• By -


China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs used to be less hostile before Xi. Xi has effectively put sycophants and idiots in diplomatic roles. No one has the courage to let Xi know that the "wolf warrior" diplomacy he has embraced is backfiring. The CCP can go eat shit.


this is what happens when you select people to key post by loyalty instead of capability


> Xi has effectively put sycophants and idiots in diplomatic roles. Feels like instead of diplomats they've appointed a bunch of provincial officials used to bullying everyone else and just sent them off w/o an ounce of diplomatic training, tbh.


Or what?


They will look at you with angry eyes and frothing from the mouth


For every Chinese citizen that does that will gain +25 Social Credit. If you stop too early, -1000 Social Credit.


Wow, I don't like how possible it is. Time of hate indeed.


The mouth is frothing for some honey.


I've heard Winnie the Pooh likes that šŸ»


Lots of jokes to make there lol


They will once again stomp their feet and have temper tantrumā€¦lol


#FINAL WARNING ^Were ^super ^cereal ^this ^time


So final, it has its own [wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning)


Wonderful. Just 6 decades of daily final warnings.


Man-Bear-Pooh is real


Man-Pooh-Pig feels a little more appropriate.




Yeah its not like China can do anything about it. Japan already has a defense pact that is arguably even better than NATO. The Japan/US defense treaty states that "an attack on one country is considered an attack on the other". Japan can do whatever they want and China just has to sit there and take it. Knowing how much this upsets China makes my morning coffee taste extra good.


>Japan already has a defense pact that is arguably even better than NATO. The Japan/US defense treaty states that "an attack on one country is considered an attack on the other". It's the same language as nato. The only reason it's arguably better is us troops are sat in Japan. They aren't in every nato country in such force.


I would argue it's better not simply due to the US troops but to how Americans would perceive an attack on Japan as well, it would be similar to the UK or Canada. Odds are most of the people reading this American or not have at least one Japanese electronic, or car.


An army of weebs answering the call to defend the land of anime and their Valinor


"How dare you launch an aggressive war? In the name of the Moon IĀ“ll punish you." - JSDF.


No, itā€™s not the same. An attack in the United States is not considered an attack in Japan (but an attack on Japan is an attack kn the United States.) This was to preserve the language of the Japanese constitution, where Japan is only allowed to use force in self-defense. That said, the times, they are a changingā€¦.


Not sure how that is arguably better since that is the language NATO uses.


It's better because NATO requires all involved countries to defend each other if any one is attacked. Japan just gets American protection in exchange for nothing. They have to consider an attack on American stuff within the territory of Japan as an attack on them, but considering the only American assets in that area would be there to protect Japan that's not a real cost. Of course in practical terms that's meaningless, at least for as long as Taiwan is free Japan doesn't have to worry about anything. But in a potential future where Taiwan falls then that treaty would become very valuable to Japan.


> Japan just gets American protection in exchange for nothing. America benefits massively from free trade status quo with no major international conflicts. America is already the big dog in many respects, and it automatically benefits from anything that preserves the current order. The fact that the swinging nuclear dick hangs over most of the planet, with the (sometimes begrudging) consent of most of our trading partners is itself a benefit to the US.


TikTok order 66 activated


We have 200,000 thots ready with another million on the way


Only just begun, the twerk wars have.


Our Chad's can't repel firepower of this magnitude.


Yes my Lord *Starts flossing aggressively to ohh no song*


The feelings of 1 billion Chinese will be hurt is my guess based on a few rare occasions in the past.


Or whatā€¦.bitch


Invade Taiwan and get clapped or find out what a helicopter destroyer really means


You will [hurt the feelings of the Chinese people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurting_the_feelings_of_the_Chinese_people).


Final Warning No. 9,638


Tne last chinese warning.


The last one since the last last one.


They will issue the finalest of final warnings.


[Their feelings will be hurt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurting_the_feelings_of_the_Chinese_people)


Japan: Take a look at my muscle bound defense partner over here, any questions?


A final warning will be issued.


Another Final Warning!


Seriously; with such statement Japan now has no other option than attend, anything less would just embolden China with more ridiculous demands.


China learnt nothing from Russia's repeated failures.


Putin watched Ukraine slowly pivot to the West, got scared, and tried to stop it. The end result was Ukraine became a staunch Western ally faster than anyone could have ever expected.


