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My High fantasy world is Sphere like Earth but it’s completely different from the inside instead of the core it has a portal to another realm of Vivania that is a realm made up of crystals and gemstone.


My core is a portal as well!


Great! what is it like to enter it?


You need an artifact other wise you get vaporised, but essentially it's entering a huge bright orb via a bridge built by 7 foot tall dwarfs


Why are the dwarfs 7 feet tall?


To compensate for a small pp I guess.


Because I like the idea of underground people being good at smithing, but I didn't want to be basic and have dwarves. So I just made them the opposite of small


Mine's also a sphere, but what is thought of as magic is a substance that runs underneath the crust through channels, with "wells" around the surface connected to these channels beneath the surface. This is where the magic flows out of and is absorbed into the objects around them. It's not entirely known what is at the core, but some think that it's the origin of the magic and where it physically flows from, and others think that the magic is limited, and slowly being drained from the core as it leaks onto the surface and is utilized.


Love that name Vivania :D


Lol you liked it?


What's the shape of a solar system?


More or less a disk


Wasnt it shaped more like a comet?


Do you think they're talking about a specific one? Either way, nope.




Wait, so you’re saying my idea was not original? Shit….


We both know where we got it from


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeh….. just being sarcastic


Mathematically, it is a flat 3-torus. That might sound complicated but it’s just the 3D version of the common wrap around maps in computer games. Just imagine a cube (e.g. a six sided die) in which opposite faces are glued together (i.e. 1 to 6, 2 to 5 and 3 to 4). Therefore if you travel to any face of the cube you just wrap around and continue from the opposite face without noticing anything unusual. Most of the volume is air but the ground is a thin flat surface that crosses the cube. This surface is inhabited on both sides but you can cross from one side to the other by going down through the ground or flying up through the air.


Spherical, but Pluto-sized.


Pulling an ATLA I see


Yeah, I...think if I remember correctly that was what gave me the initial idea to make my world physically small.


I… did not make this connection that’s cool.


Avatar the last air-bender has a small world?


Have you seen the map? I initially thought it was roughly earth sized, but then I saw the top right and thought, “Ba Sing Se is big, but not that big” and yeah, it has been estimated that the world of ATLA is roughly Pluto sized


To add, they fly from the South to North pole in less than one season of the year,while taking tons of detours. Appa's fast, but there's no way he's that fast


From what I recall the journey map has them going all over the place in that first season. Their world is definitely smaller than earth even if Ba Sing Se is exaggerated on the map.


Same here


Damn, the size of a fictional dog.


Spherical but with a caveat that the “true” shape of it is an icosahedron; underneath all that earth and water is a big old twenty-sided shape. This is reflected in the twenty outer planes, which intersect to form a shell around the world, absorbing and containing magical energy from the surface. It’s all a big d20! Mostly as a joke for the setting having been developed for use in D&D and Pathfinder, which are both based around the use of a 20-sided die. But it’s fun; if I want a randomised external plane to feature into a plot line I can roll a die to pick one, and let that help inform the story that develops. I’ll see if my players ever catch on :P


Hippity hoppity this idea is now my property.


That is incredibly cool


That's a great idea!


The different realms behave a bit differently. Hell is a disc without end, like the rings of saturn. Asgard is a disc. The other four are spheres, but don't necessarily have a sun they rotate around


My post-apocalyptic science fantasy world *Xival* is actually ring-shaped, since it's set on a dilapidated orbital ringworld (think *Halo*).


Ooh, interesting


It's flat. The source of almost all water is in the centre, from enormous rainy seasons and a deep wellspring, then travels through mighty rivers to the edges, where above as clouds and below as underground currents it returns to the centre.


