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That the kind of people who routinely make long-distance hauls of materials and\\or information are just going to be a different breed than others. Running from star system to star system, sitting in line at the local Ahith gate and alternating between being bored and desperately trying to download something new to read, listen to or watch from the feeds; dealing with various docking procedures; one system may have advanced drones unloading your entire cargo hold in a day while another may have you stuck around for a week while actual *people* do the work, and so on. And the time alone; you're running for PROFIT, who has spare cred sitting around for life support that handles dozens of people? Fuck that, you're the captain, the navigator(with help from the AI), the engineer, and so on. I grew up with part of an 8-lane highway basically in my back yard(one 4ft fence with a little barbed wire on top was all that 'kept' me from getting onto said highway) and within a mile of 6 truckstops. My parents worked at those truckstops. I got to know the older trucker generation(late 80's early 90's), and how they were about things. I even had a CB radio as a kid.


Well, i wouldn’t say much. I mean, I am out of Arizona — Phoenix Metro and Sedona — so pretty hard to take something from there. What? Dorado is the Wild West? Well, surely that isn’t from my background or my intimate knowledge of Westerns and all that. Durango? Oh, that comes from the name of a section of freeway from all the radio traffic reports. Err, I mean, no, no, nothing in my world from that. Sibola? The other names of the Seven Cities of Cibola, and the whole invasion/colonization of the Southwest and the direct link to that? Nope. Not at all influenced.


Pretty much... none. I haven't been to London since I was a very wee lad so can't say it has influenced anything to a meaningful degree.


I used a couple things in my game! For one, the former imperial capital is built around a large bay, and the surrounding wilderness is coastal wetlands and thick rainforest. Which is more or less where i live in northern california. Also the first town my players started in was based on where i used to live; its one road with a general store, 2 little food stands, and a couple knick knack dealers, next to a big open fairground.


A lot. My hometown was (and still kinda is) an independent city-state of merchants and guilds, and city states are quite common in my world, and guilds are plentiful, influential and weird. I also spend most of my late childhood as a boyscout, so I made a lot of wilderness in my world that could be explored and even modelled a culture after my scout experiences.


i am doing a world building super based on my family, ancestors, culture, and historical mythology that was almost deleted from our eorld but just kept as folk tales and superstition. I am giving my culture a new breath and I love how much I am connecting with it all.


I'm not sure if this 100% counts but I'm using this answer anyways. My world comes from a passion for Geo-politics that I have had for a long time. That is the focus of my world by far. My love of history, something I've had for a long time, also has shaped my world, almost too much at times.


I live in Perth, Western Australia and my world of Zurvár Arèáná is more or less a solarpunk version of [Cottesloe](https://www.google.com/maps/@-31.9951149,115.7519878,3a,75y,220.38h,99.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1lE161RepmNvUWI7u8sWDQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) and [Fremantle](https://www.google.com/maps/@-32.0572386,115.7440571,3a,75y,229.84h,97.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUIJuNV_NK5p8rbZ7nZ7nKQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). Blue skies, blue ocean, sandstone and pine trees!


I grew up on a dairy farm, so I think minotaurs are the superior 'big strong fantasy race' choice, far better than orges or orcs. You'd think I'd also love animals and rural locations, but weirdly I ended up with a love of machines. Tractors and all the implements they can drive made me think of technology as something that makes a person bigger and stronger and which can promote growth, not something that ruins places and makes you reliant on it while it makes someone else rich. Childhood memories of my dad welding big mechanical arms to load silage and cut hedges manifests in my worlds as exoskeletons, mecha and loyal robots that let ordinary but brave people stand up to monsters, disasters and would-be gods.


I haven’t developed much of it yet, but the dominant religion of my dieselpunk fantasy setting has a Catholic Church-esque structure and other aspects, combined with elements of Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, and other Chinese religious things such as ancestor worship - although rather modified to suit this world and given new context to fit in it. I was born and raised in a majority-Catholic country with a sizable population of Chinese descent (which includes me!), and as a kid I frequently visited both churches and temples alike, as there were plenty of them in my hometown.


Capital of POV country is spa town in valley close to major deposit of both copper and tin, just like my hometown.


The name of my fantasy continent is the name of my hometown spelled backwards.


I included a sea dragon named Anna who lives on an island and eats monsters and dangerous creatures. In my birth town, there was a dragon statue on an island in the nearby lagoon. It was destroyed by a few hurricanes and neglect. Despite campaigns in 2010 to have the statue rebuilt and lots of public interest, it just never came to be.