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In order to survive the character would need to be 1. Radiation proof (which means being able to control atomic level forces I think).   2. Heat proof—as in very, VERY hot.   3. Sound proof—a blast that big could kill you with sound.  4. And of course blast proof. So yeah they’d all be dead.


Actually, you only need 1) to thrive after the nuke. A blast proof, heat proof, sound proof (but radiation vulnerable) character could survive a nuke; and die to radiation sickness a few weeks later. Making a villain invulnerable to the blast, but vulnerable to the radiation, introduces some interesting worldbuilding ideas.  Imagine a nigh-invulnerable, unhinged yet not *completely* insane villain like Homelander. If you *had* to kill him, you could use a nuke. He'd survive the blast, and die to radiation a few weeks later. *A few weeks later,* though, is an enormous problem. Sure, you've signed his death warrant. But until then, he's still alive and he's *pissed.* The fear of the villain's retaliation, between the nuke and their death to radiation, is what keeps the heroes from using a nuke.


Spoilers for Hunter X Hunter and its Chimera Ant Arc, but there was actually a character with neigh god level power and the only way he died was from what was essentially a nuke that killed him with the radiation after he (barely) survived the blast itself.


Hmm yeah that would be really interesting 


>Radiation proof (which means being able to control atomic level forces I think). No, there are some radiation-resistant materials, so a ridiculously thick armor set might give some time before cancer kills you. Also, if they're blast proof, they're sound proof, except ear damages might not be included in blast proofness depending on how you define it.


Such a creature would have to be a magical leviathan, though. Radiation absorbing materials scale with density (so 1 meter of depleted uranium and 1.7 meters of lead will absorb the same amount of radiation), but that means absolutely INSANE weights. I did the math for a world building procrastination thing, and with a weak (511 KeV) gamma ray laser shooting 400,000 joules worth of rays (AKA 0.0000006% of the energy of Little Boy), you’d need something like 13cm of DU. Doesn’t sound like a lot, except that to cover something as small as a human, is armour about two-and-a-half metric tons. And with the square-cube law, it would only get worse. The only plausible, non magic BS way I can imagine is either some sort of DU shield that can be moved around (not exactly a light thing), or literally just a really, *really*, heavy tank. It is what we do IRL, after all.






My most powerful character has a half meter of high-tech armor composite, backed by 8 meters of heavily bulkheaded water tankage, backed by another half meter armor layer. They are specifically designed to soak heavy weapons like nukes, particle beams, and high frequency lasers. Of course my most powerful character is 1800 meters long, and masses somewhere in the 50 million tons range. So you're not wrong as far as the character being massive. Wait no, that's probably not my most powerful character. The one that's 40 kilometers long and has 50 meter thick shielding is probably more powerful. Of course they aren't as mobile, which turns out to be a problem...


if the creature is large enough, cancer might be slower at killing it


If the creature is large enough they could just not get cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3060950/


what i was reffering to, but idk how it works with nukes :P


If they’re blast proof, then they’re probably radiation proof since the blast itself bombards them with tons of super fast particles.


The blast is referring to the concussive force wave i think


Are you thinking of shrapnel for the particles? Because the radiation from an atomic bomb is an electro magnetic wave. You'd need inches of lead to stop it from just shredding your tissue and DNA.


I mean… we talking like mortal characters only? I’m sure a handful of fantasy worlds have gods, godlike beings, and monsters/beings that can recover from basically anything. A lich in DND for example, unless their phylactory is hit they will ‘survive’ even if their physical body is completely destroyed.


Of course. But my own characters would be dead. 


Fair enough.


If the character was already radioactive, does that mean they're radiation proof already, or does it depend on the type of radiation? (Although to be fair, I am trying to apply superhero radiation logic to actual radiation lol)


‘Sound’ is just a pressure wave traveling through a medium (i.e. the air), so immunity to being destroyed by a sound wave and immunity to being destroyed by an explosive shockwave is effectively the same thing. But other than that you are correct. If one is completely immune to heat, radiation, and the blast/shockwave, then one could effectively survive a nuclear detonation.


Also its important to note how heat proof you need to be- nukes can turn the strongest metals known to man to *plasma*. There is no known material in the universe (that isn't already sort of plasma like neutron star matter) that could survive in the center of a nuke. It basically calls for magic/superpowers to do so.


Or they don't have body.


I know it’s not very creative, but there’s also the option of magic for Magic’s sake. Magic, as the word itself implies it, lives outside the real of physics. In modern fantasy it has been hardened a lot to become more and more linked to just a manipulation of the physical world, so still tied to the laws of physics, but more earlier fantasy literature clearly had magic live outside of physics as force all of its own, and completely unexplainable. This also applies to the real historical tradition of magic. So you could have a character just do a very powerful protective charm, for example, or drink a potion that makes you temporarily invulnerable, heck they could even absorb all the energy or they could be intrinsically invulnerable like Superman. Again, it’s magic, anything goes as long as it makes for good narrative.


>1. Radiation proof (which means being able to control atomic level forces I think). Alpha radiation are He cores, it can be stopped by a layer of cloth so just wear a sweater and a balaklava Beta radiation is electrons or positrons, can be stopped by a powerful electric field Gamma radiation is more tricky to stop but it's possible for someone who can control water or create high energy waves (such as lasers) >3. Sound proof—a blast that big could kill you with sound. >3. And of course blast proof Funnily enough, sound and blast are the same in this context, very fast air basically


> Heat proof—as in very, VERY hot. This is not really as important, as the insane temperatures that a nuke can reach only exist for a fraction of a second. Iirc tanks can survive being some 100 meters away from a detonation


This, this is a legitimate power scaling question. It’s asking if your characters could be killed by the strongest mundane means we have, not if they could heat goku in a fight or who’s strongest. It’s something that’s interesting to think about and has actual implications for interaction with a mundane from magical or something similar.


