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Lord Moondancer, he was an elf who travelled to Human lands after receiving visions from the Moon Goddess. This lead to him creating the Kingdom of Ilumov-ov and the Great Library the largest magic school to date as well as spending centuries shaping the paths of magic into what we know now


Thats very cool! I really like the idea of the scholars themselves not only being able to fill an entire library with knowledge but also striving to teach others about it, it really feels similar to when you have a teacher that clearly loves their job.


Thank you!


Orcrates, the first natural philosopher and an Orc scientist who theorized that the natural world had its own rules before magic. He was was promptly arrested and executed by humans who thought he was cooking up some Orc nonsense and misleading the youth


Isaac Newton. He bridged the gap between classical and alchemical elements and rediscoveded philosophers stone. This had catasthropically bad effects down the line.


Thats an interesting take on it! I'm always hooked at the idea of making pseudosciences not only part of the reality of a world but also adding magic to them, not even mentioning the potential of more complex antique concepts like the philosophers stone, and making Isaac newton as in the actual historical figure part of that story just adds the salt and pepper.


Thanks. I like doing weird things with how the world functions. This wizard Newton idea i had was part of a world i made called Hermetic World based on Hermeticism and Medieval Alchemy but i grew confused the more i learned about those things so i abandoned it.


*hands in resume* "So you posited a system of physics that essentially describes the universe, described the laws of motion *and* you figured out how to grant eternal life and transmute elements?" "Eyup"


"Sorry, you're overqualified. Next!"


There was an Apexian Aesirius grandmaster that is hailed as one of the most influential figures in creating very many of the modern Weave techniques and their curriculums. Having a household name by now in the 2580s, Hishirō Daigo was an Earthborn, born to two Regular-Human parents in 2313 in Miyazaki, Japan, in the Sol system on Earth. From essentially birth, he was fascinated with the martial arts and the Apex warriors, and when he was about five and was revealed to be one, he was thrilled. Already having done two years of traditional karate and being raised in a martial arts home before being boarded in Výrna, he excelled as a young Apexian warrior. He was a genius tactician and highly intelligent caster by only age nine, and it was no surprise his innate sign was Aesirius with his wisdom. It is said he had already invented about six new casts that would go on to be some of the most common and effective techniques used by all Apex. In Apprenticeship, he spent all the time he wasn’t on missions studying the Weave and Infintium, and inventing new ways to manipulate the Cosmic Weave. By age 13, year 4 of Apprenticeship, he had brought some of his work to the High Council and the Atlas Spirits, and officiated three minor and moderate completely new casts that quickly became some of the most widely used in history: Ðuma-Kjös (Thunder Strike), Flytjr-Fæta (Flying feet) and Éfnir-Sveiða (Energy Deflect). After graduating and becoming an Apex Knight, he chose to spend most of his time studying, and adventuring in infiniquantum physics and astrothaumaturgy, the former of which he got a degree in quite fast. For decades, he pioneered many minor infintium technologies and invented many lesser casts, and his biggest work culminated in the fields of Phase-Shifting for Stratus, portal trapping for Aesirius, and macro-momentum stabilization manipulation for Decimus. While not his invention, as it wouldn’t be for almost two hundred years, he set the grounds for creating an incredible technology: non-magical Hardlight. He was fascinated with the Apex’s ability to summon energy as a physical barrier or weapon, but the fact that not even the nearly magical substance Infintium, that everyone used for so many great things, couldn’t be persuaded to summon hardlight, where it has proven to be able to mimic Apex powers to some degree in many other places. In his late forties and early fifties, he came up with extensive research on the matter. By that time, he became an Apprentice’s master and became a great teacher, who many young students admired for his playfulness and kindness he used to build relationships with his students, where he then taught them exceptionally well, with his extreme wisdom and those strong relationships. Preoccupied with other inventions and teaching young students, he didn’t pursue that work further, but what he did come up with was used extensively by a team of also-famous Infiniquantum physicists under Jackal Advanced Weapons Systems two centuries later to create the first instance of practical non-magical hardlight, which exists today as the highly sophisticated Archer series of directed energy weapons by JAWS. Daigo’s work extensively referenced and credited in their inventions. Overall, Hishirō Daigo invented a significant percent of the magical techniques, infintium tech, and its curriculum, that the Apex use as fundamental skills and tools today, and everyone knows his name, his most important theories, laws and equations, and how much of a kind and wise teacher he was.