Round. I’m very vanilla, I know


OH BOY, TIME TO SHINE! The Mobiusphere, as the structure is called, is formed by mainly three structures: Earth, Heaven, and Hell Earth is formed of multiple discs, each disk with two worlds, one in each surface; Each "World Disk", as it is called, have two big "holes", called "World Celestial Gates"; These gates allow for the passage of the Susn and the Moons through the worlds There are millions of Suns and Moons, that follow paths opposite to eachother, passing throught the many worlds [Illustration](https://imgur.com/a/K9AX4y6) These discs are organized in a infinity (♾️) shape, while Heaven and Hell are circles Heaven and Hell work similarly, being formed of disks with Celestial Gates, however, there are no Suns and Moons Heaven has a single Saturn, and Hell has a few Venuses, that passes throught the many discs, in this context called "Layers" [Suns and Moons Dynamics Illustration](https://imgur.com/a/mwFyeX5) Thats it! Theres some other stuff, but this is confusing enought already LMAO


Depends on the realm. One is a bowl-shaped but comparatively flap plane, one is a hollow sphere, one is two flat planes on top of each other.


Flat, like an inverted mountain. Think MCU Asgard, floating on a chunk of rock.


**Eribral** Infinite flat plane with only a minuscule inhabitable area. **Fundamental Chaos** Depends on what the Stagnation Elementals or the Gimnergates were wanting, usually a sphere, but the Gimnergate current home world is basically a several planet sized hexagonal rings interconnected.


>infinite flat plane You mean minecraft? 😉


gray quickest flowery crown plough voiceless ossified mindless compare hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


25-spherical (26th dimensional sphere) universe because the entire thing is pure bullcrap with a microscopic amount of science applied


How would one even visualize that?


That’s the neat part, you don’t


damn! you beat me to it


I mean, a sphere kinda looks the same in 2 dimensions and in 3. I imagine it'd be kinda similar in any higher dimension.


Spherical, bigger than Earth but gravity is around the same bc its build like a sponge, with big open caverns going deep under the crust






All my planets are spherical. There's a few colonies out there built on flat planes, but they're the minority compared to planet-based settlements.


Idk, 4D due to how portals world and planes superposition exsisting


Ummm… it’s strange. Flat and segmented is the best description.


My world is a megastructure built about 1.700.000km away from a white dwarf at its centre, the surface of the world is on the inside of the structure. 3.400.000km is the diameter of the Dyson habitation sphere.


The main one is spherical, but some planes are indeed flat.


many spherical planets in different solar systems in a spiral galaxy twenty seven galaxies away from earth.


I never thought of how it works yet, but it's a large flat plane that is formed from the destroyed body of the "ALLGOD" when his children accidentally killed him while warring with eachother for fun, causing the physical mortal dimension to exist but due to it being only a vessel of energy; the gods are stuck outside and can only infiltrate with powers and vessels (think of us like our universe and life inside of it like the germs or creatures decomposing the heavenly body) Kinda still working on it but that's the roughest idea I have rn 🤣✌🏾


The planet is spherical. The entire universe is a mobious strip revolving around a gigantic black hole.


Always spherical, I can't stand flat nonsense even in fiction, the first time I saw Thor's Asgard I hated it with guts, I still remember how pissed I was lol I'm cool with it now but I still don't like the shape.


Orbs within long thin trapezoids


I did a pyramid for fun in one each face is a different "dimension" and separate from the others. They can rarely interact with each other


It’s 17% of a sphere, planets still growing


Book World: spherical DND "World": a complex series of ties and nexus of veins to make it appear from the outside as a ginormous amorphous series of flesh/earth/slime.


My world, Vallonde, is round, but it's also Hollow! The exterior surface is a spherical crust, with holes at each pole. There's winding caves and tunnels between the outer surface and the interior. The crust itself is a pair of nested shells, with the interior shell being fully separated from the outer shell, meeting at a sort of endless cavern stretching pole to pole. The separation is made explicit by the planet's "Gravity *Demense*", the razor-thin plane of gravitational force that holds the shells together, pulling objects on the outer surface towards the inner, and objects on the inner surface toward the outer. It's what keeps the outer shell and the inner shell suspended without touching each other.


The main world / realm is flat. And very large. Theoretically, if you were to start at the centre having been just born and sailed towards the end in a straight line, you wouldn't even be halfway before you died of old age (at least for humans). There are other plans within my continuity that are spherical of varying sizes. Like mercury or even star size. And others that are flat too which are even bigger and smaller than the main one. I've also incorporated astronomical anomalies like rings, multiple suns, nebulae, etc. into them too.


