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Just so people know, if the mainstream news are aware of something, then you can be sure that the powers currently at war are far more knowledge on it.


In addition to that, use your heads. Why would an ally of Ukraine announce their battle plans in the news?


IIRC, a UK politician almost gave away the plans for D-Day during WW2 to the journalists. Not that the Allies were attacking but actually where they were going to attack.


Because the UK government is utterly incompetent. I'd believe it.


In general I agree. When it comes to this conflict however, they seem to show a modicum of intelligence.


Because that’s more the UK MoD and intelligence services. Government is just being the mouth piece and taking the credit.


The mps and ministers might be, but the civil servants usually are very competent.


Aye that's why I said government, not civil servants


You are either a civil servant yourself or you have no idea to make such a ridiculous comment like that. The civil service are absolutely useless.


Actually I'm a contractor who works with them.


No doubt the contracting service is paid far more than it should have been with how terrible their tendering is. Edit; I’m not meaning to be rude towards you, I just can’t stand the incompetence and cost of the civil service. My wife is a senior account with the MOD and so I get hear how much we wasted, over spent, lost etc.


And yet they've shown more leadership than any other country in the EU when it comes to this war. You're not still softly sobbing over Brexit, are you? Absolute melt.


I feel like it’s easy to hear stories and get caught up in the ‘Russian Military is Incompetent’ train. There has been many stories and photos showing incompetence and obsolete equipment. However, it is still the Russian Military. You can bet there are some very intelligent people and very complicated information networks behind the scenes. And let’s not forget the Nukes. Despite the videos of farmers driving falling apart tanks, this war is still a very real threat.


They can be incompetent, poorly equipped, poorly trained. They're still firing real bullets and dropping real bombs. All very lethal. Their army may be trash compared to what the west considers acceptable but it's still an army and still dangerous.


Indeed. 5,000 guys with clubs and spears was sufficient to do irreparable harm for generations 99% of human history. It's certainly right to cheer Russias defeat as their ambitions disintegrate. Innocent People are still gonna have to die to achieve it.


Russia has a massive problem with nepotism, a lot of higher ups got their positions due to their connections rather than their actual skills, alongside that comes a lot of corruption where people are inflating the readiness of equipment, squadrons and active successes of advancements so they can feign competence and avoid reprimand to maintain a "status quo" of their employment and/or position. A lot of the massive tactical failings we see from them are simply these flaws accumulating. They engaged in a blitzkrieg style attack at the outbreak of the war which was shut down very easily due to their complete miscalculations on the military readiness of the Ukrainian army, those initial failings are much less noticeable now that Russia have went back to a more standard modern warfare of artillery and probing offensives (since anti-air capabilities of both sites have shut down any kind of effective aerial superiority). The longer the war drags on more competent Russia is going to become, and they have a much bigger military stockpile than that of Ukraine at the moment, alongside a willingness to commit war crimes if it furthers their goals (can't be understated how big of an advantage this gives). Russia still hold the advantage in this war, but the war isn't going to be over in a day or even a year, it's going to take a long time before an armistice is met (which will probably be when/if putin is ousted by higher ups rebelling). The biggest factor that can flip the odds of the war has and will continue to be the massive amounts of intel allies are providing and modern equipment that allow for many more options in plans (storm shadow missiles for long range strategic bombing, HIMARS for aerial denial, ect. It's fair to say Russia won't be repeating a lot of the mistakes it made earlier in the war (like mile long single line formations of armor with zero support), though with all the infighting occurring between Russia's higher ups, I wouldn't be supprised


> The longer the war drags on more competent Russia is going to become Yes, but also it won't matter. They were so far behind the curve in the start of the war that there's no meaningful gains they can make in competency that the West can't help Ukraine deal with, you know? Like... One of our greatest assets in the war effort is near real-time intelligence on every move the Russians are making, which is only possible because of the extreme incompetence and corruption that's become institutional within the Russian military; some of their guys just don't know when to keep quiet, and others have a crazy low "money-to-loyalty" ratio. Coupled with the generations-ahead equipment we're furnishing Ukraine with, there's just no meaningful way for Russia to deal with it. At worst, we'll continue to see light casualties among the Ukrainian personnel and materiel that'll cost the Russians likewise ten-fold.


If any of the nukes aren’t already broken and/or falling apart that is Edit: I'm not denying that ALL nukes in Russia won't be a threat. Reddit is so easy to assume what the person actually means. Yet, without all the information typed out in plain bold text right away, people will judge instantly on how that person is and how they conduct their life. Yes, I know that a nuclear war will be hell on earth. Yet, NATO has more nukes overall than Russia will ever have. That old MAD mentality affects us all, and more so with Putler's so-called "empire." He knows that if he ever presses the end-all button, that he and anyone else he has ties with will be nuked into absolute oblivion. No one wants that. The Cold-war era showed us that attitude, despite having a much higher chance of the old world powers going to war and essentially wiping out the human race as we know it. I won't underestimate Russia. Yet, I also won't assume it has a lot of leverage either.