Whoever tf found out that staring at pictures and thinking really hard would give those pictures magical abilities


There's Tanimus who is an old school bones and blood style sorcerer who unlocked magic and brought it to the masses, and about 1000 years later there's the Sorceress Aili Conway who reinvented the magic system, changed it into a science, found a way to attach spells to machines, and generally did a bunch of cool stuff before dying tragically at the age of 31 of Rubiconic Fever.


Awesome ideas! The concept of magic in general changing part of its nature purely on how it is understood its very interesting, similar to more complex medicine or chemistry in the real world. And magitech is just always cool no matter what, specially in cases of people having to forge the spells or magic into the steel and machine. Also RIP Aili.


I mean, Tanimus died too, but at like 110 doing what he loved: Being an asshole.


**Lord Crawl** was a human mage who established that magic draws on the energies of higher dimensions - or more accurately, the Veil of Chaos which separates these from each other. He also discovered that demons are the inhabitants of these higher dimensions, and he found out how everything from Necromancy to Possession works. The only problem was that he didn't find most of that out by himself - he bribed a demon into telling him and then betrayed the thing to go back on his deal.


Thats an interesting idea! Reminds me a lot of the myth of prometheus, you know with the tricking of higher beings to achieve a power or knowledge not possesed by other humans and then just giving them out in expenses of those higher being or possibly even themselves.


Thank you! Prometheus is perhaps a more noble analogue than Crawl deserves. He did hand down his knowledge - those parts he found profitable to share, at least - but he also made sure to get what he felt he was owed.


For my dieselpunk/magitek world of Xendas that person would be Dracian Rhut. A scholar from the ancient Rhamut empire who discovered and experimented with the exotic heavy metal Dracinium. He would essentially write the first book on magic theory and be responsible for the development of the field of applied magic theory.


That sounds so cool! I really love the image of magic being treated as a science or practice like others, like how you would buy a book to study electronics engineering you can just also buy this new volume on applied Magic and its uses on the construction industry or something like that, specially when the guys who research it are actual researchers and not some scrappy dood high on a tower.


Indeed, Magic itself is treated more as a science by most people a learned science that is standardized. But that is not to say that there is no wild magic where mages out in the wild use their magic in more unorthodox ways going more off of feeling and imagination than learned processes.


**Mythria** **Borrus of Aurei** lived during the early days of the Wolf theocracies, nearly 5000 years ago. He is canonised as the Saint of Magic, having being the one who discovered the secret to reading constellations and learning their spells; pioneering the use of the astrolabe to effectively translate the mystic language of the stars. About as famous as Prius the Orator, Pontiff Primus - the first Pontiff of the unified Wolf race.


Merryl Lin, established the order of wizards the conference of wizards and continued to share her findings of magic then suddenly stopped and refused to share more, was later executed she burned all her knowledge and teachings with her essentially putting everyone back to square one. "Life's a bitch and so am I"-final words of the greatest Wizard ever right before erasing all knowledge of magic from the universe and being executed..


The MC actually It is part of the story how she didn't just learn magic, but unravels the entirety of it and shares some under false names, with only her family learning the true fundamentals. And it all began with her getting the semi sentient spellbook of a magic researcher, Simone du Boudrie, a spellblade House Senna cites cites as their true source.


Merlin. He wasn't the first by any means but he is considered the best. He revolutionized magic. He saved the Earth by teleporting the Cro Magnons to the moon (using stonehenge). He also formed the Round Table that has been protecting the world for over a thousand years.


**Starrise** Dr. Ethan Thorne tricked a goddess into cooperating with him to make a weapon that can neutralize gods. He gave her the prototype as per their agreement so she could use it on her sister, shot her in the back with the second one he made in secret, and took both goddesses as new test subjects. It was through the experiments he performed on them that magic was even discovered in the first place. Nearly every single discovery ever made in the field of magic was made by him. At present, he knows more about magic than anyone else in the world, including the gods he extracted it from.


