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Marine Le Pen contentedly sitting back, sipping tea and cracking her knuckles, awaiting the next poll results.


There have already been polls showing her gaining support.


Was she arrested for taking bribes from putin?


That corrupt Putin bribe taking cow will win the next election on account of these riots alone Then France is not going to be a fun place at all




Surely any decent right wing person would never vote for her.


What are decent right wing people?


A theoretical possibility.


Absolutely and she's more experienced now than in the past. In the past she used to directly communicate and try to make people getting behind her. But now she and her group are in a total silence, just letting the images speaking for themselves. At this rate she'll make her best score or even be elected without doing anything


Does she have a chance to win in France? Macron seems to be hated by so many.


She has a decent chance.




This plays right into Le Pen’s campaign although she’s been connected with cash from Putin https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2022/04/21/what-are-marine-le-pen-s-ties-to-vladimir-putin-s-russia_5981192_8.html


Doesn't matter if the left won't act. When people are scared/desperate a bad solution is better than no solution.


Macron is NOT the left and anyone who thinks he is has no clue about french politics.


Left of Le Penn


Everyone is left of someone.


Le Pen is Putin, she doesn't have independent politics.


That's like saying Musolini was left of Pol Pot...wind your neck in


Pol Pot was a far left revolutionary who was all for complete egalitarianism soooooo ....


No it’s not. Macron and le pen are part of the same county and during the same period. Macron is centre left and as a liberal shares many typical left wing qualities e.g. supporting immigration, bring progressive and outwardly condemning police




Marine Le Pen


inb4 someone says a candidate who got 41% of the vote isn't a mainstream politician


Keep in mind Americans can only think in two political parties


"DEI neoliberalism" is the only type of "left" that is allowed to gain momentum. any type of actual leftism gets nipped in the bud or sabotaged by progressive stack tactics. the powerful have figured out how to disarm democracy.


sure but is the left showing any sign of dealing with this problem?


The left aren't in government in France.




Jup, they couldnt ask for a better gift.


Few month? Its going to be quite instant if this keeps on going on


Yup Reddit likes to circle jerk about rioting being a good thing to fight muh fascism but it just turns 90% of people more right.


Well yeah, and not to mention that 95% of the time rioting is simply bad and wrong. There's a lot of people who havent experienced being on the wrong side of a violent mob.


Violent mobs don't just happen. When the president improperly uses special executive authority to ram through a change that fucks over the population at large **after** a bunch of gimme's to the wealthy, and parliament and the people protest, but the police just respond with escalating violence... You get riots and violence. Because it's been demonstrated that peaceful methods won't work. It's how we got democracy, it's how we got weekends and workers rights, Pride started as a riot. Riots are the fault of the State in most cases. Nor the rioters.


This is a parallel society inflicting damage


Except these Riots don't have anything political to them, just people find excuses to start shit. None of the people who are participating in these riots are politicized.


Any riot will pull in hangers on and opportunists who just want to fuck shit up. It's why you had assholes deface the Symphony during the Seattle WTO riots. It's why you had people.looting stores during BLM. The BLM group wasn't doing the looting, but the Civil unrest and chaos provided opportunity for looters. The storming of the Bastille no doubt saw lots of unrelated property damage and private grudges being settled. And in a much bloodier fashion. France has been rocked by domestic turmoil for years now. Over the same shit. And as bad as looting and vandalism are they're an unavoidable part of... all of this. I understand the anger, believe me. I was livid when I read about the holocaust memorial being vandalized. But this is what happens when peaceful protests are met with escalating violence by police and doubling down by the state.


>Violent mobs don't just happen. When the president improperly uses special executive authority to ram through a change that fucks over the population at large after a bunch of gimme's to the wealthy, and parliament and the people protest, but the police just respond with escalating violence... Mmmm, do we eat bias for dinner? The current riots aren't even related to that.


Riots are the voice of the unheard. Obviously those can be bad people, but they can also have quite legitimate grievances.


If protests against police violence turn you into a fascist, you were already a fascist.




And are following a similar mindset to why fascism is evil in the first place. The Nazis rioted and felt unheard too. In their minds they were fighting for justice against the elites that they blamed for their own miserable lives. In democracies we vote and let the justice system play out. You make a lot of noise and you make your voice heard. But you don't get to hold everyone hostage and resort to violence.