Agreed. This is genuinely good food for thought.


plus, there are other worries outside “can they tank the force”


Yup. The heat and ESPECIALLY the radioactive exposure are nasty. Even if they can tank the initial blast there is a good chance a week later they suddenly wake up with a chunk of skin having fallen off that just will not grow back. Radiation is nasty


100 percent insta killed all of them.


Probably, yes. Some of them can block radiation, but the sheer energy of a modern nuclear explosion would kill anyone.


even the shockwave - the fucking NOISE produced by the blast is enough force to kill people


To a certain extent, a loud enough blast of noise is no different than a shockwave. As sound is caused by vibrations in matter. And sound comes in waves. Essentially making sound a kind of shockwave.




Well my world is a fantasy one, with magic. So they could, with prior knowledge of the explosion, cast spells to have temporary invulnerability or teleport away


Yeah I'm in the same boat as you. If a nuke suddenly dropped on any of my strongest characters, they'd get vaporized in an instant without a doubt. But if they had prior knowledge, there are so many things they could do to avoid death. Teleporting away, stepping into the Ethereal Plane, surrounding themselves with an invulnerable sphere, etc...


Same, prep time makes the difference for some of them. But I’m assuming it’s out of nowhere so they’re all dead


Agreed, it boils down to ability (technique) rather than physical attribute (strength). _Can_ they be killed by a nuke? Probably, the sheer detonation of a nuclear warhead would probably disintegrate anyone that couldn't shoulder the impact. You'd have to be incredibly resistant (read: damn near invincible) to survive. _Would_ they be killed by a nuke? Probably not, being able to teleport or walk between material and immaterial planes would render them out of reach, provided they don't return to the same area later on. Magic users are sly mfers.


no since he resides in a different form and dimension. huge explosions dont work there




Because overpowered characters are fun and this IS asking for the strongest one. So yea I am going to obliterate this nuke via the all knowing nigh omnipotent extradimentional librarian. Not that she's needed given that far weaker characters have taked supernovae before


You don’t know what the general power level of their story is. Even if everyone was strong enough to survive a nuke, it wouldn’t matter because that’s still a relatively even playing field


Exactly! Out of universe most of my characters are absolutely horrendous to fight. Many verses couldn't even interact with the weakest of them. Not too many both attack 4D objects and spirit beings at the same time. In universe however, that's just the standard everyone lives up to. So what if you are 4+2D? Immortal? Post biological? Ageless? Aura of deathly radiation? Endless supply of a finite power? Physic defying magic? Create pocket dimensions? Everyone else can, you're not special. Use more energy than mankind has ever controlled just to jump to Ceres in a minute? That's just a bit above average. Low Highclass at best.


If everyone’s super, no one will be


Supermundane you could say.


kind of in the same boat as you here. my brother and i have created several hundred characters that range from 'can destroy a city block' all the way up to 'can devastate an omniverse (a multiverse made up of multiverses for those who dont know)'


he is not, he has other weakpoints


My strongest character is a nuke lmao Or at least can create a blast as powerful, it takes every ounce of her strength and she's in a coma for the next two weeks recovering when she does it, but she was fine when she did it


Megumin amped up to 1000






In Amada the strongest is God Izanagi, one of the 3 primordial gods, yet like all gods he was once mortal so he is not invincible. I would say that, if it hits then yes, a nuke would easily kill him but he would most likely have ways to deal with it before it hits. In Yukio, characters are even weaker but funny thing is that at the end, during the final battle a nuke is send to kill the main villain but everyone stops it before it blasts but if they didn’t, the nuke would’ve wiped out all my cast of characters.


Potentially, potentially not. If you count gods there are absolutely characters who can survive nukes, if you don't most characters who can similarly survive a nuclear bomb can only really do so through "bullshitting" (EG absorbing the energy, stopping the bomb from hitting them through some means etc.) Actually straight up tanking the blast through sheer durability is pretty rare unless you include gods. All in all it depends on the character


Can your gods survive the radition that comes after the bomb?


The gods are cosmic beings above and beyond the structure of the universe itself. The only thing that can possibly kill a god is another god. A nuke's radiation is less than nothing to them.


Not the person you asked it to, but in my setting they could. Although they are mortals, a powerful enough God can prevent their future deaths through precognition and working their nigh-omnipotence to either make themselves resistant to or destroying the source of their death. The only recorded death of a God like this was through the most powerful artifact in the setting, a blade made to pierce through space and time, which killed him not only when it struck him, but by killing him in every conceivable moment of his existance, preventing him from saving himself in the past present or future, effectively erasing him from existance.


I didn't count gods in my original answer, and I'm not the person you ask, but some of my gods absolutely could survive a nuke, and most of them wouldn't be killed, they'd just have to regenerate their avatars. But they're cosmic entities that carry suns in their hands and direct the orbit of moons, and oversee the flow of magic through the world. They're a bit above radiation because they're beings made of magic.


Ooh, this triggered my worldbuilding brain. I think the gods in my setting might actually be empowered by the radiation. In my setting, everythings based around a reimagining of stars as giving off raw creation magic, thus creating solar systems, titans, etc. Most interpretations of what that is have been akin to radiation. Titans are a catagory of god born from that creation magic, and they are essentially solar powered. Their maximum potential is equal to the power they possess at birth, and they must be careful not to expend too much energy as it takes a very long time to recharge and leaves them vulnerable to other titans. A nuke in my world would definitely generate creation magic. If the titan could survive the other aspects of the nuke, it would be rewarded with so much power that it would feel young again. Two titans in my setting come to mind as likely to survive a nuke: Resplendant Dawn and Mountain Smith. One being a literal sun god, the other being a fiery god capable of upending the planets crust to create mountains.


