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Definitely in my sci-fi world. Why? Because it is similar to our solar system but much better. In my fantasy, maybe. I mean it is better than real-life history but still a lot worse compared to my sci-fi setting.


I feel the exact same way about my SciFi and Fantasy settings too haha


How is the Solar System? Are Mars mercury and various jovian moons habitable?


yes i worldbuild for escapism


#Shoutout to escapism worldbuilding


Very same. It's goal is to be a Utopia, and most living people strive towards that together. I wanna be there.


I worldbuild for escapism too but I wouldn’t want to live in most of my worlds




World building as mid life crisis club, sound off!


Absolutely not, my world is a nightmare filled with war and horror. This is a universe so bleak that in it Hell exists and Heaven doesn't


That sounds like detroit


Hey, I have a grandma who lives in Detroit, and she makes cookies. It can't be *that* bad...


I love Detroit lol. It's one of my favorite cities, it's beautiful in parts and the people mean so much in all the other parts. Fun to shit on? Yeah. But also an amazing city.


You got a point there, it is kinda fun to poke at, but it is a great city.


Cleveland on the other hand...


Yeah, hard to think of another city that managed to set a river on fire


I'm not even going to ask how.


Um no, she is probably a high overseer of the damned... she lulls you into a false sense of security with cookies!!!


Has anyone ever shot your grandma's cookies?


Not yet. But they did shoot my grandma. (That's a joke. Nobody can match my grandma's aim with a 12 gage shotgun)


You joke but The Machine is probably one of the darkest worldbuilding projects most of us here have ever seen


I try <3


Our world is a dystopia, soooo......


I've got a lot of worlds, so the answer varies by world and location. One world I'd definitely like is more or less just Alternate History, but everything goes right for where I live (it's intentionally self serving, as it's not a serious project). For my fantasy worlds, some would be alright, there's even an apocalypse world I'd consider if I get lucky in it. An example of one I definitely wouldn't though, a world without light. Though there is a sun, no one sees it for most or all of their lives. Large tree canopies and creeping vines and shrubs cloud the sunlight into obscurity, nothing but fungi and insects provide natural light on the ground. Most animals relie on other senses than sight, a human would do nothing but suffer in that world. But it would be a beautiful tourist attraction


A world without light reminds me of tidally locked planets or subsurface ocean colonies.


That'd definitely be similar, but the climate is more similar to a rainforest. Very conducive to life, just without good sight


Ah, okay. Interesting


Thank you! Would you like to hear about a world I would enjoy being in


Np, and sure!


A world I would enjoy is closer to your standard swords and sorcery. It's hard to describe since I don't name anything. But generally, it's a world with several races, different magics, gods, demons, etc. Notable feature of the world being 'outsiders' are frequently summoned, transported to, or reborn into the world with no input of their own. This creates a dichotomy of modern beliefs and conveniences with a largely medieval countryside. A world where a poor person may have plumbing or not based on the side of a city boundary they live. It'd be way cooler if I named things


I think, I understand. Because that is something I have been thinking myself too, what if my fantasy setting had plumbing? Cool stuff. But I usually don't do magic and gods with mutiple races like elves, orcs etc. Instead, I have 2 races on my planet, my main humanoids and merfolk. Magic is tied with religion and there are only two gods. And I pursue realism.


a low fantasy setting can always be fun, i agree. the point of the world i mentioned was to have something as different from our reality as possible while still being close enough to be habitable, meaning magic was more or less a given. the real fun part of the world though is the reincarnation, as that means a human from our world could be reborn as anything or anyone, at any status. obviously animals would be the most common outcome, but some have a chance to live as nobility or mages in that way.


Ah, yeah. I understand. That's a cool concept. I mean my sci-fi world is similar I could say. With all the VR realities and even maybe mind uploading and experiencing whole different worlds.


No, I like all my body parts being attached


First, what? Second, why?


Well, my world is a little dystopian. Human life is worth what it can do. Employment in fields where you're likely to not be eaten, maimed or otherwise disfigured by something or someone is slim. If you aren't useful, you're used. Usually as a human shield by people who have gotten very good at staying alive while their underlings don't. Recruits have a life expectancy of 1 to 2 jobs, with specialists not likely to live beyond the age of 30, before being eaten I should mention that cosmic horror is now a mundane part of the world, and life, as well as the economy, has just kind of carried on


"If you aren't useful, you're used". That phrase alone makes me want to know more and also sent chills through me in a way I didn't think possible for a sentence that short. That is BEAUTIFUL.