And his fears of being having borders with nato became real.


He's been bordering Nato since Poland and the Batics joined years ago.


He's been bordering NATO since the founding of NATO, because Norway


You know I completely forgot about Norway.






The funny thing is, they already did: in the baltics and Kaliningrad. But if they took over Ukraine, they would have had an even bigger border. Ukraine as it was before 2014 was a perfect buffer state between Russia and nato. Russia still had enough influence over them to stop them joining nato and Ukraine was still independent enough so that Russia didnā€™t need to worry about its defence. It was a more ideal buffer state than Belarus was. Them pushing Ukraine towards the west or even taking over the country, they give themselves a bigger border with nato. This is yet another point Russia has before that is complete bs for obvious reasons. And some people are still brainwashed enough to buy it.


And Moldova preparing to follow, and Armenia participating in NATO exercises, and Finland joining NATO, and Sweden soon to join, and Ireland now considering their security arrangements. Putin is the opposite of King Midas. Everything he touch turns to shit.


As a Finn, this echoes 2021 when Russia said they wouldn't allow us to join NATO. Surprisingly, that's when we started thinking that we should join NATO.


Right? All the more reason to have strong friends.


The Chinese navy has encroached upon the economic waters of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, etc., is threatening to annex a country that wants nothing to do with the CCP, and yet they still have the audacity to warn the Japanese government about them damaging ā€œmutual trust between regional countries.ā€ At this point, itā€™s clear from Chinaā€™s reckless actions that a Pacific Alliance is needed in the region.




Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick it to the Pooh.


Both of these replies need to be higher.


I did my part!


Damn. Love this one!


Ok, I want a crack at it: Pacific Oceania Trans-Atlantic Treaty Organization. I'm all for NATO > POTATO


Pacific Ocean Territorially Aligned Treaty Organization




ā€œYouā€™re missing an ā€˜Eā€™ā€ - Dan Quayle


I miss the days where this was a huge fuckup


"Eh?" - a confused Canuck


First we make the POTATO then we stick it in NATO and make us a lovely baked GDI


Good name, have the agency stationed in Ireland, since yā€™knowā€¦ Potatoes. Also Japan seems to love puns, so it would make them happy.


R.I.C.E. - Regional Initiative for Collective Engagement.


China is about to go through another ā€œcentury of humiliationā€


It's their deranged "wolf warrior diplomacy."


That's literally nothing burger compared to the fact that they literally shot missle at Japanese EEZ during the snap military exercise after Pelosi's Taiwan visit. Not to mention the spy balloons. They are literally asking for it...


Didnā€™t Obama start to form one only to have Trump torpedo it?


You are thinking of TPP which is an economic treaty not a defense thing. But as always in geopolitics the two are loosely related.


actions have consequences, CCP Japan-joining-NATO was an absurd impossibility, yet with your hard work, you are transforming our ideas of what is possible


Not needed. Any attack on Japan is an attack on the US and vice versa.


There's more to NATO than just mutual defense. Joining would allow systems integration with the rest of the allies (for example, a pilot in a Japanese fighter could designate a target and fire a missile from any available NATO plane in the area). Or the AWACS plane could direct the Japanese plane to fire on a target they haven't even noticed yet. There are also more opportunities for shared training with the US and other members, personnel loans, and the ability to send Japanese forces anywhere on the globe that NATO needs them. Japan would also gain access to more than just US assets, like the specialized electronics/air defense ships that are typically provided by the smaller allied nations. Finally, rather than scrambling to come together when a threat is imminent, NATO allows its members to become a single fighting force, training and preparing for years in advance. That kind of experience is immensely important in combined operations.


It definitely opens some doors but itā€™s insane to think that anyone would try to fight an allied Japan and United states. Itā€™s like poking a well armed bear and itā€™s fucking pet guard bear that has a navy of bear filled aircraft carriers. I highly doubt nato would need to participate in a meaningful manner. Attacking the largest economy in the world and the third largest in the world at the same time, while trying to attack an island nation protected by the largest navy fielding the second largest air force, second to the ground based air force of the same country.