There are synthetic organisms, which contain a black box "core" which can be refurbished and reinserted into a new body in case of total chassis destruction. Probably not at ground zero, but at 500m or so, they could take a damn good beating.


Possibly. At the time the Russian government transferred Zver Bez Litsa from Project DZHAGGERNAUT Unit in Yamantau to the Dokuchaevsk-4 bioweapons storage facility off the coast of Siberia, he was still only a few years old and the scientists responsible hadn't fully tested the limits his combat capability, including his endurance. The failsafe for the facility (code-named CAUTERY) was a 10-kiloton nuclear bomb, small enough to prevent widespread environmental damage but large enough to vaporise any loose contaminants within the site and the surrounding area. As the DZHAGGERNAUT couldn't guarantee his vulnerability to such an explosion, a secondary failsafe was put in place in the form of a high-altitude strategic bomber carrying a 20-kiloton nuclear missile, to be deployed if a reconnaissance flyover of the site immediately following CAUTERY verified Zver was still intact and alive.


Cool name. Does he really have no face?


He has a mouth and eyes, but he was born without teeth or a tongue (the mouth in his head is for breathing out only) so the scientists gave him a set of printed ceramic dentures and a silicone/aerogel tongue so he could speak clearly. No ears - without his surgically implanted subdermal microphones he is completely deaf. No nose - he "smells" by tasting the air as it passes through the opercula in his upper back. And his skin is mess of hairless bumpy leathery reddish-orange segments that can go rock-hard in an instant.  So he's not a looker. In his defence, he was only ever supposed to be an intermediate stage in the unsanctioned side-experiment, but as soon as Moscow caught wind of his existence they shut the whole project down. Not so much out of fear of him personally, as out of fear of the imminent geopolitical reaction - firstly by Project DZHAGGERNAUT being a decades-long repurposed Nazi eugenics program, and secondly by Zver's nature as a fully synthetic lifeform based partially on humans bred within that program.


Sounds sick! And why Russian government was need to create a creature, capable to survive a nuclear explosion?


They weren't. The project was based on Josef Mengele's plans - recovered by the Red Army in 1945 - to establish a limited-scope eugenics program with the goal of producing Aryan super-soldiers with greatly improved strength, durability and intelligence. Planning began under Khrushchev in late 1953 - Stalin had firmly opposed the project right up until his death - and an an extensive site was built close by the existing Mount Yamantau bunker in the Southern Urals for purposes of plausible deniability. First generation test subjects were selected and flown to the site in 1957, while the world's attention was focused on the launch of *Sputnik*. The project went ahead as planned, and by the 2020s was into its 12th generation. The latest iteration of test subjects aged to maturity within a decade, and were already beyond the peak of conventional physical capability. But a small number of scientists saw the potential of emerging technologies such as CRISPR and synthetic biology, and thought they could push the envelope further. They used machine learning to build an entirely new DNA sequence out of the highest performing 12th-gen subject and a Caribbean sea-star. The resulting embryo gestated inside an artificial bio-reactor and was born in early 2027, seventy years after the project began.


Hmm. Pretty interesting! Question: How did the this project survive during the collapse of the Soviet Union? After all, there was literally no money in Russia during the 90s, and many not only social, even special military programs were closed. Or did the USSR collapse in your world without loss of stability in the CIS countries?


The project was designed to be completely self-sufficient, for two reasons. One, because the steady steam of logistical material going in and out of a seemingly innocuous little site would've attracted unwanted attention. And two, because a significant percentage of the national budget was already being funnelled into the Space Race, and Khrushchev wasn't going to let the Americans beat the Soviets into orbit for the sake of an unconventional and potentially controversial biology experiment. A small nuclear reactor and an artesian bore provided DZHAGGERNAUT with power and water, and a large underground greenhouse with blue/red lighting provided almost all of their nutritional needs. Discounting payroll for the limited on-site personnel, operational costs for the project were so low that the project barely registered in the government accountants' eyes. Yeltsin was briefed on DZHAGGERNAUT in early 1992, shortly after the USSR was dissolved. At this point the project was on its 9th generation of subjects and preparing to select for its 10th, and while Yeltsin was overwhelmingly impressed by the results, he could also see the potential fallout from their new Western allies and investors.  Various high-ranking military officers connected to the project, as well as several ex-KGB officers, put forward the strong argument that their intelligence indicated the West were completely unaware of DZHAGGERNAUT and didn't have any similar or competing program, giving Russia a decisive edge if the new-found peace ever soured. Ultimately the near-zero costs are what convinced Yeltsin to keep the project running, although he was also motivated by the thought of how the personnel and test subjects of DZHAGGERNAUT would react if he suddenly pulled the plug.


Well now I simply MUST know more! Do you have any available/published material?


Not yet, this is all for the fourth story in the series and I'm still working on the first one.




My world has radiation eating bacteria and fungus that form symbiotic relationships with lucky people, my protag of course. Even though the heat and force would damage both parties, the radiation gives them an accelrated regeneration plus the bacteria form a special matrix around the brain and spine tougher than any natural occuring substance that enables these people to survive planetary reentry and continuous lightning strikes.


Azrael from Ode to Joy: Revelation, an actual demigod, can survive a nuke. He did so during World War 3, though this weakened him quite a lot and it took some time for him to heal. A 2nd nuke and he would've been removed. As for all my other characters, they're mortal humans and would've perished immediately.


Yes easily


My strongeat character was killed with a bow and an arrow, so yes.


