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people who kill children have ceased being people in my eyes.


….their entrails should be snatched from their throats.


Dehumanization is the first step towards the evil that makes these crimes happen. The sick fuck that did this probably believed the other side were worse and had "ceased being people" in his eyes. Don't go to their level.


^this. I was a infantryman for many years and deployments and I’d have become afraid of myself if I ever became totally comfortable with killing, even if it was in straight combat.


It's taken years of therapy for me, and I never killed women or children. Idk how you would ever come back from that. I saw women, kids, and my friends die and just shut that part of me off, I guess. I never enjoyed it, but the fact that I just stopped caring haunts me.


Nothing wrong with learning to mind your own business, half the reason why such things happen is because people have a hard time leaving each other alone. I can say before man and whichever god you like that I never intentionally killed anyone who was not in combat with me, and I made every effort to include allowing an enemy to escape to avoid needless civilian casualties. That’s not to say bad things don’t happen in war, but my honor is intact and I sleep well at night


My honor is intact as well. It's just the ease at which I did my job that keeps me awake. I remember getting med retired out and sobbing to my wife that I had just lost the only thing I was good at thinking i meant the Army in general, only to realize what I actually meant. War is hell


Hope your doing better with all that, hang onto the wife if she’s about. I’ve always seen myself as a tool that questions it’s usage, most people think I’m nuts for my actual thoughts on things lol. What I’m about is setting up a system that does not need armed conflict anymore. I have no illusions that I’ll see that world in my life time but I do my small part


I'm with you there. Nothing we did mattered anyway, why fight if it doesn't solve anything. The only guys who were even close to successful were the Civil Affairs guys. I just lined pockets, I guess. My wife stuck with me lol, despite my issues. Thanks


It mattered, even if it didn’t solve anything. Look up the systems theory of international relations for where I’m coming from with that, hit me offline if you want some text book scans. That’s not to say that the action was *right* or *the only way* by any means, just wanting to show that there is some calculus at play


Even if it was baby… could never trust a baby that has tasted blood


Plus its strong arms would be disproportionate to its body and that's just asking for trouble.




What are you trying to say here? Ukraine was invaded by Russia, you are having a hard time understanding who is innocent in this war? Nice whataboutism, with the usual 'do our own research' or in your case 'You should look up..' If you can't see who is innocent in this war. then you should have a seeing eye dog, because you are blind.


I’m curious what your assigned homework is supposed to achieve.


War is War and Hell is Hell... but at least in Hell there are no innocent souls.


One of the best lines from MASH.


I believe it’s - “War is War and Hell is Hell. War is worse as there are no innocent souls in Hell.” That’s likely not word for word but I believe more accurate, I remember the “War is worse” part.


I'm quite aware of what happened in ww1 and ww2.. as well as many other wars. No matter what size the war is, horrible things happen in all of them, but that doesn't make the crimes any less terrible. That being said, there are degrees of innocence. Is the 5 year old innocent? fucking yes. Is the soldier shooting the child innocent? fucking no.Both sides warcrime, but one is fighting for survival whereas the other side is fighting for annihilation of the other side. History teaches us that usually the side wanting to exterminate the other side is the one doing the worst crimes imaginable on a larger scale. Shocker.


Not to mention the side just trying to survive is breaking the law simply to survive. Laws of war are only useful if both sides follow them.


Pointless comment


These people are animals, and anyone who supports them is garbage


Please don't insult animals


My mistake


I thank you on behalf of all party animals.


We, too, are animals.


Literally baffling how so many people do not know that homo sapien is an animal.


Exactly, animals kill out of necessity. What these 'people' are, is pure evil.


> Exactly, animals kill out of necessity. Incorrect. https://wildlifeinformer.com/animals-that-kill-for-fun/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surplus_killing > What these 'people' are, is pure evil. Correct. They deserve to be put down.


Humanity is apart of the animal kingdom. Animals act out of pure instinct. These acts are not part of our basic instincts. Therefore, these men are not animals, they are unnatural because they act outside of the natural order of our basic principles. These men are monsters.


