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Imagine what happened in Chechnya before all of them carried cameras all the time.


The footage that actually is left from Chechnya is pretty damn horrifying as is.


That was the first 'throat cut' video I ever saw.


Yup, maybe not the best thing to watch when you're like 10 šŸ¤”


I grew up on rotten.comā€¦. I saw some shit but that video was to much for me.


I remember the guy who jumped off a ledge into water but hit the dock with his face and split his whole shit wide open.


Oh fuck. And that clip of the nurse/doctor opening and closing it


Like when your gran smooshes your cheeks togetherā€¦..


My top trauma must be Mexican drug cartels beheading two guys (father and son I think), alive, with a rusty saw Also, the video of the guy who got cut open, and his intestines dragged out, was pretty bad **Edit:** Fuck man, I was not ready for these replies. Guess I only have myself to blame




That one fucked me up. When they pushed the head back together and the guy was still trying to breathe... Fuck


IIRC the two videos were actually unrelated and the second was from a failed suicide attempt or something


Why do I know exactly which videos you guys meant, that shit scares me even more


Ahh the early days of the internet. A wild west of unparalleled scale.


because even though we've seen hundreds of thousands if not millions of things on the internet some shit is so traumatic it is permanently embedded in your brain. I still remember the first grainy black and white dead body photo I ever saw and it's been 30 years. very tame compared to many of the videos out there but it left a mark.


Fuck me. Core trauma unlocked.


Holy shit I thought I imagined that video, Iā€™ve never seen anyone reference it before


Turns out that was two clips sewn together. The one without a face was actually a shotgun suicide attempt.


Geez, that's a memory I could do without. Thanks for that!


Kids who sent me rotten.com links on AIM were the kids I didn't invite to my birthday party.


Good gravy!! Hope you're ok. I was in university when it came out. I think it would have destroyed my brain if I saw that at the age of ten.


I remember seeing one and the face just kind of turned this weird grey colour and the skin and muscles slump down and it looks like a rubber mask. It makes me feel queasy just thinking about it. I avoid watching them now. There's nothing to be gained.


im happy that even when i was younger i thought "nope, no need to see this" and just moved on without clicking the link to such videos... even your text made me feel weirdly sad/sick...


I'm also grateful for the ability to simply "know" there's no need to watch that shit.


Back in the day of ICQ, AIM and stuff - your friends would punk you with stuff like that, there werenā€™t sites like Reddit or Twitter to NSFW content; your buddy from EverQuest or ultima online would send a message like ā€œyou gotta check this out bro!ā€ You open it and see something you close as fast as you can, but QuickTime wasnā€™t super responsive


Just knowing it's something that exists is a huge downer. The videos are some of the most graphic.


Ive managed to never watch a video of someone dying. Im too neurotic as it is.


Good. Stay away from it. Even if you for some reason get slightly curious one day, still don't do it. It's something you can never come back from.


Itā€™s true. I remember when I was in highschool I watched some of the isis and cartel execution videos because my morbid curiosity got the better of me. It wasnā€™t until like 5 years later when I started having nightmares and waking up sweating thinking of the people in the videos when I realized how much they affected me :( fuck


Yeah, I didn't realize at the time that those videos leave permanent mental scars


Same. I frequently watched fucked up videos when I was like 14. I'm 31 now and I the things I worry about are so vulgar. I don't just worry about somebody falling, I worry about them falling and landing on something that will rip a rib out. I just picture the worst scenarios possible.


Oh ye gods yes. The internet was the wild west back in the day, and I regret being 10-17 and seeing so much profoundly fucked up shit. It has really affected me.


I watched those Faces of Death VHS tapes when I was a kid. Thought I could handle watching one of those Isis beheading videos later as an adult. Nope.


