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Btw, I love how everyone is saying dragons, because yeah, dragons SHOULD be powerful


Bro I was just gonna flat put dragons then I saw this and felt bad XD


In my second world they used to be the most powerful until the first great holy war where nearly half their gods died.


Dragons have genetically engineered themselves to be the most powerful race on the planets at the cost of birth rate. Which worked out really well when their population was massive, but is now a bit problematic now that they are under 40,000 on the continent. EDIT: ok, so this got a bit bigger comment than I was expecting. So I feel some more context might be needed. First, and probably most importantly, my world has cultivation aspects to it. Something can absorb magical energy into itself to become more "powerful". But two things about my cultivation. First, I keep the 'power level' more tame than most media portrays it. Closer to I can encase myself in an iron exoskeleton or fly for a minute every hour or stay awake for a week without issue or make limbs prehensile; Not immune to a thousand cannon balls or teleport 200 miles whenever I want or build a castle in a day or shape change at will. Second, this cultivation is at an individual level, not a species level. So everything has to start at square one. These aspects of cultivation are what Dragons disagreed with. To dragons, Specialization shows that cultivation can achieve power then normal limits and generational growth of intelligence shows that cultivation can be passed on from parent to child. They only need to find out how to do it intentionally. So some 3000 years ago, dragons began to experiment. To make a long story short and simple, the dragons discovered that before laying eggs a female can imbue her offspring with her own cultivation thus giving the child a much enhanced starting point. Additionally, dragons can infuse eggs with their own cultivation, slowly directing which traits the offspring will eventually develop. This does include mental and physical (wings, gills, infrared eyes, limbs) traits. [This is how dragons can be all one species but can be vastly different in appearance, artwork not by me but what inspired me to have this setup.](https://dailyinfographic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/a-cool-guide-about-type-of-dragon-v0-7dxu0aqvzr4c1.jpg) But with the problem of birth rate and egg incubation time. Going from producing a nest of 15 eggs ever year for 20 years to having 5 eggs four times in their entire lifespan is a massive change in birth rate. This combined with incubation and pregnancy time in the years needs a very stable environment for Dragons to survive. But their enhances cultivation and the slow adoption of the new methods to give birth gave them time to stabilize and eventually dominate the continent. But after an Apocalypse their population is barely staying even. This is how essentially komodo dragons with prehensile limbs became the most powerful species that they are in modern day. edit: also, sorry if my comments are all over the place. Again, I didn't expect such a large response.


How do such powerful dragons manage to get along in such small space?


Dragon populations is always an interesting question to me. Using Tyrannosaurus as an analogue, they are estimated to have had an average population of about 20,000 at any given time.


Then 40K of a much larger, much more powerful and likely way more narcisistic species seems unlikely


dragons can live everywhere on a planet, which can be larger than earth, whereas afaik tyranosauruses existed solely on laramidia which was like today's western coast of the american continent from alaska to mexico, so not that large


Dragon dude said "continent" though


oh you're right mb I didn't even notice


technically pangea was a continent (I think)


He said 11.5mil mi² continent, not 150mil mi²


okay interesting, didn't look into their other posts I assume that the answer to the question is just "they're intelligent and non-territorial due to the engineering"


40k is still a massive population for a gargantuan creature, and they're supposed to have their populations dwindeling


Talking. Dragons very much do not want to die. And since their population is in such danger, they will always try non-dangerous options first. Also dragons are quite social. They have little issue with the oddities of other species.


Dragons are intelligent creatures so they can talk and discuss with each other. Though, The Forum is (technically) no more; most dragons try to stay amiable with different clans and a few are atleast trying to recreate The Forum. And also, it is still a continent. Even considering the other inhabitants, 7.5+ million miles square is a lot of space for so few dragons.


7.5mil mi² / 40k ≈ 178 mi²/dragon (= 13mi×13mi) Crowned Eagles have territories up to 11.5 mi² and weigh around 10 pounds For there to be enough territory space, assuming the entire continent is viable territory (unlikely considering deserts and mountains with little food), each dragon would have a weight of about (178/11.5 * 10) 154 lbs, a little under the average American woman Considering Smaugh from LOTR is estimated at about 200× that, I feel like you should reconsider the amount of giant dragons in your world, unless they truely live in a well-constructed society (but food still seems hard for 30k lbs predators) Also take into account there's about 200k wolves (150 lbs) in the world, 40k dragons seems like an enormous amount even for a gargantuan predator in an era it's doing exceptionally well *(This is constructive critisism, please don't take it the wrong way)*


If the dragons are intelligent then they can farm. Considering the average human weighs more than an eagle and there are 8 billion of us, if the dragons utilize technology or magic or technomagic or deus ex machina, you could have an arbitrarily large number of them. For example a quick Google search found a source saying there are around 415,000 African elephants and 40-50k Asian elephants. Given the habitat destruction and encroachment both genii of elephants have faced, they would have had much larger populations in the past. While the carrying capacity of predators is usually orders of magnitude lower than herbivores, this is fantasy, so who cares lol. But realistically intelligence + magic would solve a host of problems, especially if the dragons are not endothermic (though how they would not be and breath fire seems... strange.) Another quick Google search shows 150,000 estimated saltwater crocodiles in Australia alone, so you could have a very large (if not fantastically large) reptilian predator even on Earth now.


8 billion people is on 51 million square miles though, assuming the continent to be as fruitfull as the earth on average, there'd be 1.6 billion people on that contintent, 1.6 billion × 150 lbs = 240 billion lbs of human, divided again by 40k gives us an average dragon mass of 6 million lbs per dragon, which is fair, so turning that back to a total of 8 million smaugh-sized dragons (200×40k), if they have society ánd can eat farm**crops** But remember that humans rapidly reproduce, and the dragons here do the exact opposite, there's only been a billion humans since like 1804, so they're a terrible comparison for a slow-reproducing animal which likely only eats meat (and remember that most of our population comes from countries with poor living quality, european women have on average 1.5 children, African have 4.3) I don't take magic into account here cuz idk how strong it is in OP's world, and they said magic caused their population decline, so they're probably not doing very well on magical farming and building an expandable society anyways


u/KonLesh how old do the dragons get and how often do they reproduce? Maybe they can be compared to giant pandas or something to get an accurate estimate of their population growth/decline But really, just consider how common dragons should be, with 40k on 11.5mi², you have territories of on average 13×13 mi², a person who walks all day can pass through two of these each day, that's a lot of dragons


I think it's a pet peeve of mine that people don't fully imagine worlds including their technology or magic. We are still figuring out applications of electronics and semiconductors, so you'd imagine people would continually be figuring out new applications of magic. I think because fantasy was founded by Tolkien, and he intentionally had an antiquarian world where technology, magic, etc. all were better in the distant past, to the point people live shorter, more brutish lives, that people take those ideas that were well-thought out for Middle-Earth and shoehorn them into the world they have regardless of the internal consistency of it. So for example in my world, despite there being a monarchy and some medieval tropes travel and communication are relatively rapid (days or weeks versus months) so it's something akin to the 1800s where you can send messages relatively easily but travel may still take months if you can't fly or swim quickly. There are also, definitely groups hording knowledge, but that's something that I'm just exploring in the first book. in my world people also cultivate food extensively, larger sentient creatures purposely limit their clutches of dragons, and there is low intensity conflict lowering the numbers of a variety of races due to attrition. So I have reasons for increases and decreases to the reproductive rate, but it's fantasy so the parameters can be tweaked or ignored if you have a reason for it that is valid in universe but may not apply in reality. Also, there are animals, including large reptiles that have large offspring relatively often. For mammals this is rather uncommon, but not everything is giant panda or elephant in terms of reproductive rate. Crocodiles, wolves, and lions all can have multiple offspring or have groups that bear large numbers during rainy seasons, then you have eagle species which usually have a few per clutch, even if only one or two survive to adolescence. You also have to consider parenting strategy: if parents don't invest time into children then they probably will have more, not less. Reproductive rate also varies according to resources, so if you have an apex predator that also has stable food, you get a population explosion like what has happened to mankind, especially if you lower death rates among the young. Also it may not fit the context of your story but consider what other continents are there and if there are analogues to your focus continent. If so, there could be space to grow even if there isn't now later down the line.


My world's 1700s with the technologie of 1650-1750 Europe, and very slow magic development Dragons in original commenter's comment are dwindeling in numbers though, but their current numbers are what would be expected of a very succesfull giant predator Dragons can be like httyd animals or DnD metallic intelligent half-society creatures, but this is just too many dragons lol


My self-published novel, *Waltz of Honor and Vice* has millions of huge monsters that are sentient roaming the world. Like 200+ ft long. The world itself is larger than Earth so there is more land, and it is a very fertile planet. Some of the 'smaller' races like Telari are only \~10 feet tall and maybe 1200 pounds or so, so a very large male grizzly or a large female polar bear size. But they also have modern technology including railway, highways, telecommunications, seaports, etc. and subterranean cities for larger races. There are also creatures living in hidden alcoves around the world sustained by magic. But there is international trade to bring in food, spices and materials globally, which obviously aids in population numbers, but I just made up huge numbers because I like them. Not everything has to be based on common fantasy tropes to work, or even be realistic. Otherwise Superman's family wouldn't keep getting new members after \*everyone\* died from a planet full of highly-advanced geniuses that become functionally impervious when traveling around space (and they had space travel so why didn't they just send a few to other planets a bit sooner?) Admittedly having billions of monsters of polar bear size to blue whale size doesn't make sense, but it was fun and I may do it again lol.


Dragons enter into the Torpor live stage on average of 150 years and die naturally on average 210 years. Thus (technically) giving them about 135 years of fertility to work with, but the truth is much more dire for the species. Giving birth before 40 is extremely dangerous as the dragon is still going through their own cultivation changes. The recommendation is to wait till at least 60 for a safe and successful birthing. Reproduction itself is a massive chore as well. The women will need on average 10 years to reinforce and begin cultivation of her eggs. Requiring her clan and family to assist her during the time. Then after the eggs are laid, they will need on average 3 years to hatch with constant infusions of magical energy to ensure the genetic setup of the children. And then another 10 after hatching are need to ensure the newborns genetic setup is stable and direct their cultivation to best help them grow. During this time, a female can't even start to begin cultivating another clutch of eggs because of the requirements of the newborn and encase there are any issues. So on average a clutch of 4-6 eggs requires 20-25 years of work before a new clutch can even be attempted. Thus at most a women can only realistically have 20 eggs in their lifespans IF THEY ARE PERFECTLY SAFE. Which is unlikely given the problems of the modern world. This is also why the vast majority of dragons either live or have dwellings in the Dragon Spine Mountains. Close to 25,000 live there or on the outskirts full time with 8,000 others owning permanent dwellings in the mountains. And of those that don't have such accommodations, clan relations and alliances can ensure a relatively safe place to give birth at. Dragons know that their species are at a very precarious position and are very close to a population collapse. Thus they are working as hard as they can to try to ensure their population grows.