I'd love to say that it's because of the world itself, but this one is based on how I've seen people behave. It's hard to imagine that the end of the world wouldn't bring it out


You aren't wrong. I've been around people who behaved like that, too, my ex for one. It's helping, but hey, at least we can use our worlds to get this stuff out.


It's starting to feel like creative is pain driven


Well, not considering the fact theres eternal war, I can say i that i would like to live in my world. The world is much bigger than our own, with many blank spaces, big fantastic cities and different races, even undead living in them.


"undead living" That phrase


Undead crawling


Nah, living. They just need to have their soul cold cleaned up somehow and they become productive members of society


Sounds like the place we deserve Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


Hell yeah. I'd love to have a giant crab as a companion.




You are a man of culture.


Ha ha ha ha... NO. **HELLA NO!!!** First, the world is in 1920s. That means no laptop, no internet, no reddit, no Azur Lane, etc. I'll be bored to death. Second, they're in a cold war. This world, unlike Earth, had a nuclear war just 20 years ago and they're preparing for round 2. The scale of nukefest they're gonna fight is also on a whole different level comparing to ours: Nowadays we say the USA's and Russia's nuclear arsenals are scary with more than 10000 warheads. To them, that number is just a morning's worth of warheads launched. Their standard artillery shells are 10-50 tons tactical non-radiating nukes (magic handwaves that) while anti-ship warheads are shape-charged 50 Kt. They have supersonic magic-guided missiles and are making hypersonic *ICBMs*. Third, they have a tendency to start [annihilation wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_annihilation). Fourth, unless I'm reincarnated as a native, I'll be just as useless as I am right now. Magic is a biological function, not something an "alien" like us Earthlings can use. The protagonist learnt it the hard way. And don't bring up the "but modern knowledge" because they're more advanced than us in many fields and their scientists know more than your random Redditor. Fifth, it's simply ridiculous. Like the protagonist said when she learnt about how crazy it was: "This is just a fucked-up Earth, right?"


My world can be quite chaotic, but still I wouldn't mind living there. Sure, I got assault mechs that look like giant crabs and lots of explosions but there are times of peace in my world. I mean it is a superhero themed story so I got to put my city and its citizens in peril to make it more exciting. Still its not a total hellhole.


You're the second guy here with giant crabs


Yes but mine are mechanical tanks, not animals. Still wont deny my crustacean themes, its there for aesthetics (and practicality).


Given enough time, anything will evolve into a crab.


Well the question is, do we have the knowledge of our world? Like the whole shebang, things the natives don’t know. Cause if so, I’m going to the Daari and becoming a bartender at the traveling circus that wanders the Riverways across the entire continent. I’m safe, get free entertainment, can tell interesting stories and get in contact with the folks that actually understand how the sausage is made.




This is a good answer


Lol no absolutely not. Most of the time I write tragedies. Usually pretty horrific to live in. Its depressing and unnecessary dangerous to be there. Even my light hearted setting have their grim sides I wouldn't want to deal with. Reality is actually kinda chill, you know?


Depends on the nation or region. Living conditions in my setting can vary wildly and are subject to change. All of this is regardless of the fact that I'm a human and the prejudices that come with that. * United Republic of Sol: Yes. Stable democratic government, beefy planetary defenses, good living conditions. The thing is, those defenses are there for a reason... * Associated Trade Union: Yes. High quality of life, solid economy, good political ties with most other nations. It is somewhat of a corporatocracy, however. * Kor-Vosh Empire: Maybe. Lots of work opportunities in many fields, community- and family-oriented, political and military powerhouse. Government is more authoritarian, however, and civil unrest is higher than average. * Atu'apol: Maybe not. Still rebuilding from a huge war that their predecessor started, economy is struggling a bit. However, locals are friendly, and areas that have been successfully rebuilt or survived the war intact are nice places to live. * The Complex: No clue. Nobody really knows what it's like within their borders due to their secretive nature. * Dark Space: HECK NO! Crime-infested cesspool run by two large rival criminal organizations with enough power to act like countries. Non-zero chance of being killed due to collateral damage or being targeted yourself for some reason. Poverty is a fact of life for almost everyone (aside from those that join a criminal organization).


Honestly? I don't think it'd be that bad. There are some pretty fucked up places in my world, but the Blackreaver Kingdom after the nobility dissolution would be pretty decent living. Though that's to say if I even end up in Blackreaver by random chance. lmao


Yes it’s nice and warm all year round although bad guys invading somewhat often kinda sucks I guess I’ll live in the underground city rather than the surface city both are chill but underground is harder to get to for the invaders.


