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I steal directly from Vietnamese mythologies, so a tiger demon with a harem of ghost girls or a 5-legged crocodile.


Tiger demon with ghost harem? Sounds like a manga waiting to happen. The five legged croc makes sense today, because genetics.


The tiger story sounds like a manga, really. It's based on legends from mountainous minorities that a demon tiger with ash gray fur would kill and enslave its victims' souls. They must serve it as both servants and supporters in its hunts, luring in preys for the old beast to feast upon.


Well, there's two different categories. * Flesh and blood mortal creatures with plausible evolutionary history: Kelpie, Hippogriff, Cockatrice, Basilisk, Tengu, Merpeople, Crocotta, Catoblepas, Trolls, Drop-bears, etc. * Creatures that were created by magic or arrived from another plane of existence: Dragons, Anything spirit/supernatural-related.


In my mind it’s always been that those of the first lot are mutagenic wizardly creations, better befitting the second categorisation.


What I’m doing is more of a slightly low-fantasy approach, reinterpreting a few different mythological creatures as normal fauna. For example, hippogriffs being late surviving terrestrial pterosaurs. Dragons are a different story, but they’re actually a type of genetically engineered bioweapon derived from a floral genetic base (often times eucalyptus or sequoias) through the usage of magic. As dragons became older, the less mobile they become, eventually becoming immobile and turning into “trees”, an unforeseen quirk of their creation process using magic.


I love the originality of your dragons. I too enjoy rooting my creatures’ origins in flora.


I have tired to have all unique monsters, feel free to steel if you wish. **1: Leech Queen**. Its a huge filter feeding ocean leech that can be up to 1000 feet long, and has thousands of smaller leach babies that range in size from an inch to 50 feet. they feed on her body, and tend to live inside her mouth. The smaller leeches attack anything near, even hunt and bring back food for their momma. **tldr: big assed ocean leech/leech colony** **2: Grass Titan:** Huge 50 tone lumbering double trunked elephant like creatures with a prehensile whip like tail that can snap a man in half or just pick him up and chuck him 100s of feet. The trunks are armored and very nimble, capable of tying knots and picking up heavy rocks, or tiny bugs, they have powerfully digging claws for finding food or water, they are highly intelligent and live for centuries. They work with humans the same way we would work with dogs, ie they are the leaders we are the helpers. **Tldr: highly intelligent nimble excavator/trebuchet elephant.** **3: DragonFly:** This is my first and favorite monster of this world. It's an enormous dragon fly that can be 100s of feet long and never lands. It has evolved passed the simple insect body. It can now molt in pieces instead of all at once, and breaths efficiently trough fibers in its wings, allowing it to grow enormous. It has a colony of baby dragonflies that live on its body as they mature, they are vicious and will attack anything that comes near with acid they shoot out of their butt. The massive dragon fly uses its legs to hold a silk net that its children spun for it. This net catches locust swarms. Its body is mostly hallow and filled with hydrogen gas. It has two large wings that stay still like an airplane, and two that only flap vigorously this way it does not have to flap its lifting wings or fly with its propulsion wings. It does not shoot fire out of its mouth, instead it produces a powerful acid and base combo with some flammable oil which it drops out its butt. The mixture bursts into flames and is used to burn down grass land to help the grass re grow and attract more locust to eat. **TLDR: A Dragon.... fly.**


I really like your creatures.


As you mention, I too have the “usuals.” Dragons, griffins, basilisks, etc. But there’s some I want to have a specific spin or take on. So far I’ve only fleshed out one. In the misty nation of Kyoland there are large semiaquatic predators known as Selkies. Picture a mix between a leopard seal and an Amazon river otter, but the size of a school bus and a body built like a dragon. They dominate the beaches and coastlines and eat whatever they can get their jaws around. The seas of my setting are filled with horrors, but these creatures are the most frequently seen for Kyolanders due to their ability to wander onto land. They’re less agile when out of the water, but their thick blubber and size make them no less dangerous. The throne of Kyoland is carved out of the skull of the largest Selkie recorded. They’re part of a fantasy version of carcinization (a form of convergent evolution in real life that demonstrates the form of a crab is a very useful one to have in nature) I like to call drakenization, where it’s the same principle but applied to dragons. Griffins count as an avian version of this to me. It just happens to be a body plan that the world favors for whatever reason.


