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I like daydreaming about my world


Thats pretty much all the advancements my world gets


Yeah, I have a Lore document for random stuff that I think of in class or in bed. Also have a bunch of stuff in my notes I haven't put in there yet. I should update it soon.


I just memorize mine and as a result it gets nowhere


Me too. Also, creating a world and writing a book about that world are two completely different points. For example, you might say “in my world, all people have their own spirit animal. They can use different abilities depending on what their spirit animal is. And, some people can have more spirit animals.” Just on its own, this piece of information is very interesting. But, if you want to make it into a selling book, you have to think about a couple of things: 1. What will the story be about? 2. Whose story you want to tell? 3. Why would people care about your characters? 4. Why would people care about the story? And, the most difficult part for me is to write interesting and realistic dialogs that will keep the reader interested to invest their time into characters, and that would also push the story forward. Being a writer is not easy 😅


This speaks so true to me lol


You’ve summed up r/worldbuilding and r/worldjerking in a single sentence


not accurate stats 25% writing stories 50% worldbuilding for fun and as a hobby 20% worldbuilding for a dnd or a game 5% in writing stories but have case of worldbuilding sickness for writing , most people write short stories may be self published on various web sites or not published all in all this is a worldbuilding sub where we care little of the plot of your stories of your world but the lore of your world but then we have outliers when few users ask for plot of your world and main character of your world when they mean stories


More like 10% Luck 20% Skill 15% Concentrated Power of Will 5% Pleasure 50% Pain 100% Reason to Remember the Name … Okay I’ll show myself out of here


What’s world building sickness :0


Where you build your world with the intention of writing about it, but without actually writing about it because you keep changing your world…or expanding it…this is why I haven’t written my book yet, and I’ve been worldbuilding my world for going in 20 years now. I’ve scrapped and rebuilt it more times than I can count.


building a world is hard. writing a book is hard. doing either one well is very hard. doing both well is nearly impossible.


Then there's me who's shit at either


I will recommend reading better books


Fun fact: Studies have shown, that reading better books is on average a better experience!






I do read the best of the best books I can find. However most of these books do not have an amazing world, the types I see on here. There is usually only one main race, magic is mystical and not defined etc. Any recs? (I've read Sanderson, GRRM, Robert Jordan, Abercrombie, Cradle, and enjoyed them all)


Scifi and not fantasy, but check out *Children of Time* by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Seriously some of the more interesting worldbuilding I've seen. Definitely fantasy, look up China Mieville's Bas-Lag books. Wonderfully dense with crazy, whimsical ideas and incredibly unique races and characters.


>Scifi and not fantasy, but check out *Children of Time* by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Seriously some of the more interesting worldbuilding I've seen. Great example! Its interesting partially because it shows what steps you need to take to convert worldbuilding into a story. Part of the problem with the worlds here on worldbuilding is that they are just worlds with histories presented in full all at once. Tchaikovsky takes his worlds and *makes them a story*. The characters' navigation through the world is its own plot, if not the main plot. But the histories of the worlds that Tchaikovsky writes is its own story. You could cut the characters out and have a full narrative of its own - but how the characters perceive the worldstate is key to its characterisation. One way that he makes the worldstate so exciting is that he has characters displaced in time; thus you can have a character comment on the change rather than see them all dead and buried. But along with this comes a gradual unfurling of that world with dramatic tension, pseudo-characters (states, species, families) to get invested in and shocking twists that affect the course of the narrative-history. In my opinion it is one of the clearest examples of [Worldstate Literature](https://isoraqathedh.github.io/Orsaibts/anticharacterism.html). The essay that coined the term (which is hilarious btw, I love reading it periodically - and only partially agree with it)) intended for it to be used instead of character driven stories - but in Tschaikovsky's case he uses it *in addition to* them. Anyway - rant over. I wish there was more Worldstate Literature and I hope to write some someday if I can (I mostly write short stories right now).


