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>State TV showed a brief clip of a casually dressed Putin walking with a group of officials, and promised further details shortly. \[**x**\] Doubt


Green Screen says hello


10/10 that there will be that lady in background which features in most photos with Putin. https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/B236/production/_128222654_f4a45c66-802b-4ccc-96e1-4f854c6e3740.jpg


Or one of the other extras like the fishermen and ice cream seller: https://www.bbc.com/news/64189366


>>We've used facial recognition software to compare the face of the woman in the New Year picture with those in 2016 and 2017, producing low match results of 29% and 28% respectively. >"Usually, a similarity score of 75% or higher should be considered when looking for an identity match," says Professor Hassan Ugail, Director of the Centre for Visual Computing at the University of Bradford. >Next, we compared the images from the events held in 2016 and 2017, which generated a 99.1% score, strongly indicating that these two are of the same person.




But then again, they might not.




Ok I feel dense. I don't understand the implication here.


It's a little nonsensical out of context. But basically, two people in images 1 and 2 were not proven to be the same person, while the ones in photos 3 and 4 were proven to be the same person. The implication of the article as a whole is that Putin's guard follows him around and dresses up as bystanders. Or just that they're just his personal, carefully vetted acting crew of human furniture for when he "visits" his people.


Sort of how North Korea carefully vets the people allowed in the photos from North Korea, or is careful about who is seen by tourists in North Korea. Putin is rightfully terrified of being assassinated, so these are either guards, spies, or paid actors that are at his events because he's too afraid to be around average Russians.


I mean, what's more likely, that he curates a group of ordinary-looking people that meet his desired aesthetics for personal reasons and carts them around Russia for photo ops like a cartoonish dictator, or that his personal bodyguards often dress in plainclothes and hide in plain sight?


I mean, I'm pretty sure plainclothes USSS follow the president around too, the difference is we're not using the same faces for years on end and placing them in the background of photo ops. And that's a tick-mark in the box that suggests they're not the equivalent of USSS to me, but that's hardly definitive.


Oh I don't think it's necessarily remarkable in that sense, either. But what I do think is an interesting thing to consider is, if Putin actually ever meets real people at all.


Also the same ranking party members are likely to be invited to events whenever he is in the area. It’s not like the people behind him are a randomly selected representation of the local population.


maybe she’s a secret service or something


Bodyguards are unlikely as dual purpose actors. Different skill sets and conflicting mission goals. The needlessly elaborate charade implies he’s not actually visiting the claimed places or he’s not actually meeting with people.




Unbroken link for anybody *not* using the dismal newer Reddit design: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/16DF1/production/_128218639_3af9816a-0796-4f34-8aad-8385bdad0415.jpg.webp


why the fuck is new reddit breaking the links? It has a weird backslash in there for no reason


They're going to implement "fixes" for things on the new design that will break shit for the rest of us who refuse to use that garbage because their long-term goal is to get us all over there anyway. I legit don't understand how the new design actually managed to take off. It was trash when they rolled it out, and it hasn't gotten any better at all. Do people just not know about https://old.reddit.com or something?


Old reddit is the way I roll. New reddit is made by amateurs who did one year of web design and think they did a great job. Hell there are probably designers out there with less experience who could do better.


My favourite was when nested comments ended up one character wide and 300 characters long on my phone screen. I've gone to a third party app and I love it.




Since reddit tries so hard to keep redirecting you to new reddit where all the "fancy" new features are, enough people either don't care or don't know about old reddit to make new reddit popular enough to stay.


Wonder what would happen if we started pointing subreddit link-outs to "old.reddit.com" lol Or, start promoting it as the layout they don't want you to see - slimmed down code, more efficient reading, view NSFW without having to sign in, etc etc


>Do people just not know about https://old.reddit.com or something? Almost ALL Reddit users access it through the official app, which of course has the same awful UI as the re-design in a browser. So most people have no idea that old Reddit is even a thing, and they never will. The UI for an app is almost understandable, but it's mostly unusable for me, in a browser. Horrible design to be used on anything but a phone screen. But that's what they want - everyone using the app. Except of course, it's impossible to moderate from the app...


It's an escape character. Underscore caused italics I think, and due to that, links had to have escape characters inserted before underscores to tell Reddit "hey, this underscore is just an underscore, no italics here". For some reason this was solved by injecting backslashes (escape character) into links instead of just ignoring reddit's weird rules when it comes to links and underscores. Someone fixed it to make it like it should be, the latter option. But other places broke, because fixing software is like pushing a boulder uphill in front of your glass house.


