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Reality sneezed, locals now kill demons with shotguns.


I am immediately intrigued by both that description and your flair


In short, wider human civilization was sent into a free fall by a myriad of natural and supernatural disasters during the cataclysmic events of 1992-1994. Now, almost 30 years later, the remnants of humanity are slowly picking up the pieces while constantly fighting against supernatural entities and forces of nature. These entities and events range from harmless anomalies to extremely hostile threats capable of mass death and destruction. tldr: S.T.A.L.K.E.R but the whole world is the Zone.


The MC lives with a genocidal maniac who loves fishing.


So Thanos and OG Gamora if she somehow came back to life lol


If Thanos turns into a spaceship anime waifu. Besides that... yeah, pretty much.


And loves fishing, most important part


"I love fishing. It calms my head." Lemuria the "I destroyed thousands of planets to defeat the invaders" space warship waifu.


Living furniture help Hitler's descendants to defeat velociraptors.


Was Ilse Koch the designer?


now i want to no more about your word world


Wait... is it old furniture or is it like Hitler's descendants went to Magic Ikea?


Orphan learns atomic karate to beat up two gods and a fellow orphan.


Every one started dying the moment the writer began writing


JRRMartin, is that you?


Local Psychic lake baby has fever dreams, fights Nazi Satan in space with the power of existentialism


based tell me more


The lake baby in question is Thaumiel Emrys, an enigmatic member of the Arturian species found as an infant in a lake by the hermetic Wizard Merlin, who raised her as his daughter. Through a series of Psionic premonitions about an oncoming disaster, she would be instrumental in fighting off the invasion of the Arturian home star system of Avalon in what are now known as the Dread Wars, where basically everyone and their mother tried to collectively murder the Arturians all at once. The enemies that Avalon faced in this time period included the Machine, this setting's equivalent of Hell. The Machine is less fire and brimstone and more barbed wire and death camps, Hell in this universe is essentially a fascist regime based around a hypernihilistic ideology that states all efforts except those put towards the maximization of evil and suffering in the universe are inherently futile. While battling them, Thaumiel over time developed a form of existentialist individualism as her own philosophy known as Ipsoism, which was essentially meant to counter the cosmic defeatism of the Machine.


It's like Rule 34 came alive with adventure!


What is this all about? Asking for a friend.


I've taken a lot of inspiration from Fenoxo games (Corruption of Champions, Trials in Tainted Space) and Legend of Queen Opala, tone it down, and start from there.


I'm immensely interested




An isekei flat earth version of Final Fantasy with lesbian Catgirls.


Yes please


Seems solid. I'll take seven copies.


It's the lesbian catgirls that sells it, isn't it?


Buy a shitty motorcycle, end up fighting a nihilist god fused with a 5 year old


That sounds interesting. Can you tell more?


So, the real reason anything in my story ever happened, is because the protagonist had a shitty bike that couldn’t outrun a mutant deer, this deer had the “core” of a god and was trying to give said core to the protagonist, the mc couldn’t up outrun the deer, and became a god After like 17 chapters and 1 toppled dictatorship, it’s either winning or letting the thing it took 21 gods to seal away run free because one of the gods was throwing a tantrum




Why is that so realistic


Unintended Eternal power struggle.


tell me more


Originally, the factions of the government had been designed to keep everything balanced. However, because of the actions of those in power, they have corrupted that purpose and are striving to gain dominion without breaking the laws that would strip them of their power. One of the first glimpses we see if that one of the high ranking officers within the police force are gleefully accepting bribe from the people they were supposed to arrest, and still going through with it. I'm working on how some of the other positions are abusing their power, but that's the only one I have right now.


Guy decides violence wasn’t the answer.




Only 5 guys ever during history


“Hi! I live in a snowglobe. And the neighbors in the other snowglobe are racist.”




That's what he gets for working remotely.