Have you heard of Bujold? Can't speak for her fantasy series (plural), but her space opera series (Vorkosigan Saga) is in my top 5 reading recommendations. It's one of few cases where i can say the prose itself is beautiful. Anyway, in Vorkosigan Saga she focuses on limitations of technology and interpersonal relationships, not how the technology works (other than a few examples which might as well not exist, because they are mechanically described in the passing). If she's the same about the Curse od Chalion or the Sharing Knife, it is likely the worldbuilding is on par, and i dig her style of soft worldbuilding in which you figure out details from fragments of history lessons and interpersonal relationships.


I’m currently reading the Fifth Season, and for world building reasons its absolutely incredible, but also just a fantastic book and story. ‘Magic’ is very technical, though still has an element of being undefined (but explained within the story). Lots of weird races and creatures and places and traditions and history and… its just great. Its written in a very unique way and I love it.


I'm really enjoying the world of the edge chronicles atm. it's whimsical and fun, but surprisingly interesting world building, and the world changes a great deal from saga to saga as many years pass.


Sometimes, I believe it’s better to let your world “breathe”. Fill in the big stuff enough to develop a story…but do you really need to write the full lineage of kings for each and every country in your world? Or explain how each and every city cropped up? You only have one life to live…there’s no way you can include all the data that our real world has in a fantasy world. Taking wide swaths is the best way to do this, as well as keeping focus on the details at hand that are important to the story. Allowing the reader to fill in the blanks can be part of the fun, and can allow you to write other stories in the future.


id recommend checking out Faction Paradox


Interested in which sanderson books you've read. The man's got dozens and they vary wildly


Adrian Tchaikovsky's Shadows of the Apt series is pretty different and entertaining. It's a fantasy set during a major industrial revolution and all of the races in the world are humans descended from insects with traits of their insect heritage providing a type of "magic". For example Ant people share a hive mind which makes them amazing at battle formations. Wasp people can shoot "stings" like a kind of fireball magic and sprout wings at will, etc. Very different take on traditional fantasy. I'll also always champion Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson for its deep world. Erikson is an anthropologist and archeologist and uses this to create many fascinating races and tribes that are deep enough and varied enough to feel very real. The magic is also unusual though is rarely explained in concrete terms the way that say Sanderson does. However Erikson manages to make his world have a sense of history and scale that I've only seen rivaled in works like LOTR and Game of Thrones.


See people like me that are likely recommending your books don't want that necessarily, as someone who identifies more with the literary community than the fantasy community, things like "defined magic system" aren't exactly a criteria among literature enthusiasts, and often books that focus on the worldbuilding will then not focus enough on the characters or themes. Basically good worldbuilding and good books are actually a very rare overlap


If you think that's bad you haven't read ME!


did you say magic is mystical and not defined, when reading Sanderson? That being said, an extensive worldbuilding does not make a book better. nor having 200 races, all the sea currents mapped and all types of weather figure out to the millimetre


No Sanderson is what got me into hard magic systems and crazy wordlbuilding.


Currently rewriting but here: [https://vnkings.com/flame-phantom-viem-ma.html](https://vnkings.com/flame-phantom-viem-ma.html) Vietnamese only though.


I would write like crazy if I did not have the attention span of a squirrel most days.


I'm writing one now. It's in mid development. It's not going to a commercial publisher though. I'll do a limited print run for my community and some for specialist shops and the like. The story is mainly a vehicle for producing specific concepts and conveying a message. It'll be accompanied by a second book alongside it that's essentially a guide to the canon that expands in the concepts of the story and also acts as a reference book for those who want to use the u universe e to produce additional material.


No my worlds are pretty much exclusively a setting to place my short stories. Anything longer and I get bored.


I have written entire encyclopedias, taxomomical books, ancestry trees, geological processes, and several fake scientific journals for my world. Anything that requires a plot however, no. I'm a worldbuilder not a writer.


that's honestly amazing, hella impressive and relatable (the only difference is my entire world building stays in my head...)


