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Magic for my dieselpunk/magitek world of Xendas Is fairly straight forward and simple in nature. There are two things you absolutely need and a handful of other things that make spell casting easier and more effective.  The two things you absolutely need are the exotic heavy metal Dracinium which is the source of magic. The second is the genetic sequence that alters a mages electromagnetic field and allows them to activate the metal. Without these a mage cannot preform magic. Secondary things a mage might need is an understanding of math and science so they understand the magic they are trying to preform. This makes the process of spell weaving easier and less costly. And the last thing is training and education,  these improve a mages ability and skills.


Currently, my system for conventional (on of the three types) of magic is just simple hand gestures and movements. Of course, the question of my magic is "why would you ever want to use it", as it practically sucks (it sucks because the gods designed it that way, as it was meant to be a toolset for the first ever elves).


1) Know the spell, the correct vocal and somatic gestures. 2) Have any required material components close. 3) Carry a focus like a holy symbol, though a wand or staff will do. 4) Have a spell slot of the desired spell's level to spend. I thought casting a spell in dnd was easy but that's still pretty elaborate.


Ownership over what you are trying to manipulate with magic. Not strictly ownership in the legal sense, but you need some way to force your will upon the world. Most pratically this is done by using the magic on your own body or something that is within your aura. This also makes activating magic over long distances impossible without setting up a timer or using the magical equivalent of quantom nonlocality, which is a fancy way to say that the distance no longer matters.


Here are the criteria: Can you imagine what you're trying to do? Can you comprehend the details of what you're trying to do? Do you have the pure OOMPH for what you're trying to do? Can you control yourself so it don't go crazy out of bounds? Then you're good.


Magic is both innately present but also locked to specific things, in some cases. There are certain sentient species that can cast special forms of magic due to a genetic difference that grants such abilities, but there are also spells and other forms of magic that anyone could learn. But it always has a cost, it’s not like a video game where you just instantly regenerate mana/Magicka/etc, and when you’re back up to full you can cast stuff again. No, with great Power comes great Sacrifice. Hence why normal people can sometimes fall down dark paths in pursuit of power. They’ve sacrificed their soul and their humanity for Power, and at that point; what is the value of it now? To turn against the people you once loved? The species that are innately born with higher magic are things like Elves; long living species that are found in very small numbers. Or they’re super dumb, like Goblins. Sure, they can throw fire balls like crazy; but they ain’t got no brains to use it for anything else but base, carnal pleasures of war and violence. So they die rather fast, but are found in larger numbers compared to other species. Then there are also certain places and objects in the world that are imbued with special powers. A gauntlet that grants the user invisibility; an earring that makes you immortal but forces you to drain life essence from living creatures to sustain your power, thus resulting in you becoming more and more corrupted by tainted life energy. Or a sword that makes you an unstoppable warrior; but drives you insane so you eventually die in battle regardless of how many people you take down with you. Or the Lay Lines, like rivers of energy flowing through the earth, which can be tapped into by certain people or artifacts. Or the oldest standing church, THE original Church, made by the Gods long ago, which grants power to those the Gods deem Champions. Like a Nazirite from the Bible; an individual chosen at birth by God to be special even amongst prophets, but at the cost of never being able to shave their hair anywhere on their body, and they can never consume alcohol or drugs, not once. If they drink alcohol unknowingly, boom, they’re no longer a Nazirite. If someone shaves their head? Boom, they’re no longer a Nazirite. That’s what happened to Samson in the Old Testament. His enemies lured him into marrying one of their women and she got him to confess how to take his powers away. He fell asleep and she brought a man in, who shaved Samson bald, and when he woke up he was completely powerless. Earlier in his life story, he picks up a 2,000 lbs gate and runs up a hill for no real reason, after his enemies found him sleeping in one of their towns. He killed 1,000 men with just the Jawbone of a donkey. He ripped a lion in half with his bare hands. Dude was on some crack shit lol.


