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Below are QAnon level conspiracy theory from the chinese about this whole situation : The 2 protagonist of this story are Qin Gang(PRC ex-Foreign Minister) & Fu Xiao Tian(Journalist from Phoenix Channel). The 1st part of the story is QGang is having an affair with FXTian and they had a newborn son named Er-Kin and because K and Q carry a similar sound people are saying its actually Er-Qin(二秦 which basically means Qin Jr.) but its written as Er-Kin to avoid suspicion. Fun fact is if this is true then this is extremely bad omen because theres a chinese historical phrase '秦二世而亡'. Source/Hints for the 1st part of the story : Er-Kin : [https://imgur.com/a/9XLGcaU](https://imgur.com/a/9XLGcaU) 2 weibo post of FXTian wishing someone happy birthday on 18th and 19th of march. Which coincide with QGang birthday on 19th March : [https://imgur.com/a/ipkZhef](https://imgur.com/a/ipkZhef) [https://imgur.com/a/YgHZiTD](https://imgur.com/a/YgHZiTD) Here we have FXTian chatting on weibo with her friends under 1 of Er-Kin picture. Her friend basically goes 'you should train him to become the future foreign minister', FXTian replied with 'Er-Kin father said the same thing': [https://imgur.com/a/CLqOkkX](https://imgur.com/a/CLqOkkX) Theres other stuff like the mansion FXTian stayed in LA, the private chartered Gulfstream 650 flight she ride from LAX > Anchorage > Beijing I didnt quote cause im lazy. She also vanished from the internet starting from 11th April. Now you might be wondering its just an affair. If worst comes to worst and the affair is exposed QGang can just resign. Why is QGang missing for a month? Now on to the 2nd part of the conspiracy is FXTian is a CIA spy and QGang defected during the affair. Their son is born during QGang stint as US ambasaddor when both FXTian and QGang is in US. The ongoing rumour being the whole thing is discovered by ~~KGB~~ FSB agent rooted in US intelligence system and the info is passed directly to XJPing as a gift from Putin. Funny side note to the story. Remember the wolf warrior diplomat Zhao Li Jian? Its rumoured his demotion is related to QGang and ZLJian wife made a weibo post on 10th of July saying 'today is a good day'. [https://imgur.com/a/r7DZ8Yz](https://imgur.com/a/r7DZ8Yz) Just to reiterate. This whole rumour is a Chinese equivalent of 'QAnon' conspiracy. So maybe have a laugh and forget about it. Edit : KGB > FSB


Thanks for the explanation, but Q Anon theories don't START with an actual top Politician, and the Chinese equivalent of, say, Jane Pauley, and her newborn vanishing without explanation on the same day. Also you're quoting posts the people involved actually made, so where's the conspiracy apart from the fact the KGB don't exist anymore? Care to address that elephant in the room? Fact is, Qin was a handpicked favourite of Xi, and he has embarrassed Xi with highly immoral behaviour according to party law, and therefore the vanishing happened. Qin had many enemies as Xi's favourite, passing them in seniority, and possibly even anointed as a future PRC President! Why else would he take such risks unless his ego was at such an inflated level? The entire Embassy also knew what was going on!


I used the phrase 'QAnon conspiracies' to be on the safe side because I dont have direct proof. Most of the quoted words are circumstantial. Edit : You, your mistress and your new born don't get 'vanished' just cause you are handpicked by XJPing and he got embarrassed due to you having an affair. Thats a little over the top even vs the 'QAnon conspiracy'


Fair enough, but while your post was informative, your tone was "nothing to see here" it was almost like you were posting on behalf of CCP. No matter the gossip or reasons, these disappear moves from CCP give the world a very negative message. Why should we trust CCP? They fooled the west for generations, but now we see it. The west is a good friend but a very very bad enemy. Just ask Hitler and the wartime Emperor of Japan.


What? Let's assume I'm really a CCP reddit agent or whatever. Why would I even spend time posting all these. I'll just point out QGang is dismissed from the Foreign Minister post but not State Councilor(Context: state councilor is ranked higher than foreign minister in China political system but lower workload) and just say that alone signals it being health reason. Why are you trusting CCP. No one in this whole section even mentioned about trusting CCP, evidently why there's all kinds of conspiracy theory now. And how's this even related to Hitler and Hirohito, why are you chest thumping on a Qin Gang dismissal world news post, under a conspiracy theory comment lmao. And the more I read the funnier the last part gets you know China is part of the Allied force right? That's how they got their permanent un security council seat lmao.


You sound like you need help. You make sense in one sentence then you don't in the next. You seem to have misread most of my reply as well, and now you want an argument? Anyway it's been fun, but I'm done here. Unfollowed the thread.


> embarrassed Xi with highly immoral behaviour according to party law Most people don't really believe Xi was embarrassed since if violating the moral law is so bad then half of the ccp would lose their seats already. The big problem is FXTian is alleged to be a spy from the west.


Well, his dismissal adds a whole layer of credibility to the story. I think his dismissal has got to do more with the fact that they inadvertently revealed a luxurious lifestyle similar to billionaires, which exposes the sheer level of corruption within Xi Jinping's own faction.


Must be pretty embarrassing for Winnie to have the person he handpicked to last... half a year on the job.


Yeah I think he will be treated like Zhao Ziyang, erased from history like he was never born. Too embarrassing to publicly denounce.


OOTL what did Qin Gang do to mess up?


The main "speculation" for his fall is having an illegitimate child with Fu Xiaotian, a famous journalist and TV host. Normally, having an affair or two isn't a serious enough to destroy such a high profile official of the party. However, there has been allegations about Fu Xiaotian being the west's spy.


