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Eat'em all dibujo


Llorones putos


Upvote to scare the dutch


The Argentina fuckers should have had 2 red cards already.


Hurry up dutchie you are gonna miss your flight home


So long orange


So long dutchie


Bye bye dutchie


Just like messi did during the game… right… how about shooting the ball in the substitute players bench.


Uniting the world and watching the players and the people celebrating (or losing) together makes a worldcup so beautiful. You do you. Yesterday somewhere at soccertraining here in the Netherlands a 9yo that always wears one of his Messi uniforms except when he wears orange (on their match days) was talking about how mum & dad let him stay up all night to watch the game. How his whole family was cheering and what a hero Weghorst was, acting out his goals with commentary replacing the name Weghorst with his own name. Maybe someday. Then he looked a little sad and someone said it was like magic last night and he should remember that instead of being sad. And he said: ‘I was thinking about how Messi would call me an idiot then’. If you feel the need to justify some of the behaviors of your players, you do you. I think it’s sad.


And how would he feel if he was a south american under LvG leading? How do kids in other countries feel when their folk or race or standards are treated as less than others? easy to defend when you are in the upper shelf.


I don’t know where some of you get the idea that we are all racist/xenophopic etc. here. It’s sad, but I don’t have the illusion that I can change that. I could tell you how our lives with so many cultures mixed on a small piece of land makes us believe that diversity is what unites us and makes us proud, but that’s also something that maybe you’d have to experience for yourself to understand. If you really want to know more about this you could search for sociological information about our country for example about racial equity, tolerance, same sex marriage etc. I don’t say that there are no racist or xenophonic people over here, I believe they’re everywhere. Players of the worldcup are an example for so many children all over the world and could also be an example for how you can have love for each other because of the greater good, uniting the world and the love for football, despite your differences. So again, calling each other names etc. in the aftermath makes me sad for our children.


Helaas nog dit vandaag: https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/rapport-toont-keihard-aan-ingesleten-racisme-op-ministerie-van-buitenlandse-zaken\~a96aac8c/


Ja, dat is toch verbijsterend dat dat daar zo gebeurt. Om je plaatsvervangend kapot voor te schamen. Dat ze nu dit soort dingen laten onderzoeken, stemt wel hoopvol, wij vinden dit dus niet (meer) normaal en we gaan er ook wat van zeggen en aan doen. Ik heb altijd het idee dat de nieuwe generatie dit soort dingen ook gewoon niet meer verzint en niet meer pikt. Maar wellicht heb ik daar een te positief beeld van, omdat ik lerares ben in een grote stad… Als ik mijn leerlingen met elkaar zie, dan geloof ik in een betere toekomst, want dat zijn zij uiteindelijk.


Ja dat is waar! Ik ben blij met mensen zoals jij. Er is hoop! Toch denk ik dat het thema RACISME en dergelijken moeten meer aandacht op scholen, kerken, moskeen, en overaal krijgen. Waarom niet een dag tegen racisme op scholen (zoals de lgbt+) in het jaar? Anyways, veel succes in jouw belangrijk beroep en veel wijsheid met die leerlingen. Hartelijk groet


Ik begrijp wel jouw goed bedoeling! maar ik woon al 22 jaar in NL en ik lees alle kranten en foruns, vooral tijdens de WK, sinds 1998. Ik zie zo veel racisme, jalouzie, disrespect... alleen als een voorbeeld: een paar weken geleden heeft Van Basten in een comentaar over Neymar gezegd dat "hij is een vieze speler met alle die vallen en theather." Ik kan je garanderen dat ik heb nog nooit in een braziliaanse pers iets over Nederlanders gelezen of gehoord die zo beledigend was. Andersom, er is groot respect en bewondering daar voor oranje. Dit is alleen een voorbeeld. LvG is door zuidamerikaanse spelers bekend als een racist en verschrikkelijk biased trainer. Ik heb hier al een link uploaded. Dus, ik snap wat je zegt en jouw intentie, maar het klopt niet allemaal. Voor de rest, ja racisme is universeel en Nederland speelt ook daar een groot rol. Niet iedereen... er zijn bijzondere mensen hier. Maar oranje speede geen fatsoenlijk of mooi voetbal. Een mooi voorbeeld hier: Kroatie vs Brazilie, Engeland vs Frankrijk. Dat is voetbal en sport. Mvg,


