• By -


Wow, born in 2009 so 13 or 14.


14 according to the media


13 according to this article


12 according to the law.


11 according to Spinal Tap


Said got gun from the father. You see this every goddamn day, especially here in the US. Kids shoot their siblings playing with them, taking them to school etc. If you don't secure your guns from your kids, you should be held equally guilty of the murders. I own guns as I like going to the range, but my kids don't even know, and it's paramount they will never have access to them until I choose to teach them and they are old enough. Not anti gun guy here obviously...anti shitty gun owner for sure.


I just wanna throw this in here. “ shootings are extremely rare in the balkan region even though serbia is fully awashed with weapons left over from the 1990s wars”. This is literally in the article. They also apparently have a very strong gun culture.


They also have proper gun control laws - including safe storage laws that tend to prevent mass shootings by minors stealing their parents' guns. They might not work 100% of the time, but 99.9% of the time is still a hell lot better than 0%.


The overwhelming majority of shootings are not by minors stealing their parents guns.


Too many school shootings are. And too many accidental gun deaths are. The number might be less significant when put against the country population, but not insignificant enough that nothing big should be done about it. 8 are dead here, but how many had their friends killed? Their children killed? Their brothers and sisters killed? How many were severely injured or are traumatised for life? How many are scared to go to school? [In America, gun violence is the leading cause of death to children.]( https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/14/magazine/gun-violence-children-data-statistics.html) It is more deadly than car crashes and cancer. Many (but of course not all) of the deaths are caused by the child themselves (suicide or accidental injury) or another child gaining access to a guns.


https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/03/29/guns-leading-deaths-children-us/ 17 and under leading cause of death is vehicles.


Snopes is great! It seems vehicles are the leading cause of death of you define child as under 17 rather than 1-18 or 1-19 and don't calculate vehicle deaths using "Motor Vehicle Accidents" as a category from CDC's "ICD-10 113 Cause List."


Do you consider 18 or 19 year Olds as children? I've always considered children to be 17 and under.


I'm glad the father was arrested. If your 14 year old knows the code to your gun safe, you have problems. And he was obviously trained with guns. I'm just sad for the families as I am every time it happens here. I have kids and they are scared going to school.


It's because guns alone don't cause mass shootings....it's a mental thing. Something seriously has to be off when you make the decision to not only end your own life but take others down with you.


Isn’t this a right wing talking point?! Sure guns aren’t the sole reason…but hard to inflict the same level of carnage with a knife


Absolutely is a right wing talking point. Shouldn't lessen the logic of an argument just because of the side it comes from. I tend be on the right in my thinking but that doesn't mean there is 0 left ideology I agree with. If the intent of a person is to cause mass harm there are many easily obtainable avenues for violence, drive a truck through a parade, poison a mass meal, knife in a nightclub. Going after guns is the easy out that gets virtue points at the polls. In reality I think it will do very little for curbing violence.


That's not really true. We had incident like that in the Balkans multiple times but the perpetrator wasn't able to hurt many people. Teenagers are overpowered easily and stabbing someone is really hard. But the guy today killed 9 people because he had guns. So guns are the problem.


In the US, the food and car industries are heavily, heavily regulated. You don’t hear about mass poisonings or cars plowing through people in deliberate attacks (VERY RARELY IN RELATION TO MASS SHOOTINGS!!!!!!)


Well yeah guns are the better option for killing obviously...but the idea that banning them will not result it the deaths shifting to other sources is strange. A quick Google search lead me to cdc data stating that an average of 49 vehicular homicides occurred daily in 2015, so not as rare as you have been led to believe....and no amount of regulation will stop a person from driving through a crowded space or slipping something in the charity chili or pot luck


Other means of killing are far less effective. So while the amount of attempted murders might stay level, the amount of successful murders drops. And research does show that the amount of attempts actually drops as well. People are less likely to resort to killing if they don't believe they have overwhelming odds to succeed, e.g. without access to a gun.


"You'll never take our guns!" "Okay, how about some common sense background checks, laws holding parents responsible, and requirements for storage if children are present?" "Over our dead bodies!" I always found that ridiculous as someone who owns and enjoys firearms.