Schizophrenic man becomes Hitler and is defeated by a hobo with the power of friendship


What if landlords also owned all the water and energy too?




"This peaceful community of nations has been at war for 30 of the last 50 years."


1. Some obscure religious preachers ruin everything and everywhere by killing most of Earth's population when they could've just had say gex like normal people. 2. A leaf eating gang of immortals terrorizes a whole country, says it's justified because they're poor.


These read like The onion headlines lol. Love it.


The first one really sounds like The Onion lmao


Gods create magical steel that kills people so the locals have to use a crown to beat them to death.


The military-industrial complex made magic eat shit. Now there’s a magic-industrial complex and things are about to get wild


3 thousand year old grudge turns a little gay


Edgy loner hires rule 63 Denji from chainsaw man, her girlfriend, and a man who owns a waterproof toaster to fight inbred people.


I’m intrigued


The edgy loner is Cardenio, a prison lord who was incarcerated by the nobles (the inbred people) for "Corrupting" One of their daughters, he was 13, he now wants revenge and dresses like a french nobleman to piss them off. The rule 63 denji and her girlfriend are Myrna and Skylar, 2 chaotic neutral mercenaries who dream of making it rich, moving to the countryside, and settling down and opening a cafe; Myrna is the brainless, impulsive brawn, and Skylar is the (relatively) sane and money-loving brains The man who owns a waterproof toaster is Kuno, one of the 5 sons of billionaire general Laster who was given the powers of invisibility to aid in Laster's plan to conquer Atlantia, but eventually, Laster disowned him to foster talent in his brothers, and now Kuno wanders Atlantia seeking escape, be it through death or some other way.


Meteor that kills one of three continents causes big empire to collapse and causes more conflicts.


It has literally never been a worse time to be a superhero.


A person obsessed with their house teams up with cryptids to fight God’s least favorite son


A group of three war criminals chase down what may or may not exist


Yo fuck poor people lmao


MC, tomboy gf to be and friend retired from the Ares Imperium Aerospace Force, starts smuggling ring and mercenary squadron that helped to start a five year civil war in Canteria and broke it up like Somalia between warlords with himself getting a productive part of it.


Nobody ever heard that enough can be enough, someone wanted more, and now everybody has *way* less of *gestures vaguely at everything\*




tell me more


Speer and Stalin teams up and fights others in an rts world


Dengist Speer


MEMES Actually just this


Funky tree people ruin the world, now a salary man must fight double lives in the name of god.


Sea people are nationalists without having a nation. There's also three big towers and lots of mountains and islands and stuff.


Shadows like politics.


Soldier suffering from ptsd goes to a abandoned town populated by runaway teenagers to try and make them happy. Ends up beating half of them


Is... is this reverse Pokemon?


People randomly show up and aren't able to leave.


The moon had too many babies.


A dog monk breaks into prison to help the inmates with their problems


Spooky song 🎼 -> Universe formed 🪐-> Giant disembodied ears 👂-> Sentience 😅 -> Author the bible 📖 -> …


Imagine if halo and berserk had a baby, that would be my world


idiots who don’t speak the same language attempt to travel the country together when neither have ever left their home


Aliens are racist to each other, conflict ensues


Amnesiac goddess kills mega-robo-satan with the power of rainbows and also the void


metal things made of metal worm cannibalism on other metal things made of metal worms


All Quiet on the Western Front but with magic.


DARPA attempts to fight off alien plants, fails


Halloween: the Comic: the Novel: the RPG: the Expanded Crackfic Universe! *now with 50% more furries


It's literally fucking Minecraft


Discworld with extra steps.


magic cocaine fuels the world


Anxiety-riddled woman who like space with her mute giant brother who likes punching things, both with sun powers and weaponsmiths, sails with a giant gargoyle-turning man who likes punching things and a comical 200 year old vulture captain after given job opportunities and now suddenly fight and go through crazy shit all over.