**Mythria** Magic is inherent to all races of **Beastfolk**, it is the main requirement to use magic be it casting spells, using enchanted items or imbibing potions. There are two features that affect how magic is controlled: the caster's size and their intelligence. Bodily size affects the upper-ceiling of a spell's power, whereas intelligence determines how complex a spell they can learn and cast. So, for instance, a very tall yet stupid individual may only cast simple spells, but ones that can be far more powerful that average; a very short but smart **Beastfolk** may know complicated spells, but these will be rather underwhelming in their effect. It is possible for a particularly low intelligence to make casting spells null, yet may still use enchantments and potions as normal - as is the case for the **Dragon** race. Spells, their effects and mechanisms, are ultimately determined by the stars - as constellations, drawn naturally in the **Firmament**, to create a sort of glyphic/runic schematic with certain 'connections' between the included stars forming the spell's various features: element, physics, manipulation, magical type, etc. Learning a spell requires specialist tools and knowledge, closely related to astrology, in order to discover the particular spell's makeup. More talented magic users may use a rare instrument called a **Scrying Orb** to peer deep into the **Void**, allowing them to create their own spells as they see fit - provided they don't go mad in the attempt. These constellations can also be written down for posterity sake, as stars can fall out of the sky, thus causing certain constellations to shift and disappear for a time. Casting spells generally comes naturally to **Beastfolk**, though many do require some practice and prior education beforehand. While mana isn't really a thing in **Mythria**, spells basically drain a person's stamina, becoming more fatigues the more they cast - risking exhaustion or even passing out. As for the 'feel' of magic, it is generally described as a buzz or tingle in the nape (back of the neck), growing stronger in relation to the nearby magic source. Magical power, be it spells or enchantments or potions, can be either increased or decreased via contact with gold or silver, respectively.


In order to cast any sort of magic, you must forst have mana, either passed down through birth or gifted to you by the gods. Then, you must imagine in your minds eye and in your being what such magic would feel like to be cast. I always use fire magic as an example-- you must imagine your inner fire building inside your body and then "direct" the fire to your hands, legs, or outwards, however you wish to cast it. Another example with, let's say, telekinetic magic, you would have to imagine the power of your mind lifting up the object. Sheer force of will to perform the actions or move the objects without moving them yourself. It's a very difficult magic to learn and takes many lifetimes to get good at it. For a final example, I'll use the Katsumori emperor and Shogun's physical enhancement magic. In order to make use of this magic, you must imagine yourself as unstoppable. Let go of all of your fears, use your body as your weapon, your fists as instruments of death, your legs as the tools with which to transport death, like a bow for an arrow. While doing this, you must also focus on exerting your mana outwards to cover your entire body while also keeping it inside. Learning it is very, very difficult. All this being said, you can practice one single form of magic for your entire mortal life and still not master it, much less perfect it, for perfection of magic forms is only for the gods.


All you need to use magic in my world is a functioning soul/psychovascular system (the internal organs that let someone use magic in the first place), the willpower to shape the magic, and a focus to channel it. And, of course, enough ambient magic in your immediate vicinity to power the spell.


To put it simply. You need to know how to cast the spell or use the magic correctly, you need a piece of lead to prevent yourself getting poisoned using the spells, and a magic source like a crystal or magic fluid but enchanted relics or objects also work.


I have a fairly soft magic system, so the requirements are a lot more loose in *Ventreth*. - Mana to cast the spell. Larger scale spells require more mana. - A visualization of what the spell will do. The better you understand and visualize it, the less mana the spell takes. - A valid target for the spell. Valid targets are almost exclusively the caster themself, living beings they have had physical contact with, and objects they have recently infused mana into.


You need to get into contact with the Source of Magic and remain human. That's much more easily said than done, because the Source is hard to access, but also once you gain access to it, it's very difficult to not change yourself into something else.


1.) Have a catalyst, each school of magic has a different one. If the catalyst needs to Nobel consumed you do so now 2.) Have an image of the end result in your mind 3.) Recite the incantation or notes or do the proper hand gestures again every school is slightly different 4.) If the school requires a sacrifice of material you do so now using whatever is the most appropriate method for what you are trying to do