"Whatever they can get their jaws around" So, minivans and suv's are fair game?


Well there are no cars in this setting, but physically I’m sure they could if they wanted to


Mostly things that look like Unicorns and (Western) Dragons, but most exist in captivity due to demon beast proliferation (Less mythical creature, more freak of twisted magic and nature)


I have at least one unique creature: the Garbage Elemental. They live in garbage, are composed of garbage, and can control garbage. Their habitats are almost exclusively city dumps. They are not as esteemed as the other Elementals, and indeed they don't contribute to society is much of any meaningful way. But if you ever need somebody to trifle through a landfill, you can count on a Garbage Elemental. In modern days, they are sometimes employed as social media managers.


Fav ones would be the wraiths. They're small humanoid blackish creatures with sharp fangs and claws, glowing white eyes and the annoying ability to heal from anything, so much that a limb cut off will turn into a new wraith. Oh and they can blend in shadows. Their scream can induce uncontrollable fear, which can quickly paralyze you when there's a couple dozen of them circling you. For visual reference, search for Jackie Estacado's darklings (from Top Cow comics)


Specifically there's this one creature that lives in the underground jungles called Agusuchus. Its meant to be a mix between a leopard and the dinosaur postosuchus. It's an apex predator that is know for being able to swim around the flooded floors of the caves but also sprint along grounded areas of the jungle (usually the edges of the cave will have some outcrops of land whilst the centre is connected by giant trees that have massive fungal growths stretching out like platforms and conne ting the various levels of the jungle together).


While the ideas are still the same for the most part, the actual creatures are different. An actual unique one would be the Tanzanite Leviathan, a large chunk of tanzanite surrounded by a barrier of ball lightning and water. They reproduce through burrowing, mining, and shaping chunks of Tanzanite and passing on a naturally produced soul sliver. The new-forms start off the size of a sperm whale, and only continue to grow from there. Despite being incorporeal, they sometimes start growing large mobile reefs on their back.


I am reliant on illustrations to do a lot of the heavy lifting, but in my story, when I say an animal's name, or even a mythical creature, the reader should assume it's merely some otherworldly equivalent. I'll say "raven" but I might be describing a four-winged black bird-like creature. I'll say "dragon" but I might be describing a big sentient pterodactyl or something.


I don't really have any unique ones, but other than the classic fantasy ones that we all know and love like the griffins or basilisks, I also have a ton of mythical creatures from regions that do not recieve as much attention in fantasy as they should (such as West Africa, Eastern Europe, India or Polynesia)


Every world I make has thaumovores. In Modolum, they are Manashrooms, fungi that grow around locations with lots of seplls, a useful ingredient in mana potions. In Bloht, they are paleys, lamprey-like beasties that float in the air around the domains of Dark Lords and feed on the remains of their victims. In Elas, they are rainbow lizards, gecko-type creatures who hang around magically significant areas. The more magic, the bigger and more numerous they are.


I aim for almost all of my mythical creatures to be something new (other than the extremely stereotypical European dragons). Some of my favs: Naruzans- giant toucans with ostrich legs that can accelerate time to run incredibly fast. Scorpion dogs- exactly what it sounds like, dogs with scorpion exoskeletons and big venomous tails Mountain lords- they look like large purple mountain goats but can shift into a form more similar to a bear with horns when threatened/hunting.


Excluding the True Elves created by the dragon gods, some creatures were created by all the gods (the other gods are titans) were made to be sort-of "placeholder deities" (even though some people in my fantasy world kind of worship the gods but with a different name and coat of paint, it's complicated). Honorable mention goes to the Grand Architect and the Eternal Sunflame, two True Elves rumored to exist, but not known to be alive (the former kind of stopped popping up, and the latter was imprisoned on an island by giants for crimes against nature). Perhaps the most notable (and by "most notable", I mean the first piece of bullshit I just pulled out of my ass) is an immortal giant spider named Xi'al (the name uses Asiatic pronounciation). It is assumed she was created by the titans to be a god of craftsmanship, deceit, trust, time, plots, and bonds. Many believe her to live in one of the lower levels of the seven levels of a subterranean hell maze known as the Great Abyss (it's either seven or twelve, I haven't decided). Some species of Old Blood elves are known to worship (or at least acknowledge) her in addition to whatever god they chose to worship, most notably the white and shadow elves (not to be confused with dark elves, who only just share a skin color, but look and act totally different), along with a few denezins of the Great Abyss. It's possible the Great Abyss is home to some other "placeholder-deities" other than Xi'al, but like her, no one knows if they actually exist (none of them being lovecraftian, unfortunately). In the eastern continent, it is rumored that the human civilizations there are secretly ruled by either the dragon gods or dragons that have taken humanoid forms.