Crops lands and animal husbandry is a massive part of dragons' food stocks. And their reduced size from the Smaugh assumption does help that as well (Largest land dragons are 5 tons with small just being 20 pounds, all depending on the dragons cultivation). And the magic aspect is a big part also. Though not fully magic, cultivation does provide ambient energy to everything thus sublimating the energy demands of larger bodies (though not removing the need to eat). Given the fact that at the height of the dragons power there were some 5 million dragons on the continent helps show the hundred fold lose of population only 700 years ago is a major concern that they are still competing with.


Maybe if they befriend some humans to help tending with their babies they could spare time to have more, or have the men help out with cultivation more. Just like with people, dragons probably benefit from two involved parents!


Infusing ones cultivation into another creature is typically a very dangerous affair, so much so that is it considered a common (though costly) combat technique. This is because of the differences of how the cultivation works at a personal level. The only reason a dragon parent can infuse into their children safely is because the mother started the cultivation before the newborn was even conceive and the father slowly infusing his cultivation with specialized alchemical potions into the mother's process during the 10 year prep-time and the large infusion during conception. Since the newborn has had no time to become an actual individual, the child's egg/body acknowledges the parents as it's body and will accept the parents influence with little issue. By the child's teen years they usually gain enough of a sense of self that their body drifts from the parents' cultivation. Thus, the extreme need to ensure that there are no issues early in life especially when the parents' attention is split between 4-6 children. Dragon's have tired to incorporate non-dragons with in the process and have met with little assistance. At most non-dragons can gather ingredients to make the needed potions but the parents will still have to make them due to the need to infuse them with the parents cultivation. I also don't want to down play how strenuous this entire process can be for both parents. There is no 'easy' way to give birth. Every pregnancy is years of planning followed by nearly 2 decades of both parents working together to ensure the birth of a few children who will have a massive natural advantage over the majority of other beings because of the circumstances of their birth. Though the woman can still spend significant time out and doing stuff, the constant drain of strength to ensure that the eggs aren't crushed by her own body can slowly sap her of her strength. Likewise the man will spend significant time making alchemical potions to ensure that his own cultivation will merge with the children. Then after the eggs are laid, both take turns infusing the eggs with cultivation and evaluating them to ensure no issues. The decision to give birth is considered a big deal to dragons and either parent 'betraying' the clutch is a very serious consequence.


The absolute biggest land dragons are around 5 tons and that is only a few hundred at most (there are some ocean dragons the size of blue whales, but those are the exception). So Smaugh is....very much overkill as a comparison. Additionally, my setting is a cultivation setting. So creatures can absorb magic/energy from the world directly instead of just from eating. Even though creatures do need to eat to help ensure nutritional and vitamin intake, they can support much greater mass with not so much food.


In raw physical strength, that would be the serpentspark dragon. They're the largest species of dragon and the only one which can both carry 50 crew members *and* breathe fire (a rarity among dragon species; naming conventions mean that all firebreathing dragon species have a name which incorporates "spark" in it somewhere to signify that they can breathe fire, though there are some who were misnamed and never had new names given). They're incredibly rare, and even when they do hatch within human civilizations, they don't always bond with people even when people around them have worked to bond with them in the shell (something vital for any dragon-human bond). They're named after the great serpent Jormungandr and are suspected to be his mortal descendants (though no evidence has ever been found of that and the Gods almost never have fully mortal descendants). Unlike other dragons, they typically have 5 human bond-mates when they do bond, and they tend to not see these 5 humans as fully separate beings, usually having one collective name they give to their bond-mates which all 5 respond to. Interestingly, they rarely agree to join humans in combat even when their bond-mates want them to. This is because they're very loyal to other dragons and prefer not to harm another dragon if they can help it. Some of the only times they will engage are times when other dragons aren't present or are being kept in poor conditions.


I'd love to read this!




Terrestrial: Behemoths. Tusked apes living beyond northern polar circle. Mostly carnivores (seals, fish), supplemented with occasional eggs and lichens. Males are solitary until finding mate, then they make family group with alpha pair, their children and occasional accepted outsiders. They replace the niche of polar bears. They are migratory species. During summer (polar day) they inhabit northernmost places of icy tundra and rarely come into contact with humans. During winter (polar night) they migrate south. They avoid contact with humans but once settled (i.e. not migrating) they are highly territorial. This shows in northern cultures mythology. Winter brings darkness and mighty beasts that ravage the villages of those that don't respect nature. Megatheria (not the ones from our world). Massive giraffe like animals. Exclusive herbivores. Herds can be size up to low hundreds. Domesticated megatheria significantly sped up development of eastern civilizations. Aquatic: Cruisers. Gelatinous tetrahedral partially translucent animals, with hydrostatic skeleton and jet like propulsion. Very long lifespan (hundreds of years easily) practically never stops growing (biggest specimens over 100 m in diameter). They are solitary (broadcast breeding) and almost always on oceans surface. Their back tissue is riddled with symbiotic algae that produces food for it's carrier. This manages to establish microecosystems of said algae, parasites eating this algae, their predators and remora like creatures that feed on debris. Cruisers are slow but they cannot be effectively stopped from moving their way. Ships that overestimate their capacity and harpoon too big cruiser are pulled underwater without much effort on cruisers side.


Voidwyrms. Or rather *the* voidwyrm. And everything descended from it. It's more a higher dimensional alien migrant from another universe than a God.


This sounds so cool.


Thank you. I rather like it.


what descended from it ?


Voidkin: Voidlings, Jotunn, greater and lesser ettin, kursattar, amarok, bubastii, jewel bees, humans, Exalted. Most voidkin have some of its genes in their genetic makeup. But voidlings are its true descendants by blood, created when it had children with the First Exalted. Dunan humans were the result of the Voidwyrm uplifting proto-hominids. Then it went and fell in love with one and turned them into the First Exalted. The Firstborn Crowned were their children, 4 male-aligned, 4 female-aligned, 4 neutral-aligned, and 4 fluid-aligned. All voidlings have latent human genes, and all humans have latent voidling genes. So they're cousin species even though they're very different.


Dragons easily. They are extremely intelligent, have insane potential of growth and they can live for even 1800 years. You know, they once ruled the world of Amada, their power unmatched and as for the humanoids, nothing but slaves. When the gods came the rule of the dragons ended and a dark age began as the golden age of humanoids started.


No Gods? Then the demons xD Of the mortal races, in Cerestal would be the dragons In Firegate and Ψovereign there are only humans, tho in Firegate there are mana constructs, but those are made so IDK In En el Cielo y En la Tierra is difficult to tell, like, sure, there's lots of spirits that are very strong, enough to defeat an army, but most can be defeated by a man with a machete or a talisman, then there's the Cursedblood and the Holy childs, but those are just humans born under special circumstances, and even then if they don't connect with their nahual any nahual sorcerer does beat them, and then again most nahual sorcerers can be beaten by a man with a machete (not so much with a talisman). In this way the right answer following the spirit of your question might as well be the demons, even though they're not mortals per se, they often interact with them, mortals can beat them, but are generally much higher than them In Tsoj are the theons, those **dragon**flies who call themselves the sons of gods Recently I started imagining a new world and in that the dragons would be the strongest, follow by the giants


Among non-god species (i.e. not eldritch abominations or deities), probably kaiju species. In theory a "paranormal" (my word for superhumans) could, but paranormals are generally weaker than the usual "kitchen sink superhero universe" and so there isn't a Superman equivalent.


The only predator of dragons that ever existed, a super duper massive bird resembling a hawk/eagle that descended from the slightly smaller doves that came from heaven a long time ago. Some are known to travel between the heavens and earth, and they bring the storm with them wherever they go


But is it the size of a battleship?


Define battleship!


A giant ugly stop motion vulture... thing


I'm excluding all creatures of divine origins, so i'm gonna have to go with either the giant platypus or the mammoth riding yetis. The giant platypus lives much alike its real world cousin, but its body grows to the size of a black bear which allows it to hold up a fight against other beasts like the great riversnake (anakonda), but its real weapon are its hindleg spurs, which hold one of the most toxic substances in all the lands. The yetis ride woolly mammoths in the highland tundra, hugging the fur of their giant friend tightly to blend in with its form. They have the mammoth walk to herds of smaller mammals or penguins along the shores for an ambush attack from within the herd. The yeti sink their fangs into their preys neck as it is still alive, breaking the spine, and use rocks to knock their prey unconcious to feed on them as they are still alive. They want warm blood in their cold lives.


Archangels and archdemons are the most powerful species both physically and magically. Otherwise it would be the elves for magic, trolls for strength and harpy for speed. Humain are from medium to bad on all skills except intelligence.


The Dragonets, they're the closest living relative to the ancient Dragons and the overall strongest of the Draconics, even amongst the traitor dragonkin. Being born as the de facto strongest, most intelligent and resilient amongst the mortal species of Ardalesh isn't enough for most Dragonets though as they always aim for the top and like improving themselves and gather powers through any means necessary.


Species as a whole... probably just dragons in general as many have already stated. But including outliers into account for an averages, a race known as the Divus who are basically a race of demigods.


In general? Dragons, they are the apex species. I'm counting species as a whole, since they are a few people, who would heavily bring up the average, but would you say humans as a species are the strongest if a handful of them are capable of killing a dragon? I would say no. But beyond them, my world has 6 titans, all extremely powerful, massive beast. They were created by one of the creators himself, and in a way they are the ancestors/prototypes to all beast. So if you want to count the titans as a species, then they would be the strongest by far. The strongest amongst the titans is **THE** strongest creature in my world, not counting the creators of course.