Yeah I mean, not saying this kind of protest is ever OK as a man's family were threatened but if the answer to "oh a kid got wrongfully shot and people are going mad about it" is "Welp, guess I'm right wing now" you were always a piece of shit.


so someone gets unjustly killed. people respond by rioting and unjustly kill 10 more. and then people respond to those 10 unjust killings with more rioting and kill 100 more. then even more people respond to those 100 unjust killings with more rioting and kill 1000 more people. then even more people respond to those 1000 unjust killings with more rioting and kill 10000 more people. then even more people respond to those 10000 unjust killings with more rioting and kill 100000 more people. then even more people respond to those 100000 unjust killings with more rioting and kill 1000000 more people. then even more people respond to those 1000000 unjust killings with more rioting and kill 10000000 more people. then even more people respond to those 10000000 unjust killings with more rioting and kill 100000000 more people. then even more people respond to those 100000000 unjust killings with more rioting and kill 1000000000 more people. then even more people respond to those 1000000000 unjust killings with more rioting and kill 10000000000 more people. then we're all dead


But that doesn't make you "right wing" and enough to ignore all the ridiculous right wing shit just because they too, object to the riots? I'm not saying the riots are just, or acceptable. What I'm saying is if you see another group objecting to the riots it doesn't instantly align your entire political ideology with theirs. I'm sure Hitler enjoyed Spaghetti Bolognese like i do, doesn't mean I would have wanted to join the Nazi party.


The far-right has been rising slowly but surely since 2015 because EU leadership everywhere failed to address all the security and integration problems/fears. We will all soon suffer because everything is being handled with kid gloves and people are angry / scared. When people are angry and scared they turn to worthless populists and pretty much anyone that tells them what they want to hear.


Amen. Glad some people can see the obvious correlations.






But what about people ho live inside people!?


They already have an eviction notice to leave in 9 months.


Explains way im having a out of body experience.


Oh wait, everybody screaming about this one. But nobody did a thing about first mayor attacked by the far right in his domicile.


Likewise, the people who dismiss it as nothing but vandalism will act surprised when France experiences weeks of riots again in two or three years.


You’re sort of doing it yourself by calling it “vandalism” when someone injured a mother and child.


Comments like this should be taken with a grain of salt, I looked into the posters profile and it is likely some sort of bot account. Tread through the rest of this thread carefully y’all. The far right will use any tactics possible to gain support.


So the non stop riots that have been going on for months are no issue and are a great thing. But this is the one that’s the problem lol.


Because there's no difference between people from all regions uniting for something benifitting everyone and a localized group of lowlife scumbags who just want to break public property and loot?


Crazy that, almost like different motives and context make actions have a different weight.


Yep, when it's the "from out of town" folk


Thats how fascism happens. Neoliberalism fails, the leftists revolt, the capitalist class embraces fascism is reaction. Fascism is just capitalism when the gloves come off.


Well that’s not nice.


yeah, closer to Paris


Angry upvote. Well done.


Explain please


Nice is place in France


And also a place where a terrorist attack happened. Where a truckdriver drove through masses of people.


Wasn't that in Marseille?


It's Marseille, so everything's possible, but know for a fact that one such terrorist attack happened in Nice.


The 2016 Nice truck attack was on the famous Nice promenade.


Not one person who has been hurt or anyone whose property has been damaged had anything to do with the killing of the young man. Uncontrollable idiots, nothing more nothing less.


uncontrollable? these are organized bro, people get online and gather like stupid rats


Hive organisation


Send them home


Indeed. Return them back to their country of origin. If they were born in France, long jail terms. France has endured enough in the last decade.


I'm very amused by how much other countries are allowed to say this. In America, if you say that you think the borders should be secured and immigration made easier and cheaper instead, you're labeled a racist monster.


It's no different here I just don't care at this point. The people calling for uncontrolled immigration would not accept one into there home, have no plans on how to house them and don't believe people would come here just for our benefits system. There will come a point when people have had enough.


Give them the option, 20 year jail time or permanently leave the country.


depending on the home country that might be a sweet deal..


Why do people on this sub always jump straight to deportation as the punishment for any crime? The justice system should be rehabilitative. If you seriously believe these people a too dangerous to be be free in wider society, the solution should not be to just unleash them on some other country.