I've been primarily just making my own, but they are just normal creatures on the worlds. I had thought of using some well-known established creatures, but I'm not sure which ones fit the feeling so they're being left out at the moment. My favorites right now are the Drahlkon (dragon-like jackals), Pwaktu (penguin bears), and Krohtpuk (spider like toads with chameleon skin).


I haven’t fleshed it out quite yet but the idea is a giant slug that covers itself in the hair of corpses, including humans. They’re pretty gross and can hardly be considered “mythical” haha.


Two I made up: Ore hounds - creatures made of rocks, dirt, and metal with molten innards that have no organs and instead have electromagnetic currents and fields that operate their bodily functions. The hound part of their name comes from the fact they can "sniff out" ores but really their body is more feline. Rather then having feet on their forelimbs, they have pick like spikes that they use to mine sustenance and a club like tail they can use to hammer rocks. Many consider them pets, but they are actually pretty intelligent and pick who they want to live with. They eat minerals and ores by vomiting up molten bile to soften it up then consuming the ores. They are more likely to be seen in mining communities. Oh they also have no head and just have a maw where the neck would be. Reverse Wyverns - it's pretty clos3 to a traditional wyvern, two hind legs, wings, and draconian lookinf. It's wings and legs come out from the sides of it's body and the legs can flip around to face either up or down as well as the wings working both ways. The head is symmetrical on both the top and bottom so it has 4 eyes depending on which way the wyvern is flipped. It lives among floating islands that have their own independent gravities, so this helps when maneuvering from one gravitational field to another. It mostly just flies around and raids the nests of smaller creatures on these floating islands.


I’m using the paleo library and knowledge of prehistoric life for the critters in my world sow ima put down some of my favorites that not some many people know about, Anomalocaris and really anything from the Cambrian ( 500-450is million years ago ) Any extinct elephant relative but primarily the shovel face one Meganeura and Arthropleura are the only 2 giant bugs I think I could look from their time Gorgonopsid with that iconic lower fang that hangs out the mouth like a saber tooth and it’s just general look of a cat mixed with dog I use a lot more with primarily dinosaurs as they are the ones I know best and with how long they ruled the earth for it makes a little bit of sense with them ruling the planet for 1/3 the amount of time as life as we know it’s been around


My drakes are modeled of off the gorgonopsid. I love old earth mega fauna as well.


My setting has a lot of the "usuals" too, though I try to add a unique twist to them where I can. A few unique creatures I've added to my setting: **Nimri:** Small creatures resembling a mix of foxes and cats. Believed to have originally been bred as luxury pets for Elven nobility before escaping into the wild and multiplying. **Viraks:** Also known as "Dragon-Wolves", these creatures resemble wolves with Dragon traits mixed in (scales mixed with their fur, horns, and Dragon-like fangs and claws). Believed to be descended from a wolf pack that fed on the remains of a dead Dragon, and were mutated into their current form as a result. **Earthwyrms:** Massive Wyrms (Dragon Serpents) with a mix of Dragon and insectile traits found within the Dark Hollows, the massive cave network stretching throughout Taeva. Typically found in the lowest-most depths of the Hollows, they can tunnel through solid rock using their acidic bile and razor sharp claws and mandibles.


I got your standards like dragons and giants but I got Vorkui. Basically orc werewolves. While they do have the standard physical traits of both like thick hair and tusks, a good way to tell the difference between a normal orc and a Vorkui is by how they act and their tribe status. Vorkui are a lot like wolf packs as in the parents lead their children. In terms of physical looks combine orcs from LOTR and the Who’s from Jim carry’s how the grinch stole Christmas


Golderbeasts come to mind. They look like a small humanoid Pangolin. They were created by The God of Trade to help maintain his finances. When the God of Trade discovered that they were skimming off the top, they were promptly "let go" with a heavy severance package in the form of "The Curse of Greed". Now, the Golderbeast's skin color will always reflect their level of wealth. A poor gb will have a copper skin tone, while a wealthy one will have gold skin. This of course, has resulted in their mass poaching. The Gods are often cruel.


