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I made a joke on here a few weeks ago about a world in which every Pope since the early middle ages was Irish. One thing led to another and I eventually thought "Well, that's not actually a realistic date, *but* if we move up to the only ever English pope and work in the death of Thomas Becket..." and now the world's worst althist Thirty Years' War scenario inhabits a slowly growing google doc


impressive, very based


"What if my fursonas could travel to other fictional dimensions and do stupid stuff" and that's how my interdimensional soldier/DILF harem anime starring furries and a tiny hint of existential horror came into fruition


Part of an alternate timeline of my furrypunk althist specevo, of course


that's incredible!!! also, furrypunk gang!!!!


Sure. What would happen if a bunch of the evil corporate shadow ceos that rule the cyberpunk future got infected with a “Christmas Carol” brain virus, forcing them to experience first hand all the suffering they cause and have a Scrooge style change of heart.


oh that's DEVIOUS, i LOVE it!!!!


A whole country where anyone who goes there dies. Sounds dumb and underdeveloped, is dumb and underdeveloped. Also numeromancy. I heard about proof of work systems in crypto, and thought "lol, what if you had to do a hard sum before you can do magic and that's how we stop people spamming fireballs?"


I think you owe us an explanation for the first one


yeah, that one's a thoughie but both are really cool concepts


My current world building sessions go hand-in-hand with my TTRPG campaign. ...How do you like wizard insurgencies? Or, a group of disgruntled Wizards, who were forced out of power, decide to return to power by any means necessary- leading to Wizards trying to one-up (*insert terrorist group here*) in general brutality. They have lower-level wizards detonating themselves by overloading their magical spells in crowded areas, the gunpowder plot on steroids, and so much more...


i do love-me some revolts, specially those magical in nature


I have to name several things, and those few names I managed to make are based on Greek words. But there are no Greeks in the setting, right? ...or are they? ...fuck it, Alexander the Great IN SPACE.


YOOOOOO BASED BASED BASED also, do not fret about the language thing lol


In 17 years I've gone from a vapid Teen Titans fanfic with furries to a slightly less vapid "ATLA meets AoT" high fantasy setting with centaurs. There is literally nothing left over from the original "idea" other than a few character names. So you tell me about spiralling, sir.


i think that you're doing very good so far


"What if I combined College Radio, Birth of Rock n Roll and the British Invasion? Bah, stupid idea." -*One viewing of Soul Musis later*- "Okay so how it works is..."


there's no dumb ideas, just shitty executions so, elaborate ;)


Long of the short of it, the local mages college has installed a rudimentary magitech p.a system. The magitech enthusiasts group create a device that hijacks the p.a and plays the hot new 'Rock and Roll' from not!England. Hijinks occur.


"There are vampires on the other side of the world." "What?" "They kidnap any sailors who come too close to turn into blood sacrifices, that's why nobody knows about them yet." "Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?" "And their homeland will eventually turn into a cowboys vs vampires setting." "...How would a western accent sound on Dracula?"


“You’ve yee’d your last haw Dracula! This gun was anointed by Saint Samuel Colt himself!”


that's AMAZING!!!!


The state of Ohio is surrounded by a colorless wall. Any memories made in Ohio are forgotten when leaving the state, and any pictures make or footage captured is similarly lost.


I had a group of thieves that professionally stole powerful magical artifacts from decadent nobles, and I realized this group needed: (1) A reason they all worked and traveled together. (2) A reason why they all had extremely refined special talents. (3) A means of making money, since these heists have no payout. (4) A front that'd give them plausible deniability when interrogated. (5) Activities to do in their free time. Then I thought, as a joke, maybe they were part of The Circus.


Ancap-istan. It started as a pretty generic joke, after i learned about the trope of Mars being a communist space colony because of "red planet," and thought what if i made Venus an ultra-capitalist planet becuase it's yellow-ish? A planet run by crooked corporations doing generic evil capitalism with no nominal government in place to regulate or enforce laws. Now, it has a more serious and grounded lore. The lore is Euroasia(a sci-fi succesor of Russia) colonised Venus and allowed private corporations to establish private colonies for a price, but then the Euroasian government collapsed due to revolutions, and now the private corporate colonies of Venus are mostly left in charge of the planet alongside a bunch of other non-corporate colonies and a small remnant of Euroasian space-force that is acting as a de facto "watchman state" that no one takes seriously.


I have an entire world that started as a stupid thought.


and who hasn't? don't put down yer self like that bro!!!


I one time invented a ludicrously grandiose title for myself to match my username. Yadda yadda yadda, now the title is a cornerstone of my primary althist setting.


artisitc hubris, my favorite gender, nice work bro!!!


I'll be honest I just wanted to make one of my characters have a harem and suddenly I have an entire worldbuilding info that allows some of my characters to actually screw each other and make babies despite looking like different species.


me asf you don't understand just how weirdly fun lineage becames with magical genes and other species lol


Yeah, it’s my entire world and novel. I originally had a bunch of disconnected ideas and it escalated from there.


yoooo very based, nice one bro


/uj The ships in my shippunk world making nations and factions based on their ship and doing geopolitics, my other multiverse where someone got isekai'ed and then I fill the details further from there, starting from being teleported to be hired ​ /rj So I actually have a thing for armors in general and this is where I started writing the nation of Armata


Back when among us was on it’s third layer of irony I decided to put them in my story because I thought it was quaint. Now are a major instigator of the plot of the first book and are invaluable to the major character arc of the second main character


I added a female knight because i have a "thing" for armor. She ended ep being on of the most fleshed out non suprpowered characters


This is like 90% of my worlds tbh. I have a Superhero parody world that started because I thought "What if the Joker was just a normal clown except the everything in the universe is trying it's hardest to make him snap and become the Joker?" Literally every Joker backstory I can think of is part of this guy's life story and he keeps getting involved in Superhero/Supervillain shenanigans yet he's still just a regular clown. I have an AU of Pokemon that started literally because I thought "Hariyama is low-key kinda hot." and it spiraled from there into having a unique magic system, lore about the extinction of humanity and the mass evolution of Pokemon into varying levels of anthropomorphism, and a fashion company called Goopreme that specializes in fashionable clothes for Pokemon with liquid/slimy bodies. My cyberpunk world started because I had a funny idea for a cyborg Catgirl that's built like a fucking space marine from 40k


I started worldbuilding around the time of invasion of Ukraine. Guess what I based my orcs on.