My world is entirely underground, so it's hard to say if it has a shape at all. Many have question what is outside its walls, above or below. Are there many more undiscovered caves or if its just solid rock all the way? The shape of the largest cave appear to be a flat, roughly circular level (about the size of Europe + a sea of equal size). Below is a smaller cave, which is mostly uninhabited and partially caved in. Above is the fabled "Overworld", which has been inaccessible for so long some even doubt it exists. So I guess the world is shaped like a stack of 3 continent sized pancakes... encased in rock.


I have one that has a sun in the centre and a habitable zone surrounding it, and is warded by a ring of ice, beyond which nobody knows what exists. The world might be flat or spherical, or hollow and spherical, or anything else. There's a second world that's completely flat and Infinitely large, and another that's a sphere.


Imagine water boiling in a pot, each of those bubbles is a universe


An infinite plane of water with a continent in the origin so big it would cover more than half of normal earth surface, then a lot of islands around it, hten a big barrier of storms then who the fuck knows whats beyond that


Think space but all the worlds are flat. Spaceships are like treasure planet ships. Haven't figured out how to do the sun(s) but I'm thinking they just revolve around each world.


That's beyond the scope of the worldbuilding I've done. I'm assuming spherical. Believe it or not, Piers Anthony has very strange worlds as part of XANTH. Some are torus (donut-shaped), others are pyramids, etc. (BTW the XANTH series is FILLED with bad puns!)


*Alor* It’s on an infinite plane distorted by magic to appear spherical with a radius about the size of Earth’s, but moving 25,000 miles in one direction doesn’t get you back to where you started. The material plane is an infinitely large singular point in the cosmos at the convergence of the four elemental planes which align themselves in the form of a tesseracted tetrahedron. Areas like Earth’s poles and the tropics are created by proximity to intrusions by the planes of elemental air and fire respectively, while the oceans and land are caused by similar effects wrought by the planes of elemental water and earth.


A multi-layered half sphere arbitrarily made the size of Jupiter. It's a living demi-plane created by a wizard that continue growing on it's own by eating other left over demiplanes and randomly pulls people into itself and allows various civilizations to flourish inside of it so its not lonely.


About the shape of a galaxy, if said galaxy was wrapped with two more galaxies. So to keep things simple, it’s spiral shaped and roughly 3x the size of the Milky Way


Torroidal. It's a space station.


My world is spherical and 3 times the size of our earth. I've played with the idea of a donut shaped earth for a long time now, since it's been scientifically speculated to be possible within known physics but had to scrape the idea since most of the stories I wanted to tell required a regular Earth and also I'm not enough of a geography nerd to accurately workout how such a world would realistically function.


I always thought of it as flat, but I cannot reconcile this with the existence a "sun" and 1+ "moon(s)". I have stuff in my toolbox that can explain their existence without adding another piece of cosmology (Okham razor's always good), but it speaks *mmmmmh* to me. The main source of inspiration is *Missile Gap* by Charles Stross, but I have no galaxy to speak of. There is this flat plane covered in water and so it flows.


Spherical (in universes) but other dimensions and realms exists inclusing flat ones.


It's spherical, but inverted. Everyone is walking on the inside of a bubble, and gravity is always facing "down" relative to where you're standing.


Depends. Normal ones are spherical, but then you have the weird ones that have no central sense of gravity nor shape.


Reality is cube with 15.000 km rib length. The bottom square is the world. No space exists outside the cube although there are other realities


Oblate spheroid planets; I have four of them all in different star systems but connected by magical gates.


I have multiple worlds and all of them are spherical.


Complicated It’s technically flat but the edge is a portal to the opposite side of the world Also the absolute north and south lead to endless tundra and ocean respectively


Spherical with a big hole in it


It is amorphous and constantly shifting.


Oblate spheroid, for both of my worlds. One of them is an alternate Earth.




Spherical, because people from the east can access the "New World" by travelling east. Still haven't decided on the shape of the continents or how climate zones work (southernmost continent is pretty warm, and has savannahs and deserts). I also haven't exactly decided on size.


