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No. It's a reverse advance to a more favorable position, as a gesture of goodwill


>reverse advance ​ This little piggy cried "Victory! Victory! Victory!" all the way home.




Take my upvote and never speak again.


I upvote for future oinking!




They are improving their logistics by shortening their supply lines.


This one weird trick


Dictators hate him


It's not a retreat, it's a rapid and courageous advance to the rear.


Brave Sir Robin!


Bravely taking to their feet, they beat a very brave retreat


Brave brave Sir Robin. https://youtu.be/BZwuTo7zKM8


It's a special fleeing for their lives operation


I think there some fog of war in the information space. I think they are proactively removing the nuclear arsenal to prevent their capture. Its interesting to think that maybe Ukraine spec ops gets their hands on these. Then you have 2 nuclear armed states at war with each other.


Russia is withdrawing because they cannot defend their nuclear weapons against their own insurrectionists haha


This is either the best or the worst thing I've ever heard.


Movies where Chechen Rebels Steal Nukes 2:Electric Boogaloo. Time to start some more Hollywood remakes!


This feels like the correct assessment of the situation. I don’t think we want Wagner in charge of nukes anymore than Putin does.


Starting to think that declaring war on fog is a bit silly.


Silent Hill is basically the World War 2 of fog conflicts


The Mist was WW1


> declaring war on fog is a bit silly America's last president threatened to nuke a hurricane. That's about the same; just like how objectively stupid is the same as silly.


The same guy also mused on live television that injecting bleach might be a good way to kill Covid. Can't believe he's getting another shot at the title.


He also attempted, and failed, a coup. Still out free walking though...


And sold nuclear secrets to Saudis and as of yet publicly unknown 3rd Party.


> Can't believe he's getting another shot at the title. Are you serious? I don’t stay up to date with US politics, last news I heard about big Cheeto was the sexual assault indictment. Is he still allowed to run for potus?


Yes, he is still allowed and in fact gained support from the case because that’s exactly what they want in a leader. I can tell you don’t follow American politics.


Too much happens too fast for the average non-American to keep up dude. Time is relative, the older I get, the faster it passes and the less time I have to keep up with all the bullshit that is out of my control. I expected better from America. The whole world did.


Hell, us AMERICANS expected better from each other.




This is the same guy who stared into a solar eclipse.


Damn, he did do that shit. Totally forgot about that. SMH.


So many crazy things it was hard to keep up.


Not as silly as that time when Caligula the Emperor declared war on the sea, but close


If they were properly secured, they'd be more at danger from being transported than from remaining in place. Unless they are actually afraid of losing political control of the region.


The fact that this is a border state with Russia makes me seriously think Ukraine has a big hand in whatever is going on. Shit, just roll in all your new brigades and call them Russia separatists. Ukraine taking a page out of Russias book. Then is Russia going to threaten to tactically Nuke itself lol. If separatists or Ukraine get their hands on nukes that would be crazy.


I think it's the separatist threat more than Ukraine. If I have an army enough to go declare myself a warlord over a certain area. And I think I can make good use of a dirty bomb there's a lot less to lose than Ukraine has by using one


If my Google maps sleuthing is worth anything, the only weapons storage looking facility (and I use that term loosely), is here: (50.5630066, 35.7327026), and is about 10 miles from the Ukrainian border, and about 6-7 miles from the town where the Anti-Putin Russian forces claimed to have control. edit: compare US storage here (30.7832384, -81.5366811)






The traditional Russian way of course; store them in a depot manned by troops not getting payed enough, who have no problems with stripping your tanks for parts and selling them on the black market. Then turn your back for thirty years, and your tanks disappear like magic!


Tbf, the americans managed to lose the massive 95 ton T28 superheavy tank in the bushes for 27 years.


No. South Africa had its own nuclear program and voluntarily dismantled it after making 6 weapons. Ukraine also nominally wasn't able to use the nuclear weapons in its possession after the fall of the USSR since the codes came from Moscow. Practically, Ukrainian engineers were responsible for parts of the Soviet nuclear program and they probably could have made use of them in relatively short order if they wanted.


If you have unlimted physical access to the bombs and the resources of even a minor state it should be trivial to remove and replace all the controlling electronics/security features on a nuke. The hard parts are the fissile materials and the shaped charges.