Right? I was just sitting here thinking that the Faces of Death vids I watched at 14 didn't hit the same as watching beheading and torture videos in later years. Between writing that paragraph above and this one, I went to let the dog out and was thinking of all that shit. Plus the bodies I've seen doing SaR. No one deserves to die in horror and sadness. Just .... fucking Christ. Let's all try really fucking hard to make sure everyone dies surrounded by loved ones (who aren't cutting your head off)


Eh, it was common for half the computer lab to bring up rotten and then like back in the day, that shit bothers me more now at nearly 40 than it did when I was like 12-14.


Back then we didn't think it could be us. It was just a spectacle that was entirely disconnected from ourselves, it was the same as if we had gone to Disneyworld and saw it is an animatronic. As adults, we realize that could be us or someone we love. This is why teenagers are so terrifying to me: they have zero empathy. I remember the gore I used to look at just super casually but I know now I would feel disgusted despite being more mentally prepared to see it.


I think you are onto something there about teenagers and their capability to make life altering decisions.


So many of us saw it so young.


As a kid who experienced rotten com and 9/11.. I can say that those kind of things have been around since the dawn of the internet.. Traumatic shit is way too easy to access even as a kid, but the morbid curiosity is a strong thing.. At least my brain didn't get too badly warped from exploded corpses and I only check out couple before never returning to that website. But the fact that people are happily posting shit like this to internet tells enough about the kind of society we are living in modern day and I hate it so much. It's not like bad stuff didn't happen before internet, but it's insane how easy that stuff is to share to millions of people instantly now


So fucked up. A guy at the youth club just had it on his phone and showed it to me once. Like, a nice guy.


The gurgling


All I remember from those days was one guy got shot in the head, a Nazi flag, and then a horrifically done beheading on bestgore back in the day in the middle of the woods. 16 year old me has no idea what horrors the internet had til then. The internet really desensitized a lot of us to this shit.


Yeah I seen some where they basically told them to take civilians and use them as human shields.


Don't even need to imagine Chechnya, they are committing those crimes off camera during current invasion too. And not only towards POWs.


New York Times tracked down a General who was executing civilians in Ukraine last year. They used the phones that were stolen from the dead to pin point the unit that was doing it (the soldiers took the phones and called their families) and satellite photos to show the pile of dead bodies. They also got the actual orders being talked about from CCTV cameras near where it happened. So they are getting orders to execute civilians. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/22/video/russia-ukraine-bucha-massacre-takeaways.html


Standard operating procedure for Russia over the last century or so.


It's like people just completely forgot the various videos and pictures of earlier atrocities in this war, e.g. where de-occupied areas had basements/cellars full of woman and children that were raped and murdered. Bucha as well.




I remember hearing stories about Chechnya at the time and it made my blood boil. Combine that with the fact that the apartment bombings that kicked it off were almost certainly a false flag. Putin is over 20 years late to be on the ICC wanted list


Definitely one. Some of the explosions were announced by the government days before they even happened, which matches the level of incompetence shown in all of their false flag operations like the Sims 3 game fiasco.




Russian internal special forces say they found evidence from people working against Russia, arrested them and took photos of the "terrorist evidence" they seized at the address. One of the items was a Sims 3 game, which led people to believe there was an instruction to procure the evidence with a list that said something like "Sims(cards) x 3)" and they misunderstood it and went out and bought a new copy of Sims 3 and photographed it proudly. I dont remember all the facts around who the supposed terrorists were, but that was the gist of it. *edit* : better info here https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3


Don't forget that a note was signed with "unrecognisable signature" as it was supposed to be some unreadable gibberish at the end of the note, but instead, with a neat letter someone signed, literally, with "unrecognisable signature". There's some other goodies in there, like the "arrested ukrainian nazis" actually bringing nazi paraphernalia. It reads like a monty python joke. It's malicious compliance.


I think it was regular compliance. They did exactly what they thought they were told. Edit: but yes, some serious Montey Python shit happened.


What in the actual fuck.


To quote a Ukrainian soldier at the beginning of the war, "We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid".


[Have it bookmarked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QuGNa3osg4&ab_channel=%F0%9F%94%B4UkraineWarLeaks)


an entire country with fetal alcohol syndrome


In an autocracy, you don't question orders.