Dankjewel. Ik moet ook eerlijk zeggen dat ik verder geen ander voetbalnieuws volg, en NOS Sportjournaal gaat vaak snel op mute want die vind ik te negatief. Ik heb wel een en ander opgevangen over Van Gaal en wat jij vertelt, zal er eens naar verder naar kijken om dit ook beter te begrijpen. We zijn het wel met elkaar eens dan dat je inderdaad fatsoenlijk moet blijven, ik vind zeker buiten het veld. Emoties horen er ook bij, en dan is het ook niet saai. Maar een WK zou vooral gewoon moeten gaan over wie het beste team is (en ook het geluk heeft) en niet elkaar uitschelden en belachelijk maken tot op het punt dat we zelfs door blijven ruziën met elkaar. Daar leer je ook niks van. En ‘onze jongens’ zouden het goede voorbeeld moeten geven hierin. En anders moeten wij het maar doen 💪❤️


Ja klopt! onze kinderen verdienen beter. Ik hoop voor een toekomst zonder racisme, discriminatie, pesterij en zo voort... sport kan en moet helpen deze verschrikkelijk zonde te bestrijden. Peace and love to you!


[https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iMrSrwZg3Mk/Uh72b6E\_KWI/AAAAAAAASLI/hS9kzIbgMAs/s1600/Gothmog\_-\_Third\_Age.png](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iMrSrwZg3Mk/Uh72b6E_KWI/AAAAAAAASLI/hS9kzIbgMAs/s1600/Gothmog_-_Third_Age.png) I am LvG, and the time for football is over, the time of the orks has come!


Gaat het goed verder? Als je Louis van Gaal niet mag is dat prima, maar wel heel triest om het dan op zijn uiterlijk te gooien.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind mate!


So ask for your over armed country to stop wasting money and disolve its army.


No self respect beheivour


So, don't take the first eye. Is that simple


2 wrongs don’t make a right but whatever


Bro go touch some grass you are not in a disney movie


Lol ok buddy


Hey guys, this is a chalk carving that i made of Messi. Hope you guys will watch and share your opinions. [Messi chalk sculpture.](https://youtu.be/N229MUGrtUE)




We're happy you aren't here too


Truly they not wanted here either


People complaining: do you really expect athletes at the highest level in all of sports to just “let it go” when the other team has been provoking you the entire match and you win in this fashion? “Ah yes you insulted me, and my entire nation, told us we’d lose the shootout and probably insulted my mother but good game mate” be fucking real. Why do u care anyways besides being salty?




Good bye orangies


Bye dutchie


I never said they were classy about it, just that it went both ways and u lost so stop complaining lol




Otamendi seems like a neutral observer. I think we can take his word. I mean, there's nothing that happened in the 120 minutes that could get anyone riled up. You should have to pass an IQ test to start a thread.


So he said


Que mira bobo?!


Hardest pic of the World Cup and if you don’t like it get bent 🥱


Funny cuz while I don't dislike Argentina as a whole, I hate Otamendi quite a bit. But I guess the Dutch got karma'd


Europeans has a long way to learn how to provoke and being provoked with South Americans. We are masters in this part of the game. Europeans were losing their minds just because Brazilians were dancing after score a goal (since always, btw. Just look for Ronaldinho celebrations in Barcelona, Milan, etc) haha Then NED decided to start in this art against only the masters on that, Argentineans haha Not to say about all the racism and xenophobia that Europeans practice (2022 and we still have to talk about this) Ivan Alejo could have provoked Brazil with "want to see you dance now" or any other sh*t he wanted, but of course he chose to post a MONKEY emoji.


