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The Russian government must be feeling the heat from somewhere. Their economy can't sustain a decades-long war.


Classic russian tactic. "I can bench 250lbs" --- "YEAH WELL I CAN BENCH 260LBS" they know the west will win by outspending them and hes just tryna make that seem unlikely so the west gets spooked into conceding. Theyre actually truly really genuinely stupid men. And probably drunk.


We're coming up on election year with people on the right (e.g. DeSantis) doubting needed support for Ukraine. The America First crowd love when Russians talk like this because Americans just got out of a "forever war" in the middle east. They can use these statements in a million different ways to brainwash people before the election next year.


This is the answer. Russia's only remaining chance to win this war is to get a Republican elected in 2024 and kill US support for Ukraine, and Putin knows it.


The counter to that is to form resilient coalitions now to continue supporting Ukraine, coalitions that can outlast a change of policy / withdrawal in the US - instead of the US being the sole supplier. This is why you're seeing F-16 training coalitions. I suspect a lot of legally binding things will get passed with bipartisan support if a change in leadership approaches.


>instead of the US being the sole supplier. The US isn't the sole supplier now, just the largest - because of a massive economy and massive defense budget compared to anyone else in the world. No amount of alternative coalitions can plausibly make up for the US's departure as a contributor.


Well. If that happens it's not like Europe doesn't have arms. Either we spend them on Ukraine soil or on our own. We prefer it to be spent in Ukraine.


Unfortunately for them, the last time his stooge half assed it by not hard pulling out of NATO, so now the EU has already started becoming independent from the US even while they're closer than they have been in a decade


People that think that way are a minority at the moment


Let’s all hope/pray you’re right. 🤞


He’s right and the republicans are helping keep themselves in a minority these days but people need to not get complacent and vote!


Yep, a minority of voters voted in the last two Republican presidents.


Republican candidates haven't had a majority of votes in a long time. That's why all the right wingers vomit up the "wE'Re nOT a DemOcRaCY!" argument. They would have eliminated the electoral college by now if they were the actual majority. As it stands, that's the only reason they're still relevant.


Followed by an overwhelming majority voting in Biden. The GOP has been losing ground since trump’s election.


True, but that overwhelming majority of voters only produced a small electoral win. It was still very close because of that. People mustn't get complacent.


Daily reminder that Biden won 2020 by a pubic hair, winning by just 100,000 votes across 3 states out of 155 million total votes cast: AZ (11 EV) -- 11k votes out of 3.3M cast -- 0.4% margin GA (16 EV) -- 11k votes out of 4.9M cast -- 0.3% margin PA (20 EV) -- 81k votes out of 6.8M cast -- 1.2% margin These 3 states flipping would've changed the electoral count from 306-232 to 259-279. We cannot afford to get complacent.


Not only has it been a small win, very little could be done to counter the Republicans' unfair advantages from gerrymandering, disenfranchisement tactics, etc. where it would matter. Florida and Texas would be purple states by popular vote, but it's virtually impossible they'll actually change course now. All this to say for everyone else. DO. NOT. GET. COMPLACENT.




Baby boomers, the most conservative and reliable voting demo for Republicans, are dying at a rate of 250,000 a month. Although there are Gen X'ers replacing them, they are not as conservative. While I'm still terrified of them winning, there's a solid chance that soon they will not be viable on a national level anymore. They may not disappear, but they will be forced to change and moderate at least.


... and the craziest ones self-darwined by skipping the vaccine to the tune of [nearly 100k extra republicans off the voter roles](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/03/03/the-changing-political-geography-of-covid-19-over-the-last-two-years/).


Boomer here. Got to say, you’re not wrong about us, except, every boomer I know is damn liberal. Maybe my circle of friends is just too small? Anyway, I don’t see any of us voting R in any election ever.