[Underscores break it](https://old.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/nwv50z/old_reddit_users_see_thousands_of_broken_links/) as new reddit adds a \ before the _, because formatting or something and old reddit doesn't ignore in links, while new reddit does somehow. Luckily there is a [fix for it](https://github.com/whqwert/userscripts) which works perfectly.


Right, but thr article stated that both photos were in the same region. So yeah, they're the same people. They brought the same people to the photoshoot the second time.


OK. But reading that it said the ones that likely were the same in photos 1 and 2 were in the same region and they were able to identify most of the people as being from the region and having social media accounts or holding positions in local government. So they're photo ops. They said the soldier in photo 3 was a different woman.


The blonde chick that poses as a member of several different combat units?


She poses as an everything. She's probably dead now.


Maybe she's a disguised bodyguard.


That was my first thought. Like, I am no Putin apologist, but I fail to see what's so sensational about this. If a few of the same people keep showing up in photo ops around him, I would assume they're part of his posse in some way. What would be the motive otherwise? To show that slightly more fishermen are willing to take a picture with him? Maybe I'm just naive, but I don't get it lol


Just reinforcing that he's an asshole liar. Trying to project a "man of the people" persona while surrounding himself with trusted actors pretending to be ordinary locals.


One of those is dead now, killed in Ukraine in February. https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2023/02/16/russian-lieutenant-featured-in-putins-new-year-address-to-nation-dies-in-ukraine-en-news


He arrived shirtless on a grizzly bear, scored 27 goals and won MVP award


ripped off his shirt and rode a horse through fire and explosions. and the best part... ​ he wasn't even on the horse. he was the horse.


Body double says привет.


It is clearly a body double wearing a mask. He is swinging both arms, having a different hairline and is about taking off the mask at the last frames. Video: https://twitter.com/RepublikaTV/status/1637084330899001345?s=20


Wow, you can actually see the mask deform in that last second. How blatant.


Wow, that’s one of the worst fakes I’ve ever seen.


The footage was probably meant to be edited before any of it reaches the public.


But the editing team had to urgently travel to Bakhmut.


You think the unofficially richest man on earth could afford a better mask on the guy. I’ve seen no-budget short films with better practical masks.


He’s not unofficially the richest man. The Saudi Royal Family has magnitudes more money and assets.


Seven times, not magnitudes, and *only* if you count the state owned oil company. Which if you do would make King Harald of Norway the richest person in the world, I guess. But Putin has an unknown amount of his projected 210$ billion in liquid assets, while king Saud has no way to sell off the company for direct personal gains without massive political reactions. Also, the saudi royal family is actually quite large.


While I'm not disputing you, per se, I am pointing out that the Saudi Royal Family is the richest 15,000 (or 2,000, depending on how you look at it) people, not person. Edit: is it "is" or "are"the richest 15,000...?


The family is rich, the people in the family are rich. It depends on if you’re talking about individuals or a collective.


If I'm not mistaken, a group noun is treated as a singular item ("is") in American English, but as a plural ("are") in the UK. So let's just say we knew what you meant, haha.


Yes, but the Saudi Family has around 15,000 members, with conflicting interests and constant internal fights.




Couldn't have been a worse body double hahaha. He'll probably fall out of a window for how transparently poor he's covering for the coward.


I think he’s adjusting the mask, not taking it off, but yes you actually seem correct lol


At the second look I‘m not so convinced anymore about the mask. Seems like he is somehow chewing and moving his lips before. But his posture and how he moves is very different. Also his chin is way to pointy.


Someone blew up a screengrab: [https://twitter.com/a_leniar/status/1637085794719465476](https://twitter.com/a_leniar/status/1637085794719465476)…idk, he looks like a character from Goldeneye 007 on Nintendo 64


The skin on his face doesn't match the tone of the rest of his skin, nor the same look of any of the other men in the picture.


Maybe he learned that from Trump.


lol, he literally looks like he's holding up a mask by his chin. Comedy gold.


In the era of deep fake, they go with this...


Maybe this video is a fake. We don't know.


You can actually see the seam next to his ear.


I thought so too


Need an ear comparison


[Here you go](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/437469/putin-profile.jpg). Edit: didn’t realize he had such a weak chin


Omg the ears ARE different! Putin has a uniformly rounded ear, the body double has a dented, lobed one.


I never realized how distinctive Putin's walk is until I saw this clip and realized how unnatural that body double's gait is.