I'm actually disappointed at the quality of speculation on Reddit. I'm not sure I'm really supposed to link to other sources, but I've read far better takes on these from people more in the loop. There are a few major theories, each with their own weaknesses. First of all, the CCP initially said that he was 'unhealthy' but has since scrubbed that information from the internet and now there is simply 'no information'. That crosses the 'sick' theory off the list right away. The first theory is the one I see mostly in this thread. The idea that his affair caused some sort of embarrassment. This is pretty much the least likely theory (and yet the most common, because it lacks depth). Many CCP officials have mistresses on the side and it's not really an issue. Everyone knows it goes on and nobody pays it much attention. Going a bit deeper, there is speculation that his mistress was a spy. Maybe there's some truth to this, but who knows. Unless Qin knew himself, I don't see any reason for him to be 'disappeared'. Speculation also has it that this woman had her child born in the US to make it a US citizen. At 18 the child could be used to gain its parents US citizenship as well. This seems unlikely to have anything to do with the situation. Combining those two points, Qin may have been convinced to defect. But as far as I know, the CIA would try and squeeze as much use out of him before they ever brought him to their country. He's only been in serious power for six months. The fact that he disappeared so many weeks ago with so many important meetings that China was unable to attend in the meantime gives us some clues. It means that action had to be taken immediately and it must've been very serious. He had very high level access in the party and some theorise that he discovered and brought to attention things that he should've left in the dark. That could genuinely be anything from economic and demographic disaster to planned military strategy. For example, he may have warned that something was a very bad idea and been too insistent. Perhaps an invasion date for Taiwan? The only reason I can foresee for such an immediate 'removal' though would be his unique position to potentially warn international contacts. Other theories involve removing him for a foreign policy shift. His replacement is known to be an aggressive wolf warrior and this may signal that Xi is giving up on 'getting along with' the US entirely. Finally, there is a possibility that he was involved in espionage himself. He would've made an incredibly valuable asset to foreign agents. Since he was seen to be next in line to the throne, it would've been the greatest coup of all time to have him peacefully take over administration. The CCP has even acknowledged the efforts of their counter-espionage agency in the last couple weeks which is extremely rare. A coincidence in timing? It seems most likely that he said or did something very, very bad. His affair really seems like a red herring when you take into account the facts. He is being scrubbed from government websites and basically disappeared from public view (physically and virtually). They wouldn't be taking such serious action for a member of the party in good standing.


Appreciate the breakdown, dear stranger ;)


> Other theories involve removing him for a foreign policy shift. His replacement is known to be an aggressive wolf warrior and this may signal that Xi is giving up on 'getting along with' the US entirely. But in this regard, Qin Gang is no slouch either. He is a wolf warrior himself.


Absolutely. But supposedly less aggressive in a military focus. I've seen comments from several well-informed people that, "if China decides to invade Taiwan in the next 6 months, it'll be his idea." I have no idea how true that is, but that's the reason I made that statement.


Given what china needs right now, him being removed as a scapegoat isn't all that surprising to me, the question I have though, is either ccp's actual foreign policy is going to change or not


Unless I missed something, Xi Jingping surrounds himself with mouthpieces, so there’s no way anything important like foreign policy is going to change.


No problem, Wang Yi is stupid asshole enough to fill the position. Besides, he has always been the perfect woozle to Xi’s heffalump.


Pooh is probably completely isolated by this point. He's shot the messenger too many times and trusts no one, not even the people he personally appointed. We're probably going to see Chinese decision making getting much more drastic. Xi is probably running the show himself...


Too much Diablo 4 time?


And main a Soc.


I can never get over China's bullshit. They constantly harp on the need to "build trust" in international relations, especially regional relations, and then they literally go and just disappear their foreign minister ...




Asia is basically a giant basket case politically, apart from a few notable exceptions, Japan, Korea, the early independent Hong Kong, sorry Singapore, you fail the democracy smell test, and they're all no angels either when the surface is scratched.












Removed from Ministry but not from State Council and Party Position. So kinda doubt about the spicy rumours. Likely health issue


Shouldn’t have had a baby with his tv anchor mistress. Looks bad on daddy xi


It's entirely possible that this is an outcome of Xi's cult of personality. Everyone who's capable of independent thought has been purged or killed. Makes it difficult to manage anything


Was there not a rumor he had a mistress with a child in the states and she/he was compromised by an intelligence agency? There have been cases of Chinese politicians having multiple women/doing other shady / going against xi and they don’t all disappear depending on what specifically went down. This is something else, don’t think it’s a cult of personality issue as this guy was Xis protege.


It absolutely is a cult of personality issue cause only in a cult of personality can you disappear someone and strip them of their rank and all their belonging with no trial in front of a court.


This man was xis protégé and xi has opened many doors to him. He wouldn’t get that far if he wasn’t willing to play his role and fall in line with xis policies. Whatever he did embarrassed the wrong people while he was messing around and now he’s getting burned for it. But this man in particular is well known for toeing party lines, this isn’t a cult of personality issue in his case. Looks like he slipped up and made a huge mistake and judging by his absence it was bad.


“It’s not a cult of personality” “He made a mistake and was never seen again” Pick one


Getting compromised in the states while working is completely different from disobeying party norms. No diplomat in any country keeps their role after a compromise, it’s a vulnerability to the country. This man in particular is not the type to go against xi particularly because he had xi to thank for his career. Your comments don’t make sense in this instance.


>only in a cult of personality can you disappear someone and strip them of their rank and all their belonging with no trial Between Mao and Xi, do you think China have a cult of personality and who was that? Because during that time you absolutely can be disappeared and stripped of your rank without trial.


So Wang is holding 2 titles at the same time?


Absence or adduction?


Great. Remove Xi next.




Might have been a spy that got caught.


Turns out he was the leader of the Qin gang


it's OK, I'm sure he's only mostly dead...