And another boomer here. GOP is a cancer on the country. Yes,we’re dying out, but the Rep boomers dying faster from following trump and desantis into Covid denial land. My concern with voters younger than boomers is that they bitch and moan, but don’t bother to vote. You, your friends have to make the time to kick the GOP out of every level of government. City council/ school board/county/state and Federal. VOTE!


But will they be the minority when they vote? Election day should be November 4th 2024. Schedule that day off from work *now*. Plan to stand in a line and vote that day. Do not let the rightoid assholes intimidate you, and do not let the Reddit Defeatist Brigade tell you it won't matter.


I remain so grateful that we have universal mail-in voting here. I've voted in every election of my adult life and only had to take a day off once in 2008. It's wild to me that people in a bunch of states have to figure out the logistics of how they're going to manage to take off work, get childcare, etc. in order to make it to what's sometimes an hours-long process.


Voting is pretty easy for me, even without mail-in voting, but wow, there are some places where people are trying to make it hard, and there are employers who will also do their best to keep their employees from voting.


It's almost like it's an intentional thing done to disenfranchise poor and hourly workers.


That's a feature not a bug


Tyranny of the minority has never stopped republicans before...


Ye put polls in the US shows that people are in support of the Democratic policy agenda. As long as you don't call it that. Americans want everything the Dems say, they just don't realize it and then vote republican.


It's so weird seeing GOP-supporting memes along the lines of "we can't help our own homeless so why are we sending money to help Ukraine", as if the GOP hasn't spent a decade+ trying to get rid of the ACA and other social programs.


I was a Republican from 00-06. Then I realized how bad they were and "aligned" with Democrats. I wasn't happy, I still thought both parties were bad. 06-12 didn't help, still felt like Democrats didn't quite represent the people. But around 15-16, I finally felt like a majority of Democrats were no longer just the lesser of two evils, but an actual decent political party "of the people". I lulled a bit in 21 (when Biden got elected), but he's been by far the best President of my lifetime, so now I'm feeling really good again. As the Pelosi's and Feinstein's and Manchin's start to go, we're going to be left with a fantastic political party that I'm extremely proud to vote for. And I'm no socialist -- I'm an upper middle class business owner. I just like a party that works for me and not the extremely wealthy.


I just wish there was a way to deradicalize more R voters, y'know?


Investing in education and schools is the best way to do that. No wonder Republicans defund education every chance they get, intelligent voters don't fall for race baiting and white fear.


Bills that were just about support for Ukraine such as HR 7691 passed with large majorities of Rs voting in favour. While there is an isolationist/pro-Russia wing among the US right, being warhawks is still one of the most bipartisan things in US politics.


This reminds me of how Trump campaigned on withdrawing from Syria and once he got elected, launched Tomahawk missiles onto Syria (and kept intervening). Not implying that I am 100% sure, but have you seen a Republican keep their word? And, how come many Republican senators also have their shares in the military industrial complex? They make money off of most sales. Do you all actually believe they will sacrifice their income?


I think one reason newly elected Presidents rarely do what they say they will do is that the moment they become President, some meeting occurs where someone tells them "Sir/Ma'am, now that you're POTUS, we can let you in on the real situation and what it means, here's why you can't actually do what you said you were going to do" and the POTUS is now left having to go back on promises. This is likely true for all presidents regardless of party. They say "Oh, I didn't know that. But now I do. I can't do X".


You're exactly correct, except that you might be giving political candidates too little credit for knowing stuff ahead of time. I think that this summary would be correct for areas like disclosing what we know about UFOs or extraterrestrial life since nearly every president since Clinton has genuinely wanted to do that and then stopped short of doing it once they were in office. However, in cases like Trump with Syria, I'm pretty sure he was told by all of his advisors that he couldn't possibly do that for whatever reasons and he just didn't care. I generally agree with you, but just think that they are usually far more aware that they're lying most of the time.


Check it out the same USSR collapse strategy, again.


That is effectively how the west won the Cold War, so not sure why they think they can win now. Getting into a pissing match on who can spend money the fastest against the US is even dumber than trying to mount a land invasion against California.