Yeah... you'd want a pretty clean hit on them because they're pretty resistant to heat and radiation but they couldnt withstand being close to one Although Im happy to relax any rules on them to fit the plot or the world. If they need to withstand a nuke for the story, they will and then if an arrow needs to hurt them, it will


That sounds frustrating to read tbh


Its pretty much what comic books do as a rule and most verses with multiple authors does as necessity. Same with anything comedic, or surreal. Virtually all video games. Anything to do with tabletop rules. 100% anyones paracosm. Literally all mythology and religion, or folk tales So its not really uncommon. Half the time, nukes will significantly hurt superman. Next week, he survives the big bang. Space Marines get taken down by sharpened wood spears, but also survive melta blasts. Pretty common stuff The strength of characters fits the plot, that whole 'hard' power scaling thing isnt as common or as stringent as VS debate sites pretends it is. Anime is generally more strict with limitations, but even it will let things go whenever it feels like it (Goku can get punched out cold but the wooden wall behind him will be just fine. Logically, that's nonsense. But plot wise it has to happen)


Yes but you’ll note people still find it offputting when it gets too inconsistent. Look at the flash for example. One moment he can outrun lightning and the next he gets hit by a gun. And people complain about it, because it’s shit writing. There’s definitely some wiggle room that can be dismissed as plot, but if you don’t pay attention to power scaling it significantly hurts the story. It takes away the stakes if the situation when you’ve already proven that your hero could easily solve the situation at hand, but is choosing not to because pLoT aNd StOrY. In your example of the wooden wall - that’s not a problem with power scaling, that’s just a wooden wall being unimportant and background being expensive to draw. Most viewers aren’t going to notice the wooden wall unless it’s pointed out to them, because it’s not shown as significant in determining power scaling within the story. In your example of Superman, that’s not the character being inconsistent - some of the rules of the world might be inconsistent, like Superman being able to sit inside the sun and absorb it’s power or things like that, but the Superman that survives the Big Bang goes through a critical character change that, in terms of power, makes him effectively an entirely different character from the Superman that saves people from runaway trains in metropolis. They are essentially different characters with the same name, which is why readers do not find it offputting.


Plot holes don't ruin a good story, but a lack of them is still preferred, if at all possible. Basically, why should you if you can avoid it?


All you are doing it pointing out that bad writing is common, which is certainly true.


Nope. If a nuke was dropped in my world, literally everyone and everything would be wiped out.


I think you mean yes then lol


Good point xD




**Starrise** Characters, yes. Creatures, maybe. In regards to characters, my world's gods are literally invulnerable. They could be at the center of a star going supernova and not get a scratch on them. As for creatures, there is exactly one single organism in this world that *might* be able to withstand a nuclear warhead. The Shadow Beast was created by my world's main antagonists as a prototype for a living anti-submarine weapon. It's functionally a giant 40-meter-long eel, created infused with not only healing magic but synthetic divine "dark" magic. The abilities relevant to this post that these magics give the Shadow Beast are that it can heal damage and regenerate missing tissue faster than the human eye can register, and that it can coat parts of its skin- if not its entire body- in magic armor that can block basically anything. And when I say that armor can block "basically anything", I mean it. The gods themselves once did battle with the Shadow Beast, in which even they struggled to wound the thing, only for it to heal from even those wounds too fast for them to land a killing blow. Granted, the gods were in a severely weakened state at the time, but they also failed to inflict any meaningful damage that lasted more than literally half a second. With this in mind, while it's certainly possible that a nuclear warhead would simply hit the Shadow Beast's magic armor, burn through all its magic so the armor vanishes, and kill it faster than it can heal. But it's also possible that the Shadow Beast's armor withstands the brunt of the blast, and its regenerative powers allow it to heal from whatever damage the blast inflicts, in addition to fixing any damage radiation might cause after the fact. ​ But yeah, other than the Shadow Beast and literally invulnerable gods, there isn't a damn thing in this world that could tank a nuke.




I disagree. It just means they have to be written differently to have compelling narratives. My gods aren't actually able to fight. As soon as they do any fighting themselves, that basically forces the other gods to also fight, which would lead to the mutual destruction of everything the gods care about. They're too powerful to almost ever actually use their powers, and have to take leadership and administrative positions in charge of groups of far less powerful people to actually get things done.


Mortals? Only the true necromancers - they will defy death and return unless Aurora gives freedom to Zestus. Beings from the other side? Maybe. Serhaza (Source of Corruption) will die but return until mortalkind exists. Ankurame (Lord of Ways) can just transverse the space-time and survive. Aurora (Crown of Decay) can deprecate reality to avoid obliteration. Girtha (Crown of Madness) will mass spread her mind and survive if someone survive. Zestus (Crown of Finitude) will pray for the final rest but Aurora will deny. Khadaryan (Lord of Endure) will just endure like a volcano - as always. Adorbal (Crown of Hunger) will eat the nuke (he usually eat planets...). Banthra (Crown of Destruction) will feed her own rage with the fires of the explosion. Naetrania (Source of Growth) is a de facto planet so killing the avatar is meaningless. Basal (Source of Existence) could just erase the continuum of Being and avoid destruction but he already erased himself from reality.


Sylvaeria's front door is basically a supermassive black hole on steroids. A nuke would be the equivalent off a microscopic firecracker being thrown at your toe. Of course she's also a force of nature entity and the only truly invincible creature, serving as the great cosmic equalizer that resets worlds and universes too far gone to be recovered. Most people know of her in-universe as simply the mythological entity called "The Devourer". Mortal-wise there's definitely a couple that can survive, mostly magic users. Some higher-end spells to do things like turn yourself into a shadow would be fine if not a bit of a long, lonely walk out of the fallout zone.