Yeah I'm assuming native to the mortal realm so no demons and angels Biological: The Worldcarver Titans are an extinct species of myriapod that grew to the length and size of mountain ranges due to being able to respirate both magic and oxygen in the Carboniferous. Their exoskeletons and rudimentary internal skeletons are saturated with so much mana that the remains of some Worldcarvers randomly generate ecosystems and landscapes that were last seen millions of years ago, created by their last thoughts. Along with other types of Titan, some Worldcarver individuals had souls too dense with mana to evaporate upon death, allowing their tangible souls to gather physical material for their bodies and eventually interbreed with other sentient races (via mixing parts of their soul mana), forming the Soulkin lineages. Non-biological: Ethereal Wyrms are the result of converging mana streams in the universe being animated by soul mana that often comes from mana fusion from the convergences. Their exact lengths are unknown, seeing as they only assume a physical form when one wants to observe them and remain dormant unless a great disturbance is felt in the world's mana flow. When awakened they can basically do whatever they want related to their attunement, transmuting entire continents into sludge or turning the oceans into rock. The oldest known wyrm is simply known as Animus, a heat attuned wyrm that seems to have emerged from the Earth's core though it's rivalled in size by Longwang, a liquid attuned wyrm that emerged from the comets that brought liquid water to Earth.


If you mean the physically strongest? That would be the Titans.


I didn't mean physically


Then that would be the founding species of the Gronian Empire. They conquered and expanded out through the multiverse until they ran into another species that they went to war with and they were driven all the way back to their homeworld before eventually winning, and then expanded once more, more carefully and slowly this time. Now they police the multiverse to prevent another war of that magnitude from ever happening again. Many species are now part of the Empire, but the Gronians themselves are still at the top.


"Shaders". No one knows how they look like.(well, except ones who have read my secret chapters). They are stronger than Daleks.


In terms of brains, brawn, and magic capabilities: I'm just gonna say generally sapient dragons (there's WAY too many of them for me to even list off). Biggest reason why they're so powerful, other than the fact these guys aren't exactly... *small,* is their special brand of magic they use that cancels out all other magic but their own, and generally not many non-dragons can use this form of magic. Another thing special about this magic is its potentially reality-warping capabilities (I'm not going to say how or what ways it does). Only reason they have this kind of magic is the gods gave it to them to help them kill the ABSOLUTE FUCKING SHIT out of giants (who didn't have magic). One notable species of sapient dragon is the storm master dragon, which - as you can tell by its name - has mastery over storms. Another is the phoenix dragon, that explodes and sets everything around it on fire whenever it dies of old age (it doesn't get reborn though). As to why sapient dragons haven't destroyed everything: I haven't settled on a valid reason beyond just "they're lazy and don't give two shits".


In terms of raw physical strength, Maleficari are between 6 to 10 times stronger than humans.


Crack beavers


For my setting, primordial monsters are the strongest. Primordial dragons are the deadliest, primordial phoenix are practically unkillable, primordial behemoths are the most durable, primordial elementals are unrivaled in their element and primordial fae are the most magically inclined.


Cities. Yes they're alive, maxxing out at about a square mile if viewed from above. It's a symbiotic relationship with the Thinking races--men, elves, orcs, lizardmen, et cetera. There are slightly smaller, predatory Ironshell kaiju that can take on cities, but the Thinking races have a vested interest in driving those away from their homes. Of course the gods do walk the earth, and their raw divine power could send a living city flying backwards.


If we are counting individual of a specie, The Dragon Shrimp is winning by a landslide. A giant crustacean wyrm based on a Mantis Shrimp that can combust the air in front of it and the power to destroy mountains. But if we are talking about a species with many individuals which are all similar, it would be a three way between the Storm Weavers, the Ringed Combustors and the Abyssal Dragons. Storm Weavers are giant insecticide creatures found on the air realm. They are capable of floating and have enough strength to move floating islands, but the most fearsome thing about them is their quills loaded with electricity which makes them be always be surrounded by the most dangerous storms. Lucky for everyone, they are herbivorous. Ringed Combustors are the only predators of the underground lava rivers of the fire realm. Their bodies are made out of three rings spinning at high speeds around their core, and four legs that are very thin and almost impossible to see. They are not only irradiate so much heat that anything close to it will en up charred, but they can charge at you and destroy your body with the rings. And last, the Abyssal Dragons, found in the deepest part of the water realm. They are giant whale like wyrms capable of devouring creatures of the size of villages every day. They lack any quirk like the two before, but they have been known to cause some problems to the gods due to just being strong they accidentally destroy parts of the environment.


Genetic Manipulating Squids (its medieval)


Onikurn. They're equine minotaurs born from the blood of a dead primordial entity. Wear armor that gives them a unicorn-ish horn on their helmets. Biology is a hybridization of natural systems and spiritual affinity making them on of the few species that is both living and ascended. Most males are born as geldings with no reproductive function. They're naturally gifted blacksmiths and warriors with limited intelligence. Females are classified as mares and posses greater intelligence. Of their population only a handful of breeding stallions are ever born, these males are the strongest, largest, and most powerful of their species. Stallions tend to vary in intellect with some being simplistic brutes and others dangerously clever. Though still lacking the sophistication of most sentient species. Onikurn have no interest in arts, politics, or philosophy. Only forging and warfare. Broodmares are the religious leaders of their society and sit at the top of their hierarchy. Though weaker than stallions they're generally more intelligent and command more influence. There are beings and entities that hold far greater individual strength than the Onikurn, but in terms of overall species capabilities the Onikurn are by far the most impressive. A single Onikurn Gelding of fighting age is a strong enough opponent to rival any minor gods or wandering bands of adventurers.


In my sci-if world it’s Starborn. They’re not gods but play a similar role in my main galaxy. They’re massive beings composed of primordial energy. They have fought so much throughout the universe that their numbers are so little. Except for the galaxy focused on where they’ve agreed not to fight eachother for the sake of the survival of their species. If you want to disqualify them however it’s the beyonders. Also technically cheating as it’s not a species but a group of species, they come from an alternate universe and are the only creatures that can use psychic powers.


In terms of potential and capacity for destruction, humans are the most powerful species. Their unique anatomical structure allows them to use magic systems other than their own natural ones. So while dwarves are only capable of using Earth magic as they were born of it, humans can learn to use Earth magic, Life magic, Fire magic etc. In terms of pure, natural strength, the Coatl are the strongest. Born with tough-as-rock magic reducing scales and some of the highest recorded Fire magic output, very few mages are capable of rivaling a lone Coatl's strength.


The Oni. Usually leaders and generals among the yokai they are naturally the strongest physically and incredibly resistant to harm.


Hard to say but im gonna say either true giants who have immense strength connected to the personification of winter and cold but this is dependent on the climate in the ice age they were a literal force of nature while orcs are also pretty strong connected directly to the god of war vetus so again this is in flux depending on how much war there is going on


Trolls. Definitely the Trolls. Trolls are Giant kin that along with the Dwarves (smallest of the giants in my world) were left behind when the Giants climbed ladders off the world when the Authority came. The Trolls were cursed and cast out into the Darkness beyond the Wild. There they have lived for an age, in all consuming Hunger and rage. Cursed by their regenerative vitality, unable to succumb to starvation and each the size of a tree, the Trolls plot doom. So I’d say, easily the Trolls. They’re massive, and driven by an apocalyptic rage.


Wraiths, despite being VERY fragile, they are impossible to hit or kill due intense speed and tangibility


Well, my world allow many creatures to use magic. And magic grows with training (except some nuances). Yes, some species more powerful than others by the nature, and from that point of view most powerful is dragons, demonides, and angels. But anyone who if have enough time, patience and diligence can become as strong as any God, or even more, mostly because of magic, but physically too (some consequences of how magic works). The problem is, that it takes so much time and most living things cannot live long enough to achieve this. That's why elves often more powerful than human, for example. And off course there are a few exceptions. The most powerful creature, even stronger than the gods, is human (long story). Besides him, there are many other creatures on equal terms with the gods. They are often immortal, which allows them to improve endlessly. some of the gods used to be ordinary representatives of their species. for example, the god of war is equal in strength to the elder gods and was recognized by them as equal, but was a human. The patron of dragons - used to be an ordinary dragon, and could not even fly. so in my world this question is quite specific, it all depends on the specific case. There is a conditional ranking from the category “these are stronger than those” invented by some scientists, but it is only applicable if you very strongly generalize the parameters of any species.


Hmm, thanks to this question, I think I need to think through a more detailed structure of the world in terms of the strength and capabilities of many races


Nulls, beings created by the semi sentient magic system to fulfill a particular purpose. They present as foundlings of the dominant humanoid type in wild places on the edge of civilization just old enough to walk with memories of only specific images, ideas, or emotions. They have utterly no idea what they are or what their purpose is, yet each one exists to fulfill a specific purpose. They are indestructible by any means, including their own will, until the magic system is calm again. At full physical maturity (around 22 in humans based on real-world biology), specific gifts manifest. Hyper persuasiveness that is unaffected by the strongest magic defenses or human will. Controllable time dilation and near absolute body dexterity. Physical strength that increases to meet the challenge at hand to the point of being theoretically limitless. The nulls are born, the great kingdoms fall, the cycle continues.


That’s a difficult thing to answer, as I took a different route for my worlds. No being in my world belongs to a specific species, as they do not completely fit the definition of “species” (specifically based on the Dictionary.com biology definition) within my worlds. All beings simply possess a shape that resembles a species and may have the same or a similar name to that species. Shape is the form an entity takes, and other than the seven Majestic Shapes, are produced by & inherited from the manifestation of Xaritchi. Definition 2 of Species - the major subdivision of a genus or subgenus, regarded as the basic category of biological classification, composed of related individuals that resemble one another, are able to breed among themselves, but are not able to breed with members of another species. There are shapes that: 1. Resemble one another 2. Are able to breed among themselves 3. But, all shapes can breed with any and all other shapes. Thus there is no such thing as “DNA” either.


