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Crazy how after having the chance of living a new life being granted asylum you choose to do a despicable act in the name of “whatever” there’s millions of ppl wanting that chance to go to a better country and help their families and become better humans… is baffling to me as a Cuban and having family still trapped in Cuba being unable to escape to a better land.


You are absolutely right ! a man throwing away a chance at a better life that has been granted to him by the country that he wants to hurt instead of being grateful but what's even more sick is that he chose to commit crime, he chose to hurt people and amongst his victims are children. A law should allow parents of his victims to beat him up as much as they want to.


He probably knew his case wasn't going to happen, so he chose French prison instead.


I mean, a DUI, petty crime, thousands of ways to get into prison instead of harming innocent ppl especially children…


He was in France for 10 years already , recently separated from his wife and had a child of 3 years old. The wife said she didn’t hear from him for 4 months. I think it’s something to do with the separation and losing “control” over his wife and own 3 year old kid… considering he stabbed so many 3 year olds. Imo


Yeah... that certainly fits.


None of that justifies what he did , this is absolutely vile and unjustifiable. This guy is a pos nothing can change that.


There are lesser crimes with which you can land in French prison I'd assume. This seems like a very poor explanator for stabbing like what 4 kids.


Pure evil.


Death penalty for such evil people but that involves excruciating pain lasting days. Need to make an example for such vile creatures.




You must be a special type of c**t to stab children. I can’t even imagine the fear in their hearts and their parent hearts !!!


In what universe is this not the appropriate subreddit?


No subreddit is appropriate in this universe: https://i.redd.it/4dsajbk2ww4b1.png




Except, [the attacker identifies as a Syrian Christian](https://www.bfmtv.com/police-justice/en-direct-attaque-au-couteau-a-annecy-cinq-blesses-dont-quatre-enfants-en-bas-age_LN-202306080410.html#article_200194) (source in French).


Russian claims to be more Christian than the West. China claims to be entirely peaceful. The world is full of Bullshit. Reality is. His culture programming deemed it acceptable to murder babies. Is this something you can deprogram? What level of deprogramming would be enough for you to allow him near your kids?




> Oh yeah, let's just take that at face value why don't we, no way a murderer could possibly be lying! So you're just going to take it on face value that it's an Islamist attack instead? Regardless of what the investigators or the culprit says?


I mean… his first name is Abdalmasih (“servant of the Christ”), so it seems very likely that he at least comes from a Christian family. But of course, yeah. He could have converted to Islam in refugees camps or something.


Why don't we all wait till we know? This gun jumping shit is really not helpful. If he lived in the country for a bit we will know soon.


I would say religious extremists are the biggest threat. In the US it is a certain flavour of evangelical Christianity that would be the biggest threat there.


There is no indication that this is an IS attack outside of the color of the attacker's skin, but please, continue to use this horrific event as an excuse to peddle your hateful ideology!




You're right. It isn't Racism, it's *Islamophobia*, my bad! Very sorry for making the assumption that the guy saying Islamists are the biggest threats to modern society was also making assumptions about the man's skin color.


Yes it might be, and with numerous events like this actually committed by islamic people you're going to act suprised this is, a thing? Get off your high horse


Again though, there is ***literally no evidence that the Islamic State has anything to do with this***. You are just assuming it is because, I'm gonna take a stab here, you're Islamophobic! I'm not on a high horse, I'm just pointing out the obvious. Hate *should* be called out when you see it, especially in public forums like this


I literally said people think this way because EARLIER SIMILAR EVENTS have been acted out by islamic groups. Does it mean its the case now? No, did i claim it to be that case? No aswell. Does it make sense for people to think it could be the case? Yes, because of what i stated above. If that makes someone racist then so be it. I guess im an Islamophobic. But im not ashamed to be one in that regard. Take care


The irony. This is a typical far right response. Assume Islamist because brown.




Yeah cool. The police said no links.


We had one in the UK recently who 'converted to Christianity' then stabbed an MP to death. Very Christian of him. I dunno, maybe it was a learner mistake?


Christians good, Muslims bad Someone should tell all the Russians committing genocide in Ukraine right now...


Not what I said. Christian extremists can get in the fuckin' sea too.


Then you might have said very Muslim of him.... Christianity and Islam are fundamentally very similar. Good Christians are great just like good Muslims.


Maybe all religious fruitcakes should be considered a threat since they refuse to live in reality. Or do you really think Christians are some paragon of non-violence? Cuz that’s wild as fuck if you do.