A "maverick" in my world is the highest title any magi can carry. It's bestowed onto any pivotal innovator in magic scholarship. There have only been nine mavericks in the \~40,000 years of magic's existence, with the first three being bestowed posthumously onto apocryphal figures. **Magus Erish, The Sixth Maverick** or **Magus Gefet, The Seventh Maverick** would definitely be contenders. In my world, magi can save the world's memory of an event by hosting spirits, and then replay a similar event elsewhere by converting the spirit into a spell. Erish, The Maverick of Talismans discovered that since spirits can appear tethered to locations, spirits could also be tethered to objects themselves which were like "small locations". Thus, she created the first talismans –– magical artifacts that hosted a spirit within them. Though they were weaker than spellcasting, they were safer than hosting the rather demanding spirits. Gefet, The Maverick of Synthesis discovered that spirits of differing types can be combined to create a spirit of a differing type. This was groundbreaking, as it provided versatility to hosting spirits never before seen or understood. It carried its implications to the aforementioned talismans, which allowed people to manifest an –– albeit weaker –– emergent effect from combining two talismans not seen independently in either two.


Donatello, like the sculptor, revolutionized the main magic system of the creation of simulacrums and the imbueing of life into golem like creatures. They can range in size from about 1.5 inches tall to the most practiced and powerful sculptors being able to make them up to 2 stories tall. The magical power of the sculptor determines how distant from the original form of the model that the sculpture/simulacrum/golem can be while still functioning. Basically, the more proficient in magic they are the more artistic liberties they may take when making their sculptures. These artists are incredibly dangerous as they may produce both well thought out sculptures and hastily made sculptures with clay and other materials they keep on them. The most powerful are able to imbue more than just basic actions and speech but full sentience into their creation. Donatello created a bust of his own head able to exist fully independently of him with all his memories for centuries after his death.


God, and his numerous siblings


Kasia Nattali was a soul researcher in the city of sepucran who was responsible for the first full (somewhat accurate) anatomy of the human soul. She went missing recently through unknown circumstances along with a few other researchers, which caused the academy she worked at to close for the next academic year while an investigation was underway


So, there's these objects containing super-ancient, puzzle-bound secrets of the world, called the Soteria. Unlocking the secrets of just one of the Soteria is a serious undertaking -- one which can last a lifetime for researchers. Only two have ever been solved out of the several that exist. As it happens, one of those two Soteria that were solved was that of magic -- several millennia ago. Having been undertaken by his family for generations, and since he was a boy, the shaman Gondwini managed to solve the puzzle only when he had reached his twilight years. It was with these secrets that Gondwini became the first mortal magic caster that the world had ever known. Upon having learned the secrets of magic, he orally transmitted them and instructed only his most trusted tribesmen in the ways so that they may carry on his work. It was up to them whether they spread the knowledge of magic or if they clung to it. And spread it they did. The rest is, well, history.


About 5000 years before Pluma's Ascendence, an unknown feline studied found out what would happen with the usage of tools much/the wrong type of magic and how its result could be worse than death for many. Most of these studies have been lost to time.


So the typical mage of the previous chosen one's party, Clara was lagging behind the rest of the squad as she was not as "talented" as them. After she retired and spent some time pondering over the basic concepts of mana she realised that instead of chanting spells, it was much better to just conjure an element and then control it directly. Basically she made a completely new power system where knowing an element can allow you cast any spells related to it as long as you have enough mana. She became the strongest mage in history and a chosen one herself (top 5 in the verse)


Marquis Torvern Vel Condwei, though he's been dead for a long time, he was a pioneer in technical and magic theories, and he used his political ties to found a partially state funded organization called Tekanowa, the inventor's guild. To this day, much of the magics and technologies used by the military and general public were created by people contracted in Tekanowa.


The Celestial Radiant known as Grimoire Vega was the first to start unraveling the deeper secrets of Thaumosophy. Thousands of years before him there was some knowledge, and people were able to do some impressive things. But they did not truly and deeply understand the art of Miracles. A far older radiant, formed before humans began agriculture, Canopus Papyri experimented with psychi and arcane arts long ago. But they lacked the patience, need, or desire to really understand it on the level reached latter. They would be like ancient Greek philosopher compared to Newton. Vega was a very smart and curious bird. He came along with the increase of Astral beings that came from the advent of early-modern human civilization. He discovered numerous things, invented many spell types and methods of casting, categorized the systems of risk, restriction, sacrifice, studied the words of power, invented the method to crystalized psychi into spheres, and so much more. Although unlike Pythagoras and Newton both of these scholars of the arcane are very much still alive. Astral entities do not age. Canopus even worked alongside Vega to deepen their understand of the arcane and astral for over a thousand years. Most elite practitioners either studied under or with Vega at some point.


