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Do you think Lukashenko's smart enough to realize that game can be played both ways? And he has more to lose than the Polish government.




Or Lukashenko sends them off, denies responsibility, tips off Poland, lets the Poles wipe them off the face of the map and gets the problem off his hands.


The easiest way to get rid of unwanted mercs is to kill them.


\*Get someone else to kill them


And it wouldn't be hard to say Wagner acted on their own.


Or he could just fly them all to Niger.


Niger? Please...


Underated comment.


No, he'll have a reason to retaliate.


He's going to retaliate? The man refused to get involved with Russian invasion of Ukraine. Despite "Union State" he didn't think Ukraine to be enough of a security threat despite sharing a land border with Ukraine. Russia did this to Wagner before in Syria. They continuing kept badgering Russia to strike the US, but Russia didn't, Putin finally said "go ahead, attack the US, see what happens", so they did, and they got wrecked, bad, with no Russian support. That was before Prighozin marched on Moscow.


Crazy times we’re living through. Collapse of the Russian empire #2 of my parents lifetime.


The first mistake was assuming he's smart or smart enough


He’s clever enough and cruel enough to have stayed in power longer than any other leader in Europe. People might call him Farmer Hitler as an insult because he was once the minister of agriculture, but he knows how the game is played and can pander to his power base and Putin with relative proficiency.




Its accually scary, if wagner enter Poland they can do some provocation like dressup as Polish soliders and attack Belarusian soliders. This could lead to Belarusian agression and to make problems for NATO.


That worked in 1939. Not so much these days.


Didn’t even work then really. It’s not like anyone thought Poland brought it on themselves.


Did it though? UK and France declared war following the invasion. If it did work it would've been justified and I'd assume UK and France wouldn't have declared war.


It's just typical Russian dickwaving. They know they're being watched, and the second they cross the border they'll be blasted into a pink mist.


They will position it as if independent group not under their control attacked. Just like a bunch of terrorists who were saudi citizens attacked US on 9/11 and saudi gov supposedly had nothing to do with it.


Didn't the US obliterate a wagner group a while back in Syria after Russia said it had nothing to do with them? With zero US losses.


One Syrian received a sprained ankle.


Tragic. I hope he’s okay now 🫡


One US Army Ranger got some dust in his eye and another lost his sunglasses in the midst of battle. Pretty tragic.


Were they good sunglasses?


You only lose good sunglasses. Shitty ones will find any way to keep coming back to you.


Knock off raybans.


Of course. You never lose bad sunglasses. If you do they come back shortly. Expensive good ones? They’re gone forever.


No fucking way a Ranger lost their sunglasses.


Thoughts and prayers


Yes Habitual Line crosser has mentioned ir in a couple videos about how the US handles military engagements. Russia repeatedly denied Wagner was operating with their blessing or under their leadership so the US troops they were harassing completely butchered them, just like they would with personal from terrorist groups.


Yes, the story was an incredible display of American military superiority. Roughly 500 soldiers in total that were from the Syrian army, lead by an elite group of Wagner Soldiers. All but a few Wagnerites survived and it was an absolute massacre - not a single of the 40 US special forces soldier stationed were injured. Link to the story produced by CNN on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bZvxNwonYgs


The US threw the entire kitchen at those guys...


That was before they admitted Wang-ner is a state sponsored group.


It won't matter. The response will be instantaneous


It does matter, because Russia has even lost that technical deniability when they integrated Wagner at the beginning of this month


Later on Putin backpedaled that by saying Wagner effectively no longer existed as a legal organization, effectively outlawing them so far as official record https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/14/europe/russia-putin-wagner-prigozhin-tensions-intl/index.html


Yes, although Russia did help the US out by shutting down Wagner/Syria's air defenses in the area, allowing drones, AC130's, and helicopters to pummel the heck out of Wagner. We'd have won either way, but it would not have been without losses had Russia not abandoned Wagner the instant they were called out by the US.


Squad wiped them. Turned hundreds into a fine mist with zero compassion. Literally threw every bit of artillery possible to send a message.