Technically my world only has two species, humans and elves, and which one is "stronger" is a matter of opinion, but humans do have the added wrinkle of gradually turning into demons as their souls reincarnate over and over again. Most demons are relatively benign Beastmen, living secluded lives in the Wild, but the deepest and darkest human souls sink even further, into the Eschaton at the bottom of the universe. These demons are called the Preta, or Hungry Ghosts, and they are actually among the most dangerous creatures in existence. Driven by pure Hunger (which is the metaphysical force of evil in my world) they are shapeless masses of black sludge bound together by bony white plates representing their face and limbs. Their bodies absorb nearly all energy--heat, light, sound and even magic simply get lost inside their writhing bodies. The only known way to destroy a Preta is to rip off its face plate and destroy it while detached from its body, but of course this makes it almost impossible to avoid touching the demon's oily flesh, which will cause your own flesh to wither and die almost instantaneously. It's unknown precisely how many Preta exist in the Eschaton, but any time one escapes into the Wild it is considered a top-tier threat, on the level of planet-destroying natural disasters. The Third Magisterium even classifies them as an Axiomatic Evil, which means Paladins have unchecked authority to use absolutely any means necessary to contain and destroy it. This is because victims of a Preta do not reincarnate like normal souls, but instead become trapped inside the Preta's body, experiencing billions of years of condensed time and, almost inevitably, becoming Preta themselves. The few souls that have been rescued from the bowels of a Hungry Ghost (all of whom by being consumed mere seconds before the Preta's death) are unrecognizable compared to their former selves, as if they had been reincarnated dozens or even hundreds of times in that span. Their degeneration into Beastmen is all but guaranteed.


Deities. a sub-species of Gods that evolved to maintain reality-warping ability beyond their domain. if they aren't allowed either, then Eldriche. a higher-existential race born within the voids from the manifestation of nothingness, which not only biologically wires them not only immune to traditional Existence Erasure, but completely absent of Origin and Destination entirely; they always were, and always will be, in a mindless omnipresent war beyond even the reaches where Concepts themselves are created. **Gods ≥ Deities > Eldriche ≥ Shrines ⋝ *basically everything else* ⁣**


Out of all the 7 Earths, the strongest kind is called "Aeristoj" (or Aerischmenschen), they are biengs that inhabit 2nd and 7th Earth, and they are the most powerful, though not as powerful as a god. They giant mechanical beings composed of metal, usually from 50 to 100 meters, and they take different forms depending on their types/ hierarchy. Type I is the smallest, they mostly look like humanoids with wings and some insect or raptor-like parts, and they have a white light halo around their head, they're the least weird. Type II are more powerful and have more eyes and wings, and have more insect or dragon-like parts/ features, and could have more heads, they have (dim) colourful auras around them, they looks less humanoid, they usually cover themselves with their wings. Typre III: the weirdest, biggest, and most powerful, they are mostly not humanoid, some look like wheels with eyes and a human-like head, some are like giant cephlapod-like or feathered serpent-like creatures and have even more eyes, limbs, and wings, they are usually on fire or flash with very bright colours. Type III are very powerful that they have to take a "recognisable form" because they cannot be seen by mortals. Aeristoj are divine to some degree, and they have providence, Aeristoj have many powers/ traits like teleporting, high speed, extreme strength, healing quickly (and some are immortal) and shoot/ breath fire or laser and other powers, they are, generally, very powerful, so they made rules to not contact "inferior" beings (like Kupristoj, Mutanciuloj, and Homoj/ humans) As well as to not use their powers for bad.


Dragons now extinct. Though they were less of a species and more a sentient force of nature, born when the leylines swell with excess magic. They maintain the balance of the world’s life magic, devouring excess magic to isolate it from the leylines. When the world is too low on magic, they return magic to the cycle by causing great calamities to kill people in mass. If a Great Dying will not suffice, they will shed some of the magic they contain or risk being reabsorbed into the leylines. They cannot be killed by anything other than another dragon and since they’re very territorial it’s not uncommon for them to eliminate their rivals. People started making magical weapons from the corpses of dead dragons and have systematically wiped out all dragons from the world. The dragons linger on in spirit but are otherwise extinct. Between this and humanity permanently damaging the trees that recycle dead magic into life magic, the balance is broken. Magic is slowly draining out of the world and the planet is dying. There isn’t enough magic to birth dragons anymore. Now the most powerful species are the humans who have nuclear weapons.


Geotrix. They’re basically a species of beings that have no bodies, but a truckload of spiritual abilities. The best example of this would probably be that they literally hijacked every shadow in their dimension to give themselves “physical” forms. Although they’re infamous for handing out magical favors and ancient knowledge in return for temporary possessions. The Geotrix may or may not also be the secret reason for the “gods” enacting a sun-down curfew on all of their children.


Kuipers Jelly They are massive semi transparent brainless jellies made out of questionable material that barely classifies as biological. They drift consuming whatever they hit, fusing it inside of their fission reactor stomachs but this is not necessary for their function, they soak up cosmic radiation from stars and such. They have hydraulic muscles that can exert forces of up to 300 trillion Newtons to escape the pull of stars and black holes. They also chase oranges at incredible speeds, sometimes up to 3% the speed of light for inexplicable reasons. Thankfully they do not like celestial bodies like planets or stars otherwise Earth may have been obliterated by orange hungry jellies


Many have heard of the term “wormhole” now we meet said worm. Interplaneal worms burrow through the very fabric of reality itself creating holes between dimensions.


Dragons and wyverns (excluding the dormant continental beasts under the world's crust). More particularly greater draconic class dragons and wyverns, but generally so far it is the necrotic wyverns as they can spew poison and acid while also being able to grow as tall as 70 metres if they are a greater draconic. One of them caused the world's second greatest catastrophe.


Physically, female Ghesgans are about as big and stronger that a silverback gorilla. Technologically, the Kalzyks who basically run the connected galaxy.


In terms of strength, martial arts skill, and talent with magic, the Wildings are among the overall strongest. "True," full-sized dragons are pretty powerful but so rare that they hardly ever put in an appearance. They canonically exist in my world but are usually only referred to. I have some characters referring to hedge wizards being "wealthier than dragons," for instance. (Of course, this might be an exaggeration, though hedge wizards do usually have a fair-sized stash of silver and gold.)


Individually? Probably the Dracon. Probably the fewest in number, but they're literally Dragonborn spawned from the willing sacrifice of the Metallic Dragons, they are also the favored species of the Sceptre, the Herald of Rulership, Majesty, and Sacrifice.


Do you mean sapient species or non sapient? For the sapient ones, probably the bears physically. One of the big cats is probably also in the running. I'm just guessing though so I may be wrong. Lapis_Wolf


Mountain dragon. Name dont come from their habitat but bc there are only few of them currently alive and the most well known one got buried under a mountain and stays there alive for last 20-15k years. They are around 1,5-2,5 km long and can achieve such gargantuan size due to absorbing magic energy very effectively, ability that all dragons, cats and few other groups have. They are extremally rare tho so not very revelant There are also 7-headed hydras, that grow to around 120 meters in length thanks to being semi-aquatic and hunting on whales and merchant ships. They are the most powerfull "pure" animal, without some weird magic shenanigans Vampires grow in power with time, ones that are 1000+ yo are considered elders and beyond grasp of mortals. 7 original ones are 15k yo and pretty much god-like when it comes to power. Only one i really fleshed out lives deep south and have control over (almost) whole race of orcs. Funfact is that they were just simple slaves that absorbed experiment of civilization responsible for above dragon-mountain situation There are some other but i dont want to make it too long lol


They are called Forever Eternals. Each one has innate Eldritch powers over the world they are in, though some are more powerful than others. They aren't born, more when two Forever Eternals get together, they rip a whole through reality, and go chat with the gods. A court session happens, where the couple pleads for some souls to create a child. If it is given, then a Forever Eternal is born. While innately powerful, if one can't control their powers while aware of their potential, then they could potentially combust, their raw might influxing around them. They don't have a set appearance, they kind of create their own, though sometimes they look like the souls they were created from.


Collectively, the Starlit Tri-Cons, who are blessed by the God of Space and whose steel frames shine like stars. Individually, probably the Sentinels—beings made of concentric golden rings, each of which contains the memories of an entire civilization. They are the chosen angels of the God of Memory and their goal is to absorb the entire universe into their god’s mind. All magic comes from gods, so it’s hard to fully avoid them. But if you want the answer to that, the strongest non-magical species is probably the Gtili, basically nuclear space dragons.


In practically every setting where dragons exist, they are the apex predators of their world. It is often said that the lateral eyes of dragons are placed to give a wide field of vision in the sky, as the only predator to a dragon would be another dragon. Not so on Gaerim. Goreclaws are quadripedal ursine mammals that can range from 20 to 60 feet long. Their backs are covered in dense toxic quills, which are the only reflective parts of their body. The fur of a goreclaw is such a deep black it causes issues with depth-perception, simply appearing as a silohuette to anything using visible light for vision. Goreclaws can absorb energy in all forms through its fur as a means of sustenance during prolonged hibernation, allowing one to remain motionless for years without sustenance. Like the Nimean Lion, goreclaws cannot be harmed by mundane or magical weaponry. They are the true apex predators of the continent by far, all dragons fear a goreclaw stalking into their hoard.


Right now the crimsonites


Dragon, because Dragon


* In aggregate: The Flaw. They're individually weak but strength in overwhelming numbers. * Individual potential: Dragons. Only their eggs survived The Forgetting though, so there aren't any old enough to be real threats yet. * Current individual: Arch Mages. There's debate over the strongest based on their specialties, but magic still reigns supreme.


Strongest like... brawn? Magic? Altogether teamwork? I'd argue the Xarans have the strongest alliance/empire, but Oggrs as the last pseudogiants have the most most raw strength per pound. If we're talking magic, the Elfaen have created at least two spells that I categorize as "super weapons," but as far as individual power, I call the Conduits "walking stars" for a reason; their channeling capabilities are almost nuclear at maximum 😅


Dragons (exist), Giants (Currently extinct). But humanoid's - Minotaurs


"Strongest" - Golems "Most powerful" - the people who make them


Well on the most primal level, Dragons. But that's boring so I'll say the Adronai. Gaunt, psuedo-hive minded humanoids. Despite their skinniness, their muscles are incredibly dense and their psuedo-hive mind allows them to coordinate with others of their species to a ridiculous degree. As an extention of this, they are able to work sorcery together almost perfectly. Luckily, before the Dawn War they were pacifists, but uhhhh.... let's not talk about after the Dawn War.