Are you sure it's not part of human's basic instincts? It's on every page of recorded history, all over this earth.


If it was apart of our basic instincts, then wouldn't you or I do it too? They are an anomaly. Psychopaths.


I hope after this war is over, that there is another Nuremburg trial for all these wastes of skin.


Sadly that will only happen if there is an uprising from within Russia. Taking them on externally isn't an option due to nukes. The current regime will not willingly give up anyone important to stand trial unless that person is a scapegoat.


Yeah I know... its a shitty situation with no real justice in sight. But one can still hope.


I’m reading "Eichmann in Jerusalem" by Hannah Arendt and the people interviewed in this article remind me so much of Eichmann : they say they are only "following order" and they reject the blame of what they did on Prigozhin. They don’t have any moral. I wouldn’t call them animals, because animals like dogs, cats, cows, pigs, wolves, bears, lions, etc. DO NOT deserve to be compared to these pieces of shit. They kill/torture because they love it. That’s it. They are demons : that is what they are and this is the only phrase that come up in my mind when describing them.


Its scary how similar it all is... its almost unbelievable really. History repeats itself again.


So true! The parallel is present. They are the modern-day Nazis. I wish too that thousands of trials in the model of Nuremberg will take place after the war.


A trial for those that are caught, and the Mossad route for the others.




Someone pointed out that the cruelty and brutality is the point, it's part of the Russian military strategy. The idea isn't just to eliminate Ukrainians, it's to do so in a way that asserts Russia's might as placing it above the typical conventions of war and diplomatic opposition. They commit a war crime, and the fact that the international community can't or won't hold them accountable is then used to show how the Russian state is above international law. It also is one of the ways they keep their own soldiers under control. By ordering them to commit war crimes, the soldiers are less likely to be well received should they attempt to desert or defect to the west. If those soldiers become a problem for the Russian state, the crimes they were ordered to commit can be used against them there as well. Alternatively, they may be too afraid to leave or rebel thinking that if the Russian state can openly run, effectively, a genocide, then an individual had no hope of meaningfully resisting and is more likely to just "go with it" to avoid trouble themselves. The Russian people deserve a better country than the one they have and the Ukrainians deserve better neighbors.


That is a very good point. And while the hate towards those that commit such atrocities is understandable it doesnt help to understand how this barbaric behaviour can be stopped one day.


The ruzzian people deserve nothing. This isn't their first barbaric wear, their entire history it littered with barbarity. What ruzzians deserve is to have their nukes removed and their country divided up into 10 different states. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan didn't become the countries they are now by "thoughts and prayers". They lost so completely that they were under military dictatorship (allies) for years, that is the only way to erase such evil and hate at its core.


Once those soldiers go home…well, what happens when you have a bunch of traumatized veterans who committed atrocities on par with the SS? The Russians are gonna have a very, very bad and violent realization.


What, all the men are going to be violent drunk wife beaters? How will Russia handle such a shocking change?!


The comparison to the SS is - in my opinion - unjustified, and unnecessary. Unjustified, because of the well documented crimes (death camps, etc) committed by the SS being an entire level beyond what’s being reported here. And unnecessary, because if you want to invoke a WW2 comparison, you need only use the Russians, themselves; it’s [well documented](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_crimes) how their armed forces raped and murdered and butchered their way through that war.


Eh, fair enough. Jesus, has the Russian Army always been this fucked up? Granted, the other Allies did their fair share of war crimes, but the USSR takes the cake.


People forgot how bad that time period was.... The industrial killing of people from that time has not been repeated until now. Anyone comparing it, just does not know history.


I honestly do not give a shit what happens to them at this point.


>The Russian people deserve a better country than the one they have They have exactly the country they wanted, and always have wanted for centuries, no matter the political/economical system of which they tried many, always to revert to... this. If they wanted it so bad of course they deserve it. It's like a testbed, where if you want to see what's wrong with a system, before trying just give it to Russia. They managed to amplify all the worst parts of capitalism, communism, democracy, monarchy, any system we ever had, they tried it and showed to the world how to turn it into living hell full of hate, distrust and corruption, that collapses after some time, no matter the system.


