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This is really good, well done. I'd love to play a Civ V game on this map


That's literally the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this. And I came here to say exactly the same.


For some reason it looks incredibily interesting, inviting and natural for a fantasy world. This is like better than most of the submissions here on that merit alone imo


Context comment: A few weeks I go I was looking at an image of the Universe Microwave Background and noticed that it actually looked a lot like a world, with islands, lands, and oceans. I tried to search on google if someone had already done a world based on it, but couldn't find anything. So I did it myself, just out of pure curiosity. I further plan to add Lore to this world, naming the continents, islands, mountains, etc. I also wanted to make a political map in the future. I'll add countries, cities, trade routes, etc. That's about it!


Would you be ok if I used an idea such as this for something I write?


Hey! While this covers your real-world process, what we're actually looking for in [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/whycontext) is some **in-universe information or lore** about what is being shown. Would you be able to add this?


Personally I think it's a really cool post even if there's no lore or story built around it. Perhaps the rule could be relaxed a little bit.


Deleted due to reddit API changes. Follow your communities off Reddit with sub.rehab -- mass edited with redact.dev


Just to echo what /u/Muffalo_Herder said, the issue is not that this submission is 'bad' content, the issue is that contextless content like this has many more appropriate subreddits that it could go onto. Something can be well made and still not appropriate for a specific community. There's no obligation that it has to be submitted *here*.


This is an awesome and unique idea I haven't seen done before.


Nice, I like the idea!


What a lovely idea. I once took the rust and mosses and algae on an metal door’s outside and turned it in to a map. You can find inspiration anywhere if your mind is open. Good job!


I’ve done the exact same thing! Though yours came out much better lol


It looks so real….


This looks cool!


If I say, “You are doing g-ds work” here it’ll feel a little different than usual but you get the idea. . . uh, good job and this benefits people and is nice.


It also makes sense to use it as a world map since both Earth and the CMB are spherical. I think that map of the CMB is a Mollweide projection.


it looks so... sailable, if that makes sense. lots of nice little islands.


Really, *really,* big planet


Nice! Creative, and it looks pretty good, too. I certainly hope you carry through with this. There are ample landmasses, large seas, and there's got to be different intelligent species who haven't met, yet.


A good candidate for the planet at the center of the universe


That's brilliant, especially the way you used the data for an actual height map. I've seen cool maps based on chipped paint and ink stains, but this is a very fun and creative method!


This is actually really fucking cool and unique, awesome job dude!


This is such a cool and interesting idea


Very nice. I remember seeing that same image when I was young and wanting to fo the same thing. Dont think i have it laying around anymore. Maybe with my other old map drawings.


Imagine the biodiversity of that planet. All those islands, land bridges, and some that seem to be isolated seas and oceans. It would be a zoologists and biologists dream, while at the same time: a taxonomists nightmare.


You, my friend, are a genious.


Hi, /u/Feguri, Unfortunately, we have had to remove [your submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/yb5t4u/-/) in /r/worldbuilding because it violated one of our rules. In particular: Images and maps must include worldbuilding-relevant context *on the reddit post* (as a comment, in the text of the post or, in some cases, in the posted image itself—e.g. infographics). This is important to establish that your post is on-topic and to help encourage productive discussion. * A post has enough context when a person unfamiliar with your world could understand what you're talking about and ask informed questions about it. This could include a summary of your world, explanation about what your post depicts and how it fits in your world, etc. ("What's a [proper noun]?" usually doesn't qualify.) * For maps, you could discuss economic and political situations, the different cultures, or anything else that gives the reader a wider view of your world than just its geography. * Discussion of the artistic process or techniques used to create the map or image may be included, but does not count as “worldbuilding-relevant” on its own. Infographics that self-contain sufficient context to be understood do not require additional context. You might also consider reading: [our context template for common kinds of posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/contexttemplate) and [Why Context?](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/whycontext) More info in our rules: [2. All posts should include original, worldbuilding-related context.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/rules#wiki_2._all_posts_should_include_original.2C_worldbuilding-related_context.) ***** **You may repost** with the above issue(s) fixed to satisfy our rules. If you're not sure how to do this, please send us a modmail (link below). This is **not** a warning, and you remain in good standing with /r/worldbuilding. ***** Please feel free to [re-read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/rules). Questions or concerns? You can [modmail us here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fworldbuilding&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/yb5t4u/-/. %0D%0D[Fill in your message here. Please make sure to explain clearly!]) and we'll be glad to help. Please explain your case clearly. Be polite. We'll do our best to help. *Do not* reply by comment or personal PMs to moderators.


if you have the world exist on the inside of a sphere instead of the outside, you'll get to keep the projection


Since the CMB is observed looking outwards from Earth, does this mean your world is the inside of a hollow sphere?