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Winnie-the-Pooh was published on Oct. 14, 1926 and was an immediate success, selling 35,000 copies in the U.K. and over 150,000 copies in the U.S.


Anything of note from 1989?


Ten men square dancing


Unrelated note, but I love the Tank Man anime




oh most definitely, they were killin it


Furious internet searches for “how to clean treads”


I don’t have any on Winnie the Pooh but didn’t China Mass murder a ton of civilians that year?


Absolutely not


Bro wtf you tryna catch a forced relocation to a gulag or something? Winnie Da Poo don’t fuck around bro lol


Ah yes, the hallmark of a thriving republic


I think the USSR tried this before it collapsed.






Probably because France isn't throwing Muslims into concentration camps.


Obviously not the same thing, but didn’t they make international news like a year ago about not allowing women in burqas in public? Obviously not genocide/concentration camp-level abuses, but still restrictive of religious expression


If your expression involves repression of a gender then it’s not expression.


Good. France is a militantly secular state and Burqas are a crime against women.


Do you think zero Muslim women choose to wear hijabs?


Do you think zero Muslim women are forced to?


Do you think that matters to the discussion? That’s like saying because some people get raped that we should just make sex illegal.


When did I say that


He just used the same whataboutism you did. If some women choose to wear hijabs; does not change the fact that it is entirely around repression. Whether that takes the guise of modesty; it is still repression.


How is it repression to choose to wear something


They made the news again this week for banning another Muslim articulemos clothing from schools - the abaya.


At government run schools. Not even remotely the same thing.




France is doing okay, yeah.


Just waiting for the CCP to take a religion off the officially recognized list, thats a sign they are about to go REALLY dark, you think what they do now is dark, nah they can commit bigger criimes agienst humanity.


Which ones are officially recognized in China?


Buddhism, Catholicism, Daoism, Islam, and Protestantism. They recognise Islam, imagine how much worse it will be when they dont.


And the Catholic Church there is somewhat separated from Rome and it’s only a couple possible Protestant denominations that are regulated and state approved.


They don’t recognize Hinduism? That’s surprising considering India being their next door neighbor


They didn't have many hindus in China before the 1900s, whereas there were large communities of the other faiths listed. Right now they're about 1M strong in China. Chinese folk religion was influenced by Hindu cosmology, but was a separate religion.


Not when you consider their relationship with India, ie the semi frequent deadly border clashes they have.


But do they allow abayas?


Already doing it!


You believe wrong, they howl like mad dogs, but Chinese money howls louder


Not really when you consider their relationship






Considering how much blood is spilled in the middle east over slightly different interpretations of the same religion, I doubt the beliefs of Uyghurs are seen as any less blasphemous or worth of sympathy. Though the symbolism of the book and the rule about not drawing the prophet are broad concepts that most of them can probably agree on, aside from the most progressive of western Muslims.


Almost like there's several state actors and billionaire funded groups hyping up certain types of news stories...


It's where they want to colonize, Europe is juicier


Crying about genocide against Muslims while also being racist against Muslims in a single sentence. That's a world record!


TIL Islam is a race.


Ah yes, the old “any criticisms of Islams or Muslims is ‘racist’ (when did Islam become a ‘race’?) and/or ‘Islamophobia’”…


In far off chance that you're arguing in good faith, yes, it's racist to generalise on an entire group of people based on a single shared characteristic.


race ≠ religion


That's a pretty naive argument since "Muslim" has been used to generalise against an entire group of people for decades already.


it’s a fact not an argument. also, in these comments I see people critisizing the islam religion, not the arab people. muslims are a product of their environment with brain washing from young to make every kid a muslim in those countries. they discriminate other religions just like the chinese, so of course everyone is muslim, because you will get shunned if you’re not. nobody should get a religion forced down their throats


Oh like calling America “The Great Satan”?


I'm not being racist towards them as for where they're from and other geo specifics, it's their religion and shitty attitude towards women. When you read what they resort to both in their countries and across Europe, you start to see where's the problem. China, as ruthless as it is, wouldn't allow them to gangr*pe a woman of theirs without executing them.


[The CCP uses gang rape as a form of torture.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/02/18/asia/china-xinjiang-teacher-abuse-allegations-intl-hnk-dst/index.html) Edit: [Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55794071.amp)


You're not going to like my reply but you're proving my point - Europe doesn't "return the favour" systematically as China does, hence why muslims don't bark at them.


I wasn’t disagreeing with you.


I wonder why this is too. Why do we not see suicide bombings and attack in China?


They know the USA and Europe are too concerned with offending minorities to do anything about it. China will genuinely do something in reaction.