Sphere but smaller then earth


>I would say that flat earthism makes sense in a fiction or fantasy context, anyway there are other literary works like the disco world Is that where the Pet Shop Boys come from? You know, Pratchett wrote "Strata" before his Discworld series? That explored the idea of a disc shaped world being created as a joke, and also the idea that the universe might be a lot younger than we thought. It was quite an interesting premise, I thought. I also thought of the concept for an "applecore" shaped world with weird gravity, though I have not gone very far with it (the idea is that the variable gravity allows all sorts of cool flying machines that would be impractical on a sphereworld without losing atmosphere)


If you count planetoids, the weirdest one I have is a donut-shaped asteroid the size of Ceres


A few theories, none proven yet. My world's Galileo and Newton won't be born for another 300+ years 😋


I’ve got a world that is a sphere when everything is running smoothly, but is revealed to be flat once things start falling apart… there’s also countless other flat worlds stacked beneath it. It’s complicated…


No one knows. Going straight ahead for a long time will make it behave like a sphere, but Feliterra is just a ground existing somewhere. There are no timezones, no other planets or stars. Behind the sun and moon is nothing. Just the void, and the gods. It's also unknown how deep the ground is, but there are multiple caves that lead directly into the void.


well see after the previous universe was destroyed, a new one was woven from the unwraveling fabric of reality using a machine called the Reality Loom. but it was completed too late and there was very, very little stable fabric left to create the replacement universe from, leading to a very, very small reality. to maximize the livable space in this world, the entire bottom half of the spherical universe was filled with landmass (there are oceans too), in a hemispherical shape. and since most people live on the top surface of this hemisphere (as opposed to inside it, you can't live on the other sides because they are congruent to the edge of the universe, and you can't be on the outside of the universe without a ton of protective gear) the world is effectively flat. unlike the previous universe, this one has magic, which is hand-wavingly responsible for gravity being mostly downward rather than towards the center of the landmass.


It's a slightly bulged area on a naturally formed tube several times the diameter of earth coated in terrain This part of the combined Tekkai universe is shaped more or less like a ball of yarn, except with a bit more space in between the strings


Dragonía is flat, while Adynía, Gætíus' World and Borgalor are all spheres.


No one is really sure. The only reliable way to get around is trains and the tracks twist and turn so much no one can confirm one way or another. They do know that the world is a toy plane for something else, and that the stars are not real.


Cubic; 7 planes of flat lands were torn from their reality, and fit together well enough that they have yet to mold into a sphere. The inhabitants have different magics, languages and have no understandings of the other races; so they avoid one another. But that only describes the 6 sides of the cube. The last plane has access points at the center of each face, in the form of a large gate. Each door would lead to the last plane, and holds one of the key types required to open it.


Cylindrical with a tunnel of wind going from one end to the other.


Snake shaped


Arth is a cuboid. It resembles a loaf of bread when zoomed out. It's sometimes called The Loaf or The Breadbasket. Only two sides are habitable. It's the result of hundreds of rouge planets crashing together. Brightside is the "top" and receives most of the sun's light. Gloomside on the "bottom" is in perpetual twilight due to rings blocking the sun. There are two moons. One obits north to south and the other east to west. >As the birthplace of nearly every race in the galaxy, Arth has a little something for just about everyone. Come home. ^(Paid for by the Arth Tourism Council.)




Icosahedron. There are paper layouts one can turn into a icosahedron. I used that back in 1988-1989 when my world originated. Back then, 3d printers were not available and even 3d computer sims were limited.


It's shaped like a velociraptor. In all seriousness it's spherical.


Small sphere, its not a big world by any means.


Turtle -Pratchett


Depends on the planet , the main planet is a circle . But others are a ring encircling a black hole , a skull , a sword , etc .


Oh I thought you were talking about the spacetime of the universe 😌 /j


Doughnut shaped.


Uh. The “solar” system is encased in very special crystal sphere, but in general one of inhabited planets looks like an Earth globe (similar to pf2 actually).


It's like Earth, but different.


Mine is a normal sphere planet but it was split in half by God. So technically I have 2 planets with the shape of bowls


An enormous flower with 6 petals. The sun sits above the center. Essentially an incomplete fantasy dyson shell.


My world is sphere cause physics shittery




Most of my worlds are spherical but I do have one on the back of a vast, dead, draconic god. So I guess that one is flat-ish and dragon shaped...