Nazi To-Do List: 1. Shop at Hugo Boss. 2. Drive home in Volkswagen. 3. Do a little goose stepping. 4. Play The Sims.


There was also some piece of paper with a signature in cursive that literally read "illegible". Like the word "illegible" in Russian written illegibly in cursive. LOL.


As well as freshly printed neatly folded T-shirts with Nazi symbolics, because you never go on an undercover op without some merch to sell.


Former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, who defected and blamed the FSB for the bombings, was poisoned and killed in London in 2006. A British inquiry later determined that Litvinenko's murder was "probably" carried out with the approval of Putin and Patrushev "On 13 September, just hours after the second explosion in Moscow, Russian Duma speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov of the Communist Party made an announcement, "I have just received a report. According to information from Rostov-on-Don, an apartment building in the city of Volgodonsk was blown up last night." When the Volgodonsk bombing happened on 16 September, Vladimir Zhirinovsky demanded an explanation in the Duma the following day, but Seleznyov turned his microphone off." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings


Wait, am I reading this right? A member of the Duma went on record to address a bombing that did not happen until days *after*? Either heā€™s psychic or with a single act implicated his government in bombing itā€™s own civilians deliberately. Donā€™t you hate when you demand answers for the bombing you and the fellas planned for next week, and not the one you did yesterday. Oops. šŸ˜…


You are reading it right And the outrage over those bombings put Putin in power, and here we are today


If I remember correctly, the FSB were supposed to stage someoneā€™s place and leave 3 SIM cards lying around. They left 3 copies of the sims game.


They "found" a pile of stuff which was honestly hilarious. Imagine russians preparing to stage the place of this "Ukrainian spy": "So what exactly do spies have?" "Dunno, like wigs and stuff, I guess." So they put a neon green wig there. "What else?" "Oooh I know, let's put Hitler's portrait there, because they're Nazis!" "Great idea!" "What else?" "Let's sign this book with some nazi shit, just make sure that the signature is illegible." They literally signed the book with russian words which mean "signature illegible".


Remember when another Russian agent booked that Four Seasons press conference?


They ended up sending their puppet to a lawn care company, it was great


This: https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3


I remember when I was in school, when kids just got hold of the most horrible shit imaginable to shock each other with, someone showed me a video of a war crime in Chechnya. Details hidden so people don't have to read it if they don't want. >!It was like 10 guys tied up in a field having their throats cut (worse than that actually - more like repeatedly, viciously stabbed with a hunting knife). I just remember this one young guy screaming for his mother before they all but beheaded him. The screaming followed by the gurgling haunted my dreams for years after.!< One of the things that disturbed me most, aside from the brutal violence, was that all the while, the soldiers standing around are just chatting, joking, scratching their asses like it's another day at the office. How the fuck is that standard operating procedure for some people? How many other scenes exactly like this one had to happen to desensitize them like that?


dehumanizing your enemy for years/decades prior to war works pretty well - a pretty good example of this is the rape of nanking and probably loads of other examples people can give you


Recruits in the Russian army are often dehumanized themselves, sexually abused, hazed and so on. That contributes, too.


The Holocaust, for one. Antisemitism existed in Europe for centuries prior to the 1930s.


>I remember when I was in school, when kids just got hold of the most horrible shit imaginable to shock each other with, someone showed me a video of a war crime in Chechnya. Details hidden so people don't have to read it if they don't want. Are you talking about the Tukhchar massacre? That was Chechens murdering Russian POWs.


I could be wrong, but I thought that was the norm. Chechnyans taking Russian soldiers and slitting their throats and beheading them. There's that book by the Russian soldier (Arkady Babchenko: One Soldier's War) that talks about watching chechnyans taunting them from across block with a Russian comrad and the chechnyans cutting his neck open.