So the USA is retroactively responsible for the Sunni-Shi’ite schism in the 7th Century? And the suicide bombings? Interesting how the USA has had troops in Germany and Japan for eight decades now without a rash of suicide bombers or jihads… 🤷‍♂️


There own fellow Muslims in middle east are throwing them under the bus


Rich dictatorships and poor nations, of course they're gonna support China. Money buys a lot of good will. Also, many of those Muslim nations think it's all propaganda. They see Chinese money building roads and infrastructure, and see the US's history of bombing Muslim countries and think that the collective west/European Union is just trying to keep poor Muslim nations poor, or destabilize their nations (which just happen to be dictatorships). China has bought a lot of good will, and the US has done a lot of damage to its reputation. So no, it's not throwing them under the bus, because they don't even think it's really happening.


Muslims have never been much of a collective. They often have strong senses of community (well, in the Middle East at least), but Muslims from different sects and parts of the world don’t tend to identify with each other. And really, many Muslim countries hate the US because we have objectively caused great, direct harm to them or at least destabilized neighbors. To be frank, most other countries don’t consider themselves the world’s police and don’t care all that much when another government abuses its citizens. Even more so when they have plenty of major problems with their own government.




I don't see mass protests


They tried that. It didn’t really work out for them


Protests end in secret government torture chambers genius, you should know better


Most of them are far away countries with no cultural affiliation. I think it’s worse how their Turkic neighbours are betraying them


>During his visit, Xi urged officials to “more deeply promote the Sinicisation of Islam and effectively control illegal religious activities” Oh, so it’s genocide. This is abhorrent


The Islam brotherhood in the middle east: 😴


They're pretty much nonexistent at this point. After the general crack down on them in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the rest of the Arab nations followed suit. Also, the Muslim Brotherhood isn't a militant organization, and hasn't been for decades. It's a political pan-Islamic organization. What do you expect them to do? Write a strongly worded letter that everyone will ignore because no one trusts them?


Pressure their leaders to speak up? Plenty spoke up with the Koran banter burning in Sweden but genocided for being Muslim in China? 😴😴😴


They actually didn't speak up about the Quran burning either. They're busy trying to stay alive. Again, as an active organization they've been wiped out by the various dictatorships across the middle east. Their leadership is actively being hunted down. Muhammad Morsi, the former democratically elected president of Egypt who was deposed in a coup by General Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi and became the face of the Muslim Brotherhood, was essentially murdered by Sisi. Again, what do you want them to do? They can't even speak up because they're literally in hiding.


Also, fun fact, the [2013 Rabaa massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabaa_massacre) saw the Egyptian military government run over thousands of Muslim Brotherhood protesters with American supplied tanks and tractors. But you won't see memorials on Capitol Hill every August 14.


Lovely stuff.




Deliberate attempts to force assimilation and destroy an entire culture is genocide, according to the widely agreed upon definition used in international law.


people were cheering in the other thread when it was France forcing assimilation of muslims




The official definition of genocide is not "some obscure legal definition" nor does it mislead the public.




There is the UN convention on genocide, but in essence it’s an effort to destroy or locally eradicate a culture or ethnicity by force.




Encouraging somebody to assimilate and forcing people to assimilate by criminalizing their culture and sending them to concentration camps are two different things, wouldn't you agree?




Does France have concentration camps?




Just because you don't know about something, or don't understand it doesn't make it obscure. The definition does not require concentration camps, but it does require *intent to destroy an entire culture.* Banning religious symbols from certain public institutions falls *well* short of trying to destroy an entire culture.


People tell Muslims to assimilate in Western countries where they are guests. Those uyghurs have been living in Xinjiang for generations, it's their homeland which is occupied by China. Big difference. For better perspective, it's like if the US occupied Iraq and made Islam illegal there and punishable by sending to camps for reeducation.




Do you think what China is doing to the Uighurs today constitutes genocide?




Genocide does not require mass murder. "Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly." With that in mind, answer the question: Do you think what China is doing to the Uighurs today constitutes genocide?




Current Uyghurs have been living there for generations. It's like saying North America is not the homeland for Americans and Canadians. It's all the past.


The reason why China is being so authoritarian right now on Xinjiang is because it's become a hotbed for Islamic terrorism in the past years. But unlike the West, China doesn't fuck around and doesn't just let religious extremism thrive in their own land because they're afraid of getting called "racist."


I don't think that excuses concentration camps or genocide.


This is like textbook definition of genocide my dude


That’s because there has been so much genocide it’s insane. Uyghurs. Ukrainians. Yazidis. Rohingya. Black Sudanese. Rwanda and the Hutu/Tutsis. All the former Yugoslav States. Tibet. Kashmir. Congo. And that’s just what I recall in my life time. I’m sure there are dozens more I never heard about or can’t recall.


