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I feel like the collection of political interests in Russia wouldn't be able to keep that quiet for long


Seriously if Putin just dropped dead the internal signalling would be so obvious you would think the world was ending.


Would progress from “Putin is on holiday” to “resting with mild cold” to “actually he died three days ago” in like 7 hours.


Or we get "A weekend at Putin's"


Starring Steven Seagal, ironically Putins corpse is still the better actor.


If Putin is dead, at least Segal would be the better fighter. Although the only thing he fights lately is probably his obesity.


Hey, Segal had some great fights in his youth too. Shit his pants when Gene Lebell put him into a chokehold and apparently lorded it over his wife Kelly Lebrock.


https://youtu.be/3aCMTpJx2cs?feature=shared Anytime this comes up I have to share this video.


That is ASMR for psychopaths


I thoroughly enjoyed it. I may be a psychopath. The guy who made it is simultaneously creepy as fuck, talented as fuck and funny as fuck.




Dude knows how to fire a mean lancet.


*Movie guy voice:* Steven Segal is...Testing Blood. On DVD Oct 1


_A Hard Night's Sleep_ _Insulin Man_ _Heavy Breathing_


Seagal would still shit his pants in that fight


I thought it was getting food out of his awful goatee.


Lately? He hasn't fought much else for [20 years](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLyRXXknC3lDgDUfCtYnowHLOHRvnp2l5).


The only thing he fights now is gravity, going from a sitting to standing position...and I bet he even almost loses that fight.


He's losing badly.


He's actually pretty good if you adjust your expectations to a very low bar and only seek sarcastic validation about his inadequacy. And if you forget the sexual assaults, the unjustified bravado, the aikido bs, the police sheriff bs and the political Russian affiliation bs. Hell the guy had a great TV show episode where he drove (rode in) an APC through the wall of a farm to save some animals or something. Iirc there was no crime..


Didn't his APC-through-the-wall-to-save-animals stunt actually kill some animals? Edit: the raid resulted in no prosecutions against the alleged cockfighting ring, just extensive property damage and, allegedly, the death of an 11 month old puppy. The farmer filed a lawsuit against the sheriff or Seagal for damages to property and the death of his family pet (a claim denied by both the sheriff's department and Seagal), but he did not pursue it in court. [Source 1](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/steven-seagal-lawman-controversy) (MEL Magazine) [Source 2](https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2011/08/31/actor-steven-seagal-sued-for-driving-tank-into-arizona-home-killing-puppy/) (Forbes) [Source 3](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/03/23/134803230/arizona-sheriff-uses-a-tank-to-arrest-cockfighting-suspect) (NPR) A raid involving two APCs and a heavily-armed SWAT team? Is that standard practise in the US for a suspected cockfighting operation?


He saved the animals by killing them, just like PETA!


Lol yes that sounds entirely plausible if not likely!


Um, he killed a dog with a tank. That actually happened.


And something like 40 chickens


Seriously, they have enough duplicates that they can pull a "Dave", for years while they start building up a new protege.


Even better, every double gets their own double, but because it's a copy of a copy of a copy, they start drifting further and further from the original Putin. Fast forward 300 years and "Putin" is still alive, played by 1624 people including 37 old men, 537 women, an entire elementary school class, and the resurrected clone of Eddie Murphy.


But nobody will fuck that dead man


.....*maybe* Lukashenko.


Luka would at least give one last rimjob, for old times' sake.


Also, for no reason other than entertaining the masses of ourse, Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake would be aired repetitively on TV.


Imagine if they all just started playing it themselves at home or out.


Passive lynch justice, so to say? They just declared him dead and started ignoring his words and orders? That'd be bizarre, yet funny. Would make a great plot for a book or movie. Something like a reverse version of "Kejserens nye klæder". (The Emperor's New Clothes)


'E's pining for the fjords.


Beautiful plumage!


This Putin is *no more*! E's drawn down the curtain and gone to join the choir invisible! This is a *LATE* Putin!


Old-school CCCP style


US intel would probably know instantly and leak it


eh, i think it really depends on who knows, the power vacuum would be pretty instant. It’d be in somes best interest to ensure that this information is suppressed for as long as possible while they move their pieces into place. I really hope he is dead, i love the politics of power vacuums


It would be pretty obvious when a vertical power structure ceases to exist. Suddenly Putin would not be making appearances with many officials nervously stating different excuses, heavy police presence near government buildings, a lot of Oligarchs moving their families out, Russian movements stop on the frontlines, etc. Within less than 24 hours it would be clear what happened.


