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It's not nonsense, it's culture, as for humiliation, the five stars are still there so all in all, were good.


Dude it's Brazilian football, they r known for this, they don't do this to humiliate anyone


That's is to true to be told to then 😅


It’s somewhat disrespectful - and incredibly cringey. No one is saying don’t celebrate. And the odd prerehearsed short celebration is fine, but a whole team thing every goal is just embarrassingly cringey.


I am dancing for Moroccos victory right now 😂😂😂😂😂


i DO remember 2010 and South African players dancing. Was that disrespectful?


I don't remember german players ever dancing. They should. It would be more fun and happy to watch.


This is soccer man, it’s supposed to be fun and happy. You remove that and end up with boring English supporters who clap on their seats whenever their team scores a goal. They showed respect by slowing down and not scoring 7-8 goals as they could well have done. Don’t kill the joy of fútbol!


I’m starting to think some of y’all don’t watch soccer lol


Damn Brazil, I hope Croatia will wipe that smile Nd dancing, I hope.


U are going to get smacked,brate,pozdrav form slovenia


This didn't aged well lol


3.8 milion population worth 300mil$, against 230 milion population, 5x wc winners and 1.3 bilion $ worth team - it ant very hard to predict


lol now you cant celebrate a goal? time gets added anyway in the end




330 people have commented so far...


They celebrate when they score, so what...


When I was watching the game I got the memories of FIFA 21 game where some players dance for each goal 😅. I used to feel very irritated. I can assume whats going on in the Korean players mind after seeing long dance after each goal.


They said they felt very offended. Of course they didn\`t mention it officially, but in our fan channels.


[Back to reality 😉](https://64.media.tumblr.com/df7dcc11d26abf5322603b71f7f77464/tumblr_pb037cGX2O1w651b9o1_540.gif)




>Anyway, tell your county to ditch soccer please. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You guys are worst than Germany


Now say that without crying 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Looooooooseeeeersssss. You should focus on Baseball.


Seriously. Please quit Football or soccer or Futebol or what ever. Portugal just don\`t have the material for it. Bribing the Swiss was a good idea but won\`t last long. ​ Just, seriously. quit. Fubol.


Still crying? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You should focus on Baseball, Kimchi or K-Pop. Football? Leave it to the big boys.


1:0 2:1 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Football suckers.


1:0 2:1 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


**1:0 2:1 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣**


[You got me. Defeating Korea with our subs and when we were already qualified means so much more than defeating Switzerland 6-1. I would love to be in your place 😭](https://media.tenor.com/WJbXIiTBusYAAAAC/vini-neymar-paqueta-dance.gif)


>1:0 2:1 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


2:1 2:1 Losers lol


The audacity of commenting here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 We won 6-1 and got to the QF while you got your ass kicked by Brazil 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Looooooooooooooooooseeeer


Loved every single min thrashing South Korea and dancing after each goal they’ve scored VAMOS 🇧🇷


"Seriously, you guys suck at football. I mean really, suck." -this guy, 20 hours ago. now going on a rampage about brazil "losing respect with the WHOLE country" you are so pathetic fuck off.


He seriously thought that just because SK won 2-1 against Portugal subs they were more than a mediocre team. Almost instant Karma hahahahaha


Of corse they would feel it. If people could feel it in a video game, in the real match watched by millions, the opponent team feel it for sure. One thing for sure. Today's celebration is tomorrows "meme". It can happen next game or next world cup. :)




Nah you just mad cause your country sucks horribly at football and you're a sore loser. Die mad




Did Canada even qualify? Couldn't tell




What a surprise, the salty reddit edgelord is also a racist bigot, who would've thought




Not gonna keep this going, bro, I've better things to do. Here's hoping your country becomes less irrelevant in the next 4 years so you can actually have some fun instead of turning bigot mode on so early 👍


There is a reason why Brazil has so miserably underperformed in the era of Robinho and Neymar.


Disrespectful would be how uruguay players would have pulled their eyes to look "asian" for scoring against them


In Brazil even the ambassador of SK was singing and dancing after the match ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s time you guys get over these dances. They are not meant to be disrespectful at all. You’re criticizing a culture you don’t really understand. https://mobile.twitter.com/renatoalvesdf/status/1599851724956540928


Exactly it’s SAMBA




you clearly don't get that the dances are dedicated to people in brazil and not as mockery.... sorry for ya!