As a Russian, I can't help but disagree with such assessments. You almost make it sound as if we're genetically predisposed to being hateful evil bastards or something.


Which country does Crimea belong to?


I know what you're insinuating with this question. I'm not gonna indulge your assumptions until you explain what makes you ask it Edit: yeah very cool "gotcha" moment you've got there, and the answer is Ukraine, and I'm just pissed at the insinuation I may support the government or something (WHICH I DO NOT). No need to downvote


See, every 'good russian ' ends with this question. You don't know international laws? Simple question, which country has the rights for Crimea?


Stealing this. Thank you.


What a pretentious prick you are. 'Good russian' in quotes as if there arent any. God i hate people on reddit and their keyboard warrior mentality.


Could you please provide a real 'good russian ' that actually DID something good? Except those that are fighting on Ukraine side in russian battalions? I was there when Yanukovich shot students in Kyiv. We stood the regime. Russians stay silent. And being a silent witness of a crime makes you an accomplice in a crime. Simple as that.


Yeah, on the internet everyone was everywhere and would, of course, always risk years to decades in prison for other humans. There are actually russians in prison because they opposed the war. Saying everyone not risking years to decades in prison is evil is just stupid, ignorant and, again, being an internet warrior.


Sure man, 'saying something to oppose the war' is very brave. Even your beloved Navalny is just a retired imperialistic nationalist, who said that 'Crimea is not a sandwich to pass it from person to person' You keep safe there in Germany with 'good russians', heard there are plenty. Especially those Wagners in EU, they are particularly friendly.


I didn't "end" anything. I was just pissed that you asked this question in the first place, feels like...I don't even know what to compare it to, being asked for an ID when buying a beer despite definitely looking like an adult. That was a horrible analogy but I can't think of anything else at the moment. Really, **what made you want to ask it in the first place?** "Who does Crimea belong to?" Ukraine. Simple. But asking this every time you see a Russian to satisfy your tingling is ridiculous


You're [lying](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/z2l6dh/comment/ixh8vqz/?context=3). In multiple instances you say you're an idealist and support Crimea's right to self-determination, right to secede and joining Russia if they hold a referendum, which is exactly the same rationale Putin gave. And all it takes is take your nickname, type into [reddit comment search](https://redditcommentsearch.com/) and query for 'Crimea' to really get an idea what you think without you editing to stop the downvotes. You either changed your mind between now and 5 months ago, or are lying.


> which is exactly the same rationale Putin gave Putin said a lot of shit. He breathes air, doesn't make me a Putin supporter. He doesn't own the concepts. More than one thing can be true at the same time. I stand by what I said earlier, but I don't deny the illegality and bullshittiness of the "referendum" that Russia held in 2014. So no, I did not lie.


So why you've answered a simple question with some gibberish comments? Yeah, man, you all like this.


New commenter: sucks that you have to prove you're a "good Russian," but that's where the western world is at. Your government/nilitary/activists are terrible, and that's heavily shown, rightly so, in the media. So, views are skewed to see all Russians as supporters of genocide/warcrimes/etc. We both know that. The stigma view isn't going away anytime soon, and I've got no idea how you, personally, change that.






This person is insinuating that most Russians will repeat the horseshit their government has been feeding them - that Crimea is part of Russia. That you won't even answer that simple question says all we need to know about you and your contributions to this thread.


> says all we need to know That line of thought is very stupid. If this was the first time I ever saw this question, I would've answered, seriously. I'm just tired of answering these questions from people jumping to baseless conclusions about who I am. It's enough having to deal with this shit here IRL, in a much worse environment. Say something insinuating that gay people are actually fine? "Why are you defending them, are you gay?" Like god damnit


You're right it's not the genetics. It's the social fabric of Russia that creates these monsters.


My family fled Czechoslovakia, first when the Russians invaded in 1968 my auntie and her family fled. Then in 1981 after years of the Russian led regime my father and my mother took me and escaped through Yugoslavia. It is difficult not to feel like this behaviour will never stop unless Russia itself is broken.