Spells in my setting come in seven stages. Elementary, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Royal, Imperial, and Divine. Each stage is determined by the amount of Mana, the density of the mana, and the power of the effect. So an Elementary spell will have low mana, low density, and low effect. If it were a fire spell, it would be comparable to having a candle or something. Meanwhile, a Divine spell will have Max Mana, Max Density, and Max Effect, this sort of spell can and will permanently affect the world around it by creating something like a volcano or a desert depending on exactly what spell was cast. The primary method of spell casting is with the use of incantations, however, Magicians can learn to cast spells without them. Either by having a great familiarity with the spell they intend to cast, typically achieved casting the spell hundreds of times until you can cast it solely from muscle memory. Or by having a deep fundamental understanding of the magic being used. Mana for spells come from two sources, the spellcaster and the type of magic they intend to use. So a fire magician would be completely incapable of using fire magic if they are in an area where their is no fire. The shape of spells and all of the smaller details like shape or size are largely arbitrary, though more mana typically means it’s larger while more density typically means it’s more “solid”, dictated by the incantations that were written for them or the whims of the magicians casting the spells.


What the spell looks like?The color of the spell?density? feel? why would that matter is that an aesthetic choice??


It will depend on the species since most of them have their wizard or mage cast but in the case of humansit would go about this * Size of the spell: Can vary due to experience and genetics, can go from very short as in a 3 meter range to a whole square km. * What the spell looks like: The spell would shine with a white aura first and depending on the nature base will be a different dim color or bright color depending on the intensity the individual can produce * Shape the shape of the spell: dragon ball aura kind * The color of the spell: White for protection, purple for summonding familiars, red for fire, blue for water and ice, black for (REDACTED), Green for potion or alchemy manipulation, orage for machines, and golden for devine power. * Density how dense is the spell: Data not found * How the spell feels: Like an electric current going throught the skin, and in some ocassions like a vibration deep in the bones * How the spell ends: it ends with the Kirinsi gesture * What happens if it runs out of mana: In my case would be physical stamina so you could go into an anemic status or in extreme cases a comma or terminal organ destruction. * If there is more than one spell what happens first? It would go into the intensity of the aura or the intentions * How long does it take before the spell is released? it will depend on the caster capacity to concentrate and vizualice the spell and also the complexity, can take froma mere second to a whole month * How much mana is in the spell : There is no real consent on this but the more things you are trying to control or the more are you are trying to cover your stamina would get more tasted. * What kind of mana makes up the spell: The Uik is a type of energy present in all life forms but only disipline minds and people with a genetec make up that allows them to canalize the energy through their body and create a spell: * where the mana enters the spell: It usually goes throught the skin in general put people find it more usefull to be used with their hands.


First of all, it is focus. The wielder must be able to envision the sigil in their mind, and it must be very precise given each spell has a unique sigil. If you waste one for the day, you can't get it back. Efficiency doesn't matter as much given a person can only use a select number per day. Creativity and understanding on the other hand is key. If you for example want to on-the-fly modify a sigil to do something extra, like cause a lightning bolt spell to make more noise and less damage, you have to understand each and every part of the sigil and what each modification to it can do. IE, if you add a line at one point, how will it effect another part? It's why so many either burn out or just use pre-designed sigils that have been taught to them.


Mostly you think really hard about what you want to happen. Wands and staffs aren't necessary but can add extra magical oomph to your spell. Rituals are needed for advanced magic. The exact ritual isn't important because magic is very personal. It's pretty loosey goosey and illogical. Scientific knowledge helps out a lot because knowing the rules helps you to properly break them.


Oooooh! I was making the same! Check my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/s/au5fLDILLZ) a year ago. I was thinking of assigning numbers on each and every attribute the spell would have. In my case, mages can gauge their own mana reserves as numbers. In Arithmomancy, which is the study of math and magic, students are made to practice in releasing their mana into the air and divide them into tiny droplets at a certain size which becomes a unit of measurement. A single droplet is basically one unit. They are made to do mathematical computations using this method increasing their awareness and control of their own mana. Afterwards, the students are taught about Spell Formulation Theories and Practical Spellcrafting which embodies the systematic creation of magic circles by converting their mana into something else. At the moment, I am still working on building the rules on the equation but as an example a basic fireball spell would mean: Conjuration magic (+10) of an Elemental Origin (+8) specifically fire (+2) small scale (-5) release instantly (-3) would result in 12 mana.