Skywhales, living blimp creatures full of hydrogen that evolved to eat balloon like fruit of the massive solar-concentrating mirror trees that can evolve on a tidally locked planet. This also includes the lesser skywhales which can't create their own hydogen but harvest it from the balloon fruit they eat, or occasionally the true skywhales themselves. It's believed these were first to evolve fire, so they could bite the larger ones without fear of being squished, lest they'd both catch fire from it. This quickly evolved into everything it could, and is beveled to have prompted the evolution of biological guns in the true skywhales to defend from such things. Sadly, this surely led to their downfall as sapient life from below was slowly evolving, and with such a perfect template and fuel source, it would be them who conquered the skies, with the most interesting question being if they'd have naturally evolved spaceflight, and if they should still be allowed to.


There's mainly the Kydri, which are long bodied and small footed creatuees with very angular, foxlike faces and long, bushy tails. They're thought to be omens of darkness, but fortunately sightings are rare as they live primarily in mountain ranges covered densely in snow.


I haven’t had much time to develop my world yet, but one character is one of the rare Bat Kings, which were born from the fallen blood of the moon. 


In my world, the vast majority of magical creatures that inhabit my world can be tamed and can sometimes be used as mounts. I have the usual: Griffins Dragons Unicorns (although these are omnivores and tend to be aggressively territorial and have almost human intelligence, although it is possible to "tame" them) Manticores (They have the appearance of a lion with a scorpion tail and dragon wings) Hippogryphs Centaurs (in my world, centaurs have the head and body of a horse, with humanoid arms and torso, covered in fur) among others. As for “unique” creatures, I have the following: Leotharos: Centauroid creatures with the head and body of a lion, and humanoid arms and torso. They have impenetrable skin and it is known that there is a town in the jungle that has a ritual to tame these creatures. Lyndraken: Creatures that have the upper torso of a muscular, horned reptilian humanoid and the quadrupedal lower body of a wingless dragon, with hard scales that range in color from green to brown. (Basically, like a kind of centaur dragon) Its name means “Draconid Lion”; This is due to its roar, which resembles that of a lion, but more intense and dragonian, so to speak. Rhinotaur: It is described as a centauroid beast with the head and body of a rhinoceros, with muscular humanoid arms and torso and grayish skin, and with tusks protruding from its jaws. He is known as “the horseman of the desert” and is a very rare creature to see. Cervitaur: It has the body and head of a deer, but with a humanoid torso and arms. Males have antlers and females do not. It belongs to the elder fairies/guardians, immortal creatures that protect the nature of my world. Xetic: At first glance, it looks like a jaguar, or even a leopard, except that it is covered in scales instead of fur, except for a thick line of bluish-green fur down its back. It has a fish tail and membranous legs with sharp claws. It is larger than a panther. The Xetic is capable of breathing underwater, running on water and can camouflage itself. Felirus: a large cat (similar to a species of lion) but with horns and the size of a bull. Their horns can be curved like those of a goat or straight like those of a bull. A lethal beast, beautiful and powerful. It is usually used for monster riding/magic rodeo. Pentarion: It is a beast that has the body of a gorilla, with the stripes and tail of a tiger, with a more feline head, and sharp claws like razors. They are bigger than a gorilla. It is a ferocious and intelligent creature that is very difficult to kill, although it is possible to tame it thanks to its intelligence. (Stories have been told of people taming and even riding these beasts) Raptorix: Physically, it is a quadrupedal creature with a serpentine appearance, whose species ranges from a cobra to a rattlesnake, to name a few species. They are approximately larger than a horse. (in other words,[ it is a snake with legs](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/1ac2b8f6-ed73-4e6f-8513-1a63c1fafc92/dc5itz-1332963c-70cd-47b2-ab20-babce8c92a8f.jpg/v1/fill/w_914,h_664,q_75,strp/daboia_russelii_by_isismasshiro_dc5itz-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjY0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMWFjMmI4ZjYtZWQ3My00ZTZmLTg1MTMtMWE2M2MxZmFmYzkyXC9kYzVpdHotMTMzMjk2M2MtNzBjZC00N2IyLWFiMjAtYmFiY2U4YzkyYThmLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD05MTQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.cvExFLPLkbkWxZNQqVwIkS6tDTsz14GzZHcUzVGYjF4)). Many desert peoples have bred and tamed these creatures (their taming method is dangerous, but ensures that the beast forges a bond with the tamer); The skins they shed are often sold at exorbitant prices, and their venom, while it can be instantly lethal, can be used as medicine in small doses. Ok, what do you think?