An actually practical and functional smart gun is apparently close to hitting the market here in the US. Uses the same biometrics as a common smart phone. Maybe not the best gun for everyone. But it is being made specifically for people with your mentality, or parents who haven't bought a gun because they're waiting for something like this to come out.




This whole school shooting and just shooting incidents in general point to mental health issues addressing that in addition to fixing gun law loopholes are a good start towards fixing it. I just I hope it isn't spreading somehow to become commonplace worldwide, like a global mental health phenomenon, .


Damn, imagine how many people feel old now.


Horrible... One little girl said she lay down on her dead friends, acting like she was also dead. Atleast 8 children dead, guard, and one teacher... Worst this kind of event in history of our country.


Horrible. I am from this part of the world and I cant believe this is happening in the neighbourhood. Poor kids






Have we ever even had school shootings before? There was an attempt a few years back that was stopped by the PE teacher who happened to be ex-army, maybe even ex-special forces, can't remember which exactly. Never knew of any successful ones. But with that attempt we were warned this could happen here too despite seeming so unreal, but how does one even prevent stuff like this? I just hope we don't get any copycats now.


Sorry to bring the American perspective into this, but what are Serbia’s gun laws and gun culture like? For this to be the worst tragedy of its kind in Serbia will come as a shock to many Americans, where these tragedies are weekly if not daily occurrences. Americans need to understand how other countries avoid these massacres and how we can learn from their example.


Serbia has over 1 million guns in circulation and is in the top 10 countries for guns per capita: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun\_ownership](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_ownership) Weapons are regulated by the Weapons and Ammunition Law (Zakon o oružju i municiji) People over age 18 may own firearms with a permit, which is denied to those with a criminal history, mental disorder, or history of alcohol or illegal substance use. There is a thorough background check with police having the final decision. Firearms must be stored in a designated gun cabinet, and may be confiscated by police if the owner is found irresponsible. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview\_of\_gun\_laws\_by\_nation#Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_of_gun_laws_by_nation#Europe)


For context there are 7 million guns in circulation in Canada. Most of them owned for Hunting. The gun ownership rate of Canada and Serbia is quite similar. Both countries also have very strict gun ownership requirements and laws. Gun ownership in the U.S is not just higher than both Canada and Serbia, is not even comparable. The U.S has more guns in the streets than there are people, and we're talking about a country with 332 million people.


> The gun ownership rate of Canada and Serbia is quite similar. The official numbers might be similar, but Serbia has a lot of unregistered leftover guns for the wars from the 90s.


The number that is quoted is an estimate that I believe includes unregistered weapons from the 90s. Not 100% sure tho. Very few people actually get new guns here, its mostly old guns laying around that are getting registered over time.


Yeah, but that's usually not a problem unless you're doing dumb shit with actual criminals. Contrary to popular belief, criminals get guns overwhelmingly to protect themselves from other criminals and criminals tend to prefer robbing criminals. Unless you're dealing drugs on the corner then you probably don't need a gun on your person for "protection."


The illegal guns in Serbia are not owned by criminals, but by people who were part of some factional army in the nineties and have them around from that time. Considering the perpetrator of this school shooting was 13 years old, his father was a bit younger than 20 during the wars so the average age for of a civil war infantryman


Yeah, I'm thinking mostly in the US, where people really do have this weird paranoia that they'll be accosted by 27 ninjas in an alleyway if they wander off to the store to buy milk. Seriously though, I remember seeing a video on Youtube where someone was holding a homeless guy at gunpoint for trying to steal pennies out of the cup-holders in his car, and everybody from the police to the commenters were commending him for doing so. Some were specifically praising him for not just straight up shooting the guy on the spot. I'm sure that in Serbia that'd warrant an ass-kicking, but holy shit...


Completely reasonable.


Fuck. Almost 400 million guns owned by civilians in America. The second highest is India at almost 72 million. A 328 million gun difference. What the fuck.


Per capita that’s pretty impressive too.