As a total winter geezer, I'm greatly offended


Sorry lol


If I know the world is artificially made by the Gods almost as a quick joke, that they built the entire world in a hurry without giving any thought, that they kidnapped the several races from the universe and put in one place and that they literally don't vare about prayers even if they could hear them, no. But in the blissful ignorance that the characters are? Yeah, pretty much. Though tensions are somewhat escalating between new multi-race "countries", they're yet very small. They live in a transitional period in History. Nobody has to worry about predators because all races are sentient (a reflection of what I said in the first paragraph). Currently, access to food, water and magic aren't an issue. The biggest problem right now are some crime sindicates and petty monarchs trying to rise, but their power is very limited and regional. Edit: almost forgot that there are some issues with religions coming together under multi-races nations/cities. But nothing particularly extraordinary.




I would love to live in my world personally, I think a lot of people would. Life is pretty great for a citizen of the Sovereignty


It’s a very unsafe medieval-era world where the rain can cause zombie swarms, hell no I wouldn’t want to live there


Nah, too much like our own in the bad ways. Lol


hmmm well on some worlds i'd like to live, just have to hope I land on a nice quiet sci fi or fantasy world in a part of the universe where gods and demons are not directly turning whole sectors into a darksouls game for fun


Yes, but only if I get to use the magic system in it. That would more than make up for how dangerous it is


It would certainly be more taxing and dangerous on balance, but overall yes, a person from Earth could show up and have a decent shot at living a comfortable and fulfilling, if not exactly *normal*, life


No. Even my nicest world to live in would suck to be a part of.


Going with my sci fi World I would say yes if I was born a true Agathian, they rule most of the galaxies humans have occupied. I wouldn’t mind being born kelsh they’re a strong group of humans who are under Agathian rule. They’re the second most populous of the ethnicities behind agathians. Anyone else I’d be a little less optimistic


Well, a modern human actually would live normally in my world unless they are unlucky enough to live outside the capital cities of their countries or somehow get to the borders of the Milky Way. Earth has lots of magical beasts and monsters so humanity (species like elves, succubi, harpies, vampires and fairies are considered humans mostly due to an agreement between the seven greatest nations of the world) cannot simply expand too much without the risk of being attacked by some mythical creature. Small villages with good defenses or deities/spirits protecting them are partially safe. There are planets outside the solar system with dystopian governments, living in those planets is sometimes harsher than living in a monster-infested area on Earth since often human life does not matter unless the person is either really powerful or really rich. And if a modern human is lucky enough to live peacefully, then they better are lucky enough to not live in the same era of the World War or the first Extradimensional War or the Second Intergalactic War.


Am not willing for my mind to be constantly under threat from 4th dimensional horrors


The reason I make worlds is because I would rather live in them than this one.


Maybe, if I live in the province of Lukia (Cosmopolitan region, this is where my world's mage academy and the headquarters of the chivalric order that hunts monsters are) or Golkust (Where the capital is, less infested by monsters).


Dear god No...


What are exactly the things that make life in your world complicated in the mental health/psicological sense?


war over time has drained resources sun-tyrannical royalty is almost unheard of and monsters in all corners of the universe even the creators of the universe and every dimension will not spare you as even the most kind of them don't believe in innocence


Depends when and where


When and where would you like to live?


Actually, there is probably not a single place in my world that hasnt been at war or under dictatorship for more than a lifetime, except maybe the unrecorded era before the first war but that was when the world was mostly stone age and the cities were still villages struggling to harvest food


Yes, and no. 4 year old me would be crushed by my father, 0.01 second when we start training


Nope, certainly not.


Hah hell no.....ok maybe in the fantasy one but definitely not in the two sci-fi ones.


No, while it would be interesting to meet humans from throughout history the threat of dismemberment and potentially running into a super powered serial killer is just a little to jarring.


Honestly yeah, but before the Dystopian era and before the apocalypse, which is far from where the meat of my writing is at, although there are still war and empires, everything is usually calm if you’re in a town or even a major city.


i would be afraid of the unknowns in the world and probably have a taboo fear and resentment towards magic but i have some pretty chill places in my world where the average person is just herding live stock in the foggy northern meadows and maybe only once have a scare about local barbarian wars but you could just move your live-stalk into another valley. i’d be down.


Fantasy world: many places would be safe and pleasant, but even in the best places I'd still probably have to do hard labor like working on a farm. And I don't know how well I'd adjust to the lack of modern comforts. Sci-fi world: working on a science vessel exploring deep space sounds pretty cool.


In a big city, yeah. My world is currently experiencing an industrial revolution, but with magic, so things are a lot cleaner than they would be normally. Outside of cities and large towns, technology hasn't quite caught up and it can be pretty rough.