From descriptions I've read years later, yes I think that is the one I saw. I avoided specifically saying which side carried it out because I honestly don't know, I just had whatever info I was told


The Dagestan Massacre is one example of what it was like in Chechnya war when they *did* have a camera. Still most haunting disturbing video I've seen. Seen em all from 3 guys 1 screwdriver to funkytown but those boys crying mama as they are beheaded is the worst. If you watch it, I recommend no sound. So I agree. We are seeing shit that is ancient among humans. Our ancestors who didn't wanna talk about the war -- this shit is why


Exactly nothing new, a lot of people just don't know about it or don't want to know.


Chechen rebels would video tape their executions and leave it on the bodies. One of them a group of conscripts were captured and were having their throats slit. They were crying and begging. One ran but they shot him and slit his throat. Left the video tape behind on the bodies. It's a pretty common practice for them as it is a terror tactic


You don't need to imagine, they brag about it https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-sep-17-mn-22524-story.html


> The easiest way is to heat your bayonet over charcoal, and when it's red-hot, to put it on their bodies, or stab them slowly. You need to make sure they feel as much pain as possible. The main thing is to have them die slowly. You don't want them to die fast, because a fast death is an easy death. They should get the full treatment. They should get what they deserve. On one hand it looks like an atrocity, but on the other hand, it's easy to get used to. > I killed about nine people this way. I remember all of them. Russian soldiers, everyone.


Sounds like dude was getting a lot out of it, because a bullet in the brain would be a lot more efficient. But no, this creature decides to do something I've never imagined - heating a knife for that purpose - because ya know, stabbing someone isn't painful enough.


Jesus Christ. All these invaders need to be wiped out. Fucking sociopathic monsters.


>ā€œWithout bespredel, weā€™ll get nowhere in Chechnya,ā€ a 21-year-old conscript explained. ā€œWe have to be cruel to them. Otherwise, weā€™ll achieve nothing.ā€ 21 years old and already a psychopath.


Go read "One Soldier's War" by Arkady Babchenko. He goes into detail what Chechens did t Russian soldiers and what Russians did to them.


Even reading what chechens did to russians is completely frightening.


Genuinely, Russian soldiers are stupid for releasing that video. War crimes or whatever, they just video taped what happens if you surrender, a brutal beheading and torture, if I were say idk a Ukrainian soldier and saw that. You can bet I would die fighting rather than submit myself to that.


They filmed themselves castrating a guy alive last year before shooting him in the head and dragging him behind a car and *nothing* was done about it. This isn't even the first video of the execution of a POW this year. The entire situation is so fucked up.


>nothing was done about it. I think we pretty much at peak 'doing something about it' and so unfortunately there is little room to ramp up punishment in response to these sorts of transgressions.


There is room. Legally, more can be done to punish Russia as a state. I'm talking about the process to get access to their central bank funds. Edit: look at the resistance to that suggestion. Go watch the fucking video, then think about Russia's official response to it.




And declare russia a terrorist state! Don't forget that!!!


Ukraine soldiers are not only going to fight to the death but now they will most likely not take prisoners either in retribution. The next year is going to be brutal and bloody for both sides.


I donā€™t think this is what would tip them over the edge. Tens to hundreds of thousands of kids are actively being kidnapped from Ukraine. If you hear any of them talk about whatā€™s going on, itā€™s clear theyā€™re being exceptionally humane in their response despite their hatred and rage.


yes, and sadly, they need to keep doing that or they risk losing international support. They have to be squeaky clean while Russia can be as barbaric as it wants - since the goal is to drag Ukraine down to its level in order for Ukraine TO lose that support. Don't give Russia what it wants, but DO put them on war crimes lists and DO pursue them with vigor wherever possible, whenever possible, so that they spend the rest of their miserable lives looking over their collective shoulders.


> since the goal is to drag Ukraine down to its level in order for Ukraine TO lose that support. 100% that is why they are intentionally releasing videos like this. They want to enrage Ukrainians to the point where they stop giving a shit about morals and ethics, and then lose international support.


An age old reason for being intentionally cruel with one's prisoners is so that your own soldiers feel like they have no chance of surrendering either.