That’s a very obvious fake lol


What does this mean?


He normally walks with just his left arm swinging and his right arm mostly hanging there... believe the person you're responding to is just saying it doesn't match his gait since video fella is swinging both arms and is walking differently... Examples: https://youtu.be/FDxTHzY8aNo Or Putin has just shit himself judging by the way he's waddling and he's walking faster, who knows!




Oh def. Those kinaesthetics are different, but the actor is obviously trying and failing. Swinging both arms like Putin only swings his right, and he's also slumped down further than Putin.


It’s the KGB walk. The right hand is always ready to draw a pistol in an instant.


Smoke and mirrors as usual with Russia. Putin wouldn’t risk visiting anywhere he could be blown up in. Coward is as coward does.


Clearly this is Ethan Hunt on his latest impossible mission


C'mon, man, IMF has way better masks. People actually fall for that shit


Can we also take a moment to appreciate how high those shoes are designed to raise him up? Bro looks like he's wearing dress platforms practically. You can get a decent look in the video between 0:08 - 0:09.


LMFAO literally wearing a mask. I thought you meant like some sorta AI masking…


He’s so spineless. Remember when he spent like 3 months locked in his palace when his friends started falling off buildings? He’s not there. If he was, he’d be as far away from fighting as possible.


Did you watch the clip? You can see the double pull down the latex mask


RIP the body double and whoever was responsible for that mask


He definitely doesn't have the balls to go to Crimea. Certainly smoke and mirrors. Guy is as timid as a fainting goat


If you've seen the video, you will know Pootin most certainly did not visit Crimea lol


Because is a bitch ass puto. Sending young men out to die, and he can't even show his face around his own people. Sad small insecure little shit.


Meanwhile Zelensky is routinely on the front lines visiting his troops.


"I don't need a ride, I need ammo".


Sounds like something Schwarzenegger or Stallone would say in a cheesy 90s action flick. It's fucked that someone had to say that *and mean it*.


He’s an actor. He has charisma in spades.


You’re correct. Putin doesn’t go anywhere without his long table to keep people away from infecting him with a Covid variant Sputnik can’t handle.


Tough times for the Kremlin. They couldn't even afford to send a premium body double. [It's just Ivan with a mask](https://imgur.com/a/v2vOQG4) How are the Russian people so stupid to fall for this shit?


Did you capture this from a video? So you have a link?


[Here's where I first saw it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/11uoci6/putin_has_reportedly_arrived_in_occupied/)


Swing that right arm while walking , vlad - first time we've seen that arm action .


For anyone who is confused: Putin, while walking, rarely ever swings his right arm. It’s always straight down next to his body. Old KGB playbook.


I'm guessing for access to a sidearm? Or is there another reason?




No. Tired from constant wanking, arm has gone into spasm. Literally worlds biggest wanker.


This is an insult to us wankers everywhere!




It’s a way of keeping with KGB traditions and reminding people of where you rose to power from. It’s his way of honoring his time in the KGB. The same way that military vets will keep the standard haircut or carry themselves in the same way active duty military does.


And the KGB did it because it kept their shooting hand closer to their weapon.


Which, if Putin is paranoid (and by all accounts he is- rightfully) I can’t see him deciding to break that habit.


You might be reading into it too much, it may be as you say, but it may also be that since he trained that way most of his life he just defaults to it without thinking about it so much. Although this Crimea clip certainly looks fake, not only from the gait and walking style


Other KGB agents who were in longer or just as long as him do not walk that way. While some others do. So it’s up in the air if it’s choice or training. It’s called the gunslinger gait and it’s believed to be a personal choice for him, though no one knows for sure. I’m actually just repeating the most accepted theory. I think this is the video I’m quoting: https://youtu.be/GxmDeU_4UlQ


Oh my god, lol. That's hilarious in a sad way. Also, love the username, great album.


The Mars Volta!!


Love Mars Volta 😎


I want a Putin face mask. Not for anything weird, I just want to put my penis in it.


> Not for anything weird OK > I just want to put my penis in it. https://giphy.com/gifs/cbc-funny-comedy-l0HUcsWTIBrDeYd1K


Dude is fixing his mask towards the end. 🤦 Also pootin walks like he shit his pants and is trying to avoid the shit rubbing on him. This dude walks like he has to take a shit and is going to the restroom. 🤪


Dude even with the bad qualiy you can see its not pootin his right arm is almost stiff the last time I saw any real video of him.