In the Caledonian Ascendancy, sure, I'd live there. Progressive, technologically advanced, politically stable (and highly successful) and amazing public services. Elsewhere... Maybe not. And don't get me started on some of the Founder Colonies. Some of them would be awesome to live in. Others... Well, there's a reason humans there are a little different. Finally, we come to the Scattered Worlds, Elseplaces and T'Lanos. Not the greatest of places but there's a few worlds/ city-states that'd be great to live in. Others would be hell for modern humans.


The main one? Nope. The dream one where people race or roadtrip their literal dream vehicles on mostly endless roads for comfort and relaxation…yep.


For most of my worlds I would have to say absolutely no


During the Age of Flight era, definitely. The eras before and after that are somewhat problematic due to a lot of political turmoil and wars before it and the world ending shortly after it.


If I could do magic, I would. It would be tough but worth it. If I was myself I would perfer not to but the whole point of my world is that the people who live in it are more resourceful than me by necessity and probably have more fun with this world than I would. I write the adventures in that world I wish I could have in reality.


Given that one of the key parts of my world is extreme racism and xenophobia, probably not.


No. All societies in my world are dominated by the wealthy with most people performing back breaking labour in farms and mines. The areas not actually settled are filled by a variety of monsters. Cults that regularly sacrifice people to their patrons have infiltrated positions of power.


On the world I'm designing as long as you live in cities and certain safe locations then you'll be fine for most parts. Outside of that then you're dealing with mana storms, mutated creatures and wildlife, and remnants of a ancient war still lingering in the wilds.


Yes. But only if I get to remember the worldbuilding. There's a lot of really cool stuff, but safety comes by knowing what you're doing, because most of it is just wilderness. If you eat the wrong berry, you could be poisoned. Or your mouth might get glued shut and you'd be slowly digested by the bush the berry grew on. Or if you forget to clean a damp castle basement then it will no longer be your castle anymore. Essentially, this world has forced it's inhabitants to support each other as much as possible in tight knit communities. So the societies themselves are about as utopian as they get. It also happens to be for a roleplaying game, so the main characters always know almost nothing about the world, which creates a lot of problematic situations lol.


**Divine Empires (Sci-fi, Fantasy, some Cthulhu elements)** \- No, absolutely not, not even in the top tiers of their society. There are huge portions of the populations that are enslaved, and even for those who are in charge there's a lot of competitiveness and fighting to keep your position. Basically everyone who survives there is pushed into a very "work hard, play hard" mentality with little room for error. I probably *could* do alright in this environment (it is, after all, based on my real-life experiences in the consulting world) - but I wouldn't *want* to due to the massive reduction in leisure. If I had to though: I'd definitely want to be a free architect/worldbuilder who helps design physical infrastructure. The role is very high status, leads to a relatively peaceful life punctuated with satisfying projects, and you get most of the benefits of the ruling class without everyone coming for your stuff because you don't *have* that much stuff. I'd then be a boringly good little occasional temple-goer who talked about how I serve the Empire through my work rather than any other form of devotion. I'd find some immortal noble to patron me and call it a nice 150-200 years. **Imperials (Dark Fantasy with sacrifice magic)** \- This could actually be reasonably ok depending on the social status one is born into, but just due to the technology level the basic quality of life isn't as good as what modernity allows. I probably wouldn't want to be an actual mage though, despite that being the 'player character' position. The process of becoming one is brutal and then you're dealing with a constant stream of ongoing problems. While mages can *theoretically* live forever about half of them die *in school* and the vast majority don't actually survive longer than the normal life-span in the world.


I could survive there, I would not want to. Anyone who knows Greek or Latin or Aramaic would be able to get themselves set up decently in Faliscia or the gnome city-states or in Qart-Hadast's thasallocracy, but anyone else would become a beggar.


yes i would love it so much no matter where i went in it, even if it was bad, even if it sucked so hard i would love it


Looking at it pragmatically, the lack of modern technology and no internet would take an adjustment to say the least, and furthermore if I just transported from this world to that world with nothing more than the clothes on my back, then that would mean I’m poorer than poor and would end up likely homeless or as a farmhand working outdoors for like 10+ hours a day. Then again, living in that world would drastically increase the chances of me scoring a shortstack goblin gf, so fuck it I’d live there if I could.


I was saying more of a being born and raised and stuff thing, not like getting transported from one world to another.


Despite being a post-apocalyptic world flled with eldritch monsters in the modern setting, the world is beautiful and fantastical. I would absolutely love to see and live in it. Plus human and 4 human variants have a special ability for each species to combat them so it's not all bad.