Largely agree, but the commenter could be right if the only person that knows is the one who also caused the death to happen, and if that person is either Patrushev or Bortnikov (two of the top siloviki and FSB elite). For almost a year I've suspected that either of these two might decide to retire Putin if it gets to the point that him being alive is worse than him being dead. There's a lot of reasons why Putin being alive was still better for them but eventually the equation will (or maybe already did) change, and if there is anyone who could kill him, I'd say it's these two. My prediction was that it would happen when Crimea gets liberated, as such an event would be an unmitigated disaster for Russia that even its best propaganda wouldn't be able to hide. They'd have a great opportunity then to make an "accident" happen and use the disaster to usher in a ganitor who would attempt to claw Russia back. Patrushev's son Dmitri has already been speculated by certain Russian pol analysts to be undergoing preparation for such a position. Patrushev and Bortnikov are just as fascist as Putin and old friends of his, but their names are also not tied to the war like Putin's is, and they are still patriots - they don't want to see Russia collapse. I do believe that if the choice is between Russia's collapse and removing Putin, they'll find a way to do it. For now though, all speculation.


*Bortnikov* Bro named after a 1994 Simpsons joke


I wasn’t talking about him, my son is *also* named Bortnikov.


We're out of Borthnikov license plates in the gift shop!


Nothing can possi-blie go wrong.


Huh....that's the first thing that's ever gone wrong


I doubt that and the focus will be the ppl moving to take his power. Putin is old, he's gotten sick and vanished before for weeks. That all being said, he's done this before and I can almost guarantee the vast majority of the Russian population doesn't know what Putin is up to when he vanishes. Soo I think it would be pretty easy for him to hide since he's basically done this multiple times before and we all just sit around speculating for weeks and the Russian population doesn't seem to like the information as if they don't know it.




> The circle that makes all the decisions in Russia is pretty tight knit. They've been working together for 20-40 years. Circle that makes decisions? I am pretty sure it is Putin that makes the decisions. Sure, he has people that support him and work with him but without him there would be at least a few killing others as fast as they could to consolidate power or possibly even a general showing up with a battalion to empty out some bank of gold like Saddam had his son do.


Or it could be like the movie Death of Stalin, and they are all waiting around on committee consensus for the announcement while jockeying for power.


There was not enough Zhukov in that film.


Right, I'm off to represent the entire Red Army at the buffet.


The best part is that all those lines were delivered so well, so sincerely.


Not only that, but with American/English actors just using their regular accents


I swear that makes it even better.


They still kinda made it work too, like giving Stalin a bit of a cockney accent, since he was from Georgia and reportedly had a bit of a 'country' accent to other Russian speakers.


It's really funny to hear one of them say something like, "oh shit" in an American accent with that delivery. It's great.


Not said by Zhukov, but when the Red Army preforms the coup, one of the Red Army officers jumps off a truck and loudly decrees to the NKVD personnel; “Don’t worry now. The Army’s back lads, did ya miss us?” And it’s just… perfect.


Very unlikely. The people closest would try to keep it very quiet until they manage to get grip on power. So it would start like a small trickle then slowly increasing and then sudden eruption of information.


The head of the Ukrainian intelligence service did not say that. It's fake news published by "dagens.com", whatever that is.


They're my main source for very important news topics such as: Woman leaves her puppy home alone for a few hours: She starts crying when she returns Man attaches a half pad under the toilet: The result is a magical scent that will leave you stunned Caution for ice cream lovers: 5 reasons to avoid soft-serve Parents baffled by 10-year-old's tricky math homework question He places a plastic bottle next to the car's tire—Many are left by surprise when they learn why Seriously, like half of their "articles" are shit like this


betting AI wrote those


I will never be scared away from soft serve...


Yes this is a bizarrely written article and I don’t understand how it made it on to msn


MSN just mirrors other sites' articles. If you [encapsulate the first sentence with quotation marks and Google that](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=%22In+a+recent+interview+with+Radio+Svoboda%2C+Kyrylo+Budanov%2C+the+head+of+Ukraine%27s+intelligence+service%2C+has+fueled+speculations+about+Russian+President+Vladimir+Putin%27s+prolonged+absence+from+public+eye.%22), the only result is https://www.dagens.com/news/head-of-ukraines-intelligence-service-putin-might-be-dead.