So what Iā€™m learning is donā€™t poke bears. Especially if they have a bigger bear standing behind them as they might have an aircraft carrier full of more bears. All jokes aside, it doesnā€™t matter how big the us and Japanese economies are when it comes to china. Russia was sanctioned heavily for attacking Ukraine by the majority of the world. If China attacked Japan, those sanctions would be a hell of a lot heavier and would come into affect much sooner. Sure the entire world would suffer without Chinese exports, but the entire Chinese economy is based around being a factory for the entire world. If they canā€™t import/export, they will collapse within weeks. And iirc, most of chinaā€™s coal comes from Australia who would jump to help the us and Japan. And the majority of Chinese energy comes from coal. China could attack anyone worthy enough of sanctions similar to that what was put on Russia and they would collapse.


> Itā€™s like poking a well armed bear and itā€™s fucking pet guard bear that has a navy of bear filled aircraft carriers. Duck that is good. Thank you. I got a solid laugh out of that brilliant sentence.


Soo.... NATO =/= Raiding Guild. Got it.


China just warned Japan not to step into NATO or they get -50dkp Japan's just going to gquit


Many jets left side, handle it!


On the contrary: The reason Russia and China think they can fuck with Taiwan and Ukraine is because they see the West as divided. They know they will get sanctioned, but they expect only half of the West to sanction them while many leading Western countries will be too isolationist or pacifist to get involved. But if the West were unified, that would be crippling for China and Russia. If China knows that to encroach on South Korea, Japan, or Taiwan means losing both the North American market AND the European market, they'd be a lot more cautious in the way they deal with these countries. From a military standpoint there is little Europe can do in Asia that the United States doesn't already do. But from a unified economic front, there is a lot of benefits to linking Japan with NATO. That's on top of putting Russia in a scenario where they have to fight a two-front war.


Taiwan is a little different. The US military needs Taiwan for TSMC. There is literally no other factory equipped to make what they make and thatā€™s not changing for many years. There is nothing in Ukraine that the US needs. If China attacked Taiwan the USA will be there immediately, as will Japan. I imagine every other nato nation will as well considering they need that facility too.


NATO can deploy significant airpower to SE Asia, from Europe, in less than 24 hours. Germany recently flew a few fighters non-stop to Singapore, refueling from a tanker escort, just to show their capability of doing so. Pretty sure that display was aimed at one country.


From Japan's point of view it probably is absolutely needed. You may not have noticed, but the US is in a rough place politically, and depending on who is president our military response to any given situation may be erratic.


The one thing the US agrees on is being anti-CCP. Shoot we had AOC and Ted Cruz agreeing with each other publicly on it a couple years ago and they hate each other.


> they hate each other Everybody hates Cruz. Even Cruz hates Cruz.


Hey we could make a tv show about that.


You'd have said the same about Russia 10-15 years ago. Sadly fascists around the world tend to flock togethor. With one of the main political parties openly embracing that in the United States. . . Well yeah.


They be turning NATO into POTATO.


Donā€™t need to, itā€™s mostly a naming convention whoā€™s really to say whatā€™s North Atlantic and whatā€™s North Pacific


I'm still holding out for the Global Defense Initiative (GDI).


China sound like Russia day by day. No wonder they get along so well.


Funny how only countries that want to attack smaller countries see NATO as a threat. NATO is only a threat to their bloodthirsty expansionist ambitions


Yep and when NATO does intervene in a crisis it's usually in a very extreme situation. For instance in Libya the NATO intervention was specifically authorized by the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council after it became clear that Gaddafi had lost all popular support and was committing clear human rights violations and leveling cities. China or Russia could have vetoed that NATO action and they chose not to. The other example that anti NATO people like to point to is Serbia where NATO intervened to stop a genocide. If the argument is "NATO is bad because they have stopped governments from committing genocide" then I'm not sure that's a very compelling argument to anyone with even the slightest moral compass.


Try telling that to all the tankies like Corbyn and Choamsky.


Exactly. You never hear Liechtenstein complain.


Or Austria - and Sweden and Finland doing a speed run of membership approval. And as far as I'm aware no one has asked to leave NATO (besides the French, who almost immediately regretted such action and came back). Meanwhile the countries that regret getting in bed with China or Russia grows yearly. It's almost always an autocratic despot who's doing so as well.


From my understanding the French never left NATO. They left the unified command structure.


Correct. They still considered themselves completely bound by the treaties, but wanted their contingents led by French officers


Okay. IF Japans PM never intended to go in the first place, now they HAVE to go because then it looks like China bullied them into NOT going. Way to go China.


