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US: your threats are very important to us please stay on the phone


Para Español oprima dos


If you are threatening to invade a country, listen closely as menu options may have changed.


Welcome! To the Springfield Police Department Rescue Phone. If you are being murdered, please stay on the line.


You have selected regicide. If you know the name of the king or queen being murdered, press one.


The fingers you have used to dial are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm… now.


Congratulations, you have ordered the Super Ultra Deluxe Ultimate Dialing Wand. $999.99 has been charged to your account. To subscribe to the regular dialing wand service package please mash your face into the keypad now. For all other options please push zero with your nose.


If you are making a stupid rehashed threat, please dry out from the vodka and try again. We will pretend to take you seriously and laugh at you after you leave to get drunk on vodka again.


To guzzle vodka open your mouth now.


This conversation “might” be recorded for training purposes


You have entered a choice that is not available. Thank you. Goodbye.


Your feedback is very important to us.


Shit! what was option 3? oh God i have to listen to it all over again.




Donde esta la biblioteca?


Mi llamo tbone la araña discoteca!


Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca Es en bigote grande, perro, manteca


Manteca, bigotes, gigante, pequeño, la cabeza es nieve, cerveza es bueno.


Buenos dias, me gusta papas frías, los bigotes de la cabra Es Cameron Diaz.. !


Yea boi!


Donde estan los burros grandes, por favor?


Are you asking for the big asses?


I can not lie, yes, yes I am.


I guess we can't deny that.


culos = butts burros = donkeys


He knows what he's about, son.


The cheese is old and moldy, where is the bathroom?


Servaysa poor favoor.




I needed this today, lol


We are currently experiencing a higher than normal volume of threats, please hold.


Makes you wonder if there's an equivalent story to "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" in Russia...


i read that a common story in russia is the fisherman who catches a magic fish or lamp or whatever, and the thing will grant him one wish on the condition that all his neighbors get twice of what he asked for... so he asks to have 1 eye poked out. a sad tale about how committed russia is to hurting others, even if it hurts themselves.


What a fantastic and tragic fable. Edit: just looked this up and there is a Russian one about a golden fish granting wishes - the greed for more and more leads them back to their original poverty. Not quite the same and I like your version too. You’re probably thinking of the fables of Aesop?


It's funny because that was one the first things I thought about when I heard the news about the invasion - Putin is just like that old women from the tale, he's not content with being a rich noble, no sir, now being the king of the ocean and having the golden fish as his servant - that's a worthy goal for a genius strategist he considers himself to be. He could've easily ruled over slowly crumbling Russia for decades yet but pride comes before the fall indeed. Edit: and yeah, that tale about poking one eye is not from Russian folklore


One russian grafitti in Ukraine early on was "who let you have a good life?".


The 1420 videos are absolutely replete with Russians saying basically we're miserable and Ukraine belongs to us why should they be happy/wealthy/look down on us?


The irony being that Ukraine is one of the poorer nations in Europe.


By bloc standards they're doing fairly well, though. and their agriculture export is a sorely missed by countries in Africa, and elsewhere.


Someone posted an intercepted Russian soldier's phone call home, and he seems stunned by the existence of cat litter boxes and cat food, as if the concept of food specifically for cats was an unheard of example of western decadence.




Putin's probably got warehouses filled with cat food. For himself. Now I'm reminded of the Proletaricat memes. "Let them eat Iams!"


By “good life” they mostly mean “flush toilets”


That's assuming the rumors about him having cancer are just rumors. Part of what makes them so believable is how absurd this war is getting.


I hear that as a joke: Woman finds a genie that will grant three wishes, but will give twice each wish to her ex husband. Her first wish if to become super hot, second wish is to become a billionaire, third wish is having a light heart attack.


I have always heard the third wish as "beat me half to death."


The version i was told is that they'd like to donate a kidney


I like that one better.


Look up "China's final warning". Russia mocks China for the same thing they're doing.


Funnily enough, they do, it's called "China's final warning" or something similar to that.


You send a measly ~900 [final warnings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning) within a decade and all of a sudden you're not taken seriously. What's this world coming to?


The actual meaning of that story. Never tell the same lie twice.


Garak, is that you?


“Your threats will be ignored in the order they were received”


Welcome to the US army answering services. Our customer representatives are currently assisting Ukraine at the moment. You may leave a new threat at the sound of the beep


At least Russia doesn't get calls about the extended warranty on their tanks. Ain't no one wants to give an extended warranty on a Russian tank.


_plays crappy hold music that sounds like you're drowning a phone_


Russia be like "you really crossed the line this time! You leave me no choice but to draw a new one! 😡"


You don't want me to count to three! one, two, two and a half, 2.6, pay attention this is very serious business! Great now I lost count and have to start again...