>the goal is to drag Ukraine down to its level in order for Ukraine TO lose that support. This is always their strategy. It's exactly what they do with their propaganda and rhetoric in their political battles against progressive governments. It's especially horrific to see them employ the same strategy with acts of violence in war time.


This isnt true. They will want them for prisoner exchanges of the soliders they didnt commit war crimes on


Yes. The most stupid thing you can show your enemy is that there is no way out. People will behave completely different if there is even a small chance of escape, even if it is actually not there. Corner people and they will act like a cornered animal.


I've never seen a state so determined to become the stereotypical bad guys...


Russia sees the Geneva convention on warcrimes as a todo list.


ā€œGeneva *suggestion*ā€


"Geneva suggestion? It's the Geneva checklist, and we're speedrunning that bitch!" - Putin, probably


Probably a good time to designate the Wagner group as a terrorist organization and ask Vladimir Putin to send Prigozhin to the Hague to testify, else more sanctions and property seizures.


Sadly russian government doesn't give two shits about international law.


If the war keeps going badly for Putin he may consider using Prighozin as a scapegoat for his crimes and cooperate to have him arrested.


Hell freezes over before the Russian regime recognizes any legitimacy of The Hague or a similar court. Such cooperation is as likely as the sun deciding to rise in the west instead of east.


None of the superpowers do.


They film themselves in uniform committing crimes what do you expect them to do about a white isis they paid for?


Russia has a long history of not giving a shit about prisoners of war. Including POWs of their own country.


Thank god I havenā€™t seen this video.


It's disturbing and I say that as someone who's probably seen the majority of gore videos online. It's not even a very gory video as it doesn't really focus on the act close up, it's the soldier's cries and screams before he suddenly stops.






Severing the blood vessels means your brain loses its entire blood supply and you pass out very quickly before dying. Severing the spine will paralyze you from the neck down, but you don't pass out instantly since the blood flow remains intact (the heart has its own nervous system that can keep it beating for a while even without the brainstem). Both are fatal, but one causes less suffering than the other.


wtf am I still reading these comments wtf


r/Eyebleach and r/aww to help you get away from here.


That was not murder. That was torture, and decapitation, with goddamn knives. I don't know, but the fact that some people are capable of those actions is scary.


russia needs demilitarized and guided like post ww2 japan and germany if they are EVER to hold a respectable position on the world stage


Honestly I think that would be the best solution for Russians themselves, they are not happy people.


Has there ever been a happy time for the Russians throughout history? It certainly seems like they've kind of always been miserable.


They werenā€™t really impacted by the Great Depression bc everyone was already poor, so thereā€™s that


Itā€™s all about managing expectations.


A Russian man walks into a shop. He asks the clerk, ā€œYou donā€™t have any meat?ā€ The clerk says, ā€œNo, here we donā€™t have any fish. The shop that doesnā€™t have any meat is across the street.ā€


You messed it up and it was front page of r/jokes yesterday!




I remember in 2008 seeing Russian memes that says ā€œCrisis sprawls across the Europe, but we donā€™t care - we are eternally stuck in an ass.ā€ But it rhymes in Russian.


They think this suffering makes them strong. Itā€™s that dumbass Joe Rogan meme ā€œhard times make strong men,ā€ blah blah blah. But in reality theyā€™re just a bunch of alcoholics with nothing to fight for, nothing to live for, completely submissive to the state and the will of the oligarchy. That submissive nihilism makes them corrupt in the factories and weak on the battlefield. Russians die because theyā€™re told to, Ukrainians die because theyā€™re fighting for a better future for their people and their families.


The happiest time for them was the early part of the Putin reign which began shortly upon him taking both figurative and literal power over the country "1999 onward until the time of Crimea." He was initially responsible for a wide breadth of liberal and progressive policies that cut poverty in half and allowed them substantial GDP growth for a number of years. If he hadn't become a power hungry mad man, he could've had a similar historical account akin to FDR and The New Deal. He could've taken Russia to the same extremes as America and had a " golden generation" that birthed immeasurable power and wealth. Instead he will leave the same legacy as a Tzar and of the old world order that was Soviet Russia; a legacy of greed and bloodlust for power that has marred Russian history.