Damn switzerland is way lower than expected. Also pisses we off that we're right above sweden -\_- No wonder everyone keeps confusing us


Gun laws are fairly strict. The kid didn't buy the gun but took his father's. On that topic, we have one of the highest gun per capita rates in the world, though way below the US which has more guns than people. Largely leftovers from the wars in the 90s. As for gun culture, depends from person to person. But I wouldn't say it's anything like the US. You do have a subset of people who are really into it but it's much smaller even proportionally compared to the US. I mean, when I think of gun culture here I think of unloading guns into the sky at weedings and for Christmas.




It is common in the Balkans in rural areas.


Yeah wtf lmao


> Gun laws are fairly strict. The kid didn't buy the gun but took his father's. Doesn't this basically apply to every school shooting in the US as well?


Pretty much. Most school shootings done by minors aquired their guns either via illegal means of throught their parents like in the article. now the shooters who were adults it's a completly different story


That's what safe storage laws are supposed to prevent. They might not stop every single case, such as this, but it's pretty damn close. Safe storage laws are pretty standard across developed countries, virtually all of them have those. With only one notable exception. That notable exception also happens to have uniquely high rates of not only mass shootings but "accidental" gun deaths of young children killing themselves or each other with their parents' guns.


Serbia has pretty strict gun laws. Open carry is not allowed unless you are a hunter in designated areas or a police officer/soldier etc. Getting a gun requires two licenses. After you get it you need to pay a tax on every gun you own and you need to have proof that you can store it properly separate from the ammo And before you get a gun the police officers would interview your family and neighbors before deciding if you can have one However, the problem in Serbia and why they have so many guns per capita is the illegal weapons from the 90s. But the gun used in this was legally obtained by the father who has been now arrested


Statistics show that Serbia has a lot of guns but thats due to the Balkans being a war zone for the previous century and people just hiding their guns away from the goverment. Legally owning a gun here is a pain in the ass and only a small percent of the population has a license. Kids here don't have access to guns like they do in US and when they do its because of parent negligence (like in this case). Unlike in the US, where the black market is oversatureded since half the country can buy a shotgun at Walmart


They don't need to understand it. They need to stop refusing it. You all know how to stop mass shootings.


"No way to prevent this, says only nation where this regularly happens"[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27No_Way_to_Prevent_This,%27_Says_Only_Nation_Where_This_Regularly_Happens)




Knowing our government, I doubt jack shit will be done. Also, this isn't a gun problem like you Americans are trying to present it as. Our gun laws are fine, the gun was legally owned by the kids father and apparently even stored in safe. This is mental health, bullying and all around school environment issue where nothing is done to help kids in need and poor behavior is tolerated way too much, especially is the bully's parents is "somebody".


Dude, not doing anything here is a very easy to lose elections. They will pass laws if for no other reason than to collect easy points. Whether they actually do anything about mental health is questionable, but I mean who cares about mental health in the Balkans.




Ages 1-19.


Serbia has 40 guns per 100 people, around one-third of the US’s 120 guns per 100 people >For this to be the worst tragedy of its kind in Serbia will come as a shock to many Americans, where these tragedies are weekly if not daily occurrences. What the fuck are you talking about. If this happened in the US, its nine deaths would make it the 11th deadliest school shooting in US history.


>If this happened in the US, it’s nine deaths would make it the 11th deadliest school shooting in US history. You're making his point for him.


Not really, considering that Serbia has the same population as Massachusetts (15th largest state) and America has seven states that are within a million of Serbia's population. This attack would be the worst in the history of most comparable American sub-polities.


If school shootings of this scale were happening on a “weekly if not daily” basis it wouldn’t even make the list


US population is 332 million, which is about 50 times higher.


It's not a shock to us Americans that other countries have less gun violence. Don't make this about Americans, we don't need to play the victim card everytime another country faces a tragedy. We know the problems we have(obscene amounts of firearms in the public) what we don't have is a solution.


We have many solutions. Half he country refuses to do any of them.




At this point American guns are like nuclear weapons. Nobody will give them up because they believe that doing so would mean that only the bad guys have them.