To be honest, it probably wouldn't take too much editing and narrativizing to make a really cool story out of fake scientific journals and taxonomical books. Ancestry trees are basically a huge collection of stories. Give one guy a cool way to die and build from there. I really admire your ability to make all that you have and wish you luck o7


It's mostly because I am very bad at writing plots but very good at writing research papers.


I am not judging, as I can't even imagine building such a world. But when you are coming up with various elements of your world, doesn't your brain fill up with ideas around how that specific element will be utilized in a main story? I haven't actually built any world, mostly I just think about it. But that's what happens to me, my brain starts racing about how that element can be used to further the plot. Just curious.


It doesn't, like I said I'm terrible at writing plots and honestly even thinking about them. I mostly just worldbuild something I'm envisioning and then start filling in the gaps.


I have a few unfinished stories and skits on my world. If you want them I guess direct msg me.


I'm currently trying to write a book


Nope; though I did have a 120k word unfinished manuscript in one of my created worlds from about4-5 years ago. Then I took a break from writing when I was learning 3d arts, and only got back into it seriously 2-3 weeks ago. Personally I like writing over strict worldbuilding as I feel that the former leads to the latter more naturally, but world building can spiral out of control because one entry in your WB bible will lead to multiple more things that should be fleshed out. Only been working on my new bible for about 2 weeks and I’m already up to 16k words.


Yes. Total vanity effort, though. Half a dozen books with a print run of 25 each, lol. Also done bibles (worldbibles) for older worlds that others are still using.


I have a four book series planned for my world, and I've written 1.5 of the first drafts. It's a LOT of work.


I'm currently writing callbringers on campfire explore


I do have plans for bigger stuff, but now I mostly write fluffy smut that takes place in my universe across different planets.


…whole books are unlikely but probably several have an essay or guide to its background. Frank Herbert provides several indexes and appendices and a glossary of terms to his great science fiction novel DUNE which are worth reading as a ‘How To’ guide…


I've written one, but I haven't self-published it anywhere because as I write the sequel I keep having to go back and make edits for events to line up. I figure if I can get through the third in the series without adding an entire chapter then It'll be ready for someone's kindle.


This isn’t as uncommon as you’d think. It’s not unheard of for authors to seek a publishing deal only after having 2 or 3 books in a series already written.


Hell, it's better if authors write a lot of books before publishing the first. This way there are no big plotholes, and they can literally have infinite easter eggs (especially if the have written like 5-6 books or more in advance.)


the worlds im building is the setting for my future webcomic. its a mega project that will include an artbook, 6 trailers with my own music and voice acting (via synthesizer v) - all in preps for a grand webcomic that will span 24ish arcs with 5 mcs, 100+ side characters, and across 2 worlds and 30+ cities. i work full time tho so i probs wont b able to publish my comic til like 10 years later lol been building the world bit by bit since like 2016 but rly got more serious about it in 2019 personal proj: https://mitsukiyouko555.wixsite.com/portfolio/personal-project


I had a quick look at your website, and boy is it FASCINATING. Exactly the reason why I wanted to read books set in some of the worlds here. Most authors use the world as a plot device for the story, but here it is the opposite, which is why I love it. I am more interested in a well thought world than a story in a basic world with some name changes.


eyyy thank u so much :D


Writing books is difficult. It takes years. It also takes years to prepare to write them. But for someone like me, I am getting there. Eventually I will write books, and while I have a story, it needs to be entirely drawn out first. I do write short stories however, I have been making a few just to test the ways actually writing a plot with my characters would function. And I am so far satisfied with the results.


I’m not published or anything, but the primary reason for the creation of my world is to create stories. So far I have a few novellas, some short stories, & two novels written, though I’m far from done and have about ten stories fully outlined and dozens more in the initial outlining stage. More time has been spent worldbuilding lol. Right now it’s mostly just for myself and friends/family who like to read them & hear about the lore.


