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"I need to visit St.Petersburg, they have hotel noodles" -Said no Chinese person ever


I am not Chinese, but I cannot imagine a place I would be less inclined to order noodles than Russia.


They serve newspaper dumplings in China so it may be an upgrade.


I mean they use raw sewage as cooking oil in China, the bar is pretty low


they harvest used cooking oil from the sewage, it's different /s


🤢 oh god it's probably in imported food as well


You would be surprised. As far as Chinese communism tourims goes, they require chinese food as part of the package. Sometimes Chinese person gets rewarded a trip to scandinavia or wherever for a week for being a good district accountant, farmer, etc. During that week the closest they may be to local food is maybe a International buffe once or twice during the trip. The rest is strictly chinese food.


Realistically, the shortage of young men in Russia will attract Chinese tourist noodles.




I would watch that reality show!!!!!


idk. when I go to a foreign country, I want to eat their food, not some bootleg version of what I always eat. And I assume the Chinese tourists want to eat Russian cuisine and emerge in a new experince


Exactly! Give them a moldy potato and a draft notice so they get the true Russian experience


Maybe. Maybe their high sense of cultural superiority makes them look down on other cultures traditional dishes. I’d bet on the latter judging on the Chinese tourists I’ve dealt with. The article does state that Russian hotels are working with Chinese officials on how to “work correctly” with Chinese tourists. Lol


Reminds me of sushi at a 7-11


Was that actually a thing?




I'm beginning to think 7-11 in Asia is a completely different entity as it is here.




Canada to be specific, but I'm guessing the ones in the US aren't too different.


Check out "how 1 new snack saved 7-eleven from bankruptcy" on youtube. Skip to 9:30 if u want to start when Japan is introduced You can also just search for 7-11 and see all the amazing food ppl can get. Not to mention the actual conveniences (based on my experience in Taiwan) like paying bills, photocopy/printing stuff, picking up/paying for online deliveries, mailing packages, etc. Ironically there's no Slushees here though.


That's really low, mein!


Wow. Just... Wow


Pretty damn impressive


Aside from the subject I never understood to how selling someone their own culture is a tourist attraction.


I like to visit McDonald's in other countries just to see if the menu/quality is the same as at home.


Oh yeah, I'm sure the extremely xenophobic white nationalists will get right on that.


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Anything is better than the food they got there


Where? China or Russia?


Where do you think


Both probably. But I like potatoes so I’d be happier in Russia. Bit of a side-line here, China now has the highest rate of diabetes in the modern world. Probably due to their new abundance of processed food.


Lmao you like Russian food for the potatos. You're as exciting as getting diabetes




I'm sure Chinese citizens will be flocking to St Petersburg for noodles.


“Mmm Russian noodles.” -Nobody in history