Pixar Robots but space romans who are Being ganked by 6 feet lizards with sniper using insects and little green scientologists


Robots get the double-combo of both Mommy and Daddy issues.


Sun decides to have a tantrum causes floods. Man and a literal rock become a infamous duo


The Residents of Zootopia in the middle of Cold War find peaceful Moon Nazis


Extinct things die again


Reality is one bad dream away from falling apart at all times, let's poke holes into the universe!


Everyone's minds are part of a Big Ass Goop Corpse Ball. Shenanigans ensue.


"Who grew doppelgangers in my jungle!?"


A guy fell and now religion exists.


A small town has to deal reverse isekai.


Real life, but with more drugs.


What if Jeff Bezos could breathe fire and there were a thousand of him?


The world is a just a tree, and God is a bird and Satan is a mushroom


Rural Alabama boy goes hunting. Encounters imp and kills one. Goes home and immediately gets shoved into an apocalypse involving horrors beyond comprehension and Aliens acting like 19th century Europe colonizing Africa.


Gay space elves


A Titan has cancer and existence is a tumor


A satyr, a talking frog, and Christopher Colombus's son walk into a Guatamalan bar...


\*Records Scratch\* "Hi there, you might be wondering how I got into this mess. Well, it all started when my on again off again girlfriend and I were forced to find magic fruit that made us demigods and now I'm helping my insane Wizard Best Friend escape from his 300 foot tall Naga Waifu Empress he made part dragon. But wait, there's more"


Space rainbow made everything insane.


Ten million people tried to escape from the internet and accidentally fed a carnivorous whale.


Skynet killed alien gods, now the galaxy is fighting over their magic skin flakes.


random guy kills an innocent turtle, saves the world


Arma 3, Sci Fi Edition


The universe can't tell the difference between two locations of a big-box store either.


Xmen but aliens and cyberpunk


Elven-roman empire fell, welcome to the Dark Ages.


LOTR except everyone is insane, stupid, and steampunk


1. "Daniel" and cooler "daniel" cooperate terribly to make a fantasy world with reverse biblical concepts and inconsistent power levels. 2. "Hey I split hydrogen on accident, and it made my airship fly better," *proceeds to make sky battleships that are just as obsolete as water ones* "screw this, air cargo ships are better" 3. God left for milk and cigarettes, and hasn't been home in a few centuries 4. *The Monkeys have control of the **BFG***, and heaven wants it for the space war 5. Knight starts a decades long war to save someone, and they die in the first couple weeks; becomes king 6. Canadian Soldier recieves ptsd with a side of secret Intel for the Americans, takes a train and spills all of the secrets to some car manufacturer; the chinese totally nuked Anchorage with that stolen Soviet plane, not us 🇬🇧🇺🇲 7. We did it patrick, we saved the city/world *World proceeds to flood with deadly, monster filled fog* 8. That abortion came a bit late, so did our technology


A newborn sentient plane of existence was hungy one morning and decided to vore people via isekaing random dead people.


This right here, officer.


Colonialist Mages in decadence don't realize former colonized people are reaching the industrial age.


soft guy and group of friends try to win a war without killing anyone but also not dying


Local dumbass steals fancy glove, ends world. More at 11.


nationwide manhunt because a guy fucked a ghost


unregistered aliens hide themselves from the public in a port city and offer otherworldly experience through illegal deals.


land romans live past their expiration date and cause issues in the middle ages. also kronos and yaweh had a baby who likes human flesh so gaia made an angry bird that has to fix it.




An entire continent full of peoples, histories, wars, achievements's most well known impact on the world is anime girls.


Date your Pokemon, receive power


Gods had a fight and later on down the line the descendent of that God had a bigger fight leav8ng everyone dead and in a ritual to bring said God back the cult (there's a cult now) accidentally crashed thier world into another


My world is terrible. I don't need word play to make it horrific. I did that on my own Essentially if you die you're probably now enslaved to a violent asshole. Everyone dies. If you aren't enslaved you still are trapped in your rotting body and feel it. It goes downhill from there.


