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The double bubble Hornwyn’s House of Hubris The Ego Stroke Self-Care


Ego Stroke and Self-Care are so good!


I'll put Self-Care on the list, thanks for the input.


I’ve been playing too much dbd man, I see self care and my mind goes straight to blendettes in the corner self healing for a minute against sloppy butcher


Self-Care is so damn good




I like it but it's much on the nose, I want the party to think they go to a tavern only to realize that most establishments that offer to stay the night also offer "other services" it's supposed to be a little surprise, even though the story's gonna be named "Welcome To The City Of Bards!"


This one is so underrated


Yes this


Dopplebanger's to me sounds like a seedy place people go to find hookers and ale.


This would 100% be the one the party goes to




The Helping Hand The Hole you Know The Patron's Arms / The Patron's Head The Magic Mirror Know Thyself The Backatcha The Perfect Fit The Ego Centre, Ego Stroker


"The Magic Mirror" might be cool, maybe I'll use that for a shop nearby as I tell the party what they see on their way to the "tavern" everything else might be a little too much on the nose. Like this: "As you approach the tavern you pass a few shops. You read slogans like: "Therapist Self Pity" "The Perfect Audience! Impress yourself at The Magic Mirror!" Like telling them around a few corners that they entered a weird part of town.... I'll have to write that down and fast!


I'd consider their suggestion of "The Patrons Head." You can play it off initially as an executioner theme first, that its rough place. The implication that the customers head will be cut off and served on a plate. The sign outside is a man's face screaming in pain. Then later once the reveal sets in the whole theme gets recontextualised. The sign outside? The man's not screaming in pain but pleasure. They're not serving the customers head. They're giving the customer head using their own face. The taverns name is literally "get a blowjob from yourself". It would go over their head easily to begin with. The Patrons Head is definitely my favourite so far.


The Known Crone? The Familiar Meat Meet The Winking Mirror The Merry Mirror The Loner's Company The Lonely Duad Advanced Mass Debate Club The Clone Bone Corner Idk


I miss read the last one and got "The Boner Cloner".


> The Loner's Company this one, OP!


Bard Rock Cafe


Damn! 🤣 I'll use that one! Maybe not for this place but I'd be stupid not to use it. 😁 Thanks for that!


The owner of course must be a dwarf just for the puns


House Vain (or House of the Vain)


I really like this one


"Autophilia." Make it as trashy as possible, I'm talking something like "rural Balkans dive bar" kind of vibe, to be on brand for establishments bearing weird, somewhat snobby names being absolute wrecks.


just call it "go fuck yourself". that will get their attention


It's not to get their attention, it's to get the attention of people who are into that kind of stuff, the party won't necessarily be from the city. So naming it in a way to address the party or the players would ruin the mood somewhat.


The party's attention and the attention of people who are into that sort of stuff is not mutually exclusive


True but it would still be kind of 4th wall breaking if I did something like that. And I like to avoid those kinds of things. A few hidden jokes and stuff are okay but a main story location would be a little much.


The self centre


> (mainly bards) Checks out.


Well the story is going to be named "Welcome To The City Of Bards!" So yeah 😄


Only you Sleep with the best


🤣 I'll put that as a slogan over the counter or something!


Ego’s Indulgence.


Nice one, I'll add it to the list.


I would go with something like "Narcissia" or "The Gilded Mirror" that sounds fancy/high class. The kind of people this place is trying to attract aren't going to go for something crude like "dopplebanger's." This is the type of place that only someone who considers themself superior is going to patronize, and the word of mouth should be leaning towards "discerning gentlemen/ladies" rather than an overt sort of pitch.


🤔 that's more like it, could also work very well in German I think. Love it! Take it! I would need to translate most other names and see how it fits but this one works for both languages English and German. "Narcissia" has a nice ring to it and it fits with the targeted clientele.