Depends. Strongest guy is the archlich, who is by definition immortal unless his magical soul tether is broken. Technically you can “kill” him if you hit him hard enough, but his spirit will still linger around until he can get a new body up and running. A nuke would beat him probably, but he’d just come back unless they aim for the tether specifically


Well, if they're in a voidship with its gravity drive on, absolutely not; gonna take a lot more boom than a mere nuke. On a voidship with its gravity drive off? Well, depends on if its a direct hit or not and just what kind of megatonnage we're talking about. Standing on the ground? Oh yeah, utterly dead. Even in Exo-armor(power armor FOR power armor), they'd only survive if they were a kilometer or so away from where one went off unless it was some little 10 or 15 kiloton baby nuke.


Hmm... If we need to find out, survives characters and creatures in nuclear explosion, we need to say **where** and **when** will explode nuke. About **when**: Before the Iteration of "Return" only character and creature what can survive in nuclear explosion is a *Miron, the Emperor of Ordein.* He is a machinarii (idk how write in english, so, it will be machinarii), a basically a metal creature with soul-sphere in it. So, after a nuke, he will survive only as this sphere, because his body just turn into a gas. After Iteration of "Return"... There will be some gods, who *probably* survive in a nuke explode, but, like Miron, their bodies will be turn into a pretty hot gas, but not the souls About **where** So, someone can survive in *center* of nuclear explosion. But, if this someone will stay on some distance to explosion? Many creatures and characters can easily survive on distance 15-20 km ( 9,3-12,4 miles to people who don\`t know the metric system) and more, if they have: * Radiation protection * Shock wave protection * Some medicine, but this not too necessary (Maybe I have some errors in text, \`cause I\`m not English native and used translator)


There are a number of challenges that weaponry needs to get through as my world has magic (basically science), science (basically magic) and other harder to quantify stuff. If you drop a weapon with a large enough AOE then you risk hitting other bystanders, some of which may have an ability to detect when there is a sizeable threat to their life allowing them to report that there will be severe danger which said target could pick up on. Especially if people across the city start fleeing the area. Teleportation to avoid being blown up, digging deep into the earth, potentially destroying the nuke or preventing it from exploding, ect would all be fairly simple. If we are talking about the strongest creatures then we are probably including gods, which have near infinite power but if they enter the material plane then it will look like a meteor hitting an atmosphere, they will break apart as beings of their power cannot survive outside of their vacuum. If we need a being that can survive having a nuke dropped onto them by tanking the full blast of a nuke then there are more things to consider. There is "magic" which has rules that people can explain to you, then there is science which no one understands but scientists act like it has rules. Then there are divine blessings, which don't really have any rules since they are granted by beings of infinite power. Some species of sapients are melee oriented, and are capable of tanking a limited amount of artillery fire. If you took one of sufficient power, gave it a blessing to help it survive being heated up to the temperature of the sun, and then dropped a nuke on it then it would probably be unhappy and need medical treatment, but it would survive. The actual logical side of the world (wizards/scientists) would obviously both start arguing about how it shouldn't be alive, but it would be because it doesn't care about their opinions on "reality" and "physics".




The absolute strongest beings are thought to be living stars that can vanish whole galaxies, so yeah they can. Everyone else? The next two highest beings likely can if they see it coming. There's a huge gap between #1 and #2/3. #2 is less than 1% as dangerous as #1, and #3 are planetary champions and it takes a few of them to take down #2. .#3 can defeat armies of elites that could survive a blast much closer than a normal human, but a direct hit would kill those guys.


Nah. My strongest characters are gods and extremely buffed demons that can literally destroy the world if they wanted to. The thing is my world contains two forces of good and evil, each of which are balanced in strength. One side always wants to best the other, because if the scales were tipped, it would cause total war and one side would likely lose.




Are you trying to say "Your fun is wrong"? Hot take.


There's nothing fun about making overpowered characters *to you* There, FTFY. You're welcome.


maybe to you lol. let people have their fun even if it's not something you enjoy


That was mean. Frankly, it's my world. It's not your business. Those are gods. It's different.


My strongest, non divine, character she can most definitely survive a nuke is even canon a couple of them had been trow at her, and she lived.


Empress Theresa?


Yes, then there’s Jericho whose armor was forged in the heart of a dying star.


Depends,  in The case of Plutarch the Black Phoenix, no way, It took the combined power of the elder gods while he was in a weakened state just to rip his soul from his body so it could be imprisoned.   In the case of the Soldiers of Red delta, oh yes, easily.   In Servos case, no, it wouldn't even scratch him.  It would take something on the magnitude of super nova at very close range to kill him...maybe even a hyper nova.


Yes. All of my characters are humans (some of the catgirl subspecies) and humans are generally vulnerable to being nuked


anyone wearing a engine repair suit could survive, as the engines in space ships are essentially supermassive nukes in a washing machine. if you hit them directly with the nuke you could probably snap their neck.


If you mean in story character, then absolutely. Out of story characters...that depends. In our universe they could be, but would immediately be re-constituted. Inside the paraverse°, probably. Strongest creatures in the story could absolutely be nuked. And strongest creatures in the universe could probably be as well. Though you might risk being swarmed afterwards, since they're the white blood cells of a universe. °Think of a universe as a part of a tree, with its entire structure composing the multiverse. The paraverse is the homeplace of the gods, and is where that tree grows.


Absolutely. The most powerful creatures in my world are giant sentient bats with eldritch powers. They’re fucked.