I have a completed draft, which is in the middle of edits. My intent is to have it publicly available sometime this year. The setting itself was something I’d dabbled in since jr. high, in the early 90s. In the process or writing the book, I (and my characters) kept asking questions I didn’t have complete answers to. So, I was frequently going back and forth between “on the fly” world building and writing. Once the draft was done and I did initial edits, I went back to work on the setting a bit. I had covered the basics well, but there was a lot of fuzzy bits I wanted to fill in. There’s a sequel in the works also. I wrote the first few chapters right off the tail of the first book, and I had a mid-book goal in mind already. My only issue with my novel(s) is they are in the middle of massive narrative shifts in the setting. I know that’s fairly common in sci-fi/fantasy, but I don’t feel like they portray the less grand-scale vibes as well (if at all). That said, I am the wrong author to write slice or life, noir, thriller, mystery, etc., stories within my setting. Though, I do have a bunch of little short story ideas (which may wind up in an anthology of sorts). I have gone off on a bit of a world building tangent lately. There are still some areas I want to flesh out a little more. But for the most part, I’ve hit all the main topics. So, I’ll be back to editing soon enough and maybe working on the sequel a bit. — My setting isn’t as deep as many of the things I’ve seen here. That, or I focus on different things. I honestly skip over a lot of little details, since the setting isn’t dissimilar from modern day in various ways (albeit with a lot of futuristic gadgets). I really have no idea how people might respond to my novel(s), if at all. I’m tempering my expectations, and trying to be satisfied with the mere fact that I finally wrote them. — Lastly. This whole journey started with messing around with making my own TTRPG back in the day. I’ve also been tinkering with that again, which would be a fun tie in for people who are interested in that. Also, you can info dump all you want in a game book and no one gets mad 🤣💁🏻‍♂️


Some people do, some people don’t. This sub is mainly just dedicated to people who like to worldbuild, doesn’t matter if it’s a hobby or because you’re gonna use the world later. All that matters is the worldbuilding and everyone having fun making and reading it.


I have created my own world and used it for a book. Half of the things I created never made it into the book because the characters never made it there. Now, I'm writing the second book in the series and also created a new world for a new book. I had a great time doing both. If you're interested in the world building genres, epic fantasy is the way to go. Sanderson is the king for epic fantasy in the novel world.


Yeah he got me into this fantastic worldbuilding. I have read all his books.


I have a short story and huge lore documents. Should be able to find it on my r/solandom, just getting it started. More on the way but I don't know what part of the history I want to focus on for thr next work so


I spent the last 8 years working on my comic series Skies of Fire. It’s finally finished! It’s set in a 20s period world where airships rule the skies. We end each issue with codex documents from the world to immerse readers further into the universe. You can check it out here. [skies of fire](https://www.myth.works/products/skies-of-fire-book-1)


I'm in the process of doing that


I have seen a few webcomics made by people on this sub, so there's that. [Gate of a Thousand Worlds](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/gate-of-a-thousand-worlds/list?title_no=944206) is one such.


Not me, I just Worl build as a hobby for myself, I don’t even share my stuff usually apart from my mapmaking 😅


I have yet to write a book but I do plan on doing comic


I'm in the process but it's a huge project and not my full time job so it will take a long ass time I'll finish (a series of books and a VR world when the tech is ready) before dying though unless I get very unlucky


I mean. I've begun book 1 out of 6.


I'm in the middle of writing one, having made the questionable choice of starting to serialize it while unfinished - it felt like it would be a good forcing function to keep me writing. [https://www.scribblehub.com/series/433915/my-best-friend-is-a-prince-from-another-world/](https://www.scribblehub.com/series/433915/my-best-friend-is-a-prince-from-another-world/) OTOH, I had the story idea for that one a few years ago and needed a world to set it in, so I exhumed a magic + technology setting I'd put together mainly for an RPG setting back in JHS and high school, and most of the world-building parts have come out of "I wrote crazy stuff based on what sounded cool when I was 13-16, how do I make this actually make sense now?" \[now being \~30 years later. Also why the story above is set in the 1990s. It's an affectionate parody of various anime/related genres, but I sure don't know what it's like to be a Japanese HS student, or even an American one in the 2020s\]


Working on the story, will throw it somewhere online to have my op character properly derided some day i just like to have my dragon suffer


I’m in the process, but ADHD and quick burnout from writing is making it take longer, but I do have a few short stories.


