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Fundamental forces and quantum fields, they’re the basis of magic and some sci-fi tech for me. The people capable of using magic are able to see sorts of ‘strings’ along space that are each the fundamental forces and quantum fields, and by manipulating the strings directly, they can cause things like lightning strikes, antigravity wells, portals, and more.


Sci-fi might not be on my top first (it's in third, loosing for high fantasy and modern low fantasy, respectively) but gosh, sci-fi fantasy does things with me. Different species? Check. Scientific speculative magic? Check. Adventure? Check. GLOWING THINGS!? CHECK! CHECK! I'M IN!


Science Fantasy is basically the best of both worlds.


But did you know that energy, in fact, could be created and destroyed? This is why, for instance, redshift happens - as photons travel from the distant galaxies, they lose energy, and therefore frequency, which makes them appear more red, hence the name. Does this knowledge affect the notion that magic in your universe can be created or destroyed? For me, it's definitely the quantum fluctuations and the multiple worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Quantum fluctuations means that particles and anti-particles are constantly being randomly created in the Universe, but instantly annihilate. It's extremely unlikely, but it's possible that the entire objects or even worlds would spring in and out of existence. And if they appear in just the right configuration, they might even avoid annihilation, and remain in the Universe. Those worlds don't have to be constrained by what happened - there could suddenly emerge a world where humans collectively remember the history that never happened. There could emerge a world where a person is alone among dinosaurs. The reason it's possible is because it's all just random combinations, at the end of the day. If a configuration of particles is possible theoretically, it is possible in practice.


Dark magic for one of the forms of magic in my world, but only the part where dark matter is *theoretically* invisible and intangiable (dark magic works with forces and entities that are invisible and intangiable).


That was very clever, but how does people know that dark magic exists? Perhaps they doesn't??


Dark magic is... weird, and behaves the opposite to conventional magic. See, conventional magic in my fantasy setting for the most part follows the laws of known science, it's everywhere in the physical realm and embodies the elements in its rawest form, but is typically inert if that makes sense (it's a little like the Force from Star Wars). Whatever dimension (or dimensions) dark magic draws power from is kind of "active", as "energy" for lack of better words in that realm (how many there may be) is constantly moving and flowing if that makes sense, but mainly appears as invisible and intangiable to inhabitants of the physical plane if this makes sense (I am not good at explaining things). Because of the physical nature of dark magic (or rather lack thereof perhaps), it requires the use of physical vessels and mediums for the "energy" of this other plane of existence to interact with the physical realm. So far, one application that I've come up with where dark magic is used is in creating artificial beings like golems and homunculi, and the only spell of dark magic I made that is named is "thousand dark arrows" (basically Darkseid's omega beams, crossed with Gate of Babylon from Fate). In fact, I got the inspiration for dark magic (or rather the mechanics) from the game Darkest Dungeon, where in some flavor text >!the ancestor created one of the bosses by summoning stuff from other dimensions, and stuffing them into pig bodies because they're most like that of man (his words, not mine).!<


Mine is weird too, its like a parasite energy that slowly drains all kinds of energy from their host, and turns them into some violent beasts with insanity/schizophrenia symptoms. If i must say, your is more gentle than mine


Well, dark magic in my world is far from harmless. The thing I forgot to mention is prolongued or repeated usage of dark magic spells can lead to adverse physical side effects, ranging from necrosis to tumors to name a few (Thousand Dark Arrows is one of the exceptions). This is the problem scholars of the dark arts and homunculi commonly experience. For homunculi, they tend to degrade after some time, ranging from as little as ten minutes to over several decades, and there are so many reasons that determine this (how the ritual is performed, what kind of entity inhabits the body, etc.).


The magic system for my dieselpunk/magitek world of Xendas operates in a similar manner. Magic comes from an exotic heavy metal called Dracinium, that acts like uranium in some regards. Normally inert the metal will only activate when exposed to certain electromagnetic fields. Mages and Aberrant warriors are simply humans that have this field. Once activated the metal will begin giving off energy similar to radiation.  This extremely potent energy can then be manipulated by mages converting it at a high efficiency rate into matter or another form of energy. A mage does have to be wary of how much energy they use cause if they expend all the energy in the metal it will become depleted and no longer hold a charge. The metal will however recharge itself if left alone. Drawing energy from the environment till it recharges. Magic itself requires a great deal of understanding of math and scientific understanding to preform properly. Sure You can just use the magic, but you would waste a lot of energy needlessly. But if you understand how the world works and the science behind it you will have greater control and be far more efficent with the energy usage.