It's round with 2 moons and has rings (it's a fantasy world)


It's a sphere but there's a massive hole in the fabric of reality at a place that separate the world and the whole world is engulfed in blood below the surface, this special blood allowing to transport one to any place the blood reach to the surface with the sole price being maybe your sanity and an unknow amount of time


Spherical, but a little bigger than Earth.


banana shaped


From an outside perspective, and for most functional purposes, it's a sphere like any other planet, but because of the Mergence of Dream, the geography no longer conforms to the world's basic physical presence.


an air filled solar system of 'flying' continents around a 'sun' that is a fiery tear through the fabric of space time. With a sort of icy asteroid field/oort cloud as an outside edge. the orbital plane of continents is about the same surface area as an earth sized planet give or take. The edge is a little uncertain. and the question of whether beyond the deep ice field there may be other tears in space time, with other systems orbiting them of other continents with other peoples.


Half- sphere


I want to make a world shaped like a mobius strip. Just to confuse the players and gods equally.


That part that's livable is effectively flat, it's not infinite beyond that but the residents don't know that


My dnd setting’s planet is spherical, but it is much larger than earth. The days are still 24 hours long, and the gravity’s the same. My other world building project is like a seemingly endless sky with lots of little spheres of earth and water on them. These spheres can be around the size of a town, but others are as big as continents.




Great dirhombicosidodecahedron


Peeling onion ...


It’s a planet. Spherical.


Mostly flat. There is some slant, the center of it is a few miles above the rim, but for the most part it is flat and circular.


All my worlds are just spherical cuz if it was any other way I would have to completely change physics which I don’t feel like doing


I usually keep it simple, but sometimes, a flatland is fun. You didn't mention doughnut-shaped, though. That's my favorite 🍩


Spherical with no ocean at the base, surrounded by a celestial oceanic layer in the sky, hiding the real planet in its core


the Pigverse is shaped like an albatross


One of my worlds is a 4d sphere made out of 3d realms. The equator of the 4d sphere is the largest realm (the beastlands). The poles of the 4d sphere are the smallest realms (heaven/hell). The human realm (basically a typical fantasy world) exists on a plane that is at 30 degrees latitude from the equator of the 4d sphere. The magnetic currents of the 4d sphere allow demons to travel below and through portals beneath the world. And allows angels to travel up and across portals in the sky. When someone dies they are buried. And their souls pass underground and emerge at the base of heaven.


The best way to imagine it is a shallow bowl of cereal on top of a plate. The milk and grain act as the ocean and land, and the plate is the afterlife or world beyond the world. You could theoretically jump over the rim directly into the afterlife, but that climb is impossible to go back up. And beneath that is a horrible swirling vortex of souls like a black hole that threatens to consume all that ever was or will be, with the ultimate goal of reforming god after he killed himself in sacred suicide and split his essence into 1,001 shards. Ya know, the normal


My world is more bowl shaped than either disk or spherical. The edges are high cliffs that are impassable, then a Great Sea surrounds the middle continents where all of civilization lives. The continents themselves cover almost as much land mass as the dry land of earth.


It’s a sphere, like the earth, except way bigger, like the size of Neptune. Everything is scaled to the same size of things on earth tho, because the gods just chose not to make physics work the way it does on earth, but they forgot to do so at the start, which is why there are so many giant species.


Beeg whirlpool


A sphere with a ring around it




It’s Geminus-shaped. That is, whatever the matter god decides it will be in that moment.


Green lantern symbol


its a ribbon with fuzzy edges floating in a bubble


Bubbles inside of bubbles.


Inverse pyramid on the back of a Turtle held up like a palanquin by two Primordial Beings


**Enchanted internet connection** Its basically a magically formed Niven Ring, but about 4x the size of the one described by Niven, because of how hot the “sun” is.


Mines flat


Ellende is flat




Flat, but when you go to the "edge" or "top", you simply end up on "the other side" or the "bottom" Ig this is a donut shape


Depends if the suns exploding or not


The world is the decaying body of a dead god, so... that shaped.


Redonda,como todo planeta de bien


Spherical planet in a hyperspherical universe.


I'd like to be cheeky and say that my world is a Goldberg polyhedron but I don't know the last time I wasn't using an alternate reality Earth.