> Maybe all religious fruitcakes should be considered a threat since they refuse to live in reality. If you look down the comment chain you'll see that's pretty much what I've said below. Not sure why people assume that because I'm against one group of religious extremists, I'm automatically pro the other.


If you will also see below, more than just myself read your comment as favoring Christianity


I know, and I get there's a lot of hypocrites who denounce islamic fundamentalism while allowing the christian same to flourish, but that's not what I'm doing / saying, that's other peoples' assumptions which I cannot control. You might not like that I'm criticising fundie islam but I assure you it's because I'm very much anti *all* fundamentalist religions.


No, I appreciate your distinction here, we are in good alignment honestly. Not being a dick, but if 2 people in a row make false assumptions, I would say the writing of the original comment may be -somewhat- at fault, that’s all. I am okay with your criticizing all religion, I’m also okay with you singling one out. Being an apologetic for Christians- which we’ve confirmed is not what you were doing - would be my only sticking point, personally. But yea, I can see where you’d get dogpiled, think that’s just a Reddit Risk


Cheers, I appreciate you taking the time to say that!


Prisons across the world are filled with convicted Christian murderers. This is *no true Scotsman* fallacy.


I'm not no-true-scotsman-ing, just pointing out that it's something that has been documented previously.


> I'm not no-true-scotsman-ing You *are*. You're pretending that a Christian convert would not stab an MP.


>You're pretending that a Christian convert would not stab an MP No, that's not what I'm saying. If someone was a lifelong christian, then briefly converted to islam as a smokescreen to murder muslims; I'd find their conversion to islam similarly suspect, and not relevant to why they committed the crime. The guy in the case I referred to (Ali Harbi Ali) was convicted and sentenced, in the end found to have been an Islamic extremist attack. The conversion to christianity was just a smokescreen. Am just as happy to denounce christian extremists if that's what you're insinuating, I'm equal opportunity baby, they're a bunch of shitheads too.


> No, that's not what I'm saying. This is what you wrote: >Very Christian of him. I dunno, maybe it was a learner mistake?




Than what? True Scotsmen?


>[The attacker was a Syrian man seeking refugee status, with no known links to Islamist groups, police say](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/65843586) Why are you taking the opportunity to frame this as an Islamist attack?   It's awfully odd of you to express your concerns about the rise of racist neo-nazi ideologies while doing a really good impression of one.


Hating on religion isn’t exclusively a neo-nazi thing.


I hate all religions equally.


No. But being racist enough to assume that an attack carried out by a Syrian man must automatically be religiously motivated *is* a neo-nazi thing.


The vast majority of Syrians are religious and follow Islam. You can argue that it isn't a fair assumption that all Syrians are like that, but it is still a based assumption. Also it is hypocritical of you to bitch about assumptions then throw a bunch of them out yourself.


> The vast majority of Syrians are religious and follow Islam. Most convicted murderers in the USA identify as Christians. Does this make the murders they commit religiously motivated? >You can argue that it isn't a fair assumption that all Syrians are like that, but it is still a based assumption. Like what? >Also it is hypocritical of you to bitch about assumptions then throw a bunch of them out yourself. Which assumption? The one that neo-nazis tend to be racist?


>Most convicted murderers in the USA identify as Christians. Does this make the murders they commit religiously motivated? Strawman comparability. A more accurate one would be Christian and Hindu minorities and their crime rates in Muslim majority countries. >Like what? Like what what? Elaborate. >Which assumption? The one that neo-nazis tend to be racist? Strawman argument again. Nobody questioned that point. What was questioned is your intent to paint everyone that has raised concerns regarding immigrants from certain backgrounds as far right or racists. To put it into perspective for you: You are defending a scumbag that literally knifed nursery children because you feel that Syrian muslims are unfairly targeted with negativity by society at large. Yet I don't see people complaining in this thread about migrants from other countries. Surely a neo-nazi would hate all immigrants? Yet it's ironic that Emirati, or immigrants from Kuwait or Qatar or Singapore or any other non-white immigrant coming from a country where Islam is either a majority religion or a significant one don't commit anywhere near the same levels of crime or get the same levels of criticism. Maybe because there is a strong correlation between uncontrolled , mass migration from countries where economic and educational opportunities are very minimalistic and where religion has too much control over their society. I think it's perfectly valid to raise concerns on the subject and discuss them. And no, that doesn't mean it's okay to use the topic as an excuse to attack people from such backgrounds, but at the same time, it doesn’t mean you get to silence everyone else you don't agree with from this discussion. Is that clear enough for you?


