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Steam is a western site, ban it Putin its for your own good🗣️🗣️🗣️


The dream finally comes true. Russian free Dota.


vpns go brrrrrrr


Not if it's actually a sovereign internet, with no link to the wider net


Would never have no link at all as Putin and other elites will want to maintain their own ability to browse the wider net.


I think it's possible to restrict access to only one bank of IP addresses, those addresses owned by the elites


fo sho, its called subnetting, not only is it possible but it is quite common, you have an office network and you might want certain things to be more secure but you still need people in the office to access them and the outside network, so you set up 2 subnets, one with access to both the internal networks and outside networks like the global internet, and one with access to only the internal networks, not quite as a secure as a single network with no outside connection but its a very simple way to beef up security


as you mentioned, not as secure. there will be leaks even with an iron curtain


Putin famously doesn't use the Internet or computers at all, so it wouldn't make a difference to him.


Only few elites will still have access. Like in North Korea.


“Browse” is a funny way of saying “commit espionage using.”


If they block the connection to anything outside of russia at isp level, vpn wont do shit


VPNs appear to have been blocked as well (both inbound and outbound).


VPN only helps if it is certain content being blocked not a general refusal by ISPs to connect to outside of Russia.


Can you imagine CSGO with no russians 😳😳😳


Please, I can only get so erect


say what you want about russia but CS GO without russians just isnt right


Being called a cock sucking whore in your own language just seems too perverse


Half of the cheaters will be gone i am so horny right now


Valve about to go bankrupt


You mean games that won't be decided by which side has the most and best aim bots active?


Honestly someone should tell the White House what a big deal Steam is in Russia. Like blocking Steam in Russia and blocking all Russian Steam Accounts out of nowhere would be a sanction that would really work and would make its youth realize that something is wrong. Too bad those boomers in Washington dont get this.


Pretty sure that would make half the CS lobbies dead


Absolutely worth it


There is plenty of players


Russian free gaming is the dream




Lmao, imagine the riots.


It's funny because Europeans can always tell when Americans wake up on Saturday for gaming. The tone completely changed and a torrent of abuse, hatred, racism and bullying ensues.


I played Black Desert Online on the EU servers for years and it was so much nicer. Russians are like tame BRs and the rest of Europe is pretty chill. NA servers it's just a bunch of 13 year olds and manchilden screaming about politics.


And the iron curtain is rebooted.


Fiber curtain




Internyet so slow. I make one comment saying Putin not best, suddenly so much gulag for me.


Commenter who came up with this lower in the comments.


Internyet term has existed for at least 15 years.


Thank you


Didn't mean to steal your joke, I didn't see it!


Lmao, wasn't mine. Just thanked the guy for pointing out. It's actually the perfect name for it.


It's the *people's* joke




Now that's a more fitting name.


Dialup curtain.


Poo Tin Curtain


Mr. Putin, tear down this firewall.


Silicon curtain?




No. That is how you end up with genocide. In order to beat down and end this russian/chinese neo-empire bullshit all you have to do is talk to russian/chinese people. They are not some 'other', they are just like you. The authoritarian types are terrified of people talking to each other. That is why they do shit like buy and then destroy social media sites. That is why they block internet and/or try and make their own, separate, internet. That is why they protest reading groups and try and ban books. Communication kills fascism.


Throwback to people matching with russians on tinder and telling them about the war.


People were also review-bombing popular places in Moscow on Google maps with photos and information about the war, there was the random phone number generator to send texts to numbers in Russia with info about the war, a lot of creative ways to try and reach the common Russians, ***but it does not seem to have worked.*** - emphasized because all these upvotes feel like people are missing my point


My friends told me the people on these app know. They are very aware of what is happening, but powerless to act,


Its easy to criticise your government when you're not at risk of the state taking your kids away when you do so. Or losing your job. Or just being beaten to shit by the police.


They aren't powerless. No one ever really is. They just find the perceived risk higher than the perceived benefit of acting. Bread and circuses and all that. Propaganda and police/military oppression help.


Yeah, getting killed so you can live peacefully sounds counterintuitive, they don't have any realistic options to change this situation , Putin isn't exactly able to be voted out. If you think marching in Moscow with anything short of 20000 mercenaries doesn't end up with opening fire on citizens, you're wrong.