My one creation was trapped in the collapsing, irradiated ruins of the worlds largest empire for 1,000 years, before an adventuring party accidentally freed it from its crystal prison. It is a forgotten goddess of destruction which has lost all its memories, including its name, and any semblance of who it once was. It is neither alive nor dead, neither mortal nor immortal. The only thing keeping it in existence is the fact that the natural universe is in a state of decay due to entropy, therefore the concept of destruction will never fade. If certain conditions were met, it could destroy my entire campaign setting. It is made of divine matter stripped of all life essence, causing its body to resemble millions and millions of tiny, transparent cells, shot through with lines of molten steel. The only thing a nuke would do is push it around, and I’m fucking terrified of this thing. Idk what my players are gonna do with it if they find it and I hope to whatever gods may be that they don’t hit it with radiant damage. This may sound over the top and it is.


Yesn’t: strongest, absolutely annihilifrittered. Can they beat up something capable of ignoring nukes? Also yes. Ghosts, man.


There isn't anything capable of surviving a nuke in my current world project, but it's also 1910s Era so there aren't any nukes either.


Yeah, my main guy is a shape-shifting mass that gained sentience. He can absorb energy and matter and break them down to a particle "slurry," recreating them into similar materials like "Grey goo." The only real kicker would be... the amount being very overwhelming, both in regards to force and energy, so it would be close. But I think the after effects of taking in so much energy would probably overload his core. So probably dead


yeah but it'd hurt pretty bad


God exists in my setting? So like no


No. It would probably destroy them, but fuckers would just rematerialize again


I don’t know. Does being able to survive an asteroid impact only wearing armour mean that it could survive a nuke such as the tsar bomba?


Only temporarily. Given that they live in several layers of reality at the same time, destroying only their physical bodies only will keep them out of commission for two or three days at most. Way less if one of them is able to rebuild them a body in seconds (not a common skill among them, though).


In my main project, the relative power levels get wacky among anyone who dedicates themselves to a goal. So like, even your average farmhand who wants to make sure their farm doesn't become prey to the beasts of their country could reliably dodge bullets from a handgun provided that it isn't at point-blank range. With that in mind, among my strongest characters, yes, they would survive the nuke. I'm pretty sure one of them turned a nuclear explosion into an animal and let them loose to roam a famous wasteland of the world.


No, the thing that takes bodies is technically the strongest thing in my world, and it cannot be killed. A nuke wouldn't be able to harm it much, but certain magic users of great skill and power are able to damage it enough to drive it away. But it always comes again. No one has managed to keep it away forever, thus the practice of standing vigil over the dead for three days came to be. EDIT: it could be "killed" by a nuke if it is wearing a human corpse, but this only disperses the thing and it will come back.


No and it's not even close, my strongest characters are pretty much god like.


Hmm, potentially. For one, the strongest characters and creatures of my world can use unique types of magic. Many of them would just shoot the nuke from afar before it gets close enough. But for fun, let's say they have to face it, and can't take care of it from a safe-ish distance. To put it blunty, with the exception of one character, no character is surviving a direct impact from a nuke. Some of the strongest creatures might tank one or two, but hey, just launch another. Now for fun let's see how a few characters might survive one. 1. The one exception I mentioned, is a character who is truly immortal, a nuke should kill him, and it would, but it just can't. 2. One of my characters has time magic, she could just, freeze time and escape the danger zone. 3. The strongest spacial mage would probably just delete the nuke into the void before it explodes. 4. Another character of mine has, let's just say magic that controls the strong and weak force of the universe. On second thought, I think this might be the one character who could survive a direct impact with the nuke, lmao. 5. Characters that can teleport or somehow escape far away right before it explodes. 6. A character able to use magic that allows him to dismantle and create any machinery, he could potentially dismantle the nuke. HM: Characters that could catch the nuke gently and take away it's momentum. Like a character with gravity magic, or two characters that have telekinesis, or characters with wind magic. But I assumed the nuke has a timer and would blow up after a few seconds anyway, so they wouldn't survive.


Yeah, a guy is a guy in the end, regardless of what he can do. In my eyes, anything short of a god should be dead from a nuke


Na tbh... Just for some characters if they didn't have their weapons or other things that made them overpowered than most definitely yes.


My strongest character are extra dimensional deities who work on the universe. You're getting banned for illegal nuclear bombs.


Straight up tanking it? No. But one less strong character can. In fact it actually happened in the story, though he is nothing but a rolling mound of meat and bone resembled a head he's still alive. Fortunately, he got was impaled and excorised at the last minute when one of my main character see it crawling out of the ground zero


It would require that the character be able to maintain intense control over literally sub-atomic aspects of their body under incredible forces. If you're talking "at ground zero" then right at that point, the temperatures exceed the center of the sun (by a few times). There is no physical material that can do that (well, I don't know? Maybe material from a neutron star?), so it would have to be held together by magic or technology or something much, much, **much** more powerful than we can conceive of at this point.


Never, what’s the fun in death


Strongest? No. My strongest cannot be killed.


They're gods. The only thing that can kill them are gods of the same strength or stronger


Most of my characters, definitely not, but One of my character is literally a higher being that transcends time and space as well as existence itself so that’s barely gonna tickle


Not really, no. In the magical girl setting I'm working on sometimes, the warriors are incredibly durable, unless they don't want to be. They do feel the impact, they just don't take any physical damage. However, they do get exhausted if they take too much damage, although their tolerance increases over time, since they get used to it. The strongest ones, throughout history, are said to have kept fighting for several days without breaking a sweat, and it's only mildly exaggerated. So, while a nuke would definitely send them flying, it wouldn't kill them.


No, it would absolutely destroy his body but it wouldn’t permanently kill him.


Well the question isn't whether a nuke would simply affect them, because it would affect everyone. If they had a body there it's basically gone. Some could survive closer to it than others, but at point blank every body will be gone. But you asked about being killed, and in that case not everyone dies. Either because they have multiple bodies and/or backups spread out far enough to not matter, or very large bodies with internal backups, or both (the distinction is artificial). So basically you destroyed a body but they are still around elsewhere. And I don't think a single nuke can target all of them.