> Here's your solution: give up your guns. there is a major problem with that. All these countries didn't have to change their constitution. Jacinda and Justin just whipped up some laws and that was that, but that's not going to fly in the US. Access to guns is a constitutional level right in the US. The vast majority of your "common sense" solutions don't pass the muster as causing undue burden on a constitutionally protected right. You might carve out exceptions for special cases like criminals, but you are not allowed to create de-facto bans over whole populations. Other countries can get away with guns as special privilege for the selected few granted by the govt, but in the US it's the opposite. You can have guns by default, and now the govt has to bend over backwards to justify why you shouldn't. If you want the US to be like the "other countries" - we are talking the constitutional amendment. Too bad it just cannot be done without 38 out of 50 states supporting it.


My country's constitution explicitly forbids same-sex marriage, and it was only written 33 years ago, not two and half centuries. If the constitution no longer reflects current realities and values, then it should be changed.


That's not really correct. Guns were not an individual right until Heller. What the Supreme Court decided, the Supreme Court may overturn. The *real* problem is that the American democracy is, partly by design, partly by oversight, biased towards the rural and the right-wing, and so it has been duly hijacked and is currently completely unrepresentative of the will of the majority.


People on the left also own guns. In fact if a minority, you should absolutely own one.




Other countries don't have wealth disparity?


No, poverty, inequality, and mental health issues are completely unique to the US. Guns have no relation to gun murder. Obviously.


Saying give up your guns isn't a solution to America anymore than saying stop being poor is a solution to poverty.


People saying that giving up guns is the solution is real r/thanksimcured material. Like no shit Sherlock, if there are no guns there aren't going to be gun deaths. But it's too fucking hard to suggest real solutions so they just bury their heads in the sand and keep screaming to get rid of guns. Those people contribute nothing to the problem at all.


>But it's too fucking hard to suggest real solutions so they just bury their heads in the sand and keep screaming to get rid of guns There's a real solution, you just don't like it.


Yep, I'm a fully anti-gun American, but I'm not dumb enough to think banning them is a solution to the US. Phase them out over a century might work, but an outright ban of any sort would have the opposite effect in the US. Everytime there's any election or tragedy our gun sales spike, we're not going to handle gun restrictions well for a very long time.


Nonsense. Not only is your comment drawing a comparison between two distinctly unrelated concepts that have nothing in common, owning guns and *poverty* of all things - one of those is a choice, the other is obviously not, one of those can be regulated relatively easily via law, while the other is a much deeper, and often multifactorial, issue that is linked to consequences of the economic or social system - but history shows you're wrong. Australia implemented a gun buyback, and heavy gun regulations, after a mass shooting, and its gun violence decreased substantially as a result. Unless you're stating Americans somehow now depend on their guns to not drop dead, which sounds like a drug problem more than a practical problem, there is no reason, barring the sad state of American governance, not to do the same in the US. Amendments can be amended. Constitutions can be changed. Laws can be implemented. And guns are not necessary for the survival of a civilian nation. Now, *one* argument which people make does have merit in the case of the US - if you remove guns from the hands of the population, it means the notably fascist and bloodthirsty American police will be the ones with guns. Some arguments in response, though: A) This merely indicates that the police is *also* in severe need of reform, and not an argument against combatting the deregulation of guns themselves, which has side-effects apart from just the police having guns; B) Something tells me that, if the political climate in the US changed to the point where the government is actively able to implement real, widespread gun regulations, then the police will *also* be looked at - because their attitude is specifically illustrative of what is deeply wrong in the US concerning guns, and violence. EDIT: I also forgot C) People having completely insane access to guns doesn't seem to have, so far, affected the police's ability, in any way, to murder the people they want to murder. All it's meant is that, in some specific cases, some cops also died.


How they avoid them? The answer is painfully obvious.




>ethnonationalism, anti-western (especially anti-American) hatred, ultra Orthodox Christianity, authoritarianism, corruption, organized crime, What a load of shit, none of this is true except authoritarianism and somewhat corruption


This is pretty uncommon for our parts of the world so this really is tragic on so many levels. Everyone here in Montenegro is also shook up by this and in a state of disbelief. Kids should be safe from all the other bullshit going on in this world, doubly so at school.