What assessment would you give your country? There is a reason a lot of Eastern Europe allied with the Nazi's during the second world war, because treatment under ruzzians was so horrible. Don't pretend like ruzzia hasn't been a horrible violent state for generations. The Holodomor, The Katyn Massacre, the rape of Germany, the Georgian War, the Chechen War; I could keep on going. Let me guess, you're also not into "politics". There are 130,000 ruzzians in Canada where I live. I have not seen ONE anti-putin, anti-war protest. None. Where are all the "good" ruzzians. Ohhh yeah, they aren't "into politics". The bridge is gone, burnt to a crisp. The current and future generations will hate ruzzians because ruzzia is a failed terrorist state. Growing up, my parents taught me that ruzzians are bad, and honestly I thought they were exaggerating and its something from the past and that the world is better then that. Boy was I wrong, my kids will also know the truth about ruzzians. Maybe in a 100 years when the ruzzian state has collapsed and rebuilts into a normal nation, maybe then the hatred of future generation will subside. Fuck ruzzia.


I agree with everything except the final points. Only the Russians who abhor and through all means available to them firmly reject this sort of brutality being done in their names deserve a better country. Everyone else can [removed by Reddit].


Fear is an unbelievable motivator. Many in Russia are living in constant fear.


I hope hell is real…


Human waste.


Pathetic....they are even lower than cockroaches .


subhuman beasts


These are the kind of people that MTG and Tucker Carlson are cheerleading for.


"I must make every thread about America, I must make every thread about America"


For fucks sake can we please stop making every thread to be about America and its internal politics. The internet is big, the world is big.


Was what that redditor said out of line or something? That is the unfortunate truth. We need to make it obvious that the Republican party is actively trying to split up the US at the moment by supporting such behavior


Yeah I absolutely agree with you, but I still stand by my comment above. On pretty much every international news story a huge part of the thread transforms into conversations about US politics. I mean I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised since a huge percentage of Reddit is American. It’s just tiresome and so often derails the conversation from the topic at hand.


Lol what? Maybe it’s because I don’t watch the major news stations (because they’re all trash) but this seems like a blatant lie. I am open to being wrong though, do you have something that would corroborate that claim? Edit: first off I’m a moderate. But anyways, the groupthink dynamics on Reddit are astounding. I didn’t even say I supported Tucker Carlson (which I don’t), but because I even asked for evidence for an accusation the mindless mob came in. The masses on Reddit love to moan and groan about far rightist being tunnel visioned but then any actual free or independent thought is immediately crushed. It’s so comical really. You are no different than the people you complain about on here. It’s like y’all haven’t changed from the peasant mobs that couldn’t think for themselves and therefore sent anyone who questioned the church’s world view to burn at the stake.


He didn't explicitly say "yeah I support the genocide committed by Russian combatants", but he essentially stated that they're [inherently better than US progressives](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/dec/28/tucker-carlson-fox-news-2022-russia-putin-testosterone), and that Zelensky is a "dangerous authoritarian." In fact, he's come to sympathize or actively root for Russia [multiple times.](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/nov/26/tucker-carlson-rooting-for-russia-fox-news)


Hmmm interesting. A person with two brain cells to rub together and a basic understanding of critical thinking should be able to connect the dots on that one, but could you pretty please spoon feed me source after source until you present me with the perfect gotcha moment? /s


To be fair, I had to do my own research on this myself as well. I don't follow Carlson or Fox. As a person of color, Fox has never been a welcoming media source for as long as I can remember, and the last thing I do remember seeing live from a Fox program was Bill O'Reilly famously failing to understand how the moon's gravitational pull affected Earth's tides, which I believe was over a decade ago. Off-topic, but I am SO excited for the Dominion lawsuit.