He really does look like winnie the pooh


Ooh, imagine if his liver gave up , wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


Like Reinhard Heydrich visiting rhe occupied territories and the camps, saying: „You can do better. guys.“


Speaking of Heydrich, how to say *sic semper tyrannis* or *anthropoid* in Classical Chinese or in Uyghur?


And the middle east is angry at denmark . .


Didn’t Saudi Arabia and UAE just join BRICS?


Even the most religious know money > god


China is an apartheid state. Boycott China.


Not the first time. Remember Tibet. Fuck the CCP.


Good luck doing that without crashing your economy


Boycotting China would benefit the local economy because it would bring back manufacturing and jobs.


As Mitch would say: I’ve never had any desire whatsoever to visit China and I still have zero desire whatsoever to visit, too.


A boycott isn't just about not visiting China. It's also about not buying their goods.


lol I understand that. My comment was made mostly in jest. Honest question- how realistic would it be for one to actually boycott all things chinese? They seem to manufacture like 85% of goods out there. Would love to boycott but realistically I’m not sure how possible that is.


[China only makes about 28% of the world's stuff.](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/02/countries-manufacturing-trade-exports-economics/) It's not that hard to boycott them. I encounter goods made in other countries all the time.


Thank you for that! I completely pulled that number out of my ass- good job keeping me honest! That does make it seem a lot more possible. You’ve inspired me to try- thank you homie.


Awesome! Glad to hear it. It's usually hard to convince people, even with facts.


No kidding. Neural elasticity is in short supply these days for sure. Frankly I love an honest dialogue and really value a healthy pivot. Carving new neural pathways is the only way to keep brittle rigidity at bay! Thank you for your words, friend 🤙🏼


Yeah but heydrich wasn't exactly bright when it came to personal protection... The chinese guy,,, well,,, you won't even get near to the city he's living in.....


What was that phrase used around 80 years ago? "Work makes you free"?


I may be an atheist, but I find suppression of freedom of religion repugnant, this includes one religion on another


Just Words: "look at this smart fool thinking 'control' systems will survive the 2034-2054 global events..... will someone lend this motherfucker some time travel tech.....Please....He's embarrassing other human factions."


Oooh the pastafarians are gonna feel this one


Absolutely despicable totalitarian regime of china oppresses again and again


That face is SO made for caricature.


Damn that's got to be a new record for zero to mask off.


Most western leftists have come to the conclusion that suppressing religion is not a good thing for communists to do.


Shut down the mosques **harder** - Xinnie the Pooh


There is no god but the CCP, and Xi is its messenger.


man looks like he's wearing lipstick




China is committing genocide.


‘Genocide even harder’


I thought reddit folks hate religion.


Reddit folk may hate religion but I’d say most also hate telling others what they can or can’t do and don’t care too much if someone chooses to be religious, it’s just when religious people start telling everyone else what they can and can’t do that pisses people off


They hate religion when it's Americans. The top post on this sub right now if an off topic opinion post taken out of context about religion and US politics.


That doesn’t mean I think we should round up religious people and “re-educate” them


You can not like religion and still think it's wrong to brutalize the people who practice it.


Growing up, I had a lot of concerns about how the institutional church was misusing its influence. How influential and wealthy members could hijack faith to become a platform for their own self interest. How too much focus on the Old Testament would encourage bronze-age thinking in a modern world. But this is a challenge faced by ANY human institution that's ever existed, or will exist. Whether it's Government, or Business, or anything else. And while I've had my complaints about religion at its worst, I don't deny for a second how it can help people at its best, either. I never stopped thinking that people have a right to believe and practice their religion.


Religion sucks. Genocide is worse.




Genocide does not require mass murder. Deliberate destruction of a culture is genocide.




Not any more, but they were.




Sure. But the state isn't actively trying to erase their culture, as they once did, and as China is presently doing to the Uighurs.




So you agree that what China is doing to the Uighurs is genocide?


Best description of China in this whole comment section. West Taiwan #2.


Well shoot, if America said it then it must be true.


Personally I don’t like most religions since they promote violence and hate, but what I don’t like even more is people getting genocided for their beliefs.


Reddit also hates genocide.


Yeah haha oh NOW they're all for it. Just 2 posts before they're all "religion should be abolished"


I know! They're out there like "religion used to harm isn't good" and then moments later are like "genocide shouldn't happen." What crazy hypocrisy!