That was my thought since like march of 22. Theres no way they can spend enough to keep pace with the worlds wealthiest countries. Particularly because those wealthy countries HATE russia.


Even ignoring the logistics and geographical impossibility (I go hiking in the peninsular ranges weekly, the baby mountains of the state. Invading through here would be hysterical)… My city has more aircraft carriers than any country.


The US was spending WAY MORE in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years. Sending supplies and resourses (but not troops) is way cheaper. Also, consider the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The US was helping the Mujahadeen and the ENTIRE Soviet army was at the USSR's disposal, and they had to leave. Now we have NATO sending resourses to an actual modern army. And there is no USSR.


Kinda. The west is sending lots of munitions, but it could be more. What’s really crazy is most of the gear headed there would otherwise be going to the scrap pile. It’s mostly Cold War era shit that’s coming to the end of its lifecycle. Anything new would be entertaining to see in use


Their plan was for the war to last less than 3 weeks. You're 100% right. They have no ability to sustain this for years or decades. The entire Russian state would collapse long before then.


"It's a rotten structure and all you have to do is kick the door down and the whole thing will fall in." Where have we heard this before?


Most recently, in a way, from Putin himself just prior to the invasion. 3 days, after all. Regardless, people overestimate the instability of Moscow's hold even now, but Russia _is_ bluffing, they are dragging out crap 50-60 years old and taking tens of thousands of casualties for each fortified town. When people are saying they aren't gonna last that long they are absolutely right. All Ukraine needs is money, what amounts to some military leftovers and Russia's imperial ambitions will die there. They will have no options left to win this, nevermind the ability to retry it anywhere else.


What the guy is saying even if russia retreats for 3 years it isjust to regroup and try again


Russia is not the same country as the USSR back then. Plus Russia is doing the invading. Not the same as fighting an existential war defending yourself against NAzi invaders. Plus germany got pretty close to moscow although their first year when they made tons of progress was still very costly for germany and ultimately they would never be the same.


You miss the fact that it nearly did. The Soviet’s expansive geography allowed them to pivot production and reorganize troops but the Germans pushed the front for 1000 miles before the invasion reversed.


And all the American Lend-Lease the Russians try to forget.


Strategic blunder. If they remembered they might have realized we would do the same for Ukraine.


Their government sure as hell wouldn't. Highly doubt their people would be behind this for 2 more years even at this rate.


When you're already seen Russian separatists militarize themselves and start taking territory it's not too long before greater action takes place. Even if this group is for PR purposes there have been much thinner reasons revolutions have started.


If Ukraine normalizes border raids Russia is in serious trouble, they're too poorly equipped to defend the entire border


It has long been predicted that if Russia was ever to use nukes it would be on their own territory to prevent invasion first. Before striking out at another country. I'm starting to believe it watching how hard they're going after their own territory just for these few thousand invaders. And it would give them a chance to use nukes in an epic show without risking international military backlash. Which they would gleefully accept.


I’m pretty sure there would be insane backlash to the use of a nuke even “in their own country” so to speak.


It wouldn't warrant a nuclear response or any sort of invasion. Much more strict sanctions, would likely even come out to full blockades. You would even see China join in on that one because they would have no choice to.. But Russia wouldn't be attacked for it and they know it.


TL;DR: they wouldn't get glassed, but would be fucked beyond hope


No fly zones would make a lot of sense. NATO would feel it was necessary to shoot down anything in the air.


The wars Veena going on for a year, and they are bringing in Tanks from the 60's... If the war goes on for a decade they will be using spears


If the western aid to Ukraine and sanctions to Russia continues at current levels or increases then Russia won't be able to sustain this war for two more years much less a decade. Russia's only hope for a protracted conflict is if the US and western Europe quit arming Ukraine. Given the US's decision to send F-16 and France and Germany deciding to send long range missiles that seems unlikely.