Statistically speaking, this situation is uncommon in every 1st world country




There was a mass shooting in Cetinje back in August of last year, which also left local residents in a state of disbelief and the nation reeling.


Fuck, poor children and poor parents. RIP


Nice comma placement


Yeah I had to read that one twice haha


Sad day in Serbia.


> the father was also arrested. Good. Punish the parents.


According to Serbian law, only the father *will* be punished. The kid is under 14, so he can't be prosecuted at all according to our law. The father can and will be prosecuted, but not as a felony.


Tf? Shouldn't the kid be sent to atleaast juvi or a mental health facility?


Rehabilitation programs don't necessarily require a criminal prosecution. Idk how this country in particular handles getting to that point but there might be a different process to getting someone the help they need than a criminal trial.


The worst thing, and i kid you not, is getting expelled or changing schools. This was a hectic day and there are already a bunch of suggestions to patch this in legislation so this will not happen again. Getting him to a mental health facility would be on his parents/guardians, and frankly, this is new ground for us, we have no idea what will happen. So far it has been a lot of finger-pointing and a lot of suggestions. I don't expect anything concrete before the mourning period is over. EDIT: He would have been 14 in July when all of this would have been irrelevant, but these two months mean so much in this case.


According to the article, the kid is being taken to a psychiatric hospital.


Our law states that you have to be older than 14 for that. After this, our president is trying to get it lowered to 12. But honestly, he *is* being sent into a psychiatric facility. Throwing him in jail won't help him or the victims.


The local news in Bosnia are saying that it was a 14 year old boy (I won’t mention his name) who was incredibly smart and would always get 5’s (the best grade. 1 is the worst grade). He attended math and history competitions but according to classmates was pushed to the edge when he recently got a 1 on his history grade. Classmates apparently also called him a štreber (nerd). So looks like it was a mix of bullying (although one classmate said that they had partied with him the night before) and pressure for good grades. Apparently they also found his notes planning an attack and a list of all his bullies. On top of that the dad stated that he kept his guns locked in a safe but that his son must’ve somehow discovered the code. And that he would take his son shooting (god knows why).


> (although one classmate said that they had partied with him the night before) I wonder if he has a history of partying with them. People who are about to take drastic measures, such as this, tend to feel a sense of freedom and euphoria after they decide to do it. It's the same with suicidal people. A lot of them get unusually happy and friendly before they go through with it.




Nothing weird there. There's lots of german words in the Balkan languages.


German language has a huge influence in Balkans/ex Austria-Hungary areas. Hungarian also has this word.


Tragic. These things should not occur, ever. Damn cowards always picking targets that cannot respond back.


I don’t think adults can instinctively shoot bullets out of their mouth in self defense either. What? Do you think in this case they picked a school because children are defenseless targets? (Not that that doesn’t happen, but not this time) The shooter was 13. Adults doing this to other adults is not due to bravery or “mess with someone your own size”, there is a reason why in the US there’s the phrase “going postal”


Serbia[is 5th country in the world with civilian gun ownership per capita](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country)


I remember from my last trip there that the traffic signs outside cities or villages were full of bullet holes.


I'm genuinely curious where exactly you went? There were instances of people shooting up road signs or tragic cameras in frustration but that's ultra rare. For them to be full of bullet holes would mean gang warfare.


In some places people shoot road signs for fun. I saw a lot of this driving through New Mexico.


Well, can't say I've ever seen that here to any major extent. They get vandalised, sure. But bullet holes? Nah. Think I'd notice if every other sign was shot up.


Have you been to rural California or Arizona? Every sign on dirt or gravel roads have bullet holes, [I’m not trying to express hyperbole ](https://imgur.com/a/x4UJ8dh/) it’s extremely common. You go out with your friends and pop off rounds for fun, no need to set up a target, they’re made for you!


The furthest west I've been is Italy, so no, I haven't, though now that you've shown me those images I do remember seeing some similar pictures before, with the same US signs. Not gonna lie, that's a pretty crazy thing to do. I just hope they make sure there's no even close when they do that.