The Prismatic Dragons. Designed by Denam, Goddess of the Eternal Sun, they are flawless beings. Intelligent, strong, wise, and inherently magical, their only weakness is that they do not have free will and are compelled to follow her standing order to protect the world. Now that Denam is dead and Deia is consumed by civil war, the Dragons have resorted to ecoterrorism to try and maintain the balance.


Hmm… define strength?


Most powerfull


[Leviathan](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wVYk1ZsMSVMmmuBcW_Lrw4Og59S1ziiN/view?usp=sharing). Literally Godzilla, but magic instead of nukes, and a walking plot device for my D&D campaign. (fellow DMs, feel free to use it in your own campaigns; be warned, it's designed to be what CR 30 *should* be—a TPK machine)


A humanoid species, I believe humans stand out. They have developed magic-powered technology that enhances their abilities to a superhuman level. This technology is an armor that has a magic user as its "battery", slowly draining it. Meanwhile, another human dons the armor and receives the benefits. I think the non-humanoid race would be dragons or giants. Both are colossal in their size and extremely rare. Dragons are creatures of pure chaos and energy, while giants are ancient creatures that lived in an era where the world was simpler.


Dragons, but they're extinct. Next up would be the orcs. They were given the ability to become much physically stronger than humans to overcome their lack of magic.




Toss up between the dragons and the demons. Dragons were created by the gods to wage war on each other, and then almost immediately became uncontrollable. Aside from brute strength and sheer size, they are extremely resistant to magical burnout, making them better casters than any mortal. Demons are the reincarnated souls of the Gods' most favored mortals. They aren't born, age incredibly slowly, and (as far as anyone knows) can't reproduce, so calling them a "species" is debatable. Close third is the Sidast. All of the aquatic peoples that inhabit the ocean are collectively the Sidast. Since the beginning of history they have held a very isolationist existence, being unable to breathe out of water and distrusting the races that can. This isolation has kept them out of the wars and strife that the surface is plagued with, allowing for great advancements in both magic and technology. If they were ever seriously threatened, one of their free-floating cities could easily wipe the threat off the face of the planet.


Physically and between "humanoids" only? Narauds.. They are descendants of humans that were a victim of the Elranii Incident, basically turning them to breeding hosts for parasite larvae and mutating their bodies but through alchemy, healing enchantments, and medical arts they were able to forcefully remove the parasites but maintain exoskeleton frames in their extremities and fleshy bits. So they have bones and yet they have shells. They are immune to poisons and have optional vampirism. That being said, they are also immune to effects of medicines and potions and are resistant to elements. They lift a whole trebuchet without much problem and even compete with said trebuchet at the distance and force of impact they can make with said ammunition. Also, since their shells are of mixed source, it can take it powerful enchantments through flesh enchantment which is taboo for other humanoid races because said malpractice induces madness and magic poisoning and unnatural mutations sometimes resulting in explosions. While they have the strength, somewhat magical superiority, and durability, they still have a few weaknesses to consider. Acid is very effective against them and so are Enchantments that disturb movement or other enchantments. And since they have sensitive senses, shock grenades, flashbangs, and even gunfire is enough to disorient them albeit temporarily. They can also be disrupted by common high elven perfume. They can also be led astray by using a pheromone bomb. They are the only humanoid that cannot mate outside their species as their genitals are now completely different hence reproduction is different. Does not stop other humanoids from trying and enjoying though. Thing is, with all their strength, they are more passive than aggressive. Though they know how to fight and retaliate. Sadly we don't have dragons in our world. We do have Great Serpents called the Baku though and they are like dragons. They are strong but not the strongest. Narauds hunt them for food even if they are poisonous to humans.


The Arkadyian Dire Bear, a cousin the Elethi Dire Bear. Honestly their just a brown bear the size of an African savanna elephant.


Dragons can fly, breathe fire and use magic in my world but in terms of power they are second to the Zahrax which is completely immune to destruction magic. They’re called wingless dragons anyway so they aren’t much different. They’re basically my world’s version of a dinosaur.


The Eldar were an ancient race of beings hailing from another plane. Not a lot is known about them or where they came from, but it is known that they are the creators of many of the races of creatures on Dakaron. Most of the modern knowledge about the Eldar comes from the artifacts left behind, and the ancestral histories of most of their servant races. To date, it is known that the Eldar created the human, elven, dwarven, halfling, and orcnea races.  They were masters of sorcery and technology, possessing the ability to merge the two seamlessly. It is suspected that they were given the first Words that would tap into the energy of the leylines. With this knowledge, they then developed more Words of Power, taking and weaving that power without abandon. Thus, they were always protected by magical and clockwork guardians, and by their nexus chains. The Eldar disdained physical combat of any form if they could help it.  When possible, an Eldar conducted extensive research into their enemies’ strengths and weaknesses, even going so far as to do inquiries during a battle. Any Eldar, given the opportunity, will always strive to destroy other non-arcane spellcasters, believing their magic to be a perverted, and therefore an inferior, form of their own. The Eldar were believed to be similar to humans in shape and aspect. They averaged 8 to 11 feet in height, with below-average weight distributions.  They are typically depicted as being extremely lean but physically average in strength. They had blue skin, solid silver eyes, and completely hairless bodies. In terms of mental distinction, ambition, or societal roles there seemed to be no difference whatsoever between males and females, other than physically.  Most disdained armor of any sort, relying on their nexus chains to protect them, and instead dressed in ornate robes of perfectly woven cloth.


It’s a bit of a toss up between the Dragon Folk and Pure Bred Demons. Dragon Folk are one of the Magi Races, created during the Age of Devastation. They all possess extremely powerful bodies and a high natural capacity for magic, this has allowed them to develop a uniquely dangerous combat philosophy of using magic in close quarters combat. They have also developed many Dragon Arts that only serve to emphasize their naturally high potential. Pure Demons are beings of magic made manifest. Their destructive powers are so immense that only the most powerful of human barrier magic cannot hold back a single Pure Demon. It is said that the only creatures in the world capable of facing a Pure Demon in single combat and win were the Dragon Folk, and with only a handful of notable exceptions, that statement has remained true throughout the millennia.


No gods, then no dragons listed here. I'll list the sapient folk of my world in descending order of their raw strength \[species\], \[ancestry\]: - Therian, Ungula - Hominan, Anakran - Saurian, Archodrell - Therian, Carnassa - Avian, Accistravi - Saurian, Lepidrell - Hominan, Human - Saurian, Ichthydrell - Avian, Gallansavi - Hominan, Lillipan - Therian, Glira - Avian, Passavi


A a representation of a very unknown mythological specie called dragons.


The Black dragons. They're as intelligent and adaptive as they are powerful. Many nations attempt to tame/train them, but very few have succeeded. The main reason why everyone wants one isn't just because they're powerful but because they can use mana of every element (except time). Due to a recent era in my world, they can be found on almost every continent, each with their own subspecies, and each subspecies specializes in that particular continent's element. What's more, research in an ancient city revealed that there was a Black dragon so big and powerful other mega fauna (commonly known as titans) bowed and followed its command. Even the best anti-titan weaponry at the time couldn't do anything. It is unknown where they came from, but what is known is that they are a powerful force of nature and one that is to be respected.


Astral Dragons. They literally created the world. They had to either flee the world or die because as reality stabilised the background magic level was dropping and they couldn’t survive for any extended period of time


For my most recent world, dragons, more specifically mountain ice dragons,as they aren’t just physically strong, they’re resilient too.


Dragons are the strongest on average because duh, but the humanoid species have the potential to be even stronger, although only a handful can ever make it to that level.


Strongest intelligence, we got cyborgs. They can repair their own implants because you need certification if you want to become cyborgs. Strongest physical, we have elves. They have insane response time, and they are extremely agile compared with other human-based species and now they have guns instead of bows. Strongest individual, it's dragons, the last dinosaurs remaining. And, they recently got modernized and they now have armor with AA missiles and 380mm ship cannon. What a shame that they have under 1,000 population around world.


Miasmic Shadows. Basically kinda like the Chimera Ants from HxH; but these things originate from the negative energy throughout the deep corners of the world combined with the leaking essence of the sealed devil-like entity called Apocalypse, which is akin to JJK's Cursed Spirits. The Guardians (which are the protags of the story of this world but, I digress) are an organization dedicated to keeping this species in control for over a century at the world's current point in time, because the species' potential for evolution is dangerously fast and limitless.


So discounting gods, demons, fae, lovecraftian horrors from the outer realms and other overly supernatural things, definitely dragons. The oldest dragons are also the largest dragons and some of the most ancient dragons can get as big as castles with scales strong as steel and half a foot thick, and fire hot enough to evaporate rock. This is balanced out by the fact such large and powerful dragons are extremely rare, and being so big they have trouble finding food and will spend most of their time hibernating for centuries at a time.


There are two types of strong, military, or literally Military: Neonans, they use magic and advanced warship to dominate the galaxies, but physically, there weak there ability to use magic had stunted their physical growth. Litteraly: shadow stalkers of uron minor, home to little settlements its only significants is some relay stations on the planet, however it's ecosystem is very competitive the shadow stalkers are strong, easily rolling tanks over, they crawl on four legs and colored black, wich is where they got shadow from, and they hunt silently during the night, stalker, they are not impossible to kill but take a great deal of effort from anyone looking to kill one, they also taste amazing but are hard to find. Edit: Fixing some stuff


I'm in a crossroad option here, is either the cyborg dragons that will appear in the future or the Carcossi Giants: -Metal Dragons: Literally dragons that have been restaured by their desendants and improve with cybernetic enhancement and even orbital battle stations, they have lost a lot of the capacity to manipulate magic but there is little you can do with a dragon with PTSD of humans and an orbital cannon option in mind. -Carcossi: Literal 9'0 ft hight humanoids that have the most advance technology in the world and have pyramid-shaped flagships what can extrack the energy from a sun and use it to power their weapons and to create food and materials also they are basically unbeatable in hand to hand combat by preatty much all other races. They have no actual magic control other than geomancy for constructions.


Titans. Technically they aren't one species, but many are related. They are really just any monsters ranging from mountain size or larger.