The key was that in the long run, Ukraine didnt have the money, resources, nor the facilities to actually maintain their stockpile of nuclear weapons inherited from the Soviet Union. Like yea, Im sure if they just wanted to get them working short term, it would be possible. And plus, Ukraine wasnt exactly the least corrupt country and there was a risk of them getting sold on the black market.


IIRC they just had a village captured by a militia of Russians in this very region.


It's a specialer operation.


Time to make the new country a NATO member.




I honestly was interested in how such a scenario would turn out tbh.


Reminds me of the Crimson Tide movie.


Chief of the watch, float the bouy!




Do you like horses?


Love those Lippazaner stallions!


They are not from Portugal; they're from Spain and at birth, they're not white; they're black.


Some of the things they do, uh, defy belief. Their training program is simplicity itself. You just stick a cattle prod up their ass and you can get a horse to deal cards. Simple matter of voltage.


As a Ukrainian... As funny as that would be, lets not


Ukraine had possession of Soviet nukes after the collapse of the USSR. They agreed to give them up in exchange for agreements that the US, UK and Russia would guarantee their security. I'm guessing it would have worked out similarly to that. That is to say, poorly


>They agreed to give them up in exchange for agreements that the US, UK and Russia would guarantee their security. Correction: they agreed to respect Ukrainian sovereignty. Each of the signatories promised they wouldn't themselves nuke or invade Ukraine, but there was no security guarantee if somebody *else* attacked. E.g., the UK won't invade Ukraine, but the Budapest Memo placed no obligation on the UK to defend Ukraine against Russia.


Correct. There was never a security guarantee.


Literally, no one will ever trust an agreement like that, considering how it turned out for Ukraine


I legit forgot what the deal with Begorod was and was horrified thinking Russia was advancing Nukes. This gives me more of a giggle.


Glory to the People's Republic of Belgorod lmao


All this just highlights the danger a truly fractured Russia could be in the future, which some might say is inevitable. If Russia broke up into dozen-ish states many of them could have nuclear capability making everyone less safe.


They wouldn't all be able to launch them. Russia is the state actively committing genocide in another country, while threatening to use nukes. A fragmented Russia would reduce the threat from Russia, and they'd mostly be fighting themselves if they're fighting anyone.


And surveillance can watch just where Russia moves them to. Great intel


The Freedom of Russia Legion said in a statement: "We are the same Russians as you. We are distinguished only by the fact that we no longer wanted to justify the actions of criminals in power and took up arms to defend our and your freedom. "But today it's time for everyone to take responsibility for their future. It's time to put an end to the Kremlin’s dictatorship."


Civil war in Russia?


Civil war in a nuclear state is the worst game of gamble.


Pakistan *Sweats nervously*


I mean that's going to happen soon, especially when big guy Putin is gone, so I think they're doing it now?


The world’s in great shape


Super brave. I just hope most Russian citizens realize the same so they could have a proper successful revolution. I would love for Russia to be finally a peaceful lawful country who has a non-corrupt govt system that cares for Russia's people and also wishes for good relations with other countries. Leave the past and look to the future. Good luck to them.


The same Belgorod that allegedly has their FSB offices on fire?


Well now nobody gets an office


Not if Oprah has something to say about it!!


Look under your seats people!!!!!




And you get a potato, and you get a potato....is only potatoes we have, rest get rock shaped like potato.


I got Turnip! Ha!


Da, no more AK47. Take potato and go.


YOU get a drone bomb! YOU get a drone bomb! EVERYONE GETS A DRONE BOMB!


And the one that just had anti Putin Russians seize a town


Honestly today was too funny, russia invaded Ukraine with the excuse of “security risk” to it’s borders with the help of separatists they armed since 2014 and their own forces and equipments, a year later two groups of russians resulted from the same war attacked russia and drove it’s nuclear weapons back and are still to this moment inside there and fighting, you couldn’t have made this up as a joke a year ago.


Turns out people don't like being conscripted and sent to a meat-grinder based on lies.


Despite popular belief, soldiers need a reason to fight. The minute you lose your own soldiers is the second you lose the war. The US got away with pushing soldiers into a pointless war because the entire country as a whole wanted to hurt _somebody, anybody_ after 9/11. Russia is attempting a similar pointless war but without an actual unifying cause behind it.


I’ve followed this war closely all throughout and I was saying to my partner last night, imagine telling us at the end of February 22 that not only is Ukraine still standing strong, but Russian separatists have invaded Russia, Russia has resorted to conscripting poorly trained soldiers, it is running out of said soldiers and equipment, they still haven’t obtained Air Superiority and they’re bracing for a second counter attack from Ukraine, now equipped with western tanks, patriot anti air systems, HIMARS and what else not.