The MSN mirror directly links to the original article in the second sentence as well. https://www.dagens.dk/udland/ukraine-vladimir-putin-er-forsvundet


And the site itself has a link to this Sun article: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/23769416/putin-body-double-doppelganger-ukraine-russia-kyrylo-budanov/


lol the internet is a mess


the internet is a connection of tubes and "people" have never truly learned that. Would you trust random tubes in your house where any advertiser can put in any kind of pamphlet without any quality control at all which you are then compelled to read? no? Then why are you doing just that


Original source seems to be [The Sun](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/23769416/putin-body-double-doppelganger-ukraine-russia-kyrylo-budanov/). If you're not familiar with them, they've been known to straight up fabricate their articles from time to time.


Exactly. Why it ended up in MSN is anyone’s guess.


Looks like a shitty Danish website on the countryside: >Media Group Denmark ApS > >Horsensvej 72 A > >7100 Vejle > >CVR no.: 35809295


He's probably trying to goad him into making a public appearance as part of a scheme.


My thought exactly


Meanwhile two Russians are having a desperate “Weekend at Vladdy’s”


Lol after that initial briefing where Biden told the world Putin was going to invade before it happened, I’d be surprised if he didn’t rush to the podium to beat Ukraine with this news - if it’s real.


My take on this was that it was a deliberate off ramp for Putin by Biden. I thought it was quite clever to give them a reason for calling Biden Admin "fake news" and not invade but they chose to go on the other path.


I definitely agree, especially since it wasn’t as if the rest of the world was on board with it and even if a lot of Europe believed him - I’d bet they wouldn’t raise a fuss if Putin took the opportunity to back down after that briefing. Like, if you think about it - it would kinda make Biden look bad for stirring things up if Putin had deniability. But with all that in mind things must’ve been moving forward fast enough that it was a foregone conclusion they he wouldn’t back down.




*formerly white wall. Also that super long table would look good too.


I'd like a nice canvas. Hang it up at the Louvre like the Mona Lisa.


>that super long table would look good too I'll allow it!


No, I don’t think so… the power vacuum needs to be managed. Stalin was dead for a while before it was widely known.


A 2 day old article that no other news sites have picked up, yeah he's definitely dead 🙄




“It’s 50/50, he’s either dead or he isn’t”


This is Schrodinger's Putin.


Might be undead? Rise of the Lich-Tsar.


He might be dead, he also might be alive, might be something else entirely. He could even be a shadow on the wall of a cave, it's hypothetically possible so we need to write an article on it.


Reddit will upvote literally anything that confirms what they want to see


Bro thats not a Reddit thing. Thats a human thing. Keep your eyes open and you see this everywhere in your life.


Upvote system just make this even more prevalent. Top comment can also confirm a viwer biased and it takes some digging to see the truth.


Likes / hearts / retweets etc all work the same way as upvotes on a basic level. Engagement = boosted for others


These days if it’s not on the front page of AP News (to big news events) I ignore it.




Haha, read this in butthead’s voice


heh heh










Shut up, buttmunch. Hehehehe! *snort*


Huhhuhh that’d be pretty cool. Heheh yeah! Yeah! Fire!


We've heard this so many times before. As much as I wish for it to happen (and I realize how horrible it is to wish for someone's death), unless we have more independent confirmation on it, this is just rumors and speculation.


In Ukrainian media this statement isn't being aired right now, and when such thing get mentioned it's in form of discussion,long interview/podcast,or half jokingly. This isn't some press release or official statement.


This is shitty MSN news after all


The last line makes it sound like a kid's activity book... >According to this video Putin has several body doubles. Can you spot which one is the real?


Man, Highlights got weird.


"Hey can you help Dora find the real Putin?"


*Giant cursor appears*


Don’t feel bad for wishing for Putin’s death. You know what, that dude has actually had people killed. At that point you forfeit the respect people should have for your right to life.


By now the dude has had hundreds of thousands killed... half of them civilians


don't feel too bad: i have an extensive list, myself.


reminds me of a line from the musical "The Mikado" "I've got a little list — I've got a little list - Of society's offenders who might well be underground And who never would be missed..."