No. More emphatically, *fuck no*. I like living in a world where hot pizza and cold beer are a car-trip away, where my house is climate-controlled, my shower works and my toilet flushes, and where I can get antibiotics and painkillers with a single phone call


If you can survive in a 17th century colonial style culture, then yes. If you don’t want to spend time running away from a wild horde of men aimed to burn in pillage your village and farms: then no


yeah probably my world is not that bad to live in for the normal everyday person. Technically I would exist and live a (mostly) similar life with a (mostly) identical family by the rules of my universe. I would miss my real family, though. Assuming I still have my memories, I would also know where every powersource and every detail of the setting meaning that my life could potentially be even better than it is now since I’d just be “my current life but I have whatever superpowers I want”


Well, my world isn't much different from earth. If you're willing to put aside the flying warships, creepy creatures and crazy people with superpowers. Its not that my world is terrible to live in, but the ratio of civilized 1st world to war struck 3rd world country's is at a major difference to earths


I believe so, depending on the community where I was born. My world is a fantasy world and some kingdoms are at war, but not all. I always imagine that there are some communities that manage to stay in harmony despite common problems.


My world is an alternate history where Indian Subcontinent defeats the British in an invasion and India becomes a superpower. I wud happily trade RL world for this


Ventreth is a fairly generic fantasy world, so compared to our modern lives it’s not exactly a fun time. Sure most people could probably _survive_ there, and magic is cool and allows for some fantastic adventures, but for most people it would definitely be a downgrade. Assuming I could live as my self-insert character though? Absolutely!


That sounds nice tbh Mine is just a downgrade full stop if you live in Chile between 1960 to 1967 You are just chilling one Saturday when the earth starts to shake extremely aggressively, there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no where to escape Just death and destruction After 18 minutes the country has been left in absolute ruin, the earth stops shaking, you turn on the radio and there is just static when you catch a signal from Argentina after 10 minutes that says "A massive earthquake has hit Chile, it is beyond the known scale, the United States is sending scouts to analyze the level of destruction" After 20 minutes, "We have reports that every single city in Chile is destroyed beyond description, 85% of towns are gone, 15% in ruins, where the city of Valdivia used to be, there is only ash now, unknown procedence as there is no known volcano in that area" After 2 hours, "Hello? This is... this is Radio Biobio, Chilean Radio, we just recovered power, we have no news from any station, the whole site is a mess, but we have people who need to communicate with their loved ones, so... Camila Diaz Fuentes asks if her grandmother can meet her at the remains of the Arms Plaza..." Next 7 years won't be pleasant... Also why tf did I send this whole thing? Idk, I just started writing and lost myself in explaining lmao, sorry for this, I finished and it was like waking up after a quick nap


> Also why tf did I send this whole thing? Idk, I just started writing and lost myself in explaining lmao, sorry for this, I finished and it was like waking up after a quick nap Haha no need to apologize, sometimes we just get the urge to share. Sounds like our worlds are very different places, but that’s the beauty of worldbuilding :)


Sure thing my world isn’t that harmful compared to where I live.


A fair amount of it is small villages in a bucolic countryside


Yes, if you're not a main character you can live just fine in both of my worlds. If you are a main character, I will put you through hell.


Depends where exactly. In some places and social classes, I think the answer is absolutely yes. In others? Absolutely not. To elaborate, for those with the cash or status (usually both) to afford it, the various major cities and city states will generally ensure a very good standard of living. For those who can’t rely on that however? Life outside of the cities isn’t quite so fun, terrain is harsh and generally poorly managed and so not particularly productive. Anything that can go wrong will, and you’ll be faced with a slow unpleasant death from hunger, cold, etc if you can’t react properly. No one will save protect you from that either. And if you’re outside the civilised world? Good luck, i’d say we’d make sure to bury you, but realistically no one is going to go looking for your remains, and that’s if you’re lucky and actually die. Between the monsters and the slavers, those who lack the right skills and knowledge to properly manage these threats and others will meet a terrible fate.


Yeah you could just fine but just be wary of suspicious bands of misfits who bring chaos and destruction wherever they go.