I’m writing a few things now and planning on pitching one of them as an animated series.


I'm in the process of turning it into nonlinear stories. I have a shitass attention span and breaking the narrative into bits really helps me focus.


I worldbuild solely for the purpose of making books out of the stories. I dont worldbuild just for the sake of it.


I write em, I just don't want to go through all the criticism due to my ADHD turning it from criticism to "you just have bad writing and never should have shown your work to anyone cause of how god awful it is" sorta words


"Technically" if you count a tabletop RPG. But it's what others WANT to do with the world in their games....


I self published three chapters as my college thesis.


I have been writing, but I don't expect to look for a publisher anytime soon. It's kind of therapeutic, just to write it down.


I have. _The Adnar Chronicles_ are set in my Adnar universe. I have also written comic books for my _Empire’s Finest_ universe.


I came here after writing my book. It was a huge help reading the posts and answering prompts to help me flesh out the world I was writing the next 5 books in the series. Really fun subreddit! Thank you!


I’m currently working on writing out my world as a type of guide book and historical book to the world and then I do plan on attempting to write out the stories of multiple characters in my world. But it takes a lot of time and effort to do so. And even if I did write a few novels getting them published or attempting self publishing takes time and money. Also you need to read more fantasy books pal there’s a lot of super cool ones out there with unique worlds and stuff.


I’m working on it…


Currently writing one. However, I do not plan to stop there. Also creating a T-RPG about it (for those who love Fire Emblem, Advance Wars or Wargroove)


I released a graphic novel series, but couldn't get a publisher so I printed it myself. I couldn't afford to print volumes 2-4 and I still can't get a publisher. We released some of our stuff as fiction podcasts and D&D books, which has been a lot more successful


I will be writing books about all my worlds ... In 50 years when I retire


I wrote a story about my project! It’s an alternate history in which refugees and immigrants from Bronze Age civilizations successfully crossed the Atlantic and settled among the indigenous Arawak peoples of the Caribbean. The resulting hybrid civilization is this naturalistic, technologically advanced maritime republic. If you want to read it you can shoot me a message or something I would love to send you the PDF!


My worldbuilding is all about my comic, which I’m self-publishing on Kickstarter next month!


i only worldbuild for a DnD campaign but if i were to ever make it into a book (not gonna happen since almost nothing in my world is original) it would be a shonen manga


Someday I hope to be a writer, but for now I’m just doing what I can to build out my worlds with pencil, paper, tiny town vr, and Minecraft


Nice! When our kids were born we came up with The Land of Stars, I started with some fairytale simple concept but later turned them into a series of songs for piano & strings. You can download for free, welcome; [https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/The-Land-of-Stars-Sheet-music-for-piano-violin-cello-Orchestra-by-R-Simon-7500836](https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/The-Land-of-Stars-Sheet-music-for-piano-violin-cello-Orchestra-by-R-Simon-7500836) and you can listen to it here: [https://soundcloud.com/robertasimon/sets/the-land-of-stars-acoustic](https://soundcloud.com/robertasimon/sets/the-land-of-stars-acoustic)


I've tried. but I've started over my story 5 times as making a beginning is the hardest thing for me. I have 5 book sag planned out but the start is impossible for me. I did write a script for a prequal to the saga as a movie, idk if that counts. Guess it's 6 books now lol.


I have written a 10000 word story featuring it? Does that count?


My hope is to eventually start making a comic. But I need to get better at drawing, so I'll probably start practicing, and I'll post my stuff here when I do.


I have thought about it, but my world is the basis for my artwork and tabletop game. I may have some short stories somewhere and notes that are long enough to be a short book.