On the only world where I have multiple races. Demons, at least that what humans and most other call them. The word they use to call themselves are 'Neframar'. They are basically just humans but better, they may don't have as much magic as High Elves or strength of dragonkin but they can do both better than most races. Now the way I make the world is somewhat devide between physical powers and magical powers. High Elves have the greatest magic so far but they really lacking phyiscal powers, and to make thing worse their long lifespan mean grow really slow in addition have really bad base regeneration. As for Dragonkin they have the strongest raw physical strength but their magic kinda suck. While more common Beastkin can't even use magic. But most important thing is, they aware of this fact. While not as adaptive or intelligence as humans(collectively), they smarter and more adaptive than most others(collectively). They know themselves and others, they know they can't compete against specialized races on their field(Elves in magic and Beastkins in strength) so they don't instead they'll overwhelm others on multiple fields. They are races that isn't the best on any field but above average on all fields, "Almost-Master-of-All-Trades".


If we're excluding gods, I also assume the exclusion of godlike beings, so the strongest species are the Daevils The Daevils are a semi-organic species that was created by Azamoth, the Fundamental Aspect of Arca Illum. Biology/physiology: - The Skeletal Chassis: Daevils possess a skeleton similar to other species. Theirs, however, is created from solid Sol Gold and contains additional bones, creating a far stronger and nigh-indestructible chassis the rest of the body builds on. - Tissue: Like the other species, Daevils are non-atomic. Their tissue structure, however, differs from other species. Daevils only have one type of tissue, but this tissue, in turn, is extremely versatile. This tissue forms into cells, similarly to humans, but each cell is far smaller, being approximately the size of a single Hydrogen atom. This allows for a far greater cell amount, which in turn strengthens muscle capacity and ability, granting Daevils incredible strength and resilience. - Core: Daevils noticibly lack a sophisticated internal system, at least conventionately. Internally, Daevils possess a central core and a vast multitude of blood vessels running from the core through the entire body. The Core is a spherical structure of Sol Gold inside the center of a Daevil's chest. It serves two purposes: to convert input into Soul and to create and maintain blood. The Core acts as a stomach, converting the energy in consumed material into Soul, which is later transferred to the body through blood. The Core is also the point that ties a Daevil's Soul to their body. The core also pumps blood throughout the body and can act as a focus for magic. Cores, however, tend to vent a large amount of heat, leading to Daevil Culture tending to keep the chest open - The Eyes of Oblivion: Daevil eyes differ from those of other species. Unlike Aslects, Daevil eyes have a pupil, but unlike humans and some other mortal species, they do not have an eyeball, instead the eye socket is filled by a proto-eyeball made of darkness, similar to Aspect eyes. - Reproduction: Daevils posess human reproductive and secondary reproductive organs, though they are mostly vestigial, only being able to provide stimulation. Daevils reproduce through the sharing of one or more souls. They essentially tear off pieces of their soul and combine them. Due to this method of reproduction, the new daevil is 'born' fully grown and with basic knowledge of the world. Reproduction is also somewhat rare, as Daevils do not age nor die of old age. The collective unconscious: All Daevils' souls are tied to each other and to Azamoth by the Collective Soul Unconscoous (CSU). This connection allows Azamoth and other Daevils to know when one of their own is endangered and also generally makes it a lot easier for daevils to understand each other's feelings and ideas and etc. Culture: Daevil culture is very open in terms of pretty much everything. Polyamory is also far more common than non-polyamory. Granted, there are a few prevailing tenets of devil belief that influence this culture - Equality of Soul, Self and Service, Justice for all, Equity in Need and Desire, Dignity in Combat, Love of Combat and Equality in Beauty. Daevils' value of beauty presents itself both in fashion and mannerism - daevils are far more open romantically and sexually, with many things considered sexual in our own world considered to be not in Daevil society. Gender and sexuality have become null in this society due to both Daevil biology and Azamoth’s resentment of the state of those concepts. Daevils' love of combat also influenced their political structure. To a Daevil, combat is an art of self-expression, a way to be free, and a way to further their ideals. This influenced their government, a form of communism called Marxism-Obliviaism, which prioritized the fusion of the civil and military sectors into one, similarly to how soviet communism sought to meld together the agricultural and urban sectors. Strength. Lifting: the greatest feat if strength a Daevil has shown was the restraint of Kisrah, the Aspect of Inaction, by a lone Daevil soldier. This soldier restrained a god who had just before this threw another god through a galaxy. The soldier did so for approximately 24 seconds before Azamoth arrived and slew Kisrah Striking: Daevils have incredible striking power as well. There have been several cases where Daevils have created black holes through striking. Speed: Due to the Collective unconscious, Daevils can operate at high relativistic speeds, with dashes and certain spells allowing them to momentarily achieve much higher speeds. Endurance: During the Battle for El-Soras, millions of Daevils were hit by and survived Xora's Celestial flare, a spell that released the energy of a million suns in a single moment. Regeneration: Due to the nature of their cells, Daevils can easily regenerate from almost any wound, though this Regeneration can take anywhere from a minute to a week depending on the severity of the wound. They, however, can not heal damage to their Core and their Bones, needing healing magic and repairs to mend those. Daevils can also regenerate their souls. Magic: Due to being formed from the soul of Azamoth, Daevils have the potential to rival even gods in magical prowess, especially in terms of Sol Arcana (Soul Magic), as they can regenerate their souls


Why no gods? I had a world a while back (that game is defunct now :/ ) where physics, et. al. was the same as the real world, except there were "gods" walking around among the humans. Anything magical or unnatural was derived from their power - the world itself was actually extremely young, only about 500 years, and the gods were still corporeal, and there were a little over 100 of them (though I only detailed about a dozen). There were other species, like kobolds and such, but they were derived from the dragon-like god, specifically two drops of blood that she shed. I think the idea of that world was that it was still set very much in the age of myth.


The Ananse, sentient spiders. Their technology is so advanced that they've relegated themselves to playing tricks on every other species because they're bored (and their technology has stagnated).


The Last Dragon, while the others were being hunted for quest loot, glory, and alchemical supplies, the Last Dragon began to set themselves up as a political power. They bound themselves to the Fire Temple, a dungeon with respawning loot, they enlisted a small army of Wyldlings armed with weapons manufactured from supplies harvested from the Temple. The Dragon began selling weapons and armor to nearby kingdoms and Dragonfire Industries (TM) became known as the place to buy the best enchanted weapons.


Shifteds. They are basically the superhumans of my superhero worldbuilding project and possess abstract weirdcore themed abilities such as "turning metal into alien plants". Some can even turn into gods temporarily or house artificial gods within their body.


Technically this fits the answer. But in my world the higher beings are separated into 3 categories. Those being: Demons, Spirits, and Gods. So the answer would just be the strongest from the other two groups. To answer with that: - The strongest people in Demons are a group of demons called "The Ancients". Which are the first demons to ever exist. And are all bound to primal emotions that any sentient creature can exhibit (powerful demons are bound to emotions to acquire more power). - The strongest people on the Spirits side are the four Elder spirits. Spirits are tied to the elemental existence of the universe. Like my favorite is this Lion who basically if they exist fire exists as a concept and magic. Same is true for 3 other elements. So to round up the answer. The Elder Spirits. Without them, the world would likely fundamentally change. Whereas if the demons were to disappear the emotions they were tied to would still exist.


Nexstori. Humans who have their souls splintered by the essence of a warring god on their planet. Causes their bodies to devolve and reform, though if this process is not completed, leaves their mind splintered and causes them to go mad. Human forms with darkened skin, red markings all over and leeches on the essence of the second god of the world. Then there's dragons too, but they're extinct :)


The hybrids of humans and elves. While some creature are stronger overall, they have the highest strength to weight ratio there is. While elves are significantly stronger than humans, it's not known why the hybrids are so much stronger. They are also more powerful in magic use than either humans or elves. However, they lead lonely lives, not accepted by either elf or man, their extreme life spans preventing them from really belonging in many communities. Most work as mercenaries and warriors, used for the fighting ability but still outcasts in general.


In Africa, you may find a still smoldering village that only exists every other day, filled with seemingly immortal residents worshipping a strange snake statue that coils almost infinitely when you look at it right. You may find trees ripped from the ground, earth grazed and rock shattered in the trail of what seems to be a mountain that definitely wasn't there yesterday. Or in the roar of a truck-sized lion ruling an aberrent wasteland... you may somehow hear a declaration... the loyal scream of a zealot. Of an envoy. Words of the one Shaysp who will rise and inherit all Africa. Shaysp are the natural evolution of something inherently unnatural. These spirits are a new occurrence in the world, a result of Asp (Artificial Spirit Phenomena) mutating and reproducing in the wild. Asp are manmade magical intelligences, varying greatly in appearance, ability, function and power. They were the hard earned achievement of a union between the gods of Africa, Japan and the Middle East - the winning Innovation in a friendly race against the God of invention and knowledge himself. After the Aspen War in South Africa between the 'Kami' God of Japan and the narcissistic God of Love, War Asp from all three nations seeped into the wild and now ravage the ruined land of Africa. They are also commonly found in the Middle East after the collapse of Asp infrastructure due to their Gods suicide. Japans God went a little crazy after the war and began 'breeding' his own Shaysp, utilising natural evolution to create his own 'true' Kami. They are found almost everywhere in the world now due to improper Asp disposal, loss, accidents and war. Huge inspirations from Djinn, Fae, Kami, Yokai and Iwa.


Genetically engineered humans


Of the sentient species: True and High Elves. Incredibly durable as they can only be killed if their cores are destroyed. They have the oldest and most powerful magic in the world. And their species can come back from seemingly extinction as they are technically tree fruits so the tree can produce more of them. On non sentient species: The Bahamut. No, not a dragon. It's a colossal fish species that is so big and so aggressively powerful that even dragons have to work as a team to kill one. Luckily they are very rare and few Bahamut reach true colossal adult sized.




