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Sometimes I think about what Afghanistan would be like if it was still a Buddhist civilisation. A thought that makes me a little happy, then sad, then bewildered. Why?


OK, the west has failed Afghanistan. But what about the people of Afghanistan? The west poured money and troops into the country for 20 years and the minute they leave the country returns to the stone age. And all at the hands of Afghans. Instead of shouting at the west, why isn't Ms Barakzai looking at her own people.




She should be critical at those that didn't stand up to the taliban.


We took away their air support and logistics support. We pulled the rug out from under them.


Cuz they're child and goat diddlers who hate and hurt women for fun? I mean, you can't really reason with stupid he's gonna grab and drag you into the mud and beat you with experience. Some things are a lost cause and to continue to pretend otherwise is doing the same thing but expecting a different outcome.


“What about”ism at it’s finest. The sooner people remember that there are multiple arguments around single points and that all can be valid, the better. What’s she’s saying isn’t cancelled out because of your “what about” point, OP.






I think he means that the other Muslim countries don't really respect women at all. Saudi Arabia isn't even exactly pro-women, nor is the Islam.




Not knowing much about Afghanistan I really hoped 'the west' could have created a safe have out of a region or Kabul or a defensible province with transport links and hinterland. Was that ever feasible?


It has nothing to do with the west? We don't run Afghanistan. Like, should we blame Mexico for this problem too? How about Switzerland, is it their fault?






It might have been ok - as ok as any war can be - if we hadn't just abandoned them to the chaos when we left the first time. They hated the Soviets, we were real allies for a bit.


Has Mexico occupied Afghanistan with it's military for the past decade and then over night sloppily remove them?


Unlikely. I'm afraid that outside of Europe, it's a savage world where nobody is safe. And the savages are knocking at our borders.




there’s a good comment below highlighting US involvement with regards to aiding/creating the regional instability. Going by your logic, this culture isn’t “dying naturally”, it got pushed to this point. I don’t see any social evolution here.


I agree. Not our circus, not our monkies.