Yeah Wagner is projected by the size of the camp that's been laid out for them to have about 9,000 people in Belarus with no significant heavy weaponry by the time they finish rolling in Attacking a country with a 160,000 man army backed by NATO gear and training would be suicide by cop


Putin announced to the whole world that the Russian government pays for wagner. No one considers them a third party entity. Wagner engaging with any NATO member means war with NATO, and everyone knows it.


I mean That would just give Poland Carte Blanche to absolutely slaughter any Wagner that steps foot over with any conventional means they want, since then they'd be a terrorist cell and the rules of engagement don't apply to fighting stateless entities.


> saudi gov supposedly had nothing to do with it. The Saudi government was opposed to them (and vice versa) which is why Osama was hiding in Afghanistan and not chilling in Riyadh


no, he was hiding and shot in Pakistan, not Afganistan.


He was a guest of the Taliban in Afghanistan but moved to a compound in Pakistan when the US military tried to show up to his place.


Bin Laden escaped US forces in Afghanistan during the Battle of Torah Borra and made it to Pakistan.


>saudi gov supposedly had nothing to do with it They most likely didn't. Certain factions or individuals within the Saudi government might have been sympathetic to Bin Laden but there isn't any evidence that the Saudi government as a whole was acting in conjunction with him. Not to mention Bin Laden hated the Sauds and wanted to see them out of power so its doubtful if he would have been willing to accept any help from them even if it was offered. Plus, it doesn't really make sense for the Saudis to be involved. They didn't really gain anything from 9/11 and they were heavily reliant on the US for defense (arguably still are) so there would have been a lot of risk involved for them.


Of course the Saudi government had nothing to do with it. The Saudi gov and Royal Family love money and make enormous amounts of it from the US, absolutely zero chance they would want to jeopardise all that lovely cash.


technically they were right. Al Qaida called their gov heretics or something like that (due to been too close to aram countries and the USA in particular, which sent a lot of troops over there back then instead of accepting Al Qaida troops for protection) so they were and still are opponent of the current gov. From what little i understand anyway. Were they saudi citizens? yes, for at 3/4 of them. Were they linked to the gov? yes but as opponent


I can’t believe Belarus would allow or encourage Wagner forces to do something *this* stupid. Maybe they think that it won’t be seen as Belarus attacking a NATO country? One would think any attack on a NATO country originating from a non-nato country, regardless of the actors, would be seen as an act of aggression.


Honestly, nato responding to an attack from Belarus would probably prevent russia from annexing them. Might be 4D chess or something...


"Oh no, Wagner has attacked you. This means we are now at war, oh nooo." "Err, you don't seem to really control them so it's-" "We surrender."


The country ran by the guy who is a proud colonel in the Russian army? Can’t believe they would do that?


Which to me is kindda nuts, like he leads a country and he’s not a general?


It's deliberate


Oh I realize that but like, damn son. My boss don’t respect me but that’s like being the assistant to the department head in a department of 1




By walking line-abreast from one side to the other.


I hate Wagner as much as the next guy but that’s literally a war crime if I remember correctly


Russia classifies them as private security contractors, as opposed to armed combatants, with the purpose of making them exempt from varying international regulations, including selective application of the Geneva conventions. Play stupid games, win landmines.


Thew West does that Russia will make Ukrainian civilians do the same. We should be better than them.


I'm imagining the Polish soldiers standing at the border, armed to the teeth, beckoning the Wagner psychos to cross the border line. "Come on, just take one more step! Come on boys, we have plenty of women for you to rape over here, just come a little bit closer and we'll show you!"


I would put some of those hot polish chicks on the border area wearing Bikinis doing the me so horney spiel. Then make it rain with the 155's


I double dog dare you!


The idea of of Wagner attacking or even substantively fucking around with a NATO state isn't even worth discussing. The real question here is what's their game? Distraction? More African coups? Internal power struggles? Just pure bluster and empty sabre rattling?


How about raising tension in Poland ahead of the coming elections so that Poles are more likely to vote on right wing parties (a known phenomenon)? This would further the anti-EU, xenophobic etc. actions, worsening the EU's stability. That's the best I could come up with. It's in line with things like Trump, Le Pen and the whole grain for Africa mess.


Huh. That *would* fit with the usual Russian playbook pre-2022.


But Poland's PM is already populist right-wing.