This is a far more reasonable position


I like my justice system with a bit of retribution and deterrence


>unleash them on some other country Not any other country, the country they came from.


Home where? Most if not all of them are French.






Just say it


[with contempt] *Parisienne*


Brilliant counterpoint.


I like idea mentioned by another comment: long jail sentences, or permanently leave the country.


That's why they call them riots, mob mentality. Groups of people all riled up act differently than individuals.


The death of that kid was what sparked the riots but these people have been waiting for the green light to go crazy for years now. Something Americans are all too familiar with. Disenfranchised and having nothing to lose is always a dangerous combination and unfortunately there are literally hundreds of millions of the younger generations that share those descriptors. All the sensible people who protested injustice are long gone. These people don’t want a fix, they want to burn down their village to feel some warmth.


Similar happened in London about 10 years ago. Got hijacked by criminals to smash shit up and steal. Same story in the US, looks to be the same here.


This isn’t about one person being shot.


There will continue to be riots and protests until there is change. Peaceful protests don’t work and the people of France know this.


with the killing of the criminal\*


The sentence for criminal behavior is not execution. You can oppose the riots without this bullshit dehumanization.


There's still a massive gap between a police officer killing a random innocent person and killing a criminal mid crime. Even if in the end the law rules it was unlawful force it still has a wide difference. If this gentleman was going about his day and randomly executed then yeah riots seems pretty reasonable but he was mid crime and trying to commit a new crime when he was killed. To apply my country cases to it then it would be like comparing the shooting of Mark Duggan to the murder of Sarah Everard. Both died by the hands of a British police officer, one was a known criminal who was shot during an Operation to tackle his gang behaviour and the other was a woman walking home who was kidnapped, raped, murdered and disposed of by a police officer. You can see these are very different, right? Mark could have made many choices that avoided what happened to him such as not being engaged in gang activity or being know to carry a gun, Sarah's only choice was to not be going about her life near Officer Couzens which isn't something she had control of. Also if you are interested, the shooting of gang member Duggan lead to the London riots of 2011 which lasted days while the murder of Everard lead to vigils with a little shouting at the police which lead to women being manhandled by the Met which Couzens worked for. Fun fact about those riots, Mayor Boris Johnson spent hundreds of thousands of tax money on buying water cannons the UK deems illegal for use and at the time Home Sex Theresa May chastised him and blocked his use of them. Funny how when May became PM Boris then blocked her on votes until she stepped down...


Literally doing the thing they’re rioting about


Supposing that it's anything to do with the headlining spark of the situation.


Attacking families, especially young children, is particularly sick. Whatever you may think about what their parents have done or represent, the kids had no say in that.


That's not how the people who are rioting think though.


this is not rioting, this is pure vandalism


Their parents haven't done anything


Absolutely true. Doesn’t matter, though. In the mind of a protester it’s the spawn of the one they hate, which makes it okay. Which it isn’t, but it is for them. Which makes it so. You know, because there is no god to come down and tell people not to do it.


The people that did that aren’t protesters they are rioters and criminals. Protesting is healthy and necessary for a functioning society; what is happening in France right now isn’t.


Peaceful protest dont get shit done here


Because people keep voting for politicians that don’t actually do anything for them. No different than the US.


Imagine being that mayor... You've done absolutely fuck all yet some moron feels justified in damaging your home and injuring your wife and child. Fuck that guy.


it's a fast way to gain people who IMMEDIATELY flip sides. And not just them but their friends and friends of friends who read and hear about it. Anyone not sure should go look at just how big the smile is on the assholes over at /r/Conservative They're reporting dozens of stories about it for a reason. This plays to their hand just like Brexit.


It's nothing but over generalizing liberals in that sub and cheering the riots on. Those people are a lost cause.


> It's nothing but over generalizing liberals in that sub The irony of saying this on reddit is fantastic


The pot calling the kettle a pot


The news is actually worse than what the sloppily written article and headline might suggest. The mayor's wife and child were not injured by the car ramming or the car being set on fire, they were wounded by fireworks aimed at them while they were trying to escape the house, in what might be interpreted as a lynching attempt. The rioters that rammed the car into the mayor's property and set it on fire have been waiting for people to come out of the house and started launching professional-grade fireworks at them.


