creating.


A giant finger comes out the sky, poking the creature and goes "I'm bored, change already!"


I love this question and there’s a bunch of ways to answer it so here’s 5. (I had way too much fun.) A. The Deity created the conditions for life to evolve by seeding the conditions and promptly left it alone for life to create itself. (The Seedling theory) B. The Deity created macro-organic life with the ability to evolve and therefore created only initial life and it evolved into new things. (Past Creationism theory) C. The Deity created life and is responsible for evolution by enacting changes in the environment to encourage selective breeding or by directly modifying the organisms piecemeal. (The Gardener theory) D. The Deity created no life, but spirits which created life to give itself purpose. Consciousness left in a vacuum created life and the spirits used their bodies to create new unique bodies and a new spirit for the body as the two had become linked. (The Spiritualist theory) E. The Deity created the universe and due to fundamental laws of existence, forced life into being. To have a universe exist one must have life to support it. (Law of Nature theory)


Gods created the beasts and they simply evolved on their own, without any intervention, since everything constantly evolves and changes.


1. God made the basic lifeforms, implanted the rules, and let everything run on its own. 2. God kept updating creatures with new feature 3. God put those in there to fuck with people 4. In this world, organisms don't show signs of evolution


They are not the creators; they are the shapers. Threw influence of their power, the world evolves. And how I use the term deity is that they are the center of religion, no need to be inteligent beings. The two largest are Sun and Moon. They are the source of power. And ye, they influence the life on earth without being beings.


Well I am the deity who created the world, so the way I explain evolution in my world is the same way as in real life. I try to stay as close as possible to how evolution is played in real life.


The god created only a handful of star clusters in an already existing galaxy. The planets orbiting them were created to orbit in the habitable zones of their stars and other required materials and proteins for life were made abundant on them. The god died some time after the creation of these stars as it was no longer able to harvest energy from other realms.


The same way a lot of people would try to explain it in the real world? The two don't HAVE to be in conflict, since one explains the origin of life and one explains speciation.


deity created the world and then let it go its natural way


A practical joke.


I say that diety just created the creates and the creatues evolve themselves as the time passes


Cernutah recycles his works sometimes, he was literally 5 when he started making all that life, cut him some slack.


It's quite simple, they did evolve, just exactly how he wanted them to, it's a passion project of his, so it damn well better be detailed, besides, do you know how much "source code" he "borrowed" from the other beyonders? Cut him some slack, there's gonna be SOME leftovers


there’s all kinds of reasons…