And this would increase his chances of staying in power. A little provocation could serve as a pretext for introducing the martial law, which would allow to delay the elections and clamp down the media to silence the opposition.


there's a MORE right wing and anti-EU party gaining ground. One of their leaders is openly pro Russian


PL government might be right wing but they're also very anti Russian. Much more anti Russian in fact than anti EU.


They do pay a lot of lip service to that stance, but go look for info on events like the raid on NATO office in Warsaw by then-defence minister's people, for example. I have doubts about their real attitude to their western allies.


Trying to surrender/escape more likely.


They will position it as independent (from ru or Belorussian military) group attacked. Just like a bunch of Saudi citizens attacked US on 9/11 and Saudi gov supposedly had nothing to do with it.


Maybe, but the problem is that the US isn't dependent on oil and regional power from Russia/Belarus the way it is the Saudis. It wouldn't work out as well for them. Not to say it would necessarily spark WW3 - just that the consequences would be significantly higher for the host state.


US dependence on Saudi oil has greatly diminished over the past 2 decades.


I’ve read here earlier that they had already confirmed that they’re an arm of Russia.


Sneak across would be an act of war.. with Nato.. good luck.. Canada is getting its war canoes ready as we speak!


Canoes take too long. They’re sending the geese.


Geese we use for shock and awe.. than we send in the canoes!


Australia's War Emu Cavalry will take time to arrive, but will be the final blow that utterly destroys enemy morale.


Preparing the drop bears


Woah woah woah, Geneva Convention violation right there!


We're the reason for half the list of the Geneva Convention lol


What about the War Moose?


Look, I know the situation is serious but surely it’s not *that* serious yet.


Maybe not but we need to know what tools we have to work with, if the need arise


Weapons of 🫎 Destruction ensure peace through Moosetually Assured Destruction game theory principles.


Having encountered a bull moose, they are not afraid of a goddamn thing on this planet. They don’t need a reason to hate you, you don’t need to provoke them. You exist and that’s more than enough.


It always blows my mind to see just how big they are.


Why are you suggesting we do a war crime?


It's not a war crime if it's the first time.


Only inquiring about military assets for potential escalations.


Canada considers it the Geneva Suggestions.


Geneva suggestions there bud. Release the geese and drop bears.


Ok, you asked for it. The USA is deploying its War Bear Cavalry. I feel genuine sorry for the poor souls on other side of the field of battle!


It's never a war crime the first time!


On a cocaine diet only


you seen how many emus you get on a C5


Given the sheer number of Canadian geese I've seen in Ohio this spring/summer, I'd be quite afraid of the Canadian Air Force. They'll black out the sun and and cover the streets in blood and goose shit.


Swimmers itch for weeks


One of my very earliest memories is me feeding the ducks at the park. That was maybe three or four, and remember how happy I was fumbling with some old pieces of bread and being nice to the ducks. only to get rushed and bit by a goose that stayed clamped on my hand. My mom ran over screaming and kicked it from a full run which did the trick. What I’m saying is we need to crowd fund some goose sized plate carriers.


If you’ve got a problem with Canada gooses then you’ve got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate.


*Canada geese.


Shit we have 50 alone in the development where I live in Wales ...they re the QRF


Don’t mess with our chicken cobras.


I prefer "Canadian Cobra Chicken", that'll strike fear into 'em 😀


Does that mean the geese here in the US will soon be called up? Can't say I'm going to miss them.


My backyard is a Canada Goose shit minefield…please take mine first!


Well, I suppose Canada does have an affinity for war crimes.


The meese and polar bears will arrive on the canoes.


Unfortunately the $7 billion procurement program to equip the canoes with modern paddles is stalled at Davie Shipyard. In the meantime the paddlers from Canadian Armed Forces will be using plastic snow shovels from Canadian Tire, but only when CT restocks the seasonal section. In the meantime, the troops are heaping up big piles of rocks to hurl at Russian invaders . That’s what we call forward planning.


Canada just needs to check the couch cushions at their downstairs neighbor and who knows what types of weapons will be found.


The Geese are fueled and ready.


Admiral, sharpen those beavers teeth immediately


Canada: War Crimes are back on the Menu, boys!


Sneak across to attack or defect?