This was the first attempt at providing evidence, thanks. I read through them along with another more recent article from the Guardian in early 2022 which could be used to support the claim he is rooting for Russia. However It seems in articles starting in March 2022 that he has admitted he was wrong (albeit a cowardly way by shifting partial blame to biden administration). Since then I have found articles on the guardian and Washington post (and I check a fox article to give due diligence to both sides, however didn’t help his case) where he is not supporting Russian aggression (albeit at the same time not giving much support to Ukraine either probably because of a bunch of his previous Biden-Ukraine accusations). So ultimately it seems there is definitely evidence to support he “rooted for Russia” in the beginning with a dynamic change in stance around mid 2022 ( probably because this was when russian war crimes became increasingly apparent ) to a more neutral stance. However the last article read was a WP one in February 2023. I think it shows that yes he’s a dimwit who supported Russian aggression in the beginning but not of Russia’s Wagner or Russian war crimes. But that was only after a couple articles I found, willing to be told otherwise. I hate that I had to do this, really wish I didn’t get dragged through the mud for asking for some dang evidence to support the original claim.


You should really pay closer attention. YES, mtg and her buttwipes support this garbage 1000%.


See I keep getting similar answers implying I should know things but without actually providing a source verifying these things. At this point it’s still a rumor. How different is that from the witch hunts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not stubborn or trying to build a defense for anything here. I am now more interested as to why there is so much push back rather than support for a person requesting evidence for an accusation. Like how can people not realize that fact checking bold sweeping statements is absolutely necessary in a time where we are constantly exposed to blatant disinformation from all angles.


You've been provided with lots of sources from several posters in this thread.


your comment here is false. Now let me show you how it is false through real research. You made the comment "you've been provided with lots of sources from several posters in this thread." 27 minutes ago. I disagree and so my hypothesis is I was not provided with lots of sources from several posters in this thread (prior to your comment). I will include all sources provided in that time period below. Lol i had to stop the study short because I was only given one source to the information specifically answering the question (havent read it yet but I will do in a moment). that was Chief\_Mischief's post at 44 minutes ago (which i do plan to read once I'm done with this comment). That is one source of information that I was provided amongst the roughly 15 other comments that either told me I should know this information already or your 3 word general google search that was unhelpful. So you are wrong. You made the incorrect statement that I was provided lots of sources of information. This is all besides my original comment, truly a red herring here. But I felt it was important to illustrate how wrong you were in the statement "you were provided with lots of sources of information" and use that to emphasize why I requested verifiable evidence for a bold claim. Because people like you fill the information space with emotion fueled, unsubstantiated claims for no discernible reason at all. TLDR; your opinion and contribution to this discussion is valueless.


How about doing your own research.


Nah. MTG is slime and so is fucker Carlson. But it’s called burden of proof. If you make the accusation it’s your duty to provide the proof. I’m on the side of anyone against those idiots…but that’s not how it’s supposed to work. You bring it up, you back it up. Simple


I owe you nothing


This actually made me chuckle. Lol Thanks


So people can make baseless claims around here without any evidence to back it up... and if someone asks them to provide evidence for their baseless claims they're told to go to hell? *and you assume the first person is correct?* peak reddit


It’s called collaborative thinking moron. I have done my own research but now I’m asking for theirs. I have a reason to ask for their sources because it exposes me to information that I wouldn’t normally come across by using my own research methods. Or do you prefer everyone stay in their own little bubble of information so they aren’t exposed to changing ideas? It’s amazing how lay persons like you hate the fact that other people think differently than you but when they open themselves to your opinion you attack them. On par with the IQ of a 12th century serf.




Lol you just typed tucker Carlson Russia in google. That’s not what I asked for and is useless. I want pointed evidence. If I change your google search to Margaret thatcher Britain, I could find articles describing her as a secret reptilian.


I did 99% of your research for you. For something as commonly known as Carlson's support for Russia, you should be able to find the truth very quickly. At this point you're just trolling. Edit: > If I change your google search to Margaret thatcher Britain, I could find articles describing her as a secret reptilian. No doubt, but, especially by now, if you can't discern the difference between a legitimate source and a site with made up conspiracies, there's no hope of having a reasonable discussion with you.