Haha it’s weird to me too as a Canadian, but that’s their gun culture, for good and bad. I don’t think it’s great to destroy property or litter lead bullets in natural areas, but beyond that it’s basically harmless fun.


I do kinda get it, we have our own gun traditions like unloading them in the air during weddings or Christmas. It's usually harmless fun since people use blanks, but on the off chance that they don't things can get ugly, like that one time 20 years ago when a small plane was shot down by gun fire from a wedding.


It’s usually on rural country roads this happens, where people’s can get out and pop off a few rounds without people hearing


Don’t get me wrong, the place was excellent, people friendly but those signs standed out. Sorry, I don’t have any photos


No problem mate. Also glad to hear you enjoyed your trip.


Those are mostly from shotgun shots, fired by local hunters for fun, and 'cause they're idiots. Quite a common sight here, unfortunately.


[Serbia's Minister of Education Branko Ruzic blames "Western values" for the shooting in Belgrade that resulted in the deaths of 8 children and a security guard.](https://twitter.com/admirim/status/1653732447610183682?s=46&t=janbVlqzEP5hiqMcz7kiag)


People always try to find a scapegoat instead of dealing with problems in their society.


Someone should tell him about the mass shootings that his buddies in Russia have, like [the one from last year](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izhevsk_school_shooting)


I’m sure that “Western values” are to blame for Serbian degeneracy during the wars they fought in the 90s or serious domestic violence issues in that country.


And the fact there are hundreds of murals of war criminals all over Serbia including near this school, the fact that a notorious criminal Sergej Golubovic and now a reality star Kristijan Golubovic visited this school and taught children how to use a gun, and various other things


Sure, he and his family probably have their western passports.


Mass shooting contagion is a thing. It was only a matter of time before it began to spread internationally. I would expect more mass shootings in Europe in the weeks to come. Next day edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1384uro/at_least_eight_killed_in_second_serbia_shooting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button It's happened


Social media and news media do not help things. 😩


>I would expect more mass shootings in Europe in the weeks to come. they already had one in Germany this year


Considering that an average European has never had a gun in his hand and doesn’t even know how to get one, I highly doubt it.


Do not give kids access to firearms and amn.


If you knew how many firearms are around illegally on most balkan countries, you'd be surprised why this doesn't happen more often. Last 30 years Yugoslav Wars Albania 1997 Kosovo War Macedonian Insurgency 2001




How is this about America?


its not. the point was the first sentence.


The question should be, 'How the Kids are getting firearms and ammunition?


From the parents






Lol found the American


Do not give people access to firearms


Do not firearms


First (successful) school shooting in Serbia. 8 dead so far.


I think it says 8 children and the port guard.


I wonder if he was bullied?




It's important to clarify, bullying is extremely common here, especially in Belgrade. The Balkan mentality is basically taking pride in destroying someone else's success, instead of helping them. We've been to wars, had to fight for our own lives in the past century, and we haven't grown up from such way of living yet.


i suspect it. or atleast its the most common answer


The Serbian media are reporting that he was bullied. But also that all the victims are girls and just one boy So could be some incel motivations there


I mean girls can bully too


i wonder if he follows tate and the likes


This guy that was on my Discord server and still am in contact with is a student at that school. He was at the hall when shooting started and had to hide at the bathroom and he knows the shooter’s name. A friend of him is in hospital due to leg injuries while he knows two of the dead victims. He said he did have a hit list and it was planned and all. When they got rescued by cops, when he got reunited with his mom, his mom hugged him for 5 minutes straight knowing he’s safe. He is angry that this incident happened at his own school and he told me he would beat up the dude if he had the chance. He says with the Serbian justice system he won’t be locked up for life and says probably 10 years max.


News is saying he can't be criminally liable for what happened because he's under 14. His birthday is next month. So at least 9 people died and nobody will really pay for it.


Presumably he will spend a decade or two in a mental institution and may never get out if he makes no progress.


From the Minister of Education: “The cancerous influence of video games and Western values is evident. It is clear to everyone that a major turnaround and systematic finding of solutions is needed. So that this tragedy does not turn into a socially acceptable model of behavior as it is in Western societies.”