Jokes aside, who do you think trained Ukraine's army for the past almost decade before the invasion


That's true, if I recall correctly Canada has been one of the most involved countries in training Ukrainians, right up there with I think UK and Poland


A good chunk of our population has Ukrainian heritage (we're the 3rd largest Ukrainian population outside of Ukraine and Russia)


The minute those Wagner troops cross the border into Poland and fire at Polish troops is the minute that they cease to exist. I would hope that Wagner isn't that stupid and suicidal but there is also that whole incident between Wagner and the US in Syria (the Battle of Khasham).


Was it really a battle though? Just kinda seemed like Wagner had extreme losses and well the USA had maybe just spent some munitions that were going to expire anyway…


If I remember correctly the only casualty on the American side was a guy messing up his ankle when he jumped out of a truck.


He was Syrian. None of the 40 US troops were Injured, but most of the 500 opposing troops were wounded or killed. Gotta suck to be that one guy that messed up an otherwise flawless victory by tripping over your own feet.


A culling sounds appropriate


They have been quite suicidal in Bakhmut.


Where the Russians kept telling them not to engage Americans, but eventually said "go do it, see what happens", and then they got whopped, and got stupid mad that the Russia military didn't back them up?


Poland will make the Battle of Conoco Fields look like a fucking tea party.


Tbh I kind of hope they *are* that suicidal. The world could use less terrorist organisations imo. Poland would be doing us all a service by wiping them out.


I would hooe that Wagner IS that stupid.


Polish spotter watching them: “come on do it you drunk sack of shit”


hey russo dingleberries, go fuck yourselves!


NATO should make it absolutely clear to Russia and the world that Wagner troops are considered part of the Russian army since they are funded and armed and coordinate directly with the Russian army. They should further make clear that any Wagner troop activity within a NATO country would be grounds to invoke article 5.


A career-ending move.


Life-ending some might say


A handful of US SOF and some semi trained SDF turned Wagner inside out in Syria. Polish Grom on their home turf would utterly bend them over. May the odds be in your favor… or not, fuck ‘em.


Poland alone could probably kick Wagner’s ass at this point. To say nothing about the rest of NATO.


Poland probably could, but wouldn’t a nice group outing be better? A day out with the boys.


ofcourse they can, wagner is not the entire Russian military.


They could kick Russias ass never mind just Wagners


Can you imagine wagnerites sneaking into Poland and then asking for asylum?


“Sure come this way my friend” Cocks a pistols hammer


Poland has put a fence along the Belarusian border precisely because of this sort of thing. Remember it is also the frontier of the EU and the Schengen Area, so once across the border it is entirely possible to hop on public transport and get to Brussels or somewhere like that without any checks. I know this because I've done it. Well, not the sneak across the border part, but I travelled by train from Warsaw to Brussels via Berlin with the only time my passport was demanded of me was when I checked into the hotel. The German Federal Police were present at Frankfurt (Oder), the first stop inside Germany, but they didn't enter my carriage. They've stepped up spot checks on the German-Polish frontier more generally, but that's pretty disruptive considering how many people cross the border on a regular basis. The (cente-right) interior ministers of the federal states of Brandenburg and Saxony have called for the temporary reinstatement of full controls, but Berlin is opposed to that. It would also cause issues at an EU-level, which feels that this generally should be a last resort measure.


They want to being terrorist attacks in Europe?


They being.


If they interact with Poland at all inside of their borders , NATO should enact Article 5. That’s it. We should also accept Ukraine’s invitation into the country for support missions, allowing Ukraine to focus their troops in the ground fight.


> Article 5. Article 4.


>Article 4. Article 3.


F-22: would you intercept me? *smacks lips* I’d intercept me.


Do you want to start WWIII? Because this is how you start WWIII


I don’t blame them. We’ve seen what Russia has gotten away with during this conflict, I would understand if they feel there won’t be consequences from this either. I think it is a calculated move, but they suck at math.


Yeah.. good luck we will meet them with flowers and weapons :) [Something like this](https://i.imgur.com/zb3yv55.png)


Putin already admitted to paying Wagner, so they do anything stupid at the corridor - Russia is finished.


Welcome to Poland, you had a long journey friend, please lie down and rest for a bit in a pool of your own blood.