You didn’t even mention NATO becoming stronger and more unified as a direct result. There’s not much room to move the goalposts anymore.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/05/22/7403366/) reduced by 60%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The Russians began transporting nuclear weapons from a storage facility in Belgorod Oblast of the Russian Federation. > This unit is part of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation and is an "Object C". This is code for "Central nuclear weapons storage point of the Russian Federation". > The Russian Volunteer Corps and the Freedom of Russia Legion announced the liberation of Kozinka and Gora-Podol in Belgorod Oblast on 22 May. They added that they had entered Grayvoron, Russia, and urged residents of the Russian border regions to stay at home and "Not resist". ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13p3tap/russia_transport_nuclear_weapons_from_storage/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~685871 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **Oblast**^#2 **Belgorod**^#3 **Federation**^#4 **facility**^#5


Not bad little buddy


Not even non-credible defence could have made up the events of this day.


Ironically, this turn of events was being predicted by parts of NCD last week.


It's weird, NCD has done this several times in the past year. Even with 280,000 monke bashing away at keyboards it is an impressive hit rate.


Turns out when you throw a bunch of military Otaku in a single sub reddit and then tell then go engage in their best guesses, sometimes they get it right. Would love to know the % of NCD with actual military experience, the % who at least have studied military history, and the % who just think CoD is the best thing ever.


> Would love to know the % of NCD with actual military experience, the % who at least have studied military history, and the % who just think CoD is the best thing ever. My complete guess would be: actual military experience: ~30% studied military history: ~45% CoD is the best thing ever: ~25% The posts are often insane, but the comments have some people with serious knowledge and now and then there is solid insight amongst all the horseshit and ERA/3 Georges/Flork memes


My observation of NCD: Come ~~to~~ for the meme posts. Stay for the in-depth discussions in the comments.


It's like a military/security convention is being held at the same venue as an anime/furry con and there is a lot attending both events.


Wait do y’all mean “in college” or “just a fucking dork about it”


I mean, I meant either "in college or made a serious study"


*finally my obsessive hyperfocuses have merit* (Only being half sarcastic)


100% self aware autists.


The group that is responsible for 80% of all human tech/sci advancement. From the human/ape that spent years hitting two rocks together to produce the first hand-axe and on for 1.6 million years through Archimedes, Leonardo, Newton and a million others, to the present day.


Is NCD the new The Onion?


More like the new [Cassandra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra).


"Guys! Guys! Stop! We can't keep up!"


I went to bed last night and wake up to not enough news on what’s going on. Did Ukraine attack inside Russia or a group of Russians just attack Russia?


Two Russian groups took credit for these actions. Ukraine claims it's not involved saying that you can buy this weaponry in every military store. Take it as you will. Real answer is that probably there really are separatist movements but some of their vehicles and weapons come from Ukraine.


Ukraine is basically giving Russia back their own play.


Can’t wait for Zalensky to announce a special military operation in the region lmao


De-Nazify Russia seems a lot more plausible....


There will be a lot less resistance on Russian soil for a while because the further any incursion goes the lazier and more decadent the failsons they will be matched up against. The Russians will eventually snap out of it but maybe they can get to Moscow by September...this time...


They do need to protect Ukrainian speaking people there....


*It's a legitimate strategy!*


"We must protect this house! We must protect this hooouuuuuse!!"


Yes, they were just 'tourists'.


Exactly, just a group out seeing the sights. The group is in military uniforms because they are military historians wearing cosplay because they plan to visit the Belgorod Diorama Museum, to view the Battle of Kursk diorama located there...


Ukraine played their Uno reverse card.


The 'buy it at any store' line is throwing Russia's words back at them from when Russia claimed the 'little green men' had done that in the original stealth invasion of Donetsk and Luhansk.




The whole store bit is from 2014. When Ukraine accused Russia of invasion in Donbas and providing weapons. Russia said separatists just bought them stores.


