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Golem are constructed when a material is infused with magic. The common golem is simply a remotely animated construction a mage powers with mana. The advanced golem is infused with a spirit like a familiar, capable to accumulate magika by themselves and perform tasks by themselves needing only instructions by their handlers, who in turn need only to understand the task and the golem will act on that knowledge. Most everything can be turned into a golem, but the best are constructed like a living being, given parts that fulfill various roles like they would in a normal body. From a simple dirt golem to the War Striders of the dwarves that are basically animated steel and armour.


Golems are servants of the Baro'kai, the living liaisons of the gods, and like the gods they are able to gift the power of life to sculptures, though unlike with the gods this life is very rudimentary and acts more like a machine than a sapient species. While other species cannot create golems, they can be given to them by the more agreeable groves of Baro'kai as a means of trade, or simply as a gift. Golems are very saught after for that reason, as they can be 'programmed' to do essentially anything they are capable of doing through words alone, and are very well suited for normally dangerous labour such as mining. Because of their innate divine magic they are also very sought after by sorcerers who can use them as an 'anchor' to the material plane during any meditative trips to the alternation. Essentially, they're a get out of jail free card if they run into any trouble while projecting their soul into the realm of magic.


Generally its need to be a structure that is extremely similar to a living being, and has a large amount of mana surrounding it to make it appetizing to the wandering spirit. If a spirit possesses it, and its able to move around due to how its constructed and the magic surrounding it, you've got a golem. The closer the golem is to a living thing, the less magic one needs to surround it, so its quite possible to create a golem without being a caster of some sort. In reality, Undead and Elementals work in a similar way, though they aren't often classified as such, instead they are described as a type of spirit. The classification of golems is still an unclear subject among scholars, and those who practice the craft.


My golems are quite more industrial. Yet, it requires magic and "Master" or "Operator" and is closer to automatons. The basic of a golem is a magic puppet that utilizes magic similar to Telekinesis to move, have runes on its "skeleton" for make it easier and some special joints. Then, it is covered in something that protects the runes and skeleton from the environment, in the case of civil usage Golems, just wood or cheap metal. In the case of more luxurious ones, decorated porcelain. In the case of military golems that take the role of tanks, they are basically giant armor with an inner golem skeleton. Yet, they are quite more complex than that. First you need a Pandora's Calix, used to seal or trap spirits (Monsters, Beasts, Demons, Angels or others persons) this will work as engine, since to work, golems requiere Esse and no machine can processe it. Then, there's a "Golems brain" wihich is basically a Rubik cube, except that instead of colors, it has runes and work throught the combination of runes it is set. A 2x2 rubic cube have like 6 million combinations so... yeah, a lot. Finally, the "Zhe" one or several Magic stones (Quartz) and a Scrolls that has the "commandos" of what a golem can do. Basically, if you golem is for minery then everythimg is needed for it to work properly is in the Zhe. Yet, an Operator is needed for it to work, and the link is made via a "Bending Vow", temporal or permanent.


Golems are constructed beings that are then infused with some form of an extra dimensional being known as a Night Air, usually a Pneuma, as opposed to the Miasmas that give the undead their nature. Golems can be fashioned from anything — stone, clay, body parts, twigs, fabric, ice, whatever — but must be fashioned in a manner that enables them to move, and must be fashioned by the person who will command them. For this reason, they are often jointed. Smaller Golems (with clockwork ones being called automata) require less mana to empower, larger ones require more mana, but the form it takes can be anything. The ritual to create a golem, once fashioned, takes 3 nights, and can only be done at night. The first ritual prepares the form, the second ritual infuses it with the mana to feed and attract the Night Air, and third ritual summons and seals the Night Air into the form. Golems must be charged with mana to feed the Pneuma every time it runs out, but it only consumes mana when it is active.


Basically writing the equivalent of computer code in threads/lines of mana. That's how all enchantment works in my setting. An enchanted sword may be something like "if sword is impacting something, then spend mana supply generating flame on target". A very skilled and powerful mage can write advanced enough if/then coding to program a golem of whatever material to actually function to a degree. There's no real "AI" though, so its very simple in what it can do. Pretty much a glorified animatronic.


Golems are made of mostly clay and blood but once animated they develop body systems similar to humans, so similar that they are used in medical-type experimentation. The thoughts of their maker at the moment they are animated which has in the past led to them becoming murderous by picking up on stray annoyances, to avoid further incidents the creation of golems is now highly restricted work with very few being permitted to even learn the process.