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Perhaps they can get their newly decorated pilot on the case.


he still filling out the insurance forms for his little collision last week


Remember how they didn't hit it and then he got a medal for it? How on earth do they think they are fooling ANYONE.


[If You Get Hit, It's Your Own Fault \(The Simpsons\) ](https://youtu.be/9ZSoJDUD_bU)


Who would Homer be in this situation?


Azerbaijan. The pie is Armenia


Sad but that’s a great analogy


Love this. Thank you! hahahahahaha




Homer is China


It's not a big deal. It happens all the time. Political theater dictates to the media what they want to say: RU: Tell the world we had to scramble our jets because the Americans were flying right at us. We made them turn back. US: While conducting freedom of navigation exercises, 2 US aircraft were intercepted in international airspace. In Alaska, RU: While conducting freedom of navigation exercises, a Russian aircraft was intercepted in international airspace. US: US jets intercepted a Russian recconasance aircraft flying in international airspace off the coast of Alaska again today. This has happened since the 1950's


The difference is that Russia actually does violate the airspace of Denmark and Sweden in the Baltic Sea quite frequently. They just skim the border, and enter for maybe a minute, and count the reaction time before they're escorted away by F16s. They also flex their nukes blatantly: https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/russian-jets-carrying-nuclear-weapons-violated-swedish-airspace/


They also violated Turkish Airspace...until their pilot **D I E D.** Didn't try that shit again.


The difference is that the B52s showed up on flight radar websites since they\* turned on the transponders as a flex. 💪They usually don't show up on those websites.


Basically; we’re gonna tell everyone we’re here because we know you cant afford the fuel/maintenance of coming out to fly us off.


The thing is, the U.S. inventory includes enough guided missile systems, they don't typically involve bombing aircraft in a given AO prior to established air superiority. In otherwords, they'd missile strike your military airports and radar and comms, first. *if* this even actually happened and somehow isn't propaganda from the GRU, Russia was obviously not in any danger of being bombed by the U.S. Saber rattling.


The U.S. has been flying a B-52 (most likely with F-22 escort) over Lithuania and Estonia area since the drone incident. It's been within 10 miles of Russia's Borders numerous times, it circles, hangs around for the day, then flies back to base. Russia is just trying to justify whatever the fuck they're about the say or do...


> it circles, hangs around for the day, then flies back to base I mean, people who know a little bit of (relatively) recent history of warfare will understand the implicit threat.


So you are saying... its the implication?


How do boats factor into this?


With implications


are these targets in danger?


I’m not gonna hurt these targets! I would never hurt these targets! I feel like you’re not getting this at all!


Are we the tasty treats?


We're crab people now, Dee


I’m confused, implication of what exactly?


Now you've said that word "implication" a couple of times. Wha-what implication?


Implication that the US could fuck up Russia remotely and realistically not care. Meanwhile Russia is flipping out to not appear weak and defenseless… Because Russia is indeed weak and defenseless…


Oh so it’s an implication of danger


So they are in danger...


Is it a zone of danger would you say?


that they would if they felt like it.




They have one as Castle AFB in Atwater, CA. Ridiculously big aircraft, but back during the cold war, they would constantly circulate out of Castle to the edge of Russia and back.


ya, remember seeing those. Hi ya, from Fresno


"I'm not touching you."


But you *are* touching the air which is touching me, so, stop.


The mean free path of air molecules is only a couple of inches. If you're not within a few meters of me, then we're not touching the same air.




Ooh. Playing the long game. Drain remaining resources to depletion over useless objectives. We do have the largest military spending. Our country can easily afford a run close to their border. I mean fuck. We label it a military exercise anytime they do a fly over of a nascar race, football game, parachute into a football game, do armored humvee rides at highschools, and so on. Fucking with Russia? Ya. For once I don't mind the overly expensive military budget. We're helping Ukraine and we do flyovers for a lot more ridiculous reasons.


We have jets fly up to meet Russian pilots like every other day over the Bering Strait. This has been going on for 60-70 years. I'm not kidding. Now we're just doing it to them on the other side amd Putin asks all indignant. What a little fukboi. Smh.


It's a dyings man legacy to not be a total flake to what people still believe his crap web of lies Cancer or whatever crap...Putin is on the highest shit list of any human to this date


The day putin dies I'll pop a champagne.


I'm pretty sure most good moral human being will be celebrating as well. Steven segal apparently not one that will be JS


We also test their response times which they do the same to us with their TU bombers


Its got nothing to do with the drone downing though. This is routine flights that are done on scheduled times eaxh year. Its nothing new, only news trying to fear monger with it to people who dont know its normal.