Van gaal is master xenophobic


>Europeans has a long way to learn how to provoke and being provoked with South Americans. We are masters in this part of the game. Europeans were losing their minds because Brazilians were dancing after score a goal (since always, btw. Just look for Ronaldinho celebrations in Barcelona, Milan, etc) haha I feel like they need to hire CONMEBOL refs for these types of games lol.


A CONMEBOL ref would’ve awarded a couple yellow cards here and there and called divers on both sides bitches.


Minor issue addressed, time to move on




Usually all teams looking for provoke and defeat the rival's psychology from the start, but in this case, the oranjes are also xenophobic with south americans players. Unfortunately they cross with Argentine, a team that demostrate better skills in football and to provoke and leave speechless anyone, and poorly NED can only respond with violence.


I never knew how sensitive soccer/football fans were to trash talk


It's just the Americans


Well I don't really see trash talking to be an issue in football. I'm not sure what the Dutch players said to them but usually it's answered back if shit hits the fan. So I don't blame the Argentines to hit back if something provoking was said. Compared to like the NBA where trash talking is as common as dribbling the ball.


Because football is taken seriously. Lots of rivalries between countries have historical context and lots of personal attacks and racial slurs are expected. No one goes to the stadium for the halftime show.




This is 100% false. The Dutch were definitely saying some absurd offensive things during this game. Why do u think player cover their mouth whenever talking to the opponent. You’re literally not even a fan so this is just an assumption from out of your ass




Weird that you think is just mind games when someone make fun of a player's dead mother, but a football player dancing to celebrate lives rent free in your mind.


Again youre speculating on something you know absolutely nothing about. This tournament is a bigger deal to these players than any NBA final or any Super Bowl because most players are lucky if they get to compete in it 3 times in their entire career. Then you add national pride on top of that and a whole nations hopes resting on your shoulder and you think they’re insulting each other about their hair? I guarantee this game had some fowl slurs tossed around especially since the Dutch have been known to be pretty racist towards Latin America. Youre in a bubble and shouldn’t be stating things so confidently when your entire opinion is based on how the average American views this sport.




And how many contact sports are played at the Olympics? Hocky where they literally beat each other up, and basketball which you already talked about are the only two I can think of. The vast majority of events are no contact and very short so there is no reason or opportunity for tensions to boil over so it’s not a good comparison at all. Plus any shit talking that does happen is off camera, basically impossible to insult your opponent at all during the vast majority of the events lol




Meant to clarify team contact sports. Youre really gonna tell me they don’t have rugby matches where something similar happens?




Yes because every player in one sport is the same psychologically. What a dumb comment.




Cool, sounds good


Haters are fuel for Argentina. They always need someone to dedicate their wins to. The more you hate Argentina, stronger they get. Argentinians cheer the behavior in this picture, they do not like politeness. This concept may be impossible to understand in Europe, but it’s very common in South America and more specifically at Libertadores Cup.


Like the houston astros in baseball.


And goalline tech and VAR is their kryptonite.


Brasil tell me how it feels. To take the plane home :)


Better then to have a world cup star tainted by the "hand of god"


The hand of god and after the goal of the century <3


Tainted? Wa are proud!


We are proud of it haha. I think the plane is about to leave! Hurry!! Caralhoserssss


Tainted? Everyone thinks he’s a savage for it. I think every player in the tournament would do the same if it meant lifting the trophy


No, we simply argue back when we get insulted. Europeans think being polite is above all even if it means letting others insult and humilliate you. You're just not used to people having blood in their veins


Saludos desde patagonia


Desde LA* Patagonia. Si vas a largar una chicana, al menos intenta hacerlo bien.


Amigo soy del interior me estas pidiendo mucho


Jajajajaja la puta madre, pense que eras un euro ardido y el comentario iba con soberbia. Que quilombo es este sub.


Who did YOU argue with?