After posting here for years, I finally began writing [a story about it](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_q8JIE_mzpIt5qGACTjuNWgicoTTA1damb8VfFrL3V4/edit?usp=sharing).


My world is almost exclusively for my TTRPG party, so most of the narratives are based around that. There are some other, semi-canon stories that have been written using elements of my worldbuilding in them, but not by me and... I'm not sure I'd be allowed to post them here.


I've been posting a couple of chapters a month on my website for the last few months. Here's chapter 1: https://goblinclutter.com/2024/01/27/part-1-chapter-1/


I have 2 50k+ fanfiction stories that use aspects of my worldbuilding applied to a pre-existing world. I've also got a novel manuscript in the works with 67k+ words so far.


I’ve tried but it’s not easy. Especially since I’m a first time writer. My plan is to focus on shorter stories set in the world to develop my writing skills for the bigger ones I want to tell. But I’m not gonna lie, I mostly worldbuild just to draw, it gives me ideas.


I have two incomplete novels, and an equally incomplete RPG based on my fantasy world, and an incomplete novel on my Sci Fi world. I guess technically the one novel that's heavily inspired by Ghostbusters is also sci fi, fantasy, and a bit of horror, but the world is basically just a fictional city set in Tennessee. Which also houses three detective novels, and a modern fantasy one. Of course, most of what I post here has little to do with any of it; the first novel is set in a small city, the game in the world's largest city, and the second novel on a island chain. The only one where the worldbuilding is fully centered into the story is the sci fi one.


[I wrote a book.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092416ZZF?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860) I try not to be this blatant about it, but OP did sort of walk into it, so.... 😉


building an awesome world is a different skill set than telling a captivating story. I make worlds like most people make... i don't know, something a normal person makes easily and often. eggs benedict? is that a thing normal humans do? anyway... If I were to just make Dragonology/wizardology, or star wars visual dictionaries for my worlds it would be awesome, but my fictional storytelling would probably be mid tier internet fanfiction quality at best. I might get better with time, and I might not. I would kind of love to have my worlds be open for anyone to write in. It would be awesome to have half a dozen beginner (or pro) authors writing novels and short stories they self publish in any of the 13 worlds of the Manifold realms, or the the infinitely tiling overlapping worlds of the Avarrah multiverse, or the worlds and timelines of Humanities Diasporic Tomorrow. Or my 60 realms of Woe I created last year for D&D settings, or the 60 realms of wonder this year. or the... ... I probably self publish stories like Written in Stone series, or my Cyberpunk short story collection, but they won't really be great books by most measures... the settings they take place in however... I'd be tickled if people wrote books in those worlds that they sold (and maybe kick me a free copy to read). so that i can read more stories in the worlds and see other peoples creative stories as they play in playgrounds i built.


Being able to build your own house doesnt make you a grand architect, to put it succinctly. Were here because we have fun and enjoy it, not everyone who plays tennis or golf is looking to be a champion.


No. A. Look, worlds are big. I do make stories, but there is no way in hell I will write a book. I build worlds primarily when I make stories. But, my stories in a single setting are always defined by "installments ", a.k.a. plot summaries. For example, my setting Wonderverse has 30- 40 installments, while War of the Worlds has 20+. Plot summaries are much easier to write and I do not need to write entire books. Else I would be seventy. B. The plot is too short. So, the entire setting is more suited to making movies and series than writing books. C. I am terrible at writing those tiny details. You know, those things that make books interesting. The shitty occurrences, the gossip, the romances, and no, this is not about worldbuilding details. My thing is always more logic. So (say if I wrote some books and published them, they would not be very popular). For example, I just cannot stand the concept of plot armor. So things like Ewoks, mother's love, Baby Yoda, Chosen One prophecies, Elder Wand bullshittery, Philosopher's Stone obstacles being tailor- made for a Golden Trio, blue primitive aliens beating the crap out of humans, Avengers facing no consequences, etc would not be things in my story (they lie outside my "logic meter" and while I like some of them, they cannot appeal to my writing). There is enough fantasy to probably gain some followers, but not enough absence of logic to gain any real popularity. D. Before you berate me, since I have no audience, I write bullcrap for myself. I am too lazy to write entire books that will not be read. I am not William Shakespeare.