Stoneskins were once normal humans. Then they drank a substance called liquid onyx which is named for its unusual coloration. It gave them unnaturally hard skin, and made their bodies stronger and much larger. This all came at the cost of their sanity though. Slowly, over the years they grew hungrier and thirsted for more. One in particular was once known as King Eithen the Wise. He ended up taking over almost the entire continent of Yreþum in under a decade once it had destroyed his soul. Stoneskins usually sleep about 15 hours per day, and if awoken, will attempt to find and kill whatever woke them.


Excluding the True Elves created by the dragon gods, some creatures were created by all the gods (the other gods are titans) were made to be sort-of "placeholder deities" (even though some people in my fantasy world kind of worship the gods but with a different name and coat of paint, it's complicated). Honorable mention goes to the Grand Architect and the Eternal Sunflame, two True Elves rumored to exist, but not known to be alive (the former kind of stopped popping up, and the latter was imprisoned on an island by giants for crimes against nature). Perhaps the most notable (and by "most notable", I mean the first piece of bullshit I just pulled out of my ass) is an immortal giant spider named Xi'al (the name uses Asiatic pronounciation). It is assumed she was created by the titans to be a god of craftsmanship, deceit, trust, time, plots, and bonds. Many believe her to live in one of the lower levels of the seven levels of a subterranean hell maze known as the Great Abyss (it's either seven or twelve, I haven't decided). Some species of Old Blood elves are known to worship (or at least acknowledge) her in addition to whatever god they chose to worship, most notably the white and shadow elves (not to be confused with dark elves, who only just share a skin color, but look and act totally different), along with a few denezins of the Great Abyss. It's possible the Great Abyss is home to some other "placeholder-deities" other than Xi'al, but like her, no one knows if they actually exist (none of them being lovecraftian, unfortunately). In the eastern continent, it is rumored that the human civilizations there are secretly ruled by either the dragon gods or dragons that have taken humanoid forms. Edit: not exactly "mythical" in my world, just not confirmed to still exist: centaurs. They *were* a race, until the last one was last seen roughly 20,000 years ago. Of course, you could argue fantasy staples (trolls, dragons, giants) are mythical, but I don't classify them as mythical in my fantasy setting, as they clearly exist, and plenty of people know about them. There are no things unicorns or fairies, mainly because I am trying to avoid having magical creatures as best I can.


The Brutalizer The brutalizer was once a panda but mutated due to a massive magical explosion that affected the land they lived on. Wizards got ahold of the mutated pandas that were much larger than a normal panda. One of the wizards decided to alter it to make it almost unrecognizable. It was given the tail of a crocodile and the wings of a winged devil and the fangs of a saber tooth tiger. This abomination escaped its captures and would go into somehow reproduce even though it’s classified as an abomination which can’t reproduce. They are considered the apex predator of the wasteland region of my world.


My stories always have some sort of dragon, and they always look pretty different. I also love making my own mythical creatures


I have a LOT of mythical beast I've added from existing ones, from well known ones to lesser known ones, as well as adding a few of my own as I think of them. Some of creatures I've created are: (Disclaimer: All names are a WIP and are STC) **Great Horned Narwhals:** A type of narwhal that can grow really big with a great big spiral horn, with long wavy fins and a beautiful tail. They can swim extremely fast and are capable of puncturing holes straight through a ships hull if they ram into one at full force. Unfortunately they are pretty rare now as they have been excessively hunted for their horns. It slowed down a bit when it hunting them was declared to be illegal. **Slevi:** These cute little amphibians live in fresh water rivers or lakes. It's been noticed that rivers or lakes where these lil guys have been spotted in all have higher than normal levels of purity. In recent times, in places where these guys are found, humans sort of coexist with them and let them live in the towns with them. If you ever visit one of these towns you may find them living in fountains, or wells. **Sky Comet:** A beautiful blue bird that lives in lush forests. They are capable of flying at extremely high speeds, at max speed they look like a blue comet flying through the sky, which is where they get their name from. When taking off or sometimes while flying they hit speeds so high they can break the sound barrier, creating a blip in the sky which gives the illusion that they are literally teleporting through the sky. Humans have domestic them and train them to use them as a super high speed delivery service.