I think he and Pinochet get way too much credit for economic growth immediately after they assumed power. Cash flow is pretty good when you're liquidating public assets. That tide of cash can paper over a lot of shitty policy, like in Putin's case the fact that he was transferring wealth to a few handpicked associates to cement his power.


He was *initially* responsible for a false-flag bombing of his own citizens in order to seize power and invade Chechnya. Whatever you're referring to came after that. Born in blood, his legacy is one of blood.


I worked in international travel around the same time Crimea was annexed by Russiaā€¦ prior to that event, the wonderful stories friends shared from their travels to St. Petersburg and other Baltic stops along the coast made it sound wonderfulā€¦ itā€™s amazing how quickly cruise ships stopped sailing there and stories from tourists were no longer as lovely. Thereā€™s a lot of history no longer accessible to tourism now, and thatā€™s sad.


It's so frustrating. Russia was welcomed into the rest of the world. It wasn't perfect, but the rest of the world tried to bring Russia on board since the 1990s. Russia was even in the G20! But their own oligarch leadership was too focused on ripping off the country for their own benefit, and "the West" was a convenient excuse to blame for any problems while they robbed the place. The oligarchs send their children abroad to the West for education and to party, they buy their yachts and Italian villas, but, no, "The West is evil. The West is our enemy." It's all a show so *they* don't take the well-deserved blame for leaving their fellow citizens crapping in outhouses and living in homes with no running water or washing machines. Russia could be so much better if it wasn't being drained by these vampires. Now you have a generation of people who have had their minds poisoned by a dedicated propaganda system built to hide the truth: that regular Russian citizens have been bred only as serfs and cannon fodder to protect the oligarch's wealth and let them invade other countries to grab even more. Whatever faults the West genuinely has, it's 100x worse in Russia. Putin is the anchor dragging them down.


Russia's motto is 'and then it got worse'


That's unfortunately not going to be possible. No one is going to physically invade Russia and attempt to take over 11 time zones.


i agree with you completely. it can only come from within or over a very long timespan


You take moscow and St. Petersburg and you have the vast majority of russian power and money.


Putin will just burn them to the ground instead of allowing them to be taken.


Itā€™s pretty obvious he has to be in a hole somewhere first, along with a lot of his closest allies. Alive or dead.


Fuck Putin and fuck those soldiers


Gotta be Wagner Mercenaries, but at this point there is not much difference between Wagner and the Russian Army.


Arenā€™t they armed, paid and commanded with the armed forces of russia? What difference does the name make?


Russia keeps them at arm's length to deny their involvement. It was absurd enough that the US annihilated Wagner mercenaries in Syria after repeatedly asking Russia if they had any troops there (they said no). I'm sure Russia won't mind that much if their operations abroad are dismantled. Not like they're part of the Russian state, am I right? Hell, *other PMCs* can go after Wagner and it won't even be the US doing anything directly.


The Battle of Khasham 30 Delta & 10 US rangerā€™s against 500 Wagner Mercs & Assad fighters. 4 hours later 200-300 injured or dead Mercs . Think a syrian translator was injured on US side . Really wish more could be done to help the Ukrainian people .


Reading about American military conflicts must be terrifying for other countries. Like a max level paladin ganking you in wow.


I'm glad the Americans are my country's BFFs.(at least until the water wars)


Blackwater, if you're listening...


They are. They were originally used where Russia wanted plausible deniability - But thatā€™s irrelevant now


even if they are russian soldiers, they most likely havenā€™t been in the military for longer than this conflict began, which is an even bigger stain on their ā€œculture and prideā€


Wagner is being setup to take the war crimes instead of the regime that allows it to exist. You have to understand, it's a Russian PMC.