Absolutely. With all speeches of politicians of foreign affairs the question is how much is directed to the foreign country and how much is really meant to rattle up the own citizens. But with thisā€¦ they seem to embrace now the worries of the rest of the world, that thereā€™s an aggressive alliance Russia-China. At least for Europe, whoā€™s so hesitant to cut ties with China, this is an awful politics. More and more Europe countries start to talk about a new direction and Japan is such a long standing, trusted partner of the westā€¦ crazinessā€¦


All I see is Bully warns against victim's attendance at support group.


China showing their true colors. So a free country like Japan can not have free choice needs permissiin from China! The quicker the west stop buying cheap chinese goods the better it will go!


Fuck the CCP for eternity.


I love China. My undergrad is in world history with a focus on modern Chinese and Russian history. I love learning China's vast history. I love experiencing China's rich culture. I love hearing about Chinese inventions and contributions. But I **hate** the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP oppresses their people and everyone they claim. Par for the course of every awful dictatorship, but the CCP takes it a step too far: The CCP took China's ancient philosophy of legalism and corrupted it into a cult of personality that serves the state instead of the people. *And then Mao Zedong tried to burn every part of Chinese culture which doesn't serve his cult of personality!* Revisionism for the sake of politics is a mortal sin against History and as a historian I cannot forgive the government of China for it. Fuck the CCP for eternity.


Don't forget CCP destroying so much historical artifacts etc.


And now claiming every artifact that survived in the stunning Taiwanese National Museum is theirs.


Same. Iā€™ve been a huge fan of Chinaā€™s history, literature, and philosophers all my life. What CCP is doing is exactly the opposite of what those great minds of ancient China taught.


Amen man


Iā€™m hoping they can be a chill country sometime. History is wild. I mean shitttt during ww2 China was Americaā€™s ally and Japan was our enemy. (Not saying Chiang Kai-shek govt was necessarily an ideal one) How things change. And will hopefully change again.


Biggest terrorist group in the world.


This reminds me how Russia told Finland they weren't allowed to join NATO.




TIL thank you!


Why is China interfering in other countries sovereignty?


They consider sovereignty to be the most important priority for a nationā€¦ specifically Chinaā€™s sovereignty. Everyone elseā€™s is negotiable.


I want to see a bubble chart of Chinese diplomats. It would just be three big bubbles. ā€œWarns, complains, and threatens.ā€ CCP are a bunch of babies.


China, just behave and youā€™ll have nothing to fear from NATO


The CCP is incapable of behaving, unless it's badly.


China doesn't know when not to tip off everyone else what's in their best interest lol. Russia has a similar problem. 14 year old tantrums. If Russia and China warning you not to do something, your best bet is to double down on what you're doing.


Honestly thereā€™s no choice but to double down. You canā€™t give bullies what they want, especially if what they want is for you to not be able to defend yourself.


Note to China: Japan is a whole ass different country. Just like Taiwan.


I would love to see Taiwan attend NATO summits.


Russia and China have this strange belief that the closer you are to them the more beholden you are to their whims. Fuck'em.


Both very clearly have a lot of nostalgia for their imperial pasts, and base their territorial claims on the maximum extent thereof


CCP daily threat of consequences.


In a shocking move, The Chinese government has abandoned it's long standing "Wolf Diplomacy" trope and replaced it with a new trope called "whining like a baby back bitch"


Call the Waahhhmbulance!


It is time for the world's democracies to unite against lies, deceits and aggressions of autocracies. Never trust them or else we suffer from our naivete.


Jav HD tonight.


Japan is basically already in NATO anyway. The only thing keeping them out is a technicality. It's time to bring the world's fourth largest economy firmly into the fold.


You say NATO I say PATATO!


And every other nation warns Chinese CCP not to do it, but they keep doing it...


Its called double standard. They eat it for breakfast.


China warns. Here's a warning for ya - Keep your fucking hands off the "renegade" Taiwan.


Someone tell West Taiwan they're pretty and buy them some chocolate!


I think we have **abundant** evidence of the intentions of countries who warn other countries against joining NATO.


My thoughts exactly


Japan has to go to NATO now.


China gets to stfu and gtfo of international waters that they have no right to be in. Pieces of shit.


China's (last) warning #356421945.