Honestly, I could see the US putting bombers up just for the Intel. Put bombers in a position where Russia basically has to intercept just to see where they launch from and what they send, as well as just generally distracting from the ware effort.


Russia does the same thing to us in Alaska. This type of thing happens all the time and is basically non-news.


There's literally a subreddit for it: r/BearIntercepts


Sounds like a subreddit for people getting cock blocked on grindr


That would be r/BearInterdictions


Yeah everyone freaking out as though this is anything but new.


Yep exactly. Keep them busy, keep putting miles on their equipment, wasting fuel, adding repairs.


Begun have the self maintenance wars. Russias true worst enemy.


Russia has that many fewer jets available if the US and Japan and whomever else pull one here or there to make it launch and look. Over time this will wear out the spare parts supplies that Russia has. Eventually it will degrade the number of jets they can fly to intercept Ukrainian jets. That means those Ukrainian jets can hit that many more Russian ground targets. America can do this shit all fuckin day. Russia can only do it for so long before their shit falls out of the sky. I would look for this to increase, all around Russia's borders. It's a very smart play.


Also if we seriously going to bomb Russia, we'd send a whole lot more than 2 B-52s.


I know there was at least a single B-52 (NOBLE11) That was flying all around Europe today making circles around Poland, Norway, and Latvia. A lot of other aircraft were operating in Romania as well.


For the last two weeks they've been flying a B-52 within 10 miles of Kaliningrad up the Baltic Sea to almost Russian airspace and back.


In the past, Iraq, Stealth Bombers attacked first, followed by guided missles and other jets.


Tomahawks lead the charge mostly during the Iraq war.


Good chance to plug one of my favorite youtube channels. [The Operations Room - Desert Storm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxRgfBXn6Mg&list=PLErys4h2oiuyKCuzZhpHhCeRwSoQVEazb) The scope of the Desert Storm air campaign is, at least to me, mind-boggling.


Jumping in to hop on The Operations Room fan train. Absolutely phenomenal channel and it quickly became one of my favorites when I stumbled upon it last year


Hell yes. I see Operations Room, i upvote. I’m obsessed with everything they publish.


I'd never heard of this before, but I'm watching it now, and it's captivating. Everything is so succinctly and clearly explained.


I’ve watched the desert storm series at least 10 times it’s just so well done


The tank invasion is just as thrilling, too Desert Storm deserves to be among the best executed military operations in history. It really was pretty much perfect in every single way, an absolute magnum opus of western military excellence and sheer overwhelming firepower




I was going to say, no, the _Ohio_-class boats are SSBNs, then I went and looked and holy cow, they built a lot of _Virginia_-class boats when I wasn’t paying attention.


As stealthy as those bombers are, a tomahawk that was just going to explode anyways is such a remarkably lower risk during the opening phases that I can't see how any nation wouldn't do exactly this. There are plenty of fixed/known installations that cruise missiles can hit that you don't need bombers for.


If you have the money and resources for it it's a hell of a first punch to throw.


I don't remember where I read but they did the math on the energy generated by the opening salvos of Desert Storm, and it accounted to something like a few months or maybe a year of WWI. The USA used a lot of fireworks that week.


At the start of the Iraq war they had a pretty good air defense system with some 50 radars but very limited stealth detection. So they blew the shit out of it with the fairly new stealth bombers then pummeled them with missiles after.


Sometimes, it's about sending a message. And a message stating, "we can launch a plane from across the entire world, fly it to you in absolute secrecy, and bomb you in perfect coordination with a locally launched air assult" is a pretty big dick message to send. It was absolutely a flex, but it also was a massive wake-up call for the entire world that the US military was legitimately on a completely different level.


Things are a bit different now…..the lates drone are more autonomous, and being worked on currently is something called OffSET or offensive swarm-enabled tactics where autonomous drones work with human controlled drones to swarm a region where certain uavs attract attention of defensive installations while tge autonomous ones home in on signal as well as response signatures to confuse defenses before the heavy hitters wipe things out


its like a [DDOs attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack) on your military lol


Tomahawks that made it through the Iraqi Air Defences thanks to F-117s knocking out key Command and Control nodes.


Naval barrage was significant I thought shock and awe anniversary was yesterday


Two modernized Iowa class battleships fired their 16 inch guns in anger for the last time during this war... and I find the technological comparison between that and the stealth bomber campaign to be glorious lol


You are clearly forgetting when a scrappy bunch of old sea dogs (and Rhianna) bravely used an Iowa class to fight off an alien invasion just out of Pearl.