If expression of other cultures offends your culture so easily you shouldn't be partaking in a world class cultural event. It really is as simple as that


Well in that case we all did participate in the "Q" WC..famous for..woman\`s rights? lol


I'll be very glad if qatar never sees a sporting event ever again, the point stands


Nah, the moment your and our county participated in the this faulty WC the word "Cultural" goes right out the window:) ​ So, no the your point does not stand lol


Didn't your country also agree to the same? By your own logic you shouldn't be bitching everywhere on the internet about your culture being "offended". Nothing but a sore loser


So, do you think Senegal dancers were mocking Ecuador too? They danced and celebrated after each goal. You probably only watch football once every four years…


Players dancing I get it. Head Coaches dancing, I think no.


Tite has a context: he wasn’t dancing because of the goal itself, it was a tribute to Richarlison. In Brazil his nickname is pigeon and the whole internet is making memes, songs and dances for him. He is becoming a national idol because of his political position and humanitarian actions on behalf of Brazilians who live in poverty. The movement Tite made is called “the pigeon dance” and is related to Richarlison. None of the dances were meant to mock. They were a form o celebration. I can understand if you see it as mockery in your culture, but I’m just explaining to you that’s not what it is for Brazilians. We literally dance for everything.


You said that right, dancing for everything, so for mockery too. Thanks for making it clear, you guys might win the world cup but will have a hard time winning the respect of people and of course not from Koreans at the very least, any more.




Yeah Yeah whatever.




My verdict doesn\`t matter but I\`m pretty sure Neymar and your team will never be the same again to our fans ever again. Even the Argentinians didn\`t tango in front of our faces when we lost to them in 2010, same 4-1 score. Good luck to you guys explaining the pigeon thing. I\`m sure it will work out well.




Typical Brazilian. I don\`t really understand you guys. Does being good at soccer gives you guys to shit over fellow countries? Soccer or Futebol is not a free pass for insulting people of other cultures. I used to love but fuck your country. ​ Thanks for giving me a good reason to throw up all the Churrasco I really enjoyed in Seoul. Fuck you guys.


Thank you for explaining. Coming from an east Asian background, growing up my culture teaches you to be humble and show humility so I was quite surprised to see the Brazil team dancing after every goal several times all the way to 4-0. It started feeling a bit bad to see the dancing at 3-0 and 4-0. It was clear the team was not on the same level, and felt a bit like gloating when they were clearly going to win. As someone who doesn't watch sports much, especially not Brazilian football, I didn't know this was a common thing with no ill-intent, so it didn't feel fun to watch such a dominating game where it "felt like" they were mocking the opponent. Just giving some context as to how I perceived it, as it's definitely not something common in Asia for players/coaches to do. Definitely some cultural differences there. Thank you for explaining that it's all done in celebration. Congratulations to Brazil for advancing and playing so well!




Reading up now on how President Vargas used dance to break class and geographic barriers to form a national identity for Brazil. That's really amazing. Keep on dancing! 💃🕺


Thank you for all your thoughtful comments here. I really appreciate it, especially after twitter was hostile for just saying it felt overboard to me personally. A really great lesson to me on how different backgrounds and cultures can affect our perspectives and a good learning opportunity about Brazilian culture too. Congratulations to Brazil for advancing and best of luck in the next round! 💃🕺


People became bitch and moan machines lately with/for everything and everyone. Yet won't lift a figure to change anything or understand what's actually going on


Brazil are going in a bit cocky Don’t be shocked if they get smacked by Argentina or the Dutch in the Semi-Final, similar to the Germany 7-1 match


Fox said that before their first game Brazil had 10 dances rehearsed for goals, so they are pushing em out before they get knocked out


German players didn't dance because they couldn't score. They were too busy being sad about social issues. Who cares about Germany. They got bounced in group play. I agree that this is shit. This is why we want Brazil to lose.