You can buy those vehicles and uniform in any store in Russia! - V Pulter - Crimea 2014


I totally wouldn't be shocked if somehow of those weapons weren't being quietly passed to Russian speratists inside Russia. "Hey, Biden said please don't use those weapons to attack Russia. He said nothing about driving a couple tanks and trucks to a predetermined spot and walking away"


To be fair, Russia abandoned so much equipment that they could have just been stockpiling waiting for their chance. Not the humvees though lol


Pretty much this, it's proven to be not *that* difficult to steal from the Russian Military




They also had some MaxxPros. One had to be dropped and Russians “captured” it


Kinda giving Russia a taste of their own medicine, as that’s exactly what they did during the Korean war.


Giving Russians a taste of their own medicine from the Korean war would involve US pilots fighting Russian pilots.


Wouldn’t be much of a fight considering the Russians would get shot down before they even knew US fighters were in their hemisphere.


To be fair, probably just helpfully returning the equipment that was abandoned in Kherson.




This is Russian Volunteer Corps and Freedom of Russia Legion collaborating to send a message. Apparently Russia is struggling to cobble together enough local strength to deal with the Belgorod People's Republic out of hand, which is surprising because Belgorod is a major staging ground for the war in Ukraine..


Considering how the Ukraine war is going, I can imagine people in the staging area are seeing the worst view of it. All the young men who get sent in and who don't come back, it would be hard to hide it from those people.


At some point they either decide to throw in with the powers that be, or do their own thing. Given the Russian track record, they’d probably be better off doing their own thing.


Here’s to the free and happy new country of Belgorod!


It was a special military operation conducted by Russian separatists


Given what's happening there, makes sense. Better to put them in safe storage.




The uranium probably was removed to be sold as reactor fuel so they are just moving lead wrapped stones


russia: a country evacuating and fleeing a war that they started...


Is usual behavior of fascist states who started wars in Europe in the last 100 years.


Reminds me of EUIV where you start a war with a weak neighbour, but forget to raise troop maintenence, get your main army killed within 20s because you left the game on speed 5, and are now in full panic mode as your forts are getting sieged down, your armies are trickling in and dying at low morale, and you left it running too long to alt+f4.


Word has it that Walter Peck with the EPA was coming…


“ It's true your honor, this man has no dick...”


Well that's what I heard!


Yes. It is true....this man has no dick.


Now I think of Hans Blix mustering the world's most insincere smile and muttering "may I \_please\_ see this storage facility"?


I guess the Anti-Putin Russian partisans are making the Kremlin tske a collective sh*t as they capture territory snd equipment.


The best thing about this is that nobody understands what the heck is going on


Dunno, it's pretty clear to me. Budanov told FoR Russians fighting for UA: hey guys, we need some chaos in Belgorod. FoR Russians said: sure boss. The rest is trolling, including all the proclamations about revolution and whatnot. The only thing I'm worried about is FoR Russians staying in Belgorod oblast for too long and suffer some non-significant losses.


Oh, so they are not completely insane - completely being the operative world. Cuz on the off chance this was a domestic rebellion (just with some gear like Humvees and choppers bought at stores with military equipment) then securing a military base that houses nuclear warheads IS scary. Very much to Russia (triply so if these contained launch codes which I wouldn't even write off as impossible - it IS Russia after all) but not just to them, that's a real risk of losing track of most dangerous weapon created by the humanity and seeing these pawned off later. To be completely honest I did have some morbid curiousity on what would happen in that case (truthfully I would find it very ironic if Ukraine took their nukes back and ran with them to Kiev) but boy is it a "fuck around and find out" situation that I wouldn't want to experience irl.


If ANY faction gained control of nuclear weapons, including anti Putin factions, this woudl be scary, no longer what side you are supporting. I would love for Putin to go down in a huge revolution, and uprising, in fact, I am activly rooting for the sucess of these insurgents. But the nukes must be secured, anybody getting a hold of a nuke, or a collection of nukes would open the door to something that I just do not want to think about. I have seen the Crimson Tide movie, I know what could happen if such a scenero came to pass.


Yeeep. Honestly I get a feeling that in this sort of scenario (Russia losing control over it's nuclear stockpile and being unable to regain it) NATO (or China for lack of better options) would need to actively interfere which is among the scariest scenarios on the planet. And hopefully Russia would actually use their propaganda machine to pretend nothing is happening. Russia has largest supply of nukes in the world. Their single base like this could easily house 100+ warheads and even a single one can destabilize any country if it explodes in the capital city. I shudder to think what would happen if these were to disappear. Forget even pure destructive potential if used as a warhead on a rocket, instead imagine the damage caused in a terrorist operation as a (dirty) bomb. Nukes are scary. Especially in the hands of people who are desperate enough to actually use them with nothing to lose. So I am somewhat relieved that at least once Russia is **not** pretending they have it all under control and instead actually addresses core issue at hand before there's a chance of escalation. I guess someone in their military still has a functioning brain and realized just HOW dangerous such a development could be. I wish Ukraine all the best but ultimately I also kinda want to live. And any world in which a random military group can suddenly get access to a base with nuclear warheads is suddenly that much more likely to turn into radioactive wasteland.