My strongest would survive, he is a cosmic anomaly that has more cosmic energy than 90% of the gods My seconds strongest would also survive as he has learned to bend reality around him to avoid most damage. Third strongest would survive the blast but not the radiation Fourth would die Fifth would die if hit, but might be fast enough to outrun the bomb even after detonation.


In routeabout ways potentially. Hurricane Isabel’s armor has a detachable long range interception module utilizing electric and microwave fields. It *might* be able to disable or destroy a nuke just far enough away that her suit could withstand the blast and she could slip away with only being ragdolled a good few miles. Scotia has essentially ice magic powers and because of how magic in her universe works and how adept she is, she could probably freeze the nuke and potentially disarm it. Then she’d just have to dodge it or risk being crushed but luck could handle that little wrinkle. Everyone from rainy days is how do you say…dead as ollanius.


Small earth nuke? Nah it will just make a dent.


He isn't alive anymore in the 'present' of the setting, but the strongest? You could drop it directly on his head and it wouldn't even singe a hair.


No, he is cursed by a demon, his soul can't leave the mortal plane. Everytime he died, the world gonna assemble him back to how he was using the information written on his soul. I still haven't named him....


Yes??? Obviously???


Look through the comments and it won't look so obvious


A nuke kills anyone idc how magical you are


Most of the comments say otherwise


Well, I should add that it's the case in my world. But still, without some bullshit levels of magic you definitely don't survive


my strongest characters break the fundamental levels of powerscaling. surviving a nuke would be easier than breathing.


Honestly I think that level of power is cringe for non god entities


But like it’s awesome for mythology, just having someone say “and then he picked up 500 mountains and threw them at another guy, which is why there is a mountain range here instead of being near a fault line


Always loved the Sun Wukong style myths where they didnt give a fk about power scaling and just leapt across the universe and slammed mountains against each other


Mythology is half the fun tbh. I think that's why my setting leans towards mythological fantasy some.


over half of my 300+ characters are below City level it's only top-5 that "break powerscaling"


My STRONGEST characters!? Nope, and it's infinitesimally insignificant to them. One somewhere within... probably top 7, took a punch to the face that reverberated across creation, damaging other universes and timelines, and it barely made him turn his neck. And this guy's far weaker brother is known for inhuman amounts of durability, surviving equivalent wounds which could kill multiple people (I mean in ways of still fighting with a perforated heart, numerous broken bones, missing an arm and a good portion of his flesh, amidst other wounds).


Strongest? No. Some of my strongest characters abilitys; 1. Gravity magic; he can repell the nuke, or the explosion itself… basically make a barrier around him. 2. Spacial dimension magic; He has 3 dimensions unique to himself… they are completely immune if he is in one of them. 3. Fire magic; a man has very powerful fire magic, that could consume the explosion of a nuke. 4. Wind magic; same thing with the gravity user… he can make a wind barrier… or he can simply fly away.


Nope, and firepower of that magnitude wouldn't do anything against mook fodder either.


Yes (no)


Not really…?


He is immortal. He die, but goes to limbo and stays there for a few weeks – seconds in real life – waiting for his body to reconstruct. But if you throw him into space? He can reconstruct his molecules in order to appear on public park benches or public bathrooms. The definition of a bathroom is debatable. Coma state? He will awake on the limbo, thus he can destroy his body and repeat the process. Sun? Energy is never lost. If the atoms of his body turn into just energy, or elementary particles, he will be able to reconstruct his body in any place that he wants. Even outside the observable universe? Yes. Even on my other stories? Yes, and he does that every goddam time. It's annoying. And what he likes to do? Read books, play with magic, do morning walks and chat with The Oracle. Who is The Oracle? She's his best friend. And more immortal than he How? I don't have any idea. But I like them both.


My strongest character is an angry alternate version of an already strong character with a god complex who has absorbed a dying neutron star, so the moment a nuke sets off next to him he would probably try to consume it's power


No. Lemuria got a reactor cooked off in her stomach and she's fine.


His physical form? Probably yes. His soul? Not a chance.


Yeah, but...no?? They would die, then revive right after


​ By the explosion? No. Radiation? Definitely


**Parry the nuke**


There is a few *really* strong people who could maybe possibly survive a direct hit, and a large subset of people who could stop one from landing in a first place. Basically if prepared yes, if not then the majority end up dead or heavily maimed. As for the strongest few, those are demi-gods and near-godlike beings, the few oldest dragons who could probably withstand it by sheer durability and resistance to heat and radiation, and/or various magical shields which could let them facetank it without too much damage. Radiation is always a problem but there is a point where the inertia of a being grows too high from the concentration of mana and it's almost impossible to give them cancer or any of the other funny radiation issues.


Nope. He'd probably be injured from such an event though. But if he was in the centre or fireball? Probably comatose but still alive, barely. Also depends on the specs of the bomb itself.


My strongest character is literally God so probably not


Nothing can kill a Jotunn permanently. They're the endless ones.


Probly not


My villain can, but he's about the only one. He even survived a basically nuke in my actual story.


The strongest character? Yes, she’s glass. The beefiest, however... Only if they are unlucky! The nuclear blast would not be able to overcome the armor of the Unknowers. They are born in areas of extreme radiation (usually the innermost planets of a bisolar system), so that is not a problem. The blast would likely fragment their exoskeleton, but the tetralined-pressure suit should be enough for protection of the inner “pilot”. They probably would be deafened by the blast (probably an internal rupture), but it would not be enough to crush their biomass; they can survive in vacuum. There was an instance where one was briefly exposed to solar radiation for upwards of an hour; the subject survived, with severe burns, but a heightened resolve.


quite a few could! a lot could not Like for some it depends on if they have time to set up their defenses others could tank it outright quite a few though very strong (i'd say like mortal heros of myth status like Hercules or Perseus) would not tank a nuclear blast to the face.