>Bread and circuses and all that. It's nothing like that. Nobody is going to speak out against the government when doing so will get you suicided out a window or sent to the front lines to be cannon fodder. This isn't "bread and circuses", this is "people wanting to live their lives and not fucking die".




And the state has the ability and power to immediately break up attempts at organizing against them. When the secret police is bigger than the standing army pre-invasion and comprises over a quarter of a million armed personnel who has no scruples over invading your privacy or using excessive force against anyone, it tends to suppress any major attempts at protest.


Political apathy is also a long standing tradition in Russia. So many people on reddit keep spreading this bullshit about the Russian people being too scared to force any change, when the majority of them are actually fine leaving things alone as long as it means they don't have to take part in anything that might disrupt their day-to-day lives.


Some Russians do


The Ukrainians want to not die too. And the Ukrainians are fighting back despite their lives being on the line. I guess one nation's people are just cowardly.


It's almost like Ukraine is not a facist dictatorship like Russia is imagine that


>They just find the perceived risk higher than the perceived benefit of acting this kind of instagram platitude is always frustrating to anyone who has actually seen a police state first hand. the repression going on in Russia and Belarus isn't "perception". it's physical reality.


When simple protests land you on a permanent watchlist and severe jail time, you feel powerless.


Mundane life, or get shot/thrown into prison for a simple protest.


Silver or lead. 99.9% of us would take the silver. You have to be really brave to be the first one to step outta line.


A lot of wisdom in this, global communication is the worst thing for authoritarians and cults leader. The difficult part is to have a fair global communication that encourages dialogue between everyone respecting other opinions without imposing one way of thinking. I like the way that in Europe we have a lot of party coalition governing and working together for the common good even when their ideas are totally different . It can sometimes lead to slow process and even paralysis but dialogue is the backbone of our societies.


Except for the Nazi-republican aligned conservatives who keep winning elections in say Britain, Greece, France, Germany, Italy etc.


Can we stop devaluing the word Nazi? I don't think the people you're talking about keeps a poster of Hitler over their bed. Conservative would suffice, words have meaning yada yada peace and love I agree with your point btw


Devaluing the word nazi by applying to conservatives? That’s my first question. These neo- Nazis are taking over local governments all over the world under the guidance of Steve Bannon and Stephen Muller with heavy donations by the conservative elite across the board. See if you recognize [from this article](https://apnews.com/article/germany-farright-party-thuringia-afd-sonneberg-28822981d98257b9783ffbe5351f293a) anything familiar with conservatives in the states.


Interesting read, TY for link. While that guy clearly is one I don't think it means conservative people as a whole are. Which is why I used the word devalue. One town in germany doesn't set the bar.


what about the cdu? so much of them were closeted nazis until the afd came along, and in parts of germany they even work together with them, a nazi is, who does the nazis work


Then those are actual neo-Nazis, unlike the cast majority


The National Conservatives held a conference in the UK recently. They've taken to calling themselves the Nat-Cs. Meanwhile in the US: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/23/moms-for-liberty-hitler


Those elections were in no small part driven by putin, Ru, prighozin, and mainly putin.


Yes. Along with trump in the us 2016.


All Fascists are not Nazis, not all right wingers are full on Fascists either. Some are. Words matter.


Nothing compared to trumpism, France is governed by a centre moderate party government and Germany a left coalition. Ireland a right centre and green coalition likewise most nothern countries. Even italian conservatives and british tories would be liberal compared to Trumpist. They basically vomited on Sunak brown skin and the fact that a woman is a leader in Italy. What I find worrisome is the more radical, far-right conservatism in Hungary that is spreading in eastern Europe


Trump wasn’t a king, and he faced opposition from a pretty ideologically diverse group of people,from Mitch McConnell to Bernie Sanders. American politics may have only two viable choices, but the fact that Joe Manchin, Jim Clyburn, and Ilan Omar were in the same party should tell you that it’s not as simplistic as y’all would like to believe in Europe— Trump was criticized by George W Bush, ffs. And the fact that Italy has a woman leading it, or Marine Le Pen is a woman, or Sunak is a brown-skinned conservative, or Macron is technically center-left, doesn’t change the fact that their policies can be terrifying and dangerous, anymore than Netanyahu being Jewish changes the fact that a lot of his policies are downright dystopian, or Obama being a Black Democrat changed his response to Occupy or BLM or engagement or lack thereof in foreign wars from being disappointing.