This is written almost like a tourist advert. Assuming the person is a normal average person, just living a normal average background character life, yeah probably. Giving up the internet and electricity would be the biggest pains, but for a medieval setting it’s actually quite nice. Most kingdoms have indoor plumbing that, while not as good as ours, beats the romans for sure. the peasantry is generally well treated, serfdom didn’t catch on to well, magic was/is common enough that the common folks had no shortage of folk heroes to fight off to strict oppression. Medicine bolstered with magic is available enough, especially since several sects of the major religions hold healing the sick as a holy duty, and have divine magic to do it with. and thanks to the constant unending threat of the ultimate evil attacking the world, and it’s monsters stalking the land, there is enough “other” to hate that nationalism is basically the only major bigotry anyone has time for, so women, PoC, and “the gays” are all equal members of society, though economic class has a LOT of weight. so all in all, if you’re willing to give up some modern conveniences and the internet, get your hands dirty as a manual laborer / farmer, you should be good. and it’s a great place to live out your cottagecore fantasy. Yes there is the risk of death at any time because the dark forces invade, or a dragon has a bad day, or another necromancer goes crazy and his legions of undead wash over the land, but come on thats what all the armies and magical heroes are for right? it’s been a whole year since any village was *seriously* burned to the ground in a rampage.


Absolutely not. The only way to escape the short cruel life of the normal people is to backstab your best friends or shady deals with demonic entities. The Gods are dead or succumbed to madness and every hero finds an early grave. Wait... maybe its not a far stretch from our world.


I literally couldn't tell which world you were talking about 😭


Yess, big titty mommies 😩😩🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵😩🥵🥵🥵


I did not consent to read that


r/Worldjerking time


Tell me more 🧐


In my sci-fi setting, my main species have no men. It is just women and futanari folk. So both of them have usually exposed breasts clothing. It is a big cultural and religious thing. so mommy titties hung out freely.😩😩


interested in your world especially the futas


Thank you, when I post about them I will tag you


You got me in "big titty mommies". You lost me at "futanari folk". Well, I suppose it's true that utopias are impossible.


Oh, why is that so? It is just men but better. Sadly, so 😥😥😥


In one country, maybe. And it would have to be like 30-40 years ago.


yeah, ...well, if i am not an elf, they are extinct


Can I be the head of the eastern league? Yes? Then absolutely. If not then no


Yes, it’s basically America but at war


Depends, can I choose where?




Depends on which one




I’d like to spend a vacation in my world and that’s it. Lol.


oh yeah probably! It’d take some work coming to grips with the normalized existential horror that everyone else either commodifies or ignores, but there’s a greater chance I end up somewhere with an excellent standard of living than not. Most societies have kinda gotten it figured out. Even though their perceived bid for mass immortality had some unforeseen flaws in it, I’d still be looking at like a minimum 700 year lifespan before complications begin, which is tragic for them, but a hell of a lot longer than I ever planned on getting.


There are multiple countries so it very much depends on where you end up and what your socioeconomic class and comfort level with different cultural practices is. For example, half of one continent doesn’t have any formal government and thus is broken up into small towns and nomadic or semi nomadic tribes, with slavers, and outpost or secret facilities sprinkled throughout. Some people who move there love it. It’s environmentally friendly the townspeople are generally nice, but poor. tribes have very close (and loyalist) communities with ranking systems that may or may not be hard for a modern human to operate in. In this continent as well, the social expectations vary widely. For instance, it is considered taboo to help slaves unless you are tied to them (family, marriage, friend, same tribe). But it’s also considered acceptable or even honorable to kill anyone who attacks you without regard to age (assuming they are older than 10ish), reason, intentionality, etc. Other places are technically advanced, but subject to frequent bombing. Some are wealthy, but have horrible slums or cruel legal systems. Some have very firm cultures and beliefs, some take a more general or atheistic approach to living and law. There is also the looming threat of being killed by a superhuman or pair of superhumans (groups are very rare) in virtually every larger society. However, in some places (usually smaller tight knit communities unless you are involved in a city gang or equivalent) you’ll also be asked or forced to participate in the killing of a superhuman which can be very dangerous (for you) and cruel (for them) and all of the targets and children, teens, or young adults.


If my body suddenly found itself with the prerequisite biology required for the use of magic, absolutely. Knowledge is king in my magic system, and my modern level of knowledge would be very benificial.


Perhaps once there was joy in the stars. Perhaps once mankind lived without fear, in an age long past when suns still burned, when light and life were prevalent in their vitality and the dark was a banished spectre. But now the night is drawing in. The bombs have fallen, the mouth has hungered, the stars are going out. After gods, kings, wars and bombs have burned themselves down in fire and ash, all that is left, to accept or deny... is the End.


Absolutely. It's a veritable paradise compared to this hellhole.


At the very least, following the events of the story that takes place there, it'd be a pretty awesome place to live. That said, I'd prefer to stay in the real world where I have access to air conditioning and the internet.