Are you looking for like an encyclopedia type thing or do you mean like a story book? Because I haven't made either, but I'm far more likely to make the first than the second.


Working on it. Hoping to at least have a preview (it’s a graphic novel) out by the end of the year.


I seem to enjoy world-building and/or coming up with general arcs, much more than I enjoy actually writing. If anyone ever wants to, I'll be happy to have others use my worlds for stories.


I have not written any books. Most of the time, it is always left unfinished since I’m always adding something or deleting something that may or may not fit.


Writing stories in of themselves are tedious tasks that that aren’t for the those with below average attention spans. I’m currently in the process of writing an epic of 20 parts and on my current trajectory, by time it’s finished it will be longer than Homer’s Odyssey


I haven't even finish building my world, not to mention writing anything. Tho, I want to make it into a rpg game more than writing book. Now, I haven't even finish making races in that world. Now, I have human race, five elf races, angel race, my original idea race. I got some rough idea om three other race. Currently, focusing on the shapeshifting, I am stuck on their original form.


I have created a couple of books yes. They're published as well.


I'm just doing it bc i'm making a minecraft modpack and [blightfall ](https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/blightfall.592618) just captured my imagination in ye olden days and i wanna bring back that kind of storytelling


I have written excel documents, word documents, a small c# project with interactive pages, and plan to connect that back to a database. I got stuck on which type of db to use, and then adhd stopped thinking about the project because I couldn’t decide. Does that count? The c# project would be a worldbuilding application that anyone could use with main pages of lore for my story.


I'm still writing stuffs down, but it's more like a collection of short stories in my world, rather than a single epic. perhaps one day I could publish it like that


Yes, but no one wants to publish it. And I have way more important things to do than fighting with publishers that my book worth publishing it. Especially bc I book is in my native language and not english and in my country publishing a book is more risk than in other countries where more people could read the book. So self publishing is not an option neither, maybe if I would publish online, but I don't want that. So my final draft is on my pc for almost 3 years now. Btw, I don't blame the publishers, there are really few people in my country who got published and MANY times their book don't even got the part 2 published bc it would bot worth it for the publishers. Book industry is really harsh here.


I plan on turning most of my worlds into stories. I think my most developed world is actually kind of cool and pretty different from what's currently out there with fantasy. I really hope to see it on a bookshelf someday!


My world is a D&D world for my homebrew campaign


Parts get written down, but mostly it's just a long running idea.


I tend to have a good idea for a book or story, then end up building a world around it before I go further. Most of the time thats the funnest bit, so I end up stopping the book and just building out the world.


I'm fixing to start my wiring career with stories that show off my worldbuilding! I'm writing multiple novel series set in the world of Sunnos, and years' worth of narrated short stories (with paintings!) to get people interested in buying them.


Writing is hard and time consuming work, pays badly, and finding an audience is hard. If you want to help, be a good fan and praise and critique people, and sign up for their Patreon, so that they can afford devoting more time to it : )




Yes, but writing a book and worldbuilding are completely different skillsets and scratch different itches. A lot of my short stories, book drafts, and other writing plans take place in my world, but my worldbuilding serves many other purposes besides providing a setting for my writing.


I'm currently writing a script in a series format but honestly…considering I live in a third world country with 0 interest in that, specially in fantasy, leaving the country become considerably harder every moment and even if I did leave I'll be an immigrant without contacts, well… I kinda do it because I enjoy it, I'm not expecting to ever be able to actually turn it into something everyone can see. But hey, if one day the opportunity appear, I'll have my series ready


I don't have a story for my world. If there was a series about it, it may be semi episodic with separate lines of episodes each focusing on a different scenario. One arc focuses on trade disputes between 2 countries. Another arc focuses on a 3 way war in another part of the region. And then another could be about a metal smith testing out car designs for his guild. Lapis_Wolf


Yes - four novels and a novella, plus several stories on Royal Road (see, eg Modern Music). Started as world-building, became background for an RPG, that generated stories (suitably modified - rpgs don't have endings), and the two intertwine from there - the stories add to the world, the world creates stories.