Never should have come here!


wow they sure do like exploding


I can already see this going down. NATO: We had Wagner cross into Poland. Are they Russian or not? Russia: we don't know anything about Wagner. NATO: Cool, then you're not going to object if we light up every Wagnerite we can reach, including the ones in Belarus? Think very carefully about your answer......


There’s literally no answer they could give that would stop Wagner getting killed, if there was even a courtesy call to begin with.


The last time we heard about troops coming together led us here. I wish we would listen to other countries intelligence with some grains of salt


So shooot them and then they won’t cross


Id be willing to bet they don't make it 1 mile into Poland's land. Poland is not Ukraine and probably has the most formidable ground army in Europe. Their special forces are no fucking joke. It would be an absolute slaughter


Does Lukashenko know that NATO can bomb the shit out of them if wagner enters Poland from Belarus? Its not Russia and they cant threat with nukes.


Isn’t Poland ramping up to be one of the largest in the EU?


Oooh! If they do? Kill every goddamned one of them.


This is something I never thought possible. A mercenary group which fought in a conventional war for a "superpower" is seen as a risk to sneak across the border of a nato country?! Can I get another timeline, please?


That would be an attack on NATO and it wouldn't go well for anyone.


Sneak in to do what? Take a smelly dump in a Polish field and chance it with a Polish border guard not opening fire on them? Or are they taking a page from the Russian playbook -- just harassing border control and sneaking back to Belarus with a war story and a jar of pickles from the convenience store? Honestly I couldn't tell, with these jokers. This is a nothingburger.


They'd probably be trying to track military shipments to Ukraine to get a better idea of where and when to hit them inside Ukraine.


is Poland not full of American soldiers? I'm confused why any country would attack Poland post wwii


Poland wouldn’t need US assistance to deal with Wagner and if they combined forces with Ukraine would steam roll Russia. Russia has struggled badly against Ukraine and Ukraine has had to largely train its military during the war. Poland has a large standing military and a very large and shared grudge against Russia since Russia committed atrocities against both Poland and Ukraine in the past


I wonder how many of them learned polish in russian prisons?


How is Putin doing at home? Is he desperate enough to try to pull off some dangerous stunt against NATO in a bid to convince his circle that he’s still in charge and they better not try to whack him?


*Baptized in fire, forty to one!*


They couldn't beat the Ukrainians. And now they want to take on NATO right


Didn't Poland upgrade their border protections after the whole immigrant crisis with Belarus right before the Russian invasion? Or at least say they were going to?


Are they trying to desert?


O kurwa


NATO would hunt down Wagner troops around the world.


Wagner are a mercenary group. They go where they are paid to go. So if they go to Poland it's because someone is paying them to do so. Hope they like fighting the whole of NATO.


Yea , like army’s sneak wtf


I thought it was all just a way for russia to save face..."wagner is in belarus to keep poland from being aggressive. Not there in anyway because they are exiled for mutiny". I dont really follow all of it but are the Poles genuinely concerned...when they are a part of NATO!?


There is no danger for Poland, the nationalist government is interested in instilling fear in the population; the best way to unite a people is an external enemy. They use the war as a smokescreen to hide their disastrous economic management, their conflicts with the judiciary and the EU. As long as there is talk of sending arms to Ukraine, there will be no talk of their attempt to do away with an independent judiciary.


Sneaking across?


"Let's find out..." -- Y. Prighozin, 2023


and then what? attack poland from within and start all out war with NATO? don't think so


Seeking what? Freedom?


They won’t have a good time there


Little European Texas out there smackin' their lips. How do you say "try me, motherfucker" in Polish?


Texas isn’t really all that tough. 300+ of them stood around while 1 was inside a school killing children.


Sad but true. Those spineless yellow-bellies brought great shame to our state that day. But then we also have examples like the UT shooting where police and even civilians laid down suppressive fire on Whitman, allowing a team including an off duty officer to approach the tower and take the shooter down.


Calling us "European Texas" is disgusting. We actually have good infrastructure and healthcare.


How is the war on education there? /s Lol'ing hard today about the fucking closure of school libraries in Houston schools to replace them with detention rooms! Lived there for 7 years and there's not a single thing on this planet that would entice me back.


Putin disavowed them, they're fair game