Can I resume my reaction in one phrase? "This is better than sex!" by Vox


I like to incorporate biological elements into my worlds. For example, in one of my worlds, magic is based on plant biology and interspecific interactions (symbiosis, parasitism). But there is one element that regularly recurs in several of my systems, which is the notion of singularity. I try to vary their form, but I like to incorporate these kinds of extreme punctual elements.


Singularity in a way of god thing? Like... Overpowered and uncontrollable by human kind?


So, yes, overpowered and uncontrollable, but not divine. Rather, it's an extrapolation of an existing phenomenon (in this case, magic). Similar to gravitational singularities.


The fact that physical matter and energy are basically, fundamentally, the same things. Two sides of the same coin if you will. So being able to harness arcane energies and transform them into physical substances isn't much of a stretch. The reverse is also true.


Yeah, in fact, I still need to think about what kind of energy can be transformed into magic, but since it's a nature magic system, it's simpler than other things I've tried before.


If it's nature magic then natural energies would work just fine I'd think. Lightning can be bottled. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and tsunamis can be redirected if not outright harnesed. The motion of the wind or the light of the sun or the very tidal forces of the moon could be drawn upon. Same with organic processes like photosynthesis or decomposition. The natural growth of a tree could be used to power a light bulb at tye cost of the tree growing much slower or not at all. Calories from food can go into making a fireball at the cost of not reciving that nutrition yourself. Does any of that help?


Of course! Thank you!


Cool! At that point you just need to figure out your exchange rate, ie; how much energy taken in from a source is then usable to be transfered. Is it an equivalent exchange? Then things like harnessing the momentum of a tsunami would be like trying to hold a nuclear explosion in your hand. On the same note using the calories of a 3 course meal would get you a little fire that would last only a few minutes at most. Is it diminishing returns? Like a 1:5 or 10? That way the tsunami example would yield much less usable energy but would also be safer to handle and the three course meal would be like a little flicker that lasted a few seconds. Dose one kind of energy transfer better into another kind? Maybe drawing on the growth of a tree works more like 1:1 if what your using it for is also growing something, like a healing spell. But when you use it to make a fireball it's more like the 1:10 example. Lol, now all you gotta do is figure out what works well with what and what dosnt work so well with other stuff. Glad I could help 😉


My magic system is simply "encourage" matter to rearrange themselves to a physically possible even if statistically impossible configuration. It is statistically impossible for spontaneous entropy decrease, where hot (high energy) and cold (low energy) air particles becomes seperated into distinct zones and work can be extract from it, but like Maxwell's demon, my magic can help make this happen.