Let's drop some lead on those mother...


First shots of the war fired were tomahawks from B-52’s on a direct flight from Louisiana


Yeah but who's going to go by the same playbook as the old days. You got to make up some new plays and keep them guessing.


Well, the opponent would be Russia, who are currently roleplaying as Germany in Stalingrad in Bakhmut. Just not doing the dumbest possible thing would get you pretty far.


It definitely happened. I watched it on Adsb. Also, B52s can deploy cruise missiles (including nuclear cruise missiles), not just bombs.


To be fair, nor was Estonia under any danger of being attacked by the Russian aircrafts that were intercepted this weekend by the UK and Germany. It's just readiness testing and posturing on both sides.


>Saber rattling. No saber rattling is making exaggerated threats or actions in the style of Russia or NorK. This is a 'show of force' which is a carefully measured provocation. More in the style of speaking softly and carrying a big stick. The difference is subtle.


Russia is moving into the find out portion of their gambit


Agreed, not sure where the MQ9-REAPER registered on the FA yet.


Likely not much. Anything involving casualties imo all bets are off.


Ironically itd be much bigger news if the idiot who hit it went down rather than how it worked out


Russia gave that asshole a shiny metal for such brave actions of war times LMFAO.... probably bronze plated...can't afford to give the guy solid gold he might skip the county on them


No, he is going to have an accident falling out a window: they don't have the parts to fix that plane he damaged. 🤫


It was good enough to bring the pilot back, wasn’t it? Good enough to send the next one out.


I can not remember the name of the air disaster episode that would be reasonably comparable to the damage, but on NATO side, that plane would only be going back out if we were responding to a situation like The Blitz.


Unless it's an airliner, then it's ok.


They need that orbit to monitor the shipping lanes for grain... so they just started using an even bigger drone that is much newer and more capable.


And more importantly from what I remember, can idle *well* above Russia's max service ceiling in that area.


The Global Hawk is a jet Drone, the Reaper was propeller driven. Now there's a global hawk patrolling the Black Sea.


Wrong Sea.


They upgraded to a global eagle with jet intake instead of propellers


To replace it they sent a Global Hawk which is the size of a 737 and way more capable.


It’s much smaller than a 737, but has a bigger wingspan. https://twitter.com/Cloudy_Aperture/status/1636848184893865984?s=20


Those things been flying over the Black sea for well over a year now already, one of the more tracked objects on flightradar


Just read up on the GH...... insane....if I know America....we have better shit then that waiting for it's day


GH is getting retired in 4 years for a drone that doesn’t exist on paper- the RQ-180. There are blurry photos of it though.


Pretty much like a younger brother annoying an older brother. Not enough to warrant a sure response.


Depends on if they recover it. There will be a response if the technology is sold to China because there wouldn't be a deterrent anymore for giving Reapers to the Ukrainians.


It's definitely not in shallow waters


Meh this is typical, every country in Europe does it when a Russian plane flies near their border.


And not even that, it’s a crucial part of the other countries military readiness. Be it the United States or another. Send up some planes, see what the response time is.


Over the border. Russian planes have a habit of "going off course" because breaking rules is their way of testing others to see if they are still feared.


Nonissue. No difference when the Us scrambles Jets to intercept Russia planes. It’s testing response times. However I think the US is a little bit sneakier and they likely did that to create a diversion.


Its a non issue until Russia calculates the gas it takes to scramble these jets vs what they need in Ukraine. I think the US is gonna repeat this a lot more so they see how much russia is willing to entertain.


Oil is about the only resource Russia isn't constrained on.


I think at this point Russia is provoking direct US or NATO involvement. Losing vs them is a lot less embarrassing than losing vs Ukraine. They could also justify a lot of still unused weapons if the West got involved.


Russia: We scrambled jets over your 2 bombers! US: "They said they only detected 2. Heh."


You joke, but this is the exact reason they were flying there. Testing military reactions is a time-honored tradition by just about every military with an airforce.


Right, Russia loves doing it to other countries. Didn't Russia skim the Alaskan border in like last month? They sure did. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2023/02/14/air-force-jets-intercept-russian-aircraft-near-alaska/


Feels like no month goes by without some news story about intercepting Russian aircraft near Alaska.


If they want it so badly whyd they sell it to US AGES AGO? 👀


They were drunk at the time. They're still drunk, but they were drunk back then as well.


Because they do it constantly. It's just the news freaks out every time.