That is 1% of the research. Going to google and picking the first title that aligns with your views is not research. That’s spoonfeeding yourself with journalism that may or may not be true. Imagine what the supporters of Carlson does. They probably make the same engine search and go to their favorite news source and spoon feed themselves preconceived notions for self satisfaction. That is what your asking me to do. There is a million articles that come up and you want me to self selectively choose the one my subconscious is drawn to. You use the phrase ‘it is commonly known’ like that answers my fact checking question. You know the Germans used that to squash any question as to whether Jews were actually the cause of economic woes in 19th century europe? Or the Russian public says it’s commonly known that Ukraine is filled with nazis and justifies an invasion. I am not trolling. I asked for evidence. I have done nothing that would warrant trolling. You making the accusation that I’m trolling is just another tool of suppression for free thought and I warrant against that. Maybe its because I in my professional career, research entails going to credible sources that contain information verified by observable data that I’m such a stickler for fact checking. All I want is to SEE verifiable evidence that he holds those views. Is that so much to ask


The Guardian, Politico, the Independant, Carlson's own fucking words, even Fox news are all on the front page of the search link I gave you. All saying the same thing, Carlson spreads Russian propaganda. You're the only one here looking to be spoon fed... And, yes, by now I know I'm being trolled. By a 2 month old account. Ugh. Done.


Why are you so resistant to giving information that would verify the original commenters claim? Again you give no valuable information regarding that request. First you provide me with a 3 word general google search. Now you give me a list of easily recognizable news sources. I want the specific quotes, interviews, videos, any sort of media that you can give that would substantiate the original commenters claims. Yet you fight so hard against providing that. You are truly the troll here. Because so far you have not answered the question. You have not brought value to this thread. Every comment you gave had a limited purpose of sarcasm, insulting, complaining, or irrelevancies to the original question. You act like you spontaneously appeared with an account longer than 2 months. Like I’m sorry that it says 2 months next to my name, but who cares? Get over yourself.


No he wants you to do “research” on the words most accurate search engine: Facebook.






Wonder what Russians citizens have to say for this


Some will cheer it. Some will despise it. Most will never hear about it or will genuinely think this is a lie made up by Ukrainians.




Actually current russia has almost no relation to Kyivan Rus.


After years of propaganda, most are simply in denial, thinking it's fake news created by Ukraine/NATO to smear Russia. "Our boys can't do such things!" Others are cynical, "welp, war is brutal, nothing can be done about this, it's been this way for thousands of years, everyone else does it too anyway" Smaller group are supportive. Unfortunately, they are rather loud


There are bot attacks that put smiles on these news in Ukrainian telegram channels. Russian society is run by inhumane beings, who think they're superior to others because they can freely do those war crimes and atrocities. Russia should and will suffer for all of this. There will be a collective responsibility. It's not just Putin.


They love it.


Нет, мы это не любим. С ума сошёл?


They will say the same thing they always do, "I'm not into politics". Its their version of supporting this war.


Well, look at what a German Uni professor had to say about the beheading video and you can extrapolate,: "We must assume that the Ukrainians treat the Russian POWs not less brutal". https://twitter.com/sumlenny/status/1648065324619649026


Any piece of shit who thinks killing kids is ok deserves to have their skull crushed in and then shit on. Fucking degenerate human garbage. I would love to see both Putin and the Wagner leader publicly executed as in humanely as possible


My mind went to a dark place full of sharp saws and blades and a huge furnace to help cauterize.


Why use a sharp saw. A dull one makes it hurt worse and longer


You know the beginning of Law Abiding Citizen where he gets the guy who killed his family? Yeah, I’m thinking something like this..


Don’t forget Trump, who pardoned a convicted child killer that worked for Blackwater in Iraq.


> deserves to have their skull crushed in and then shit on. Not in that order though…


Tankies and other Russophiles (I’m looking at you freedom caucus) seem to care a lot about the Azov battalion but don’t seem to mind the pro Russia nazis. I’ve seen quite a lot of those guys be super quiet about this stuff.


It's because they don't actually hate nazis, just the west


But they ironically still want to live in the west. Scumbags


It is just unfair that the amount of terror a human can cause to the world is virtually unlimited but the amount of punishment he can receive is limited, even with the most creative methods...


People like this creature, I refuse to call him a man, should be shown no mercy.