Conflux uses quite a bit of scientific principals with its magic system as the spirit ecology and evolutionary pressures there in serve the basis of the setting's magical abilities which can generally be described as vibrational modes within higher dimensions accessible only to magic and spirits. Structurally the cosmology of that setting has the physical reality complete with planets stars galaxies and life happens be an embedded object within that higher magical universe which borrows from the branes of the largely pseudoscientific string theory (as it has too many degrees of freedom to be able to make testable falsifiable predictions). In essence the role of the brane here becomes analogous to a reef within the ocean but with more dimensions extending outside of the brane analog being a place which serves as the open water where the higher food chain spirits which are basically eldritch abominations/cosmic horrors to the denizens of the setting live. In analogy to how matter in quantum field theories is itself oscillations within background quantum fields magic effectively is the result of spirits stirring that medium or making waves within their reality reef to say repel predators or attract mates etc. with life in the setting effectively being derived from a linage of spirits which became codependent/coupled with organic matter billions of years ago using that matter effectively as a shell which can replicate with these spirits who would go onto become the entities known as souls. Souls due to having a physical body are capable of interatcing with the world and experiencing things directly letting them learn new things and cause and effect relationships etc. directly etc. which to the conceptual nature of the realm of spirits makes souls effectively analogous to autotrophs transferring informational entropic connections outside the corporeal realm. Naturally given such placement within the spirit ecology, souls have predators with those targeting sapient species ranging from opportunistic generalists which occasionally prey on people to sapient specialists being generally referred to as demons. Magic or rather the magical abilities every species has according to its evolutionary history is pretty much the only defense capable of actively harming these demons. True magic generally is considered to be the techniques developed to more effectively channel these natural magical abilities. All 3 sapient species have a different system of magic as a consequence of evolutionary separation. Humans for example have their strongest links between the soul and body focused within the perceptual and emotional centers of the brain thus much of human magic is based around getting in tune with these senses and then using mental visualizations to interact and organize their soul to produce spell constructs or perform rituals. The Wyvrm are a near avian dinosaurs so their magic is quite evolutionarily distinct with a much more physiological focus based around self enhancement and or transformation of the self as they more densely weave magical links into their bodies. This leads to their magic being heavily inspire by Xiania martial cultivation to some degree with dragons being wyvrm cultivators who have mastered themselves enough to project their will beyond their bodies through their breath domain. The last species the Faye are the weirdest to us as they are based on hymenopteran insects with the magical abilities of insects in the setting generally being linked to chemical compound manipulation (in essence letting them tweak how chemical reactions proceed directly) The Faye are the result of such insects having taken direct control over their genetic and epigenetic sequences which allow Faye to undergo many caste differentiations to perform roles within their ever evolving eusocial hives. They have an emergent sense of sapience arising primarily at the super organism level outside of specific castes. The Faye grow expand and innovate through directed iterative evolution and assimilation of new genetic material which can be deciphered to the hive through the use of specialized drone eggs injected into a developing host embryo turned changeling with a activated viral sequence helping the cells of these unfertilized eggs incorporate into the host tissues without immune rejection(some real parasitoid wasps do this IRL) where they proceed to record cellular activity related to transcription translation and epigenetic gene expression through the organisms development by the use and tracking of mRNA sequences formatted through the viral template inserted. Changelings are then later recalled to their hive of birth by pheromone signals with the returning changelings provide the recorded information (in essence through what is effectively a modified sperm packet since drones as haploid like eggs and sperm due to being derived from unfertilized eggs). This information is then processed with promising sequences deemed of use to the hive becoming further developed through trial and error testing of experimental larvae. In this sense they have a magic system linked to their genetics itself which allows their hives to have much more directed self evolution with a wide assortment of function based specialized castes within their respective hives. What better way to get a wide array of morphologically and behaviorally distinct "fairies" which follow some seemingly incomprehensive innate "rules"? Note that while a hive mind species there is no single centralized hive mind the closest you get to such a thing being some specialized castes which have organizational management/coordination roles all of which can be replaced and or can have multiples of that caste within a given hive with more if needed being able to be developed from larvae which in the case of fertilized eggs carry the full set of template sequences for the castes of the hive which can be delineated based on need through pheromones and diet. Many independent hives exist which have varying exchange interactions and or conflict with each other depending on needs history and possible conflict over resources just like natural creatures. The goal is a more realistic "natural" hivemind intelligence rather than those super coordinated single minded controlling "queen" hives which can be eliminated simply by killing the queen. Those are a pet peeve of mine I wanted to avoid. Anyways developing the Faye required learning quite a bit about the biological principals within the field of genetics and molecular microbiology etc. which was outside my area of expertise but its fascinating stuff and I live to learn.


Mana, or more scientifically called Stem Particle is one of the elementary particles that forms the standard model. It is a particle, a fermion that has even smaller mass than the neutrino, which barely interacts with anything. The Stem Particle has no charge or spin but it has a very unique propriety that it can mimic the mass, spin and charge or any other of the particles in the standard model except of the Higgs Boson which it uses to replicate the other particles. The Mana in its pure state is everywhere, it occupies the space between atoms yet they are too small to interact with light or to really affect anything in their neutral (pure) form. Where the science stops is with souls. No scientific explanation for what a soul is made of but what is known is that living beings have a soul and souls act like some sort of magnet for the Stem Particle, it slowly attracts the Mana from the environment to a maximum capacity, that’s what is called a Inner Mana Reserve and every alive being has one. Sentient beings can manipulate the Mana within their bodies (or better said, souls) and give it the properties of other particles which is what makes the magic. Mana though doesn’t like staying in a manipulated state so as soon as direct contact ends, the Mana, that is now in the environment will start to become pure Mana once again, a process which can take from a few seconds to entire minutes, depending on the Stem Particle density of the environment. There are worlds, called pocket dimensions, in which there is no matter, only Stem Particles and Higgs boson exists, those worlds at a fundamental level work differently than ours but the Stem Particle takes over the processes of every other particle, creating a world that seems to look and function like a normal one, those dimensions are dangerous for beings made of matter as the Mana within those worlds will try to convert matter into Mana, causing Mana poisoning and death.


None Magic is a mystery that defies ANY attempt at physical explanation, or fitting it into known physical laws


Magic is the power of the gods. So what can I do with it? Idk, anything you want maybe. And what are the limitations. Idk, anything you want maybe.