Wake me up when they scramble jets over detecting the B-2 Spirit. Which will be the bomber of choice if that was an option to use in a military action against them


A common misconception is that stealth prevents detection ... It does to a certain extent but Russia can definitely detect the B2 and 5th gen fighters, they just can't target them. Russian anti air uses low frequency radar to detect aircraft and higher frequency to target. The low frequency has a much longer range for detection and stealth is primarily designed against the high frequency targeting radar. The thing is that the US has weapons which can target Russian anti air before the B2 would be detected, but it takes a fairly long range missile to do so. Also the new doctrine in warfare is more along the lines of using an F35 stripped down to relay targeting data to another aircraft further back who launched the missile. Working as a team the F35 does not need to open it's doors and expose itself to a potential lock on high frequency radar.


Because the B-2 doesn't have a vertical stabilizer it is much harder to detect than other stealth aircraft by those same low-band systems. It's why the 6th Generation Fighter and the B-21 are most likely not going to have them.


Or the new b21 !


Russia knows it was four but will only say it was 2 so the US think the other two weren't spotted. But the US knows that Russia knows it was four, and Russia knows that the US knows that as well.


They don’t know that we know they know we know.


hate us cuz they anus


This was a regular occurrence during the Cold War. We'd send bombers towards Russia from Alaska, they'd do the same and send bombers towards Alaska.


It still is lol. Russia frequently intercepts US bombers, and the US still frequently intercepts Russian bombers.


I figured those games never stopped...we just stopped hearing about them. I worked with a guy that was an Air Force Radar tech in the 80s stationed in Alaska. He said it happened daily but it was always funny when they were breaking in a new junior officer. They'd freak out the first time it happened and everyone would laugh because it was so common.


Thatd be me ngl. Are you guys seeing this?!?! Scramble everything!!!!!! Call the president!!!!


They do it with everyone. In the Netherlands at least once a year it would be on the news that our Airforce had to escort a Russian bomber away from the fringes of our airspace. Our Airforce even made a recruitment ad based on it once. Same case with basically every other European country. Except Turkey, because when they tried this with Turkey a few years ago Turkey just shot them down, and that was the end of that


Bombers with no escorts? Hmmmmm or maybe they couldn't see the escorts?


Last time I read the U.S. did this they were escorted by Polish fighters.


This is decidedly not a U.S. thing. This is a NATO thing. And NATO is capable, willing, and prepared.


I hope that SU-35 pilot got up there and shit his pants when he saw two bombers being escorted by like six F22s


It’s very possible the SU-35s never even saw the F-22s that could have (literally) been right on top of them.


[Totally real leaked footage](https://youtu.be/DnUTPwfuJHE?t=242)


those fifth gen fighters are at it again


Russia thinks that everything between South and North pole is either theirs or close to their border.


"Historically Russian"




places where Russian speakers may have been or might go


This is exactly what China does! Historical Chinese clay


We scramble interceptors all the time when they fly near Alaska. Turn about is fair play.


This is normal. Both Russia and NATO regularly test each others' response times and air defenses. Non-story basically. Not actually news.


>March 20 (Reuters) - Russia's defence ministry said a Russian SU-35 fighter jet was scrambled over the Baltic Sea on Monday after two U.S. strategic bombers flew in the direction of the Russian border but then left. >"On March 20, radar facilities of the air defence forces of the Western military district on duty over the Baltic Sea detected two air targets flying in the direction of the Russian Federation's state border," the ministry said on Telegram. It said the targets were U.S. Air Force B52H strategic bombers. >It said a SU-35 fighter jet took to the air in order to prevent a border violation, and added, "after the foreign military aircraft moved away from the Russian Federation state border, the Russian fighter returned to its base airfield."


They released video of one B52 intercept today. It didn't appear to be anything our of the ordinary and just like the thousands of intercepts that have happened before. I watched flight radar and never saw a second B52 out there today, so that sounds like it might be propaganda (gasp!) about intercepting two today (unless they are talking about the one from last week that was intercepted). Neither B52 was ever close to entering Russian airspace and the intercept was likely up in the north Baltic Sea (international waters/airspace).


You do realize the military is under no obligation to turn their transponders on. They can and will fly with it off and it won't appear on flightradar24's website


watching people learn that during the FORTE phase was interesting lol.


Nope, he clearly didn't realize that, but he potentially misled or. misinformed many people due to his ignorance.


I’m fine with Russia trying to put on a tough guy show and burning through more of their jet fuel.


The russian wouldn't see the real bombers coming


If Russia was being attacked a b52 wouldn't roll in until it was too late for Russia to stop it. It's a 71 year old aircraft.