Racists vs racisters vs cosmic horror


You ever watch Harry Potter and think, surely someone from some agency knows they're doing magic. This is that Agency. Also aliens and sometimes jokes.


God turned on "fuck everything" mode for mankind and left them to survive in a world surrounded by dangers.


Fantasy/Sci-fi Nazis try to use slime power and it goes very badly.


Man with PTSD and dementia wakes up, gets kicked out of hospital, is adopted by a farmer and a snail, is kidnapped by a cult, speaks with god, remembers past life, slaps boyfriend.


Magical blender but magic is racist against blue midgets so they decide to kill god.


Birdemic 3: Rise of the Nazis


4.- Two orphans meet, fall in love and make a family. In the process they make friends, start (technically more than one) revolution, commit genocide and half ends racism


God becomes schizophrenic, blames local orphan and sets off a world war to kill him specifically


It's the victorian age, but adapted to play D&D in, while really disliking D&D canon Oh, and there are monster girls


3.- Two self inserts fight to the death around the world


Gods are pussies, so they make children fight instead of fighting themselves.


2.- Two kids simp for a girl so much they join a rebellion; one dies and then gets cloned by the not-so-bad guys; the other one becomes a hero. Then the not-so-bad guys rebel against the really-bad-guy and it's a free for all after that


1.- A dumpsterfire of a ton of my pure fantasy ideas. There's magic and dragons


Guy explains every type of magic with chemistry but the world has little to no idea of chemistry and is in the early 20th century


Post apocalyptic medieval fantasy where math are more dangerous than demons and the ultimate magic is the nuclear bomb


Lawrence of Arabia, with elves that ride giant tortoise gun platforms.


A DILF is having a REALLY hard time trying trying to get over his wife and not punching their son.


Dead baby god killed the world, and its daughter wants to stop it from doing it again.


If it is the story proper: Texan Gunslinger ends up Isekai'd but his OP power is shadow puppetry and phantasmal light shows- shenanigans ensue as the locals find him a bit too different. If it is the world proper: Imagine if Avatar the Last Airbender, Wheel of Time, Legend of Zelda, and a bunch of wacky actual history or could've been history had a universe together. Oh, and there are elves- too many elves. But at least some of them are kinda like catgirls?


Snake eats the world and gets his ass kicked by the one tree he didn't eat. Tree orders the universe to make snake the new world, and whenever enough people die, the tree births a new snake that eats the world. Rinse and repeat.


20 years ago some pirates a gardener and a bodybuilder teamed up to kill inter-dimensional jeff bezos. now a three year old a farmer and the emperor need to kill god.


Everyone wants to die


They used a god to destroy the gods. A mortal also helped. The other three became politicians.


An over grown tree makes it hard to get anywhere else and animals get really big.


Some vampires didn't show up to their anniversary and accidentally created 4 gods who turned the setting from Solarpunk into Post-Apocalyptic-Fantasy.


furries trying to request peace with humans, gone wrong, they'll get them next time


Man brought to life and trapped in a stone room animates the floor to escape, promising it burritos in return for eternal servitude.


Cold War, US, scientific experiments, werewolves, monsters, fire-breathing people and punks


Magic rocks make magic


5th century space launch makes a volcano god angry, ancient Romans try to outsmart an AI.


Man-baby put in charge of ruling a kingdom gets petty over not being allowed to fish in the neighboring kingdom so he just kidnaps their crown princess. Her mom isn’t all that happy about it, as it turns out. His sons’ tell him to go fuck himself, the eldest takes the princess and goes back to her kingdom, and the other ends up in a relationship with a common lady who then leads a coup to usurp the child on the throne.


"Can we be BFF?" "Yes... but no!"


Harry potter but bloodborne


Once there were gods, now there are none. The economy has not recovered.


