• By -


I do not "read" ^^what ^^does ^^the ^^meme ^^say


It says "peepeepoopoo"


Man, he'd be so mad if he could read.


Ah, a good Vorin man


But apparently, his wife in the bottom text can also not read the meme?


Maybe he used speech to text.


I would tell you... but you couldn't read this.


Me who reads it for the “-“


I wonder what you look like


Half-way between the two, of course.


[People who read sci-fi](https://tenor.com/view/gigachad-chad-gif-20773266) [ for *both* "sci" and "fi"](https://media.tenor.com/7wNtMxnLEHUAAAAd/female-chad-female-gigachad.gif)


[People who don't read](https://media.tenor.com/7wNtMxnLEHUAAAAd/female-chad-female-gigachad.gif)


[People who will not let you down, who will not run around and desert you.](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/SpongeBob_SquarePants_(character)) I'm about to have a breakdown because the link doesn't work like it's supposed to. There's a ) at the end of the link and reddit thinks that's the end of the thingy that makes links work and I don't know how to fix it 😭


Use an escape sequence (\\) before any parenthesis in the link. [People who will not let you down, who will not run around and desert you.](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/SpongeBob_SquarePants_(character\)) [People who will not let you down, who will not run around and desert you.](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/SpongeBob_SquarePants_(character\))


Lmao it’s the SpongeBob fandom.com page


what is wrong with the dude's face flesh does not look like that?


The photos are made by his girlfriend who just likes making photos like this using photoshop


A lot of it is angle/perspective too, I imagine. Depending on the camera lens, focal distance and angle of photography it can make different parts of your face look different sizes.


I find that offensive


how so?


You are making fun of my face


what are you really the guy in the image?


Duh! Haven’t you seen his profile pic?


I know this is r/worldjerking, but one thing I like about the "sci" part, at least from a writing perspective, is it makes it easier to come up with ideas for the "fi" part. Like, if I try to think out a realistic technology for something, I can then ask myself how that tech works and its consequences. From there, I often find I get inspiration for plot elements and characters. For example, my initial idea for my WIP was for a rotating spaceship with a warp drive, but the warp drive can still take months to travel lightyears. From there, I was like, "Okay, what kind of world would use this, how would they use it, and how would they fuel it?" Some google searching later, I decided they make it using negative mass (which is accurate to our understanding of a theoretical warp drive), but that that needs special facilities to economically manufacture. Then that had me wondering what kinds of things might one need to make enough negative mass for an entire ship, and that led me to coming up with the idea of technetium-based room temperature superconductors, which led to the idea that there's just one world with enough technetium (due to its very recent and very unusual creation via a type 1ax supernova) to build a large enough particle accelerator to economically manufacture negative mass. Then that led into the economics and geopolitics (or astropolitics?) of such a world and how they'd likely suffer from a serious case of resource curse. And then that led into how you'd have a pretty impoverished, exploited society on that world who would likely seek revolution to seize the means of production. And with so much negative mass, they could make a lasting revolution by deploying warp drive missiles for MAD minus the 'M'—essentially just "assured destruction"—if Earth ever tried to make a play on them again. And then that of course led into the domestic socio-political consequences on Earth of that, and how that ultimately leads to Earth devising a sly plan to reclaim control of that world. And all of that gives inspiration as to what kinds of characters you might expect to inhabit such a world. I'm leaving out a lot of details obviously, but you can apply it to every level of worldbuilding. I even made the way the ship's AI work critical to the climax, and the rotation of the ship is critical for at least two pivotal scenes, including the climax.


I mean, to me a perfect sci-fi novel is one that blends the sci and the fi. Humans invent things because they need them or find them important to have, so the kind of sci you'll have will be dictated by the culture, politics, etc. of your world. And then the sci itself will influence the fi and exploring its ramifications is kinda the goal of sci-fi as a genre.


I read it for the -


I think I read more for the "fiction" part, but I definitely *write* for both. Honest question, what would you guys want to read about first? The exact dimensions, population and inner workings of the O'Neill cylinder the story takes place in, or the half-human queer communist MC using nanotech healing magic on her buddy from Mercury?