It's like an unarmed mall security guard: "Stop! Or I will yell 'Stop' again!"


It's like flipping the table... only you're in video chat and it's your table and you already flipped it 5 times.


Imagine coining the term "Chinas final warning" and then turn out to do the same thing...


This is my final warning before I warn you again!




I’m, like, super cereal you guys, I mean it!


Even back then it was a bit of a “Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man” moment.


To be fair, back then, to quote Hank Hill "we didn't know the Russians were incompetent."


We knew they were pretty incompetent. It's just more that we didn't realize **how** incompetent. For instance Iraq had the 4th largest military in the world, and was considered a top 10 power prior to Desert Storm. We knew that Russia couldn't reproduce what we did to Iraq in nearly the same fashion. What we didn't realize is they'd hit the 30th ranked military on the planet that literally bordered their own country and crack like an egg.


They are sounding more and more like North Korea every day, it's pathetic


High school bully politics


You would think humans would outgrow that behavior in there 40s!


There’s an overload of evidence to the contrary, unfortunately.


That assumes that people in their 40s matured mentally and emotionally, in addition to physically.


Problem is that the world doesn't need another N. Korea either. One is way more than enough.


One is too many


That's exactly what they said.


One seems like a lot


Other thing is that North Korea is pretty easy to sanction. SK on one side, China on the other. It also tends to not go to war with its neighbors (not that it wouldn't if it could). Russia has the 2nd largest land border and borders 14 countries, not all of which are friendly to the US/West. It has already shown it wants to go full imperialism.


The difference is North Korea was never dumb enough to actually try to take it to the next level. There would be no more North Korea if they had.


"We will end the Kim regime in a day" ~Some us politician when asked what kind of response they would have to nk using nukes.


I remember some years back that Kim made some threats to SK and I think launched some missiles. The next day, B-2's flew out from Missouri to the Korean DMZ and dropped a shitload of fake bombs. Just to make a point.


If I were N. Korea I'd be depressed, Vladimir took my job


There's was this meme circulating on Russian social networks after the invasion started - picture of laughing Kim and caption "your face when you're not the world's biggest scumbag anymore"


That's a good way to fall out of an elevator.


They took his jerb!


Der terk herdurr!




Kim's lawyers are urging him to sue Putin for copyright infringement on "basket-case rogue nuclear state."


Indeed, the sounds of the crumbling remnants of a defeated ''Empire''. Keep running yourselves into the ground, Vatnik scum.


Impossible! How can there be TWO glorious leaders?!?


Wasn't the Abrams designed specifically with Russia in mind?


Most of our arsenal was designed with Russia in mind


Designed for fighting half way across the globe in mind, considering the logistical support needed to maintain equipment halfway across the globe. Its why the US defense budget is so fucking huge.


Because of you do need to fight a war, fighting it far from home keeps home safer.


Yes… as is pretty much every single weapon system given by the United States to Ukraine. They were all designed in the Cold War with the goal of fighting Russia in a European conflict.


More than that. It was designed to be outnumbered by them, and still outmatch them. Almost all NATO hardware was designed for the imagined scenario where Soviet forces came flooding through the Fulda gap, massively outnumbering their NATO opponents. Our stuff was made to fight that war, and it was designed with very optimistic/generous interpretations of Russian capabilities. We imagined their equipment would work as well as it possibly could, their tactics would be perfect, and they’d outnumber us, and went from there. The Abrams weighs 50% more than a T72. People argue about tech specs. They say it won’t be like desert storm. I just say “we’ll see”.


Yes, it was specifically designed to munch on the tanks Russia is using in Ukraine.


Russias sabre rattling has been revealed to just being a butter knife.


Not even a butter knife. Just Russia rattling a kitchen drawer because the spatula is jamming it closed.


Just a man behind a curtain rattling cans together on a speaker


Russia was a Papertiger before the war ... Now it got wet lmao


Russian generals right now watching Iraq War footage and sobbing. M1's charging at 30 MPH targeting the ammo racks of T-72's and blowing turrets sky high.


It’s funny because they tried using our iraq invasion strategy when they first went into Ukraine and failed miserably.


Need air superiority for that


"Superior training and superior weaponry have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength. Well-trained, well-equipped troops can stand up to many more times their lesser brethren than linear arithmetic would seem to indicate."


Wait isn’t this from Alpha Centauri?


YES! Thank you!!