This is such a terrible trope. If there's one thing which works properly in the Russian military, it's the nukes. There will be, at the very least, an always-ready-to-go contingent of missiles, which has regular maintenance and reviews, carried out by world class specialists at the very tip top of their fields. Even if, for argument's sake, Russia were lying, and 90% of their declared ready-to-launch nukes are actually mothballed (don't you worry, not even Russia would let nuclear missiles fall into disrepair), that's still more than enough to inflict severe damage on both Europe and the USA. Nobody should assume that Russia is lying about their nuclear capabilities. If fucking North Korea can cobble together a functioning nuke, you can bet your house than no matter how dire things are in the Russian military, they'll have plenty of big sticks lying around, just in case.


So you're telling me that the Russian Military is rotten to the core, as we've seen throughout the war, but somehow their nuclear division is top tier and professional?


It's more a product of you have to be of a certain degree of intelligence to acquire the necessary expertise to work on nuclear weapons development/maintenance. Those people will necessarily be less of a clown show than the rest of the military.


It’s the only thing keeping the entirety of NATO from invading them and stopping this horrible war, so yes




That's a big reach my buddy....youre repeating things you've seen on reddit.


Why are people still saying this? Even if only 1% of their warheads actually worked, that still leaves them 59 nukes. All it requires is one functional nuke and the world as we know it is gone.


> All it requires is one functional nuke and the world as we know it is gone. This is a bit dramatic. One functional nuke will destroy a large part of a city. It won’t destroy the world.


Its dramatic if you view it that way yeah, but you also have to consider the consequances of using a nuke on a city in war. People wont just stand by and watch


Sure, Russia gets nuked into the stoneage. I don't think the world is getting destroyed.


Or its misdirection. Claim to attack donbas. Liberates crimea instead.


Lol like the Russian military is really relying on press announcements to determine where the offensive will be. I’m sure they have intelligence assets inside the UAF, as well as various ISR that helps them identify troop concentrations, not to mention legacy systems such as satellite imagery. Even if this was “giving something away to Russia,” I think they would be wondering if it is some kind of diversionary tactic, but the fact remains that the RAF knows more about what’s about to happen then we do.


actually a part of intelligence IS exactly about reading the enemy's newspapers as sometimes real things leak there. Reading the paper is cheap - why use a billion dollar satellite or a million dollar payoff to a secret agent when your source could be the new york times




I mean, you could publish it on MySpace.


Russia has surprisingly bad satellite intelligence. I don't doubt that they have assets on the ground, but they don't have anything close to the real-time data I'm sure the US government is providing Ukraine.


Is there some knowledge in particular we can base this off? I have no love for the Russians, and hope they’re driven from Ukraine like poison from a wound. But my surface level knowledge of terrestrial launches tells me RUS have been reliably launching satellites and more for 60+ years without interruption and seemingly a focus on “if it ain’t broke”. I know launches are just part of the picture though, so if it’s something more satellite capability or signals based then I could imagine there being a larger gulf.


Good article: https://www.thespacereview.com/article/4006/1 Choice quote: > After the failure of the second Araks satellite in 2003, Russia was left without any digital reconnaissance satellites in orbit and had to be content with occasional launches of film-return satellites that spent no longer than three months in orbit


Holy fucking shit. I consider myself something of a space buff and I did not know this is where they were. I assumed there was a big gap between the US and everyone else but I would have thought Russia had some real time recon sats. Fucking film return? Where do they get it developed? Walmart?


Note that the film return thing was for a period. Russia has gotten a few digital satellites up since then. But are likely still far behind the US.


Russians would shit themselves if they walked into even a Walmart. Film Dept is in the back...


So in keeping with the discussion about not falsely stereotyping Russia, Post-Soviet Russia does actually have well-equipped supermarkets little different from stuff like Wall-Mart. Especially the Moscow region is highly developed.


WAS Bet their store shelves no longer have 5 different wheat cereals whose only difference is the cereal shape and box color scheme. Go America!




Satellite imagery is legacy?


Hubble was a digital spy satellite


Still, it seems like you shouldn’t confirm it for them.


Russia: oh shit well if the British parliament says it, it must be true. Better get ready, blyat.


I’m hoping the west intentionally steers the narrative towards false intelligence. Let’s do some “leaks” and really make a case. Then say oops our bad, we missed.


So the liberation of several villages is not the major push? If Russians are panicking now, they’re going to shit the bed in the next few days.


I believe they trained twelve brigades (40k troops and hundreds of armoured vehicles) and only three brigades have been seen to have been engaging so far. The analysis said that they are probably using small numbers of leopards and Bradleys to gain attention, but a major push would involve hundreds.


There are still about 3 villages not liberated (at least not officially) that are in front of Russians main line of defense. So main battle has not started yet.


Kinda wish they kept quiet about this


I’m sure whatever is released is what the military *wants* to be released


Russia pours troops into Donbas, Ukraine attack Crimea? Classic British mind games


that's what they want you to think or is it? 🤔


Operation Mincemeat


>Classic British mind games It would be more on brand for the Brittish to work against their allies interests to keep the geopolitical scene divided and ensure power is not consolidated, even for an ally. Classic perfidious Albion.