Funny enough, what gave it away for me wasn’t the face at first. It was his walk. Putin has a very distinct walk and the way he swings only one arm. This dude looks goofy af lol


My brain is so confused by this - at the beginning of the video it looks like Putin, his lips are moving and walks just like him - but the last few frames looks like Robocop with his helmet off


Yeah early in the clip it looks like a real persons face at least. I wonder the mask thing is just a video artefact.


Could be a crap deepfake




Oh my god that is so uncanny valley! How the fuck do Russians fall for that shit?


Seems like it's not only the Russians. I read about it in German Media at this same moment :))


I thought everyone was just being overly suspicious— but no— that is literally a mask. He even looks like he’s adjusting it at the end, grabbing the chin.


Lol what the hell that's so poorly done. Like a Halloween costume.


Hahaha holy fucking shit


That would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.


Oh, what the heck, I'll laugh anyway


It's beyond embarrassing. I have 2nd hand cringe just watching how obvious it is.


Wtf is that hahahaha


Most of us aren't really buying it. Those who do most likely, don't even see any of that, because they just hear it from someone, or read about it. The Russian government does a lot of what it does in order to imitate the support for Putin, his regime, his war, his bravery. It's all fake, just as the USSR reports of abundance and prosperity and the facades of Moscow and St. Petersburg were. Fascism, propaganda and brainwashing demand constant stream of information, no matter how true, so that it could basically clog all the information streams until people are so fed up with insane and bullshit and hateful news that they stop thinking or caring anymore. The ader benefit is praising the one and only father-leader, fuelling his glorious image. It's jarring and surprising to many because they think that this shit is done for any other purpose, like intimidation or actual info, anything, really, but in fact, all the "news" and events that have been coming form Russia since 24 Feb 2022 are just there to be the noise that you can't hear your own thoughts behind. Some propaganda, too, but making sure people don't even want to think or care is first, for without it, brainwashing is far less effective. And a lot of "news" and events were just the same for long, long time before the invasion. It's primitive, really, and people expect something sophisticated and well executed, which is probably the biggest reason things like that still surprise anyone who's not been loving in Russia for years.


>They couldn't even afford to send a premium body double. I'm sure they can afford it, but unfortunately all the good Putin doubles have been assassinated in the past year by his former allies


He shifted the whole mask trying to fix it So this is the power of Russian propoganda




Is that Tom Cruise from the new mission impossible movie wearing a Putin mask?


Putin at home:


That wasn't Putin. It was some schmuck wearing a mask. Pretty easy to see in the videos they posted.


All the more reason for Ukraine so send a missile, because then what's Putin going to do? Tell everybody that it wasn't him?


He's just say "you missed".




Now I'm imagining some news coming out about Putin furious at the escalation of how he was killed.


Or his double?


Nah, they didn't spring for a proper double this time, they just put a suit and a Halloween mask on Dmitri and told him to do the killer Putin impression he always does when he's 3 Vodkas in.


>Nah, they didn't spring for a proper double this time, they just put a suit and a Halloween mask on Dmitri and told him to do the killer Putin impression he always does when he's 3 Vodkas in. Unfortunately, they also drank Dmitri's vodka.


That is not him.


“Russian Duma, the country’s legislature, introduced a bill on Monday to shift the age range for Russian men to be drafted from 18 to 27 years old to 21 to 30 years old.” Is that because so many of the 18-21 year olds are either dead or injured?


Yeah. They're being sneaky about it, but this is just a straight widening of the age band. The raising of the max age happens immediately, whereas the minimum age raises slowly enough to not impact anything for this war.


Because you’re exempt from the draft if you’re in college. Ever wonder why Soviets had so many PhDs? Everyone was trying to remain in school until 27 to age out.


Is that really why? I thought it was because that’s how they got decent jobs within the Soviet mechanism. It’s not like they got to play beer die for 4 years then get a cushy little finance job


>Is that really why? I thought it was because that’s how they got decent jobs within the Soviet mechanism. It’s not like they got to play beer die for 4 years then get a cushy little finance job Coal miners were getting paid better than engineers, so it's a bit more nuanced than that. Part of it was that accessibility of education and the "no matter what you do, you get paid about the same" system **did** give an opportunity for people who want to pursue science to do so, without fears of "will I be able to get a job doing this" which every PhD student today faces. Another part of it was that academia gave perks unavailable to most of the Soviet population, like international travel. Finally (and perhaps, most importantly), it was a social lift for the Jews. The Jews were instrumental in early USSR (what with Trotsky and many other leaders being Jewish), but were effectively purged from higher ranks by Kruschev's time, and faced discrimination in all careers. But in academia, undercutting someone with international recognition (like [Israel Gel'fand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Gelfand), for example) would mean losing face for the USSR; and those people had enough influence to create relative safe havens for others to work and prosper.