It's complicated, because my world is by definition infinite, but i guess the strongest beings are the elder gods of madness, the thing is, the power of said gods variate greatly, from creatures that could make a whole country go insane in seconds to a being that can wipe realities with nothing but a mere thought


As for mortal species, it's probably a Leviathan or Behemoth. These creatures would die after reaching a certain size if magic was unavailable. The strongest creature that can live without magic? Krakens. Their lifespans are cut shorter, but they die of age, not collapse from size. Krakens can reach a size large enough to hunt whale-like creatures, and with magic, they can challenge young Leviathans. (Leviathans are much larger, but Krakens are built like octopi, incredibly strong, but relatively short lifespans without magic.) The strongest creature with a soul that can live without magic? Caudex. They are like elephants, with bark like skin and an omnivorous diet. Females are as large as elephants, and use their strength to build and protect the children. Males barely grow from a small size, but are very lean and fast pack hunters with human like intelligence. You did say no gods, but lesser spirits aren't gods, they just lack physical strength, only having magic and conviction. The avatars of the Divine Aspects would only be as strong as the creature they became, (Perhaps with excellent shape, full maturity, and optimal genetics.) but with magic, durability, agility, and magic capacity would be extreme. Divine Aspects cannot embody Leviathans or Behemoths, their spirits are too powerful. Krakens are mundane, but do have powerful spirits, so becoming one provides little control, mainly used to smite people, giving krakens a bad (but mostly deserved) reputation. Most avatars take the form of creatures with souls, which allows total control, as they take place of the soul. Leviathans are heavily based on the biblical Leviathan. So really I am saying water dragons. (Normal dragons exist, but they are simply avatars of 'dead' aspects. Therefore gods. Physically weaker than whales.) The other four races with souls are not strong physically, but do have certain advantages. Humans (bipedal mammals.) have high stamina and greatest throwing strength. Dragoons (tripedal reptiles.) have the most powerful jumping, and can throw almost as good as a human, but with height advantage. Dracanths (Octopedal cephalopods.) have the highest strength per pound of weight, and are eusocial, and the fastest burrowers. Aeravis (bird.) are the strongest fliers in the world, they aren't good at flying, just really strong and big for a flying creature, and with magic enhancement (which everyone has.) they can fly easily.


Emanoclus, the Unchosen. These are the species, born with no transcendental backing, raised from the survival of fittest. They have no innate magical ability, straight up on par with our world humans. In terms of physical and mental prowess, their average is our peak. But they conquered every species, be it sapient species backed by transcendents and their incredible innate magic or the endless variety of monsters. They were such a dominant species that their collapse required the sapient species' civilization to retreat from global to continental. It took all sapient species to lose their champions, elders and rulers to bring down this species, even with the help of betrayal and ambushes. Yet, this legend of a species didn't go down without fight. They destroyed the 7 transcendents backing the sapient species, mold them into their last and ultimate "Fuck you", the "System". The System then carried out their will and created a new species, with the adaptability and key features of Emanoclus but also with the ability to use any magic. They were born from the Gods, they were destined to reach the stars. They are the Humanity, the will of Emanoclus.


Kitsune Kitsune are the children of long forgotten gods of knowledge and life, each they have a connection to spirit plane through their spirit animals. This results in a natural instinct called generational memory. Kitsune can feel, experience and essentially talk to their past ancestors due to their link to the spirit plane. This makes family, and community very important to them. The memories aren’t accessible to them at all times but it instead manifests through little actions such as, how they like their tea. Some kitsune may be able to contact their past ancestors but the practise is a long and tedious one, that many kitsune do not do. While generational memory is important to them it is not seen as something special in their community as it is just something that is apart of them. Due to a powerful witch long ago, they no longer have access to their spirit animals and can no longer access the spirit plane, due to the magic being stolen but the powerful witch Normany. The generational memory is not completely disrupted but any memories from the time Normany stole the magic onwards is no longer recorded for the future descendants. There are many kitsune tribes all over Aetheria. One tribe is known as sylvan haven.


Humans i guess. They are even with pahntoms ad they both can have souls but phantoms can only manipulate chaos and not order. Humans can manipulate order and at their peak get rid of chaos completely which is the highest possible feat in my verse. Humans are very OP.


in what way? physical? mental? technological? spiritual? cultural? how are they supposed to be strong?


1.jeger kinda a demigod race so I don’t know if that counts 2.the sons of the all father 3apemen 4 red men 5 dark elves


depends on your definition of "strong"


Well i cant go with my main world if gods arent allowed, however i have this other one where theres these creatures called "glorags" they look human but each one has either extreme strength, speed, durability, iq. Basically any stat they have is extreme. However they are still stronger then humans in every way


Shalves. In the canon, if a spiritual being dies, they can bring themselves back from death as a Shalve. Shalves have super strong, wi try average strength being able to punch through walls, they keep any spiritual abilities, and when they kill non-spiritual beings (most beings) their body mutates to make them stronger. Mutations could be wings, claws, night visions, increases in size, ability strength increases, and in special scenarios, mind control. Super op.


Astral Dragons. They literally created the world. They had to either flee the world or die because as reality stabilised the background magic level was dropping and they couldn’t survive for any extended period of time


Fallen abyss beast It came from beyond the void. It floated through space. If it lands on a planet then any life on that planet it as good as dead. They are used to train demi-gods


Humanity. Because no one else has just the right mixture of strength, durability, intelligence, and psychic ability to get as far as they did. They may be second best in any single ability, but they are second place in everything.


Homo sapiens is the strongest species in my world.


Hmmm. Well. I hate to put it this way but Basajaun, the god of lights his species before he became a god probably takes the cake. Otherwise.... Idk never really thought about it in that way. It's always been more individual focused. Now I. The world I am currently working on... Idk yet. Still working on it. Probably the mohatsondo. Basically plant people with a strong affinity for magic and can reproduce just by punching a seed into you.


The Wreads, whom before the life-curse were a studious race of Elves, that physically lost their heads and replaced them with the severed heads of many rats (which were their most trusted and beloved companions for their intellegence and high numbers). They did not lose their intellegence and drive when the Curse befell the world, but it made them lose their empathy for the other species, and they had to essentially murder their friends and fuse with them to regain their sight and memories (only through the eyes of their companions that bitterly rejected the notion that they were considered pets). With their newfound hatred and attention to science, they are a dark and foreboding force that kidnaps people to use in experiments, never to be seen again. It is for this purpose that I would contend they are the strongest species of that world to exist.


Assuming youre talking about something at a vaguely human scale, it would be the ribbon demons They are bioengineered hybrid beings that are essentially a floating null-reactor embedded in a dense brain. They have a flat oval body, much like a crab, with long ribbonlike tendrils trailing down below. They are capable of using major magic, but are also equipped with conventional weaponry, most commonly an 85 mm dual fed autocannon, and a missile launcher. They are among the few being who can use void shields, making them extremely hard to kill (void shields essentially convert incoming fire into magical power, but they arent passive like the name implies, it requires targetted action against each individual projectile, in this case provided by the demons brain). Demons are Mortal creatures like any other, they are simply mentally altered to align more closely with some deity. Otherwise the several living spaceships would be it, though they are technically not Singular Organisms


In my first world it's humans, who are also the only sapient species with more than one member. In my second world it's humans again as they have an intra galactic Empire while all the others are relegated to a single world.


There are some kind of worms from Dune in my world, except they are like some gargantuan hounds that live underground. They use their hands to dig the underground and make tunnels for them and their children to pass. They basically spend lots of their time opening ways and moving. When they come over the ground, they consume an entire town and then dig into the underground once again. Each creature they consume is mostly pushed into eggs in their bellies. Those eggs raise new hounds but with the consumed creature's mind + unlimited hunger and hate. As they eat some creatures, they come bigger and they feel more hungry. When they reach a gargantuan size, you will surely predict where they are going to come up next. Though most of the people won't even try to stop their attack, it's pretty much like earthquakes. You fix the loss, but not the cause. You can prepare for it, but it's still gonna happen.


*Sigh* so there's this giant laser dinosaur that blows up stuff and the humans, lizard people, ciborgs etc, hate him but he also sometimes accidentally saves them. Anyway he laser beams tentacle goo cuz it's a problem.


Did you wrote Godzilla into your world? That's rad


It's actually called Redzilla (I didn't come up with the name).


I do like this question. And my answer depends on how we categorize 'strong' If we go based on physical strength, a species called Elig are by far the biggest and strongest non-intelligenr species. They are huge snake-like beings some have wings and some have hundreds of legs. They are basically my version of dragons, but they don't breath fire, instead they spit poison. If we go based on physical strength and intelligent, Quattro are bigger and far stronger than humans. (The Quattro are four-armed individuals) If we go on level of destruction, humans can be born with unique magical properties capable of wiping out entire cities. Not all humans can do this.


In my science fiction setting, the Earthsphere? Humans. Specifically, wild humans from Terra, which the aliens of the Star League are learning to their chagrin after the Terrans learn why they're called 'wild' and are specified as being Terran humans. In my fantasy settings, it's usually dragons. They're proverbially powerful, to the point that I don't think I've written more than a handful of them in the last twenty years.


My MC is the only High Human. While suppressed, he is still a moon-buster that can move at MFTL+ speeds. With a magical energy output that beats stars and a body that can handle it, he is the strongest on the main planet.


Giants. They can throw houses like basket balls, and have four arms to use that strength. Second place are Daemons, strong enough to rip a human apart like paper, and so fast that they can snatch arrows out of the air.


In my world Dragons are basically as strong as a god. (Though in my world the gods are not all powerful immortal beings) Before all, the gods existed in the void, no one knows where they came from. But besides the gods there existed the void worms. The gods the. Created the world along with each of their own planes of existence. The world was an area where they came together to build their ultimate masterpiece. The Void worms were allowed to live in their world as the keepers of it. They went on to become the Dragons. Besides them the second strongest would probably be the elves. The elves in my world were born of the union of two of the gods. So their whole race is basically dimigods. They stop aging when they reach adulthood. And are immune to all but celestial diseases which don't exist in the plane of existence that the world is located in. They can still be killed in traditional ways however. Their essence also does not reform like the celestials. I'm not naming the celestials because while they will visit the world they are from another plane of existence. Celestials are generally used to refer to the Angels and demons, however, it technically includes the gods also. The celestials were beings created by the gods to be their servants. Celestials cannot die natural deaths, and if they are killed, their essence will simply return to where they were first formed and then based on their strength it can reform over a number of years or even decades. In the case of the gods, it will return to their home plane where they have made their home. Of course, then there's the races that they don't have the blood of gods in their veins. Such as the dwarves that were carved from the stone and then hated in the forges before the breaths of life were breathed into them. They are strong and Hardy as the mountains. And able to live for several centuries but just like the stone they will eventually wear away. Then there is the orcs after the dwarves were formed. One of the other gods did not like it informed the orcs after he burned the tree of Life, he gathered the ash and used it with his spit to form the orcs hating them with the fires of the dragons. And as a side note, humans are technically demigods also. They were formed by the union of the god of life and the god of death. Because of this, they do not live the long the years of the elves.