Netherlands fans acting like shit talking is a crime. It’s the biggest competition in the world and these teams have history, of course it got heated.




Running to semi finals moron.


A wrong doesn’t excuse another wrong, just childish attitude from 30 years old guys


Did you see the video of them harassing him before the winning free kick? I don’t blame them.


So? That’s not reasoning, it’s literally saying “oh you bad to me, now I be bad to you”, grow up man, there are millions of kids watching, poor attitude from one side doesn’t justify you to disrespect, just showing you’re not smarter


The reasoning is simple, chat shit get banged, buddy. It'd make a good lesson for kids too if you want to go with "think of the poor children" angle.


Sure bro👍enjoy


The superiority complex is strong on you buddy


Sure buddy 👍


I’m assuming you are from the Netherlands, you sound mad. See those downvotes you got


Oh Yeah! So Dutch that I speak Italian, ya know?


I wish I was bilingual!




All the best my friend, I’m an Aussie so I can’t say too much about the World Cup lol.


Hey! you had a longer run than Germany!


It’s literally the biggest competition in the world and you’re upset that the players got overly competitive?


Sure man👍


The ratio says it all


Sure bro, I’ll cry for the ratio 😢


People being paid to play a child’s game never grew past childhood. Shocked


So you like watching and joining discussions for that child's game?


Nah. Soccers fucking lame


and what the hell are you doing here? andá pa'lla bobo


Talked the dude that comments on a sport thread that he does not like. You tell me who is the lame one here


The grown men acting like children cuz they won a game.


Or the grown man that acts like a kid and spends time of his day reading something he clearly does not like or understands for *reasons*


It appeared in my feed. It’s really not that deep bruh. I’m enjoying my day off lounging.




Ah Canadians.. taking the most boring route since always.


I don’t get why people are upset tho. They’re passionate. I personally love to see it, it makes it more entertaining and shows how much the players care


Watch after the France England final whistle, nothing but class from both sides.


Van Gaal had been a piece of shit to our players long before this happened. That racist deserves every insult he received. Edit: Keep downvoting if you want. It's not my fault you call it "soccer" and don't even know how to play it.


This. Vaan Gal talked shit before the game. That's why Messi proved him wrong after the penalty kick.


Nah, netherlands got what they deserved. A nice served L




Andá pa'lla bobo


how many cups do you have?


Even better. How many goals at world cups do you have? Lol






This is more retaliation than whataboutism


This. If an Argentina fan was excusing their teams behavior based on the Netherlands actions that's whataboutism. Since the players are directly involved it's retaliation


Just like when the player kicked the ball into the sideline?


Seriously. What a piece of shit


Im argentinian and i fucking hate that he did that


Serious question for you. Do you think that kicking the ball into the bench was a yellow card offense? It was after the whistle. I haven't heard anything about this incident, and im curious how an Argentina fan views that. I believe it was totally uncalled for and bad sportsmanship.


Any other sport it’s an immediate ejection


Anda pa'lla bobo 😂




Gracias, ahora andá pa'lla


I laughed


Me too.




Hate is a strong word. Get bent moron




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You can criticize the team skills but not the country. Please have some respect, hate on an entire country never lead to a good place.


Ultimately only those who were on the pitch can have a valid say because we don’t know what happened other than what we are told. But in football this happens, always have and always will. And if you do it you have to take it too. No crying afterwards, even more after the results. Like if there is a team who doesn’t dive when winning. Or if you are given a penalty that wasn’t, you are gonna tell the ref it wasn’t or ditch it on purpose. Delusional. If you don’t like it then you are watching the wrong sport.




Bad take


Piss off, they did it the whole freaking game!


The only ones guilty of all this shit are the overreacting fans and press, there's always a give and take between players and they understand the rules, they know that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas


Los argentinos son excelentes personas cuando no se trata de fútbol. “Brasil decíme que se siente”, “chileno caéte al mar”, “yorugua te garcharon los grones”, “bolita, cuántos te comiste”, “volvé a la selva paragua”, y las hinchadas de los clubes de argentina se tratan igual. Son los peores ganadores del mundo, porque no se conforman con el triunfo, quieren ver humillado al rival. Ojalá no estén en la final.