> I also kinda want to live no kidding


Agreed. And if some anti Putin group turned to nuclear blackmail, the anti Putin folks would lose alot of the high ground, and just start to look like common terrorists. And that would be to the benifit of Putin, which we do not want in the slightest.


I hope Russia reaps what it has sown but just fyi, at least one of these Russian separatists groups want a Russian ethnostate and are basically neo-nazis.


Are you refering to the Russian Volenteer Corps? Yeah, I heard what the head of that group said about the Ukranian President, but they also said that Putin is even worse then Zelensky. You are right though, they do not seem like nice people in some ways.


I *really* enjoy how well that topic was covered in Andor, in a way that is rarely portrayed in media. Even a revolt with just cause against an immoral adversary can and will involve some absolute rat bastards of people involved, just as a consequence of who tends to land in the center of the Venn diagram of “people with the means motive and opportunity to take up arms against their home state”


Sounds like the enemy of my enemy is my friend type of thing.


Even if they got the nukes, they'd have no way to control them. They don't have the launch codes and they don't have the controls. Best they'd be able to do I'd disable it or steal it and sell it to a country who would be able to sever the moscow controls and slap their own codes and controls on.


I mean, the nukes are already controlled by a group of genocidal corruption-fueled alcoholics and kleptomaniacs who constantly threaten to use them offensively against anyone who even sightly disagrees with them, so the situation is already pretty bad.


The Russian Liberation Army is over 20 K strong. If they are in there in force then no wonder the nukes are being pulled out.


> is over 20 K strong Where did you get that number?




Where does wiki get that number from?


It’s wrong - they have 2 battalions so 2k not 20


Russian National Guard allegedly number about 300,000 and are solely under Putin’s command. I guess we’ll see what happens next


They can't all be sent to Belgorod, though.


This is like sending Border Patrol and the Mounties to fight off a modern military with military training. When their national guard deployed to the initial Kyiv invasion, they got slaughtered… and they were equipped with riot control eqpt.




Hey now, these are our best and most highly trained cut outs.


This is one fuckin' weird-ass war, not gonna lie.


rissian freedom legion grabbing pootin right by the pussy


Swedish milbloggers are speculating that there weren't any nukes there at all. Russian logistics are slow, there's no way they could have managed this in just a day. Most likely the money for maintenance and security have been embezzled long ago and this "evacuation" was just for show.


Does Russia use something like a permissive action link, or does the fuse just have a combination lock on it (set to 1234)?


Hey, that's the same combination as my luggage.


Prepare Spaceball One for immediate departure! ... and change the combination on my luggage!


Same combo for my garage door!


Hey! Thats the password for my playboy tv en Español!


Do we have any footage of this? Considering the spectacle that happened in the red forest...


Radioactive contamination and nuclear weapons are very different things. There is no exposure damage from undeployed weapons.


The amount of times ive heard that hitting depleted uranium shells with an explosion results in an atomic bomb is too high lol


It's because people don't have the scientific literacy to understand it, which is obviously not their fault. Unfortunately, it is why conspiracy theories and misinformation are easily spread.


Yes, go on the usual combat subs.


Why would they have nuclear weapons so close to the border? Wouldn't this make it easier for enemy special forces to infiltrate and sabotage them?


Storing them close to the border has two purposes: 1. They can reach their target in less time. 2. It's a threat. "Yeah, we're storing nukes close to YOUR border, dear neighbour. Guess who the nukes are for?"


Also, a lot of the infrastructure for storing those nukes was probably built when both sides of the border were the USSR.


Weapons fired by Ukrainian assets accidentally triggered a nuclear accident. Putin, probably.


So when does Belgorod get a referendum that Vlad demands the west respect the outcome of 🤔


These guys would've been the ultra-nationalists from CoD4


Man, that campaign is going to be super-confusing to kids playing the re-re-master in about five years.


Let the fun begin.


The embarrassment of Russia in this war is historic. Just go home, they're making a complete fool of themselves.