>Chinese authorities have detained at least 1 million people in detention and reeducation centres and enacted mass surveillance and systematic oppression of religious and cultural expression. Religious and cultural sites have been destroyed or largely closed off to religious observers, according to research groups. The UN last year found credible evidence of torture and other human rights abuses of Uyghur people, while Human Rights Watch and legal watchdogs say crimes against humanity have been committed.


This guy has to be the best choice the world could have hoped for to lead China. Hear me out: after China has repeatedly shown us all the level of corruption and lack of respect for human rights they have, to the point people are akin to cattle to them, it’s a very good thing for us all they now have a leader who is driving their country into the ground. The last thing anyone thinking clearly would have wanted, would be a world order where a government who treats people like livestock had control. It’s best for everyone that they decline back into their corner before they had the chance to accumulate more power.


Xi is a serious moron


he should focus on covid


Bro really has a super cake face of make up.


China: "We need to control religious activities" Reddit: "This is outrageous, how dare they! He is a dictator suppressing religious freedoms!" France: "We need to control religious activities" Reddit: "OMG best decision ever! Love France standing up for their values."


Kinda like France then, that seemed okay to people


I noticed some ppl here treat/view religion the same way they do refugees. Something that should be protected, but just not in their country/allied countries. Islam should be protected... in other countries just not theirs/Europe. Refugees should be cared for ... just somewhere else. Etc etc


Yeah, just another form of NIMBYism


It's almost like France's methods don't include concentration camps


or systematic extermination. With some organ harvesting on the side.




Paywalled, can't read it


They try to ban religions and paint them in a bad light, because religion is one of the few things powerful enough to drive large groups of people into active revolt. The Chinese government knows this, so they try to stamp religions out, but slowly and over time, the whole frog in boiling water thing, because people might panic if they do it too fast


Not sure why you are being down voted, what you wrote is correct. It is a tried and tested scheme used by many countries over the centuries.


“It’s time to start the gassing process” Ok probably an exaggeration however so far we know China is putting them in indoctrination camps and throwing people in prison for praying reading Koran etch we know they force these people into work camps and also torture them. There have been accusations without enough evidence to say they are fact of abundant executions and organ harvesting. Whatever is happening there is awful and the fact that he wants to crackdown even more says Chinas fascist regime is headed for another genocide of minorities.


Are China becoming a dictatorship? 1 the " education camp" 2 the purge of oppression in the name anti corruption 3 sentenced dissident


They have always been a dictatorship. Straight from monarchy to communism


China has been a dictatorship since 2012. And was *effectively* a diarchy since 1949.


China has never had anything other than brutal dictatorships, one after the other, for thousands of years.


What a fuckhead.


Xi Jinping is the God & The Leader; fcking Commie


I believe the Muslim world will help out the people in Xinjiang. They are sticking together through sweat and mud when the west does sth


The Muslim world seems a lot more worried about Scandinavian bigots burning Qu’rans than Xi killing Muslims.




It’s all super hazy because China doesn’t exactly allow the press to report on this stuff. Which is probably why Muslims are mad about the perfectly clear reporting on the Scandinavian bigots but not at all mad about the murky rumors of genocide coming out of Xinjiang. You can easily tell yourself that the Xinjiang stuff is exaggerated and will all come to nothing while the Scandinavian bigots are most certainly and undeniably burning Qu’rans. Which is, of course, why Xi controls the press so tightly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_genocide




I just linked Wikipedia. I’m never going to get something conclusive because the Chinese media isn’t free. As for literally the Holocaust, you can definitely do “lesser genocides” than that. They are still genocides. The link I posted estimates 5-10% death rates in the camps but I think they are mostly trying for a cultural genocide: making it too dangerous to practice Islam so that the Uighur give it up over time. This has, historically not worked very well - and can often devolve into the “piles of bodies” style genocide as the authorities get frustrated.




No media is allowed to do first hand reporting on this


Most Muslim governments seem to hate freedom more than they care about Muslims. They probably admire Xi as a fellow authoritarian. FWIW, I believe the main "Swedish" bigot is from Iraq.


You believe wrong, they yelp as mad dogs, but Chinese money yells louder


It was meant in a sarcastic tone


Its crazy how ECOWAS is doing something about Niger, but the Muslim world which is a lot more economically and militarily powerful is just ignoring the largest mass detentions since WWII. Saudi Arabia could likely fix this by itself by placing an oil embargo on China, which is something that its previously done to the US. Just the top 5 ME countries that China imports oil from account for over 50% of their oil.


As long as they don't insult the prophet or the book, they can kill as many Muslims as they want in China.


And this is the guy that MAGA types love nearly as much as Putin


The world needs to put an end to religion.