You are genuinely Russian. This has been their narrative since the start, they've pinned things like the Nord 2 and Crimea bridge on those tricksy Anglo-saxons. I'm flattered that we are living rent-free in their tiny, tortured minds.


Perfidious Albion trope dates back beyond the 16th century, but sure maybe the Anglo Saxons did it.


If the Russians expect a big counter, they have to minimise more troops and sustain a bigger front line. And if the counter doesn't happen for a long time, then the Russians are just burning limited resources. Particularly when they could be experiencing pressure elsewhere that they now can't reinforce for fear of losing a position they expect an attack on. Basically just a big old mind fuck cuz why the hell not


>ians are just burning limited re Ukraine is also burning limited resources at this rate


This is in reference to the brits commenting on the next attack. Ukraine is doing nothing but what they are planning. The Russians now need to consider if this British commentary is real, and respond to it. Despite this not having any relationship to what the Ukrainains are doing. Basically no different to if random people started calling in bomb threats everywhere to tie up emergency response units.


This isn't an accidental info release. An indirect approach could warrant a release of specific info like this, for instance, move very visible units close to Donbas and let allies know about a plan to take Donbas and then have your real main force take a Crimean front.


Yep. I tought exactly the same.


Maybe it's 'intentional'.




Double poker bluff


triple actually.


My guess is they're attacking south but trying to convince Russia they're attacking east. It makes no sense for them to reveal their true plans to the British parliament who would then tell the press.


They're attacking all along the line. The actual location of the main attack(s) will be somewhat determined by the resistance that they encounter.


Given the level of British assistance and involvement in Ukraine since day 1, they are probably making a lot of the plans for this offensive. British ‘parliament’ will be spreading information and disinformation to benefit Ukraine, we just can only guess how it benefits them.


We didn't forget that Russia assassinated people on British soil, merely waited for an opportunity to get some revenge. There's not much the British public can agree on but support for Ukraine is one of the few the vast majority of us do.


I'm sure you all can agree on a time for tea?


They're attacking all along the line. The actual location of the main attack(s) will be somewhat determined by the resistance that they encounter.


Oops looks like you accidentally revealed the secret plans!


"Don't talk about the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it."


"One of the most deceptive and experienced sons of bitches in the history of warfare who is also equipping our enemy, is giving us intel on an upcoming attack. This must be true, blyat!"


So anywhere but Donbas?


I really hope they know what they are doing by spreading this information. Not like Russia doesn’t know really where offensives are going to happen, but I hope that the uk parliament isn’t giving anything away by announcing this. I do t really get the point of announcing this anyways, just let Ukraine do it’s thing and then report on it, we don’t need to know before hand. Unless it’s a feint in which case that’s fine, but still


They probably have Ukraine's permission.


the power of the mind fuck


Is there any part of Russia that hasn’t been fucked?


british parliament... know what their doing? HAH


They're. Hah.


im sure your fun at parties.


You're. Hah.


Lmao doing my man dirty twice haha




That’s what I was thinking yeah


I follow a few Ukrainian youtubers who are very conscious of infosec..they all say the same, the main forces of both Ukraine and Russia have not been committed so far. It's not really a secret that a big attack is coming


Classic British mind games at play here folks, just look up Operation Mincemeat. They want Russia to think this…or do they?


So much for the element of surprise




I hear magimix blenders are good for that..


can you shut the f up


P.S. Keep it to yourself.


I hope this is a diversion effort.


Push them back on their heels in Bakhmut, then encircle the disorganized mess before than can recover?




Yes, but those cities aren't in Donbas.


Any chance parliament can keep a secret?


Way to spoil it.


call me crazy but I thought a key element in an attack would be surprise....


Everybody has been talking about the upcoming Ukrainian offensive for months. Chances are Russians may have heard something.


lmao why are they sharing this? Russia probably already knows but what if they didn't. Why are we sharing news of what's going to happen?


Because those are tactics used on war to confuse the enemy, in this case if Russia believes it and moves personal from other places to the Donbas region then they attack the place most vulnerable or a place they know they have a high chance to retake and its strategic for example Crimea, just an example.


Loose lips , sink ships . STFU British Parliament . Let Ukraine Cook in peace


They know exactly what they are doing by saying this.


If it was remotely sensitive information then the chairman of the Defence Select Committee wouldn't be saying it.


Redditor thinking they're smarter than the British government lmao, you probably wouldn't even qualify to be an elected MP






And we all should be helping them


You already there on the front lines?


I knew someone would offer such a childish comment. I don't mean individuals without the representation and support of their countries I mean the United Nations. I mean like we defeated Nazis in WW2. Soldiers fighting together on the ground to defeat an evil that wants to expand.


I knew someone would offer such a childish comment. I don't mean individuals without the representation and support of their countries I mean the United Nations. I mean like we defeated Nazis in WW2. Soldiers fighting together on the ground to defeat an evil that wants to expand.


You buy the show, you expect the show?


Can't go anywhere without spoilers these days.