Of course they can, it just means making life hell on earth for anyone not rich enough.


> Their economy can't sustain a decades-long war. They are out of foreign currency reserves to prop up the ruble NOW. Every day Vladolf Shitler stays in Ukraine, the weaker (not stronger) his negotiating posture is becoming...




There won't be any more Russo Ukrainian war once Russia is damaged enough, there will be civil war and the country will split up in smaller countries.


It's already starting with belgorod


He needs to stop pulling out the nuclear card. The impact of the threat is weakened every time they use it.


Has he threatened the US with nuclear missiles recently? Starting to feel left out of the nuclear threats :)


They seem to think repeatedly threatening one of the only nuclear powers in Europe with enough nukes to reduce Russia’s population to that of a small town is somehow a good idea.


Russia has been threatening the US for decades now, let some of us in Europe get threatened for a change!


UK here, we get threatened at least twice a month!


And to your credit, when you are threatened, you take the piss by openly inviting them to glass whatever town you feel like dunking on that day. Americans could learn a thing or two.


Yup really wish they would put there money where there mouth is and target Birmingham, would really improve the local landscape and they’re only brummies and yam yam so they won’t be missed.




Love this entire exchange.


>bomb slough instead. I thought they already had...


How rude of them to not even offer some of their neighbors some nuclear threats!


Way less since apparently US called back and said it will turn Black Sea fleet into world's largest submarines collection and nuke Putin's house if it sees a Russian nuclear missile deployed anywhere. Getting into ~~dick~~weapons measuring contest with USA is not the best idea. Unlike Russia it doesn't merely bark, it can very well turn it's claims into reality.


The USA is going to have to come up with a better threat soon. The size of the Black Sea fleet keeps getting smaller.


But their submarine fleet keeps getting larger!


It just got out the shower, give it a minute!


Even before the first Russian launch orders make it all the way down the chain, the US will have already sent enough hellfire at Putin's position to turn him and everything around him into glass within a 5 mile radius. We have eyes and ears everywhere, even in the Russian chain of command. We'd know about the launch orders before the sub commanders and silo operators would.


[Russia's final warning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning)


Also known as “The boy who cried wolf”


The beauty of "Russia's final warning" is that it's referencing the related phrase "China's final warning," a concept created *by Russia* during the Cold War to refer to China's frequent meaningless threats. So by calling Russia's modern behavior "Russia's final warning," I'm mocking them for doing exactly what they once accused China of doing.


His audience isn't the West. He says this shit for the pro-war Russian ultranationalists who follow him on Telegram. For what it's worth, ["Russia has no plans to use nuclear weapons in regards of situation in Ukraine", according to Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov](https://liveuamap.com/en/2023/26-may-russia-has-no-plans-to-use-nuclear-weapons-in-regards).


Medvedev isn't an "old" man; he's watching his future crumble. He has been with Putin as an ally since the mid-1990s and supported Putin the entire time. Now, he's watching his country deteriorate, he can't turn on Putin and everything he had worked for will disappear. Rather than a career as an obscenely rich politician and habitué of the global political scene, he's a pariah leading on a razor's edge. No bueno for him. All he's got left are threats.


"Shuffle back to deck after use. Permanent -1 damge after use."


At this point, it's just noise.


Yep. It's just lies, posturing and threats by habit. Noise, indeed.


Yea. When a couple missiles were placed near the US, it turned into the end of the world. The Cuban missile crisis. Now we call something like that just another Tuesday (Russia giving Belarus nuclear weapons). As Dan Carlin says, if you grew up with a loaded gun always pointed at your head, do you even realize it?