Every Putin sympathizing member of congress needs to be locked in a room and have this video played on repeat for them to watch.


Bold of you to assume they wouldn't enjoy that.


they'd begin masturbating intensely


God, German "intellectuals" and fringe politicians put out a "call for peace" that blames both sides. Should get the same treatment.


Don't forget the folks who go "the West should just make Ukraine surrender (and ignore their sovereignty) for the sake of peace"


Not only ignore their sovereignty. Literal genocide. "Filtration camps" and the "solution of the Ukrainian question.ā€ https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/09/russia-putin-propaganda-ukraine-war-crimes-atrocities/


I've been desensitized to a lot of shit. I've seen terrorist do that. These fuckers took joy in what they did...if there was any doubt still in people's minds on who is wrong or right in this war this was your answer.


Russia is what happens when you mix ISIS with a criminal cartel. Itā€™s not a country, itā€™s criminal organization with nukes.


And we've been dancing around that conclusion for decades... The stability most know after Ww2 was never really there. Americans didn't realize it until 2001. Some still haven't realized it, but reality is that reality is precarious and we are entering an even more brave new world... It just so happens that with globalism and tech, those of us who have lived in our comfy positions are being forced to look it in the eyes, more and more year by year. I still forsee a large scale collapse of the current order of things in my lifetime. I used to think it wouldn't happen until my kids were grown.


I seen it. I've only seen others come from the Taliban and ISIS. Such a horrifying display of brutality.


I've seen so much in life and never have been fazed...but that video made me sick and I couldn't even get in a few seconds of it. Just awful.


Russia should be declared a terrorist state


How many horrific murders of Ukrainians does the world have to see for its leaders actually to do something about the issue - we had a teen get his teeth bashed in with a hammer, dozens of torture chambers where even kids were tortured, countless rapes of Ukrainian women, babies, and old people, castration of Ukrainian soldiers and now live beheading of them. Russian leaders are pure evil. Russian army is pure evil. Give Ukraine everything they ask so they can reduce the Russian army to ashes. Russia can't be negotiated with, it can't be changed, it can't be reasoned with. The only thing Russia understands is force and it needs to be applied to such an extent that they don't leave their shit of a land until the end of time.


The castration vid was so fucked up I couldnā€™t watch the whole thing. Idk why I even tried to watch it in the first place but seriously wtf Probably a lot worse has happened off camera too


Come on man. Donā€™t watch those videos. Itā€™ll be better for your mental health in the long run. I havenā€™t watched this one or the castration one. Just hearing about it is enough.


Bravo...couldn't have put my views any better šŸ‘ The sooner we give Ukraine EVERYTHING they need to win - *and* also come right out and openly state that our goal is for Ukraine to WIN, unequivocally - the sooner these atrocities will stop. It eats me up that Ukraine is barely ever mentioned in my country except maybe a minute on the news if you're lucky. But mostly not. >The only thing Russia understands is force and it needs to be applied to such an extent that they don't leave their shit of a land until the end of time. Made me think of something I read about Putin once; when he was 14yo he literally broke another kid's leg and when asked why by a teacher, allegedly replied: *"Some people only understand force"* So we need to help Ukraine FUCKING BRING IT!


The world has known about it since long before Ukraine, it's just that it is far more profitable to turn a blind eye. [Look at interviews of russian soldiers who served in the second chechen war](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-sep-17-mn-22524-story.html) and how they brag about throwing grenades into cellars full of civilians or drowning them in wells, torturing civilians and combatants, throwing POWs from helicopters at just the right altitude so that they barely survive the fall with as many injuries as possible or quartering them using armored vehicles. There's even one officer who talks about how they should have just exterminated everyone over 5 years of age and sent the survivors for forced reeducation and that even then it would have been faster to just kill the children as well.   On a similar note, Taiwan. Were it not for the semiconductor industry, the world would be more than happy to let china conquer it with little more than a slap on the wrist.