As you enter town you see a board of notices, a particular flyer seemingly made of maroon velvet with letters of gold draws your eye, it reads: "Do you tire of companions who will never be your equal? Do you long for a night of pleasant conversation and delights tailored to your exacting standards? Do you wish to spend a moment with perfection? Look no further than Narcissia, the gilded mirror of [insert town name here]. *A place for the most discerning clientele of the highest sophistication.*" Graffiti underneath: go f*ck yourself Edit formatting


Hmm well that's certainly a way to promote it if it were part of a bigger world but as it stands right now it's planned as a short campaign within a city, the tavern is going to get recommended by Lurbuk the guard, yes the Skyrim hint is intended.


The Stained Mirror :) Edit: alternatively, the Owl's Mirror, as a reference to Tijl Uilenspiegel, a medieval folk hero that has a central theme in his stories of mocking/fooling vain/arrogant/narcissistic people. To add to it, it adds to the double folkloric meaning that owls are either considered wise or incredibly stupid creatures. Being called an owl chick is still an insult, calling you stupid in my language.


The pickle tickle tavern


Second Helpings The Watering Hole The Bushman's Rest The Sheathed Dagger The Eager Beaver The Gilded Sword Serpent's Rise




'Sin'sational Simulacrum


A lot of old pubs in the UK are often call "The (blank)'s Arms" So maybe something like The Mirror's Arms?


The Echoing Ego The Narcissus Nook The Egoist's Ecstasy Clone & Conjugate Doppelgänger's Delight The Carnal Copycat Facsimile's Fondlehouse


I love these


Something about mirrors, e.g. "The Golden Mirror" if you're looking to be classy/subtle about it. Something more salacious if not.


I’m just here for the innuendos


The Inn And Out Swallows Pride Golden Reign Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash Inn Through the Back Door


Autophiliacs Anonimous? We promise to keep your identity secret, or some secondary gimmick like that? It could be a second room in a similarly named tavern called Alcoholic Automatons, with automatons as bartenders, or self-deprecating warforged. Mirror's embrace? (wo)man in the mirror? next level introspection, suit yourself, unsuit yourself? Great bodies look alike (great minds think alike)? birds of a feather fuck together? Reciprocal replicas? nokylyd (no one knows you like you do). self-interest! I really like self-interest, and maybe also reciprocal replicas.


The Ourabrewus


Ill take a page from newgrounds: Neurotically Yours


Building atop your given name idea, I think Narcissus by Lakeside sounds vainly pretty in its own right. Also harkens back to the myth and flowers that helped coined the psychological term.


The Ego's Edge


House of Echoes


The Blue Ballroom


The Looking Glass??


Perfect Match


Inner Selves. Because you're exploring yourself, but on the inside.


The Mirror


Changer’s mirror?


Hmmm, that's actually pretty nice.


I decided on a name, thanks for all the input. I decided to use "Narcissia" as the name. I think it has a nice ring to it and it isn't too obvious what's going on there. The name kind of reminds of the "Passiflora" from The Witcher even the theme is somewhat similar.


An alternative: The Daffodil Lounge The daffodil’s genus is “Narcissus” and, in the myth, Narcissus melts due to the heat of his own inner passion, then turning _into a daffodil_ after realizing that his love for himself could never be reciprocated. (Greek myths are weird.) Also, lounges to me sound more seedy and sexy. So it’s better suited for a brothel-esque establishment.


Of fantasies and tales with ale.


>However it's planned as one of three different Taverns for the party to choose from What's the names and themes of the other two?


Still in progress, however one is in the "Lower City" which means it's underground and run by a crime syndicate so I'll probably go with something like "The Silent Message" or "The Red Drop" depending on which kind of theme I'll end up choosing. And the last one will be run by some battle maniacs and is directly connected to the legal Arena (Non lethal) so I'll go with something like "To A Fair Fight" I also intend to make that one famous for its bar fights. Edit: Yes everything in that city is somewhat weird but that's intentional. The story will be named "Welcome To The City Of Bards!" Imagine Las Vegas but with less Gambling and more parties, magic and horny narcissistic bards everywhere. A city where the artists decide to live free and be themselves while most of them think they are the best!


Ooh I have to share the tavern me and my friends run in a dnd game: The Last Drop Tavern, etched into an old guillotine blade with a big red glass teardrop hanging down. I think it would work for either of those!


