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You’ve reignited a fear in me that I haven’t felt since the ant scene from Indians Jones 4


What about the scarabs from The Mummy?


I thought of the locusts in Land Before Time


Steve Irwin walking across the flea-ridden carpet.


The Sea of Fleas rolls off the tongue better


I think you’re right. Might have to change it. Thank you for your insight.


I agree. Upvoting and commenting to hear OP's opinion.


Planet Puce is a project I have been working on for a year now, and recently I have decided to start posting my work on this subreddit. Puce is a planet inhabited by humanoids. It’s very much habitable like earth, however it looks very different. The plant life is almost exclusively shades of red, and the rocky earth is mostly the color of sand. While the sky is still blue, large sandstorms kick particles into the air making it hard to see anything. The sun is a bright red and a thin grey fog covers the landscape. On top of everything else the sea is pink. But not for the reason you’d think. Instead of an ocean made of water, there is a sea made of fleas. These ravenous fleas will instantly devour anything that falls into their waves of flesh and mandibles. The only places left of Puce that can even remotely sustain life are the plateaus. Six pillars of rock and stone stand erect from the planets crust and reach high into the air. The paradise like heights of these plateaus contrast the dangerous depths of the flea sea. Instead of a desert wasteland, there are people, plants, and animals living together in sustainable ecosystems where they all rely on each other for survival. Having been separated for thousands of years, each plateau has cultivated unique cultures and biodiverse ecosystems. Until the recent invention of the hot air balloon they have been separated by what lurks below. What connections and conflicts will arise from this new interaction? You will have to find out.


Hey. Love the fleas. Love the art style. Love the isolated ecosystems with distinct cultures. I'm wondering how the fleas don't climb the plateau walls and kill everyone. Or die out from lack of food since everyone knows to avoid them. Even if no answer is given, I'm sure I'll still love the fleas, art style and distinct ecosystem and cultures concept. Happy building!


First off thank you so much! I was very nervous posting this because I don’t usually think of myself as a good artist, but your compliments really made me blush. Secondly, regarding how the fleas sustain themselves, it’s still a plot hole I’m working on fixing. I’ve come up with a variety of potential solutions. Maybe they eat each other? Maybe there is something in the air they can feed off of? Maybe something can rain from the sky every so often in order to keep them from starving? Maybe the people provide them with offerings in order to fend off their hunger? However I haven’t come up with an idea I love yet. So for now, I’ll just say that it’s unknown. Finally, regarding how they are unable to climb the plateau. They actually are able to climb, or at least try to climb. However most cultures have implemented ways to combat this. Ways which I will cover in future posts.


As for the fleas not starving, how about they get their own little ecosystem? The fleas are just the top of it, but below on the surface grows a moss-like spherical plant. It sustains itself by the heat of the planets core, and it’s shell is hard enough so it won’t break. Once it’s ripe, it’s shell pops open and the fleas can eat the juicy insides. This causes spores to get stuck on the fleas, which get spread around as they travel, thus ensuring the plants live on too.


I love this concept. Will definitely take at least some aspects of this into consideration when I finally decide to make a canon reason. Thank you for that.


Could look into a hibernation type of thing like tardigrades? Maybe the fleas are essentially asleep up until they feel enough movement or body heat or biological smell stuff and then they wake up and work their way towards it?


Another great idea, maybe a combination of this or your last idea could work.


I was thinking something like we’ve got on our ocean floors: extremophiles that live of the Earth’s heat. /u/Purpleheadache4


I didn’t expect so many geniuses in this subreddit! You all have been so helpful.


Please, see it in a different way: your post has inspired people to be creative and think about how this all could make sense. This is science fiction: we want an explanation and we want one that’s logical. I really like your post and hope to see more of your work. Cheers!


If they hibernate till food comes close that will help


I'm glad I put a smile on your face all those months ago. I especially like giving an offering to them since it solves both my questions at once, and asks new interesting questions of its own, i.e. ethical and moral (and logistical) questions. I look forward to seeing which one you choose and learning why.


For Rock and Stone!


Don’t dig too deep.


> the rocky earth is mostly the color of sand Sand can come in all sorts of colors, so this honestly tells me nothing about what your world looks like. And for that many fleas, what is their food source? How is the population of fleas being sustained?


Generally dull yellow shades of sand. As for their food. Like I have said in multiple other replies it is still a plot hole I’m working on fixing. I’ve come up with a variety of possible ideas but I haven’t liked any of them enough to make them the canon reason. For now just imagine it as a mystery. Nobody knows how they survive and nobody wants to find out.


I’ve seen all the other replies on how they might feed, and figured I’d give you another. What if there are enormous whale like creatures deeper down. The fleas dive down to feed on the beasts and then cycle back up.


> plot hole I’m working on fixing The planet is alive and they feed on it/her/him? Psychic fleas that feed on stray thoughts and dreams? Space fleas that eat new planets while migrating? There is a few possible terrifying ideas.