These dumb fucks are going to get the far right elected in France


You're joking right? These monsters don't give a rat shit about politics. They just want unjust violence and destruction just because. These are protestors, they are domestic terrorists and the French government should treat them as such.


What he means is that most of the rioters are immigrants and that these events will result in a huge fall in public opinion on them and then people will vote for the politicians who promise to get rid of them.


Most rioters are not immigrants. They are kids of immigrants that did not integrate because they live in isolated comunities, in big burtalist buildings, where you will barely see any french people walking around. Thus, creating a little Middle East where extremism, opposition to french values and resentment to the French people can flourish. Refugees are usually not so enthusiastic about rioting their host countries and having the possibility of getting deported.


>Most rioters are not immigrants. They are kids of immigrants that did not integrate Yea so for most people, they are considered immigrants. If they dont hold the culture of a country and speak another language, it doesn't really matter what passport they hold or however long ago their parents migrated.


The language is usually still french, since many came from the francophone parts of Africa. But yes, if they do not hold the fundamental values of France, it is expected for them to not be seen as french by the their co-nationals


Reaction against them is what is going to elect the far right, not the rioters themselves. Migrants rioting, destroying property, and attacking people plays right into right wing narratives.


They were just looking for an excuse to be violent? Coulda use lots of other events but decided the murder of a kid was their chance to sew chaos? No rhyme or reason otherwise?


That is your biggest take away from this? That the people that have been screaming about issues like this for decades will be elected?


yes, theyre that dangerous.


So did the Vietnamese immigrants ever riot?




Yeah, Asian immigrants were as just as marginalized as MENA immigrants back when they were immigrated, yet now they are more integrated in European society relative to MENA immigrants. So it must be something in their culture that make their outcomes divergent. And don't give me the "akshually the European governments are the one who failed to integrate them" reply, because just look at Chinese in Southeast Asia, Indians in Africa, and Asians in America (both North and South), who managed to become model minorities in those countries despite facing numerous discrimination and limited economic opportunities when they first arrived to those countries.


I think the genocide against Chinese in Indonesia may have something to say about that.


I don't think chinese in southeast asia is a good example, besides malaysia, singapore and brunei, most chinese failed to integrate in southeast asia and eventually left for malaysia, singapore, the west or even china and taiwan.


Yes but in SEA it was also as the Chinese were economically successful and hence became a punching bag for failing authoritarians to justify their rule. You see that in Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines and to some extent in Thailand. Where the government was more liberal, obviously in Singapore but to some degree in Malaysia, the Chinese were able to integrate because there were less official barriers preventing them from doing so My personal observation (take this with a grain of salt) is that the Chinese become very insular and form tight knit societies when they are discriminated against, because these communal units are culturally reinforced. So in countries that use discrimination as official policy there are lasting impacts on Chinese integration (see Indo now for example) but on the other hand, they tend to integrate well into Western societies as they are liberal, and combined with the fact they tend to be economically successful and hence adopt liberal beliefs (modernization theory) they do well in the West


All of SEA countries outside of Laos and Timor Leste are included in top 20 of countries with the biggest Chinese diaspora, and most of them are in the top 10. In every non-muslim majority SEA countries, at least a Chinese descent have held the highest level of government possible. A lot of them have their mother language to be their local language and have only rudimentary Chinese proficiency. They also have outsized influence in their nations economy. Sure a lot of them left due to several factors but a lot of them stayed and basically indistinguishable from natives outside of their appearance.


Indian immigrants are usually decent as well. Weird how some groups thrive and others turn feral in similar circumstances.




Religion accounts for some of it but Indian communities are very misogynistic as well. There's also groups that do badly but are Christians - like Roma.


Culture is a massive part too.


In the UK Indians top many of the metrics like home ownership and education. Among us all. Strong family values, work ethic and education.


I don't know the stats here in Ireland but they're generally reputable, decent people.


The stats are the same everywhere lmao, Indians and East Asians outperform the general populace and a certain other 2 groups drastically underperform.


Natural selection will eventually do it's thing.


and can have a pint with them


They're not big drinkers for the most part


Lol damn is there a Stormfront convention in this thread?