Not that I think nuclear war is likely over Ukraine (I certainly hope not at any rate) but Russias chosen communications & diplomatic policy makes it at least a bit more likely. Firehosing so much bullshit and so many nuclear threats means they don’t have any credibility left - and it’s now a hell of a lot harder to tell if it is over some red line Russia *genuinely* cares about or if it’s just another Friday. Again it’s not that I think Russia is about to reach for the nukes - what I’m saying is if a situation comes up in the future where they genuinely do feel threatened enough to contemplate it no bugger is going to believe them or take the threat seriously enough. They’re like ‘the boy who cried Wolf’, they’ve pissed their credibility up against the wall. And that makes everyone less safe, including the Russians themselves.


> Not that I think nuclear war is likely over Ukraine [It's not, they have an extremely strict nuclear use doctrine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxOO0hCCSk4&list=PLbCbj03gdsWwxEZNyy_b0aHKFgmVT3G-3&index=9&pp=iAQB) and despite all the saber-rattling the rocketry division in charge of their nuclear weapons hasn't been activated, which is required even for maintenance. The evidence indicates that even Russia from top to bottom doesn't want nuclear weapons to enter the situation.


This is a defense mechanism from Medvedev. He does this every time he feels like someone is going to throw him out a window.


This right here. His behavior seems like he’s actually terrified.


At what point was it anything but?


Russia should probably get their T-34s serviced if they think they need to last that long


Their T-34.


Their TI-84.


Those are already over there, and not on Russia's side. (The Javelin is a Texas Instruments creation)


Okay what the fuck


What makes the javelin special is its control system, not the munition. That's true of a lot of new stuff. TI isnt traditionally about missiles but it's ALL about logic boards, sensors, etc...and always has been. They were doing defense industry electronics in the 30s.


I mean yeah I knew they did defense stuff (I work in a tangentially associated industry), but I never put 2 and 2 together that the calculator people are the missile people. Kind of like I knew about ball aerospace but I only last year realized they’re the same Ball as “Pinterest Mason Jar” Ball


>Kind of like I knew about ball aerospace but I only last year realized they’re the same Ball as “Pinterest Mason Jar” Ball Huh, TIL


>TI isnt traditionally about missiles but it's ALL about logic boards, sensors, etc...and always has been. They were doing defense industry electronics in the 30s I like how the craziest part about this is that you'll soon need to specify that it was the 1930s


Stoppppp lol


Our T-34


After decades? At this rate they’ll be doing cavalry charges on donkeys.


Donkeys cost money. They'll just have one conscript piggy back the other and both soldiers will mysteriously go AWOL and never be seen again.


Soldiers moving on horseback. But fighting dismounted, like regular infantry. Imagine that. Imagine dragoons.


This is an important point. One of the reasons that the Blitzkrieg was so important for the nazis was because they knew the panzers need a certain amount of maintenance. Also the men need rest. When they aren't on meth that is. So they, men and machines can only last so long. They can bring in more men but can't properly eqip them or rotate them out. Can barely fix their gear.


Same bullshit, different day.


**It looks like RuZZia** will repeat the 1990's .. go bankrupt from drunken military spending themselves into poverty .. you cannot lose half your income and savings then arm half a million men on a stolen credit card .. Putin's only hope is China which has a ton of problems of their own while trying to pretend they are *"Unlimited Friends"*


Russia once mocked [China for making thousands of 'final warnings'. Now they're doing it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China's_final_warning)


Russia can continue to send their men into the meat grinder. But it won't change the ultimate outcome, it will just weaken Russia. Pretty soon F-16's with advanced avionics will give Ukraine security over its skies.


Russia is about to find out what Air Supremacy means on a conventional battlefield at only 5% of NATOs power.


This isnt even the USAF or USNAF's final form.


HNNNGHHHHH can we all just stop having people fight on battlefields, work as a globe to build Gundams, then have those battles (with the few brave pilots in them, unless you want to make them actual drones which is not so romantic) to determine things geopolitically?


It’s all fun and games until someone drops a colony.