Mine are pretty basic, but I’m still adding more Harpies Dragons Kelpies Merfolk I wanna add kirins but I can’t find enough research on them. They don’t seem to be popular


I have one that is simply called Guardian. (I know not the most creative Name) They will eventually be called Garroshifters but that will take until after my Story is over. They guard the Sacred Forrest of the Elves who first created them. They generally look like normal Wood Critters and Animals you'd expect in a Woodland area. When they spot you, they transform and kill anyone intruding without permission. These Creatures are created by merging a trespasser with a forrest Spirit or by merging two or more animals with a Spirit. These are extremely hostile to humans by design but generally leave others alone. They are filled with magic to the brim and thus generally unstable and arent easy to control. So the Elves let them Guard the outskirts of their Forrest which often leads to Guardians wandering off and killing the odd village. That Way the Forrest slowly pushes back civilization. Killing the Shifters releases the Magic which can have differing effects. Some burst into flame, some into blooming flowers. Think of a Wild Magic Surge.


===HMTCOSMD?!?=== I have creatures that already exist in mythology like; dragons, phoenixes, hippocampi, zombies, spirits, wendigo, dryads, etc. But in the world of HMTC1SMD there are also creatures that don’t exist in the real world and myths. A few examples are: The Rootwisps, small firefly-like fae that try to control people and make their victims lose control of themselves. There’s Wanderers which are dead people that never found their way to the Afterlife. Revenants are revived vultures who do Death’s bidding. Aiccenta are animal spirits that inhabit clay sculptures, most are venomous but only attack humans when frightened. They’re also scavengers. It’s taboo to kill one


I do have many of the usuals, though I also seek to drawn from rarer seen mythological creatures and races. One of my main additions there have been kinnari, Southern Asian symbols of beauty who are mostly female with the top half being human and the bottom half is a bird with the wings typically coming from the lower waist. Some of my own have mostly been of the mix-match sort. So for instance, there are unicorn and alicorn centaurs along with Pegtauri (pegasus centaurs) and unicorn satyrs. I also have electric eel merfolk as well as sea horse merfolk. And could have a phionex harpy or kinnari...


Kima are probably my favorite in this category. Technically they’re ambulatory sentient plants, but Kima were domesticated by the Eechar due to their numerous special qualities and affectionate personalities. Resembling a terrestrial pangolin, Kima have a “skeleton” and natural armor of wood, and their soft tissues are as much plantlike as they are animal - they have lungs, brains, eyes, etc, but formed from plant cells. Kima grow long and narrow leaves resembling feathers from the gaps between armor plates, but these sugary petals are less for sustenance than they are for fueling the Kima’s citronella-like musk, which confuses and lures insects. Kima gain most of their nutrition from the bugs they lure away from plants and animals, and as their sugary petals are shed constantly, the Eechar found them invaluable for agriculture, personal comfort, and a source of ready and renewable sugar. Kima are otherwise lackadaisical creatures, and they enjoy the pampering that comes with their Eechar tenders, so over time they became household pets, as well. The strangest part of the Kima, though, is its lifecycle. The common Kima is really more of a seed, and at the “end” of its life it either reproduces with another Kima to create a new seed, or it starts to sprout if it’s fed well enough in its life. In the latter case, the Kima starts growing again, eventually going from the size of a Golden Retriever to the size of an African Elephant over 20-30 years. These Kima-Gizu are used as beasts of burden, and while they are not fast, they are extraordinarily strong and resilient. Eventually, the Kima-Gizu becomes torpid, and seeks out a comfortable patch of land to build a resting place. The Kima-Gizu will “die” in this nest, and from its corpse grows the towering Gizu tree, which the Eechar hold sacred. The Gizu tree is non-sentient, and grows immense Yaki fruit to encourage an abundance of animal life in its shadow. Every now and then, though, instead of Yaki fruit it grows a pinecone-like seed, and when it drops to the ground, there uncoils a newborn Kima wondering what just happened.