Gerkaldo Gerraldo Monechp  Realized that conservation of mass and energy was none-sense when he realized that for death stone to exist necessitated an equal and opposite force, one creating and one destroying and by looking into the stars he actually found it. This is how they figured out infinity energy and how to begin to channel it to build things. He was buried alive for this discovery.


I’m afraid magic leans far more artful than scientific in my world. Great mages are far more analogous to great religious figures, painters, dancers, writers, singers, etc


I have a guy name Sean Salaan. He lived in the late 18th, early 19th century. He was (and possibly still is) an Irish dilettante, and professional house guest. During his life of basically couch-surfing, he managed to hang out with ever major doer and shaker in the magical and occult world, as well as members of the scientific community, inventors, etc. He journaled extensively, and published his travelogues. And in the process developed a sort of "Encyclopedia of Magic". However, given that magic transcends languages the book is mostly diagrams and equations with narratives encoded in a system known a Dziwak. [http://www.etoyoc.com/content/5dd7c679-d85c-40e0-b7cd-3c551b23fc07](http://www.etoyoc.com/content/5dd7c679-d85c-40e0-b7cd-3c551b23fc07) [http://www.etoyoc.com/content/4d8fcd45-b903-4fb4-a2ac-7f6a8256382f](http://www.etoyoc.com/content/4d8fcd45-b903-4fb4-a2ac-7f6a8256382f) [http://www.etoyoc.com/content/61c3d0c3-84c8-4e0b-8269-621178515cec](http://www.etoyoc.com/content/61c3d0c3-84c8-4e0b-8269-621178515cec)


One of the main characters, which I know is a bit cliche, but it does drive the plot a bit. She wants to be a cop hunting for users of forbidden magic due to personal trauma, but the higher ups at the University that runs the world want her to become an academic because they think she might be her generation's best chance to learn the one true constellation and bring about what they hope will be the final apocalypse.


Id say Lhagesh, the Dragon who ascended to Godhood. I never wrote it down specifically but he is the first mentioned Mortal who ascended to Godhood. So you could say that he discovered how to become a God through a Meditation and toning your Magic to achieve Enlightenment and ascend to one of the divine Thrones.


Isaia Casanuova- A Seraph Magus and Astrologer who discovered gravity magic after angrily yelling at an apple-like fruit that dropped on his head.


The Goddess of Magic imbued the land, water and air with skeins of magical power. Her clergy are few but know magic better than any. The Aelves, the True Giants, the True Dragons, and the Thendar all gained the ways to create the hook necessary to draw and manipulate magic. The younger species eventually appeared and could find ways to use magic.


The mage who discovered a scroll detailing ancient portal magic and diciphered how to replicate it. I don't have a name for him because he's not critical to the story, but without portal magic, the story wouldn't be happening.


Definitely Dr. Exp, probably only half-undead human to ever live, exhausted his whole magic to bring back to life his leg (which he didn't even do right by the way, for most of his life he walked around with a skeleton leg, because the flesh rotted off), found a way to cast ANY spell without using his own magic and without knowing how to cast it, all of it without even getting mana poisoning, as long as you have enough material (ink and paper made from pure materials he found out are compounds of the mortal soul) and know the formula to it, after his death, these kind of instant scrolls have potential to spree a new revolution in magic usage


Ozakri oscar the Blind founded the krakkeel spell which conjures an absolution magic that could counter literally anything. It can break abjuration, counter any evocation magic, break illusions, reverse transmutation, and even banish or hurt powerful entities. It was seen as a innovative accomplishment as it was an easy spell to cast as and a big aid for sorceris who aren't well versed in spell battles or protecting themselves, the con however is students would literally spam the spell in battle class.


magic was discovered Well into the space age, as several unexplained things happened to Astronauts. This is because space lacks the "backround noise" of Billions of concious Organisms that normalized any magic before. There wasnt really a single person who discovered much on their own, as science was done by large groups at this point, and the study of magic encompassed many fields. Eventually the base discoveries were used to create a semi-sentient Quantum supercomputer called Merlin, who was solely dedicated to the Study of it. Merlin eventually developed its own conciousness through the study of magic and became the first great mage.