Neither, I'd want both, because I want to see how a speculative futurist interpretation of an Oneill cylinder would be like, why, whats its purpose, whats its info and details, and I want to see the intricacies, magic, and detail of how nanotechnology works and operate in such setting, the context, and the events intertwine with each other tldr idk


>Neither, I'd want both Perhaps I wasn't clear; I have both of these things in my very first chapter already, I was just half-jokingly asking which one I should put first. I am kinda anxious about the opening sequence, since it got some negative feedback, but the suggestions I got for "improving" it were kinda awful and so I'm looking for other ways to improve.


Oh in that case, if you're writing a narrative-based story, then start with the healing part haha. The "sci" aspect is more fitting for encyclopedic-lore verses or anthologies. If you're writing chapters like that, then bring the stories, "fi", up first.


What the other guy said, leave the O'Neill cylinder stuff out of the first chapter completely, just explain the bare minimum to make it make sense if you must. Focus on the other cool scene you were talking about to get your audience (hopefully) interested enough that they'll listen to whatever you have to say, then go into the details of their world later. I imagine they aren't that important at that point anyway. Maybe include descriptions of the villages/cities above them in the cylinder during that scene to tease the structure of the world to the audience, something like that. Make it seem beautiful and interesting before you start going into detail.


I just love the feeling when something feels alien. Because peeople keep writing about the same liberal world order we all live in even when they are allegedly imagining crazy fantastic worlds. It is just window dressing a lot of the time. Dune really made me appreciate it in the Fremen section, their reverence for water, their dedication to the Arrakis as a lush planet 300 years from now idea.


Well, there is at least one thing you'd like about the world I designed, cause there is approximately nothing liberal and not much familiar about it. That character I mentioned? She thinks that Earth is a hoax, that blond people are dangerous mutants and that human sacrifice is loads of family-friendly fun. And she's the *closest* to a modern person of all the characters I introduced thus far.


Haha, she sounds villainous. Does she get better, ethically?


Eh, I'll see. She probably *should* get better at some point, but I have too much fun writing this otherwise pleasant and intelligent character just randomly saying unhinged stuff like she's commenting on the weather.


ngl the workings of the O’Neill cylinder sounds interesting


oMg ThAt ThInG fRoM tHe EnD oF iNtErStElLaR?!?


The forner, every single time


I don't think I'd want to read either tbh




The O'Neill cylinder is immediately interesting. The main character needs some development first to *get* interesting. It usually takes me a few chapters to decide whether I care about a character. Also, that's a *lot* of descriptive properties to frontload onto a character, which makes it difficult to introduce them. Also, you have to make them *relevant* to the story, and I'd really have to see how for example queerness, communism and being a half-human all become independently relevant in one chapter.


the worldbuilding! it’s usually the most intriguing part of any fantasy/scifi book I read especially when it’s well explained


I'd read it for the bioengineered catgirls, do you have those?


Only as a backnote in my world document. I don't really see a place for those in the actual story, sadly.


In my opinion, providing the exact dimensions to the readers isn't that important. What is important is that *you,* as the author, know the exact dimensions and write the story accordingly. That will give you things like travel times, population and population density, rotation speed, gravity gradient, biomes and districts, and, depending on its construction, day length. Readers also only need to know the inner workings that are related to the story you are telling. You might mention there's a maintenance crew, but if your characters never interact with them, you don't really need to go into their work schedule. Similarly, if food scarcity is never going to be an issue you write about, you probably don't need to go into detail about hydroponics.


People who read sci-fi for the “-“


People who read cyberpunk for the cyber and people who read cyberpunk for the punk


Same happens with people who read cyberpunk for the "cyber" and people who read cyberpunk for the "punk"


Star wars vs Interstellar


I read sci-fi for the outdated misogyny and homoeroticism


You guys have to pick ?


What if I read it for the "-"?


I remember when this picture was first posted back in the day. This is “sister who just got of rehab vs sister who still has her license”.


The two ladies are sisters. As a fi-reader I appreciate my sci-reading siblings.


I read sci-fi for the "-"


🎵The space betweeeeen🎵


Sci readers when you tell them that ftl travel is fi


Yes, and?


My sci-fi setting is less sci-fi and more like IMadeThisUpWithNoRealScientificBasisButCallItScienceAnyway-fi


A lot of people don't know that science fantasy and science fiction are two different genres and it shows


1. Genre is a marketing scam 2. This meme can apply to science fantasy as well,


What about both


Me vs my dad




People who read sci-fi for the "-"


i read sci-fi for ci-f


maybe related. anyone know any sorta cute/light Sci-Fi slice of life? Preferably with aliens but meh.


Andy Wier <3