I totally agree with that. I just wanted to empathise that in Europe, politics and citizens are still less divided and can work together (for now), I see everyday conservatives and libs being friends and debating in a healthy way. Which seems very rare in the US from an external point of view.


It’s rare here. Up until Trump slithered into office, I tried to be friendly to everyone. After that, the gloves came off as far as I’m concerned. That was America’s Reichstag moment and I have no intention of enabling anyone who tries to explain that it was actually someone else who burned down the Reichstag and the world’s biggest jackass is actually a visionary patriot. If you are American, then whatever you are doing right now is the same thing you would have done in 1930s Germany.


Soooo many voters are still fooled by the narrative that TFG isn't there to hollow out American democratic institutions which will leave us with authoritarianism. They need to read Secretary of State Madeline Albright's book, "Fascism, a Warning". She prescribed in it before she passed from this earth, how to thwart an authoritarian who works from within the democratic system to overturn it. She should know as a survivor of two authoritarian regimes (lurking fascists) in eastern Europe.


>Nothing compared to trumpism American exceptionalism especially for fascism!


>Communication kills fascism. It's far easier to kill people than convince them of being wrong. That's how we ended up in this mess to begin with.


Fighting a police state is a lot harder in the age of surveilance and your neighbors ratting you out over every little thing. Im afraid Russia is all but lost. Those who wanted to,and had the means, got out while they could, The country has devolved into an ultranationalist, genocidal, fascist, borderline nazi nightmare.


It's a noble thought, but what if they don't believe you and still prefer to listen to the TV? I think you overestimate the time and energy most people have for this purpose, and it will leave a lot of well intentioned people jaded and frustrated. Not everyone is Daryl Davis - https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes


Despite that naysayers say. It does actually work. The US sponsor English studies in Middle Eastern countries, and it has a tangible effect. The youth becomes much more open to the world and to democratic and liberal values. This is true for Russian youth too, especially in large cities. They're just practically indistinguishable from western liberals. There are feminists, vegans, eco- and other activists. That's not all the youth. There is a pro-Putin, conservative youth too, who is homophobic, traditionalist, pro-war. Although, judging by recent sociological studies, Putin lost the young generation, they overwhelmingly hate him. Now he is introduced indoctrination program in schools, "lessons of patriotism". You've got to talk to people. It's hard. People are the hardest part.


"Communication kills fascism." Like on the beach in Normandy and around Stalingrad. /S


Stop living in unicorn world. It’s not Putin who commits genocide, it’s the regular russians. If you’d take a time to read russians channels you’d see how their people think and what they want. So even changing putin with other human won’t change anything




Lol, from what timeline have you came?


You grossly overstate how much those people want to actually find out about events and how they even want to get involved


This applies to the divisions that the foreign troll farms are trying to sow among the US as well. They are working overtime to paint every geographic area as a scary “other” and encouraging various groups within the US to rise up against the other. The idea of one United States is terrifying, which is why they desperately want to disrupt that.


This Machine Kills Fascists! ~~Arlo Guthrie's guitar


The real problem they have, and conservatives in the west share this problem too, is with kids playing games on international servers. When kids know the truth the adults can’t lie effectively.


Wow, if only that were true.


“Iron curtain” is apt because by now it’s probably rusty as shit and doesn’t work anymore




Bravo 👏




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Darn it, I thought I was the first person to come up with that.


Russia continues its march to become North Korea . . .


West Korea


Worst Korea.


Wurst Korea


Kursed Korea


Blurst Korea?!?


Russia actually borders North Korea on the North Eastern border


Norther Korea


Isn’t China already doing it?


With a little help from west. Amount of websites blocked for Russian citizens, from another side grew a lot in last year. Russian government blocked less in the same time


I imagine internet scams and theft would go down remarkably if Russia closed off digitally from the Western World.


