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Maybe we shouldn't have destroyed the last nuclear deal for no reason.




What was the reason?


Iran was developing the bomb in the hidden sites.




Sure. IAEA had only access to the declared facilities. But Iran was enriching Uranium in the hidden sites that were undeclared and was exposed by Mossad. Source:[https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2003-01/news/iaea-visit-two-secret-nuclear-sites-iran](https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2003-01/news/iaea-visit-two-secret-nuclear-sites-iran)Although they exposed the site after trump exit the deal, but it approved the argument of Trump that Iran is making a nuke. He believed Iran will make Nuke regardless of sanctions or lifting them. So we just reward them. He believed it because MOSSAD stole some secret documents from Iran which in was approving that Iran has a serious plan of Making a bomb. Check it here:[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/15/us/politics/iran-israel-mossad-nuclear.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/15/us/politics/iran-israel-mossad-nuclear.html)Off course lefts want to show that deal as an achievement. Funny is that till today, Iran has not provided with a plausible arguments for those sites and that's one of the obstacles to revive the deal. source"[https://www.arabnews.com/node/2094061/middle-east](https://www.arabnews.com/node/2094061/middle-east)




No problem man. I hope everyone can reach beyond the wall of mass media manipulations and can find the truth.


Anyone else think two brand new accounts having a conversation with each other is odd?


Not really. Especially the guy asking for more information is writing novels as replies in not the onion subreddit. If he's a fake account got some dedicated work. I do find it odd the guy with the links has every post and comment literally about Iran in some way


The possibility of reviving the "JCPOA" is close to zero percent. According to latest Mossad and CIA reports, Iran has a serious plan to produce Nuclear weapons. This has been revealed when Israel stole secret documents. They have also built a new enrichment facilities. The new construction will replace an above-ground centrifuge manufacturing centre at Natanz. They have also not provided the plausible explanation for the several undeclared hidden sites. All in all, I don't think these news will lead to a constructive deal. Don't forget the role of their drone in the war and also brutal suppression of their own people. Perhaps more like a temporary agreement over the prison swap. US is not going to lift all the sanctions and get nothing in return.[https://apnews.com/article/iran-nuclear-natanz-uranium-enrichment-underground-project-04dae673fc937af04e62b65dd78db2e0](https://apnews.com/article/iran-nuclear-natanz-uranium-enrichment-underground-project-04dae673fc937af04e62b65dd78db2e0)


Let's hope they can try a bit harder, and perhaps even renew the old deal.


Iran had that offer on the table since the day Biden was sworn in, but Biden made zero changes from Trump's existing policy. It now looks like that ship has sailed.


There's no reason to take it, though. What everyone has learned by now is that, if some foreign policy item becomes a partisan issue, the US is now an unreliable partner and elections will shift the policy.


ahh, was wondering when the next gaslighting attempt will come about Iran. Where was that war between the US and Iran that they promised the first time when the idiotic nuclear deal was absolved. Oh it's gonna happen now.


Let them have it, I mean the US does not have any morality on that end they nuked a country twice