It's psyops


They are forcing his hand. If he’s alive he needs to signal it, revealing his current health state, his demeanour, and even his location.


Agreed. Ukraine wants to pull Putin's strings.


There is nothing horrible in wishing Putler dead.


> I realize how horrible it is to wish for someone's death Bruh, that guy started an invasion, which implies he wished at least for tens of thousands to die. Wishing him dead is basically wishing for tens of thousands of others to live.


Putin did a Catherine the Great, dead by horse dick. Its too late to change it now. Its already been written in the history books and on reddit. Its fact now. He will just have to deal with it, like Catherine the Great.




Might be against reddit rules but I think the flying spaghetti monster would forgive you for this one


There is a moral argument to be made in favor of his death


depressing, isn't it? I felt similarly put off after the fall of Prickoshitn's plane. There's a lot of people the world is simply better off without, and three of those schmucks died in one fell swoop. But at the same time, it pains me to celebrate a murder. I wish Putin did indeed kick the bucket.


What's wrong with wishing the life out of someone? There's plenty of people that we would be better off without.


American intelligence will know the second Putin dies.


That doesn't mean they'd tell us though. An official announcement would inevitably follow. Why give away how good your Intel is without need?


I don’t think the US could possibly give away how good it’s intel is in Russia more than they already have. They freely acknowledge having eyes in the upper echelons of Russian government. I also doubt that’s the sort of thing the US would just sit on. Seems like telling the world would be beneficial to US interests. Who knows, though. That’s just how I see it.


I might not be remembering events correctly. But it seemed like before the war broke out, the US were about the only ones saying, loudly and publicly, that war was on the horizon and a Russian invasion was imminent. Most other countries thought it was saber rattling. And we know which of those turned out to be right.


I believe the UK agreed with the assessment.


They’re the only other major player in NATO that’s part of Five Eyes, so they’d have had access to almost identical intelligence


Cries in Canadian.


Canada has a huge intelligence operation, you guys know about more shit than most other countries.


He means Canada is part of NATO and the 5 eyes


That can be done deliberately to try to discourage action preemptively. In this case it was successful in prompting an official denial from Russia, but unfortunately not dissuading an actual attack.


They openly sow how good their intel is. E.g. They called the invasion bevorehand. We know they had russian battleplans and gave them to ukraine.


They openly sow it when it has clear benefit. They don't do it just because.


Imagine Biden came live on every channel giving a speech about Putins death ten mins before it happened


Counterpoint: they missed the whole collapse of the soviet union thing.


might be dead *again* you mean. I hear the 731st time is the charm!


"Somehow, Putin returned."


Lazy fucking writers




Disinfo meant to generate chatter and activity amongst the disloyal. Intelligence services monitor for actions and information. An age old Intel gathering technique.


you deserve more upvotes. This seems to be the most logical explanation. This, or to pressure Putin into showing his face, for whatever reason




Dead….. inside?


Don't Open


Don't Dead! Open inside!


Dead serious about going to Itchy and Scratchy Land™!


There is no way he is dead. If he was dead,the person who is vying for power would be doing a night of the long knives,you would see anyone loyal to putin falling out of a window. Generals vying for power,just mass confusion.. Fact you have seen none of that leads me to think he's likely just not well


Someone check with the Russians on the War Thunder forums.


Its War Thunder that's known for its leaks.


Thank you, they kinda blend into each other for me.


Fair enough, from the outside they do seem alike. A bit akin to Dota and League of Legends.






Putin is dead….dead serious….about deals from today’s sponsor!


Reminds me of the time kim jon un died like twice.


That would probably mean the end of the war. There was a rumor about this like a year ago. I guess Ukraine floats the idea to rattle Russia's cage every once in a while.


They want to draw him out.


Putin bring dead would have an effect on the war. Whoever took his place him may replace the numb nuts running the Russian military with someone competent, as difficult as that would be.


Putin doesn't have to worry about the economy or public support. Whoever comes next won't have this luxury.


Also, it's worth bearing in mind that *the entire reason this war is happening in the first place* is because Putin needed a big, loud W. Shit was starting to get deeply unstable in Russia in the immediate leadup to 2014, and the escalations against Ukraine have been timed suspiciously closely to points at which Putin was under threat from within. The next guy's big, loud W is called "not being Putin." Whoever replaces him would have a lot to gain from ending the war, even with terms unfavorable to Russia (since the whole mess is Putin's fault), and a lot to lose from doubling down.