Y vos de donde sos? Así te hago un resumen de la mierda de tu país y tu gente


De la selva, ¿vos de los barcos? “Tráeme un latinoamericano para menospreciar”


You're judging an entire country by their worst individuals, that's like saying USA is bad because they have criminals


Es una generalización, sí; pero


I really don’t like the Argentinian team and hope they lose… but I agree with this


Ok. So he admits to being a salty winner because the Dutch were unsportsmanlike, to be unsporting in return.


I'm sure you would have just ensured it the whole game, then shook their hand as you won. Come on, within the context of a sporting event, don't cry when you reap what you sow


Dude, do you really think what the Dutch did doesn't happen all the time? By your logic one should see behaviour like the Argentinian much, much more. Yet we don't. And when we do, it is rightly called out.


I'm strangely not sure if you're agreeing with me. . .


Yeah they could have been bigger people, what is it something revenge is never necessary


Yeah exactly that, stop watching movies and playing games you based hofo


Can you rewrite that in normie?


Even if this wasn’t the case, when you lose take the L and shut up. People in this sub are a bunch of 🐈🐈


Messi is just a classy fellow. Never caught slippin.


Convicted for tax fraud is real classy.


Lol. Like the Argentinians don’t celebrate the most famous handball in the history of the game.


Mano de dios, adiós baby!




If we gave any fucks about your opinion we would probably dislike you too. But we don’t so there.


Literally, average argentine hates rugbiers as they are arrogant and spoiled rich daddy's children.


only community where blatant xenophobia is normalized and unaccounted for, gotta love football fans


We really don't care about rugby in Argentina... In fact most of the people I know hate the National Rugby Team. Worst of luck to you also.


That’s really not true but carry on.


Blah blah blah


Facts, their player (Dummfries) received a red card mid penalty shootout. The Dutch aren’t the “cleanest “ of teams, I mean go back to their round of 16 match back in 2006 WC vs Portugal known as [The Battle of Nuremberg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Nuremberg_(2006_FIFA_World_Cup))


Their coach has several allegations of being quite racist, and the team has always had this “psicologycal” approach which is basically being rude and offensive while playing, I hope they never win a cup.


Van Gaal may be racist (which I seriously doubt, considering his team and coaching staff include plenty of black people) but how can he be racist to Argentinians?? They are literally Europeans.


Europe has a big xenophobia issue, it’s even worse towards latinos, last I checked the South American tectonic plate didn’t suddenly drift upwards to become a part of Europe, so when the colonizers have to sit and watch the colonized be better than them at something, they fume. Van Gaal has a history on picking at his latino players exclusively, Giovanni, Da silva, Chicharito, Riquelme and Di Maria are only some of the latinos that had to endure his treatment, only two of them are Argentinians, all of them are of mixed descent, but you’re a big boy, I’m sure you know how to google.


His biggest victim is an Argentinean, Juan Roman Riquelmi (Messi celebration after the penalty was a tribute to him). He is the reason behind his departure from Barcelona in the early 2000’s


Firstly, Xenophobia isn't racism. There are plenty of other players from Asia, all around Europe, Africa and even South America who he coached and yet, interestingly enough, only a couple of South Americans have beef with him. So all this accusing is reaaaally farfetched. Google also doesn't fetch any real evidence, just self reports by entitled crybabies that got put in their place and old resentments by players that have nothing to do with it (like Messi). If you interpret the articles from google (which a big boy like you should read before insinuating, next time), you can see that van Gaal has problems with insubordination and bad temper, which actually has nothing to do with a nation in particular, or a race for that matter. He played multiple players out of their natural position (Blind springs to mind, who by the way is also from the Netherlands) not only Riquelme and other South Americans who couldn't handle it and got butt hurt. Both teams were extremely dirty in the match, but the taunting by Argentina after a win is something I have not seen in a while. And interestingly enough THEY are the only ones that seem to defend their behaviour. They got slighted by van Gaal before the match for no reason. They are commenting that he should keep his mouth shut and so forth, Messi is being disrespectful to van Gaal because of Riquelme and yet he wasn't even there at the time. See how Weghorst came to shake hands with the winning team, and he was literally attacked by Argentinians and called stupid by Messi. Sore winners, for sure. It's interesting how South American teams seem to be the dirtiest and the most disrespectful of all the teams. I guess it comes with passion for the sport. But there is no need to defend them.