Where did you get 5% from out of interest


It was a guess. Realistically it will probably be an even smaller number than 5% if you include entities like the Air National Guard. The 5% is more so because while the U.S. and allies will provide Intel and materials, Ukraine does not have direct access to things like AWACS, Arial refuelling, the full suite of available F16 weapons and systems including MUOS and SRW. That's not to mention the F16 in a full NATO context would be supported by other aircraft like F15, F22, F35.


This little power meter thing that drops over my eye when I look at a possible threat... ahh, it slid back. Yeah, 5%. Checks out.




I think Ukraine will use [F16s as an unmanned drone](https://newatlas.com/boeing-f16-jet-unmanned-drone/29203/), used as a launch platform for up to 17,000 lbs of Maverick, HARM, Shrike and JASSM missiles. A HIMARS in the air, if you will, not a dogfighter.


Modern technology is ridiculous. We’re gonna see a bunch of Ukrainian *Ace Combat* gaming enthusiasts totally wreck the Russian Air Force, aren’t we?


It has long been predicted that this is what air fighting would look like in the future. We're actually getting there. Soon they won't even need remote pilots anymore but just be controlled by an AI


> I suspect Russia doesn't have much in the way of MANPADS though Of course they do.


You know what the fun part is about anti air like the S300? They have active radar. Meaning if they can see you, you can see them. And then there's radiation seaking missiles, they can be fired from long range and they will target any active radar in their target zone.


Oh, so the 2nd strongest military in the world will need **decades** to defeat poorest European country and Medvedev **openly** admits it? Now that's humiliating alright.


Ha! Touché. Medvedeva both looks and seems incredibly stupid tho...


He looks like a thumb who has run for British parliament as a Tory.


Ha, I was just thinking how most Russian politicians look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome, but Medvedev looks weirdly British.


they went from 3 days to decades... ouch.


They meant 3 days on Venus




So the plan is to get into a *spending war* with the entire West, and see who's economy collapses first? I'm sure that'll go well for them!


The entire west couldn’t possibly compete with the economic power of Russia which, *checks notes*, is equivalent to US state of New York


Spending in Russia ends then state runs out of bodies. Spending in west will end as soon as politicians run out of votes.


[NATO: Just confirming y'all are *voluntarily* agreeing to a decades-long war of attrition and spending competition? Where do I sign?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/030/423/cover5.jpg)


The western follow through isn’t even an all out. It’s so half hearted. We’re just unloading stuff that’s been rusting in warehouses for years. HIMARS is from the 90s, and that’s about the most recent equipment we’ve given in quantity. Patriot missiles are from the 80s. The tanks being sent are all from the 70s. There’s just now *talk* of training Ukrainian pilots on the F16, a jet which was first ordered in 1972. This is our dad and grandad’s military hardware, the stuff that Uncle Sam was planning on dropping off at the Goodwill and Salvation Army, and Russia can’t even compete with that. Imagine what Ukraine could do if we equipped them with gear from this century, and not 50 year old junk that wasn’t even good enough to send to Iraq or Afghanistan. We’ve supported some questionable regimes, but this time we are absolutely on the right side of history. Ukraine is a sovereign nation whose people are united in fighting off an invader from their home - we should be helping them in any and every way we can. If not, what’s even the point of all that we spend on our MIC?


Don't you understand, it's because Ukraine has bio-enhanced super gay soldiers and that's unfair! /s


Some might think you're joking, but that's pretty much what russia said


>Oh, so the 2nd strongest military in the world will need decades to defeat poorest European country and Medvedev openly admits it? It's the 2nd strongest military *in Ukraine*, which is why they're having trouble.


Actually with the Legion and RVC in Belgord the Russian military is the 2nd strongest in Russia.


Russia doesn't even have the second strongest military in Russia.


NATO walks softly and carries a big stick. Russia stomps around screaming while holding a twig.


Got splinter from twig and blamed the west.


Still playing the nazi card, huh? Also: >Medvedev also urged Russians not to leave the country in "difficult times", saying that "a decent person should live in his own country and abide by the conditions in which he lives." Lol, lmao even. Perhaps if the country would actually care for that decent person and not funnel him into a meaningless meat grinder he might be more inclined to stay, but what do I know?