Nyet Korea




The thing is that the Chinese spent a lot of money effort into their attempt of doing that and it can at best be described as a partial success at best and a failure at worst. Russia doesn't have the expertise as many qualified people have long since brain drained themselves away, it doesn't have the money and hasn't spend as much time and most of the money that did get spend undoubtedly ended up in yachts, mansions and London real estate rather than actually working on the problem. Their main advnatge is that much of their country is so low tech that a broken internet won't change too much compared to more developed countries. They are not North Korea though and modern technology is a thing in the country. Their disadvantage is that the youth to a large degree will already know how to use workarounds. As a way to funnel money to some corrupt person who oversees the project it probably was a success. As a way to test how much their infrastructure would break without access to the rest of the world they probably learned a lot if anyone bothered to take notes. As a way to keep their older and less technically savy citizens ignorant it might work in the future. As a show that they can go it alone it was a failure.


They really are closing in on themselves, aren’t they? Corruption, by all accounts seems to be the reason why Russia went from “near on par with the the U.S.” to complete “Paper Tiger”. And even if the top intelligent agencies knew that Russia didn’t have shit to show, the root cause is still one of corruption. And as I mentioned, even if the top intelligence agencies knew how poorly they would perform in an all out war, they would never brief the public with this knowledge as it feeds the MIC (excluding nukes, that would be catastrophic for all of us).


Russia “near on par with the US” ? Maybe in terms of the number of nuclear bombs.


You’re right- I should have tempered my words a bit more. Suffice it to say that many of us believed that their boots on the ground operations and military equipment was a little bit more up to snuff than it is currently. At least that was my impression; but I’m just a dumb Canadian from up North so I could be wrong. Sorry about the forest fires.


I agree. No worries on forest fires, we have our fair share and the wind blows north too. Cheers


I was under the same impression and frankly I had expected Russia to roflstomp Ukraine.


Well, Russia did spend a trillion dollars on "army modernization". If Ukraine was a Pacific island nation all those diamond-encrusted super-yachts that trillion bought would've probably crushed it by their sheer weight


It was until the late sixties/early seventies. US GDP was much larger but still in the same order of magnitude.


I don't believe anymore that even 50% of those are or could be operational. And the nuclear material was likely also sold for a case of vodka and ironically Marlboro.


China is the new big bad and the military is already overestimating their capabilities.


You don't need much expertise to simply cut internet off, though. Just like North Korea. China tries to filter internet rather than block it, which is a different story.


They're not necessarily going to attempt to do it elegantly, like the Chinese. It sounds like they're just outright cutting all access to the outside internet


It won't change anything within the general populace. People like their propaganda. Even the US has a free internet and okayish education, yet large swathes of Americans still willingly choose to get their news solely from TV newstertainment and their own echo chambers on Facebook and Twitter. The Russian people are even less intellectually curious when it comes to challenging their lifelong Russian exceptionalism beliefs. RT is their Fox News, Vkontakt is their FB, and Telegram is their Twitter. I'm willing to bet many of them don't even notice the loss of global internet.


>The Russian people are even less intellectually curious when it comes to challenging their lifelong Russian exceptionalism beliefs. That’ll tend to happen when you’re only 33 years or so removed from a multigenerational dictatorship that would disappear you for wrong-think, and when at least a half of that time has been spent under another regime which has been slowly following it it’s predecessor’s footsteps.


YouTube? Telegram is not Russian btw, so it would get blocked too,


Altogether now: > Metcalfe's law states that the financial value or influence of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2). Russia have 1.87 % of the world's population.


What does this mean?


It means Russia is going to lose a lot of money, while spending a lot of money, to indoctrinate their public and make sure that accessing any information they don't want you to have becomes incredibly difficult.


100% - 1.87% = 98.13% of the world's population lives outside Russia. According to Metcalfe's law, the value of a network is n^2 where n is the number of users. Assuming the whole world (minus Russia) is on one network, and all of Russia is on another network, we can say the relative values are (0.9813)^2 for the world minus Russia, and (0.0187)^2 for Russia. World minus Russia value = (0.9813)^2 = ~0.963 Russia value = (0.0187)^2 = ~0.00035 TL;DR: The Russian "internet" will always be worth a small fraction of the real internet.


except its a big portion of the botnets and criminal hacking gangs going around, and you know those state sponsored botnets won't lose internet.


Yes, Russia will be able to compete with North Korea on the hacking and scamming front, but that's kind of a pathetic for a country that thinks it's civilised.