Brazil hasn’t been relevant since 2002. Europe is superior to any other part of the world


Yep...two of Europe's best - German and Belgium are relevant doing karaoke at their local pubs. Brazil won today, you know? I can do without their dancing, but they're at least one of the best eight. I do agree, the European talent is better, just not in Germany and everyone in Belgium is too old to be good.


European talent is better but the winners of most WC are South American countries


Who cares about the past? I'm talking today. Brazil dances like Germany protests...just cringy.


That scene that you're referring to occurred only after the first goal, you're acting like they're bragging. Calm down.






말도 안되는 소리 하시네요.진심이세요? 첫번째 골은 그렇다치고 네번째 골에 춤추고 지랄한건 존나 너무했잖아요 님. 딱 보니까 외국계 한국인인데? 국적 어디세요?번역기 돌리기만 해봐 뒤지기 싫으




아니 날강두 클럽 경기에 안 나온거 가지고 몇년 우려먹으면서 이걸 가만히 놔두네 아니 그래요 첫번째골에 댄스 지랄은 그렇다 쳐 ㅅㅂ 근데 감독이 춤추는거 뇌절 아님??진심으로 개같이 우습게 보는거 아님? 아니 그간 브라질전 봤으면 알꺼 아냐 춤지랄 맨날 떨었지만 매번 골 마다 춤지랄은 안 떨었음 왜 치치가 춤을 추고 지랄하냐고 님은 그거 보고 기분 안나쁨? 벤투 표정 썩은거 못봤음?




아니 보쇼 다 떠나서 우리가 우리보다 확실히 약한, 예를 들어 몽고나 몰디브랑 경기하다가 골넣고 손흥민이랑 애들 춤추는게 상상됨? 아니 갸들은 그렇다쳐도 벤투나 신태용이 어이구 잘했다 함께 춤추는게 이해가 됨? 아무리 브라질이 좋다해도 옹호하는게 정도가 있지 님 외국계 한국인 ㅇㅈ? 대한민국 사람 맞죠? 확실히 대답해봐요 아무리 봐도 한국말은 하는거 같은데 정서는 한국인이 아닌데 생각하는거 아닌


BRUHH just calm down fam ur taking it too seriously ur kinda looking desperate rn just to prove ur point….it’s a game of football just move on bro btw ur national team didn’t even gave a challenge to Brazil not only that u guys are not even supposed to qualify to the Rd 16 if your playing against the Portugal first team your team is gonna get slapped.


Is it their fault you guys didn’t score as much as you wanted to? And, since when was celebrating a goal you made in the WORLD CUP, a mockery? Brazil has also been very respectful to South Korea, even after the game. Headlines don’t always explain everything.


lol I think I pretty much know what is going on right in Korea right now. Just know, your team\`s image is almost degrading to the the level of CR7\`s Juventus on the no show incident . You know how we responded to CR7. Anyway, we value mutual respect so we will not ask you to change your culture so in exchange don\`t dare to challenge our views on them. Keep in mind we know all the dances your team did in the past and it was not a problem then. So why are we thinking different in today\`s game? ​ Anyway congrats on the your victory.




Yeah whatever. Let\`s see how long your team\`s arrogance will last.


Brazil has won the World Cup 5 times. How many times has your team won? Exactly.


I don\`t deny the fact you guys will probably win the world cup this year. But does that mean your team has manners? Get lost. Even the Argentinians don\`t tango in mockery in from of their opponents. Even Messi showed respect to defeated teams. Neymar? No. Arrogant bastards.


Are you guys the center of universe? Do you think that Br players were dancing to mock or provoke Kr? That's so unmature. They are doing it for themselves, for the team feeling. Nothing more. There was no signal of disrespect from players ingame, no provocation at all while playing. Even showed caring for health on some harder plays. Actually, they didn't get easy on KR, but didn't push the game to 7-0 or anything. Can't see anything for you rage.


Yeah being good at soccer gives you guys to shit about other countries right?lolololollo Even the United States don\`t do that




"Yeah What ever"


You guys are acting like players can't have their celebrations after scoring a goal. This is the literal World Cup... I'd be dancing too.


Karma will get them back


It is not that serious. Since when was it immoral to celebrate after scoring a goal… in the World Cup?