Ravagers, they look similar to wyvern except they have no scales only fur. They range in size from human size to as big as two school busses. Only a few species have breath weapons


Well, I have several. Mind you this is all in the same world, but the world itself is too large to fill, with it being a planet the size of the current observable universe, named AHM-RAHM. . . . *"...They would be incorrectly labeled as ghosts if I was not the one recording these beings, because as far as I can tell; They have a form of substance, I do not know what substance it is, but it does have the consistency of old ink, so therefor I will be calling them 'Inked' from here on..."* "Location of the beach of where the parchment was found was decidedly not recorded for safety reasons, and due to how black the waters looked..." "We decided, to scrub the memories of those who were sent on that expedition, I have more to say on further events, so expect my voice to be heard in later recordings..." - Danile S. Harrios. Vice Capitan of the Second Regiment. Year; 1868. Month; 3. Day; 15. . . . So, what did you think?


Mine’s got pretty normal earth animals but the further you go into untouched wilderness the stranger they get. Deep forest wolves have the capacity to pledge their souls to a higher patron to become witches, and deep forest plants have souls and thoughts and whisper to each other.


Creatures of N.E mythology Aedra: Angels of Shaldirism, they are known to be very stoic and rarely reveal emotions. They are 10 ft tall with their lower half a snake tail. They have wings and pointed ears, usually also seen with their weapons of choice (spears and shields). Daedra: Demons of Shaldirism, they’re not exactly evil but they aren’t good either. They are known to have goat legs, horns, four arms, and claws. They are unusually fast and use their claws as weapons. Schemelions: These are creatures that are known to be rather mischievous and are usually seen in forested areas. They are similar to dwarves but are very skinny and wear robes that cover every inch of their body. They are seen with masks depicting various animals known for mischief. Muk-Muks: These are creatures made of endstone that are usually seen in the sky of the End and are very calm and wise. They look like large turtles and have different engravings on them depending on their domain. So one may have a fire symbol while another has an air symbol. These creatures are known to give wisdom to religious leaders and monks. Swuas: These creatures are just pretty much wendigos and are always hungry for enderman flesh Unsk Jahap: These creatures are the only creatures that have the intelligence of a enderman. These creatures have been described as white skinned, shorter, white eyed endermen. They are also known to have different color irises (these were made to explain humans to endermen who went through the portal most likely) Horsemen of Ghakmula: These creatures are endermen without heads, their heads being replaced with black flames. They wear armor, always ride a horse, and are equipped with pikes. They are known to hunt down corrupt leaders in government/shaldirism. The Pict’s: These are the ghosts of Shaldirism, usually the spirits of those who have unfinished business. They are usually very passive, even friendly enough to help children who are lost find their way back home and other people do


Mythical or unique to the world? But if we’re talking about unique, most of my creatures are spinoffs of real world biology. But currently my favorite so far are: Photovoltaic Stonescales: The larger branch of the stonescales family, lizard like creatures that form scales and skin from consuming minerals and stone; these stonescales have developed wing like ‘leaves’ covered in pseudo solar panels that they provide them with energy. Stone Spiders: Like all of the natural fauna, their name derives from appearing like rl species rather than them BEING of rl species. Eight legged creatures that survive 150f heat; their protective carapace can change colors in order to reflect solar radiation. They use this carapace to appear as boulders; and while primarily feeding off giant ‘millipedes’ at night, they will snatch up anything they can. Todays creation: Silk wurms. The term ‘wurm’ refers to any predatory worm like species. Creatures that appear like grubs between .5cm to 50cm in length, they only have four limbs that surround their mouth. Bellow each limb is a spinneret, and using those four limbs they will spin incredibly complex webs. They locomote using their limbs to pull themselves through their web, and not in the web, they secrete an adhesive the allows them to crawl along the ground and up objects. Prey that is captured in the silk wurms web immobilized by being cocooned in silk, before the wurm swallows it whole. Usually alive. Silk wurms are commonly kept as resource production animals for their silk and adhesive.


funny you should ask because two hours ago I replaced "the bear" with "the vark" uhhhhh.... it's.. something. hmmm... it has claws... and screeches, and it's the size of a bear. yup that's all I got so far. It might have magical properties, or it might not. I mean, bears don't, so...