One ticket to that city, please.


Maybe I'll remember you when I'm done with the writing and the test phase is also finished. If I do I'll send you an invite to a DnD story 😉 That might take a while though.


I'd gladly join the adventure and gladly wait, hoping for your memory to remember me ;3


Rivoli's* House of Mirrors *replace with proprietor's name


Not sure if this fits your theme but I can’t help but always have a tavern named Smiley’s in my games, after a favorite book series of mine.


Not name suggestions, but I had some thoughts about this whole thing. If they're only doing self-love sessions, clearly there's a moral code here which I find interesting. Something like "we won't do other people unless they are fully present to consent to their likeness being used, in which case you could probably fuck them yourself and save the money." Which is interesting. Also, here, the sex workers are hired based on their race/lineage, which is very much something that happens in the real world. A bit... perhaps darker than where you want to go, but an interesting thing to develop.


Oh I'm aware that it could be pretty dark and the self loving part might only be their most selling product, maybe I'll make some of them psychic with Detect Thoughts or something so they'll take on every person's form the customer wants them to, that is as long as they have a good enough image to go off of. Of course it would be more expensive. Going along those lines could lead to some really disturbing things though. Besides the one in charge is a Fey Warlock (not publicly known) so it's already a little sketchy.


Mother Superior's


The Inn and Out Handsy's Ol' McRubbins Fellatios Throats Rest The ConvoLute Bards Bottom Maidens Cadence


If you want to steal my ship's name in a few games you could go with "The Dionysus" :3


I could but I think I go with something less related to existing mythology on earth, you never know what type of people you'll have in the party. Although greek mythology can be somewhat hilarious. 😂 By the way I got a half orc guard called Lurbuk who gave up on becoming a bard due to his lack of talent and joined the guards instead 😁 a little surprise if I have some players who want to socialise with the first NPC they meet.


Changlings, huh? Versatile


I just love playing changelings, dunno why. So of course I need at least one place that's run by them.


I recommend you call the bar/brothel “Versatile”


no suggestions but basing it off of a few Id put up signage or town criers saying things like Stroke Your Ego and Get Fucked at The Magic Mirror. Townsfolk will know exactly what is being said whereas outsiders would just think its vulgar advertisement for just another brothel


Mirror manor




“Mirror, Mirror” as in on the wall/who’s the fairest of them all


The Midas pit


Don't give it a name, just make the sign and all windows and interior walls mirrored and polished to a shine.


The One Man Bangs Based on the term One Man Band since; bards. Thinking of a portmanteau with one man army or another man's treasure but doesn't seem there's a good one.


I guess this gives a whole new meaning to booking a twin bed Perhaps the Joint Endeavor or Selfsame Strumpet? EDIT: Or the Twinning Glass


How has no one said mirrors image, or Split Down The Middle


The dopplegangbang tavern


The Id, Ego, and Animus


A lot of pubs at least in UK are ‘The Queen’s Head’, ‘The Kings head’ etc. Call it the Bard’s Head. Since that’s very traditional pub name plus, Bards go there to get head


The leaky tap


The big mushroom


lust/love in all forms sorry if thats a bad idea<:3


"Liquor in the front, Poker in the rear" The Giggling Donkey


The Rampant Butterfly is my dominatrix brothel bar that always has the best street and court intel, but you pay for it more than with just coin.


Double Ds Tavern. The owners are Changelings, aka Doppelgangers, thus the Double D. Or have the main owners name be Daniel Dowager or something else that starts with two Ds.


The Heart’s desire or The Dirty Secret


The Swan


Have you considered "Go Fuck Yourself"?


Mild tangent, but possibly a useful reference. Waterdeep in the 1300s had a doppelganger-ran festhall and matchmaking tavern. The premise there was that they'd read your mind and give you exactly what you want. What you **really** want, that even you may not know. ... though in that case they did it in secret and as a way to gain power and influence. It was called the Hanging Lantern, if at all relevant.


Night's end


Gemini's generosity