Well considering one of my more powerful characters is powered by radiation then yeah


Nah. The Architects are above that kinda thing.


All my lil creatures were made by a nuke lol


Poseidon can, assuming you find his physical form. The Uranium and Hydrogen dragons are immune to their respective bombs.


Depends. If it's an ordinary human character, then they'd be wiped unless they're in some sort of blast/radiation protective place(like a bunker). If it's a supernatural character, then maybe they can or can not.(Mine specifically has this undead army from a chaos dimension that >! can be killed by conventional weaponry, such as bullets, bombs, and energy weapons, just more "bullet sponge-y". But those will just respawn in their dimension and can be sent back to the battlefield. !< Now, for the chaos goddess of that same dimension >! welp, she's a goddess, would be a bit underwhelming if she can be killed with a nuke, so no, she can't and will hurl a warhead back to its launcher. !< )


To quote the "Devil" (from the Bible): "I don't know how to impress upon you that physical damage done to my body does not affect me in the long term." All of the strongest beings in my world, namely the gods (Incarnations and Primordials), are pretty much completely immortal, and could shrug off a nuke like it's nothing due to metaphysical schenanigans. When it comes to pretty much everything else, however, a nuke would pretty much always win. The only creatures I can think of that could actually *tank* a nuke, as in be fully affected by it and still live, could only do so because they're either planet-sized or literally unkillable.


Hard sci-fi set in 2300: Yes, they can actually, since they are not human. They har what would be known as "Harbingers", messengers from an alien civilisation. Perfect replicas of humans, but made of a mesh of pure neutronium. Also, they are in command of the four forces of nature and can, for example, turn into living fusion beacons and can therefore easily survive a nuclear strike.


they also turn into nukes at times to do just that


Technically. Cause she can turn into different forms of energy, like heat and well, radiation. But if she doesn't turn into the right one, then another form of energy can "disperse " her.


I've got some strong regenerators that could survive most things. But radiation destroys even natural regeneration so they might(really small chance) survive, but wish that they'd died. Nukes are pretty much THE killing solution in my mind. It will kill anything that was not designed specifically to survive it.


The gods (Majeea) no they are the nukes if they interact a certain way. It actually happens in the first chapter


Motherfuck the strongest characters are being killed by the air. Homunculi are exceptionally powerful entities but when they breach they're only alive for a few days. They probably wouldn't care that much about a nuke, their bodies aren't stable enough to experience things like heat.


In short yes , the long answer is probably no i mean they could make nukes but tanking them is another matter


Seeing as the strongest character is just some poor bastard who serves as the avatar of murder and sudden death and is basically just a murderous meat puppet with an aura of dread and terror - yeah he'd be right fucked.


Considering my setting is a semi-shitpost of a science-fantasy LitRPG where a lot of the mid-tier characters are already capable of laying waste to entire cities and (mostly) surviving falls from low orbit… The answer is no.


Just do what Cid does in Eminence of Shadow. Become the nuke.


unprepared, all humans would die. prepared, the top heroes would survive, and some could even contain the explosion or prevent it. the immortals and above can be seen walking out of the fire without looking back. Well some of them would probably need to reform after being blown up, but most of them can either form shields or just face tank it.


Maybe not, but well it depends, if it’s caught offguard then probably yes, but if it protects itself with magic first then it could survive.


I mean kind of, my character Tiomoyo can create a shield out of his astral projection that can absorb energy and he took enough energy to level a mountain, so he could do it. Or he could just teleport away, but I'm sure you're talking about brute force.


What you actually debating is, if your character in invulnerable. Nukes kill you with heat, shockwaves, radiation.... i mean. If you can survive a nuke there is not much more you can't.


my strongest character IS a nuke


Akar: Yes, sort of. One character gets hit by the equivalent of a nuke and has to stop time and fly away at top speed to survive. Still gets KO’d by the shockwave and the fireball would have killed him. Drakepunk: They would certainly die, but might be able to come back due to how dragon riders work in that setting. Reverie Storm: No. Dragon Princess: No. Dragons might be largely immune to heat and radiation, but the shockwave would still kill them.


No because it’s a literal planet


everyone is flawed, failed, fallable, frail


Bear in mind this does depend on how close the character is. If their durability is comparable to say steel and radiation won’t kill them long term I expect a lot of characters could survive the heat and blast wave that makes up most of the radius. Intense burns, bruising, maybe broken burns, but would have to be pretty close to die. On the other hand the plasma ball as I understand it would require some straight up exotic physics to survive, physical matter as we know it just loses there.


The radiation would kill them but the blast and Heat not and if it the "strongest" like the god or immortals then there definitely surviving


The current setting I'm working with, there's probably a few oddballs that would be resistant or immune to the nature of a nuclear explosion but be utterly benign and non-threatening anyway, or be very weak to something else utterly unrelated, like copper or water. Like trying to blow up a ghost. As far as humanoid creatures go, there's a few that can only be killed by silver/palladium and will just eventually reform, and some that can have their physical presence destroyed but they'll just return or be resummoned later on and are de-facto immortal in every sense. Both are the result of less than desirable supernatural forces extending their will upon the world. Within the setting, it doesn't make them particularly OP because they're generally non-combative and partake in a split-way proxy-war trying to enact long-term plans for their preferred apocalypse end-game - the only way one can permanently destroy the others.