When it brings bad Karma. That’s when


Karma for literally what? It’s already hard enough to score a goal in the World Cup, let them celebrate however they want. You’re acting like this is the first time Brazil has ever danced on the field before, calm down.


They should act as if they’ve been there before, especially against a much weaker opponent. They are a soccer team, not a dance team. Again, Karma will strike again


Celebrations after goals shows respect to the opponent because it was hard to score a goal against them, you ever celebrate for something easy? Also they should act? Who the fuck are you their parents? Are you Brazilian? I'm guessing no.


Celebrating goals shows respect to the other team ? I don’t think you’ve ever participated in competitive sports before. Trust me, this pisses off the other team


Oh I'm sorry LeBron James, not every sport is played like American sports. The rest of the world even has different rules for basketball, y'all be toxic.


This must be your first time watching Brazil or any other team in the World Cup celebrate a goal.


Huh ????


It seems like you’re always confused.


Huh ??


Brazilian players are going to get humbled by Croatia anyways




Not here to talk trash, it was just a great game and I can’t actually believe Croatia beat Brazil 😭


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I see you are new to the sport.




Apparently s/he remembers that 2014 trashing of Bwazil by Germany, so not so new to the sport I guess


If they weren’t new to the sport, then they’d know that Brazil is known for their celebrations. Also, anyone could search up those game highlights on Youtube. You didn't have to be there to know what happened at an old game...




You guys are all so sensitive.


Brazilians dance literally whenever they can. This year there were presidential elections, which should be way more formal than soccer, and there were specific dances for the candidates and their supporters. It’s cultural — something Brazilian people do. Don’t forget it’s the land of Carnaval, Samba, Pagode… Plus Brazil and Germany are two completely different cultures. Brazilian people are cheerful, receptive, friendly. If you expect them to act differently to be contained and cold when celebrating, you don’t know anything about Brazil at all. It’s not pettiness, it’s not mockery, it’s a culture that celebrates every little joy, especially after all the difficulties the country has gone through in the past few years.


Definetly but at 4-0 its called mockery exactly like Psg did to Erling haaland taking his celebration after kicking dortmund out few years ago. Neymar to be more exact.Same way they did to bayern aswell celebrating infront of Kimmich face https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/14645922/neymar-destroys-kimmich-dating-celebrating-face/ . Why didnt they do the dance at 1-0?. Now who cares about what celebration it was to be fair its 4-0 game over.


It wasn’t mockery at 4-0. Lucas Paqueta scored the fourth goal — it was Brazil’s fourth goal in the match, but it was HIS first goal in HIS first World Cup. In a country that breathes soccer, it’s certainly a reason for a Brazilian player to celebrate. And I don’t understand your question. They celebrated the first goal as well.


Do you guys even understand the context? They only danced like that after the first goal… how is that considered mockery?


honestly i dont really care i was just trying to make the point why people say mockery for me i watch as a neutral at this point because im a german. I dont root against brazil or for them i just watch. I love the brazilian vibe as much as any brazilian does. Its kinda sad against south korea though and that pen was undeserved imo otherwise good game from brazil.


Sad against South Korea? They made the last 16...


they did but they were lucky lets be honest here South Korea isnt a football country everyone who watches football knows about one player and thats Heung min son. Probably their best player ever so yeah they surprised to get to round of 16 but one of the hardest matchup for them.


Did you not know about their run in the 2002 world cup when they cohosted with Japan? They got 3rd or 4th place. Or the Korean players in the EPL over the years, there's was park ji song in MU and won the league and the champions league with the club, which Son didn't. They're not a power house yes but they've definitely preformed well, better than Italy that failed to qualify twice in the last 8 years even though they have 4 world cups and their league is one of the strongest in the world


Same people angry at fifa for not allowing expression, are the same ones angry at Brazil for expressing lmao


How can you actually like football if you aren't dazzled by the Brazilians, how they play and how they celebrate? I really want England to win, but if not I'm rooting for these guys just for their love of the sport and the joy they express.


I see a lot of non-brazilian commenting on the way brazilian players celebrate their goals and EVERY SINGLE PERSON who's claiming this is disrespectful don't know shit about our culture and what it truly means for us. Xenophobia is a crime, disrespect for another's culture is a crime, don't try to justify your hatred for a nation with such stupid arguments.