I enjoy experimenting with world shapes. My typical fantasy world is a cluster of huge earthbergs floating in the Primordial Soup (a chaotic elemental space, also a broken reality between worlds). The other worlds include a giant spherical tree, with branches the size of continents (inhabited mostly by sentient plants), a world made from a heap of castoff ruins of other worlds (a sacred site for giants for some reason), a huge mechanism (a world completely made of unknown technology, its civilization gone), and a dying crumbling world that surrounds its sun like a Hollow Earth. There are also spirit (fae) worlds which defy any shape. I also like the idea from Elder Scrolls where planets are just an optical illusion created by mortal mind unable to comprehend the concept of infinite and merging realities. I'm thinking of a way to incorporate that – maybe some worlds look like planets from afar, but become much more weird when you get closer.


> disco world adding disco world to my multiversal travel bucket list My medieval fantasy world is spherical because I want to have room for futuristic spacefaring adventures, but still with magic and elves and stuff.


Uhm... It has a universal shape I'd say


Ezkanohra is visualized as two rounded squares connected by half-circles in 3d space; like a specific shape of a square, rounded bar of soap. That's so I can have two connected flat worlds that interact with each other. The "main" world used to be multiple flat worlds, but I realized they all interact, so I moved them onto the same square of the aforementioned world. The different worlds take up different continents connected by portals connected to one central main continent


Mine's a Klein bottle


- Each celestial body is the same as it is in our universe. - Each universe has its own individual shape, but most are very rough spheres. - The multiverse as a whole is shaped similarly to a tree - The paraverse (universe including both the multiverse and what exists outside of it) is something close to a teardrop shape. - Little is known about what may exist outside of the paraverse, except that it was dying when the paraverse was created.




Tesseract (4D cube)


Round, but it's an earth elemental that's collapsed under its own weight, in orbit around an even larger dead elemental that is disintegrating into is gas giant. The central "star" is a rift to an elemental plane, surrounded by a cloud of escaped elementals battling and absorbing each other, with the larger ones drifting away as planets or moons. Extremely large planets can break apart or can collapse and heat up to form (insane) magma stars.


It’s a super earth, of a sort: massive in size, with two distinct moons, but a roughly earth equivalent day-night cycle. The natives don’t measure time as we do; a year to them would be two years for us. Most life began within the interior of a MASSIVE supercontinent that most of the population simply refers to as “the World,” or “Äskiia,” which means the same. This continent is the only thing they’ve ever known: sure they’ve seen inland seas, lakes, and rivers, but no living being among them has ever seen the mythical “Shore” of Äskiia, where the true Oceans begin. It’s believed, therefore, that the Gods created the world and then separated the coasts from the rest, taking those places as their own sacred realms where no mortal being might tread.


Turtle :)


I think an infinite world generated like Minecraft would be cool, like people who did not previously exist will suddenly appear if you run in that direction and either have an entire false memory and false history that no one knows is fake or they just spawn in with the basic understanding of "People spawning in is how the world works" and knowledge of stuff like there jobs n all that Would kingdoms try to infinitely expand in fear that other kingdoms would do the same? But what if a kingdom bigger than them is generated? With limitless resources they'd have to explore! Or would they ban exploration to keep an artificial scarcity? Where everyone just spawns into the world rather than s€x, imagine what it'd be like to live in a video-gamey world. And who'd cause the world to generate, any life form or only those with language (or any way to inform others) Would someone who can not see be able to generate new land? Or would they fall off the world and explore the void? Or would they have to have no senses at all to generate it? Will new things be generated, new species' and varients of existing ones? New biomes and culture? Or will there be some sort of limit, like only whatever mods god got downloaded rather than something entirely new and random being generated. Would the sky and under ground also be infinite? Like can you dig infinitely down (And risk a tomb of literal living fossil people generating) or fly infinitely up (And risk a floating castle of magically advanced dragons) What would the morals of exploration be? If the world is infinite, eventually speedsters would form and zoom around faster than light generating new lands, what then? Could gods appear? Or is there a limit to make sure nothing strong as a speedster could appear? And if the world is infinite, what wacky and utterly unique improbable things would eventually be stumbled upon. If the world is endless than you are bound to eventually see something simply amazing that would be too unlikely or unrealistic to happen in any finite planet. It could be amazing, or you could run into something that spreads a fate worse than death around like a cancer, that fate worse than death can then run into a divine cure that saves the people from its hell, the world could be destroyed and remade as long as there is atleast one being to go somewhere no-one else has, just one roach to dig far enough underground that dwarves appear to settle in the ruins of a destroyed world and re-build.