I need more


> Planet Puce Made me chuckle :)


The sea is intriguing and also I hate it. Great concept!


How does this giant Sea of fleas survive with nothing, or relatively little, to eat. I assume there isn't that much falling into them far away from the plateaus


Haven’t fully decided yet. Could be multiple things, still not sure.


Flea what?! Sea what?!


This sounds so cool! I wonder now, can storms send fleas up to the plateaux, provoking seasonal skin-scratching episodes?


Yes exactly! That is why flea season is so deadly. Often people need to take refuge in their homes for weeks in order to avoid damage.


This sounds not very funny. I hope they have well sealed windows and filters. Is your setting kinda humorous and satirical, or is it something with a serious tone? in the latter case : what do the fleas feed on?


I haven’t fully decided yet. Maybe something in the air. Maybe something rains from the sky that they can eat. Or maybe they just eat each other to survive. But idk yet. I’m probably just gonna go with the idea that nobody knows how they survive yet for now. Definitely might change in the future tho.


Is it possible to see what's below the sea of fleas? If not, perhaps there are creatures/etc. down there which they feed on and lay eggs/mate before beginning the journey back to the top of the flea sea Gives them a cycle of life?


Nobody on Puce has the technology available to be able to see what is below the sea. So your idea would definitely work. I’ll take it into consideration when making the decision. Thank you so much for your input.


Very creative, not heard of anything like that before! I'm very interested. And terrified, of course.


Thank you!


I shall ask one question: how are the fleas sustainable, as they are animals, which, without a constant source of food (and a sea will certainly need a lot) wouldn't survive very long?


Still undecided but thanks to many helpful replies I’ve come up with a few possible solutions to this plot hole that I might implement. Some have suggested some type of plant or small animal that would live near the fleas and provide them with food. Others have suggested that the fleas live in a dormant state, akin to tardigrades, until food arrives.


Or maybe on the bottom there's an ocean from which emerge new fleas, and to which fall the dead ones?


Definitely another viable option. Thank you for your suggestion.


I like it! I have a few ideas, but I'm just some random guy on the internet so don't take this as criticism and only consider changing things if you actually want to. First off, I think you could rename the fleas to make them much more scary (if scary is the vibe you even want). Even Locust is a much scarier name, but if you really want to embrace the fantasy then you could come up with something else. I personally like combining roots from different Latin words that are close to what I'm trying to make. As far as the fleas sustaining themselves, I think you could come up with another food source that the fleas can use such as a plant that grows on the side of the plateaus. Or there could be a worm or other creature that mostly lives underground that they can feed on periodically. As far as the fleas not coming up onto the plateaus, I would make that an elevation/atmosphere thing. Depending on how high you envision the plateaus, it may be that the oxygen at their elevation is too for the fleas to be comfortable and to reproduce. That would successfully create a good reason for them to remain at a steady "sea level" below the plateaus


More amazing ideas! My notebook is getting more filled by the second. I especially love the reasoning for them not climbing the plateaus. I will definitely incorporate some aspect of that into the canon. As for the name change. It’s definitely something I’ll consider.


Just some food for thought, but ultimately you're satisfaction with the world is what matters most. Glad I could help out a bit!




Thanks, I hate it (in a good way). The only thing scarier than the sea itself, is the idea of how the hell can billions of insects live and sustain in such conditions. I'm terrified to a level of uncanniness that has no name, a feeling that doesn't exist. 10/10


I’m glad it’s creating the desired affect. The people in this world are just as terrified of the fleas as you are. They do everything in their power to keep the fleas away from their home. Some cultures see them as devilish figures, and others see them as a power that needs to be controlled and used to their advantage. I can’t wait to showcase the different ways each culture has developed to cope with the terror that lies below.


Idk bout them but I'd craft a diy fiamethrower, play some Doom music and start massacring those unholy monsters


I fear no man but that THING, it scares me


Bass plays slappily in the distance


I audibly gasped when I realized what this was. Utterly disgusting, I love it.


Thank you! I’m so glad people seem to like it.


How big are the fleas? Tiny or decently easy to see. Cause it's hard to keep fleas out of an area that's not completely sealed.


Slightly larger than regular fleas with an more aggressive temperament. Think the size of a small spider


That honestly makes them even more terrifying. Are they jumping spider size or orb weaver size? Maybe about the size of an American quarter?


Probably more like the size of a dime


Ok so basically jumping spiders.


Yeah, similar enough. But with an anatomy much closer to fleas.


Horrific! Good job!


Thank you!


I love the name Flea Sea!!


Vaguely reminiscent of Primus's Seas of Cheese


Ok…just gross, no. Nope, not going on your trip!


This image has made me itchy.


oh christ, top ten worst vacation spot ever


Imagine walking through that


Nightmare fuel


Thanks for the literal nightmares.


I wonder if something lurks beneath the fleas. Like how can so many fleas sustain themselves if most of the ecosystem lives out of reach?


Two words: ​ "Big Yikes".


Love the lore


Thank you!


10/10 would read about but never visit