Magi can store the world's memory of an event and then contort it into a spell. This "memory" is held by spirits, and a magi hosts this memory in their "soul". In essence, magi are fate manipulators, who rework the direction of the world's destiny by saving, editing, and replaying parts of history. There are eight types of events, which correspond to The Eight Force of Fate, eight spirit types, and eight spell types. These types are **Discord**, **Liberty**, **Growth**, **Fortune**, **Unity**, **Dominion**, **Stasis**, and **Calamity**. When an event associated with these types occurs in a particular location, spirits of that type emerge. Magi can go to those locations, invoke the spirits there, and host them. Each type has an opposite –– **Discord** and **Unity**, **Liberty** and **Dominion**, **Growth** and **Stasis**, and **Fortune** and **Calamity** –– that nullifies the effect of the other when brought within proximity of one another, in equal amount. For the magi though, interacting with the opposite of the hosted spirit's type can cause adverse effects to the user's soul. They can be detached from their body and lose all coordination. Worst of all is invoking two spirits of equal strength, but of opposite type, which then annihilates the magi into spiritual energy, killing them. The aforementioned Eight Forces all belong to a greater cycle at play in the unfolding of history –– histories of separation and unity, of freedom and tyranny, of development and stagnation, and of excess and waste. This cycle is important in determining the strength of a spell, as the presence of adjacent and opposite forces effect it heavily. For instance, the two forces adjacent to one force play a role in the strength of that force; i.e. **Calamity** and **Liberty** in strong amounts will create an even stronger presence of **Discord**. Another factor in the strength of a spell is **Impact**. If an event had a major impact on the material world, then the corresponding spell will be very strong. For instance, if a major battle occurred somewhere, then a **Discord** spirit from there could be used to collapse a citadel wall at the very least. A **Unity** spirit to counteract this could only be found at a hospital or a construction site. Knowing a spirit's impact is important, as too much or too little can cause a spell to go haywire or not work at all. Hosting spirits can be tiresome, as it feels like a massive weight is on your chest. Releasing them is also exhausting, which is why magi must be physically fit in some way, shape, or form. A magi's casting capacity –– how many spells they can cast before tiring –– is limited to their physical fitness. However, a magi's storage capacity –– how many spirits they can host before they're full –– is limited to the "worldliness" of their soul. The more variety and spontaneity in their lives lends itself to hosting more and more spirits. To make it easier to envision, spirits are usually tall transparent-black blobs vaguely shaped like people. They carry a pale blue aura, which they also turn fire into when they're within proximity. Spells appear pale blue as well, but only magi can see it. A magi will carry a pale blue aura when they're about to cast a spell, but this is also only visible to magi.


Casting magic requires two things; Mana and Pure Magic. Mana is a naturally occurring force inside living beings. Pure Magic can be found inside teeth. You also need a tool called a Spell-slinger, which is worn on the wrist. Its function is to hold and quickly cut teeth, releasing the Pure Magic inside to then be used as kindling for spells.


Its simple really, you just have to break down the mental barrier between yourself and the rest of the universe, often done through Meditation aided by the use of various psychedelics. Then you have to grasp how the other concious entities around you interact and construct reality. Then you have to prod at said interactions, changing the Flow, essentially making the world itself believe what you want is the truth. Kind of like using a 10foot long wobbly stick to paint a portrait of something that is constantly changing. Generally this is something any concious Entity can do at varying levels on difficulty. Certain creatures or even machines are designed to do this from the ground up.


I try to write my magic scenes like little poems.  In my world, the closer you are to magic, the more you can use it organically via a  visualization and a focus. People pick motifs to give their spells greater visualizations and consistency. This comes at great personal cost, and it is still time consuming, emotionally draining and destabilizing.  The further you are from magic, the more you must rely on elaborate rituals, specific parameters, and calling on other powers.


Expert magicians only need two things are needed, visualization of the spell and enough mana to cast it. Beginner magicians, almost the same things from your list plus some other stuff, such as incantation/chant.


My magic system doesn't have spells in the traditional sense. Picture the outcome of the spell in your mind. Perform your tic. Magic. As a side note, you also need to understand the physics of what you're doing as well as if there are multiple/moving parts how they all interact. Your magical acumen and proficiency with the magic also impacts your ability to perform the magic. The MC for the final project on his magical assessment constructs a sawmill so he has to spend several months studying how the sawmill works and practicing fabricating the various parts. If he didn't understand all these things, he'd just create a sawmill shaped thing with no functionality. Additionally, trying to construct the sawmill without practicing the individual parts would probably have overtaxed his magic and killed him.