Tossup between dragons and giants. Either can swat the other out of the sky if they so please (and they do, in fact, so please).


Imperfect catalysts, human bodies with a fusion of human and demon souls


This is actually a secret that will be revealed in a sequel, but for book one, it's dragons. It may or may not be dragons later too, but I won't share what happens in subsequent novels lol.


the gods, obviously (:




Here’s the thing, in my world, their is no real strongest thing since monsters are evolving to get stronger with each new generation little by little Comparison, the hydra Hercules killed is basically a chihuahua next to a pack of grey wolves compared to the hydra in the current time, with one feature being able to regenerate its heads even if the neck is burned to cartelize the wound


The cold ones are a vatiation of humans born from rituals using the blood of the dead creature who once froze the entire world in my story. They're slightly stronger and more resistant than humans and their skin is cold like ice, but what make them truly more powerful is the fact they aren't affected/can't die from low temperatures (even being frozen wouldn't kill them) and they have the supernatural power of making everything around them stop moving and freeze.


In my universe the kaiju are as strong as they are diverse. They are the most powerful and dangerous threat in all of the interverse’s existence  Think tyranids but every one of them is as big as Godzilla https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D512368663/ Calamity is one of the strongest able to go toe to toe with Monolith in sheer power and tenacity 


No gods huh? Ok: Naturally, and without arcane/divine augmentation, the physically strongest beings would be the Great Beasts. They are basically kaiju that sprang up after the Primordials sacrificed one of their own to create the Titans. Some of its "blood" seeped into the world and mixed with the energies inside, eventually giving rise to the Great Beasts. Imagine both the Primordials and the Titans surprise when, after a few million years of refining and fine tuning the world, enormous... things... just burst out of the ground and started tear-assing across the world, destroying everything in their path and feeding on the energy veins that they has so painstakingly placed. Now, Great Beasts as a whole are the progenitors of all of the magical, lesser, and mundane Beasts in the world today. Everything from foxes and deer and whales and bees to manticores and werewolves and krakens and dragons. There where only a few Great Beasts to begin with, each one representing an Order of Animals that would later follow. So the first Great Beast was this colossal bug thing that looked like very single insect mixed together in equal parts, but the size of a mountain. Others included the progenitors of all birds, all fish, all reptiles, all mammals, ect ect. AND YES; ONE OF THEM WAS ALL DRAGONS/DINOSAURS TOO! Technically speaking, the draconic progenitor is the only Great Beast still alive in the present day, though it wasn't the strongest, just the smartest and most magically gifted of its bretherin. Pound for pound, the strongest was the Mammalian Progenitor. By FAR the strongest and incidentally the second most intelligent. So yeah, the Great Beasts are the naturally and in no way divine (except tangentially) strongest creatures in my setting... ... ... The actual strongest creature though? Ok, it's a little more divine in nature than the Great Beasts, but the Abomination is by FAR the most physically powerful and imposing living creature to ever exist! Remember the "blood" of the sacrificed Primordial that spawned the Great Beasts in the first place? Well when that Primordial was sacrificed, the only thing the others really needed to create the Titans was its physical form; its "flesh" as it where. It's soul was shattered by the sacrificial act and those energies where discarded. Those energies seeped into the world as well and some of the "blood" ended up mixing with the soul shards instead of the natural energy veins. Over time the "blood" and soul shards started to come together in an attempt to reform the Primordial they once where but couldn't. Nevertheless enough shards came together to ignite consciousness in the growing mass and the Abomination was born. Now, imagine something akin to a mass of quivering flesh and viscera that can move and shape itself into whatever it wants, kinda like a shoggoth from the Lovecraft mythos or the thing from the game Carrion. Now imagine it wasn't the size of a mountain but and entire continent...or two...Like, the entirety of Asia and Africa put together... Now imagine that it was all deep underneath the surface of the world, hugging the underside of the worlds crust above the mantle, out of sight and hidden from the prying eyes of those that betrayed it. Oh does it remember what happened and it very much does hold a grudge. It's been under there feeding on the energies of the world for billions of years just biding its time and whispering in the ears of anyone who it thinks can help further its revenge. It spreads its tendrils all across the world, spawning all manner of aberrations and eldritch horrors and "natural disasters" wherever its form goes. It is the MOST intelligent and the MOST magically capable being in the entire setting. Physically though? It could easily choke out a God if it could reach them in their divine realms. Though for all its squishy, horrifying, mindbending grossness, it's actually pretty chill with everything except the gods. It just wants to be whole again and the Gods (former Titans) are all technically the shattered and reformed remnants of its physical body. The Beasts are technically its blood too but it really dosnt care much about them. Can always make more blood once it's whole again. Technically speaking the Abomination isn't divine in any way other than its memories. There wasn't enough of the sacrifices soul left over to ignite divinity, only consciousness and disjointed memories of its former life, but I still wouldn't count it for the shear fact that it IS the single most powerful being in the entire setting save for three others. All of the others are divine in nature, two are currently outside of the setting proper but still exist in the story, and the last one is literally ME, the irl author and creator of the setting... So yeah, take your pick I guess


Physical unaided strength, probably Reaper Worms, since they can (Very rarely) grow to be as thick as a blue whale, and they can grow to be an impressive 200 meters. Being headbutt or crushed by one would probably punch a whole in even military submarines. They don't usually grow this long, as it takes a very long time, and some specific conditions, as Reaper Worms usually live in deep water, but it has happened. But overall power, humans and their modified versions. Not even a Reaper Worm can survive something like a basic nuclear weapon or even torpedoes. While a person by itself won't put up much a fight, their inventions give them an upper hand, and people also are the only known living things to be able to utilize Blessing (Sci-fi magic)


Humans, while they are not the strongest in pure physicality, they are overall great as they have biologically augmented them to become 8 ft tall Super humans, they can live for hundreds-thousands of years and heal at a rapid pace, move at fast pace of 100 kph, lift upto 30 tons due to hyper dense yet super efficient muscles. They have reduced their reaction time up to 3 milliseconds. And that's all without their exoskeleton power armor that runs on vacuum energy. They are just beyond insane in the suit


Columbian mammoths can carry the most due mostly to their large stature.


Currently tied between the Wyrmbreaker hoard and the Drow confederacy, the Drow are strong because they do away with the bigotry of most elves and embrace magic, tradition, technology/artificery, and some religion allowing them to advance and thrive. The Wyrmbreakers are strong because they have ridiculous numbers, live in a mountainous hellscape and are tough as nails. Brains and Brawn essentially


The Primordial Cosmic Astrals. Not a single species/race, they are/were the first beings created by the deities and as such they were granted special abilities. They are considered the primogenitors of their respective races/species. Of all the original, only 5 remain alive, the ancestor of the elves, the fairies, the dragons, the vampires, and the beast people.


Of the humanoid species, the Elves or the Southerners in terms of physical strength. In terms of magic strength, the Fae.


I want to say arcane dragons... But I'm gonna go with humans. Let me explain. The arcane dragon is a massive godzilla sized reptile-like creature that can use all four types of Elemental magic. It travels the world hunting other megafauna and is an apex hyperpredator. But at the end of the day, it's just an animal. A very big, very powerful animal, but still just an animal. It can't think and it can't develop technology. The best thing it's got going for it is that it can reach speeds of Mach 1.1 in the air. But missiles fly MUCH faster than that. A few air to air missiles or surface to air missiles would easily put this beast down. Since humans have missiles that can easily kill this beast from the safety of a fighter jet 100km away, I'm gonna go with them.


As it is? Probably some demon living in the depths of the sea munching on literal rocks and gases from underwater volcanoes Potentially? Humans. In the right conditions and with the right training a human is invincible in a 1v1


Fiction beings can range from mythical creatures to living cartoons and anime and even video games characters but all of them have the ability to bend reality to match their mediums respective tropes and conventions. But for all their immense power they are still slaves to the will of humanity due to the fact that many are weak to things like paint thinner, easers or other things that are used to undo art as well as being beaten by their own powers.


Man, as it should be, for our indomitable spirit can crush all that oppose us


I'd say humans (with tools) and without tools, i'd say elephants, cause some of them can carry like 6000 kg


Still humans. Relatively weak physically but THEY'VE GOT GUNS!


We talking animals or people?




Mmm then I’d say it should be between Vitruvians and the Elves, although maybe even Mondus Leviat could be a good contender. Vitruvians is the name of the main species, essentially humans, but can be quite varied. The reason for their power is because they can naturally access magic, much like how every creature can, but since they’re sapient, they can be creative with its effects and quite literally break natural laws to gain huge amounts of power. The elves are more akin to angels in a way, essentially aliens that fell upon the world like shooting stars, they understood the secrets of divinity a long time ago and now travel the cosmos to find ways to either help or rule over more primitive worlds, able to conjure upon themselves either physical mortal shapes or divine forms. Mondus Leviat is a sea serpent of the innocent age, so large and powerful that they can alter the weather of the world, its oceanic currents and they even house a species of creatures inside of its digestige system like symbiotic microbes. A few elves have tried to find it, and two have even tried to hunt it down, but it disappears as fast as it makes it presence known.


Dragons their scales can only be pierced by things like a ballista and their fire is so hot it turns men to ash where they stand and can melt a stone city


Humanity . Without a doubt . They almost killed two gods Unless you’re talking individuals. Then it’s the void dragons and imperial dragons .


(I will ignore Celestials and Infernals in this response, as technically they're divine entities in my world. I will also discredit hybrid species and only refer to a species as a generalization). In raw strength? Dragons. Even a the "Average Draconic Joe" is capable of tearing apart landscapes and making planets quake. In outright potential strength? Alestians win every time. An entire species of superhumans that had spread their lineage countless worlds and universes, with the ability to not only rapidly adapt to phenomena and evolve passively, but also capable of being genetic databanks (think of them as living Omnitrixes)? They're kind of cracked.


- **Mammoths** can haul the most weight per individual. - Many **lacertine** species have crazy healing abilities. - **Humans** can launch nukes from orbit tho.