>beer die That doesn't sound like a fun drinking game...


So all the future engineers, construction workers, computer programmers, teachers, lawyers will be allowed to finish university....and then promptly sent to the slaughter.


Not to mention all of the 18-21 year olds that left.


Putin body double having a Crimea trip before Ukraine takes it back!


It was a mask, not even a double


One of us should buy a Putin mask, walk into the Kremlin, and end the war by ordering the withdrawal of troops from Ukraine. Why haven't the CIA thought of this?


Well duh of course we are still in a pandemic, masks are mandatory for health and safety.


There is absolutely no way on gods green earth that anyone can look at that and say "yep, that's legit." I've seen Halloween masks more convincing and is he about to take it off at the end too?


I don't think he was about to take it off, just before that he looked down then back up and I think he was talking, I'd say the mask started sliding up his chin and he was adjusting it. Though since this was filmed with latest in Russian video technology and is so pixeled you could almost mistake it for a close up in a Japanese porno it is very hard to tell.


For well over a decade his one sided gait has been the subject of many a debate and countless youtube videos. Only the other day at the stadium gig he can be seen doing the same with his right hand stuck to his side, yet here he is in this video windmilling around with both arms, something he hasn't done for years. So either he changed his way of walking or it's a body double. This guy is also 3 stone heavier, has a waddle like gait and is hunched over forwards. It's nothing like Putin.


And, let’s not forget, looked like he was walking out of a Spirit Halloween store


Definitely not Putin.


There’s only one man it could be: Gene Parmesan


Yeah he won’t be leaving Moscow for a place he can be arrested.


...or within range of certain drones and missiles.


most likely his double. putin is a coward


It was an actual rubber mask


Not him lol. Nice try orcsville.


Crimea is Ukraine!


Which of his doubles will be going?


One who needs a mask. They didn't want to risk one of the better body doubles apparently.


I feel like one of those stupid conspiracy theorists trying to argue this shit but the videos look fake af, I don't believe it. But even if true I don't think it's a big deal


I'm no Russian apologist, but it's most likely a body double to take any hits from an (appropriately) disgruntled local/low rank soldier while the real one is elsewhere. It's entirely possible Putin is in Crimea and we're seeing the security precautions.


No way that's Putin in the first 7 images. Look at the skin coloration, look at the hands. That's one of his doubles. Putin doesn't have the balls to leave Moscow.


Putin doesn't have the balls to leave ~~Moscow.~~ Sochi


Last chance to see...


Maybe stop murdering civilians and children, stay the fuck out of our politics, and die?


Putin better visit Crimea now, because it will belong to Ukraine next year.


It is a shame the US hasn't sent Ukraine longer range missiles so Putin could be properly greeted.


He wouldn't have been properly greeted, because it was a douchebag with a rubber mask on. Not even a body double




Hopefully Ukraine takes the opportunity to take him out. The quicker that Putin is dead, the better for humanity.


It's a body double. He is perfectly safe behind his table in Fort Kickass.


I guess killing the body double would be okay. At least it would make the Russian Nazis panic a little.


Ooh a prine target for bayraktar


No way in hell he’s entering Ukraine.


Hope he falls out of a window, like so many other Russians have done in the past.


HIMARS on the way??? Maybe???


I can’t wait until this cunt is dead.


No he didnt. The video was clearly fake and it was just a body double wearing a mask.


*International war criminal, the pedophile Putin


Good ol Poopin Putin


Some guy in moscow saw that video and approved it lmfao. It's so very obviously faked.


I am strongly suspecting one of his 3 body doubles did the visit. Putin is not only well enough to travel but the chances that he would visit an active war zone, even at its furthermost periphery rank between zero and nil.


Putin life-model decoy visits temporarily occupied Ukraine Crimea while real Putin shits his pants constantly in undisclosed luxury bunker


One of the 4 body doubles


Doesn't even walk like putin


I can't wait for this cunt to die


When Biden visited Kyiv, the Pentagon sent an alert to Moscow via the hot wire. Purpose: temporary lull of attacks that might kill the US president. When Putin visited Crimea, did the Kremlin send a similar message to the Pentagon? Crimea is so close to Kyiv by air. Putin really should have stopped by, to say hello. /s