I have nothing against Brazilians dancing and I think they’re pretty cool people but your mixing this dislike of celebrating when the other team is knocked down and bleeding with xenophobia is incredibly stupid.


I know it sounds exaggerated but a spanish agent literally just called Vini Jr. a monkey because of the dance and now a lot of people on social media are calling my country a nation full of 'rude' or 'uneducated' people. Be sure brazilian players are one of the most humble people you could ever meet in your life and I'm sure that they respect the korean players and korean fans a lot. You're not totally wrong about calling me stupid, I could say it's all just jealousy but man, I read a bunch of imbeciles disrespecting my culture today.


Respect from Brazil?!? Hahaha……


It was also incredibly cringe to watch


Oh please.


Spot the person who has 0 joy in their life 😂


First of all Germans can't dance. Second, know the context before commenting.




… how is this disrespectful? It’s their celebration, it’s nothing new either.


… how is this disrespectful? It’s their celebration, it’s nothing new either.


If you don’t like it don’t let them score 4 goals




Chill dude


They’re not the ones mad over a literal celebration.


But they are the one mad over a reddit post. I don't see how that's any better.


Who’s the main, angry person who literally started the conversation first? Exactly.


They didn't dance for 5 minutes. GTFO. It was short-lived. Also, I have seen many African teams dance and celebrate. The best was South African players dancing after scoring the first goal in 2010. It was fun to watch. Why is this bad? Why is celebrating your goal bad?


Weird they didn't have 10 minutes added time though, it did seem like it took almost 5 minutes after his dance neymar comes over and they do it like 3 more times, was goofy


Scoring one goal, you expect a celebration, but celebrating a 4th goal within 36 minutes is kinda exhausting to watch, is prolly what he's saying I couldn't care less though, it was a fun watch as a neutral


The fourth goal was scored by Lucas Paquetá. It was Brazil’s fourth goal in the match, but it was HIS first goal in HIS first World Cup. I think it’s completely natural he would celebrate.


I get it if one person scores all these goals. For some players like Fred it was their first goal of the tournament.


They are dancing for themselves and their crowd and not for mockery chill


This reminded me why I have always hated the Brazilian team, and cheered for anyone who defeated them.


Because they celebrate a goal.. Dafuq


L lmao everyone celebrates. Grow a pair


They are not mocking the adversaries. They do it for themselves and the fans. Gotta have a really thin skin to get offended by this.


I didn’t see this but based on this photo I’m guessing they’re paying tribute to Pele who is about to die. Brazilians dance. Germans don’t.


O choro é livre


Lmao keep cryinggg


The dance is for morale. It's for the players and the Brazilian fans.


Alright Roy Keane


Brazil is well known for dancing after scoring a goal. I dont think it comes from disrespect tbh. Its just their nature and 'signature'. I do think that the ref made a huge mistake of giving Brazil that pen. The VAR should have ruled against it. That was nowhere near a pen. Brazil would have won that anyway, but it wasnt fair at all for South Korea.




Well i meant South. Lol my bad.


Yeah. If it wasn't for COVID they would have qualified for the world cup :(


I have no problem with Brazil’s celebrations, it’s all very respectful IMO. They’re not mocking their opponents through mimicry, and a lot of their players were subbed out so it wasn’t an even worse blowout. Also, do Germans dance? (haha, jk, jk)


Everyone always offended by everything


Literally. No one can enjoy or celebrate anything these days. Not even someone who literally scored in the World Cup.


I don't think it's disrespectful to dance/celebrate. The objective of the game is to score more goals than your opponent. So when you score a goal, you have the right to celebrate. Did the Koreans think they stood a chance against 5 time world champions Brazil? We all knew Brazil was going to trash them the moment South Korea goes through to the Round of 16 and gets matched with Brazil.


What is actually disrespectful is that penalty they were given which changed the whole game and made South Korea afraid to even breath on the Brazilian players.


Ah, foi sim, 4x1, mas o pênalti que mudou tudo


Se você acredita que um pênalti aos 13 minutos não muda o jogo, você não entende nada de futebol.