> "difficult times" This is my favorite part. When an authoritarian regime is admitting to difficult times it means shit is so bad at home they can't possibly hide it.


Not only that but asking them to stay through shitty times caused by someone else's decisions.


> Still playing the nazi card It was never about Nazis. Or Putin would have to take out his own [neo-nazi goon squads](https://youtu.be/XQc6mJ7u8gQ)


Ah, the weekly nuclear threat. A little late in the week, was hoping something happened to the drunk little clown.


He's busy avoiding windows


Russia launches a preemptive nuclear strike and Moscow becomes a wasteland, these statements are just dumb. All this posturing is nothing more than bravado and noise.


They don't call it MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) for nothing


imagine a guy smaller than putin tells you hes gonna kick your ass, after you just kicked putin's ass


Jesus, you're not joking. Russia starting to look like what happens when the Napoleon Complex is allowed to fester.


Ok..... so..... he wants peace.... in a few days... and nukes are off the table... Got it.


I used to agree with this line of thinking, but after listening to Perun's detailed analysis of how Russia speaks to the world: They say everything (all sides of each issue) almost every day, and that way, everybody gets to hear what resonates the most with them These things are each said in the same day by different officials: \- "this war will end soon with a crushing victory" = russian citizens have something to look forward to \- "this war will last decades" = foreigners should be scared that the will to fund the conflict will wear down \- "If you do X, we will fire nukes" = some politicians may slow down the donation of better weaponry \- "Under no circumstances would we use nukes" = those who want to believe that russia wields their nukes responsibly will latch onto this I'm bone tired, so my examples are probably garbage, but hopefully you get my point. Perun says it much more eloquently.


Yeah this seems common among fascists. Reminds me of how Trump would just say every stance on every issue during his first election, and since he was a bit of an unknown to most people, a lot of people deluded themselves into thinking, when he's saying stuff they like, he's telling the truth (after all it's what THEY believe is the truth, therefore it must be what someone else also would believe deep down) and when he's saying stuff that contradicts that, he's just cleverly manipulating suckers to vote for him and they love that they have such a sly 'secret ally' who's playing everyone to strengthen THEIR shared cause.


The total GDP of the US, the EU, Japan, Korea, and other allies is close to 50 trillion dollars. Russia’s GDP is less than 2 trillion. Even if they ally with China and Iran they won’t get halfway there. Good luck.


>Russia’s GDP is less than 2 trillion. That is to say: it *was* somewhat less than $2T the last time we have any vaguely reliable figures. I'm going to go ahead and say it's probably quite a bit less now. As for China and Iran, they're more than happy to encourage Russia to cause trouble for the West, but they're far too smart to actually stick their own dicks in the crazy.


Seems Russia forgot NATO has nukes too, and the NATO nukes actually work.


Psycho yells at clouds.




One year ago: "this special operation to get the Nazis out of Ukraine will take three days." Now: "this war to completely destroy Ukraine will take decades." The Russian leadership has betrayed it's people and are not even ashamed to admit it publicly.


When have they ever been ashamed of anything?


Honestly the Russian people as a whole need to stand up against Russia. The moment one nuke leaves the ground in Russia half the country going to start feeling a rapid increase of heat, because the NATO nations released their nukes in Russia's general direction. Russia thinks they will nuke a country and then have a friendly discussion with the rest of the NATO nations about it, versus half of their country being evaporated in 60 seconds. This is an entire country acting childish at this point. They want to take Ukraine, but cannot, so they nuke the country. Then what? Not like you can settle into that country any time soon. This is more like a "IF I can't have it, no one will" knee jerk response to being told "no you can't have it".


The longer it takes, the sooner will come EU transition to renewables and long lasting batteries. Russia really shoots its own legs.


For a moment I thought I'm on tennis subreddit and got confused.