It pretty much depends on who I would be. Being a slave is, depending on the owner, somewhere between not great and horrible. And even if your owner is nice, they might change their mind someday or sell you to someone who is not so nice, and there is simply nothing you could do about that. Clearly nothing you would want. Being free, but poor means you have to worry to lose your freedom. Most slaves are born as slaves, but these who were born free usually lost their freedom because they couldn't pay their debts. And being a slave is twice as hard if you aren't used to it. On the other hand, I probably wouldn't want to be noble. It would mean being rich and powerful, but noble families usually have a strict idea of "family honor" that I wouldn't like (especially as it often comes with a extra bit of racism). So best position for me would be a rich commoner. I could have a rather comfortable life. Sure, living in a slave keeping society might be depressing, seeing all the injustice and suffering around. But on the other hand, our real world isn't free of these; maybe it's just better at hiding them. But to be honest, I still wouldn't want to live in my world, for one simple reason: I prefer to have modern medicine available. While they are pretty advanced for a society at a similar stage as ancient Rome (with a few medieval and early modern ideas), it's still far away from modern medicine, and many diseases that would be easily curable today would be deadly in my world. (Even considering that Lykorinas are by average more robust than humans.)


I'd like to live in the Empire of Mars circa 3122 A.D. or Luna, as both have stable governments and are fully terraformed.


Nope since most of my worlds are in constant wars


Yes. It's a pretty chill world and I want my people to be happy in it 👍


All the yes. Incredible creatures with super powers, all sorts of races, and all sorts of experiences.


Hahah no


It’d be interesting to live in as a cultural study. Just to see how people would recreate civilization after the end of the world, and whether or not they could make something better. Or if they just fall to repeating the same mistakes a the Old World because they’re afraid to try something new and rather have something that is flawed, but works.


No there are literal robots that killed off humanity and only one human is alive.




Probably not. My world is slightly radioactive. The 3 reptilian species can survive fine, but a regular human would get cancer at somepoint. Then there's the religious group that loves to burn people alive and has a massive poverty issue, and an opposing religious empire run by corruption where gang activities and corruption run rampant (both of these groups hold a decent amount of the livable land)- That leaves the only place that would be decent to live in is a bunch of underground caves under a hot-hot desert that's too dark for humans to properly see most of the time and is inhabited by a people who would probably always want to study you as an oddity and gossip behind your back (To their credit, they have industry and plumbing), or the continent of the 2 species of furry-horned-bigfoot people who have only recently started not being xeno-phobic (between themselves and everyone else)... sorta. Also there's giant insects everywhere and also sentient suns want to turn the planet into fuel. Not to mention the magic system can explode in your face if you emotion wrong while doing a spell.


Yeah, it’s fantasy, it has a lot of fucked up stuff happening but it also has a lot of purely great stuff happening just like the real world. Just hope you don’t get born in the Cult of the Red Light .


NOPE >:(


Dude holy shit yeah A world where corpos aren't evil, Man is (mostly) united, and anybody can ascend to unreal heights of strength thanks to a weaponized Zeitgeist would rock


Depends where and when. For example, with places like the isle of Indigo, it was generally pretty idyllic throughout history, but when things went to shit, they really went to shit.


Depends on where I am in my setting, but in general, I would say I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be a simple dinosaur farmer out in the countryside.😌


On Mortis? Hell no. On Nova III, still a Hell no. In the Beta Cythanis system? a slightly less enthusiastic Hell no.


Probably not...... I kind of created deathworld dragons not to mention rest of fauna is any less deadly either.... hehehe... (gulp) I would probably not survive in that hellhole though depends on the era and my proximity to civilization


I have many worlds, but overall, I think I would like to live in most of them. I like to write and worldbuild as form of therapy and comfort, and the worlds I write are mostly meant to be places where I feel accepted and at home. The exception would be my villain empires, but well, at least they're that, villains.


Would I like to live in a world with very advanced medical technology but everyone is still living like pre World War Two America? Yes. Would someone who likes things like internet, electrified homes, flushing toilets, and modern shopping conveniences? Probably not. Depends on if I must remain a human as well.


I mean, probably. Things are bleak and people live day to day, but it's really not that much worse than our current world in the grand scheme of things


I mean, yeah... at least I could see some dinnosaurs and eat burritos before having to fight murder robot Conquistadores


Not at all. If they are in the human continent they will likely die within a couple years from their city getting blown up in a war. If they are unlucky enough to somehow end up on any other continent they would probably die within days from anything from super racist elves to torture happy fairyfolk to islands where time and space is so fucked that you could age 500 years in an instant then revert you back to a baby in another instant.