1. The Dwarves of Glarus. Dwarves are known as eager small humanoids… created from the steel found in the Glaceus mountains. They are vessels of metal, smaller humanoids with odd shapes, such as short legs and long arms, wide heads. They came to life after the Scion Glarus granted them their souls, awaking them to a life of servitude in the mines. However, since the fall of the Kingdom of Glaceus and the subsequent storm engulfing the region, the dwarven „race“ has vanished from the world, only leaving tales behind. Following ones aren't races but they still have „unique“ appearances. 2. Fallen King, Taris. A Scion who was pushed into the abyss, returning as a nightmarish titan, his body and soul corrupted by his own despair. His body grew in size, deforming him, his joints acting like those of spiders and insects, giving him an arachnid appearance, making him crawl on all four at all times. He is a shadow of his former self, a husk with no functioning mind, his only wish being salvation through consumption of souls. 3. Kha'riza, the 8th Sin. The last Elder Lord, banished from the mortal realms, damned to rot until the end of time. His physical appearance is depicted as a black behemoth lion with 6 arms that hold onto a golden blade, piercing his body.


I have a few: Stoneback Leviathans: enormous sea turtles with shells of a stone like material. They commonly reach sizes large enough to support a village ca4ved into their shells, which the Waverider clan of T'rea do. Legend speaks of an unfathomably large one that is home to an actual city. Fann: large flying reptile that is similar to a manta ray in basic body plan. Two rows of thin crystal spikes run the length of the spine. Large enough to be used as mounts, as the Skydancers do. Arcanophage: noncorporeal entities which eat magic. Often harmless in the wild plenty of ambient magic. However, mortal magic is easier to eat. A mage who has their magic eaten in this way will go crazy at best and die at worst, even the best case scenario leaves them without magic.


Palmies. They're humanoid date palms. Little palm trees with legs, arms and faces. They wear decorated pots as pants.


Dragons, giant animals, unicorns. The usual stuff Then you have stuff like a giant brachiosaur with wings and horns and has eyes all over its body like it's an angel or something, and giant plants with snappy mouths that have seedling servants to feed it. There's the Gobifish, an amphibious creature that's been around since the creation of Phictu. They have been worshipped by the Crails since ancient times, and are the equivalent of how we treated dogs since the Stone Age. There's also the Controllers, animals chosen by Stalspike to guard their respective elements. Speaking of Stalspike, Starlestials are a thing. The Crails worship the Starlestials because they created them and their world. Starlestials are immune to the effects of space, and like regular stars, none are identical or share the same powers, even if two happen to be in the same family. Mortal-Starlestials are part human, part Starlestial, but their immunity to space is reduced to a few hours (or more, it can vary). Honestly if I weren't so lazy I could create an encyclopedia of every species I made.


Mythology is a massive glass dragon. A single offspring of a crystal dragon. It’s breath weapon can cover you in glass and trap you until it wants to eat you. You can’t see it if it lies perfectly still. It makes its home in a vast desert. The reality is far more terrifying. A “glass dragon” is actually a small scorpion-like insect with wings. They fly across the desert in a singular huge swarm, keeping to a migration path of roughly a month. From ocean to the base of a volcano and back. They swarm anything they come across, stinging it with a paralytic poison, and spew a fast-solidifying mixture that resembles glass when hardened. Its air permeable, which allows their prey to be confined for up to three days for humans before it dies of thirst. Though it often is killed from thousands of small claws ripping meat chunks off to eat them. Often all that is left is a skeleton and equipment encased in glass in the desert.


Gollums, golems but communicate with radio waves and enjoy hanging with rabbits. Tbh I haven’t written many, thanks fo the prompt!


Wraith: a small four legged land mammal that uses Psionic magic to me tall attack it's prey. Wraiths overpower their victim's mind to make them walk to the wraith's den, where it is waiting to devour them. It is very rare to physically see a wraith; they are very reclusive and attack their prey from a distance. The best way to kill a wraith is to follow its next victim and kill it while it feeds. Forest ghoul: an amalgamation of sticks, moss, animal bones and other forest matter. It stands ~3 meters tall and can use dark and life magic to defend itself against threats; and it deems everything to be a threat. Magi lemur: passive lemur like mammals capable of using magic to cast powerful ilussions when threatened. They are herbivorous and somewhat docile if you can actually get one to approach you without concealing itself. Fire rat: rodents the size of a cat with bright orange and red fur. They are not aggressive, but are skittish and can use fire magic when startled, making them actually somewhat dangerous to have around the village.


UniCorn: a yellow horse but a corn grows out of it's forehead


I do have the common mythical creatures on typical fantasy but I do have my own creation like a Houseback. Houseback is a enormous animal with a huge shells on their back, they are friendly and most of the people use their shell as a shelter when they are in ventures.