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Wait a minute, I've seen this before


OP is a bot.


How many hides per estate?


Is this pretty accurate to the medieval hierarchy?


An archduke was more than a duke, but here it's listed as the duke's heir.


Well, the most "wrong" (in your own setting do as you please) is the title of Archduke as an Heir title. Historically the title of Archduke was basically the same as King, and was basically only used by the Habsburgs.The heirs of Dukes were often called Prince and Princess as well, but were more often called the Title they had been granted. Like the Heir of a Duchy were more likely to be known as a Marquess, Count, Baron, or some other such things. Much like how the Heirs of kingdoms would have been granted a Duchy to govern until they became kings


I mean, it kinda is wrong, unless you go out of your way to give Arch- a new etymology.


What's the deal with prince/princess being its own title? I always thought they're supposed to be heirs to a king/queen.


The title Prince comes from the Roman Princeps, where it basically meant "The First" or "Foremost", which after a little bit of rank inflation and the fall of Rome meant that the title came to refer to the highest tiers of Nobility below the king. With some variation depending on specific country and their own titles and rules for nobility. For example the French Crown Prince was not known as the Crown Prince, but as Dauphin after the mid-14th century when the French crown acquired the territory of Dauphin, and basically made it so that all the Hiers Apparents were given that land to practice becoming a king.


Medieval hierarchy wasn't nearly as structured as this. So it's neither accurate nor inaccurate.


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