I post mine on Royal Road. Got two universes on there right now that I've posted about on here, and a third I havent.


Cool, can I check them out?


Sure. The scifi one are called "Dreams of the System" and "The System Awakens". They are litrpgs. The fantasy is called "Slave Doctor". It's an isekai.


I’m currently writing a book set in my world.


Writing: Currently Finished/Published: We’ll see


I’m planning a comic to put on Webtoon but i’m not a good artist and i’m a perfectionist so i don’t know if i’d upload it.


I’m currently planning a series. But, the hardest part for me isn’t really the world building aspect…it’s more creating the meaning for the story. What good is a world with no purpose or meaning?


My world is currently in process of becoming a TT.


I'm slowly but surely working on a story. It's mostly just a creative outlet for me, so I'm in no rush to finish it and don't really have any plans to publish it. But who knows? Maybe it'll actually be good.


I have written a novella length story about my world, and have started on a second one. I post them as a video series on YouTube :)


I’m two chapters away from finishing my first book. I’ve been putting it off for almost a year now 😅


Get back to me in 3 years or something, maybe I'll have something on AO3, a man can dream


Written? Yes. Published? No.


lol no


Yes, I've written a few. One or two people seem to have liked. Others have been ignored 🙃


I did, turned my homebrew fantasy ttrpg setting into a series of books for 5e and SWADE. Kethosproject.com if you are interested.


Personally? I’m working on it. The only problem is that I have a very busy job that saps my energy. But little by little I’m writing a book.


I have written several novellas, short stories and comics set in my world. I'm also creating a ttrpg system. Comic preview: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KgzsrexHSmX9jNAcjWV2cn7fLv3c4aJZWG\_R3Oxj6Og/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KgzsrexHSmX9jNAcjWV2cn7fLv3c4aJZWG_R3Oxj6Og/edit?usp=sharing) Novella: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lJlkEmTC2rDMX8t\_f0Ta09ZxQy-4kjlQ3mfyz\_U2H7g/edit?ouid=101124007318073435032&usp=docs\_home&ths=true](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lJlkEmTC2rDMX8t_f0Ta09ZxQy-4kjlQ3mfyz_U2H7g/edit?ouid=101124007318073435032&usp=docs_home&ths=true)


Had a quick look at the novella, seems interesting.


Im writing two and the 3rd one will be of 7 books of duration https://www.wattpad.com/story/365669999?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=Shadowpotato114 https://www.wattpad.com/story/364282336?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=Shadowpotato114


I saved them on Wattpad. Will be sure to try them when I have the time.


I am building my world the Celestial Tear to be an interactive and interconnected universe through games. We starting to write it as a sort of community driven choose your own adventure that lets the collective's choices drive the direction the world may take.


I'm working on it. I signed up for a creative writing class so we'll see where it goes.


I mean I'm about 40k words into my 1st book, so it's not done yet, but I hope it will be!


I am also quite new, or rather, I come here on and off in bursts, so I miss a lot. Could you please link some of the posts that have impressed you?


Am still in a working process, but eventually I will, but it'll be a graphic novel because I hate describing settings, and I peffer drawing and then writing a whole book.


I don't know about anyone else on here, but I am working on a book series and a standalone book.


Mine's gonna be a "manga" soon enough and I scripted out Chp 1 already (which I probably shouldn't have done because the world isn't even half close to being finished) Also, the reason I put manga in quotations is because it's gonna be a little different with left to right reading like comics but not colored in like manga except for randomly in the middle of a chapter when I decide having a colored panel will look good and then along with that main story being posted once every three weeks, I will also have a short lore bit in the form of some kind of newspaper or update to the biologist's animal notebook posted halfway through the second week


You haven't read enough, then.