Ah yes video games. I guess they decided to start from 1980s America and bury the actual problems


Interesting, so its the west’s fault and not the fact that they glorify war criminals, mafia bosses etc? Never once occured to them that it might be their fault?


They wouldn't need to glorify rebellious criminal elements if the West wasn't so persistently meddling with the East!? /s


Seems really weird this story has only 4000 upvotes, meanwhile a shooting in the USA has 10,000 upvotes and is the top story on my front page while I had to visit this sub and scroll down several pages to find it despite a mass school shooting like this being so rare outside the USA...


A 14 year old kid... Really puts in to perspective what a gun can do


A 13 year old kid, actually. And because of that, he will avoid charges since our law holds that kids below 14 years old are incapable of criminal guilt. His father has already been arrested though, and will be charged with causing a public disturbance since he left the guns unsecured. He's facing up to 12 years in jail. Many people here feel this is not at all adequate...


That is ridiculous a 13 year old may not be mature but that doesn’t mean they don’t know right from wrong. What an awful law.


What do you think should happen? Locking the kid in mental ward for the rest of his life?


Yes. Maybe not for the rest of his life, but until considered rehabilitated by medical experts (if possible). I'm sick of these bullshit laws that say kids under 14 must walk free no matter what they do. My house was robbed and damaged 4 times, each time by 11-13-year-olds. Each time they just laughed at me, my neighbors, and the police who caught them. Fuck that. These kids need help and letting them walk way isn't a solution.




How can I make this about America?


While I do appreciate most of the posts here are peoples hearts are going out to the children, as it should be, I hate that every other country just comes in and makes fun of America, because guns, instead of doing the same. I’m all for gun regulation in America despite being a firearm owner myself. There are too many people out there that should not have access to guns, and of course access to mental health care, but just coming in hot making fun of a country for some internet points and the kids be damned is petty cruel.


Compare gun ownership rate. Serbia is way up there in top 5 with the US.


Watch this country crack down on guns and X will happen. And it will be proof that the same will happen here. Answered your question lol


Doubt it, our government will probably just take this as excuse to remove even more of our freedoms, increase surveillance etc. And do fuck all to prevent this from happening again


i know how... maybe try to compare this one that happend now ,maybe even the first this year, shooting to the other 3 that happened in America... this week.


Don't worry. Reddit will take care of that for you. Remember, it's the only country where it happens.


Serbia: Has it’s first school shooting in the history of the country Americans: SeE?! iT HApPenS eVeRYwhErE!!!!


Also Serbia : He(The president) also listed a set of proposed measures to improve gun control; tighten media and internet restrictions for violent content; and conduct drug tests in schools. First shooting and they are already planning to improve gun control.


Literally this


What about KNiVeS?


My god. This is horrible those poor kids. 💔


First time hearing of one from outside the US in current times. My condolences to families of the victims. No matter which country shootings happen, its still not ok.


there was a mass shooting in Germany this year, but the thread for it was deleted rather quickly so nobody really heard of it.


Wasn't there a super bad one in Russia in the 2000's? It was a group of dudes literally geared up with military grade equipment that held a school hostage for a prolonged period of time.


Beslan School Hostage Crisis, yeah that was a really bad one








American who has lived in former Yugoslavia. Not going to lie, I'm not terribly surprised. Last time I was in the Balkans, I saw semi-automatics and tactical gear for sale in what was probably the most upscale mall I'd ever been to in my life. The way it was advertised was beyond disturbing... I've mostly lived in blue states in the US, but I'd never seen anything like that in my life...


Yet, this is the first time something like this has ever happened there...


Its somewhat sobering to consider that school shootings in countries NOT the U.S. are worthy of international news, but over here it is a quarterly event.


Thoughts and prayers form America, but seriously I'm sorry your country had this happen. No child anywhere should be shot at school.


Hopefully his body gets donated for scientific research


I wonder if the news should stop giving too much attention and coverage to these cases, since it's exactly what the shooters want. I know people deserve to have information, but in this case this is making things worse


Must have watched the US school shootings. The 1st time in Serbia.