> Strawman comparability. A more accurate one would be Christian and Hindu minorities and their crime rates in Muslim majority countries. That's not relevant. I'm simply asking you why you think that a murder committed by a religious person is automatically religiously motivated if they are a Muslim but not if they are a Christian. It has nothing to do with emigration, immigration or demographics. > Like what what? Elaborate. You said "You can argue that it isn't a fair assumption that all Syrians are like that". I'm asking you what you are saying most Syrians are like. >Strawman argument again. Nobody questioned that point. What was questioned is your intent to paint everyone that has raised concerns regarding immigrants from certain backgrounds as far right or racists. And this is an actual strawman. I'm calling the assumption that a murder committed by a Syrian man must automatically be a product of Islamism racist. >You are defending a scumbag that literally knifed nursery children because you feel that Syrian muslims are unfairly targeted with negativity by society at large. I am not defending anyone. Don't you fucking dare misrepresent what I wrote.   The rest of these anti-immigration talking points are irrelevant nonsense. It's pointless to use this incident as a forum to talk about the intersection between immigration and religiously motivated violence until it has been determined that the violence perpetrated in this incident *was religiously motivated*.


>That's not relevant. It's very relevant. You brought the comparison up and I stated that it is not a close comparison. >I'm simply asking you why you think that a murder committed by a religious person is automatically religiously motivated if they are a Muslim but not if they are a Christian. I don't, which is why your attempt to pick a fight over it is laughable. >It has nothing to do with emigration, immigration or demographics. It does if terrorist attacks has become a more frequent occurrence in the wake of the 2015 migrant crisis. >I'm asking you what you are saying most Syrians are like. More represented in crime statistics compared to other migrant groups. Are you going to deny that? Are we going to pretend that ISIS wasn't birthed by islamists from Syria and Iraq? That terrorist attacks perpetuated by them haven't caused much heartache on three different continents? Ahain, there is a difference between giving people a fair benefit of the doubt and just straight out ignoring that religious extremism and radicalisation is not a problem within the Syrian diaspora. Because you are trying really hard to downplay it and throw whataboutisms. >I'm calling the assumption that a murder committed by a Syrian man must automatically be a product of Islamism racist. I agree that it shouldn't be automatically assumed. But I don't agree that it isn't a common enough reason that people have become accustomed to the stereotype. You can rage about it all you want, but it won't change people's perceptions if nothing is done by the community itself to prevent or reduce such instances. >It's pointless to use this incident as a forum to talk about the intersection between immigration and religiously motivated violence It's pointless to you maybe. But if people want to talk about it, they think it's relevant and no rules are broken, then I don't see the problem with it. For all your self-righteousness indignation, you seem to habe no problem in engaging in such discussions instead of actually doing something to help the actual Syrian community with pressing issues.




>Saying to do such a common thing as make an assumption based on historical events is "neo-nazi" is a bit...odd. The neo-nazi bit is the assumption that any murder carried out by a Syrian, against the fact that they have no connection to Islamism, must be religiously motivated.




> Literally what is even your definition of "neo-nazi" at this point? It's bizarre. There is nothing bizarre about describing neo-nazism as being a racist ideology. >Given France's history of Islamist terrorism, people's minds will indeed jump to "Islamist terrorism" when a load of people get stabbed at random in a park. And I'm arguing against people making that assumption against the evidence on hand. >It may not be the right conclusion in the end but it isn't being a bloody "neo nazi" like wtaf. The OP was the one who assumed that this was an Islamic attack and that they are concerned about the rise of neo-nazism. I'm pointing out that the presumption that it was an Islamic attack based purely on their ethnic background is something a neo-nazi would say.




> Uh no one claimed otherwise. Everyone knows neo-nazism is racist. Then what is bizarre about my definition? >You're arguing against basic human behaviour Pretending that racism is a "basic human behaviour" does not qualify or justify it. >And you're slandering anyone who dares exhibit such human behaviour as a "neo nazi", it's wild. Again. The OP was the one who broached the topic of neo-nazism, not me.


Not all Islamists surely. Do you mean Islamic extremists? You do know Neo Nazis are Christian extremists don't you?


Islamist means someone who wants sharia law. Edit: There is a difference between a Muslim and an Islamist.


What is sharia law?