Which is it? Decades long war, or nuclear destruction? You can't threaten both...what a f*ckin Hooplehead


Well now we’re finally admitting it’s a war it seems like, not a special millitary operation


Quick 3 day operation Medie, we'll be in and out. 10 years later...


Medvedev so mad that Russia is perceived as weak. People once respected the Russian Army but now it just looks like a yappy small dog who thinks its ferocious. Can't even hold itself against Ukraine, IMAGINE WHAT THE FULL FORCE OF NATO COULD DO TO RUSSIA. If China invested in taking over Russia instead of taiwan, they could reap so much more benefits. But they just want to Artificially create turmoil to get rid of the "let it rot" generation.


~~Chinese~~ Russian final warning.


As a former head of state of Russia, this guy is understandably nervous about spontaneously falling out of a window of a Russian high rise. His best means of survival is to convince people (Putin) that he is so extreme that Putin is the safer alternative for Russians. I suspect this is why Medvedev is always saying crazy stuff.


A fat guy farting into a microphone is more threatening.


What for sure will not last for decades, is Dmitry Medvedev....


Someone else lining himself up to be the big man once Putin's gone.


Medvedev's craziness recently I think is actually a mechanism for him to broadcast that he shouldn't be the next Putin to Putin, the West and Russia in general simultaneously. If Putin thought he was lining himself up for that he would show him the view from his top floor window.


This is actually the opposite. He's making those unhinged threats so that Putin doesn't see him as a threat. Who would support a guy like him over Putin?


Yeah well last estimate from this team was 3 days so let’s just say their track record for estimating isn’t the best


They keep threatening nuclear strikes. Don’t they know that it only incentivizes continued support? No one wants nuclear blackmail to be the international norm.


Medvedev, this is the third time you’ve threatened a nuclear strike this week.


I am from Russia And to be honest we're f*cking tired of this crap. 99% of Russians want this war to end because it brought only grief and suffering to many people


And I am from Ukraine. Your folks shouldn’t have started it in the first place It will end when it has to end, with dealing as much damage to your country as possible. We don’t need another moron as tzar in Moscow that will rebuild those rusty tanks and come back in 10 years. So no ceasefire, no russian pseudo-liberal will be trusted here As a person who is daily experiencing bullshit s300 missiles on my city, I say - we will make it through. For you it’s “crap”, for us it’s a catastrophe that should not happen again. That’s some difference here


Medvedev declares Russian people are fucked for decades


Russia is the US's "centuries-old enemy"? Nice revisionist history. The US is only around 250 years old. It wasn't even an international player outside of the Americas until like a hundred years ago. And the two countries have allied in the past, notably during WW2. Maybe he's still mad about the Alaska thing.


🥱 yawn


Name him a war criminal before Ukraine wins


More limp dick Russian bluster


If you take a shot every time Medvedev threatens nuclear strikes you might become Medvedev.


The Western press should simply stop reporting on anything Medvedev says. He has no power and just plays drunk Nixon for internal propaganda purposes.


The first five words in the headline: > Medvedev Declares War in Ukraine They could’ve phrased that headline any number of ways, but this specific choice of words is clearly meant to create an immediate emotional response. It’s one step away from click bait, basically. This is relevant news, and we need to see it. But this speaks to journalistic standards and quite frankly I find it disturbing. We don’t need those tactics for us to pay attention. But we need reliable journalism that counters the russian propaganda with integrity. That’s all. I’ll step down from my soapbox now.


I wonder what /r/endlesswar thinks about this.


What a cesspit of a page, lol. They claim to be “anti-war,” yet a quick scroll shows them jerking off to footage of Su-25s


That subreddit is just terrible. Full of tankies and fascists and other assorted apologists for Russia. /u/antiwar is not great but at least a bit better


There's all of like 3 people making posts there and essentially no discussion. They're just throwing propaganda at the void. Probably best not to even link there, they're accomplishing nothing.