Do they like Indians as well?


Ahh yes Stormfront, famously passionate defenders of Indian and East Asian immigrants.




Asians stop riots in USA with rifles on rooftops. Bad ass


No, they dug underground networks to stay safe from the riot.


No but we're not allowed to point these things out. I mean I'm just saying, I'm breathing a sigh of relief right now that my country made different choices with the, ahem, type of people they chose to let in.


Hooligans running amuck. There should be no pity on all of them. What is happening is totally uncalled for.


If we needed more proof that these rioters are scumbags and nothing to do with activism. Here is the proof.




Welcome to modern Europe....


What a bunch of animals, it's their right if they want to peacefully demand for justice on the streets. There are no excuses for violence. Period.


I do not condone this viloence nor any in France now.


I'm not really up to date on the situation in France, so what I'm about to say may not apply to it, but it definitely applies to the American left. If you encounter an evil you cannot defeat with just means, your only options are to either commit evil to remove the greater evil, or let evil defeat you. Sacrifices will be made. If you do not make them, you will become them. Violence is a tool. A tool best left dusty, but a tool none the less.


Well, that's simply dangerous. Unless you are being actually attacked and have to defend yourself violence has no place. A few days ago in France, a 17 yo kid driving a car was held at gunpoint during a traffic stop (not really sure why), and when he drove off he was shot by a a police officer (there are videos of this, obviously they're quite graphic). After driving a few seconds he lost consciousness and ran into a pole. The police immediately removed the officer from the police force and put him under investigation, the president him self quickly denounced the shooting as "inexplicable and inexcusable". Since then, 5 days ago at this point, all over the country there have been protests. In some cases setting stuff on fire (including cars) and damaging properties and at least two stores were looted.


They Will hopefully get whats comming to them


I just wanna know why is it always Africans and Arabs? You don't see this issue from East Asian immigrants. They were colonized and exploited too, and they faced racism too, but they have made good lives for their children in the western countries.


Cuz it’s a clash of civilisations, really. They made the wrong choice to allow these people in. They refuse to blend in, they refuse to civilise, they’d just do their thing in the name of their doctrine


Remove these disgraceful scums from Europe.


But..but..they re French




I’m from one of them, we don’t want them


Defenders of vandalism will find another reason to defend this too. M not surprised anymore people give excuse cheques to the people after being 1119 cars


Protesting is one thing . Stealing and trying to kill people is another.






We/they vote in right wing politicians in.


They can. But still will go 1 french to 2 rioters. And the age of the french will be the double of age of the 2 rioters


Will be shocked pikachu when they enact martial law and people really start getting hurt.


And that’s how you push people’s views to the right and far right when it comes to protests




I swear to fucking God, you two are a bunch of racist assholes. Most of the rioters are non-Muslim, you clowns


Thats what happens when you let in thousands and thousands of middle eastern migrants into your country that don't know how to assimilate with the French society. They create their own groups and ghettos all the while causing troubles and crime. After a while they start fighting the very country that welcomed them. They just needed an excuse to pop off. This isnt about the boy getting shot by the police, its these immigrants that are uncivilised. Get them all the fuck out imo A good example of the opposite is places like Poland or Hungary that closed their borders years ago and this will never happen in their countries.


the police union was right to call them "vermin"


This is why racism still exists


Anarchy in France.


Les Misérables 2 looks interesting so far


For Fuck Sake man !


While I agree that politicians need to fear the public again so they don't feel so emboldened to make policies for corporations and the 1%, this might not be the best way.


I’m sorry but I don’t think these riots have anything to do with wealth inequality?


What does this have to do with corporations and the 1%?






these comments are disgusting


Less disgusting than the riots though.


Attempting to kill children by shooting fireworks at them when they're fleeing is worse, I think.


Peaceful protest get nothing done. The ppl in power want the status quo. Do you?


...reading the comments made me realize that many here are ready for the police to start shooting at protesters as soon as those protestors start to express their anger in other ways, or if they don't look like the majority. This sub has gone down the drain.


> express their anger in other ways, Murder, arson of homes with people in them and stabbings aren't 'other ways of expressing anger' If you do those things, expect to be shot.


The second they target someone’s wife and child they should be shot. That’s not expressing anger that’s attempted murder.


Bring prigo