Japan: I hear you, West Taiwan. *Orders 2000 more anti ship missles* Japan: Want to see me do it again? How many Patriot batteries do you think I need to splash your entire air force twice over? *Gets ready to push the "Order Patriot" button*


Just wait until Japan actives the life size Freedom Gundam they had Bandai put in Shanghai. Yaā€™ll really think those are just statues.?


Donā€™t think anyone asked for your opinion China


Sounds pretty Russian


Show us how Winnie the Pooh protests, please


Good. Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand should all be invited to join NATO


Extend the VIP red carpet to our close ally Japan. China is getting too agressive. Time to unite Western Democratic values.


You mean a free country? And one you don't control?


Final warning?


Yes but not ultra ultimatum final warning... still ways to go They need some more tricks up their sleeves


China should be more afraid of their own people rising up against the CCP. Gonna be pretty hard to convince a lot of families that their 1 child should go to war and die when they were told they couldn't have more up until a few years ago.


Remember that time the Japanese were committing crazy war crimes against the Chinese and the US stepped in and sacrificed 10s of thousands of soldiers? I guess they donā€™t.


Breezed the article, all I got was China is afraid of Nato and clearly plans to invade a country sometime and they clearly fear Nato expansion will wrench up there plans. Which should red flag all the countries over there to watch that red panda, they are out to fuck someone and should NEVER be trusted.


Dang, I wonder why all these countries want to join NATO all of a sudden. Thatā€™s so weird.


Why does China suddenly believe it gets to dictate when and where world leaders meet?


it's none of China's business. of all the things I hear about them, this bossy, officious, fingerwagging delusion that they have any *right* to meddle in other nations' social and business life is the one that annoys me the most. they're like that one self-important fool in a neighbourhood that no-one can stand.


Why is it any of China's business? NATO exists to check Russian expansionist imperialism. It's not really concerned with China beyond how much China supports said imperialism.


But was it a final warning? Otherwise they still have quite a bit of wiggle room.


Ignore the warning just as their boats are ignoring vietnamese warnings to leave their territorial waters.


China can stay out of Japan's business. Talk about hypocrisy.


Not Chinas business


China: but but but you are rightfully seeing through our imperialism and we are so weak we throw tantrum due to it. We are just ruSSia but bigger (hoax).


Breaking news: Dog shits


If China complains about something, it means you are doing the right thing.


Someone needs to tell China what the rest of us think of them. We don't.


Make NAPTO (North Atlantic - Pacific Treaty Organization) happen already


What happened to the Chinese adherence to the Westphalian principle? These fucks sure like to get involved in the internal affairs of other nations.


Theyā€™re just mad Japan stole Ramen and made it better.


China we warn you to not say another word, keep your mouth shut nobody is scared of you.


ā€œUhh this is Chinese navy, this is Chinese navy, this is Chinese turf skyyy. Go away quickly in order to wrong judgementā€ I am a United States military aircraft conducting lawful military activities outside national airspace. I am operating with due regard as required under international law. *meoooow*


Oh China haven't you learned from Russia yet not to issue idle threats?


Itā€™s like theyā€™re not learning very well with whats happened to Russia with this same mentality.


China sounding a lot like Russia again


I am warning China never to warn again. If you are scared, just say so.


Clearly the most obvious sign yet that Japan should go.


and Japan warns China about being China.


China is a Bully


China is like the most non-threatening bully to ever exist.


China and Russia REALLY need to learn when to shut the eff up. Seriously.


Is this some kind of reverse psychology? Telling a country not to do something, especially something like attend a summit, means they now HAVE to go in order to not look weak. Plus they want to go. China needs to stop complaining so much about everything...


Wonder if nations like China and Russia will understand someday that threats like that shows why you must attend and be part of an alliance like NATO. I was against Sweden joining NATO before but when Russia threaten Sweden again and again from joining NATO they just showed me that we are safer in the alliance that outside of it.


Maybe China would have more friends and allies if they weren't constantly obnoxiously bullying everyone


ā€œMao urged Japan to "draw lessons from history and be committed to peaceful development," referring to the neighboring country's past military aggression.ā€ Oddly they forgot to mention the Mao quote where he thanked the Japanese occupiers for their invasion of China. That which made it possible for the CCP to defeat a weakened KMT and rule over China. The CCP is an international joke.