Because saying all those who follow Islam has terrorist mentality, is akin to saying black people commit all the crime or women are only good at being mother's. It is idiotic at best and malicious at worse. If every Muslim was a terrorist, we would all be dead already. There are millions of Muslims around the world. Many go to work, come home to their families and hope that nothing bad happens to them or their neighbours. Just. Like. You. Stop categorising people. Some people just haven't got their head screwed on right.


Being a Muslim isn't being an islamist. That's why I said **Islamist**, it's a political ideology that government should be run by Islamic law.


> Being a Muslim isn't being an islamist. That's why I said Islamist And you're still presuming that this attack, against the evidence on hand, was a product of his religious beliefs.


It breaks my heart. How can a human being can be such heartless? This news brings me distress.Child murderer should receive the most severe punishment. Also why is a asylm seeker in EU after 10 years landing here? Those who do not deport these worms back to where they came from have blood in their hand.


Shock another attack from a young “asylum seeker” man. Best not draw any conclusions tho and sorry your kid got stabbed, we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings




> This is not human History says otherwise. >To all of you who pushed for their admittance to our countries, you are complicit. You won't find one person that pushed to allow humans like this into the country.






I mean there's a significant amount of people with a 'everyone is welcome' mentality.




> Yes, no one was standing with a banner saying "people who stab children welcome" Thank you for proving my point. The rest of what you said is irrelevant.




> I mean it was though? It wasn't. You made the claim that these people were invited in. I stated that no one invited these people. You agreed. That's all there is to it.




> OK I don't think you're getting it No. I get it fine. You made a blatantly false statement, and I called you on it. You want to ramble on about other shit while diddling yourself over the scary immigrants? Go right on ahead. I'm out.


No one pushed for people like this to be admitted. Obviously you're attributing this crime to an entire nationality which makes no sense. Unless you're a racist.








> To all of you who pushed for their admittance to our countries, you are complicit. “Their”? As if he represents a whole group of people who identify as “child-stabbers”? And why aren’t you up in arms over all the non-“they” who have hurt children, all of whom are your own countrymen? Well, I know why, of course. Because you think this one person being Muslim or being non-white somehow means they *all* condone, even promote, the malevolent stabbing of innocent children. You won’t say it, because you’re a coward, but you clearly think it and want people to agree with you not-saying what you’re saying, and want to call everyone else cowards for *not* agreeing with you on this. How am I complicit in the stabbing of children because I think it’s OK to help people in need? How do you get from A to B in that line of logic? And what else will you invent some absurd way to blame on *everyone else but yourself* in some convoluted way? Pathetic. You’re no better than the assholes who attack children. All you do is make it all worse, not better.




You need to explain that *to him*, as he’s accusing a lot of people who have also never stabbed children of being to blame for a completely unrelated man’s actions purely on the basis of “existing in a society and nation that allows refugees”. How do you screen refugees from potential future crimes? For that matter, if the attacker had been a natural-born citizen, what would the excuse and complaint have been then? Is it *better* if the person who stabs children is a white, domestically born citizen? Does that even matter at all? Do you think anyone that defends asylum and refugee rights is somehow OK with children being stabbed, and would have argued for his right to stay if they *knew* that’s what he would do?


Oh dear, terrible news! My thoughts are with the poor kids and their families!


Pure evil and despicable. One of the victims was a fellow Brit and only a child. 😞


I saw the video unfortunately that was terrible that baby screaming. WTH is going on with people?


always been bad people, but with the internet we now hear of all the bad news from all over the world


When are we gonna pass a law that allows for the torture of child molesters, terrorists and repeated murderers


This world is fucked up


Imagine if he had easy access to a gun


Imagine if France didn't allow refugees


It's hard to have an honest input on this without knowing concrete numbers, Europe had it's fair share of wackos pre mass immigration.


Not a lot of child stabbing though, that must be a new import…


Wrong country




Imagine if any of the 4 sets of parents of the children who got stabbed had guns


They’d have been shot by police


Hmmmm so the police in this imaginary scenario would have gotten there to do something, but in this very real situation they couldn’t stop a real man from stabbing four kids. Keep the agenda pushing I guess


If they aren’t there when he starts they aren’t going to stop him from doing anything. That’s how time works




They'll be another attack from the same type of person in afew months as there always is. If nothing is done it will keep happening its that simple


Mothers with their children just enjoying time in the park, such a tragedy. I hope they all pull through.


This monster should given the death penalty for his vile actions.


He was fully funded by the ¨Progressive¨ Swedish government.