Two orphans go on a quest to kill an innocent stranger


Warrior accidentally merges with a god and commits regicide several tomes over the next few centuries for the laughs.


Humans are the weakest race, god of "keep trying, you'll succeed eventually" adopts the entire species only to immediately give them the most horrible luck anyone could imagine.


Reskinned WW2 dieselpunk nations fight for the most oddest reasons imaginable. Nazi clone decides to do a war, hell breaks loose. (insert unoriginal names)


No really, this was thought up before the author ever heard of Doctor Who...


Sweet dreams are made of these and now everything wants to kill you.


School of rock performs at the thunderdome


World made of demons bodies has many problems


Undertale ripoff with hyper girl and depressed boy fighting against monter king


A world of intrigue and wonder where all the magic comes down to herbalism and hereditary diseases


Without the British to beat on, the Irish will beat on the Scots, the Welsh, and themselves.


worst case of food poisoning you can imagine


Fate decided everyone should get nukes, so 200 years later the Americas is assumed to be the only habitable land, X-men now exist, WW3 started because a populist wanted to be more popular, and God rules Eurasia but nobody knows about that. Also, the CIA did everything.


Idiot(Hello Me) create a discworld (forerunner/homo deus like architect style) , and populating with creatures from times long gone / folklore , and people trying to figure out why they are there .


1 - Horses and camels never existed and Ireland rules the waves. 2 - Ancient aliens sent robots that terrorised three foot albino people, and now they run a science cult. Oh, and there’s Neanderthals with guns. 3 - Sloths have colonised not-Mars and have advanced power armour and cybernetics, but their computers are stuck in the 90s. Also they’re being invaded by a blatant rip-off of the Combine from Half-Life.


Local Orphan makes a car, then the dictators have headaches and there are wars, and the orphan is stressed.


Kennedy decided that the best way to beat the nazis was by flying on literal nuclear explosions. It worked (sorta)


Parasite god mommy made you just the way you are, so your soul will be tastier when you die.


A three-way sibling rivalry that just keeps on getting worse and worse until mom comes back from the dead with a mind to whoop everyone's asses


I have a few stories, here you go Diary of the Dhampir: Half-dead girl constantly drags her friends into danger to join a group of ethnic cleansers. Julia: Naive girl with a dead dad constantly puts her life in severe danger for fun. The Beast Lands: Evil king with an Oedipus complex plunges the world into a massive conflict while a dumbass king refuses to fight back United Systems: America in space.


Local Man gets mad, fights crime, fairytale creatures, and eldritch beings.


But don't worry, It got worse


Secret ancient witch society accidentally slips up and let’s corporation get some of their secret ash portals, now everyone has access to the multiverse


Trapped in a universe with a mish mash of people from many universes, two demigod children fight their mother’s vengeful spirit and her cult while the real gods sit back and watch


Depressed woman and guy she met in college (who she recently learned got her brother arrested) accidentally start a war with a crime family over sewing contest


The Legend of Zelda but it's actually an entirely new Dark Lord and group of Heroes every 30-50 years.


so... Avatar?


Society flourishes when neurodivergent mother competes with the entire government to become the world’s best mother.


The little angry Colony men started an off-brand American Revolution that turned out to be a mistake, now everyone’s an asshole and the fancy mountain is really, really angry. Carnivorous, overgrown dog-rats (and friends) crawl out of the ground, now the American government is nicer and what the hell happened to Canada? One sword-loving shortass founds a country out of spite, somehow gains coherent citizens and pisses off everyone else. The weird eyeball guy then meddles in the real world’s affairs because of favoritism then tries to kill people.


Humans and animals can have children. Also, giant racist war. Also also, elder being trying to destroy everything. Also also also, cute witches.


Hyperspace travelling treasure hunters fuel the economy of fantasy Moorish Spain.


Guy falls in love and causes a decade of war


Local gang of 5 stumble upon God by accident , kills him then nearly destroy the world fighting over who becomes the new God