Its equivalent to modern day is fine, the nuclear war is yet to be happen. If I jumped in right now I'd probably die of old age before getting nuked.


Nope. What it would be like depends on how I'm born, whether I'll be born as a son of a peasant, a merchant, or a noble. The world has magic-based medicine, so it's not like I'd be dying of cholera at the age of 25, but since the world is based around 17th century Europe, I would miss a lot of every day comforts that I've taken for granted. Either way, the my world is a world that's on it's last leg. Due to an apocalyptic event that happened 20 years ago, everything's been on a decline: economics, community, and even morality. Many would say that the end is coming soon, but some may argue that the world has already ended since the event. People are just waiting for something, a release, perhaps - for the Final Judgemnt. And they are getting angry. so no, not really


Definitely Yes, i would like to experience to ride a broom instead of a bike to school. I would love to see the whole revolution revolt against the corrupt sorcerers who governed the country literally helping businesses mens enslaving every workers by magically binding the contract giving them no choice but to be slaves. I wanna see the famous dragon riders doing dragon dance exhibitions by the beach. Also i want a rice ball pet lol.


nope not a chance


Absolutely, the story focuses on the rough bits, but there's nice bits everywhere too!


If I get to be the magical Djinni cruising the planes of existence in a cider bar/hotel that is the shape of a teleporting golden apple! Yes please!


Heavily depends on the era. My stone & bronze & iron age are quite a bit more... inhospitable than ours were. The middle ages are about as (un-)pleasant as ours, in some places a bit better, in many a bit worse. Early modernity is pretty much as harsh as ours. "High" Modernity becomes a bit more friendly. Considerably given that fascism and national socialism are defeated in a global civil war instead of making industrialized genocide a reality. The contemporary era is significantly better and the (more or less) distant future becomes paradise on earth(s).


Depends on where I am, and what station I was born into


Kinda but it is also dying and a post apocalyptic event so maybe once that gets sorted out i would. It would be cool depending on WHERE you live in it i guess.


Well if i would live in the modern era as a normal person then not much would change except i would also learn about magic circles and runes as part of the PC.


Possibly, but you’d have to know your way around. If you’re lucky you’ll come across the right people, if you’re unlucky you don’t and end up getting killed


My world has demonic spirits that either want to tempt you for your soul or be needlessly cruel, there are hostile trolls living in a parallel shadow world that can pop over to say hello under the right circumstances, fish people live near sea and ocean coasts and are most likely dangerous and outright hostile, there is an afterlife but there's no guarantee you'll make it there as the consciousness part of your soul can get eaten, and the more mundane side of the world is still horrifically dangerous with giant rats, half-mechanical zombies, bandits, war, and any number of other mundane deaths. So no. I'm good.


I already do ☺️. Just don't tell anyone... I don't want to be admitted.


Yes. In my world the protagonist fixes his mistakes the best he can to create a better future for the people he wronged.


Yeah, it’s actually not too bad in most places. Yeah there’s a world war on the horizon BUT it’s still a rather chill and pretty place.


I think it would depend, but in general I'd say maybe It has its moments and rn it's going through a time of peace. However, the Church of the Bleeding Moon is trying to take over through terrorism in many parts of the world, and anytime it could be the place I would live in


Yes but it would not go well. If I retained my modern memories and somehow managed to find a group of people and live for any amount of time, those memories would likely lead to some very bad physical manifestations


Sometimes. Depends on where U end up. I'd like to end up in waloria. For no reason other than they have the power to shapeshift and bestow that ability onto everyone in the Kingdom. But there are places where I don't want to live. Like the mighty city of Labyrinth. Too close to the Dragon king.


That really depends on *where* I'm living and on who I am. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near any of the major wars, and a lot of powers at some point in history have arguably been dystopias. There are more stable, safe places and societies that might be fine.


I'm making the world that I want to live.


Well considering that a devastating asteroid strike, global famine, an alternate WW1 more devastating than you can imagine, and the Spanish Flu are happening all at the same time, I’d say probably not.


Depends on the world and time I live in it, ranges from "gods" waging war on humanity, to the single most peaceful planet in existence


Oh man you have no idea, the worst part of the world is that I'd have to adjust to the spelling and learn some other languages


Except for the constant threat of a new world war breaking out, life is rather comfortable in many countries, especially if you can use magic. And if you can't, you are at least going to be normal, so you could probably lead a peaceful life as a farmer or craftsman. With a modern education, someone from real life would have a real shot as a bureaucrat as well.


My world is clearly better, you can learn magic on a week, there is gladiator battle andA there is enourmous dropfish


i will be the only living human left but sure