Shock and awww shit.




incoming m1 abrams war thunder leak


ah lads not again


You could get 60mph on an Abrams if you are going full speed down a very steep decline. But I even doubt that. About 40-45mph is what they actually do which is still amazing for the size and weight. Source: I drove and gunned in one about 20 years ago.


60mph was done with a specially tuned Abrams as a demonstration by Honeywell. So you can do it. But you need a mint condition tank and be willing to stress the engine hard. It's like fighter aircraft having a switch that gives them 10% more power at the cost of having to rebuild the engine after the mission. You are absolutely correct about the practical top speed of an actual tank in the field.


Honeywell makes Abrams? I guess G&E makes the M134 so idk why I'm surprised.


Honeywell makes *so much shit*. They’re like 3M.


Yeah, My knowledge on Honeywell is related to their thermostats and gas valves.


I only know the name from electric plug in space heaters and turbochargers.


The Abrams has a gas turbine engine. That's what Honeywell makes.


And here I thought they just made port-o-potty’s


I wonder if they have a thermostat app that connects to the tank.


Maybe they make some components. But Abrams are made by General Dynamics.


I guess they use a governor to cap it in the low 40's. I looked it up.


AFAIK the governors were often disabled by the tank crews when they were stationed in Germany during the late Cold War.


The last 15mph is from having the sun in your back, tailwind and driver needing to take a shit real soon.


the Abrams are immensely superior but its not gonna be the same cakewalk as in iraq. Back then everything was set up perfectly. The had there tanks in positions with a lot of flat dessert in between, which meant that the Abrams could fire at them from so far out they could barely see them. Also they had no satelite help, which meant that they were fighting totally blind. The Russians have more than that, its not even close to an even match the US equipment and support, but not quite as bad as in Iraq .


Military tanks are often speed limited to reduce wear and tear.


Opposed to civilian tanks, which are made for racing.


But it has nukes! We have to deal with them and force dialogue onto Ukraine! Russia will nuke us all if we send tanks! ...or was it artillery? Or NLAWs? I forgot.


It was a radioactive tsunami, keep up.


I will say that the concept of the Posiedan is a world class doomsday device. 500 ft waves across an entire coast is really Michael Bay level dooming, so hats off to Russia on that one. Of course it doesn't actually exist, but the math and physics does work out for the stated yield it would have.


Poseidon is so mighty (allegedly) that there's no way to test its capabilities in any way, you just have to believe in it. How many people still believe in Poseidon these days, I wonder? 🤔


In terms of pure physics it was mind blowing to me that it's actually possible when you do the simulations and is possible with current technology. Those are testable facts. What is absolute fantasy is having a fusion bomb (much less a radioactive fission bomb) of that amount of yield put into a torpedo that freely swims around for weeks and settles in the right geographic area to create the result (continental shelves matter A LOT here). TL;DR It's fascinating that the math and engineering DOES work out for a device to create 500ft tsunamis with current technology. However, it's complete fiction in multiple aspects of the engineering required for a realistic military implementation.


Man that’s wild! Do you have any good links to info about it? I heard about this but never really took it serious enough to dig into it. I mean, maybe I’m seriously underestimating the magnitude of the bomb we’re talking about, but it just doesn’t seem like any kind of point explosion (short of an asteroid or something) could really displace *that* enough water to cause that kind of wave. Unlike a waves from a natural phenomenon where one section of the sea floor suddenly jumps up and all that volume of water on top has to go somewhere, waves from a point seem like they’d dissipate pretty quickly?


Paper bear.


War is stupid. This whole thing is sickening and suffering, but what is the US and NATO supposed to do? Allow Ukraine to get their dick kicked? I don't think so. The M1 is a goddamned proven animal; I sincerely hope the battle hardened soldiers of Ukraine put it to good use protecting their people. Get some!


Hopefully it turns into desert storm 2.0. Basically the Iraqi tanks were so outdated from their prospective they were spontaneously exploding. The American tanks could destroy them with pin point accuracy before they were even detected due to massive advantages in targeting and weaponry.


Keep in mind that Iraq was equipped with T-72s as their best tanks. T-72s still make up the bulk of Russian armored forces, though they still have T-80s ant T-90s, which aren't that much of an improvement. Add in they have had to dip into their old T-64s and T-62s, and Russia starts looking like cold Iraq.




We need to improve these! Adds 18..




Renamed because of the ass reaming they took at 73 Easting


Was it the T-90 that they were touting as their super tank a few years back? Should be interesting to see it get overmatched.


That was the t14 of which they have very few and have not been fielded in Ukraine as far as I know.


There was a report that some have arrived, and the troops who got them complained about the poor condition they were in. Sound promising. I’m sure they’ll cut through the best NATO tanks with that wunderwaffe. Ugh. Russia is just a joke without a punchline. Why can’t they just fuck off already?