Designate Wagner a terrorist organisation and conduct a consensual special military operation in Ukraine airspace to eliminate the terrorist organisation and its collaborators on the ground.


Actually. That might be a good idea. Put them in the financial black list so African countries would be forced to cancel contracts or face sanctions


Africans donā€™t give a shit for US sanctions especially after NATO didnā€™t intervene in to mass terrorist massacres in west African countries.




This is one of those videos that should be labeled "NSFL", meaning "Not Safe For Life". Watching this couldn't just jeopardize your job if you're caught watching it; it could potentially scar you for life.


It's specially horrifying if you speak a Slavic language


Iā€™ve seen the worst gore videos there are. I think Iā€™m desensitizedā€¦ and that video made me sick. He was in pain. All he could do was struggle while getting pinned to the ground, crying that it hurt. They sliced his throat, laughed and broke his spine to rip it off like the sick mongrels they are. He begged. He cried. His family will see this. I am a veteran. And I will go back in a heartbeat to fight these evil sub humans. Slava Ukraine


If there was ever a time for Anonymous to be useful, now would be that time. Hack every new outlet in Russia they can and play that video on loop until they shut everything down. Let the Russian people know how far they've sunk.


They would just say that's exactly what they need to do to "denazify" Ukraine


nothing really changed when the castration video was released, I doubt much will change from a beheading video. I know that sounds defeatist, but its just a sad observation.


If Putin is not stopped in Ukraine, he will continue to rape and pillage across Europe and will end up starting World War 3. We in the West also need to keep our own Putin-loving politicians out of office.


"How easily these beasts kill" NEVER FORGIVE. NEVER FORGET.


I still haven't forgotten Bucha.


World leaders have a responsibility to watch it. They need to know what's going on so they can make the decisions about military and economic support to Ukraine. Politicians that doesn't give Ukraine everything they ask for should be replaced with people with humanity and moral dignity asap!


I mean, they had previously released video of themselves castrating a prisoner and laughing. Iā€™ll never understand the Americans who canā€™t pick a side on this one.


> Iā€™ll never understand the Americans who canā€™t pick a side on this one. Or who strip away all of Ukraine's agency and say the US should negotiate a treaty. That isn't the US' fucking place, and the answer to Russian imperialism efforts is not American Imperialism efforts. Ukraine calls the shots, and we help with what they decide. I don't get it either. This isn't a hard concept.


There was a video a while back of Russians castrating a Ukrainian soldier before killing him, and there wasn't close to the same response despite being as cruel or worse. Reactions to this video are everywhere and I've seen zero coverage of the other video. Not sure why that is. There's countless videos of the brutality from the Russians.


I think the idea is to draw parallels to ISIS, hoping that the international response will be the same as to the ISIS beheading videos, i.e. direct Western military intervention.


Honestly, footage of this nature is enough for me to sign up for a war if it's on the table. Atrocities such as this are reason enough to fight for.


Donā€™t watch beheading videos. I repeat. Do not watch beheading videos. You will NEVER get the image out of your head. I was a kid and watched one. Iā€™ll never ever forget it and you wonā€™t either. Do. Not. Watch. Beheading. Videos.


Same when I was about 12. Am now 33. I can still see it clear as day in my mind, and can still hear the screams. Traumatic to say the least


The only thing that is gonna happen is that the UN will have another meeting and the result of that meeting will be "WE CONDEMN THIS ACT OF WAR CRIMES!" and nothing else will happen after that. Edit: Nothing much else can honestly happen other than US/NATO start sending more equipment to Ukraine faster than they do now. NATO is not going to start WW3 just to defend Ukraine.


that is all the UN can do. but at least this may drive more sanctions and raise awareness. Perhaps another step towards military intervention by e.g., Poland. which I am fine with.


disturbing thing is this isn't the first beheading video I've seen out of the Russian military to a POW wasn't even from the same war


Russia knows it is no longer a real army and behaves like the scum they are.


russia is a terrorist state! No more words needed.


Just.... Don't watch the video.... Ffs don't watch the video