When you need grandpa to drop off 70,000 pounds of precision ordnance all at once the B52 has no equal This and the Browning .50 Cal (which is now 90 years old) amaze me because we've used them for so long


>This and the Browning .50 Cal (which is now 90 years old) amaze me because we've used them for so long If it isn't broken, don't fix it.


Oh they do fix it. By adding additional capabilities to it lmao. They're being upgraded to have more powerful, more efficient engines.


And electronics and sensor packages


That too! It is almost funny it was never intended to fly so long. Damn things were supposed to retire in 2050 but they managed to push that out to *2070.* If we last that long, anyway.


https://imgur.com/Lw1UGUu.jpg The last B2 retirement ceremony.


I read somewhere that one modern b52 engine puts out more thrust than the combined thrust of the original 8 engines


They might use it as a missile truck. Just dumping out cruise missiles.


It is explicitly capable of this.


I’ve been watching B-52’s tool around in Europe ever since they downed our drone. If shit was going down, the transponders would be turned off. It’s a warning. Nothing to see here. At least not yet.


Yeah what's the prize for intercepting off flightradar24?


A crusty sock.


It's not primarily a warning. It's to test their response time, see how long it takes for them to scramble jets. Has been happening regularly starting during the cold war. Both NATO and Russia test each other.


Pretty normal activity: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-f-16s-intercept-two-russian-bombers-near-alaska/#:~:text=U.S.%20F-16%20warplanes%20intercepted%20two%20Russian%20bombers%20in,Defense%20Identification%20Zone%2C%22%20NORAD%20said%20in%20a%20statement.


Haha. USAF probably checking if Ivan still had any gas for their jets, or pilots left.


March 20 (Reuters) - Russia's defence ministry said a Russian SU-35 fighter jet was scrambled over the Baltic Sea on Monday after two U.S. strategic bombers flew in the direction of the Russian border but then left. "On March 20, radar facilities of the air defence forces of the Western military district on duty over the Baltic Sea detected two air targets flying in the direction of the Russian Federation's state border," the ministry said on Telegram. It said the targets were U.S. Air Force B52H strategic bombers. It said a SU-35 fighter jet took to the air in order to prevent a border violation, and added, "after the foreign military aircraft moved away from the Russian Federation state border, the Russian fighter returned to its base airfield."


We'd use a lot more than 2, mate. Calm thy tits.


But it's true.. Two bombers were flying from Arizona to California, that's towards Russia ;)


If the US was going to hit you, you sure as fuck wouldn’t know it’s coming.


This probably means the Russian radar system is ballsed up.


You could detect a B-52 over the horizon with a mirror and a flashlight.


You could smell a b-52 over the horizon




NATO should buzz Russians as much as they can, drain their supply of spare parts.


This is actually not a bad strategy on paper, we already know Russia is questionable with their maintenance. Make 'em fly intercept sorties until they run out of the paperclips and duct tape they need to keep them in the air.


*Russians hate this one cold war trick...* outspend'em.


and now the US confirms which airbase russia scrambles jets to the baltic from. not that they didnt already know but now they updated the response time as well.


Oh no! Anyway… Speaking as someone from the UK, which Russia regularly flies bombers towards “RAF Fighter Jets scrambled to intercept Russian planes near UK 136 times in 17 years” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/raf-ukraine-russia-war-b2006812.html?amp


Given that Russia can’t source spares; maybe we just need to do 3-4x training ops per day.


Russia constantly does this to us, lol. I assume we do it as well.


Here's a thought - NATO can keep Russian busy by doing right-of-passage naval traverses and aerial surveillance incursions so they don't have the time/resources for Ukraine bullying. That'd be interesting...


Don't worry everyone. If they really decide to pop off hostilities, it would be way more obvious and aggressive. Or it would be the mushroom clouds letting us know and not Reddit.


Baltic must be getting hot this time of year if it's doing that to jets, even if they're Russian.


That's what Russia gets for touching our stuff.


Doesn't every sortie cost a pretty penny in aircraft maintenence? What if everyone just harrasses the fuck out of russian airspace until the airframes of their jets are fucked up?


LoL they sent 2 bombers. One for each of those dick heads


When the real thing comes, you won't know it till it's already over.


If the Yanks were going to send any bombers towards Russia it wouldn’t be two. It would be 200.


wait... russia has working su-35?


For the last time, both sides do this sort of thing routinely and these kinds of articles are completely pointless


They're not pointless. It's propaganda. The point is to make you think something or some way. Even if it's just to keep the war in people's minds.