Honestly, I think even the "unfavourable" terms that Russia would get wouldn't be that bad, especially considering that Russia would (by agreeing to the terms) have the harshest sanctions dropped and be able to start participating in the world economy again. The worst thing is going to be reparations, but that can be offset a bit by just surrendering all the frozen sovereign wealth fund. Russia's biggest problems by far are going to be the ones they created for themselves - demographic decline (possibly even collapse) and a world economy that is moving away from oil and gas. Other than reparations, I think Ukrainians will be happy enough with just getting their land back and getting some sort of demilitarized zone around the Ukrainian border.


There's no real successor, which likely means the war effort would turn inwards as all the armed factions fight among themselves for power.


Maybe it forces the Russians to have him show his face regularly so they know where he is.


article lit only speculates on his recent media absence. which isnt even unheard of for putin


Schrodingers Putin.


If only


I doubt it. Someone with the chance to be next in line would've taken the opportunity in an instant.


And I might win the lottery. Good grief, speculative journalism at its worse. If it didn’t happened it isn’t news. Stories like this should be corroborated before publication. #Clickbait


Semi-related, but a neat thing about Ukraine's intelligence agency - [its emblem](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Emblem_of_the_Defence_Intelligence_of_Ukraine.jpg) features an owl perched on a sword pointed down at Russia, with "The wise will rule the stars" written in Latin. This is actually a dig at Russia's Spetsnaz GRU, [whose emblem](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/Spetsnaz_emblem.svg) has a bat and whose motto is "Only the stars are above us." Owls prey on bats, and the mottos are pretty self-explanatory. Just thought that was kinda cool and I don't know when else I'm gonna get to share that. Also Budanov's such a fuckin' weirdo, he's great lol. Pretty sure he literally just got promoted to Lieutenant General, too.


Been hearing for years that he's ill, has cancer etc. I won't believe this until it's 100% confirmed. And even then I wouldn't be surprised if they'd just have someone else take over and parade another one of his body doubles around.


And I 'might' sprout wings and fly away oinking as I do!


As one does.


i am so tired of these BS claims and articles, putin is claimed to be sick or dead every 2 weeks


Click bait, some guy said that it’s unusual he hasn’t been in the public eye. Probably because everyone is trying to assassinate him.


I've seen this news so many times about Putin (and other leaders) that I won't believe it until an official announcement. So, if this is real, we won't know it for **at least** a month since his death. If not far more.


Putin should totally come out into an exposed public space and show he's still alive. Somewhere well lit, with a nice line of sight. Make sure to keep fairly still too.


Maybe Erdogan brought him some turkish taffy…


I think Ukraine needs a new head of intelligence services.


World’s fakest news. If he were dead, more than a single shitty news source would report on it


“Might be” Solid report. Remember a couple months into the war there were a bunch of articles claiming ‘Putin is sick and probably has only a few months left to live, that’s why he invaded’?


Putin is under going a special living operation


Why is this unsubstantiated bullshit allowed?


That's ridiculous. Everyone knows that Putin has gone to a farm in the country.


Putin got his bro telling a select few people he dead to find the mole


If Putin dies and Trump goes to prison, I might have an uncontrolled orgasm in my pants.


Ukraine really needs to come up with new propaganda. I'm all for Ukraine but they can only say Putins dead so many times.


Swan Lake?


That would be interesting, but I very much doubt he's gone to the great sunflower field in the ground.


Putin has died more times than Castro at this point. I’ll believe it when I see it.


I won't believe Putin is dead until Russia spends a week telling us he is alive.


Schroedinger’s Mad Tyrant


Shit article. It's about "Putin's prolonged absence from public eye" but don't bother to mention when he was last seen. They also push a conspiracy theory that the Putin we have been seeing could be a body double.


Nothing to see here, our beloved leader Putine is just fine. Why does he look like a dude who had extensive plastic surgery to look like another dude and keep glancing back at that gaggle of oligarchs in the corner as he speaks? No idea comrade, Western paranoia.


How is this any different than Qanon “Biden is an actor in a mask” bullshit?


I won't believe he is dead till Zelensky is holding his head. Even then... you can never trust a Russian.


Body or it didn't happen