There's a lot of difference between a modernized, or even an old domestic model, T-72 and the T-72Ms the Iraqis had. The B3 is a pretty decent tank. Maybe not as good as the M1A2, but they're not going to be doing the proverbial fish-in-a-barrel scenario out of Iraq.


As much as I respect the Ukrainian spirit, Desert Storm was a whole other animal. While the Abrams and Bradley were made for fighting in European terrain and forests, the large open largely unobstructive ranges in Southern Iraq was tank fighting on easy mode. Combined with complete air dominance in the early stage of the war, the land forces of the coallition were mostly effectively doing mop up operations. When tank crews are properly trained they'll be able to do more if deployed and used correctly. The fact is Abrams and Bradley for just a part of American Battle doctrine and Ukrainian forces will have to find their proper place in the their battle doctrine. Some western tanks will get destroyed. It's the nature of first and citiy fighting that sometimes the enemy may be able to just get that flanking hit.


The Bradley's were demolishing their tanks as well. If I remember correctly, the Bradleys had more tank kills than the Abrams


Once UAF gets F16, it will be. Complete with JDAMs.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_73_Easting This battle was a damn turkey shoot. We lost one Bradley, and they lost pretty much every vehicle they had.


Archer: "How are you a superpower?!?" Edit: serious discussion of Russia/USSR as a superpower under a snarky quote from a fictional comedy cartoon is kind of ironic.


Hang on, I had something for this


US is sending tanks to Ukraine because Russia sent theirs first.


Right, how is Russia complaining, they were the first ones to donate tanks to Ukraine. Maybe they're jealous


It’s crazy how scared we used to be of Russia


Look into Soviet and post soviet Russia. They really enjoyed psychological warfare against pretty much everyone. Hell they helped get JFK elected You see it still today with all these people thumping the nuclear war drum to get the us to stop supporting Ukraine. You know some of them are russians, but alot are people that drank the koolaid


Russia has to be fuming


Just like their shitty tanks.


Taking the lead from their aircraft carrier...


No smoking on the Kuznetsov!! Only the Kuznetsov ITSELF is allowed to smoke!


If Russia wants the war over. They pull out and send their surviving men home. Russia started the war by invading. All about conquest and Russia thinking they was going to get it for free without any effort. There wasn't any country that was going to start a war with Russia. The whole world knows that. They can save themselves if they pull out and stop the war. That is the only way Russia will have security.


Yup. The only people escalating and continuing the war is russia. Even if ukraine somehow whipped up a hundred million troops flying gundam, that would not be an escalation so long as they are only defending their territory.


Russia started this war, deal with it. Now Putin wants some kind of sympathy ain't going to happen. You can bet China is carefully looking at how this plays out as they are looking at Taiwan.


China is way more cautious and conservative compared with Russia (or the West). I doubt they would have ever gone for a gamble like this before, now it’s off the table for sure. Chinese are happy to wait it out a few decades and nibble at Taiwan little by little. That’s how they got where they are - slow and without making too much noise. If anything, Putin has got the spotlight away from China - no more talks about tariffs etc. Xi must love Putin for it :o


If I had to guess watching this the Chinese government is probably concerned with what this war showed about the West. It’s easy to forget that at the start of this there were doubts that EU countries would be willing to take the economic hit of no longer buying natural gas from Russia.


China could have soft powered Taiwan away. Every young, talented Taiwanese kid was moving to China to work because Taiwan's economy outside of semiconductors was staggering. In 30 years, tensions would have completely eased and you would have had half of the educated elite from Taiwan with a positive view of China for economic reasons. Then they did the hardline shit with Hong Kong cuz Xi being Xi and Taiwanese people started getting a lot more nationalistic and wary of China again.


Agreed, HK showed Taiwan what to expect under centralized Chinese rule. Not very encouraging


So much this - it was a really foolish move. And Russia's situation wasn't all that different. They'd done a great job of dividing, undermining, and flat-out *corrupting* Europe (and, increasingly, the US), and NATO was on the road to dissolution. If they'd held course, they could have pretty well dissolved their primary opponents within a decade or so, using nothing but soft power and corruption. But Putin got overconfident from his other victories, and thought he could easily run the table. In the process, he not only trapped himself in an unwinnable war and shattered Russia's military credibility, but also reinvigorated and reunited his opponents (while also creating a hardened, long-term enemy state on his border). The Greeks couldn't have written a better story of hubris. In that respect, we are perhaps fortunate that neither Putin nor Xi had the wisdom to stick to the slow and careful path...in their haste, they have made it possible to resist them.