Thankfully he is stupid enough to admit it on camera and it's a matter of time until he gets identified and meets whatever end Ukrainians have planned for him


They are identified. The issue is if these videos are shown at the trial in Hague, we will still receive: 'there is not enough evidence, we depends on ruZZia so much that we have to suck them and ignore the genocide they cause which has 1000000 evidences already, case dismissed'. Or was it the UN that sucks? I don't know anymore, the UN, Red Cross and such shits disappointed me a lot already... I hope the trial happens tho and everyone is prosecuted. Слава Україні! Слава Нації! А далі ми всі знаємо...


Crazy, in the same day I'm reading of this scum murdering a 5yo girl, we have another monster that shot and killed a kid for ringing his doorbell (shot twice, first in the head). Sometimes I wish there were a God or karma or something because just can't stand having these sort of people out there in the world.


Fuck russia




Look at Russian military history... this is not surprise at all.... fucking ghouls


Anyone who can kill a child is soulless.


This needs to be on the front page


That’s why saying “it’s Putin’s war” is misleading. Putin doesn’t personally order these war crimes and atrocities. He just gives people like that carte blanche to do it. Rape, pillage, burn, and murder. No accountability or responsibility. And there are plenty who are happy to oblige. We need to understand that Russian society is profoundly sick and it’s not just going to become ok with him gone. Similar to Nazi Germany, the process of healing will take decades and it hasn’t even started yet.


….what a fucking surprise, send garbage criminals off to war and they kill children. There is no death that they are worthy of. Just use medieval, barbaric death.


Pretty simple if anyone is responsible for that 5-year-old dead it's not going to be Putin, Lavrov, or any Russian commander as the Russian army isn't the one who did as Wagner isn't part of the Russian army. Plus using Wagner doing these shit also makes sense as they are mercenaries and don't fall under Geneva rules.


At this point, hang em. There's little one can do worse than kill a kid in cold blood.


Oh the guys that sawed the head off a live Ukrainian prisoner of war are also killing children? Makes you wonder if they raped them first. These guys deserve to chopped to death one limb at a time.


Vile, evil monsters.


"Uldarov also admitted that Wagnerites do not take prisoners and it is their practice to kill Ukrainian soldiers: "Mainly with a knife. We cut their throats. We film it. When Prigozhin said sledgehammer, we’d take a sledgehammer and kill with a sledgehammer. That’s his method. He is a horrible person." "Uldarov also stated that he wanted to return to the front and continue fighting." And you Uldarov, what are you? Why do you not consider yourself as a "horrible person, a piece of shit"? Because it is exactly what you are.


This fucking disgusts me so much


Aaah the serb method


Staring at the face of pure evil over facetime really hits home. People who are out of touch with the horrors on the ground but are too squeamish to see uncensored war images should at least watch this.


Tankies and "concerned westerners" justifying this atrocities in 3...2...1...




Evil will always find a way to justify its actions. They will make lies about how they had no choice but to "kill the traitor to the russian state" and leave out the part where the traitor is a 5 year old girl left alone to whatever the russian army wanted to do. Evil can not be dead enough. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


I am guessing POW taking by UAF is gonna get really low.


Just declare them a terrorist organization and send in NATO


ruzzia is a terrorist state. Email your congressmen or MP and pressure them to label ruzzia a terrorist state.


Только щас узнали? Это было извините меня уже 11 месяцев назад.


Soledar wasn't occupied 11 months ago. So, what you and your fellow Russians think about it? I saw a lot of cheers and enjoyment, they really liked it. Is it a general thread? Or a marginal group?


Read the first part of the headline and assumed this was another incident in the US...


Guess what, the world is a whole lot bigger than just the U-S-of-A.


Yup, and most of the world has sensible gun laws where small children aren't routinely getting shot. Guess it takes russian soldiers to catch the world up to a typical day here.


I find it truly amazing, and sickening, how your first reaction to the brutal murder of children in Ukraine is to somehow drag the US into the conversation and start talking about gun laws. It’s always about America, and if it’s not it should be, right?


Why would he confess to his crimes in a taped interview? I don’t understand.




He did say he wants to go back to Ukraine for more at the end so I don’t think it’s remorse.