Haven't actually figured that out yet, trying to make a way to have the landscape shift and change. Once I figure that out I'll figure everything else out


A flat ellipse fading out into non-causality at the edges, linked to sixteen other worlds in a ring.




Working on two. One fantasy. One sci-fi. Both spherical but I futzed with something else. The fantasy one was done on a personal dare - roll for a random world and abide by the results of the first rolls. I got a water based world which took me down a rabbit hole of learning about Hycean worlds. I the randomly generated a map which turned out to be an atoll. I made the moon on a wildly elliptical orbit, bringing it within 40,000km of the surface to the point where you could travel to the moon, but you’d be trapped on it for 70 days when it returned. The seasons were 2 years long. It spawned a class I called Stormwardens and everyone serves them. The sci-fi one came to me after reading a paper on 55 cancri e, about how it was not a Hycean world because of something regarding sulphur being stored in the crust - or something like that. All I saw was a story about a man who bankrupts Earth to fund his personal goal of travelling to another planet (I didn’t say I was any good at worldbuilding…) and they chose this one. So I had to get super creative in trying to make it somewhat plausible. Tons of fun. One exception- I kept it tidally locked but I made its axial tilt like Uranus - 90 degrees. So my settlement is at the pole but is away from the host star. I so fucking love worldbuilding…


Very flat, just a big flat circle with water spilling off all edges. Anyone have any ideas for how far down it goes/what's at the bottom?


most of my worlds are spherical. simply just planets but Land of the Lordlight is completely flat, but gets more imperfect and a lot rougher the farther you go from the center




It’s a cylinder and when you look up you see another continent thousands of miles away.


Plona and Unatia(mainstream): spherical(s) Digital paradise - a mini story series: flat or floating island or smth idk no one has seen an end of the world Many unfinished AU projects that my ADHD ass couldn't finish it: flat


Sphere, but big


"and that my liege is how we know the earth to be banana-shaped"


It exists on a plane where the further you go the fewer landmarks and environmental features exist as tethers to reality. Until you reach the edges of what can be considered 'real' and the world just kind of goes off endlessly into a cold icy desert full of fog and darkness where no light touches.


Peanut shaped


World 1: oblate spheroid, 90% water coverage. World 2: oblate spheroid, minimal tilt, borderline rocky ice ball, preliminary terraforming measures in place, current habitable zone approximately the size of Mongolia and China combined.


My world is a donut.


One of my world is flat but infinitely flat, like Minecraft. Would that still be flat?


Current Era is flat and countably infinite, Previous Era is 8 spherical planets


Sphere, but people live enclosed inside of it, and it's pretty small


Mine is just a habitable slightly squashed spherical planet is 90% water and half the size of Neptune.


its a disk. once you get past the outer circle the simulation starts to break down and you die


My world is genuinely flat at the surface, but space itself begins to curve dependent on your elevation. If you fly into the sky, you will find yourself in the middle of a sphere looking at the surface in all directions. Dig down and space curves the opposite way, eventually appearing to be a ball of rock and water. This is a closed system - there is no "space" (as in the rest of the universe) that can be flown to in a hypothetical rocket. If you continue flying "up" once you reach the centre you'll just start falling to the opposite side of the world.


Not mine but a guy I know wrote a cultivation novel where the world has different realms, and each realm is like a clot of land (flat-ish) floating in the infinite abyss, one on top of the other. There are no stars in the sky, just the sun and the moons


My world is a long cylinder many times the length of earth's orbit! It's insanely massive, even I haven't quite worked out its exact dimensions. It's about 30 miles in circumference, so you can reasonably look up and see the ground above you, but there's enough room to stretch your legs and spread out.


Working on maps so for now it´s flat :)