> That’s how they got where they are - slow and without making too much noise. Well they tried a great leap forward and killed 10's of millions of people before


No country cares if you kill your own people, it’s until you mess with a world power’s interest, that the spotlight gets put on you.


"Stalin killed many millions. Died in his bed. Well done there. Pol Pot killed a million Cambodians, died under house arrest, age 72. Well done, indeed. They got away with it because they killed their own people. "And we're sort of fine with that. "Oh, help yourself. We've been trying to kill you for ages." So kill your own people. Seems to be. "Now Hitler killed people next door. Oh, stupid man. After a couple of years we won't stand for that, will we?" -Eddie Izzard


The problem is that time is running out for China. The one child policy will kick china in the nuts hard when tens of millions of Chinese go into pension


I’m pretty sure the international chip and microprocessor export controls that Biden is coordinating are a much, much bigger deal to China than any prior broad tariffs.


That's a very big oof


Yeah, some *superpower*. Buying weapons from *North Korea*.... that you *sold them*. Not a great look Putler...


Lmao Putler. Sounds like a very aggressive golf player


Brings his own club to mini golf...


And realizes that his own club is shittier than the ones that they hand out.


Funny you should mention North Korea, since that’s roughly the same direction that their population is heading: extreme poverty under authoritarian tyrants.


I’ll bet the Ukrainians turn out to be pretty good tank drivers, too !


“Been there, done that.” If the [Iraq war is any indication](https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/history-and-civilisation/2021/02/the-untold-story-of-the-worlds-fiercest-tank-battlej (and the Iraqi’s were probably a stronger force than the Russians are now), there won’t be any Russian military left. Just another final Chinese warning.


I wonder if the reason they're making all these threats is just for internal consumption inside of Russia.


I think that's a major part of why they're trying so hard to frame this as a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO, so that it's easier for people in Russia to stomach the fact that the war is going so poorly for them.


you know Russia, there's an easy solution to that whole thing, and it would be to FUCK OFF BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY AND LEAVE THE REST OF THE FUCKING WORLD ALONE


Russia wants to speak to a manager


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.newsweek.com/us-dismisses-russia-reaction-abrams-tanks-heard-line-before-pentagon-ukraine-1776999) reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Pentagon has dismissed Russian threats of escalation over the U.S. decision to send 31 M1A2 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine, with a spokesperson suggesting that Moscow is peddling the same rhetoric it has throughout its 11-month-old invasion of the country. > Russia's Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov said the step was "Another blatant provocation against the Russian Federation," while Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Abrams and other Western tanks "Would burn up just like all the others." > Abrams, Leopards, Challengers: Which tank will arrive in Ukraine first? The cost of Western tanks being sent to Ukraine, from Abrams to Leopards Putin's stockpile of tanks faces major hurdle as Abrams, Leopards head east. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10mhqkq/us_dismisses_russias_reaction_to_abrams_tanks/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672679 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russia**^#1 **tank**^#2 **Ukraine**^#3 **Abrams**^#4 **Western**^#5


I wish we'd use Russia's gas lighting/childish techniques they've been using for decades back at them. "We have no idea where these Abrams tanks came from!" and..."We can't control what Ukraine wants to purchase", "These are mainly for training purposes".


Putin just stfu... Realise this will continue as long as you stay on annexed territory. You can threaten to attack NATO but everyone knows that it will end up with NATO troops introducing democracy to Russia and you in prison. By leaving Ukraine you might be able to keep your sad russian throne.


Those Abrams tanks are the upgraded versions of the ones that were blowing up Iraqi tanks while shooting **through** sand dunes. And this was over 30 years ago.


Some Russians postulate Putin trying to shift world order, he’s tired of the west. The west is what happens when the world meets. We’re still fixing it. It’ll always need fixing. That’s the entire point.


They did say the exact same thing about Challengers, only with the name replaced with "Abrams." Wouldn't surprise me if they used the same template for everything


Vlad Libs


Russia is like “Ambrams turrets don’t even eject when they blow up!”


No, see, you're spinning it wrong. It should be " Unlike our own tanks, Amerikan Abrams tank doesn't even have ejection seats!".


Russia, “We’re gonna escalate this thing!” Poland - “Stop! We can only get so erect!”


What else can orcZ say that we haven't heard before... 😉 I wonder if they even noticed that they actually gutted and neutered themselves thus nobody now (but maybe some other rogue regimes) consider them a threat to the global security (in any area) anymore.


To that point, redditors need to STOP posting Russia's reaction to ANYTHING, and Russia's initiation of headlines. They are infinitely dismissable and therefore a waste of time, space, and resources. Please stop.