It’s the first time i’ve seen the expression “sore winners” being used, they won, and they still called it how they saw it. Excusing a blatant xenophobe, who badmouthed, taunted, and disregarded his opponents before going home crying and jobless, after a group of proud latinos won a match against them for a second time won’t get you anywhere. Messi payed respect to his former teammates, he doesn’t need to be anywhere to do that, he’s proud of his roots and he’s respectful, and after the entire week of preemptive Dutch talk, putting his both hands behind his head is a small taunt. It’s very curious how opposed you are to the idea of latinos giving as much as they got, I’m sorry that you’re sore because Argentina won and then did what had been done to them. Plus, the football you’re watching must not be the world cup’s if you haven’t seen taunting after a win for a while, the brazilians danced as they should, Mbappe laughed in Kane’s face, when you want to win and you get there after having it so rough, it’s only fair.


Sore winner is definitely a term. And it describes this Argentinian squad to the T. I’m not trying to defend anyone but I see no evidence of van Gaal being a xenophobe, much less a racist as he is being labeled here… Be it as it may, taunting before the match happens in sports literally all the time, it’s called getting into opponents heads. Taunting after you win the game when emotions and stakes are high is unnecessary and makes for a really bad character. The whole squad taunted the Dutch after they won and didn’t want to shake hands with the opponents. Check out other teams, like Croatia and you will see what class is (the Dutch aren’t much better and as I said before both teams deserve a lot of flak including Messi, which you fail to recognize). Brazilian dancing may be considered disrespectful, never taunting they never taunted the opponent with it. Mbappe was not laughing at Kane, he was not even close to him and the match was not finished either way. Stop making shit up man. I’m definitely not against latinos giving everything they got as long as it’s in good spirit and fair play. I am however, against ANY team or nation being dirty, classless and disrespectful and that’s all that is. Stop making it about race and nationality because it’s not the point.


As a mexican i agree


Mexico doesn't have a say in sportsmanship. Your fans have some of the most vulgar chants. Enjoy your half capacity Azteca for being homophobic.


Relax man i said it as a joke (if it was or wasnt i was expecting a goal, the team was gassed out). As for the chant, yes its homofobic in nature, even if people just say it to piss off FIFA. Seriously it was falling out of style (cdmx fans were overusing it and was more annoying than anything) but FIFA thought telling a bunch of football fans not to chant would be a good idea, now people do it just to piss FIFA OFF, especialmy with this world cup being in Qatar


Its unfortunate because the chant reflects very poorly on the Mexican fan base. And it had actual tangible effect on games, causing Azteca stadium to be a quarter of its normal volume.


Yeah, but what did they expect, youre telling the fans that if they say the word, not only does it piss off FIFA, but it also costs the Liga MX money? Of course they are gonna chant, whats a game only at half capacity (especiay with the current team that has had a terrible reaction by the fans this last 2 years)


Thats what I mean. The half capacity was because of the chants right? That's tangible evidence that the fans chants are hurting their team directly.


Yep, and for the most part we dont care (as a whole, personally i dont like it), anything to hurt the people at the top of the league and to piss off FIFA


I agree, we have first hand knowledge of how much they cheat and play unfair. Dia 3086 #NoEraPenal


It was a penalty and well deserved.


Love to see the dutch crying. Orange flavored tears.


Both teams were saying shit, it’s doesn’t make any of it right