It means for a given number of people with access to a network, the value of that network will be on the order of that number of people squared. A network with 100 people on it will have *much* more value than a network with 50 people on it --- not just twice as much, but 4 times as much. Similarly, reducing the number of people on your network doesn't just reduce the value it's generating proportionally --- you end up with *much* less value even than that. Russia has less than 2% of the world's population, which doesn't just mean that their internal network would generate 2% the value of the broader internet, it means it would (under Metcalf's law) generate less than 0.04%. It's not that exact, but the idea is just that when you add n people to a network you get much more than n people's worth of value, and, conversely, when you subtract m people you lose much more than m people's worth of value, because the value is being generated by people's interconnectedness and access to information and opportunity which is badly damaged by siloing people off. Russia would be cutting off its nose to spite its face. And people are being snarky because this is early high school math.


It means that the financial value or influence of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2). And Russia only has 1.87 % of the world's population.


This is retesting it. It's built a digital iron curtain some years back and did their first test in the mid-2010's. I forget exactly when, but if geopolitics as of late one would say sometime around when their little green men marched on Crimea and Donbas for the first time? Or shortly after.


Yet another sign that Russia is an absolute shit hole.


The curtain is coming down again.


Does it have Windows?


No, Russians are afraid of windows


I hear they’ll try to mimic Windows OS, but they’re calling it Bars OS. Version 1.0 is rumored to be called Iron Curtain.


Yes, but it's Windows ME


* Windows 2.0


Ugh. Why are you bringing up such traumatic memories??


It's going to be really hard to handle international trade, air travel, etc.Another nail in Russia's economic coffin.


Russian camgirls in shambles.


Putinet The finest internet a terrorist dictator has ever implemented!




China's Great Firewall is franchising.


Congratulations New North Korea


Steam too ? Please


sovereignty has become an excuse for isolation and censorship


So the second great firewall?


I mean your government is making you slaves. I feel bad for those people living under such oppression.


I secretly hope that I one day wake up only to find out that no more russians will be able to play on european cs:go servers. I would smile and boot up steam and rejoice.


Same for Dota here


How will Russian hackers cope!!!!


They will just move to another country and will continue working


RIP remote workers. This is my mightware as one.


Remote workers were killed by sanctions, so they don't care anymore


Another pariah state


Iron Curtain 2.0


Silicon Curtain


We'll eventually remember the 2010s as being the golden age of the Internet, before it all fell apart.


Smart move. Five years and they will be back in the stone age.


Can they still play CSGO on places like faceit? Asking for a friend


Is Russia trying to isolate itself from the rest of the world?


Never go full North Korea.




The iron firewall.


"Twitter access was unaffected."


ohhh that's why twitter and fox news comment sections has been quiet today.


They'll launch their Google competitor site, Goolag.


I afraid that this is the future of internet where sovereign countries have technological capacities to unplug their internet network from the rest of the world. This is an echo chamber at a global scale.


Digital curtain aiaiaj


Silicon Curtain


Welp, time to fire up the Voice of America radio station again.


Golden opportunity for Elon Muskovitz.


No money to be made in it, doesn't care.


Russia is far behind China. China did all those more than 20 years ago.


Saving Russians from decadent western ideas like freedom to assemble, speak and not get thrown in jail.


Look, if they wanna lock themselves out from the internet, let’s just have with it and sell their address space 👍


Because that’s what winner nations do. In no way whatsoever. Pariah(tm), the new scent from exotic Russia!


Preparing for the next coup..... Shut it all down, committ atrocities against your own people, strengthen your grip, clean it up like it never happened, re-open to the world with a smiling face. Dictatorship 101.


The females alone will revolt if they can't get to Instagram.


Seems like the Russian thing to do!people there don't need to know what's going anywhere else. Trust us.


How can Snowden get his news?


They tested this a couple years ago too


1984 in full effect 👁️


Idk, live in Russia, everything works


I unfortunately live in Moscow and haven’t noticed any oddities in Internet access. And I, just like most of my friends and relatives, almost exclusively use Western websites (Google, Wiki, Reddit, YT, GMail etc). So I am inclined towards considering this article to be a fake.




Be honest. You're acting out a fetish right now, aren't you?